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Cardamom powder and pods
Source plant(s)Elettaria cardamomum,Amomum subulatum
Part(s) of plantSeed
UsesFlavoring, spice
True cardamom plant (Elettaria cardamomum)
Cardamom seeds

Cardamom(/ˈkɑːrdəməm/[1]), sometimescardamonorcardamum,[2]is aspicemade from the seeds of several plants in thegeneraElettariaandAmomumin the familyZingiberaceae.[3]Both genera are native to theIndian subcontinentandIndonesia.They are recognized by their small seed pods: triangular in cross-section and spindle-shaped, with a thin, papery outer shell and small, black seeds;Elettariapods are light green and smaller, whileAmomumpods are larger and dark brown.

Species used for cardamom are native throughout tropical and subtropical Asia. The first references to cardamom are found inSumer,and inAyurveda.[4]In the 21st century, it is cultivated mainly inIndia,Indonesia,andGuatemala.[4]



The wordcardamomis derived from theLatincardamōmum,[5]as aLatinisationof theGreekκαρδάμωμον(kardámōmon),[6]a compound ofκάρδαμον(kárdamon,"cress")[7]andἄμωμον(ámōmon), of unknown origin.[8]

The earliest attested form of the wordκάρδαμονsignifying "cress" is theMycenaean Greekka-da-mi-ja,written inLinear Bsyllabic script,[9]in the list of flavorings on the spice tablets found among palace archives in the House of the Sphinxes inMycenae.[10]

The modern genus nameElettariais derived from the rootēlamattested inDravidian languages.[11]

Types and distribution


The two main types of cardamom are:

  • True or green cardamom (or white cardamom when bleached) comes from the speciesElettaria cardamomumand is distributed from India toMalaysia.What is often referred to as white cardamon is actually Siam cardamom,Amomum krervanh.[12]
  • Black cardamom,also known as brown, greater, large, longer, or Nepal cardamom, comes from the speciesAmomum subulatumand is native to the eastern Himalayas and mostly cultivated in Eastern Nepal,Sikkim,and parts of Darjeeling district in West Bengal of India, and southernBhutan.

The two types of cardamom,καρδάμωμονandἄμωμον,were distinguished in the fourth century BCE byTheophrastus.[13]



Both forms of cardamom are used as flavorings and cooking spices in both food and drink.E. cardamomum(green cardamom) is used as a spice, amasticatory,or is smoked.[14]

Intact and opened cardamom pods, showing the seeds (20mmIndian 1-rupee coinfor scale)

Food and beverage

Besides use as flavourant and spice in foods, cardamom-flavoured tea, also flavoured withcinnamon,is consumed as a hot beverage

Cardamom has a strong taste, with an aromatic, resinous fragrance. Black cardamom has a more smoky – though not bitter – aroma, with a coolness some consider similar to mint.[who?]

Green cardamom is one of the most expensive spices by weight,[15]but little is needed to impart flavor. It is best stored in the pod, as exposed or ground seeds quickly lose their flavor. Grinding the pods and seeds together lowers both the quality and the price. For recipes requiring whole cardamom pods, a generally accepted equivalent is 10 pods equals1+12teaspoons (7.4 ml) of ground cardamom.[citation needed]

Cardamom is a common ingredient in Indian cooking. It is also often used inbakingin theNordic countries,in particular inSweden,Norway,andFinland,where it is used in traditional treats such as the Scandinavian Yule breadJulekake,the Swedishkardemummabullarsweet bun, and Finnish sweet breadpulla.In theMiddle East,green cardamom powder is used as a spice for sweet dishes, and as a traditional flavouring in coffee and tea. Cardamom is used to a wide extent in savoury dishes. In some Middle Eastern countries, coffee and cardamom are often ground in a wooden mortar, amihbaj,and cooked together in a skillet, amehmas,over wood or gas, to produce mixtures with up to 40% cardamom.[citation needed]

Cardamom (Elaichi) from India

In Asia, both types of cardamom are widely used in both sweet and savoury dishes, particularly in the south. Both are frequent components in such spice mixes as Indian and Nepalimasalasand Thai curry pastes. Green cardamom is often used in traditionalIndian sweetsand inmasala chai(spiced tea). Both are also often used as a garnish in basmati rice and other dishes. Individual seeds are sometimes chewed and used in much the same way as chewing gum. It is used by confectionery giantWrigley;its Eclipse Breeze Exotic Mint packaging indicates the product contains "cardamom to neutralize the toughest breath odors". It is also included in aromatic bitters,gin,andherbal teas.

In Korea, Tavoy cardamom (Wurfbainia villosavar.xanthioides) and red cardamom (Lanxangia tsao-ko) are used in tea calledjeho-tang.



Theessential oilcontent of cardamom seeds depends on storage conditions and may be as high as 8%. The oil is typically 45%α-terpineol,27%myrcene,8%limonene,6%menthone,3%β-phellandrene,2%1,8-cineol,2%sabineneand 2%heptane.Other sources report the following contents: 1,8-cineol (20 to 50%), α-terpenylacetate (30%), sabinene, limonene (2 to 14%), andborneol.[citation needed]

In the seeds of round cardamom from Java (Wurfbainia compacta), the content of essential oil is lower (2 to 4%), and the oil contains mainly 1,8-cineol (up to 70%) plusβ-pinene(16%); furthermore,α-pinene,α-terpineol andhumuleneare found.[16]


Cardamom production – 2022
Country Production (tonnes)
India 41,000
Indonesia 40,565
Guatemala 36,407
World 138,888
Source:FAOSTATof theUnited Nations[17]

In 2022, world production of cardamom (included withnutmegand mace for reporting to the United Nations) was 138,888 tonnes, led by India, Indonesia and Guatemala, which together accounted for 85% of the total (table).

Cardamom sale ₹2000/kg atkhari boalimarket,Delhi

Production practices


According to Nair (2011), in the years when India achieves a good crop, it is still less productive than Guatemala.[18]Other notable producers includeCosta Rica,El Salvador,Honduras,Papua New Guinea,Sri Lanka,Tanzania,Thailand,andVietnam.[18]

Much production of cardamom in India is cultivated on private property or in areas the government leases out to farmers.[19]Traditionally, small plots of land within the forests (calledeld-kandies) where the wild or acclimatised plant existed are cleared during February and March. Brushwood is cut and burned, and the roots of powerful weeds are torn up to free the soil. Soon after clearing, cardamom plants spring up. After two years the cardamom plants may have eight-to-ten leaves and reach 30 cm (1 ft) in height. In the third year, they may be 120 cm (4 ft) in height.[20]In the following May or June the ground is again weeded, and by September to November a light crop is obtained. In the fourth year, weeding again occurs, and if the cardamoms grow less than 180 cm (6 ft) apart a few are transplanted to new positions. The plants bear for three or four years; and historically the life of each plantation was about eight or nine years. InMalabarthe seasons run a little later than inMysore,and – according to some reports – a full crop may be obtained in the third year. Cardamoms grown above 600 m (2,000 ft) elevation are considered to be of higher quality than those grown below that altitude.[20]

Plants may be raised from seed or by division of therhizome.In about a year, the seedlings reach about 30 cm (1 ft) in length, and are ready for transplantation. The flowering season is April to May, and after swelling in August and September, by the first half of October usually attain the desired degree of ripening. The crop is accordingly gathered in October and November, and in exceptionally moist weather, the harvest protracts into December.[20]At the time of harvesting, the scapes or shoots bearing the clusters of fruits are broken off close to the stems and placed in baskets lined with fresh leaves. The fruits are spread out on carefully prepared floors, sometimes covered with mats, and are then exposed to the sun. Four or five days of careful drying and bleaching in the sun is usually enough. In rainy weather, drying with artificial heat is necessary, though the fruits suffer greatly in colour; they are consequently sometimes bleached with steam and sulphurous vapour or with ritha nuts.[20]

The industry is highly labour-intensive, each hectare requiring considerable maintenance throughout the year. Production constraints include recurring climate vagaries, the absence of regular re-plantation, and ecological conditions associated with deforestation.[21]


Terraced cardamom plants in India
Labeled varieties of cardamom in storage containers

In 1873 and 1874,Ceylon(nowSri Lanka) exported about 4,100 kg (9,000 lb) each year. In 1877, Ceylon exported 5,039 kg (11,108 lb), in 1879, 8,043 kg (17,732 lb), and in the 1881–82 season, 10,490 kg (23,127 lb)[22]In 1903, 1,600 hectares (4,000 acres) of cardamom growing areas were owned by European planters. The produce of theTravancoreplantations was given as 290,000 kg (650,000 lb), or just a little under that of Ceylon. The yield of theMysoreplantations was approximately 91,000 kg (200,000 lb), and the cultivation was mainly inKadur district.The volume[clarification needed]for 1903–04 stated the value of the cardamoms exported to have been Rs. 3,37,000 as compared with Rs. 4,16,000 the previous year.[23]India, which ranks second in world production, recorded a decline of 6.7 percent in cardamom production for 2012–13,[24]and projected a production decline of 30–40% in 2013–14, compared with the previous year due to unfavorable weather.[25]In India, the state ofKeralais by far the most productive producer, with the districts ofIdukki,PalakkadandWynadbeing the principal producing areas.[26]Given that a number of bureaucrats have personal interests in the industry,[citation needed]in India, several organisations have been set up to protect cardamom producers such as the Cardamom Growers Association (est. 1992) and the Kerala Cardamom Growers Association (est. 1974). Research in India's cardamom plantations began in the 1970s whileKizhekethil Chandyheld the office of Chairman of the Cardamom Board.[27]The Kerala Land Reforms Act imposed restrictions on the size of certain agricultural holdings per household to the benefit of cardamom producers.[19]

In 1979–1980,Guatemalasurpassed India in worldwide production.[18]Guatemala cultivatesElettaria cardamomum,which is native to theMalabar Coastof India.[28]Alta Verapaz Departmentproduces 70 percent of Guatemala's cardamom.[28]Cardamom was introduced to Guatemala before World War I by the German coffee planter Oscar Majus Kloeffer.[29]After World War II, production was increased to 13,000 to 14,000 tons annually.[26]

The average annual income for a plantation-owning household in 1998 was US$3,408.[19]Although the typical harvest requires over 210 days of labor per year, most cardamom farmers are better off than many other agricultural workers, and there are a significant number of those from the upper strata of society involved in the cultivation process.[19]Increased demand since the 1980s, principally from China, for bothWurfbainia villosaandLanxangia tsao-ko,has provided a key source of income for poor farmers living at higher altitudes in localized areas of China, Laos, and Vietnam, people typically isolated from many other markets. Laos exports about 400 tonnes annually through Thailand according to theFAO.[30]



Cardamom production's demand and supply patterns of trade are influenced by price movements, nationally and internationally, in 5 to 6-year cycles.[31]Importing leaders mentioned areSaudi ArabiaandKuwait,[32]while other significant importers includeGermany,Iran,Japan,Jordan,Pakistan,Qatar,United Arab Emirates,theUK,and the formerUSSR.[33]According to theUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development,80 percent of cardamom's total consumption occurs in theMiddle East.[33]

In the 19th century,BombayandMadraswere among the principal distributing ports of cardamom. India's exports to foreign countries increased during the early 20th century, particularly to the United Kingdom, followed by Arabia, Aden, Germany, Turkey, Japan, Persia and Egypt. However, some 95% of cardamom produced in India is for domestic purposes,[34][19]and India is itself by far the most important consuming country for cardamoms in the world.[35]India also imports cardamom from Sri Lanka. In 1903–1904, these imports came to 122,076 kg (269,132 lb), valued at Rs. 1,98,710. In contrast, Guatemala's local consumption is negligible, which supports the exportation of most of the cardamom that is produced.[36]In the mid-1800s,Ceylon's cardamom was chiefly imported by Canada.[37]Aftersaffronandvanilla,cardamom is currently the third most expensive spice,[32]and isusedas a spice and flavouring for food and liqueurs.[22]


Chinese drawing and description of cardamom from theBencao Pinhui Jingyao(1505), by imperial physician Liu Wentai

Cardamom has been used in flavorings and food over centuries. During the Middle Ages, cardamom dominated the trade industry. The Arab states played a significant role in the trade of Indian spices, including cardamom. It is now ranked the third most expensive spice followingsaffronandvanilla.[3][38]

Cardamom production began in ancient times, and has been referred to in ancientSanskrittexts asela.[39]The Babylonians and Assyrians used the spice early on, and trade in cardamom opened up along land routes and by the interlinkedPersian Gulfroute controlled fromDilmunas early as the third millennium BCE Early Bronze Age,[40]into western Asia and the Mediterranean world.

The ancient Greeks thought highly of cardamom, and the Greek physiciansDioscoridesandHippocrateswrote about its therapeutic properties, identifying it as a digestive aid. Due to demand in ancient Greece and Rome, the cardamom trade developed into a handsome luxury business; cardamom was one of the spices eligible for import tax inAlexandriain 126 CE. In medieval times,Venicebecame the principal importer of cardamom into the west, along with pepper,clovesandcinnamon,which was traded with merchants from theLevantwith salt and meat products.[26]

In China,Amomumwas an important part of the economy during theSong Dynasty(960–1279).[41]In 1150, the Arab geographerMuhammad al-Idrisinoted that cardamom was being imported toAden,inYemen,from India and China.[41]

The Portuguese became involved in the trade in the 16th century, and the industry gained wide-scale European interest in the 19th century.[26]


See also




Public DomainThis article incorporates text from this source, which is in thepublic domain:G. Watt's "The Commercial Products of India: Being an Abridgement of" The Dictionary of the Economic Products of India. "" (1908)

Public DomainThis article incorporates text from this source, which is in thepublic domain:T. C. Owen's "Notes on Cardamom Cultivation" (1883)

  1. ^"Cardamom".Cambridge Dictionary.Retrieved10 April2024.
  2. ^Ramadan, Mohamed Fawzy (2023).Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum): Production, Processing and Properties.Springer International Publishing.ISBN978-3-031-35426-7.
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  7. ^Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert,"κάρδαμον",A Greek-English Lexicon,Perseus Digital Library at Tufts University,archivedfrom the original on 17 October 2021,retrieved20 February2021
  8. ^Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert,"ἄμωμον",A Greek-English Lexicon(in Ancient Greek), Perseus Digital Library at Tufts University,archivedfrom the original on 6 April 2022,retrieved20 February2021
  9. ^"ka-da-mi-ja"Archived15 May 2011 at theWayback Machineat Palaeolexicon
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  13. ^TheophrastusIX.vii.2
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  19. ^abcdeKusters & Belcher 2004,p. 136–46.
  20. ^abcdWatt 1908,p. 514.
  21. ^Nair 2011,p. 270.
  22. ^abOwen 1883,p. 1.
  23. ^Watt 1908,p. 516.
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  36. ^Nair 2011,p. 267–268.
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