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Companion cavalry

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Alexander Mosaic,showing theBattle of Issus,from theHouse of the Faun,Pompeii

TheCompanions(Greek:ἑταῖροι,Greek:[heˈtairoi̯],hetairoi) were the elitecavalryof theMacedonian armyfrom the time of KingPhilip II of Macedon,achieving their greatest prestige underAlexander the Great,and regarded as the first or among the firstshock cavalryused in Europe.[1]Chosen Companions, or Hetairoi, formed the elite guard of the king (Somatophylakes).



The name of the military unit derives fromGreekHetairoi,those near the king. The Hetairoi (Companions) could be members of the Macedonian aristocracy or commoners of any origin who enjoyed the trust and friendship of the Macedonian regent. TheHetairideia,a festival pertaining to the sacred relationship which bound the king and his companions together[2]was celebrated and evenEuripides,the famed Athenian playwright, was honoured as anhetairosof the kingArchelaus.[3]The Royal friends (Philoi) or the king's Companions (basilikoi hetairoi) were named for life by the king among the Macedonian aristocracy.




A heavy cavalryman of Alexander the Great's army, possibly a Thessalian, though the Companion cavalry would have been almost identical (the shape of the cloak of the latter was more rounded). He wears a cuirass (probably a linothorax) and a Boeotian helmet, and is equipped with a scabbardedxiphosstraight-bladed sword.Alexander Sarcophagus.

Companion cavalry would ride the best horses, and receive the best weaponry available. In Alexander's day, each carried axyston(long thrusting spear), and wore a bronzemuscle cuirassorlinothorax,shoulder guards andBoeotian helmets,but bore noshield.[4]Akopis(curved slashing sword) orxiphos(cut and thrust sword) was also carried for close combat, should the xyston be lost or broken.



The Companion cavalry was composed of the Hetairoi of the king, mainly upper class citizens who were able to acquire and maintain armour and horses. In the age of Philip II and Alexander they were organized into 8 territorial squadrons, termedilai.Eachilenumbered between 200 and 300 horsemen.[5][6]They were originally commanded by a single leader,Philotasunder Alexander the Great, but following his execution would see the leadership split between two men,Cleitus the BlackandHephaestion.[7][8]Arrian claims this would be because, Alexander "did not want anyone, not even his intimate friend, to be the centre of attention".[9]After receiving reinforcements in Susa, Alexander established two companies in each squadron.[10]They were referred to by the name of the territory they were mustered in or by the name of its captain. The Royal Ile was commanded by Alexander himself and contained twice the number of soldiers the other units contained, c. 400.[6]These cavalry squadrons would sometimes be combined in groups of two, three or four to form ahipparchy,which was commanded by ahipparch,though the whole Companion force was generally commanded by Alexander.[6]

In Alexander's Balkan campaigns, we find mention of Companions from upper Macedonia, the central Macedonian plain andAmphipolis.[11][12]During the advance on Granicus, a squadron commanded bySocrates of Macedon(not to be confused with the philosopher) hailed from Apollonia on Lake Bolbe.[12]During theBattle of Issus,Arriannames the ile ofAnthemus(modernGalatista),;[11]another, from the unidentified land ofLeuge(likelyPieria), is also mentioned.[13]

Theopompus describes the Companions, probably of around the mid 4th century BC, as being made of "no more than 800 at this time" and mustered "some from Macedonia, some from Thessaly and still others from the rest of Greece".[14]By 338 BC, Alexander is reported to have had around 2600 in his Companion Cavalry.[15]As Alexander's force campaigned towards India, barbarians played an increasing role in the Companion Cavalry and the Macedonian mutiny atOpismay have been partially caused by this.[16][17]At one point, there were fourhipparchiesmade up of entirely oriental forces and one that was a mix of Macedonians and orientals.[16]

Tactics and use

Macedonian Companion cavalryilein wedge formation

The Companions constituted one of the first shock cavalry in history, able to conduct charges against massed infantry. Many contemporary cavalry, even when heavily armored, would most usually be equipped with javelins and would avoid melee[citation needed].In this respect, Companions were similar to the older Iranian heavy cavalry who were armed with lances and also engaged in melee combat.

In battle, it would form part of ahammer and anviltactic: the Companion cavalry would be used as a hammer, in conjunction with theMacedonian phalanx-basedinfantry,which acted as their anvil. Thephalanxwould pin the enemy in place, while the Companion cavalry would attack the enemy on the flank or from behind.

In battle,Alexander the Greatpersonally led the charge at the head of the royal squadron of the Companion cavalry, usually in awedge formation.In a pitched battle, the Companions usually fought on the right wing of the Macedonian army, next to the shield-bearing guards, thehypaspists,who would guard the right flank of the phalanx. Other cavalry troops would protect the flanks of the Macedonian line during battle. Under Alexander's command, the Companions' role was decisive in most of his battles in Asia[citation needed].



Hellenistic kingdoms

The Companions of Alexander the Great

The Companion cavalry of theDiadochoi(Alexandrian successor-states), were even more heavily equipped.SeleucidCompanions were noted to have worn lighter, but not otherwise dissimilar, equipment to thecataphractsat theBattle of Magnesiain 190 BC, which may have included partial horse armour and leg and arm protection.PtolemaicCompanions andAntigonidCompanions were also equipped with a large roundaspiscavalry shield unlike the Companions of Phillip and Alexander.

'Companions' was a title not used by the Seleucids in its original sense. It was replaced with different and various grades of 'King's Friends'. However, the title 'Companions' was kept as a regimental one. There was only one regiment or unit that held the title of Companions in the entire Hellenistic world though; the Antigonids and Ptolemies had different names for their elite cavalry regiments.

Eastern Roman Empire


TheHetaireiaorHetaeriawas a corps of bodyguards during theByzantine Empire.Its name means "the Company", echoing theancient MacedonianCompanion cavalry. The imperialHetaireiawas composed chiefly of foreigners. They acted as part of the Byzantineimperial guardalongside thetagmatain the 9th–12th centuries.

See also



  1. ^Hanson, Victor Davis (2007-12-18).Carnage and Culture: Landmark Battles in the Rise to Western Power.Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.ISBN978-0-307-42518-8.
  2. ^Winthrop Lindsay Adams.Alexander the Great: legacy of a conqueror.p 8.ISBN0-321-08617-1.(2004)
  3. ^John V. A. Fine.The ancient Greeks: a critical history.p 612.ISBN0-674-03314-0.(1983)
  4. ^Lonsdale 40
  5. ^Fuller 49
  6. ^abcLansdale 41
  7. ^SÁNCHEZ, JUAN PABLO (2018-09-27)."How suspicion and intrigue eroded Alexander's empire".National Geographic.Archived fromthe originalon December 14, 2019.Retrieved2020-08-28.
  8. ^Grote, George (1907).A History of Greece: From the Earliest Period to the Close of the Generation Contemporary with Alexander the Great.John Murray.
  9. ^Sage 185
  10. ^Arrian, Alexander's Anabasis, III.16
  11. ^abHammond 414
  12. ^abHammond 416
  13. ^Hammond 415
  14. ^Sage 173–174
  15. ^Sage 174
  16. ^abLansdale 56
  17. ^Arrian, Alexander's Anabasis VII.6

Works cited

  • Fuller, John Fredrick Charles (2004).The Generalship of Alexander the Great.Da Carpo Press.ISBN978-0-306-81330-6.can be found atGoogle Booksin preview
  • Hammond, Nicholas G. L. (1998). "Cavalry Recruited in Macedonia down to 322 BC".Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte.47(4): 404–425.JSTOR4436520.
  • Lonsdale, David J. (2007).Alexander the Great:lessons in strategy.Routlidge.ISBN978-0-415-35847-7.can be found atGoogle Booksin preview
  • Sage, Michael M. (1996).Warfare in ancient Greece.Routlidge.ISBN978-0-415-14355-4.can be found atGoogle Booksin preview