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Illyro-Romanis a term used in historiography and anthropological studies for theRomanizedIllyrianswithin the ancientRoman provincesofIllyricum,Dalmatia,Moesia,PannoniaandDardania.

A 3rd Century AD Roman mosaic depicting the deceased Aurelius Aurelianus beside his tombstone and a bust ofSapphofrom theSplit Archaeological Museum,Croatia

Before Rome


The Illyrian tribes were considered barbarians by both the Romans and the Hellenic peoples in the southern Balkans. The term Illyrian originally denoted one tribe that lived around Lake Scutari situated along the border ofAlbaniaandMontenegro.[1]They were considered among the vast group of barbarian peoples such as the Gauls, Germans, and Dacians. The conquest of Illyria in 168 BC, along with that of Epirus, consolidated the Roman domain over the Adriatic Sea. The mountainous geography of the region meant that the region was hard to subdue, but by 9 CE theGreat Illyrian Revolthad been quelled and from then on the region would supply large numbers of non-citizen soldiers to the RomanAuxilia.

During the Empire


The Romanization of these barbarian peoples eventually transformed them into the most valuable soldiers of the Late Roman Army, with a substantial portion of the officials and generals coming from a northern balkanic background, such as Illyria, Dalmatia, Pannonia and Moesia. One emperor,Decius,several usurpers and during the reign ofGallienus,who started the professionalization of the high command of the army, large numbers of soldiers achieved high rank within the army. They took the place which the Senatorial order had had the privilege of holding since the time of Augustus, 250 years earlier, the command of the legions and armed provinces.

Roman colonization


Illyricum was heavily colonized by the Romans beginning in the third century BC. The Romans founded the cities ofAcruvium,Cibalae,Mursa,Narona,Siscia,and established colonies atSalona,Sirmium,Epidaurum,Aequum,Iader,Rhizon,and in many other cities. These cities were colonized by Roman war veterans.

It was from this group that the most successful emperors of the time came from and it was they who brought theCrisis of the Third Centuryto an end. Examples includeClaudius II Gothicus,Aurelian,Probusand later onAnastasius I Dicorus.There was also the case ofJustinian,who was noted for undertaking large-scale political and legislative reform that restructured the Roman empire. He was born in 483 nearScupi(modernSkopje) to an obscure Illyro-Roman family and became an associate emperor to his uncle, Justin I, who adopted him.[2]However, other sources note thatJustiniancame from aThraco-Romanbackground.[3][4]The creator of the TetrarchyDiocletianand his fellow TetrarchsMaximian,Constantius Chlorus(father of the first Christian emperorConstantine) andSeverus IIwere also of Illyro-Roman background.

There are scholars who note that the military spirit and Latin education of the Roman emperors with Illyrian stock often conflicted with the contemporary ideals of an ancient culture, which is based on classical Greek.[5]

Middle Ages


During theMiddle Ages,the descendants of the Illyro-Romans have influenced the growth of theBalkan peninsula.[6]It is said that their wandering enterprise facilitated commerce and opened ancient trade routes. These people had access to old Roman road network, which seemed to be known only among themselves.[6]Artifacts excavated (e.g.sepulchralslabs) inSerbiashowed Illyro-Roman workmanship that favored decoration that were rude almost to grotesqueness.[7]It is believed that Illyro-Roman inhabitants of this particular site copied the style from their ancient Illyro-Roman predecessors.[7]

Romance linguistical remnants


See also



  1. ^World and Its Peoples.New York: Marshall Cavendish. 2010. p. 1602.ISBN9780761479031.
  2. ^Rapelli, Paola (2011).Symbols of Power in Art.Los Angeles: Getty Publications. p. 102.ISBN9781606060667.
  3. ^Mócsy, András. (2014).Pannonia and Upper Moesia (Routledge Revivals): a History of the Middle Danube Provinces of the Roman Empire.Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.ISBN978-1-317-75425-1.OCLC876513010.
  4. ^Geoffrey Greatrex; Hugh Elton; Lucas McMahon (2014).Shifting genres in late antiquity.Farnham, Surrey.ISBN978-1-4724-4349-6.OCLC896872962.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  5. ^Mayer, Wendy; Trzcionka, Silke (2017).Feast, Fast or Famine: Food and Drink in Byzantium.Leiden: BRILL. pp. 67–68.ISBN9781876503185.
  6. ^abEvans, Sir Arthur (1883).Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum.London: Nichols and Sons. pp. 33–34.
  7. ^abEvans, Arthur (2006). Destani, Bejtullah (ed.).Ancient Illyria: An Archaeological Exploration.London: I.B.Tauris. p. 135.ISBN978-1-84511-167-0.

