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Chemical engineer

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Chemical engineers design, construct and operate plants.

Achemical engineeris a professional equipped with the knowledge of chemistry and other basic sciences who works principally in thechemical industryto convert basic raw materials into a variety of products and deals with the design and operation of plants and equipment.[1]This person applies the principles of chemical engineering in any of its various practical applications, such as

  1. Design, manufacture, and operation of plants and machinery in industrial chemical and related processes ( "chemical process engineers" );
  2. Development of new or adapted substances for products ranging from foods and beverages to cosmetics to cleaners to pharmaceutical ingredients, among many other products ( "chemical product engineers" );
  3. Development of new technologies such asfuel cells,hydrogen powerandnanotechnology,as well as working in fields wholly or partially derived from chemical engineering such asmaterials science,polymer engineering,andbiomedical engineering.This can include working of geophysical projects such as rivers, stones, and signs.


Portrait ofJohann Rudolf Glauber

The president of theInstitution of Chemical Engineerssaid in his presidential address "I believe most of us would be willing to regardEdward Charles Howard(1774–1816) as the first chemical engineer of any eminence ".[2]Others have suggestedJohann Rudolf Glauber(1604–1670) for his development of processes for the manufacture of the major industrial acids.[3]

The term appeared in print in 1839, though from the context it suggests a person withmechanical engineeringknowledge working in thechemical industry.[4] In 1880,George E. Daviswrote in a letter toChemical News"A Chemical Engineer is a person who possesses chemical and mechanical knowledge, and who applies that knowledge to the utilisation, on a manufacturing scale, of chemical action." He proposed the name Society of Chemical Engineers, for what was in fact constituted as theSociety of Chemical Industry.At the first General Meeting of the Society in 1882, some 15 of the 300 members described themselves as chemical engineers, but the Society's formation of a Chemical Engineering Group in 1918 attracted about 400 members.[5]

In 1905 a publication calledThe Chemical Engineerwas founded in the US,[6]and in 1908 theAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineerswas established.[7]

In 1924 theInstitution of Chemical Engineersadopted the following definition: "A chemical engineer is a professional man experienced in the design, construction and operation of plant and works in which matter undergoes a change of state and composition."[8]

As can be seen from the later definition, the occupation is not limited to thechemical industry,but more generally the process industries, or other situations in which complex physical and/or chemical processes are to be managed.

The UK journalThe Chemical Engineer(began 1956) has a series of biographies available online entitled “Chemical Engineers who Changed the World”,[9]


Chemical engineers use computers to manage automated systems in production plants.

Historically, the chemical engineer has been primarily concerned withprocess engineering,which can generally be divided into two complementary areas:chemical reaction engineeringandseparation processes.The modern discipline of chemical engineering, however, encompasses much more than just process engineering. Chemical engineers are now engaged in the development and production of a diverse range of products, as well as in commodity and specialtychemicals.These products include high-performance materials needed foraerospace,automotive,biomedical,electronic,environmentalandmilitaryapplications. Examples include ultra-strong fibers,fabrics,adhesivesand composites for vehicles,bio-compatible materialsfor implants and prosthetics,gelsfor medical applications,pharmaceuticals,and films with special dielectric, optical orspectroscopicproperties for opto-electronic devices. Additionally, chemical engineering is often intertwined withbiologyandbiomedical engineering.Many chemical engineers work on biological projects such as understanding biopolymers (proteins) andmapping the human genome.

Employments and salaries[edit]

According to a 2015 salary survey by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, the median annual salary for a chemical engineer was approximately $127,000.[10]The survey was repeated in 2017 and the median annual salary dropped slightly to $124,000. The decrease in median salary was unexpected. A factor contributing to the decline may be that 2017’s survey was conducted by a different research and analysis firm. Median salaries ranged from $70,450 for chemical engineers with fewer than three years of experience to $156,000 for those with more than 40 years in the workforce.[11]

In theUK,the IChemE 2016 Salary Survey reported a median salary of approximately £57,000, with a starting salary for a graduate averaging £28,350.[12]Chemical engineering in the USA is one of the engineering disciplines with the highest participation of women, with 35% of students compared with 20% in engineering.[13]In the UK in 2014, students starting degrees were 25% female, compared with 15% in engineering.[14]US graduates who responded to a 2015 salary survey were 18.8% female.[10]

According to the latest 2023 figures, Bayes Business School graduates get an average of £51,921 within 5 years of graduation, which is the most among UK universities. This was followed by the University of Oxford at £49,086 and the University of Warwick at £47,446.[15]

See also[edit]


  1. ^MobyDickDictionary of Engineering ", McGraw-Hill, 2nd Ed.
  2. ^Transactions of the IChemE(1951) Volume 29 page 163
  3. ^Herman SkolnikinW. F. Furter (ed) (1982)A Century of Chemical EngineeringISBN0-306-40895-3page 230
  4. ^Ure, Andrew(1839)A Dictionary of Arts Manufactures and Mines,London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, page 1220
  5. ^Colin Duvall and Sean F, Johnston (2000)Scaling Up: The Institution of Chemical Engineers and the Rise of a New ProfessionKluwer Academic Publishers
  6. ^The Cornell daily SunVolume XXV, Number 25, 26 October 1904
  7. ^John C. Olsen (December 1932),Chemical Engineering As A Profession: Origin and Early Growth of the American Institute of Chemical EngineersArchived2012-08-13 at theWayback Machine
  8. ^Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineersvolume 2 page 23 (1924)
  9. ^thechemicalengineerArchived2017-02-11 at theWayback MachineChemical engineers who changed the world
  10. ^abChemical Engineering Progress June 2015
  11. ^"Announcing the 2017 AIChE Chemical Engineering Salary Survey".aiche.org.2017-06-14.Retrieved2019-11-02.
  12. ^Institution of Chemical Engineers Annual Review 2016
  13. ^Brawner, C. E., Lord, S. M., Layton, R. A., Ohland, M. W., & Long, R. A., (2015)International Journal of Engineering EducationVol. 31, No. 6(A), 1431, "Factors Affecting Women’s Persistence in Chemical Engineering"
  14. ^The Chemical Engineer,March 2015 p 20
  15. ^Bryan (2023-11-30)."Average Graduate Salaries Among The Top Universities In The UK".Britannia UK.Retrieved2023-12-06.

External links[edit]