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Country code top-level domain

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Acountry code top-level domain(ccTLD) is anInternettop-level domaingenerally used or reserved for acountry,sovereign state, ordependent territoryidentified with acountry code.AllASCIIccTLD identifiers are two letters long, and all two-letter top-level domains are ccTLDs.

In 2018, theInternet Assigned Numbers Authority(IANA) began implementinginternationalized country code top-level domains,consisting of language-native characters when displayed in an end-user application. Creation and delegation of ccTLDs is described in RFC 1591, corresponding to ISO 3166-1 Alpha -2 country codes. WhilegTLDshave to obey international regulations, ccTLDs are subjected to requirements that are determined by each country's domain name regulation corporation. With over 150 million domain name registrations as of 2022, ccTLDs make up about 40% of the total domain name industry.[1]

Country code extension applications began in 1985. The registered country code extensions in that year included.us(United States),.uk(United Kingdom) and.il(Israel). The registered country code extensions in 1986 included.au(Australia),.de(Germany),.fi(Finland),.fr(France),.is(Iceland),.jp(Japan),.kr(South Korea),.nl(Netherlands) and.se(Sweden). The registered country code extensions in 1987 included.nz(New Zealand),.ch(Switzerland) and.ca(Canada).[2]The registered country code extensions in 1988 included.ie(Ireland).it(Italy),.es(Spain) and.pt(Portugal). The registered country code extensions in 1989 included.in(India) and.yu(Yugoslavia). In the 1990s,.cn(People's Republic of China) and.ru(Russian Federation) were first registered.

There are 308 delegated ccTLDs. The.cn,.tk,.de,.uk,.nland.ruccTLDs contain the highest number of domains. The top ten ccTLDs account for more than five-eighths of registered ccTLD domains. There were about 153 million ccTLD domains registered at the end of March 2022.[1]

Delegation and management


IANA is responsible for determining an appropriate trustee for each ccTLD. Administration and control are then delegated to that trustee, which is responsible for the policies and operation of the domain. The current delegation can be determined from IANA's list of ccTLDs.[3]Individual ccTLDs may have varying requirements and fees for registeringsubdomains.There may be a local-presence requirement (for instance, citizenship or other connection to the ccTLD), as, for example, theAmerican(us),Japanese(jp),Canadian(ca),French(fr) andGerman(de) domains, or registration may be open.



The first registered ccTLD was.us,which was registered in 1985. Later ccTLDs registered in that year included.ukand.il.Then,.au,.de,.fi,.fr,.is,.jp,.kr,.nland.sewere also registered in 1986.[3]In 1987,.nz,.ch,.myand.cawere registered. Later on, in 1988,.ie,.it,.esand.ptwere also registered.



As of 20 May 2017, there were 255 country-code top-level domains, purely in the Latin Alpha bet, using two-character codes. The number was 316 as of June 2020,with the addition of internationalized domains.[3]

Latin Character ccTLDs

Table columns – legend
Name DNS name of the two-letter country-code top-level domain. They followISO 3166-1Alpha -2, with some exceptions such as ".ac" for Ascension Island, ".eu" for the European Union, or ".uk" for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland instead of ".gb". ISO codesbv,bl,mf,sj,gb,andumare not used for country code top-level domains.
Entity Country, dependency, or region
Explanation Explanation of the code when it is not self-evident from the English name of the country. These are usually domains that arise from native name of the country (e.g..deforDeutschland,German languagename for Germany).
Notes General remarks
Registry Domain name registryoperator, sometimes called a network information center (NIC)
IDN Support forinternationalized domain names(IDN)
DNSSEC Presence of DS records forDomain Name System Security Extensions
SLD Second level domain; that is, whether names may be registered directly under the TLD
IPv6 Registry fully supportsIPv6access
Table Notes
  1. ^17 November 2009, Spanish-Portuguese specific characters (á, â, ã, à, é, ê, í, ó, ô, õ, ú, ü, ñ, ç) allowed, as approved by law.[5]
  2. ^Mostly latin characters (à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ œ š ž), see[6]
  3. ^Currently not allowed, but some higher-learning institutions were grandfathered-in.
  4. ^Since March 2004, see[16]
  5. ^Since July 1st, 2020[17]
  6. ^IDN not adopted due to lack of public and corporate interest[18]
  7. ^93 non-ASCII characters, see[19]
  8. ^1 January 2004, support æ, ø, å, ö, ä, ü, & é: see[20]
  9. ^Estonian domain names to incorporate diacritics (IDN) starting from 13 June 2011[21]
  10. ^Supported characters: Latin, Greek, & Cyrillic; see[23]
  11. ^September 2005, supported characters: š, ž, å, ä, ö and Sami language; see[25]
  12. ^abcdefg(6 December 2011)[26]
  13. ^Support for Greek characters since July 2005; see[29]
  14. ^abcdDelegation Signer (DS) record in a root zone has not yet been published.
  15. ^October 2003, forSwedishcharacters, summer 2007 also forFinnish,Meänkieli,Romani,Sami,andYiddish;see[58]
  16. ^Since October 2010, see[60]
  17. ^(28 April 2008) see[62]
  18. ^14 November 2006; see[65]
  19. ^21 July 2015; see[66]
  20. ^TraditionalChinese characters:see[68]
  21. ^IDN domain names available in some.UA subdomains since June 2012
  22. ^.UA secure delegations available since October 2019
  23. ^Restricted toISPsand other undefined entities. See.zm.

Internationalized ccTLDs

Table notes

Proposed internationalized ccTLDs


Internationalised domain names have been proposed forJapanandLibya.

Relation to ISO 3166-1


The IANA is not in the business of deciding what is and what is not a country. The selection of the ISO 3166 list as a basis for country code top-level domain names was made with the knowledge that ISO has a procedure for determining which entities should be and should not be on that list.

— Jon Postel,RFC 1591[80]

Unused ISO 3166-1 codes


Almost all current ISO 3166-1 codes have been assigned and do exist in DNS. However, some of these are effectively unused. In particular, the ccTLDs for the Norwegian dependencyBouvet Island(bv) and the designationSvalbard and Jan Mayen(sj) do exist in DNS, but no subdomains have been assigned, and it isNoridpolicy to not assign any at present. TwoFrenchterritories—bl(Saint Barthélemy) andmf(Saint Martin)—stillawait local assignment by France's government.

The codeeh,although eligible as ccTLD forWestern Sahara,has never been assigned and does not exist inDNS.Only one subdomain is still registered ingb[81](ISO 3166-1 for theUnited Kingdom), and no new registrations are being accepted for it. Sites in the United Kingdom generally useuk(see below).

The former.umccTLD for theU.S. Minor Outlying Islandswas removed in April 2008. Under RFC 1591 rules,.umis eligible as a ccTLD on request by the relevant governmental agency and local Internet user community.

ASCII ccTLDs not in ISO 3166-1


Several ASCII ccTLDs are in use that are not ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes. Some of these codes were specified in older versions of the ISO list.

  • uk(United Kingdom): The ISO 3166-1 code for the United Kingdom is GB (Great Britain). However, theJANETnetwork had already selectedukas a top-level identifier for its pre-existingName Registration Scheme,and this was incorporated into the DNS root.gbwas assigned with the intention of a transition, but this never occurred and the use ofukis now entrenched.[82]
  • suThis obsolete ISO 3166 code for theSoviet Unionwas assigned when the Soviet Union still existed; moreover, newsuregistrations are accepted.
  • ac(Ascension Island): This code is a vestige ofIANA'sdecision in 1996 to allow the use of codes reserved in theISO 3166-1 Alpha -2reserve list for use by theUniversal Postal Union.The decision was later reversed, with Ascension Island now the sole outlier. (Three other ccTLDs,gg(Guernsey),im(Isle of Man) andje(Jersey) also fell under this category from 1996 until they received corresponding ISO 3166 codes in March 2006.)
  • eu(European Union): On September 25, 2000,ICANNdecided to allow the use of any two-letter code in theISO 3166-1reserve list that is reserved for all purposes. Only EU currently meets this criterion. Following a decision by the EU's Council of Telecommunications Ministers in March 2002, progress was slow, but aregistry(namedEURid) was chosen by theEuropean Commission,and criteria for allocation set: ICANN approvedeuas a ccTLD, and it opened for registration on 7 December 2005 for the holders of prior rights. Since 7 April 2006, registration is open to all in the European Economic Area.

Historical ccTLDs


ccTLDs may be removed if that country ceases to exist. There are three ccTLDs that have been deleted after the corresponding 2-letter code was withdrawn from ISO 3166-1:cs(forCzechoslovakia),zr(forZaire) andtp(forEast Timor). There may be a significant delay between withdrawal from ISO 3166-1 and deletion from the DNS; for example, ZR ceased to be an ISO 3166-1 code in 1997, but thezrccTLD was not deleted until 2001. Other ccTLDs corresponding to obsolete ISO 3166-1 codes have not yet been deleted. In some cases they may never be deleted due to the amount of disruption this would cause for a heavily used ccTLD. In particular, the Soviet Union's ccTLDsuremains in use more than twenty years after SU was removed from ISO 3166-1.

The historical country codesddfor theGerman Democratic RepublicandydforSouth Yemenwere eligible for a ccTLD, but not allocated; see alsodeandye.

The temporary reassignment of country codecs(Serbia and Montenegro) until its split intorsandme(SerbiaandMontenegro,respectively) led to some controversies[83][84]about the stability of ISO 3166-1 country codes, resulting in a second edition of ISO 3166-1 in 2007 with a guarantee that retired codes will not be reassigned for at least 50 years, and the replacement of RFC 3066 by RFC 4646 for country codes used inlanguage tagsin 2006.

The previous ISO 3166-1 code forYugoslavia,YU, was removed by ISO on 23 July 2003, but theyuccTLD remained in operation. Finally, after a two-year transition to Serbianrsand Montenegrinme,the.yu domain was phased out in March 2010.

Australia was originally assigned theozcountry code, which was later changed toauwith the.ozdomains moved to.oz.au.

Internationalized ccTLDs


Aninternationalized country code top-level domain(IDN ccTLD) is a top-level domain with a specially encoded domain name that is displayed in an end user application, such as aweb browser,in its native language script or a non- Alpha beticwriting system,such asLatin script(.us,.uk and.br),Indic script(.भारत) andKorean script(.한국), etc. IDN ccTLDs are an application of theinternationalized domain name(IDN) system to top-level Internet domains assigned to countries, including the United Kingdom, or independent geographic regions.

ICANN started to accept applications for IDN ccTLDs in November 2009,[85]and installed the first set into the Domain Names System in May 2010. The first set was a group of Arabic names for the countries of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. By May 2010, 21 countries had submitted applications to ICANN, representing 11 languages.[86]

ICANN requires all potential international TLDs to use at least one letter that does not resemble a Latin letter, or have at least three letters, in an effort to avoidIDN homograph attacks.Nor shall the international domain name look like another domain name, even if they have different Alpha bets. Between Cyrillic and Greek Alpha bets, for example, this could happen.[citation needed]

Generic ccTLDs


Generic Country Code Top-Level DomainorgccTLDrefers to those TLDs which are technically "non-restricted ccTLDs" but used like traditional generic TLDs (gTLDs) rather than "country" -targeted ones.[87][88][89]Most of the gccTLDs are primarily used asdomain hacks:

gccTLD Country/Region Domain hacks
.ac Ascension Island
.ad Andorra advertising
.ag Antigua and Barbuda Aktiengesellschaft(German for corporation)
.ai Anguilla Artificial intelligence
.am Armenia
.as American Samoa
.az Azerbaijan
.bz Belize
.cc Cocos (Keeling) Islands
.cd Congo Compact disc
.co Colombia
.cu Cuba "see you"
.cv Cape Verde curriculum vitae
.dj Djibouti Disc jockey
.fm Federated States of Micronesia
.ga Gabon Georgia
.gg Bailiwick of Guernsey
.io British Indian Ocean Territory
.is Iceland it.is,that.is,etc.
.it Italy Information technology
.kg Kyrgyzstan Keygen
.la Laos
.ly Libya words ending in -ly
.md Moldova
.me Montenegro
.ms Montserrat
.nu Niue
  • new
  • now
  • nude
.pe Peru Private equity
.pn Pitcairn Phone number
.pw Palau Professional web
.re Réunion Reverse engineering
.rs Serbia Rust
.sc Seychelles
.sh Saint Helena
.sx Sint Maarten "sex"
.tf French Southern and Antarctic Lands
.tk Tokelau
.tm Turkmenistan Trademark
.to Tonga link-to
.tv Tuvalu television and broadcasts
.ws Western Samoa
  • website
  • websocket
  • world site
  • west
.yt Mayotte YouTube

Unconventional usage


Lenient registration restrictions on certain ccTLDs have resulted in variousdomain hacks.Domain names such asI.am,tip.it,start.atandgo.toform well-known English phrases, whereas others combine thesecond-level domainand ccTLD to form one word or one title, creating domains such asblo.gsofSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands(gs),youtu.beofBelgium(be),del.icio.usof theUnited States(us), andcr.yp.toofTonga(to). The.codomain of Colombia has been cited since 2010 as a potential competitor to generic TLDs for commercial use, because it may be an abbreviation forcompany.[90]

Several ccTLDs allow the creation ofemoji domains.

Some ccTLDs may also be used fortyposquatting.The domaincmofCameroonhas generated interest due to the possibility that people might miss typing the letterofor sites in thecom.[91]

Commercial use


Some of the world's smallest countries and non-sovereign or colonial entities with their own country codes have opened their TLDs for worldwide commercial use, some of them free like.tk.

See also



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