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Coordinates:32°16′30″N35°11′24″E/ 32.275°N 35.190°E/32.275; 35.190
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Hills near the ruins of Samaria
Hills near the ruins ofSamaria
Coordinates:32°16′30″N35°11′24″E/ 32.275°N 35.190°E/32.275; 35.190
Part ofWest Bank,Palestine
Highest elevation1,016 m (3,333 ft)
(Tall Asur(Ba'al Hazor))
Designation السامرة,שֹׁומְרוֹן

Samaria(/səˈmæriə,-ˈmɛəriə/), theHellenizedform of the Hebrew nameShomron(Hebrew:שֹׁמְרוֹן),[1]is used as a historical andbiblicalname for the centralregionof theLand of Israel.It is bordered byJudeato the south andGalileeto the north.[2][3]The region is known to thePalestiniansin Arabic under two names,Samirah(Arabic:السَّامِرَة‎,as-Sāmira), andMount Nablus(جَبَل نَابُلُس,Jabal Nābulus).

The first-century historianJosephusset theMediterranean Seaas its limit to the west, and theJordan Riveras its limit to the east.[3]Its territory largely corresponds to thebiblicalallotments of thetribe of Ephraimand the western half ofManasseh.It includes most of the region of the ancientKingdom of Israel,which was north of theKingdom of Judah.The border between Samaria and Judea is set at the latitude ofRamallah.[4]

The name "Samaria" is derived from theancient city of Samaria,capital of the northern Kingdom of Israel.[5][6][7]The name Samaria likely began being used for the entire kingdom not long after the town of Samaria had become Israel's capital, but it is first documented after its conquest by theNeo-Assyrian Empire,which incorporated the land into the province ofSamerina.[5]

Samaria was used to describe the northern midsection of the land in theUN Partition Plan for Palestinein 1947. It became the administrative term in1967,when theWest Bankwasdefined by Israeli officialsas theJudea and Samaria Area,[8]of which the entire area north of theJerusalem Districtis termed as Samaria. In 1988,Jordanceded its claim of the area to thePalestine Liberation Organization(PLO).[9]In 1994, control of Areas 'A' (full civil and security control by thePalestinian Authority) and 'B' (Palestinian civil control and joint Israeli–Palestinian security control) were transferred by Israel to the Palestinian Authority. The Palestinian Authority and the international community do not recognize the term "Samaria"; in modern times, the territory is generally known as part of the West Bank.[10]


Map of Samaria byJ.G. Bartholomewin 1894 book byGeorge Adam Smith

According to theHebrew Bible,the Hebrew name "Shomron" (Hebrew:שֹׁומְרוֹן) is derived from the individual (or clan)Shemer(Hebrew:שֶׁמֶר), from whomKing Omri(ruled 880s–870s BCE) purchased the hill on which he built his new capital city ofShomron.[11][12]

The fact that the mountain was called Shomeron when Omri bought it may indicate that the correct etymology of the name is to be found more directly in theSemiticroot for "guard", hence its initial meaning would have been "watch mountain". In the earliercuneiforminscriptions, Samaria is designated under the name of "Bet Ḥumri" ("the house of Omri"); but in those ofTiglath-Pileser III(ruled 745–727 BCE) and later it is called Samirin, after itsAramaicname,[13]Shamerayin.[6]

Historical boundaries


Northern kingdom to Hellenistic period


InNelson's Encyclopaedia(1906–1934), the Samaria region in the three centuries followingthe fall of the northern kingdom of Israel,i.e. during theAssyrian,Babylonian,andPersianperiods, is described as a "province" that "reached from the [Mediterranean] sea to the Jordan Valley".[14]

Roman-period definition


The classical Roman-Jewish historianJosephuswrote:

(4) Now as to the country of Samaria, it lies between Judea and Galilee; it begins at a village that is in the great plain calledGinea,and ends at theAcrabbenetoparchy,and is entirely of the same nature with Judea; for both countries are made up of hills and valleys, and are moist enough for agriculture, and are very fruitful. They have abundance of trees, and are full of autumnal fruit, both that which grows wild, and that which is the effect of cultivation. They are not naturally watered by many rivers, but derive their chief moisture from rain-water, of which they have no want; and for those rivers which they have, all their waters are exceeding sweet: by reason also of the excellent grass they have, their cattle yield more milk than do those in other places; and, what is the greatest sign of excellency and of abundance, they each of them are very full of people. (5) In the limits of Samaria and Judea lies the village Anuath, which is also named Borceos. This is the northern boundary of Judea.[3]

During the first century, the boundary between Samaria and Judea passed eastward ofAntipatris,along the deep valley which had Beth Rima (nowBani Zeid al-Gharbia) and Beth Laban (today'sal-Lubban al-Gharbi) on its southern, Judean bank; then it passed Anuath and Borceos, identified byCharles William Wilson(1836–1905) as the ruins of'Aina and Khirbet Berkit;and reached theJordan Valleynorth ofAcrabbimandSartaba.[15]Tall Asuralso stands at that boundary.



The area known as the hills of Samaria is bounded by theJezreel Valley(north); by theJordan Rift Valley(east); by theCarmelRidge (northwest); by theSharon plain(west); and by theJerusalemmountains (south).[16][dubiousdiscuss]

The Samarian hills are not very high, seldom reaching the height of over 800 meters. Samaria's climate is more hospitable than the climate further south.

There is no clear division between the mountains of southern Samaria and northern Judea.[2]


Hills of Samaria, nearYitzhar
Site ofDothanwhere, according to theBook of Genesis,Josephwas sold by his brethren

Over time, the region has been controlled by numerous different civilizations, includingCanaanites,Israelites,Neo-Assyrians,Babylonians,Persians,Seleucids,Hasmoneans,Romans,Byzantines,Arabs,Crusaders,andOttoman Turks.[17]

Israelite tribes and kingdoms


According to theHebrew Bible,theIsraelitescaptured the region known as Samaria from theCanaanitesand assigned it to theTribe of Joseph.The southern part of Samaria was then known asMount Ephraim.After the death ofKing Solomon(c. 931 BC), the northern tribes, includingEphraimandMenashe,separated themselves politically from the southern tribes and established the separateKingdom of Israel.Initially its capital wasTirzahuntil the time of King Omri (c. 884 BC), who built the city ofSamariaand made it his capital. Samaria functioned as the capital of the Kingdom of Israel (the "Northern Kingdom" ) until its fall to the Assyrians in the 720s. Hebrew prophets condemned Samaria for its "ivory houses" and luxury palaces displaying pagan riches.[18]

The archaeological record suggests that Samaria experienced significant settlement growth in Iron Age II (fromc.950 BC). Archaeologists estimate that there were 400 sites, up from 300 during the previous Iron Age I (c.1200 BC onwards). The people dwelt ontells,in small villages, farms, and forts, and in the cities ofShechem,Samaria and Tirzah in northern Samaria.Zertalestimated that about 52,000 people inhabited the Manasseh Hill in northern Samaria prior to the Assyrian deportations. According to botanists, the majority of Samaria's forests were torn down during the Iron Age II, and were replaced by plantations and agricultural fields. Since then, few oak forests have grown in the region.[19]

Assyrian period

TheNeo-Assyrian EmpireunderShalmaneser Vand the deportation of peoples from Samerina bySargon II(and possibly Shalmaneser V)

In the 720s, theconquest of SamariabyShalmaneser Vof theNeo-Assyrian Empire,which culminated in the three-year siege of thecapital city of Samaria,saw the territory annexed as the Assyrian province ofSamerina.[20]The siege has been tentatively dated to 725 or 724 BC, with its resolution in 722 BC, near the end of Shalmaneser's reign.[20]The first documented mention of the province of Samerina is from the reign of Shalmaneser V's successorSargon II.This is also the first documented instance where a name derived from "Samaria", the capital city, was used for the entire region, although it is thought likely that this practice was already in place.[5]

Following the Assyrian conquest,Sargon IIclaimed in Assyrian records to have deported 27,280 people to various places throughout the empire, mainly toGuzanain the Assyrian heartland, as well as to the cities of theMedesin the eastern part of the empire (modern-day Iran).[21][22][23]The deportations were part of a standardresettlement policy of the Neo-Assyrian Empireto deal with defeated enemy peoples.[24]The resettled people were generally treated well as valued members of the empire and transported together with their families and belongings.[25][26][27]At the same time, people from other parts of the empire were resettled in the depopulated Samerina.[28]The resettlement is also called theAssyrian captivityinJewish historyand provides the basis for the narrative of theTen Lost Tribes.[24]

Babylonian and Persian periods

Persian Achaemenid coin minted in Samaria, dated c. 375–333 BC.Left;Persiansatrapholding lance and reins on horseback, Aramaic inscriptionBDYḤBLbelow.Right;satrap and driver inchariotdrawn by two horses
PersianAchaemenidcoin minted in Samaria, dated c. 375–333 BC.Left;a seated Persian wearingtiaraand holding bird.Right;Persian king standing, holding dagger and bull by its horn, flanked by anAramaicinscription which readsŠMRY

According to many scholars, archaeological excavations at Mount Gerizim indicate that aSamaritan templewas built there in the first half of the 5th century BCE.[29]The date of the schism between Samaritans and Jews is unknown, but by the early 4th century BCE the communities seem to have had distinctive practices and communal separation.[citation needed]Much of the anti-Samaritan polemic in the Hebrew Bible and extra-biblical texts (such as Josephus) originate from this point and on.[30]

Hellenistic period


During theHellenistic period,Samaria was largely divided between a Hellenizing faction based around the town of Samaria and a pious faction in Shechem and surrounding rural areas, led by the High Priest.

Samaria was a largely autonomous province nominally dependent on theSeleucid Empire.However, the province gradually declined as theMaccabeanmovement andHasmonean Judeagrew stronger.[31]The transfer of three districts of Samaria—Ephraim,LodandRamathaim—under the control of Judea in 145 BCE as part of an agreement betweenJonathan ApphusandDemetrius IIis one indication of this decline.[31][32]Around 110 BCE, the decline of Hellenistic Samaria was complete, when the JewishHasmonean rulerJohn Hyrcanusdestroyed the cities of Samaria and Shechem, as well as the city and temple on Mount Gerizim.[31][33]Only a few stone remnants of the Samaritan temple exist today.

Roman period


In 6 CE, Samaria became part of the Roman province ofIudaea,following the death of KingHerod the Great.

Southern Samaria reached a peak in settlement during the early Roman period (63 BCE–70 CE), partly as a result of theHasmonean dynasty's settlement efforts. The impact of theJewish–Roman warsis archaeologically evident in Jewish-inhabited areas of southern Samaria, as many sites were destroyed and left abandoned for extended periods of time. After theFirst Jewish-Roman War,the Jewish population of the area decreased by around 50%, whereas after theBar Kokhba revolt,it was completely wiped in many areas. According to Klein, the Roman authorities replaced the Jews with a population from the nearby provinces ofSyria,Phoenicia,andArabia.[34][35]An apparent new wave of settlement growth in southern Samaria, most likely by non-Jews, can be traced back to the late Roman and Byzantine eras.[36][19]

New Testament references


TheNew Testamentmentions Samaria inLuke17:11–2,[37]in the miraculoushealing of the ten lepers,which took place on the border of Samaria and Galilee.John4:1-26[38]records Jesus' encounter atJacob's Wellwith the woman of Sychar, in which he declares himself to be the Messiah. In Acts 8:1,[39]it is recorded that the early community of disciples of Jesus began to bepersecutedin Jerusalem and were 'scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria'.Philipwent down to thecity of Samariaand preached and healed the sick there.[40]In the time ofJesus,Iudaeaof the Romans was divided into thetoparchiesof Judea, Samaria, Galilee and theParalia.Samaria occupied the centre ofIudaea.[41](Iudaeawas later renamedSyria Palaestinain 135, following theBar Kokhba revolt.) In theTalmud,Samaria is called the "land of the Cuthim".

Byzantine period


Following the bloody suppression of theSamaritan Revolts(mostly in 525 CE and 555 CE) against theByzantine Empire,which resulted in death, displacement, andconversion to Christianity,the Samaritan population dramatically decreased. In the central parts of Samaria, the vacuum left by departing Samaritans was filled by nomads who gradually becamesedentarized.[42]

The Byzantine period is considered the peak of settlement in Samaria, as in other regions of the country.[43]Based on historical sources and archeological data, theManasseh Hill surveyorsconcluded that Samaria's population during the Byzantine period was composed of Samaritans, Christians, and a minority of Jews.[44]The Samaritan population was mainly concentrated in the valleys of Nablus and to the north as far asJeninandKfar Othenai;they did not settle south of the Nablus-Qalqiliya line. Christianity slowly made its way into Samaria, even after the Samaritan revolts. With the exception of Neapolis, Sebastia, and a small cluster of monasteries in central and northern Samaria, most of the population of the rural areas remained non-Christian.[45]In southwestern Samaria, a significant concentration of churches and monasteries was discovered, with some of them built on top of citadels from the late Roman period. Magen raised the hypothesis that many of these were used by Christian pilgrims, and filled an empty space in the region whose Jewish population was wiped out in the Jewish–Roman wars.[46][19]

Early Muslim, Crusader, Mamluk and Ottoman periods


Following theMuslim conquest of the Levant,and throughout theearly Islamic period,Samaria underwent a process ofIslamizationas a result of waves of conversion among the remaining Samaritan population, along with the migration of Muslims into the area.[47][48][49]Evidence implies that a large number of Samaritans converted underAbbasidandTulunidrule, as a result of droughts, earthquakes, religious persecution, high taxes, and anarchy.[48][50]

During the Crusader era, the Franks invited a large number of Bedouins to settle in the region. Over time, these Bedouins shifted from their nomadic way of life to becoming settled inhabitants.[51]As a result, today much of the local population resides in towns and villages, and the Bedouin settlement may explain the tribal organization found in parts of the rural society, known as the'ushrān.[51]

By the mid-Middle Ages,the Jewish writer and explorerBenjamin of Tudelaestimated that only around 1,900 Samaritans remained inPalestineandSyria.[52]

Ottoman Period


During theOttoman Period,the northern part of Samaria belonged to the TurabayEmirate (1517–1683), which encompassed also theJezreel Valley,Haifa,Jenin,Beit She'an Valley,northernJabal Nablus,Bilad al-Ruha/Ramot Menashe,and the northern part of theSharon plain.[53][54]The areas south of Jenin, includingNablusitself and its hinterland up to theYarkon River,formed a separate district called the District of Nablus.[55]

Beshara Doumani states that the prominent localJarrar familyimmigrated from Transjordan in the 17th century and became influential in Jenin by the 19th century. However, one family tradition suggests they arrived during Saladin's era.[51]

British Mandate


During theGreat War,Palestine was wrested by the armies of theBritish Empirefrom theOttoman Empireand in theaftermath of the warit was entrusted to theUnited Kingdomto administer as aLeague of Nationsmandated territory[56]Samaria was the name of one of theadministrative districtsof Palestine for part of this period. The1947 UN partition plancalled for the Arab state to consist of several parts, the largest of which was described as "the hill country of Samaria and Judea."[57]

The village of Samaria, c. 1915

Jordanian period


As a result of the1948 Arab–Israeli War,most of the territory was unilaterally incorporated asJordanian-controlled territory, and was administered as part of the West Bank (west of the Jordan river).

Israeli administration


The Jordanian-held West Bank was captured andhas been occupied by Israelsince the 1967Six-Day War.Jordanceded its claims in the West Bank (except for certain prerogatives in Jerusalem) to thePLOin November 1988, later confirmed by theIsrael–Jordan Treaty of Peaceof 1994. In the 1994Oslo accords,thePalestinian Authoritywas established and given responsibility for the administration over some of the territory of West Bank (Areas 'A' and 'B').

Samaria is one of several standard statistical districts utilized by theIsrael Central Bureau of Statistics.[58]"The Israeli CBS also collects statistics on the rest of the West Bank and the Gaza District. It has produced various basic statistical series on the territories, dealing with population, employment, wages, external trade, national accounts, and various other topics."[59]The Palestinian Authority however useNablus,Jenin,Tulkarm,Qalqilya,Salfit,RamallahandTubasgovernoratesas administrative centers for the same region.

TheShomron Regional Councilis the local municipal government that administers the smaller Israeli towns (settlements) throughout the area. The council is a member of the network of regional municipalities spread throughout Israel.[60]Elections for the head of the council are held every five years by Israel's ministry of interior, all residents over age 17 are eligible to vote. In special elections held in August 2015Yossi Daganwas elected as head of the Shomron Regional Council.[61]

Map ofIsraeli settlementsadministered by theShomron Regional Councilin the West Bank

Israeli settlements in the West Bank are considered by mostin the international community to be illegal under international law,but others including the United States and Israeli governments dispute this.[62]In September 2016, the Town Board of theAmericanTown of Hempsteadin theState of New York,led by CouncilmanBruce Blakemanentered into a partnership agreement with theShomron Regional Council,led byYossi Dagan,as part of an anti-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctionscampaign.[63]

Archaeological sites


Ancient city of Samaria/Sebaste

Tel Sebastia, 1925

The ancient site ofSamaria-Sebaste covers the hillside overlooking the West Bank village ofSebastiaon the eastern slope of the hill.[64]Remains have been found from theCanaanite,Israelite,Hellenistic,Roman(includingHerodian) andByzantineperiods.[65]

Archaeological finds from Roman-era Sebaste, a site that was rebuilt and renamed by Herod the Great in 30 BC, include a colonnaded street, a temple-lined acropolis, and a lower city, whereJohn the Baptistis believed to have been buried.[66]

The Harvard excavation of Samaria, which began in 1908, was headed by EgyptologistGeorge Andrew Reisner.[67]The findings included Hebrew, Aramaic, cuneiform and Greek inscriptions, as well as pottery remains, coins, sculpture, figurines, scarabs and seals, faience, amulets, beads and glass.[68]The joint British-American-Hebrew University excavation continued underJohn Winter Crowfootin 1931–35, during which time some of the chronology issues were resolved. The round towers lining the acropolis were found to be Hellenistic, the street of columns was dated to the 3–4th century, and 70 inscribed potsherds were dated to the early 8th century.[69]

In 1908–1935, remains of luxury furniture made of wood and ivory were discovered in Samaria, representing the Levant's most important collection of ivory carvings from the early first millennium BC. Despite theories of theirPhoenicianorigin, some of the letters serving as fitter's marks are inHebrew.[18]

As of 1999 three series of coins have been found that confirmSinuballatwas a governor of Samaria. Sinuballat is best known as an adversary ofNehemiahfrom theBook of Nehemiahwhere he is said to have sided withTobiah the AmmoniteandGeshem the Arabian.All three coins feature a warship on the front, likely derived from earlierSidoniancoins. The reverse side depicts the Persian King in hiskandysrobe facing down alionthat is standing on its hind legs.[70]

Other ancient sites




TheSamaritans(Hebrew: Shomronim) are anethnoreligious groupnamed after and descended from ancient Semitic inhabitants of Samaria, since theAssyrian exileof the Israelites, according to2 Kings 17and first-century historianJosephus.[71]Religiously, the Samaritans are adherents ofSamaritanism,anAbrahamic religionclosely related toJudaism.Based on theSamaritan Torah,Samaritans claim their worship is the true religion of the ancient Israelites prior to theBabylonian exile,preserved by those who remained behind. Their temple was built atMount Gerizimin the middle of the 5th century BCE, and was destroyed under theHasmoneankingJohn HyrcanusofJudeain 110 BCE, although their descendants still worship among its ruins. The antagonism between Samaritans and Jews is important in understanding the Bible'sNew Testamentstories of the "Samaritan woman at the well"and"Parable of the Good Samaritan".The modern Samaritans, however, see themselves as co-equals in inheritance to the Israelite lineage through Torah, as do the Jews, and are not antagonistic to Jews in modern times.[72]

See also





  1. ^"Samaria".The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language.HarperCollins Publishers. 2022.Archivedfrom the original on 23 November 2022.Retrieved23 November2022.
  2. ^ab"Samaria - historical region, Palestine".Encyclopædia Britannica.Archivedfrom the original on 18 December 2022.Retrieved31 May2018.
  3. ^abcJosephus Flavius."Jewish War,book 3, chapter 3:4-5 ".Fordham.edu.Archivedfrom the original on 29 April 2023.Retrieved31 December2012– via Ancient History Sourcebook: Josephus (37 – after 93 CE): Galilee, Samaria, and Judea in the First Century CE.
  4. ^The New Encyclopaedia Britannica:Macropaedia, 15th edition, 1987, volume 25, "Palestine", p. 403
  5. ^abcMills & Bullard 1990.
  6. ^ab"Online Etymology Dictionary".etymonline.Archivedfrom the original on 2023-02-08.Retrieved2014-01-28.
  7. ^"Open Collections Program: Expeditions and Discoveries, Harvard Expedition to Samaria, 1908–1910".ocp.hul.harvard.edu.Archivedfrom the original on 2023-02-08.Retrieved2012-02-25.
  8. ^Emma Playfair (1992).International Law and the Administration of Occupied Territories: Two Decades of Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.Oxford University Press. p. 41.On 17 December 1967, the Israeli military government issued an order stating that "the term 'Judea and Samaria region' shall be identical in meaning for all purposes... to the term 'the West Bank Region'". This change in terminology, which has been followed in Israeli official statements since that time, reflected a historic attachment to these areas and rejection of a name that implied Jordanian sovereignty over them.
  9. ^Kifner, John (1 August 1988)."Hussein surrenders claims on West Bank to the P.L.O.; U.S. peace plan in jeopardy; Internal Tensions".The New York Times.Archivedfrom the original on 6 December 2011.Retrieved12 February2017.
  10. ^Neil Caplan (19 September 2011).The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Contested Histories.John Wiley & Sons. pp. 18–.ISBN978-1-4443-5786-8.
  11. ^1 Kings 16:24
  12. ^"This Side of the River Jordan; On Language".Philologos.Forward. 22 September 2010.Archivedfrom the original on 18 October 2011.Retrieved26 September2010.
  13. ^Singer, Isidore;et al., eds. (1901–1906)."Samaria".The Jewish Encyclopedia.New York: Funk & Wagnalls.
  14. ^Finley, John H.,ed. (October 1926)."Samaria".Nelson's perpetual loose-leaf encyclopaedia: an international work of reference.Vol. X. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons. p. 550.Archivedfrom the original on 7 April 2022.Retrieved13 December2020– via HathiTrust Digital Library.
  15. ^James Hastings (editor),A Dictionary of the Bible,Volume III: (Part II: O - Pleiades), "Palestine: Geography", p.652,University Press of the Pacific, 2004,ISBN978-1-4102-1727-1
  16. ^"Samaria | historical region, Palestine | Britannica".britannica.Archivedfrom the original on 18 December 2022.Retrieved23 March2022.
  17. ^"Open Collections Program: Expeditions and Discoveries, Harvard Expedition to Samaria, 1908–1910".ocp.hul.harvard.edu.Archivedfrom the original on 2023-02-08.Retrieved2012-02-25.
  18. ^ab"The Ivories from Samaria: Complete Catalogue, Stylistic Classification, Iconographical Analysis, Cultural-Historical Evaluation".research-projects.uzh.ch.Archived fromthe originalon 21 March 2018.
  19. ^abcדר, שמעון (2019)."הכלכלה הכפרית של השומרון בימי קדם".Judea and Samaria Research Studies(28): 5–44.doi:10.26351/JSRS/28-1/1.S2CID239322097.Archivedfrom the original on 2023-02-25.Retrieved2023-02-25.
  20. ^abYamada & Yamada 2017,pp. 408–409.
  21. ^Reid 1908.
  22. ^Elayi 2017,p. 50.
  23. ^Radner 2018,0:51.
  24. ^abMark 2014.
  25. ^Radner 2017,p. 210.
  26. ^Dalley 2017,p. 528.
  27. ^Frahm 2017,pp. 177–178.
  28. ^Gottheil et al. 1906.
  29. ^Magen, Yitzhak (2007)."The Dating of the First Phase of the Samaritan Temple on Mount Gerizim in the Light of the Archaeological Evidence".In Oded Lipschitz; Gary N. Knoppers; Rainer Albertz (eds.).Judah and Judeans in the Fourth Century BC.Eisenbrauns.ISBN978-1-57506-130-6.Archivedfrom the original on 2023-11-29.Retrieved2022-01-18.
  30. ^L. Matassa, J. Macdonald; et al. (2007). "Samaritans". InBerenbaum, Michael;Skolnik, Fred(eds.).Encyclopaedia Judaica(2nd ed.). Detroit: Macmillan Reference. pp. 718–740.ISBN978-0-02-866097-4. As quoted byDepartment of Near Eastern Studies, University of MichiganArchived2021-09-20 at theWayback MachineandEncyclopediaArchived2022-01-18 at theWayback Machine
  31. ^abcDušek, Jan (27 October 2011),"Administration of Samaria in the Hellenistic Period",Samaria, Samarians, Samaritans,De Gruyter, pp. 76–77,doi:10.1515/9783110268201.71,ISBN978-3-11-026820-1,archivedfrom the original on 11 April 2023,retrieved11 April2023
  32. ^Raviv, Dvir (3 July 2019)."Granting of the Toparchies of Ephraim, Ramathaim and Lod to Hasmonean Judea".Tel Aviv.46(2): 267–285.doi:10.1080/03344355.2019.1650500.ISSN0334-4355.S2CID211674477.
  33. ^See: Jonathan Bourgel, "The Destruction of the Samaritan Temple by John Hyrcanus: A ReconsiderationArchived2022-03-18 at theWayback Machine",JBL135/3 (2016), pp. 505-523;[1]Archived2019-06-20 at theWayback Machine.See also idem,"The Samaritans during the Hasmonean Period: The Affirmation of a Discrete Identity?"Archived2022-01-19 at theWayback MachineReligions 2019, 10(11), 628.
  34. ^קליין, א' (2011).היבטים בתרבות החומרית של יהודה הכפרית בתקופה הרומית המאוחרת(135–324 לסה "נ).עבודת דוקטור, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן. עמ' 314–315. (Hebrew)
  35. ^שדמן, ע' (2016).בין נחל רבה לנחל שילה: תפרוסת היישוב הכפרי בתקופות ההלניסטית, הרומית והביזנטית לאור חפירות וסקרים.עבודת דוקטור, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן. עמ' 271–275. (Hebrew)
  36. ^Finkelstein, I. 1993. The Southern Samarian Hills Survey. In E. Stern (ed.). The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, Carta, Vol. 4, pp. 1314.
  37. ^Luke 17:11–20
  38. ^John 4:1–26
  39. ^Acts 8:1
  40. ^Acts 8:4–8
  41. ^John 4:4
  42. ^Ellenblum, Ronnie (2010).Frankish Rural Settlement in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.Cambridge University Press.ISBN978-0-511-58534-0.OCLC958547332.Archivedfrom the original on 2023-07-10.Retrieved2023-02-05.From the data given above it can be concluded that the Muslim population of Central Samaria, during the early Muslim period, was not an autochthonous population which had converted to Christianity. They arrived there either by way of migration or as a result of a process of sedentarization of the nomads who had filled the vacuum created by the departing Samaritans at the end of the Byzantine period [...] To sum up: in the only rural region in Palestine in which, according to all the written and archeological sources, the process of Islamization was completed already in the twelfth century, there occurred events consistent with the model propounded by Levtzion and Vryonis: the region was abandoned by its original sedentary population and the subsequent vacuum was apparently filled by nomads who, at a later stage, gradually became sedentarized
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Further reading

  • Becking, B. (1992).The Fall of Samaria: An Historical and Archaeological Study.Leiden; New York: E. J. Brill.ISBN978-90-04-09633-2.
  • Franklin, N. (2003). "The Tombs of the Kings of Israel".Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins.119(1): 1–11.
  • Franklin, N. (2004). "Samaria: from the Bedrock to the Omride Palace".Levant.36:189–202.doi:10.1179/lev.2004.36.1.189.S2CID162217071.
  • Park, Sung Jin (2012). "A New Historical Reconstruction of the Fall of Samaria".Biblica.93(1): 98–106.
  • Rainey, A. F. (November 1988). "Toward a Precise Date for the Samaria Ostraca".Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research.272(272): 69–74.doi:10.2307/1356786.JSTOR1356786.S2CID163297693.
  • Stager, L. E. (February–May 1990). "Shemer's Estate".Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research.277/278 (277): 93–107.doi:10.2307/1357375.JSTOR1357375.S2CID163576333.
  • Tappy, R. E. (2006). "The Provenance of the Unpublished Ivories from Samaria", pp. 637–56 in"I Will Speak the Riddles of Ancient Times" (Ps 78:2b): Archaeological and Historical Studies in Honor of Amihai Mazar on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday,A. M. Maeir and P. de Miroschedji, eds. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.
  • Tappy, R. E. (2007). "The Final Years of Israelite Samaria: Toward a Dialogue Between Texts and Archaeology", pp. 258–79 inUp to the Gates of Ekron: Essays on the Archaeology and History of the Eastern Mediterranean in Honor of Seymour Gitin,S. White Crawford, A. Ben-Tor, J. P. Dessel, W. G. Dever, A. Mazar, and J. Aviram, eds. Jerusalem: The W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research and the Israel Exploration Society.