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Peaked cap

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An assortment of peaked caps from several naval and maritime forces

Apeaked cap,peaked hat,service cap,barracks cover,orcombination capis a form of headgear worn by thearmed forcesof many nations, as well as many uniformed civilian organisations such aslaw enforcement agenciesandfire departments.It derives its name from its short visor, or peak, which was historically made of polished leather but increasingly is made of a cheaper synthetic substitute.

The termforage capis also used, although that also applies to the "field service cap" or theside cap.

Other principal components are the crown, band, and insignia, typically acap badgeandembroideryin proportion to rank. Piping is also often found, typically in contrast to the crown colour, which is usually white for navy, blue for air force, and green for army. The band is typically a dark, contrasting colour, often black, but may be patterned or striped.

In the British Army, eachregimentandcorpshas a different badge. In the United States Armed Forces, the cap device is uniform throughout every service branch, although different variants are used by different rank classes.


Members of theHanseatic Legionand theHamburg Citizen Militiawearing peaked caps, 1813

The peaked cap originated in late 18th or early 19th-century Northern Europe, usually worn byworking-classmen. In the later years of theNapoleonic Wars,it began to appear in 1811 in the Russian army and later in thePrussianarmy (Russia's ally at that time), being popular because of its comfort and light weight, as opposed to the cumbersomebicornsandshakosthat were standard-duty issue. During theBiedermeierperiod (1815–48), they became universal dress for German and Austrian civilian males of all classes, and for the entire 19th century, they were popular with the working classes all over Northern Europe, although in Britain theflat capwas preferred by civilians towards the end of the century.[citation needed]

In 1846, the United States Army adopted the peaked cap during theMexican–American Wardue to the unsuitability of the shako in the hot Mexican climate. In 1879, a form of peaked cap was adopted bychief petty officersof Britain'sRoyal Navy,in imitation of an undress headdress worn by officers from as early as 1825. The British Army adopted peaked caps in 1902 for both the new khaki field dress and (in coloured form) as part of the "walking out" or off-duty wear for other ranks. A dark blue version was worn with dress blues by all ranks of the U.S. Army between 1902 and 1917.[citation needed]

During the 20th century, the combination or peaked cap became common in the armies, navies, air forces and police forces of the world, forgone in combat by common soldiers in favour of more protectivecombat helmets.

During theCold Warand afterdissolution of the Soviet Union,uniforms copied from the Russian pattern were issued to the armies of various Asian, Eastern European, Africancommunistnations andpost-Soviet states(exceptBaltic states,Azerbaijan(similar design but closely aligned with the Turkish counterparts),Georgia(after 2004) andUkraine(after 2016)). Particularly famous are the oversized caps worn byNorth Korean armyofficers, unchanged since the 1950s until 2023.[1][2]

Military usage



Air MarshalMark Binskinwearing a peaked cap (2010)

In theAustralian Army,the peaked cap is known as the service cap and is generally worn with the "Patrol Blues"order of dressby all ranks with the cap colour being blue. A khaki service cap could be worn previously bywarrant officers,commissioned officersandofficer/staff cadetswith any general duty order of dress and working/protective dress until September 2010.[3]

In the Royal Australian Air Force, the peaked cap is the standard headdress for all ranks, usually worn with service dress, ceremonial dress and tropical dressamong others.[4]

In the Royal Australian Navy, the peaked cap is the standard headdress worn by personnel holding the rank ofpetty officerand above when wearing ceremonial dress, regular day dress and informal evening dress among others.[5]


Diagram of peaked caps used by theAustrian Armed Forces(labels inGerman)

Throughout the 19th century, theAustro-Hungarian Armywere issued withshakos,originally in black leather and later inpike greywool. Gradually, the height of the shako decreased and the cardboard stiffening removed until, by 1908, it had evolved into theski cap.This was worn by Austrian officers and enlisted personnel during both World Wars, but when the postwarAustrian Bundesheerwas established in 1955 anolive drabpeaked cap and American style uniform were introduced.[citation needed]



The cap was used in the early stages of the First World War as the primary headgear, but increased head injuries led to its replacement by theBrodie helmetas primary combat head protection.[citation needed]

Members of theGovernor General's Foot Guardswearing peaked caps as a part of theirundress uniform

In the Canadian Forces, the peaked cap (French:casquette de service) is the primary headgear for men's Royal Canadian Navyservice dress.It has been abandoned in the Royal Canadian Air Force in favour of thewedge cap.It has also been eliminated from the Canadian Army service dress in favour of theberet,with two exceptions. General officers and chief warrant officers wearing army uniform can wear either a beret or a peaked cap with service dress.Royal Canadian Infantry Corpsmembers of foot guards units such as theCanadian Grenadier Guardswear thebearskincap with full dress but the peaked cap with undress and service dress.[6]The peaked cap remains the headdress for the undress uniforms of several army regiments.

On navy caps, the peak and chinstrap of the service cap are always black. The cap band is black with the exception of navymilitary police,who wear a scarlet cap band, and members ofCanadian Special Operations Forces Command,who wear a tan cap band.[7]

On both navy and army caps, the chinstrap is affixed to the cap via two small buttons, one roughly over each ear; these buttons are miniature versions of the buttons on the service dress tunic, and as such bear an RCN or regimental device.[citation needed]

The peak of the cap ofnon-commissioned membersandsubordinate officersis left plain, and officers' caps are adorned with one or more bands of braid (depending on rank) at the forward edge of the peak. The peak of thejunior officer's cap has one row of plain gold wire along the forward edge, that of thesenior officerhas a row of goldoakleaves across the forward edge, while that of theflag officerhas two rows of gold oak leaves, one along the forward edge and one near the cap band. The same oak leaves are worn by theGovernor General of CanadaasCommander-in-Chief of the Canadian Armed Forces.[8]

The service cap is theoretically unisex, although there is a service hat (French:chapeau de service) for women which does not have a crown top and has a stiff brim all around. The front of the brim is formed into a visor and the sides and back are folded upwards.[citation needed]


Peaked caps formerly used by the ChinesePeople's Liberation Army Navy

Members of thePeople's Liberation Armyalso wear a peaked cap, with the design influences from the formerSoviet Union.However, since from 2007, PLA started to change to adapt the Type 07 Service Uniform, the new uniform retains peaked cap but the style is more like the US and Commonwealth peaked cap instead of the Soviet style caps.[citation needed]



In Denmark, the use of peaked cap has seen a gradual decline from official uniforms, but it is still used in the ceremonial uniforms the general corps of theArmy,officers of theAirforce,[9]officers of theNavy,[10]thepolice[11]and fire department.[12]



Peaked caps were first issued to GermanLandwehrtroops during theNapoleonic Warsknown as the Wachstuchmütze and made from oil cloth, since these were cheaper and easier to maintain than the heavy leathershakosand elaboratetailcoatsworn by the British, French and Russian armies. The Prussian army was also the first to adopt thefrock coat,so officers would not soil their dress uniforms on campaign.[citation needed]

Landwehrmütze cap of the Prussian army

When the spikedPickelhaubehelmet was introduced during the 1840s, enlisted German troops were issued with peaklessforage capsresembling thesailor cap.Officers, however, continued to wear the German-style peaked cap (Schirmmütze) to set themselves apart from the French, who wore thekepipeaked cap. Initially, German peaked caps were in the uniform color (e.g., Prussian blue, cornflower blue, green, etc.), but before the First World War afield greyhat was issued, with piping colour coded for infantry, artillery or cavalry. These caps, known as "crushers", could be worn beneath aStahlhelmhelmet or stuffed into a pocket or knapsack.[citation needed]

In 1935, the Nazis introduced new uniforms designed for modern mechanised warfare. However, the basic design including the peaked cap remained the same as in theWeimar Republic'sReichsheer.But the new national emblem featuring eagle clutching swastika, and black-red-white roundel in oak wreath were introduced on the caps. Enlisted personnel and non-commissioned officers were issued with peaked caps with leather chincord. Officers received caps with metallic chincord. Both enlisted-NCOs' caps and officers' caps had specially colored piping around the cap according to their service branch (white for infantry, pink for panzer and so on).GestapoandSSmen were issued with blackSchirmmützenfeaturing a silverdeath's head.On campaign,Wehrmachtofficers often removed the wire stiffening so the cap would resemble the older First World War–era crusher.[citation needed]

Schirmmützenof the pre-1989 West German army (left) and modernBundeswehr(right)

After the Second World War, both theWest GermanBundeswehrandEast GermanNational People's Armycontinued to be issued uniforms derived from the Second World War pattern. East German caps bore the DDR State Cockade with the Hammer and Compass design, while West German caps had a cockade in the German national colours, and a badge featuring a wreath with either a pair of crossed swords for the army, wings for the Air Force or an anchor for the navy. After reunification, theSchirmmützeremained part of the German armydress uniformalthough has mostly been replaced with the beret.[13]The German navy and Air Force still wear a peaked cap as part of their service dress uniform.



Members of the armed and uniformed services inIndonesiawear the peaked cap during ceremonial and operational duties. It is widely worn by theIndonesian National Police,theIndonesian National Armed Forcesand other uniformed institutions in the country.[citation needed]


Israel Sea Corpsofficer wearing a combination cover for women

In theIsrael Defense Forces,combination caps are used only byIsraeli Air ForceandNavyofficers in ceremonial dress;Military Policesoldiers while on duty;Israel Defense Forces Orchestrasoldiers; and someregimental sergeants majorof other service branches when in ceremonial dress.[citation needed]



Therogatywkais a 4-cornered type of peaked cap, related to theczapkaand worn by members of thePolish Land Forces.[citation needed]

Navalofficers andair forcepersonnel, however, wear conventional peaked caps.[citation needed]


An officer's peaked cap as used by theSoviet Air ForceandSoviet Airborne Forcesfrom 1969 to 1991

Russia was the first country to adopt the peaked cap. The official act of adopting the cap for military use was made byAlexander I of Russiain 1811. During theNapoleonic Wars,various early versions of the peaked cap were in use in the Russian army. Imperial Russia abandoned the cap for a short period in the second half of the 19th century for aforage capsimilar to the one used by Americans during theircivil war,but the peaked cap soon returned. Early soldiers' peaked caps were, in fact, peakless, hence the nicknameсолдатский блин(soldier's flapjack) for the headgear; officers' caps had peaks from the start and looked like modern peaked caps. The peakless version remained in use in the Russian navy under the name ofbeskozyrka(literally "peakless one" ) and is still worn by Russian seamen. Also during the Imperial period, peaked caps were introduced as part of government officials' uniforms.Serfsand peasants adopted an almost identical hat into their fashion after the Napoleonic Wars, known as akartuz.[citation needed]

In 1914, peakless caps were abolished everywhere in Russian armed forces except the Navy, and modern peaked caps were issued to all soldiers. However, after theOctober Revolution of 1917,it was replaced in Red Army field uniforms by thebudenovka,and later by thegarrison cap.The dress uniforms, on the other hand, retained this headgear, and various paramilitary Soviet agencies like theNKVDorVOKhRkept using it in all uniforms. Agencies like railway workers, firemen, pilots, mining supervisors, foresters, customs officers in the Soviet Union also were organised along military lines and wore uniforms with peaked caps of various designs.[citation needed]

In the 1990s, the Russian peaked cap was redesigned and widely issued to the armed forces and police. Caps of this shape are most associated with Russia among foreigners, since they are large and high.[citation needed]In 2012, afterarmy generalSergey Shoyguwas appointed Minister of Defence, the design of the peaked cap was changed again to a lower and more proportional style.[citation needed]



Peaked caps are worn by non-commissioned officers and officers of theSerbian Army(including theSerbian River Flotilla) and theSerbian Air Force and Air Defence.Women wear a different style.


Closeup of a peaked cap of a Syrian Arab Air Force general

Peaked caps are worn by commissioned officers of the four service branches as part of theirfull-dress uniform,theSyrian Arab Armed Forcestypically wearberetsas part of their service uniform. theSyrian Arab Military Policenotably wear red covers on their peaked caps.

United Kingdom


Royal Navy

Junior officer's cap
Senior officer's cap
Admiral's cap

Royal Navyofficerswere first issued peaked caps in 1825 as a less formal alternative to thebicorne hat.From 1846, it was worn with a crown on the front, and later (from 1856), gold braid was added to the brim to ensure commissioned officers were instantly recognised by their subordinates.Commanders,captainsandcommodoreshad one row of braid on their peaks, whereas flag officers had two.[citation needed]Before the Second World War, naval officers were required to possess two caps: one with a white cover for summer and one without for winter.[14]However, flag officers often preferred the white-topped cap in order to stand out from their subordinates.[citation needed]

Male Royal Navy officers,warrant officers,chief petty officersandpetty officerstoday wear a framed cap with a white cover and a black band in nos 1, 2 and 3 dress; originally worn only in tropical climates, the white cover was adopted for all areas after the Second World War. Officers have the option of a cotton or plastic cover.[citation needed]Female personnel wear atricorne hatinstead.[citation needed]

Royal Marines

Members of theRoyal Marineswearing a peaked cap with a white cover and a red band.
The Royal Marines female peaked cap worn with Half Lovats uniform by a bugler of the Royal Marines Band Service.

AllRoyal Marinespersonnel wear a cap with a white cover and a red band with'blues'uniform. TheRoyal Marines Band Servicealso wear this cap with theLovat uniformand the'Half Lovats'equivalent of army barrack dress.[citation needed]Women wear caps of a slightly different pattern.[15]

British Army


British Army officers wore blue peaked caps as early as theCrimean Warto distinguish themselves from enlisted men who wore thepillbox hat.The peaked caps were widely worn on campaign during the First and Second World Wars, until the more practicalberetwas popularised by generals like SirBernard Montgomery.After the war, officers continued to wearkhakicaps as part of thenumber 2 dress uniform,but by the 1990s these had been phased out in favour of the dark blue and red caps previously worn with thenumber 1 dress uniform.[citation needed]

Peaked caps were first issued to enlisted men in 1908 to replace theGlengarry capsand pillbox hats of theBoer Warera. The new caps were made of khaki wool and sometimes had a neck flap to protect against the cold. Nicknamed the "gor blimey", these caps are associated with the First World War 'Tommy Atkins' and continued to be issued to members of theHousehold Cavalry,Foot Guards,Home GuardandTerritorial Armyduring the Second World War.[16][17]

Peaked cap used by theRoyal Army Chaplains' Department

All personnel of most regiments and corps of the British Army wear a forage cap, as the peaked cap is formally called, in numbers 1 and 2dress,the exceptions being:[citation needed]

It has a cap band which may be coloured (red for all royal regiments and corps), a crown (formerly khaki, now dark blue, except for the Royal Military Police, who have always worn red, and the Rifles, who wear rifle green), which may have coloured piping or a regimental/corps colour, and a patent leather peak and chinstrap. The chinstrap is usually secured above and across the peak and secured at each end by a small (20 line) button of the appropriate regimental or corps pattern.[citation needed]

Officers in some regiments are also required to wear a khaki version of the cap, often called the "service dress cap", with service dress (the officers' no 2 dress) or barrack dress; the design of this dates back to the cap worn in the field until replaced by the steel helmet during the First World War.[citation needed]

Female personnel wear a peaked cap of a different pattern. For uniformity, however, female musicians wear the same peaked cap as male personnel in formal dress. Members of theAuxiliary Territorial Servicewore a soft peaked cap of a different pattern again.[citation needed]

Royal Air Force


All male personnel of theRoyal Air Forcewear a cap with a blue-grey crown and a black band, worn with the appropriate badge, in no 1 dress, and sometimes in other uniforms as well. The peak is:[citation needed]

The caps of other ranks of theRAF Policehave a white crown. Officer cadets wear the officers' cap with a white band instead of a black band.[citation needed]

Female officers and warrant officers wear a peaked cap of a different pattern. Female other ranks wear a round hat instead, although the female version of the peaked cap was formerly worn by all female ranks of the RAF Police. For uniformity, however, female musicians wear the same peaked cap as male personnel in formal dress. All ranks of the formerWomen's Auxiliary Air Forcewore a peaked cap of a different pattern again, similar to that of the Auxiliary Territorial Service.[citation needed]

United States


United States Air Force

US Air Force cap devices

In the United States Air Force, all personnel have the option to wear service caps, but only field-grade (majorthroughcolonel) andgeneral officersare required to own one. The service cap is issued without charge to enlisted airmen assigned to certain ceremonial units and details.[citation needed]

Air Force service caps are Air Force blue (shade 1620), matching the coat and trousers of the service dress uniform, with a gloss black visor and black chinstrap secured by silver-colored buttons bearing a version of the "Hap Arnold emblem" first designed by James T. Rawls for use by the Air Force's predecessor, theArmy Air Forces,in 1942. The cap badge consists of a relief of theGreat Seal of the United Statesrendered in silver-colored metal. For enlisted members, the arms are surrounded by a silver-colored metal circle. Commissioned officers' insignia is larger and lacks the encompassing circle. TheAir Force BandandAir Force Base Honor Guardeach have their own distinctive cap insignia and other uniform devices.Field-grade officers' visors have two pairs of clouds and lightning bolts, patterned after the oak leaf motifs used by the other services. General officers' caps add an extra pair of clouds and bolts on the visor, while the cap of theChief of Staff of the United States Air Forceadds clouds and bolts around the entire cap band. The clouds and bolts are jokingly referred to inmilitary slangas "farts and darts",much as the other services' oak leaf motifs are known as" scrambled eggs ".[citation needed]

The USAF service cap is also worn by the Air Force's civilian auxiliary, theCivil Air Patrol(CAP). Senior members (those over the age of 18 who are not cadets and everyone over 21) may wear the service cap with a CAP-specific badge.[18]

United States Army

Two soldiers in Army Blue Service Dress and a general in Army Green Service Dress. All three are wearing peaked caps for their respective dress.

In the United States Army, service caps are optional for wear with thegreen service uniform.They consist of a dark olive drab top and hat band matching the uniform coat with a russet brown leather visor and chinstrap. The combination cap for theblue serviceis midnight blue matching the uniform coat with a gloss black visor. The enlisted cap has a golden stripe on top of the cap band and a black chinstrap. The version for officers has a cap band with thebranch-of-service colorbetween two golden stripes, and a gold-colored chinstrap.Field-grade officershave oak leaves, known unofficially as"scrambled eggs",on the visor.General officers' caps are similar to those of field-grade officers, but the cap band is dark blue and embroidered with gold oak leaf motifs. For both the green and blue caps, enlisted soldiers wear a cap badge of a circular disk em Boss ed with theUnited States' coat of arms,while officers wear a larger badge of the coat of arms without any backing.[citation needed][19]

United States Coast Guard

U.S. Coast Guard combination caps (left to right: male enlisted, male officer, female officer)

TheUnited States Coast Guardwears the combination cap, known as the combo cover, with the Service Dress Blue uniform (SDBs), the Tropical Blue uniform (Trops), and with all other formal dress uniforms. The cover is identical to that of the Navy with respect to the chinstrap and peak ornamentation. Its crown is white. The buttons securing the chin strap to the sides of the band are smaller versions of the buttons worn on the Coast Guard's uniform coats. The blue band around the cap includes blue fabric extending upward on the front of the crown to serve as a backing behind the device. In the case of enlisted personnel, this extension is a blue circle identical to that on the caps of naval officers and chief petty officers. In the case of commissioned officers, however, the extension is a more elaborate polygon to accommodate the officers' cap device.[citation needed][20]

Unlike their naval counterparts, coast guardsmen below the rank of chief petty officer wear combination covers; their cap device is a golden representation of the Coast Guard emblem. Coast Guard chief petty officers' cap devices match those of the Navy, albeit with a shield on the front of the fouled anchor; like Navy chiefs, their cap devices are enlarged renderings of the rank insignia worn on their collars. Coast Guard officers' cap device is an eagle with wings outstretched, above an anchor grasped horizontally in its talons.[citation needed][21]

United States Marine Corps


In theUnited States Marine Corps,these caps, bearing a cap badge of the Corps'Eagle, Globe, and Anchor(EGA) device, are worn in two forms.

Commandant of the Marine Corps
Variants of the US Marine Corps' peaked cap

Forblue dress uniforms,the cap is white with a gloss black visor. The enlisted version features a black chin strap and is worn with an all-gold EGA device, while the officer version features a gold and scarlet chinstrap and a gold and silver EGA device. In addition, officers wear a lace cross on the top, called thequatrefoil,a traditional mark of distinction enabling sharpshooters aboard ships to identify friendly officers from foes.[citation needed]

For thegreen service uniforms,an olive drab combination cap is available; the EGA device and the chin strap are black for all ranks. In both cases,field grade officers(majors,lieutenant colonelsandcolonels) have gold oak leaf motifs on the visor, similar to those worn by navycommandersandcaptains,whilegeneral officers' caps have a different, larger oak leaf motif on the visor. Additionally the blue dress cap of the Commandant of the Marine Corps (as well as theChairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staffif it is also a Marine) adds an additional gold oak leaf motif to the front of the band. In the Marine Corps, the combination cap is commonly referred to as the "barracks cover", and the particular versions are referred as the dress cap or service cap in Marine Corps Orders.[22]

United States Navy


In the United States Navy, midshipmen,chief petty officers,andcommissioned officerswear combination covers, but there are differences between the three types. In general, the cap has a rigid framed crown with a cloth cover, a black hatband that extends to a semicircle on the grant to support a badge device, a glossy black visor, and a chinstrap secured by two gold colored buttons that match the buttons of the wearer's service dress uniform.[23]

Junior officer
Senior officer
Peaked caps worn by officers of the United States Navy.

Midshipmen at theUnited States Naval Academy,United States Merchant Marine Academyor inNaval Reserve Officers Training Corpsunits wear a goldfouled anchordevice and have a gold chinstrap. Chief petty officers wear a cap badge consisting of a gold fouled anchor with silver block letters "USN" superimposed on the shank of the anchor, with the addition of one, two, or three stars at the top of the anchor if the wearer is asenior chief petty officer,amaster chief petty officer,or theMaster Chief Petty Officer of the Navy,respectively, and have a black chinstrap. Commissioned officers wear an officer's crest badge consisting of a silverfederal shieldover two crossed goldfouled anchorssurmounted by a silver eagle and have a gold chinstrap. Additionally, officers of rankcommanderandcaptainhave gold embroidered oak leaves and acorns on a black felt-covered visor, referred to as "scrambled eggs",with additional embroidery forflag officers.[24]

The covering fabric iskhakifor use with theservice khaki uniformor in white for use with blue and white uniforms (the use of blue fabric for use with blue uniforms was discontinued in 1963). Since October 2018 the same cap style is used by both males and females.[25]

Civilian usage

Police peaked cap
Peaked caps are worn in several civilian professions.

Public safety officers, such as those from the police, fire department, ambulance service, andcustoms,often wear peaked caps, especially on formal occasions. In the US, police forces use caps that have softer tops and are not round and rigid in form (notable are those worn in New York and San Francisco). British and Australian policemen have acheckerboard patternon the cap band, andtraffic wardensoften have a reflective yellow strip.

A number of civilian professions—the most notable modern examples beingmerchant marineandcivil aviation—also wear peaked caps. In such civilian old traditional usage, onlycaptainsaboard ships andpilots in command(airline captains) in service aboard aircraft, have the golden oak leaf motifs ( "scrambled eggs") on the visor; this is in contrast to the naval tradition, where it is also worn by commanders (one rank below captain) as well as by commodores and flag officers.

The original civilian variant of the peaked cap was widely worn by sailors and workers from the mid 19th century onwards. These were made of wool or canvas, and sometimes waterproofed with tar. During the 1960s, blue denimGreek fisherman's capsbecame an essential accessory for thecounterculturedue to their use byJohn Lennonofthe Beatles.A black leather version, sometimes embellished with chains or metal studs, was worn by bikers,greasersimitatingMarlon BrandoinThe Wild One,and members of the 1970sBlack Powermovement.

Toronto Transit Commissionstaff wearing peaked caps

Peaked caps are also commonly worn around the world by some railway, or airport staff (baggage porters, but often wearing kepi type cap), bus drivers and security guards. A peaked cap is a part of theSalvation Armyuniform in most of the territories it operates in.

Student capsin Northern and Central European countries are frequently peaked caps. The student caps inNordic countriesare traditionally white (summer uniform) or black (winter uniform) but the colors of the bands,lining,tasselsandcockadesdiffer, depending on the school or the faculty. In German-speaking countries and in Poland, Estonia and Latvia, student caps come in a variety of colors, depending on thecolorsof thestudent organizationor the school, and can be decorated with itszirkel(amonogram).



The uniforms for several civilian services in Canada incorporate a peaked cap. TheCanadian Coast Guardshares a similar cap and colours with theRoyal Canadian Navy.

Police forces across Canada also wear a peaked cap as a part of their dress uniforms and/or operational uniforms. Police peaked caps are typically coloured black with colour cap band. The RCMP uses a yellow cap band, theOntario Provincial Policeuses a blue colour cap band, and theSûreté du Québecuses a green band with yellow piping. Several other municipal police services in Canada use a red colour cap band.

Hong Kong and Macau

A police officer in Macau wearing a peaked cap

The peaked cap and peaked hat are worn as formal dress by members of theHong Kong Disciplined Services(police, fire, customs/excise, immigration, etc.) with influence from the British colonial services. All caps use black as base colour. The crown is flat and round in shape. Female police officers' caps have a coloured band, no crown top and front of the brim is flat with sides/back folded upwards. Only members of theHong Kong Police'sTactical units,Emergency unit,and motorcycle officers do not wear the peaked cap when on duty.

Members of theHong Kong Sea Cadet Corps,Hong Kong Adventure CorpsandHong Kong Air Cadet Corps(including theCeremonial Squadron) use the British-based cap.

The dress uniforms for thePublic Security Police Force of Macauand theCorpo de Bombeiros de Macauutilises a peaked cap. However, most police officers in Macau wear berets or ball caps for patrol.

United Kingdom


Peaked caps are used by a number of civilian services in the United Kingdom.His Majesty's Prison Serviceand British ambulance services do not currently issue peaked caps to be worn on duty, although they formerly did so. However, peaked caps are still worn with formal uniform on ceremonial occasions.

A peaked cap used by theMetropolitan Police



Basic headgear for male police officers in the UK is a peaked cap. This includes acap badgeand generally has a black and white diced band (calledSillitoe tartan) around the cap. Caps worn by traffic police officers have white crowns or covers. Female officers in thePolice Service of Northern Irelandalso wear a peaked cap of a different shape; the same pattern was also worn by female officers of theRoyal Ulster Constabularyand formerly by female officers of some other British police forces.

Caps are also part of the uniforms of malepolice community support officers(PCSOs), who wear a plain light blue band.

Ministry of Defence Guard Service

MGS officers displaying pride epaulettes wearing peaked caps
Ministry of Defence Guard Serviceofficers wearing both male and female versions of their issued cap

TheMinistry of Defence Guard Servicecurrently issues a peaked cap that is a dark shade of navy blue with a leather chin strap and MGS cap badge on the front to all of its male officers. Female officers are issued with a peaked cap of a different shape similar to that of female soldiers. Dog section officers traditionally wear a beret.[26]

The cap badge consists of the Ministry of Defence emblem in the centre backed by silver with a navy blue border encircling the emblem that contains text that reads 'Ministry of Defence Guard Service', all below a crown.

Fire services


Members ofBritish fire serviceswear standard peaked caps. Female members wear identical caps to male members. Before the Second World War, some British fire brigades, including theLondon Fire Brigade,wore the peakless Brodrick cap, which had formerly been worn by the British Army. However, when all fire brigades were amalgamated into theNational Fire Servicein 1941 it adopted the peaked cap, and this was retained when it was disbanded in 1948 and separate fire brigades were again formed by each local authority.

United States


Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and NOAA Commissioned Corps


TheUnited States Public Health Service Commissioned Corpsand theNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Corps—the two small services, consisting only of officers, which are the twouniformed servicesthat are notarmed forces—wear uniforms and rank insignia adopted from the United States Navy. The combination covers of the two services are identical to those of the Navy with respect to colors, and peak ornamentation. The chinstrap of the PHS is gold with a burgundy stripe. The buttons securing the chin strap to the sides of the band are smaller versions of the buttons worn on the services' uniform coats. Thecap deviceof NOAACC officers is similar to that of Navy officers with a globe in place of the shield; the cap device of PHSCC officers is similar to that of Navy officers but has acaduceusin place of one of the anchors.[27][28]

United States Maritime Service

Rear AdmiralAllen B. Worleywith a peaked cap of theUnited States Maritime Service

While the majority of American merchant mariners are employed by shipping businesses and accordingly wear either uniforms prescribed by their employers or civilian attire, some officers receive commissions in theUnited States Maritime Servicefor federal government duty, such as the faculty of theUnited States Merchant Marine Academyand theMilitary Sealift Command's civilian officers manning non-commissionedUnited States Naval Ships.These officers wear uniforms and rank insignia adopted from the U.S. Navy, albeit withUnited States Merchant Marine's own button design, cap device, awards, and decorations. The combination covers these officers are identical to those of naval officer with respect to colors, chinstrap and peak ornamentation. The buttons securing the chin strap to the sides of the band are smaller versions of the buttons worn on their coats. The USMS cap device is a rendering of the Merchant Marine device in gold- and silver-colored metal. Like the device worn by naval officers, it features a silver eagle, with wings outstretched, above a gold shield; the shield, however, is defaced with an anchor and surrounded by a wreath.



A typical peaked cap has a spring stiffening, often in the form of a wire grommet frame, to ensure the sides and rear of the fabric covering have the proper shape. A crusher cap removes the stiffener to allow headphones to be worn over the hat or use in confined spaces such as tanks and submarines, giving it a slouched and worn "crushed" appearance. Such modified caps were especially popular among US Army Air Force's combat pilots and German tank commanders and submariners in the Second World War.

Amariner's capis another form of headwear similar to a peaked cap.


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