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Black-headed ibis(Threskiornis melanocephalus)
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Pelecaniformes
Family: Threskiornithidae
Subfamily: Threskiornithinae

Theibis(/ˈbɪs/) (collective pluralibises;[1]classical pluralsibides[2][3]andibes[3]) are a group of long-legged wadingbirdsin the familyThreskiornithidaethat inhabit wetlands, forests and plains.[4]"Ibis" derives from theLatinandAncient Greekword for this group of birds. It also occurs in the scientific name of the westerncattle egret(Bubulcus ibis) mistakenly identified in 1757 as being thesacred ibis.[5]



Ibises all have long, downcurved bills, and usually feed as a group, probing mud for food items, usuallycrustaceans.They are monogamous and highly territorial while nesting and feeding.[4]Most nest in trees, often withspoonbillsorherons.All extant species are capable offlight,but two extinct genera were flightless, namely the kiwi-likeApteribisin theHawaiian Islands,and the peculiarXenicibisinJamaica.[4]The wordibiscomes fromLatinibis[6]fromGreekἶβιςibisfromEgyptianhb,hīb.[7]

Species in taxonomic order


There are 29extantspecies and 4extinctspecies of ibis.

Image Genus Living species
ThreskiornisG.R. Gray, 1842
PseudibisHodgson, 1844
GeronticusWagler, 1832
NipponiaReichenbach, 1850
BostrychiaG.R. Gray, 1847
TheristicusWagler, 1832
CercibisWagler, 1832
MesembrinibisJ.L. Peters, 1930
PhimosusWagler, 1832
EudocimusWagler, 1832
PlegadisKaup, 1829
LophotibisL. Reichenbach, 1853
ApteribisOlson & Wetmore, 1976
  • A. glenosOlson & Wetmore, 1976Molokai flightless ibis
  • A. brevisOlson & James, 1991Maui flightless ibis

An extinct species, theJamaican ibisor clubbed-wing ibis (Xenicibis xympithecus) was uniquely characterized by its club-like wings. Extinct ibis species include the following:

  • Geronticus perplexus.Discovered in France. It is known only from a piece ofdistalrighthumerus,found atSansanFrance,inMiddle Miocenerocks. It appears to represent an ancient member of theGeronticuslineage, in line with the theory that most living ibis genera seem to haveevolvedbefore 15 million years ago (mya).[11]
  • Geronticus apelex.Discovered in South Africa.[12]
  • Geronticus balcanicus.Discovered in Bulgaria.[13]
  • Theristicus wetmorei.Discovered in Peru.
  • Eudodmus peruvianus.Discovered in Peru.
  • Gerandibis pagana.Discovered in France.[14]It is the sole species known for this genera.[15]
  • Aptertbis glenos.Discovered in Hawaii.
  • Xenicibis xympithecus.Discovered in Jamaica.





Most ibises are freshwater wetland birds using natural marshes, ponds, lakes, riversides for foraging.[16]Some ibis species such as thewhite-faced ibis,[17]andblack-headed ibis[18]benefit from flooded and irrigated agriculture. TheAndean ibisis unusual in being found in high altitude grasslands of South America.[19]The foraging and nesting behaviour, and fluctuating numbers of thewhite ibismatches closely with water levels in the Everglades ecosystem leading to its selection as a potential indicator species for the system.[20]Few ibis species such as theolive ibisandgreen ibisare also found in dense forests. The Llanos grasslands of Venezuela have the highest global ibis diversity with seven species sharing the marshes and grasslands.[21]Multiple ibis species manage to use the same area by exhibiting differences in the habitats used and the prey eaten. In Indian agricultural landscapes, three ibis species manage to live together by altering the habitats they use seasonally with the Black-headed Ibises and Glossy preferring shallow wetlands throughout the year, while the endemic Red-naped Ibises preferred upland areas thereby entirely avoiding potential competitive interactions.[22]



Ibises breeding habits are very diverse. Many ibises such as theblack-headed Ibis,scarlet ibis,glossy ibis,American white ibisandAustralian white ibisbreed in large colonies on trees.[16]Nest trees are located either in large wetlands or in agricultural fields, with many species like thered-naped ibisbreeding inside cities.[23]The Australian white ibis also breeds extensively inside cities and has greatly expanded its population.[24]The white-faced ibis sometimes nests on dry land and on low shrubs in marshes.[25]

In culture


TheAfrican sacred ibiswas an object of religiousvenerationinancient Egypt,[26]particularly associated with the deityDjehutyor otherwise commonly referred to in Greek asThoth.He is responsible for writing, mathematics, measurement, and time as well as the moon and magic.[27]In artworks of theLate Period of Ancient Egypt,Thoth is popularly depicted as an ibis-headed man in the act of writing.[27]However,Mitogenomicdiversity in sacred ibis mummies indicates that ancient Egyptians captured the birds from the wild rather than farming them.[28]

At the town ofHermopolis,ibises were reared specifically for sacrificial purposes, and in the Ibis Galleries atSaqqara,archaeologists found themummiesof one and a half million ibises.[29]

According to local legend in theBirecikarea, thenorthern bald ibiswas one of the first birds thatNoahreleased from theArkas a symbol of fertility,[30]and a lingering religious sentiment in Turkey helped the colonies there to survive long after the demise of the species in Europe.[31][32]

The mascot of theUniversity of Miamiis anAmerican white ibisnamedSebastian.The ibis was selected as the school mascot because of its legendary bravery during hurricanes. According to legend, the ibis is the last of wildlife to take shelter before a hurricane hits and the first to reappear once the storm has passed.[33]

Harvard University's humor magazine,Harvard Lampoon,uses the ibis as its symbol. A copper statue of an ibis is prominently displayed on the roof of theHarvard Lampoon Buildingat 44 Bow Street.

The short story "The Scarlet Ibis"by James Hurst uses the red bird as foreshadowing for a character's death and as the primary symbol.

TheAfrican sacred ibisis the unit symbol of theIsraeli Special Forcesunit known as Unit 212 orMaglan(Hebrew מגלן).

According to Josephus, Moses used the ibis to help him defeat the Ethiopians.[34]

TheAustralian white ibishas become a focus of art, pop culture, and memes since rapidly adapting to city life in recent decades, and has earned the popular nicknames "bin chicken" and "tip turkey".[35]In December 2017, the ibis placed second inGuardian Australia'sinauguralBird of the Yearpoll, after leading for much of the voting period.[36][37]

In April 2022, Queensland sports ministerStirling Hinchliffesuggested the ibis as a potentialmascotfor the2032 Olympic Games,which are scheduled to be held inBrisbane.[38]Hinchcliffe's suggestion prompted much discussion in the media.[39][40][41]



  1. ^There is still disagreement on how the taxonomic rules should apply to the Australian white ibis – bothmollucaandmollucusare currently used for the species.[8][9][10]


  1. ^"ibis".Dictionary Unabridged.Retrieved6 October2009.
  2. ^Fennell, C. A. M., ed. (1892).The Stanford dictionary of Anglicised words and phrases.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p.453.OCLC1354115.Retrieved6 October2009.
  3. ^abPierce, Robert Morris (1910).Dictionary of Hard Words.New York: Dodd, Mead & Company. p.270.OCLC4177508.Retrieved6 October2009.
  4. ^abcLongrich, N. R.; Olson, S. L. (5 January 2011)."The bizarre wing of the Jamaican flightless ibisXenicibis xympithecus:a unique vertebrate adaptation ".Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.278(1716): 2333–2337.doi:10.1098/rspb.2010.2117.PMC3119002.PMID21208965.
  5. ^Jobling, James A (2010).The Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names.London: Christopher Helm. p.201.ISBN978-1-4081-2501-4.
  6. ^"ibis".Chambers Dictionary.
  7. ^Beekes, R. S. P.(2009)Etymological Dictionary of Greek,Brill, p. 575.ISBN9004174184.
  8. ^David, Normand; Gosselin, Michel (2011)."Gender agreement of avian species-group names under Article 31.2. 2 of the ICZN Code"(PDF).Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club.131(2): 102–115.Retrieved10 August2017.
  9. ^Schodde, Richard; Bock, Walter (2016). "Conflict resolution of grammar and gender for avian species-group names under Article 31.2. 2 of the ICZN Code: is gender agreement worth it?".Zootaxa.4127(1): 161–170.doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4127.1.9.PMID27395618.
  10. ^Dickinson, Edward C.; David, Normand; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A. (2017)."Some comments on Schodde & Bock (2016) on gender agreement"(PDF).Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club.137(2): 142–144.doi:10.25226/bboc.v137i2.2017.a2.S2CID125994321.Retrieved10 August2017.
  11. ^Mlíkovský, Jirí (2002).Cenozoic Birds of the World (Part 1: Europe).Ninox Press, Prague.ISBN80-901105-3-3.
  12. ^Olson, S. L. (1985). "Early Pliocene ibises (Aves, Plataleidae) from south-western Cape Province, South Africa".Annals of the South African Museum.97(3): 57–69.
  13. ^Boev, Zlatozar (1998)."Presence of Bald Ibises (Geronticus Wagler, 1832) (Threskionithidae - Aves) in the Late Pliocene of Bulgaria"(PDF).Geologica Balcanica.28(1–2): 45–52.doi:10.52321/GeolBalc.28.1-2.45.
  14. ^Olson, Storrs L. (1981)."The generic allocation of Ibis pagana Milne-Edwards, with a review of fossil ibises (Aves: Threskiornithidae)".Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.1(2): 165–170.Bibcode:1981JVPal...1..165O.doi:10.1080/02724634.1981.10011888.ISSN0272-4634.
  15. ^De Pietri, Vanesa L. (2013). Collinson, Martin (ed.)."Interrelationships of the Threskiornithidae and the phylogenetic position of the Miocene ibis ' Plegadis ' paganus from the Saint-Gérand-le-Puy area in central France".Ibis.155(3): 544–560.doi:10.1111/ibi.12062.
  16. ^abHancock, James A.; Kushlan, James A.; Kahl, M. Philip (1992).Storks, Ibises and Spoonbills of the World.Academic Press, London.
  17. ^Moulton, Colleen E.; Carlisle, Jay D.; Knetter, Sonya J.; Brenner, Kathryn; Cavallaro, Robert A. (2022)."Importance of flood irrigation for foraging colonial waterbirds".The Journal of Wildlife Management.86(7).Bibcode:2022JWMan..86E2288M.doi:10.1002/jwmg.22288.ISSN0022-541X.
  18. ^Sundar, K. S. Gopi (2006)."Flock Size, Density and Habitat Selection of Four Large Waterbirds Species in an Agricultural Landscape in Uttar Pradesh, India: Implications for Management".Waterbirds.29(3): 365–374.doi:10.1675/1524-4695(2006)29[365:FSDAHS]2.0.CO;2.ISSN1524-4695.
  19. ^Luzuriaga-Neira, Nivia; Ennis, Keenan; Moens, Michaël A. J.; Leon, Jose; Reyes, Nathaly; Luzuriaga-Neira, Agusto; Rau, Jaime R.; Rojas-VeraPinto, Roxana (2023)."The Andean Ibis (Theristicus branickii) in South America: potential distribution, presence in protected areas and anthropic threats".PeerJ.11:e16533.doi:10.7717/peerj.16533.ISSN2167-8359.PMC10720468.PMID38099301.
  20. ^Frederick, Peter; Gawlik, Dale E.; Ogden, John C.; Cook, Mark I.; Lusk, Michael (2009)."The White Ibis and Wood Stork as indicators for restoration of the everglades ecosystem".Ecological Indicators.Indicators for Everglades Restoration.9(6, Supplement): S83–S95.Bibcode:2009EcInd...9..S83F.doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2008.10.012.ISSN1470-160X.
  21. ^Frederick, Peter C.; Bildstein, Keith L. (1992). "Foraging ecology of seven species of neotropical ibises (Threskiornithidae) during the dry season in the Llanos of Venezuela".The Wilson Bulletin.104(1): 1–21.
  22. ^Ameta, Hitesh; Koli, Vijay Kumar; Sundar, K. S. Gopi (2024)."Is Three a Crowd? Three Indian Ibis Species Vary Strategies to Achieve Sympatry Depending on Different Seasons, Landscapes and Habitats".Waterbirds.47(1).doi:10.1675/063.047.0109.ISSN1524-4695.
  23. ^Mehta, Kanishka; Koli, Vijay K.; Kittur, Swati; Gopi Sundar, K. S. (2024)."Can you nest where you roost? Waterbirds use different sites but similar cues to locate roosting and breeding sites in a small Indian city".Urban Ecosystems.27(4): 1279–1290.Bibcode:2024UrbEc..27.1279M.doi:10.1007/s11252-023-01454-5.ISSN1573-1642.
  24. ^Martin, John; French, Kris; Major, Richard (2010)."Population and breeding trends of an urban coloniser: the Australian white ibis".Wildlife Research.37(3): 230–239.doi:10.1071/WR10047.ISSN1448-5494.
  25. ^Burger, Joanna (1977)."Colony and Nest Site Selection in White-Faced and Glossy Ibises".The Auk.94(4): 664–676.doi:10.2307/4085263.ISSN0004-8038.JSTOR4085263.
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