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Role-playingorroleplayingis the changing of one's behaviour to assume arole,either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously toact outan adopted role. While theOxford English Dictionaryoffers a definition of role-playing as "the changing of one's behaviour to fulfill a social role",[1]in the field of psychology, the term is used more loosely in four senses:

  • To refer to the playing of roles generally such as in a theatre, or educational setting;
  • To refer to taking a role of a character or person and acting it out with a partner taking someone else's role, often involving different genres of practice;
  • To refer to a wide range of games includingrole-playing video game(RPG),play-by-mail gamesand more;
  • To refer specifically torole-playing games.[2]



Many children participate in a form of role-playing known asmake believe,wherein they adopt certain roles such asdoctorand act out those roles in character. Sometimes make believe adopts an oppositional nature, resulting in games such ascops and robbers.



Historical re-enactmenthas been practiced by adults for millennia. The ancient Romans, Han Chinese, and medieval Europeans all enjoyed occasionally organizing events in which everyone pretended to be from an earlier age, and entertainment appears to have been the primary purpose of these activities. Within the 20th century historical re-enactment has often been pursued as ahobby.

Improvisational theatredates back to theCommedia dell'Artetradition of the 16th century. Modern improvisational theatre began in the classroom with the "theatre games"ofViola SpolinandKeith Johnstonein the 1950s. Viola Spolin, who was one of the founders the famous comedy troupeSecond City,insisted that her exercises were games, and that they involved role-playing as early as 1946. She accurately judged role-playing in the theatre as rehearsal and actor training, or the playing of the role ofactorversus theatreroles,but many now use her games for fun in their own right.

Role-playing games


A role-playing game is agamein which the participants assume the roles ofcharactersand collaboratively createstories.Participants determine the actions of their characters based on theircharacterisation,and the actions succeed or fail according to a formalsystemof rules and guidelines. Within the rules, they mayimprovisefreely; their choices shape the direction and outcome of the games.

Role-playing can also be done online in the form of group story creation, involving anywhere from two to several hundred people, utilizing public forums, private message boards, mailing lists, chatrooms, and instant-messaging chat services to build worlds and characters that may last a few hours, or several years. Often on forum-based roleplays, rules, and standards are set up, such as a minimum word count, character applications, and "plotting" boards to increase complexity and depth of story.

There are different genres of which one can choose while role-playing, including, but not limited to,fantasy,modern,medieval,steam punk,andhistorical.Books, movies, or games can be, and often are, used as a basis for role-plays (which in such cases may be deemed "collaborative fan-fiction" ), with players either assuming the roles of establishedcanoncharacters or using those the players themselves create ( "Original Characters" ) to replace—or exist alongside—characters from the book, movie, or game, playing through well-troddenplotsas alternative characters, or expanding upon the setting and story outside of its established canon.



In psychology, an individual's personality can be conceptualized as a set of expectations about oneself and others and that these add up to role-playing or role-taking.[3]Here, the role is fiction because it is not real but it has a degree of consistency.[3]Role-playing is also an important part of a child's psychological development. For example, the instance when a child starts to define "I" and separate him or herself from an adult is the initial condition for and the result of role play.[4]There are also experiments that found role-playing resulted in behavioral change such as the case of smokers who reported negative attitude towards smoking after being asked to pretend to be a person diagnosed with lung cancer.[5]


Interior cockpit of atwinjetflight simulator

Role-playing may also refer to roletrainingwhere peoplerehearsesituations, alone or with others, in preparation for a future performance and to improve their abilities within a role. Some examples are occupational trainingrole-plays,educational role-play exercises, medical role-play, and certain militarywargames.



One of the first uses of computers was to simulate real-world conditions for participants role-playing the flying of aircraft.Flight simulatorsused computers to solve the equations of flight and train future pilots. The army began full-time role-playing simulations with soldiers using computers both within full scaletraining exercisesand for training in numerous specific tasks under wartime conditions. Examples include weapon firing, vehicle simulators, and control station mock-ups.

Teddy bear hospital


The teddy bear hospital is a roleplay strategy where pediatric and nursing medical students as a "teddy doctor" to children who act as the carer of a teddy, or another soft toy, requiring consultation. It is used both to reduce anxiety and improve patient outcomes of children, and pedagogically for medical students to better understand children.[6]There are programs for teddy bear hospitals in dozens of universities and medical facilities worldwide.

Research method


Role playing may also refer to the technique commonly used by researchers studying interpersonal behavior by assigning research participants to particular roles and instructing the participants to act as if a specific set of conditions were true.[7]This technique of assigning and taking roles in psychological research has a long history. It has been used in the early classic social psychological experiments byKurt Lewin(1939/1997),Stanley Milgram(1963), andPhillip Zimbardo(1971).Herbert Kelmansuggested that role-playing might be "the most promising source" of research methods alternative to methods using deception (Kelman 1965).[8]

See also



  1. ^"Definition of Role Playing from the Oxford English Dictionary".Askoxford.Retrieved2012-06-18.[dead link]
  2. ^Rilstone, Andrew."Role-Playing Games: An Overview" 1994, Inter*Action #1 ".
  3. ^abCorsini, Raymond (2017).Role Playing in Psychotherapy.New Brunswick, NJ: AldineTransaction. p. 21.ISBN9780202363936.
  4. ^Bruce, Tina; Hakkarainen, Pentti; Bredikyte, Milda (2017).The Routledge International Handbook of Early Childhood Play.Oxon: Routledge. p. 55.ISBN9781138833715.
  5. ^Maio, Greg; Haddock, Geoffrey (2014).The Psychology of Attitudes and Attitude Change.Los Angeles, CA: SAGE. p. 157.ISBN9781446272251.
  6. ^Husøy, Gjertrud (March 2013)."Teddy Bear Hospital — Students' Learning in the Field of Practice with Children".Nordic Journal of Nursing Research.33(1): 51–55.doi:10.1177/010740831303300111.hdl:11250/150782.ISSN2057-1585.
  7. ^"SAGE Research Methods - The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods".srmo.sagepub.Retrieved2022-12-29.
  8. ^cf. H. Schuler, Ethical Problems in Psychological Research, Academic Press, 1982, 2013; pp. 137ff.