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Harry Collingwood

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Harry Collingwood
Born(1843-05-23)23 May 1843
Weymouth, Dorset
Died10 June 1922(1922-06-10)(aged 79)
Other namesWilliam Joseph Cosens Lancaster
Occupation(s)Civil enginineer and novelist
Years active1860–1922
Known forWriting boys' adventure stories
Notable workThe Pirate Island

Harry Collingwoodwas the pseudonym ofWilliam Joseph Cosens Lancaster(23 May 1843 – 10 June 1922),[1]a British civil engineer and novelist who wrote over 40 boys' adventure books, almost all of them in a nautical setting.

Early life


Collingwood was the eldest son of master mariner Captain William Lancaster (1813 – (1861 – 1871))[2]and Anne, née Cosens (c. 1820 – 9 October 1898).[3]His birth certificate shows that he was born inWeymouth, Dorseton 23 May 1843 at 9:30am at Concord Place. TheOxford Dictionary Of National Biographynotes that most references, except his birth certificate, give his date of birth as 1851.[4]His application for Associate Membership of theInstitution of Civil Engineersgives his birth date as 23 May 1846.[5]

Collingwood was the first of three children for the couple. He was eight when his sister Ada Louise (c. 1852 – 8 January 1929)[6] was born and 12 when his sister Sarah Anne (1 June 1853 – 27 December 1941) was born.[7]Both women were shown as drapers assistants in the 1871 census. By then Collingwood's father had died, and his mother continued to live with her daughters until her death. Ada never married and lived with her sister after leaving the paternal home. Sarah Anne married Mathew Smellie in St Michaels, Toxteth, Liverpool, Lancashire on 30 June 1880.[8]The couple had one child, Harold Ernest Smellie (11 April 1881 – 30 April 1961).[9][10]Harold was the nephew who registered Collingwood's death in 1922.[4][note 1]Collingwood's mother died at his home in Norwood on 9 October 1898, with her daughter Ada Louise as the executrix of her effects of £1,308 11s 11d.[3]When Ada Louise died on 8 January 1929, her widowed sister Sarah Ann (with whom she was living) was the executrix for her effects of £1,907 16s 8d.[6]Harold was the executor for the effects (£4,574, 15s 1d) of his mother Sarah Ann when she died on 27 December 1942.[7]

Most sources[4][12][13][14]state that he attended theRoyal Naval College, Greenwichand distinguished himself there by carrying off many prizes[13].However, this college closed in 1837[15],and when it reopened it was only forthose who had passedthe exam for lieutenant. Kirk states that Collingwood attended theRoyal Naval School,which was atNew Cross,nearGreenwich.[16][17]This school had over 210 boys destined for careers at sea on the rolls by 1865[18]and trained officers and men for both theRoyal NavyandMerchant Marine.[19]In Collingwood's first bookThe Secret of the Sandsthe hero, called Harry Collingwood, was educated at theRoyal Naval SchoolatGreenwich[20].

Collingwood joined theRoyal Navyas amidshipmanat 15[4].However, his severenear-sightednessforced him to abandon his chosen career. Kitzen states that Collingwood traveled widely in both his short naval and much longer civilian career.[21]Kirk states that it was during his civilian career that Collingwood travelled widely.[16]

Work as an engineer


In September 1860, at age 17, he began working as a pupil in the architectural office of G R Crickmay RIBA inDorset.[5]That architectural practice continues today under the name of John Stark and Crickmay.[22]He continued inDorsetuntil March 1864 and then moved toDurbaninSouth Africa.He worked there in a range of posts until the end of 1870, by which time he was the Government Engineer and Surveyor for the Port District ofNatal.

He returned to the UK in 1871 and worked on an eight-mile section of theDevontoLondonRailwayfor two years (the section of theLondon and South Western RailwayfromOkehampton to Lydfordwas under construction at this time). He continued in the UK, working on a range of projects includingharbourworks in theIsle of Man,as well as work at Burntisland on the Firth of Forth, where he lived in 1880, while advertising in Coleraine in Northern Ireland, for accommodation for himself, his wife, and infant son.[23]In 1888 he spent a year on the island ofTrinidad,surveying for a deep-waterportand associatedrailway.[5]He also travelled to theBaltic,Mediterranean,and theEast Indies.[4]His wide travels provided accurate backgrounds for many of his works.

Returned to England, and now living in Norwood, London, Collingwood applied for associate membership of theInstitution of Civil Engineerson 31 July 1889 and was elected on 3 December 1889. Associated membership is the grade of membership open to engineers who are not academically qualified Civil Engineers,[24]but have learned engineering by another route.

In 1893 Collingwood was one of the three short-listed candidates from the 89 applicants for Resident Engineer atLlanelliHarbour, Carmarthenshire[25]but was unsuccessful.[26]From 1894 to 1896 he was the engineer, working out of London, for works on theRiver Bannfor theColeraineHarbour Commissioners.[27]In 1906, Collingwood moved toMutleyinPlymouth.By 1908 he was back in London, at NewBusheyinWatford,London.

Marriage and son


On 10 July 1878, atConisboroughnearDoncaster,[28]Collingwood married Kezia Hannah Rice Oxley (1848 – 18 April 1928),[29]the fourth child of George Oxley, a provisions dealer, and Mary Rice.[30]Like Collingwood's two sister, Kezia worked as a draper's assistant in Liverpool. The Oxley's were a large family and Kezia had two sisters and seven brothers. One of her brothers, Sir Alfred James Rice-Oxley (25 January 1856 – 10 August 1941) was a physician to members of the Royal Family.[31]

Her nephewAlan Rice-Oxleywas a flying ace in World War I,[32]and Alan's sister married Kezia's only son (her first-cousin) in 1906. Kezia's family were close and both the 1891 and 1901 census show relatives staying with her. The couple had a son William Arthur Percy Lancaster, generally known asPercival Lancaster,(1880-1937) born at Park House inBurntisland,Scotland,on 24 February 1880 at 8:30am.[28]He followed his father's example, not only becoming aCivil Engineerbut also a novelist.[33]



Collingwood died suddenly at his sister Sarah's house at 40 Liverpool Road,Chesteron 10 June 1922,[34],only five days after the death of Sarah's husband. Collingwood left the relatively modest sum of £866 11s. 8d. to his widow.[35]Kezia died inLondonon 18 April 1928, leaving £1,028 18s. 7d. to her son William Arthur Percy, then described as aSurveyorrather than aCivil Engineer.[29]

Alleged inspiration for Swallows and Amazon


Sutherlandstates of Collingwood that "His most enduring monument is that his yachtSwallowinspired his friendArthur Ransome's children's bookSwallows and Amazons."[14]However, Ransome did not write the book until 1929 - seven years after Collingwood's death. TheSwallowthat served as Ransome's inspiration was the sailboat belonging toW. G. Collingwood,who was no relation.

Ransome learned to sail, at age 12, in W. G. Collingwood's boatSwallowat Coniston in 1896.[36]He then repaid the favour by teaching W. G. Collingwood's grandchildren, the five Altouyans, to sail in "Swallow II" in 1928.[37]


Geoffrey Harrington holds onto the stump of the mast while attempting to cut free the broken mast and rigging: illustration byHarold H. Piffardfor Collingwood's 1907Geoffrey Harrington's Adventures

Collingwood's firstnovelin 1878, the year of his marriage, wasThe Secret of the Sands,a tale of the sea withpiracyandburied treasurethrown in. The hero and pseudonymous author of this tale was “Harry Collingwood”. This pseudonym was chosen by the author in homage toVice-Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood(whomThackeraydescribed as a virtuous Christian knight). This was clearly intended as an adult book. At the time, adult books were typically produced in three volumes, whereas books for the juvenile market were typically produced in a single volume with illustrations.[38]

In the preface to his first novel, Collingwood stated that "... my purpose has simply been to combine a little information with, I hope, a great deal of interest and amusement; and if my book serves but to while pleasantly away an idle hour or two for the general reader, or conveys a scrap of useful information to the young yachtsman, that purpose will be fully accomplished." Collingwood was well considered as a story teller, and especially as a teller of sea stories. Reviewers at the time wrote:

  • "As a story-teller Mr Collingwood is not surpassed. —Spectator[39]
  • "Mr. Harry Collingwood, we need hardly say, does know how to tell a story..." —Academy[40]
  • "...well known as the writer of tales of adventure by sea..." —Athenaeum[41]
  • "Mr. Collingwood writes of the sea with a sympathy and understanding which are all too rare in writers of boys’ books, and his hero is a fine character, well drawn." —The Academy[42]
  • "His descriptions of adventure at sea are not surpassed by those of any other writer for boys, while his plots are of an exciting nature" —Morning Post[43]
  • "In sea stories this talented author excels, and this is one of his best. It is full of wonderful adventure told in a style which holds the reader spell-bound" —Practical Teacher[44]
  • "... in our opinion the author is superior in some respects as a marine novelist to the better-knownMr. Clark Russell"—The Times[45]
  • "Another excellent yarn-spinner, and one who rivals Mr. Clark Russell in his ability to get the “whiff of the briny” into his pages, is Mr. Harry Collingwood "—St. James's Gazette[46]

Collingwood was popular, and his novels remained in print for a long time. In 1913, Blackie was still offering 18 novels by Collingwood they had published over the previous two decades, and only one,An Ocean Chasewas not included.[47]Ellis noted thatin the 1920's, adventures stories were represented by the work of Harry Collingwood,Captain W.E. Johns,andPercy Westerman.[48]Sternlicht list him as one of the four standard boys' novelists ofC. S. Forester's childhood.[49][note 2]Collingwood was one of the authors of children's fiction thatD. H. Lawrencerecommended for translation into Russian.[50]Sampson Low were still advertising all 6 titles by Harry Collingwood that they had published in an advertisement published in the late 1930s.[51]Dizer notes that Collingwood's books were being re-issued in England through at least 1939.[52]: 131 

Dizer notes that apart from the three science fictions stories about theFlying FishCollingwood's booksare mainly sea stories of young English heroes.[52]: 142 UnlikeG. A. Henty,whose heroes are often public schoolboys,[53]Collingwoods heroes are usually from the Merchant Navy or Royal Navy, and public schools are rarely referred to. Unlike G. A. Henty who has occasional Scottish and Irish heroes, Collingwood's heroes, with very few exceptions, are English.[note 3]

Collingwood's professional background occasionally appears in the novels. The hero inHarry Escombe; a tale of adventure in Peru(1910) was an engineering surveyor. The eponymous hero ofGeoffrey Harrington's Adventureswas a manager of an engineering company, and the hero ofThe Cruise of the Thetiswas the head of a marine engineering and shipbuilding enterprise.Engineersalso appear as strong secondary characters in such stories asThe Pirate Island(1884) andThe Missing Merchantman(1888).

Ferreira examines some of the underlying prejudices displayed by Collingwood inHarry Escombe; a tale of adventure inPeru.[54]InWithAirshipandSubmarine(1908) he describes anarchists as "enemies of society and of the human race".[55]

Almost all of Lancaster's novels have a predominantly nautical theme. Even those that don't often include a long sea-voyage. Three, featuring a flyingsubmarine,are frankscience fiction.Several of the works, most especiallyGeoffrey Harrington's Adventure(1907), include a lost white tribe in the story. Other recurrent themes in Lancaster's novels include storms,shipwreck,beingcastaway,piracy,slavery,buried treasure,long voyages in open boats, disasters at sea, derelict ships, andpearl fishing.Lancaster excelled atswimming,rifle-shooting, andhorse-ridingand these skills can sometime be found among the heroes of his novels. Lancaster was a keenyachtsmanandyacht designerand the design of small craft to escape from isolated islands is a recurring theme in the novels.

Sample illustrations from a Collingwood book


The following illustrations byC. J. Staniland[note 4]and J. R. Wells[note 5]were forThe Pirate Island, a story of the South Pacific(1884, Blackie, London) by Collingwood. The illustrations cover common themes in Collingwood's works: personal bravery, swimming, mutiny, fires at sea, piracy, treasure, voyages in open boats, and fighting sharks.

Background to the books


Nield, speaking of historical fiction, says thatamong the most deservedly popular of recent imaginative writers... Of those who cater for young people,... Harry Collingwood... may be mentioned as having come well to the fore.[61]However,The Athenaeumnoted that ofThe Log of a Privateersman,thatThe book, as such a book has a right to do, sets history, chronology, and law at defiance; but the story is told with life and vigour which carry it swimmingly over the most absolute impossibilities.[41].

The novels set in a particular historical context include:

However, the novels should not be taken as accurate portrayals of historical fact, as Lancaster changes event to suit the plot. InThe Cruise of the 'Nonsuch' Buccaneerfor example, Drake'sattack on San Juanis presented as Spanish treachery in violation of a truce rather than the blatant attempt to sack the city. InWarship International,Sturton, commenting about the description of theBattle of YaluinA Chinese Command,said:The book's account of the battle is not factual; only three Chinese and three Japanese ships are named correctly and certain lurid episodes are entirely fictional.[63]

Books with son


As well as his solo writing Lancaster wrote one published workIn the Power of the Enemy(1925) together with his son. This was originally published as a serial in an English magazine in 1912.[64] Collingwood and his son wrote another unpublished manuscript:The Fourth Temptation. The Love Story of Mary Magdalene.[65]This may have been the manuscript thatPercivalreferred to as beingtaken to Englandby the Managing Director of Sampson Low in 1912. Collingwood was in Toronto with his son at the time.[64]

Percival wrote two book himself,Captain Jack O'Hara R.N.(1908) andChaloner of the Bengal Cavalry: a Tale of the Indian Mutiny(1915).The Serpent,was set in New Zealand and was due for publication in 1913[33].The Ship of Silenceis referenced on the title page ofIn the Power of the Enemy[66]– Percival wrote a short story under this name for MacLeans.[67]

List of works


Please seeWorks by Harry Collingwoodfor a list of works by the author.


  1. ^Collingwood died at the house of Harold's parents, so it is not surprising that Harold rather than Collingwood's sonPercivalregistered the death. Additionally, Harold must have been familiar with the procedure as his own father had died only five days before.[11]
  2. ^The other three wereG. A. Henty,R. M. Ballantyne,andRobert Leighton.[49]
  3. ^The hero ofBlue and Greyabout the American Civil War is American, and the hero ofThe Rover's Secrethad an Italian mother.
  4. ^Charles Joseph StanilandRIROI(19 June 1838 – 16 June 1916) was a marine painter and illustrator, and a frequent contributor to first theIllustrated London Newsand thenThe Graphic.[56]: 44 Van Goghwas an admirer of Staniland's Work.[57]Staniland was a prolific illustrator ofjuvenile fiction,[58]: 462-267 in some cases working with J. R. Wells.
  5. ^Josiah Robert Wells (1849–1897) was an artist and illustrator specialising in maritime topics. He was the Special Artist for marine subject for theIllustrated London News.[59]He boarded inLondonwith C. J. Staniland, for whose family his sister Rosa acted as governess.[60]


  1. ^"Wrote Boys' Stories; W. J. C. Lancaster (Harry Collingwood) Dead",The Gazette(Montreal), 4 July 1922 p. 4
  2. ^"England, Sussex, Parish Registers, 1538-1910".FamilySearch.Retrieved13 March2020.
  3. ^ab"Wills and Probates 1858-1996: Pages for Lancaster and the year of death 1898. p.62".Find a Will Service.p. 62.Retrieved13 March2020.
  4. ^abcdeArnold, Guy (23 September 2004)."Lancaster, William Joseph Cosens [pseud. Harry Collingwood] (1843–1922), children's writer / Oxford Dictionary of National Biography".Oxford Dictionary of National Biography(online ed.). Oxford University Press.doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/58983.Archivedfrom the original on 25 January 2020.Retrieved25 January2020.(Subscription orUK public library membershiprequired.)
  5. ^abcLancaster, William Joseph Cosens(31 July 1889).Summary of experience in application for Associate Membership of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Ancestry. UK, Civil Engineer Records, 1820-1930 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, US: Ancestry Operations, Inc., 2013.: Institution of Civil Engineers.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location (link)
  6. ^ab"Wills and Probates 1858-1996: Pages for Lancaster and the year of death 1929. p.14".Find a Will Service.p. 14.Retrieved13 March2020.
  7. ^ab"Wills and Probates 1858-1996: Pages for Smellie and the year of death 1942, p. 216".Find a Will Service.p. 216.Retrieved13 March2020.
  8. ^Liverpool Record Office (30 June 1880). "Liverpool Record Office; Liverpool, England; Reference Number: 283 HAM/3/15".Liverpool, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1932.Liverpool: Liverpool Records Office. p. 27.
  9. ^Liverpool Record Office (30 June 1880). "Liverpool Record Office; Liverpool, England; Reference Number: 283 AND/2/2".Liverpool, England, Church of England Baptisms, 1813-1917.Liverpool: Liverpool Records Office. p. 39.
  10. ^"Wills and Probates 1858-1996: Pages for Smellie and the year of death 1961".Find a Will Service.p. 420.Retrieved13 March2020.
  11. ^"Wills and Probates 1858-1996: Pages for Smellie and the year of death 1922".Find a Will Service.p. 301.Retrieved4 August2020.
  12. ^Hayes, David."Harry Collingwood".Historic Naval Fiction.Archivedfrom the original on 25 January 2020.Retrieved26 January2020.
  13. ^abDoyle, Brian(1968).The Who's Who of Children's Literature.London: Hugh Evelyn Limited. p. 55.ISBN0238788121.
  14. ^abJohn Sutherland (13 October 2014).The Longman Companion to Victorian Fiction.Routledge. p. 138.ISBN978-1-317-86333-5.Retrieved25 January2020.
  15. ^Pack, S. W. C. (1966).Brittania at Dartmouth(The Beginning ed.). London: Alvin Redman Limited. p. 27.
  16. ^abKirk, John Foster;Allibone, Samuel Austin(1899).A supplement to Allibone's Critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors: Containing over thirty-seven thousand articles (authors), and enumerating over ninety three thousand titles.Vol. 2. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company. p. 969.Retrieved4 February2020.
  17. ^The Naval and military sketch book, and history of adventure by flood and field.1845. pp. 147–149.
  18. ^G. F. Cruchley (1865).Cruchley's London in 1865: A Handbook for Strangers, Etc.p. 217.Retrieved27 January2020.
  19. ^Various authors (1876)."Royal Naval School, Greenwich".The Nautical Magazine for 1876.Cambridge University Press. pp. 128–130.ISBN9781108056557.
  20. ^Collingwood, Harry (1879).The Secret of The Sands.Vol. 1. London: Griffith and Farran. p. 36.
  21. ^Kitzan, Laurence (2001).Victorian Writers and the Image of Empire: The Rose-colored Vision.Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 53.ISBN978-0-313-31778-1.Retrieved25 January2020.
  22. ^John Stark and Crickmay (2012)."John Stark and Crickmay:History".Retrieved27 January2020.
  23. ^Lancaster, W. J. C. (4 September 1880). "Apartments, Comfortably, Wanted in Coleraine".Coleraine Chronicle(Saturday 04 September 1880): 5.
  24. ^Institution of Civil Engineers."Grades of ICE membership".ICE Institution of Civil Engineers.Archivedfrom the original on 24 July 2019.Retrieved22 February2020.
  25. ^"Llanelly Harbour Commission: The Post of Resident Engineer".Western Mail(Saturday 12 August 1893): 7. 15 August 1893.
  26. ^"Llanelly's New Harbour Master".South Wales Daily News(Thursday 24 August 1893): 4. 24 August 1893.
  27. ^The Harbour Commissioners of the Port of Coleraine (18 June 1994). "Bann Navigation (call for Tenders for the construction of a Training Bank)".Northern Whig(Monday 18 June 1894).
  28. ^abNational Records of Scotland."1880 Lancaster William Arthur (Statutory registers Births 411/ 34)".ScotlandsPeople.Retrieved22 February2020.
  29. ^ab"Probate records for the name Lancaster in 1928".Retrieved26 January2020.
  30. ^"Kexia Hannah Alice Oxley 1848-".Main Blackett Tree.Retrieved25 January2020.
  31. ^"Obituary: Sir Alfred Rice-Oxley, C.B.E. M.D.".British Medical Journal.1941(2): 286–7. 23 August 1941.
  32. ^"Determined to be in the Fight".Sheffield Daily Telegraph(Tuesday 05 November 1918): 2. 5 November 1918.
  33. ^abThe Bookman.Vol. XLII (No 253 ed.). Hodder and Stoughton. 1913. pp. 4–5.Retrieved25 January2020.
  34. ^"News in Brief: Interesting News from all Quarters".Shields Daily News(Friday 16 June 1922): 4. 16 June 1922.
  35. ^"Probate records for the name Lancaster in 1922".Retrieved25 January2020.
  36. ^Dearden, James (23 September 2010)."Collingwood, William Gershiom (1854-1932) / Oxford Dictionary of National Biography".Oxford Dictionary of National Biography(online ed.). Oxford University Press.doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/39918.Retrieved27 January2020.(Subscription orUK public library membershiprequired.)
  37. ^Avery, Gillian (23 September 2004)."Ransome, Arthur Michell (1884–1967) / Oxford Dictionary of National Biography".Oxford Dictionary of National Biography(online ed.). Oxford University Press.doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/35673.Retrieved27 January2020.(Subscription orUK public library membershiprequired.)
  38. ^Newbolt, Peter (1996)."Appendix IV: Illustration and Design: Notes on Artists and Designers: Overend, William Heysham, ROI, 1851-1898".G.A. Henty, 1832-1902: a bibliographical study of his British editions, with short accounts of his publishers, illustrators and designers, and notes on production methods used for his books.Brookfield, Vt.: Scholar Press. p. 612.ISBN9781859282083.Retrieved26 April2020– via TheInternet Archive.
  39. ^Blackie(1990).Advertisement in the catalogue Blackie and Son's Books for Young People annexed to Won by the Sword: A tale of the Thirty Years War by G.A. Henty.p. 13.Retrieved31 January2020.
  40. ^"The Academy: July-December 1892, Vol 42: Gift Books, Dec 17, 1892, page 563".Internet Archive.17 December 1892.Retrieved2 February2020.
  41. ^ab"Christmas Books".The Athenaeum.3607:836. 12 December 1896.Retrieved31 January2020.
  42. ^"The Academy: July-December 1906, Vol 71: Christmas Books for Boys, December 1, 1909, page 548".Internet Archive.1 December 1906.Retrieved2 February2020.
  43. ^"Advertisement by Messers Methuen on page 520 of The Academy: July-December 1892, Vol 42, Dec 10, 1892".Internet Archive.10 December 1892.Retrieved2 February2020.
  44. ^Blackie(1890).Advertisement in the catalogue Blackie and Son's Books for Young People annexed to Won by the Sword: A tale of the Thirty Years War by G.A. Henty.p. 23.Retrieved31 January2020.
  45. ^Charles Scribner's Sons(1894).Popular Book for Young People in the Catalogue for Charles Scribner's Sons annexed to With Wolf in Canada, or, or The Winning of a Continent by G.A. Henty.p. 11.Retrieved31 January2020.
  46. ^"Tales of the Sea".St James's Gazette(Saturday 30 October 1897): 12. 30 October 1897.
  47. ^Collingwood, Harry (1913).Through Veld and Forest.London: Blackie. p. opp. Title page.Retrieved4 February2020.
  48. ^Alec Ellis (16 May 2014).A History of Children's Reading and Literature: The Commonwealth and International Library: Library and Technical Information Division.Elsevier Science. p. 161.ISBN978-1-4831-3814-5.
  49. ^abSternlicht, Sanford (1999).C. S. Forester and the Hornblower Saga(Rev. ed.). Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press. p. 18.ISBN9780815606215.Retrieved16 October2020– viaGoogle Books.
  50. ^Burwell, Rose Marie (1970)."A Catalogue of D. H. Lawrence's Reading from Early Childhood".The D.H. Lawrence Review.3(3): iii–330.JSTOR44233338.Retrieved16 October2020.
  51. ^Sampson Low (1937).Page 2 of Sampson Low's Junior Books for Boys and Girls, annexed to Sailing Alone Around the World by Joshua Slocum.London: Sampson Low, Marston and Co., Ltd. p. 7.Retrieved4 February2020.
  52. ^abDizer, John (1997).Tom Swift, the Bobbsey Twins, and Other Heroes of American Juvenile Literature: Studied in American Literature Vol. 25.New York: The Edwin Mellen Press.ISBN0-7734-8641-0.
  53. ^Jeffrey Richards (1989).Imperialism and Juvenile Literature.Manchester University Press. pp. 78–.ISBN978-0-7190-2420-7.
  54. ^Ferreira, Nair María Anaya (2001).La Otredad del mestizaje: América Latina en la literatura inglesa.UNAM. pp. 86–88.ISBN978-968-36-8526-1.
  55. ^Harry Collingwood (1908). "One".With Airship and Submarine: A Tale of Adventure.Library of Alexandria.ISBN978-1-4655-3758-4.
  56. ^Thorpe, James (1935).English Illustration: The Nineties.London: Faber and Faber.
  57. ^Newbolt, Peter (1996)."Appendix IV: Illustration and Design: Notes on Artists and Designers: Staniland, Charles Josepth, RI, ROI, 1838-1916".G.A. Henty, 1832-1902: a bibliographical study of his British editions, with short accounts of his publishers, illustrators and designers, and notes on production methods used for his books.Brookfield, Vt.: Scholar Press. p. 639.ISBN9781859282083.Retrieved19 May2020– via TheInternet Archive.
  58. ^Kirkpatrick, Robert J.The Men Who Drew For Boys (And Girls): 101 Forgotten Illustrators of Children's Books: 1844-1970.London: Robert J. Kirkpatrick.
  59. ^"Our Artists: Past and Present".Illustrated London News(Saturday 14 May 1892): 16. 14 May 1892.Retrieved3 August2020– via TheBritish Newspaper Archive.
  60. ^"Well, Josiah Robert".Suffolk Artists.Retrieved3 August2020.
  61. ^Nield, Jonathan (1911).A guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales(4th ed.). London: Elkin Mathews. p. xii.Retrieved4 February2020.
  62. ^Laurence Kitzan (2001).Victorian Writers and the Image of Empire: The Rose-colored Vision.Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 112.ISBN978-0-313-31778-1.
  63. ^Sturton, I.A. (1993). "Comments and Corrections, Ask Infouser".Warship International.30(4). International Naval Research Organization: 423–426.ISSN0043-0374.JSTOR44889561.
  64. ^ab"A Sketch of Percival Lancaster".Bookseller & Stationer and Office Equipment Journal.28(7). Montreal: 27. 1 July 1912.Retrieved21 February2020.
  65. ^"The Fourth Temptation. The Love Story of Mary Magdalene: Original Manuscript".AbeBooks.Hyraxia Books.Retrieved25 January2020.
  66. ^Lancaster, Percival; Collingwood, Harry.In The Power of the Enemy.Sampson Low, Marston & Co., Ltd. p. Title page.
  67. ^Lancaster, Percival (1 October 1909)."The Ship of Silence: A Tale of the New Canadian Navy".Busy Man's Magazine.MacLeans. pp. 52–56. Archived fromthe originalon 6 August 2020.Retrieved4 February2020.