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Rogue Galaxy

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Rogue Galaxy
North American and European cover art
Publisher(s)Sony Computer Entertainment
  • Akihiro Hino
  • Kentaro Motomura
Designer(s)Akihiro Hino
  • Usuke Kumagi
  • Mamoru Itagaki
  • Takayuki Kobayashi
Artist(s)Takeshi Majima
  • Akihiro Hino
  • Koji Hiro
Composer(s)Tomohito Nishiura
Platform(s)PlayStation 2
Director's Cut
Genre(s)Action role-playing

Rogue Galaxy[a]is anaction role-playingvideo gamedeveloped byLevel-5and published bySony Computer Entertainmentfor thePlayStation 2.The game was released in Japan in December 2005, in North America in January 2007, and in most European countries and Australia in September of the same year. Adirector's cutof the game was released in Japan in March 2007, which includes all of the added features and improvements made for the North American and European localizations.

The game follows the adventures of Jaster Rogue, a young agricultural worker living on an isolated planet, who becomes involved in a galactic conflict, and learns the fate of the entiregalaxylies in his hands. At the time of its release,Rogue Galaxywas the largest game Level-5 had ever developed, both in terms of the number of staff working on it and the length of production (over three years). Both Level-5 and Sony had strong expectations for the game, hoping it would challenge theRPGmarket dominance of theFinal FantasyandDragon Questfranchises.

Rogue Galaxyreceived generally positive reviews, with critics praising thegraphics,range of side quests and scope of the game. Some, however, were critical of the plot and character development. Although the game went on to win several gaming awards, it did not sell as well as had been hoped, failing to meet Sony's expectations of selling one million units.



Rogue Galaxyis anaction role-playing gameplayed from athird-person perspectivein which the player moves through a continuous environment, with no load time betweenoverworldexploration and combat. Battles occur asrandom encounters,a latraditionalrole-playing video gamessuch asSquare'sFinal Fantasy Xor Level-5's ownDragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King.However, unlike such games, which featureturn-based combat,Rogue Galaxyuses areal-timehack and slashcombat system in which the player fights with a party of three characters. The player has direct control over only one character, although which character this is can be changed at any time. The twoNPCsfight independently of theplayer character,based on the strategy selected prior to the battle. Available strategies include fighting very aggressively, targeting a specific enemy, or not fighting at all. The strategy can also be changed at any time during the battle. Additionally, the player can issue specific orders to the NPCs during combat, such as having them use an item or activate one of their special abilities.[4]NPC allies will also offer advice to the player character, such as suggesting they perform a special move or use a particular item. The player is given a choice of either ignoring the advice, or picking one of the available options.[5]NPCs will not perform any special moves or use items unless the player tells them to, or has selected a particular strategy prior to the battle.[6][7]

Battle screen from the North American version ofRogue Galaxy.The party's stats are on the bottom of the screen, showing information such as theirhit points,ability points and action gauge. The status of the player character's primary and second weapon are indicated on the top left of the screen. The party's battle strategy is shown just to the right of this.

During combat, each character has an "Action Gauge", which decrease with each action taken. When it is empty, the player can no longer attack, and must wait for the gauge to automatically refill, or instantly refill by successfully blocking an enemy attack.[8][9]Each character's secondary weapon has its own individual gauge, which depletes with each use, and must be automatically refilled before the weapon can be used again. This gauge is independent of the attack gauge, and during combat it can only be refilled a certain number of times before the secondary weapon is no longer available for use.[10]

As well as fighting independently of one another, and performing their own unique abilities, players can also perform team abilities, although the correct characters must be active in the battle for a particular team ability to be available for use. The player also has a special attack, the "Burning Strike". In the original Japanese release, the Burning Strike occurred at random irrespective of the player's actions, but this was altered for the North American and European versions to allow the player to choose when to use the attack. Once enough "Burning Chips" have been collected from slain enemies, the player can activate the Burning Strike whenever they wish. The player must then follow a series of button prompts to string togethercomboattacks, which deal more damage the more attacks are successfully chained.[5][11]

When the game begins, the storyline follows a linear path, but at a certain point, the game world opens up, and the player is free to move from planet to planet using the pirate ship,Dorgenark.In the overworld, the player can move around by walking, but can also transport from any activatedsave pointon the map to any other activated point on that planet, although they cannot transport to a save point on another planet.[12]

Revelation Flow

Deego's Revelation Flow chart. He has just gained the ability "Flash Bomb, Level 3" after filling in a group with the requisite items.

Character abilities andpower-upsare handled via a feature called the "Revelation Flow". Similar to the "Sphere Grid"inFinal Fantasy Xand the "License Board"inFinal Fantasy XII,the Revelation Flow is not based on a traditionalexperience point/leveling up system.Instead of characters gaining pre-determined statistical bonuses as they increase in level, they gain abilities and stat increases by placing items in the Revelation Flow. Once all of the prerequisite items have been placed, the particular ability/stat increase becomes available. Each character has their own unique Revelation Flow, with a different layout, different abilities and different item requirements.[13][14]



The game features a "Weapon Synthesis" system similar toDark CloudandDark Chronicle,which allows the player to combine weapons. For every victory in battle, each weapon carried by active characters gains experience points. When a weapon has gained a certain amount of experience, it becomes "Maxed". After a weapon is maxed, it continues to gain additional experience in specific elemental categories - fire, ice, lightning, wind, and holy. When the experience and the elemental damage are both at maximum, a weapon is "Mastered" and cannot be improved any further. Once a weapon is maxed, it becomes available for synthesis with another maxed weapon of the same type. When two maxed weapons are synthesized, a stronger weapon is created, and must be maxed again to become available for subsequent synthesis.

Synthesis is carried out by a character within the game called "Toady", afrogwho can swallow two weapons and thenregurgitatea new weapon. Toady can also analyze maxed weapons and make suggestions for synthesis combinations. These suggestions are recorded in the "Frog Log".[15]Toady will also warn the player if an attempted combination is going to result in a decrease in stats, or with a weapon for which the player's level is not yet high enough.



The game features numerous optionalgameplayelements beyond the main storyline. For example, early in the game, the player can begin to compete in the "Insectron Tournament". Similar toDark Chronicle's fishing mini-game, the player must capture and breed Insectrons (bugs), which can then be entered into a tournament where they fight other Insectrons, in a manner similar to a game ofchess.Once an Insectron has been captured, the player can increase its stats by feeding it certain food or breeding it with another Insectron of the opposite sex. The Insectron Tournament awards prizes as the player move through the various ranks.[16][17]

Another sidequest is "Factory". At a later point in the game, the player gains access to a reconfigurable factory. By talking to specific characters in the overworld, the player can acquireblueprints,which can be used to assemble specific equipment andraw materialsso as to make new items, which then become available for purchase in the various shops throughout the game.[18]

A further sidequest is "Challenge battles", which occur randomly throughout the game. In these battles, specific conditions must be met, such as finishing the battle without taking damage, finishing within a certain time limit, using only one character, or not using any items or abilities. If the player wins the battle and fulfills the condition, they receive a "Hunter Coin".[19]These coins can be used to purchase different levels of "Hunter Licenses", which are required in some shops to purchase certain items. Additionally, the higher the player's license, the lower the prices for general items.[20]

The game also includes a "Hunter Ranking" system whereby the player is awarded "Hunter Points" for killing a specific number of particular enemies. As the player's rank increases, prizes are awarded. Tied into the hunter system are "Quarries" - mini-Boss eswhich award a lot of hunter points. Unlike standard monsters, quarries must be purchased before they become available. Once the player has purchased the quarry, they must locate it on the map and then use a specific item to initiate the battle.[21]

The game also features a completion chart, which records the player's progress through various aspects of gameplay; "Hunter Ranking" (the goal is to top the league of hunters), "Rare Items" (collect all nine rare items in the game), "Quarries" (successfully defeat all available quarries), "Hunting Record" (attain maximum hunter points by killing all of the specified enemies), "Insectron" (win the highest tournament rank), "Revelation Flow" (complete every character's Revelation Flow), "Frog Log" (have Toady analyze at least one-hundred weapons and produce at least fifty), and "Factory" (produce all forty items available in the factory). When any single aspect is completed to 100%, an award is given, usually in the form of a new costume for one of the characters.




  • Jaster Rogue

Voiced by:Hiroshi Tamaki(Japanese);Will Friedle(English)
The game'sprotagonistand the mainplayable character.Jaster is seventeen years old, and has a distinctivebirthmarkon his cheek. He lives on the planet of Rosa with his adoptive father, Raul (Peter Renaday), where he works in the agricultural sector. Resentful of the presence on the planet of the Longardian army, he yearns to leave and explorespace.He is given just such an opportunity when he encounters the crew of the intergalactic pirate shipDorgenark.

  • Kisala

Voiced by:Aya Ueto(Japanese); Natalie Lander (English)
The adopted daughter of Dorgengoa (Fred Tatasciore), captain of theDorgenark.

  • Zegram Ghart

Voiced by:Kazuhiro Yamaji(Japanese);Steve Blum(English)
A formerbounty hunterwho joined theDorgenark's crew several years prior to the beginning of the game.

  • Simon Wicard

Voiced by:Masaya Onosaka(Japanese);Greg Ellis(English)
A member of theDorgenark's crew. Cheerful and optimistic, he wears a mask and speaks in a heavy Scottish accent.

  • Steve

Voiced by:Hideyuki Umezu(Japanese);Yuri Lowenthal(English)
An android created by Dr. Pocacchio (Marc Graue), he is thenavigatorof theDorgenark.

  • Lilika Rhyza

Voiced by:Kikuko Inoue(Japanese);Kari Wahlgren(English)
A warrior from the planet Juraika, Lilika joins theDorgenark's crew shortly after Jaster.

  • Deego Aegis

Voiced by:Unshō Ishizuka(Japanese);David Sobolov(English)
A former elite soldier for the Longardian army, he has a robotic arm, and yearns for peace in the galaxy.

  • Jupis Tooki McGanel

Voiced by:Yutaka Aoyama(Japanese);Ben Diskin(English)
A lizard-like alien known as a Granshee. Regarded as the greatest hacker in the galaxy, he is a formerscientistwho devoted his life's work to the spaceship manufacturing megacorporation Daytron.[22]

  • Desert Claw

Voiced by:Koichi Yamadera(Japanese);Andy Chanley(English)
The galaxy's most famous bounty hunter. When the game begins, the crew of theDorgenarkare looking to hire him.



The game begins with Jaster foraging in the desert outside his home town of Salgin on the planet Rosa. Meanwhile, Simon and Steve arrive in Salgin looking for Desert Claw. As Jaster returns, he complains to his adopted father, Raul, about the presence of the Longardian Federation on the planet, who are ostensibly there to protect it from the Draxian Empire.[23][24]As they talk, a beast attacks the town. Jaster rushes outside and is attacked by a group of smaller beasts. With the help of a stranger, he fights them off, and they head to face the main beast. Upon seeing Steve and Simon, the stranger leaves Jaster, giving him his sword. Steve recognizes the sword as Desert Claw's sword, "Desert Seeker - one of the Seven Sacred Galactic Swords" and concludes that Jaster is Desert Claw.[25]As such, they join him in fighting the beast. They defeat it, and Steve tells Jaster their Boss wants to hire him. When Jaster learns they are space pirates working for the legendary Dorgengoa,[26]he decides to join, maintaining the ruse that he is Desert Claw.

On board, he meets Kisala, Zegram and thechief mate,Monsha (Quinton Flynn). While passing the Rose Nebula on their way to Zerard,[27]theDorgenarkis attacked by beasts and crashes on thejungleplanet Juraika,[28]where they meet Lilika, a member of the local Burkaquatribe,[29]who joins the crew. They resume their journey to Zerard, where they renew the ship's galactictravel visafrom the Galaxy Corporation,[30]after a stint in Rosencaster Prison, and the inadvertent recruitment of Jupis to the ship's crew.

Meanwhile, Dorgengoa sees Jaster for the first time, immediately recognizing he is not Desert Claw. He orders Jaster be thrown overboard, but Kisala refuses to allow it. Dorgengoa decides to test Jaster's ability. First, he reveals he is seeking the lost planet of Eden, which is said to have disappeared 10,000 years ago.[31]The key to finding Eden is the "Great Tablets", which are also lost, and for which Dorgengoa is searching. A tablet is believed to have been recently excavated on the planet Vedan. The crew head to the Vedanianminingtown of Myna.[32]There they meet Deego and his girlfriend Angela (Heather Halley). Deego helps the group get into the mines, but not in time to save the tablet from Daytron, who take it to Rosa. Deego decides to join the crew of theDorgenark,and Angela promises to wait for him to return.

The party arrives on Rosa and heads to the ruins in the Sylvazard Desert. The Tablet arrives and three pedestals are revealed, on which must be set three "Key Pieces". Meanwhile, Daytron president Valkog Drazer (David Lodge) and his assistant, Norma Kissleigh (Michelle Ruff), arrive with Seed (Jason Spisak), a masked servant, who engages the crew in battle. They are unable to defeat him but are rescued by Desert Claw, who promptly leaves again. On theDorgenark,they tell Dorgengoa about the pedestals, and Deego guesses the Key Pieces are probably located within the three Ruins of the Ancient Kings.

The party manages to acquire the three Key Pieces, and Jaster places them on the pedestals, transforming the Tablet into a massive three-dimensional puzzle structure. Seed begins an incantation and sets about manipulating the structure. However, he proves unable to solve the puzzle and transforms into a massive beast. He attacks the party, but Jaster unleashes a ferocious power, defeating him. Jaster then uses his power to solve the puzzle, opening the gates to alabyrinth.Deego speculates Jaster may be a descendant of the Star King, an ancient king who ruled the entire galaxy 50,000 years ago.[33]After opening the labyrinth, a confused Jaster returns to normal, and the crew enter.

Inside, they encounter Ragnar (Chris Edgerly), a robot who explains Kisala is actually Princess Irieth of Mariglenn, the planet also known as Eden. He gives her the key to open the Gates of Eden. Meanwhile, the Daytron flagship, theEmperorattacks Salgin. Valkog demands the key from Jaster who is about to acquiesce, when Raul fires anelectromagneticpulse at theEmperor,partially disabling it. The ship fires on Raul's church before retreating. Raul dies in Jaster's arms after giving him an artifact that points to the apparently deserted Kuje Desert. In the middle of Kuje, the party finds a village, Joannasburg. There, they meet the spirit of the long-dead Joanna (C. C. Seymour). She explains she is a descendant of the Star King, as is her son; Jaster. Desert Claw arrives, telling Jaster he is his father. He gave Jaster to Raul while he prepared for the day when Jaster would awaken the power of the Star King and open the Gates of Eden.

Jaster uses the key and a space portal appears above Rosa. After passing through, the crew Mariglenn, where they are greeted by Queen Freidias (Wendee Lee), who tells Kisala she is her mother. Freidias then tells the story of Mariglenn; tens of thousands of years ago, the planet was attacked by evil energy known as Rune, which possesses the power to turn living beings into beasts. Mother, the essence of Rune, took control of the planet, and the people realized that once Mariglenn was destroyed, Mother would move onto another planet, eventually destroying the entire galaxy. As such, Freidias sealed Mariglenn into a "space-time cleft". Only one person can defeat Mother – the Star King.

The crew travel to Ti'atha Forest where they encounter the spirit of Kisala's father, King Albioth (Fred Tatasciore). Albioth had faced Mother, but lost and had turned into a beast. He tells them the only way she can be defeated is by neutralizing the power of her Rune, using Drigellum energy; which can only be found in the hearts of good people. Each of the party's hearts generates Drigellum, which is forged into a sword. The party enter Mother's lair and fight her. Jaster again releases the power of the Star King. He reveals Mother as being a sorceress named Ilzarbella (Wendee Lee) who served the Star King until she was seduced by the power of Rune. Using the Drigellum sword, the Star King/Jaster kills her. As soon as the battle ends, theEmperorarrives with the intention of collecting the Rune energy to create beasts so as to continue the war, but Rune takes over the ship, killing Valkog and Norma, and integrating them into an organic vessel which it uses to attack Jaster and his group. The group split up, with each member attacking a separate part of the ship, eventually defeating it.

Mariglenn returns to its former self, and Kisala says goodbye to Freidias. When they return to their own galaxy, the group finds Mariglenn has reappeared. They visit and the Mariglenndians appoint Kisala as their new queen, much to the disappointment of Dorgengoa and Jaster as they are told to never see her again because they are commoners to them. As Jaster and Monsha discuss the newly established galactic peace, Kisala is inaugurated as the new queen. Meanwhile, Simon returns to his family, Lilika returns to Bukaqua, Deego reunites with Angela, Steve returns to work with Dr. Pocacchio, Jupis resumes his scientific research, and Zegram remains on theDorgenark.Later, Dorgenoa tells Jaster they are returning to Mariglenn to get back Kisala. The game ends with a narration saying the crew made off with their "ultimate treasure" in what was their very last heist, implying that they succeeded in getting Kisala, but are on the run from Mariglenn.


Acutsceneshowing Jaster speaking with Kisala. This image demonstrates the "tonalrendering"graphicalstyle used byLevel-5in the game;cel-shaded3D graphicsfor the foreground characters, set against detailed, realistic backgrounds.

Rogue Galaxywas first hinted in August 2003, whenLevel-5revamped itswebsite,and included a single image for a "NewRPG".No further information was provided, although, at the time, some thought the game might be the rumoredDark Cloud 3.[34]Nothing more was heard until February 2005, when Level-5 presidentAkihiro Hinorevealed that "New RPG" was going to be released for thePlayStation 2,quelling rumors the game was being developed for thePlayStation Portable.[35]The name was announced on July 19,[36]when it was also revealed that the game would featurecel-shadedgraphicsin the style of previous Level-5 games, such asDark ChronicleandDragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King.Level-5 refer to the technique as "tonalrendering"- a mixture of cel-shaded3Dgraphics for the main characters, set against detailed, realistic backgrounds.[37]Hino was director of the project.[38]The game was officially unveiled in July at the PlayStation Meeting in Tokyo, where Hino said it had been in development for the past two and a half years, with its development time overlapping that ofDragon Quest VIII.He also revealed the game was the biggest project Level-5 had ever worked on, both in terms of production length and the number of staff working on the project.[39]

"As a creator, I always wanted to create a title that was as big asDragon QuestorFinal Fantasy.I believeRogue Galaxyis on the same scale. This title will be our challenge to all the RPGs in the world ".

Akihiro Hino;writer/designer/producer/director[39]

In an August interview withFamitsu,Hino explained thegameplayinvolves the player travelling the galaxy and visiting various planets, each of which has its own unique visual theme. He claimed the total volume of areas to explore in the game would surpass any RPG to date. Originally, he had planned to feature a "virtually uncountable number of planets", which would beprocedurally generatedas the player explored them, but this concept was later modified to a smaller number of planets, each with multiple locations. He revealed a major selling point of the game to be no loading times between exploration and combat, or when moving from one location to another, something which had never before been accomplished on a disc-based RPG, and something which had been a long-time personal goal of his. He also went into detail about the backgrounds of Jaster, Kisala, Zegram and Lilika, and he explained the basic combat system (ahack and slashsystem using three party members, with the player able to issue commands to the twoNPCs), the Revelation Flow system, and some basic information about the Factory system.[40]

"Level-5 was created for swords and magic fantasies, but we got bored with the consistently similar worlds, so we wanted to try something new".

— Kentaro Motomura; producer[41]

A trailer for the game was released on August 5, as was basic plot information.[42]Also on August 5, the game's website went live.[43]A playable demo of the game was made available at theTokyo Game Showin September.IGN's Anoop Gantayat was impressed with the "seamless" gameplay, and the absence of load times, although he did note theframe ratewas lower thanDragon Quest VIII.He was also impressed with the graphics: "The game doesn't hide the vastness of its world, with plenty of distant views as you explore the complicated landscapes. One may actually get the feeling of existing in the expansive world of amassively multiplayer online RPGrather than the limited world of standard RPG ".[44]

The game was released in Japan on December 8, with no date set for North American or European releases. Both IGN andGameSpotplayed an import copy of the game, and both were impressed. IGN's Gantayat again praised the absence of loading times, arguing "the technical feats this game pulls off with the grey and limping PS2 hardware are impressive". He praised thepre-renderedCGcutscenes,and the smooth transition from these scenes to the gameplay itself.[45]GameSpot's Bethany Massimilla wrote that "the visual style of the game is strongly inspired by cel-shading techniques, but the characters here aren't the flat and cartoony sort that you might ordinarily associate with the cel-shaded style. They exist and move in full 3D with lots of attention to detail in their attire and their movement, and they look great".[46]



The game's music was composed, arranged, and produced byTomohito Nishiura.The two-disc, sixty-one trackRogue Galaxy Original Soundtrack,was released in Japan on January 25, 2006 byKing Records.The title's ending vocal track, "Dreaming My Way Home", is composed by Nishiura, and arranged and performed byBarbara Kessler.[47]GameSpot wrote of the score: "Rogue Galaxy's soundtrack is a robust and varied assortment of tunes that fit its epic scale ".[48]

On the same day, the single-disk, ten-trackRogue Galaxy Premium Arrangewas published in Japan by TEAM Entertainment. Consisting ofremixesof some of the tracks from the game, the album featured contributions from some of the Japanese video game industry's top composers, includingYasunori Mitsuda,Shinji Hosoe,Kenji Ito,Yoko Shimomura,Nobuyoshi Sano,Yoshitaka HirotaandNoriyuki Iwadare.[49]

Localization improvements


In April 2006,Sony Computer Entertainmentconfirmed the localised version for a North American market. Also inE3event in May, Level-5 revealed the English language version of the game is much more than a direct translation of the original Japanese version, but also to include multiple new features. Primary amongst these is a new planet with its own storyline, characters and items, as well as gameplay tweaks, such as Burning Strikes no longer happening randomly. Over one-hundred new items and weapons were also to be added to the game, and numerous character animations are improved.[48][50]Initially for October 2006, the North American release date had been pushed back to January 2007 to facilitate further refinement.[51]

At the 2006 Tokyo Game Show, the producer of the English localization, Nao Higo, called the new version of the game the "perfect version". He explained the team had taken on board criticisms regarding the difficulty of the original game, which was felt to be too easy in some places and too hard in others, and had created a more balanced difficulty level. He also explained the new world, the water world Alistia, is optional, but fully realized, with its own map, storylines, characters, missions and items. Improvements were also made to the graphics of the existing planets. He explained the Insectron minigame includes a multiplayer mode, whereby the player's team of insectrons would generate a code, which could be given to another player. When the second player enters the code in "Battle mode" at the Insectron tournament, they can use their team to fight the first player's team.[52]

Other improvements include:[53][54][55]

  • The game is now housed on adouble-layer8.5GBDVDinstead of the original 4.7GB DVD, which allows smoother graphics and additional data.
  • Toady's weapon analysis is easier to use.
  • The "Burning Strike" system has been altered. Players now collect Burning Chips during battle, which allows them to store power, and execute their Burning Strike when they wish. In the original game, the Burning Strikes happened randomly. The input section of the ability has also been changed, with full animations for each character as they perform each attack, and different animations for each character's five-hit, seven-hit, and nine-hit attacks.
  • The layout andvisual designof several dungeons and planets has been altered and improved; specifically Salgin, Rosencaster Prison, the Daytron factory, the Ruins on Rosa and the Gladius Towers.
  • Two new species of Insectron have been added; the "Bomber Snail" and the "Spidan", each with eight types of Insectron per species.
  • Each character has four additional costumes, except for Kisala and Simon, who have five each.
  • Over 2000 lines of additional voiced dialogue has been added.
  • Each character has three new abilities on their Revelation Flow, except for Lilika, who has four. Two new Combination abilities have also been added that team up Kisala with Lilika and Steve with Jupis.

PlayStation 4 re-release


Sony released the emulatedPlayStation 4version of the game in December 5, 2015, featuring1080pgraphics via up-rendering, trophy support, bothRemote PlayandShare Playcompatibility andsecond screensupport for thePlayStation VitaandPlayStation App.[56][57][58][59][60]



Rogue Galaxyreceived "generally favorable reviews" according to thereview aggregationwebsiteMetacritic.[61]

Although Eurogamer's Simon Parkin praised the graphics and range of mini-games and side-quests, he felt the game's release afterFinal Fantasy XIIplaced an unrealizable burden of expectation upon it: "Many players will be expecting that game's new lessons in design to have been absorbed and even evolved here". He concluded, when "viewed objectively and set against the newest highpoints of the genre, aside from its gorgeous aesthetics and removal of load times,Rogue Galaxyjust isn't the marvel it's been set up to be ".[62]

Game Revolution's Tim Tackett was critical of the plot, writing that "the characters lack backstories, and the emotional pitch never leaves the realm of Saturday morning cartoons". However, he praised the range of side-quests, the battle system, the graphics and the Revelation Flow, which he found superior to the License Board ofFinal Fantasy XII.He concluded: "The plot is a little dry and chewy, but the surrounding game is juicy and sweet. With a fairly lengthy, if substandard, main storyline crammed with lots of action and neat extra tidbits,Rogue Galaxyis a taste of the holidays, with none of the hassle ".[64]

GameTrailerswas also critical of the plot: "What you have here is an unending parade of threadbareanimetropes predictably matched by bland characters. You've seen every one of thesestereotypesbefore, acting out the same quests and forcing out the same emotions they do in just about every other RPG ", but praised the gameplay and variety of side-quests, and concluded that" while it has plenty of problems, anyone who can get beyond the banal storytelling and stale level design will find something addictive and worthwhile inRogue Galaxy.Grinding out levels and looking for items is rarely this rewarding, and it's obvious that Level 5 knows the depths of the role-player's mind all too well ".[67]

GameSpot's Greg Kasavin had mixed feelings about the combat system: "The combat gets to be repetitive after a while. Since you only have direct control over one character, who'll mostly depend on the same basic attacks regardless of which weapons you've equipped, the battles don't feel particularly varied from one to the next". He concluded: "The PlayStation 2 has delivered an almost countless number of high-quality Japanese role-playing games, so all the past competition is really the main reason whyRogue Galaxydoesn't come off as a stunning accomplishment. On the other hand, though, this is a game that does enough differently or better than most of its PS2 predecessors that it's still well deserving of your consideration ".[65]

IGN's Jeremy Dunham praised the graphics ( "It's easily one of the top 20 best looking PS2 titles ever made" ) and the battle system, although he was somewhat critical of teammateAI.He also praised the range of side quests and mini-games. He concluded: "Rogue Galaxydefinitely brings the noise to longtime RPG fans. Though its storyline isn't on the same level as other great PS2 games in the genre, its mixture of strong combatmechanics,addictive sidequests, and absolutely stunning visual style more than makes up for what it doesn't do ".[68]

GameSpy's Patrick Joynt's main criticism concerned the lack of character development: "Rogue Galaxylooks great and is technicallystunning.It's packed utterly full of the standbys of the genre - combat, exploration, personalization, and sub-games that are too huge to be called "mini-games" - which are all executed well, but [...] the characters themselves seem entirely secondary to the matter at hand [...] they're as engaging as cardboard cutouts, largely because they're so predictable ". In turn, he praised the range of mini-games and side-quests, and the overall size of the game, concluding:"Rogue Galaxy's greatest triumph, the brightest gleam in its eye, is that at sixty hours of play I've got another sixty I could easily pour in ".[66]

Sales and awards


Prior to the release of the game, Sony Computer Entertainment corporate executive Masatsuka Saeki had hoped it would sell a million units.[72]Although it was the top-selling video game in Japan during the week ending December 11, 2005, selling 237,631 units,[73]by the end of 2006, the game had sold only 356,192 units.[74]In 2007,Rogue Galaxy: Director's Cutsold a further 29,457 units.[75]

The game won a "Future Award" at theCESA Game Awards(2005)[69]and an "Excellence in Digital Content" award at the Digital Contents Grandprix (2006).[70]At theFamitsuAwards in 2006, it won both "Best RPG" and a "Special Rookie Award."[71]It was named "Game of the Month" for January 2007 and given an "Editor's Choice" award by IGN, who, in 2010, placed it at #53 in their "Top 100 PlayStation 2 Games".[76]It was also given an "Editor's Choice" award by GameSpy.[2]

During the11th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards,theAcademy of Interactive Arts & SciencesnamedRogue Galaxyas one of the nominees for 2007's "Role-Playing Game of the Year",but eventually lost toMass Effect.[77]


  1. ^ab"Level-5: History and Products".Level-5.Archivedfrom the original on May 31, 2014.RetrievedMarch 20,2014.
  2. ^abc"Rogue Galaxy".GameSpy.Archivedfrom the original on July 19, 2013.RetrievedMarch 20,2014.
  3. ^"Rogue Galaxy: Director's Cut Official Website"(in Japanese).Level-5.Archivedfrom the original on February 3, 2013.RetrievedMay 30,2012.
  4. ^Holding, Sam (2007). "Battle Menu".Rogue Galaxy Instruction Manual(UK).Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.p. 13. SCES-54552.
  5. ^abHolding, Sam (2007). "Battle Basics".Rogue Galaxy Instruction Manual(UK).Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. p. 13. SCES-54552.
  6. ^Holding, Sam (2007). "Allies".Rogue Galaxy Instruction Manual(UK).Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. p. 7. SCES-54552.
  7. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2).Sony Computer Entertainment.Suggestions: Your allies will shout at you and give suggestions for their next move! Instruct them by choosing a suggestion.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  8. ^Holding, Sam (2007). "During a Battle".Rogue Galaxy Instruction Manual(UK).Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. p. 12. SCES-54552.
  9. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.The Action Gauge: This gauge is reduced whenever you attack or use an ability or item. Once the gauge is depleted, you can't attack again until it charges back up! The empty Action Gauge will recharge immediately if you successfully guard against an enemy's attack.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  10. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.Gun Attacks: If you run out of bullets, you won't be able to shoot for a while until you're completely recharged. You can only recharge a set number of times per battle.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  11. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.Burning Strike: To unleash the Burning Strike ability, charge your gauge by collecting Burning Chips dropped by enemies. Once your Burning Strike Gauge is charged, activate it by pressing R1 + square near an enemy. During a Burning Strike, button icons will fly across the screen. The instant each icon enters the reticule, press the corresponding button to register a hit. Keep it up to the end for massive damage.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  12. ^Holding, Sam (2007). "Locations".Rogue Galaxy Instruction Manual(UK).Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. p. 5. SCES-54552.
  13. ^Holding, Sam (2007). "Revelation".Rogue Galaxy Instruction Manual(UK).Sony Computer Entertainment Europe]. p. 8. SCES-54552.
  14. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.Revelation Flow: Set items in the Revelation Flow chart to learn new abilities. Press x in panels where a silhouette is displayed. If you have the right item, set it there. When all the items in a group have been filled, you'll learn a new ability. Items can only be set in groups adjacent to previously-completed groups.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  15. ^Holding, Sam (2007). "Frog Log".Rogue Galaxy Instruction Manual(UK).Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. p. 9. SCES-54552.
  16. ^Holding, Sam (2007). "Insectron".Rogue Galaxy Instruction Manual(UK).Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. p. 15. SCES-54552.
  17. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.Rearing Cages: Rearing Cages are used to raise Insectors. Feed them well and send them into battle to become strong enough to win at the Insectron.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  18. ^Holding, Sam (2007). "Factory".Rogue Galaxy Instruction Manual(UK).Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. pp. 9–10. SCES-54552.
  19. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.Challenge Battles: Obtain Hunter Coins during a challenging battle by meeting the displayer criterion.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  20. ^Holding, Sam (2007). "Challenge Battles".Rogue Galaxy Instruction Manual(UK).Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. p. 11. SCES-54552.
  21. ^Holding, Sam (2007). "Battle Recorder".Rogue Galaxy Instruction Manual(UK).Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. p. 9. SCES-54552.
  22. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.Daytron: A spaceship manufacturer with shares in all parts of the galaxy. Seventy percent of all ships are made by Daytron, from warships to cruise liners. Their huge headquarters building is on Vedan, and they have starship factories on every planet.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  23. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.Longardia and Draxil: The Longardian Federation and the Draxian Empire are the two biggest powers in the galaxy. Longardia controls the Guin System (home to Jaster and company), while Draxil controls the nearby Yggdra System.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  24. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.Rosa: A backwaterdesertplanet, rich inresourcesand highly valued. The Longardian Federation took over two years ago to prevent the Draxian Empire from moving in. The Rosans were enslaved and are now being watched over by the Longardian military.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  25. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.Desert Claw: A legendary bounty hunter, known to have always held the top spot in the Hunter Rankings. Wields the Desert Seeker, one of the mighty Seven-Star Swords. Very little is known about his true identity.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  26. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.Space Pirate Dorgengoa: A spacepirateknown throughout the galaxy. In the Guin System, even children know his name. Rather than pillage other ships, this tough-as-nails explorer prefers to take on military warships in a quest for treasure. Not especially popular among Longardian soldiers and higher-ups.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  27. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.Zerard: The most advanced, civilized planet in the galaxy. Home to the Galaxy Corporation, which oversees the workings of the galaxy's planets.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  28. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.Juraika: A green planet, rich in nature. Seventy percent of its surface is covered byjungle,making it popular among interstellar tourists. Still, Juraika's inhabitants shun contact with other planets and certainly never stray from their own.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  29. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.The Burkaqua: Atribenative to Juraika that shuns contact with travelers from other planets. To encroach on their territory is to take you very life in your hands.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  30. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.Galaxy Corporation: An office with full command over all the galaxy'sdata,situated in the center of Zerard. Not even space pirates can travel far without a galactic travel visa from this place. The massive amount of information handled here is processed through themainframeat the Daytron-owned factory.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  31. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.Eden: A phantom planet that suddenly disappeared ten thousand years ago. Said to be rich in natural resources and loaded with treasure - a veritable paradise for any self-respecting galactic explorer.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  32. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.Vedan: Aminingplanet that produces abundantmineral resources.The miner's town of Myna remains in the shade year-round, and is often called the "village of eternal night". The town is run by a family of gangsters known as the Morartys.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  33. ^Level-5 (2007).Rogue Galaxy(PlayStation 2). Sony Computer Entertainment.The Legend of the Star King: Once upon a time, the galaxy is said to have been under the control of a single man who brought peace and unity to the stars and ruled with absolute power. It's a legend that has been passed down from one generation to the next. If only someone like that were around today, perhaps the war-torn galaxy we live in could experience peace once more.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
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  1. ^Rogue Galaxy(Japanese:ローグギャラクシー,Hepburn:Rōgugyarakushī)