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Sanjak of Herzegovina

Coordinates:43°21′24″N19°21′30″E/ 43.35667°N 19.35833°E/43.35667; 19.35833
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Sanjak of Herzegovina
Sanjakof theOttoman Empire

Map of the Sanjak of Herzegovina
• Coordinates43°21′24″N19°21′30″E/ 43.35667°N 19.35833°E/43.35667; 19.35833
• Established
• Part ofBosnia Eyalet
• establishment of theHerzegovina Eyalet
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Duchy of Saint Sava
Herzegovina Eyalet
Today part of

TheSanjak of Herzegovina(Turkish:Hersek Sancağı;Serbo-Croatian:Hercegovački sandžak) was anOttomanadministrative unit established in 1470. The seat was inFočauntil 1572 when it was moved toTaşlıca (Pljevlja).The sanjak was initially part of theEyalet of Rumelia[citation needed]but was administrated into theEyalet of Bosnia[citation needed]following its establishment in 1580.



15th century


In November 1481 Ayas, an Ottoman general, attackedNoviand captured it probably at the end of January 1482.[1]The sanjak was established between 1483 and 1485. In 1485, Novi was established as akadilukof the sanjak of Herzegovina.

16th century


In 1572, the seat of the sanjak was moved fromFočatoPljevlja.[citation needed]

TheBanat Uprising(1594) had been aided by Serbian Orthodox metropolitansRufim Njegušof CetinjeandVisarionof Trebinje(s. 1590–1602).[2]In 1596 revolts spread intoOttoman Montenegroand the neighbouring tribes in Herzegovina, especially under influence of Metropolitan Visarion.[2]ARagusandocument from the beginning of 1596 claims that many Herzegovinian chieftains with the metropolitan gathered in the Trebjesa Monastery where they swore oath "to give up and donate 20,000 heroes to the emperors' light."[3]In 1596,Grdan,vojvoda ofNikšić,andSerbian PatriarchJovan Kantul(s. 1592–1614) led rebels against the Ottomans but were defeated on theGackoField in 1597 (seeSerb Uprising of 1596–97). However, Grdan and Patriarch Jovan would continue to plan revolts against the Ottomans in the coming years.[4]

18th century


In 1737,Bogić Vučkovićand his brothers organized an uprising in Herzegovina during theAustro-Turkish War (1737–39).[citation needed]

19th century


At the beginning of the 19th century, theBosnia Eyaletwas one of the least developed and more autonomous provinces of the Empire.[5]In 1831, Bosnian kapudanHusein GradaščevićoccupiedTravnik,demanding autonomy and the end of military reforms in Bosnia.[6]Ultimately, exploiting the rivalries between beys and kapudans, the grand vizier succeeded in detaching the Herzegovinian forces, led byAli-paša Rizvanbegović,from Gradaščević's.[6]The revolt was crushed, and in 1833, a newHerzegovina Eyaletwas created[citation needed]from the southern part of the Bosnia Eyalet and given to Rizvanbegović as a reward for his contribution in crushing the uprising.[6]This new entity lasted only for a few years, being re-integrated into the Bosnia Eyalet after Rizvanbegović's death (1851).[citation needed]

In March 1852, Ottoman generalOmar Pashadecided to disarm the Herzegovinians, which sparked an outrage in the region. The chieftain of the Herzegovinians wasLuka Vukalović.The refusal of giving up arms resulted in minor fights between Herzegovinians and Turks (local Slavic Muslims), which in turn resulted inan uprising, which Vukalović would lead.

In 1875,an uprising broke outin Herzegovina, led by local Serbs against their Ottoman Bosnian lords who treated them harshly and ignored the new reforms announced by SultanAbdülmecid I.The rebels were aided with weapons and volunteers from the Principalities ofMontenegroandSerbia,whose governments eventually jointly declared war on the Ottomans on 18 June 1876, leading to theSerbo-Turkish War (1876–78)andMontenegrin–Ottoman War (1876–78),which in turn led to theRusso-Turkish War (1877–78)andGreat Eastern Crisis.A result of the uprisings and wars was theBerlin Congressin 1878, which gave Montenegro and Serbia independence and territorial expansion, whileAustro-Hungary occupied Bosnia and Herzegovinafor 30 years, while it still wasde jureOttoman territory. The Austro-Hungarian occupation and Montenegrin expansion ofOld Herzegovinamarks the end of the Sanjak of Herzegovina.



See also



  1. ^M. Bešić, Zarij (1970),Istorija Crne Gore / 2. Crna gora u doba oblasnih gospodara.(in Serbian), Titograd: Redakcija za istoiju Crne Gore, p. 321,OCLC175122851,Ајас је почео опсаду Новог у новембру 1481. год. с неких 2.000 војника....Угарска посадакоја га је држала предала се, вјероватно крајем јануара 1482
  2. ^abEditions speciales.Naučno delo. 1971.Дошло ]е до похреаа Срба у Ба- нату, ко]и су помагали тадаппьи црногоски владика, Херувим и тре- бюьски, Висарион. До покрета и борбе против Ту рака дошло ]е 1596. године и у Цр- иэ] Гори и сус]едним племенима у Харцеговгаш, нарочито под утица- ]ем поменутог владике Висариона. Идупе, 1597. године, [...] Али, а\адика Висарион и во]вода Грдан радили су и дал>е на организован>у борбе, па су придобили и тадапньег пеЬког патри^арха 1ована. Ова] ]е папи Клименту VIII послао писмо, у коме каже да би се, у случа^у када би папа организовао напад на Нови, дигла на оруж]е и херцего- вачка племена: Зупци, Никшипи, Пивл>ани, Банъани, Дробшаци, Рудине и Гацко. Пошто...
  3. ^Istorisko društvo Bosne i Hercegovine (1959).Annuaire de la Société historique de Bosnie et Herzégovine.Istorisko društvo Bosne i Hercegovine.из Дубровника из почетка 1596 тврди да су се многи херцего- вачки главари са митрополитом састали у требшьском манастиру и заклели »да Ье се дати и поклонити светлости импературови су 20 тисуЪа ]унака«. Устаници...
  4. ^Zapisi.Vol. 3. Cetinjsko istorijsko društvo. 1929. p. 97.чувени херцеговачки војвода Грдан Никшић, који је 1597 — 1612 дизао буне противу Ту- рака и склапао савезе с европским владарима.
  5. ^Religious separation and political intolerance in Bosnia-Herzegovina,p. 84, atGoogle BooksBy Mitja Velikonja
  6. ^abcGábor Ágoston; Bruce Alan Masters (2009-01-01).Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire.Infobase Publishing. p. 91.ISBN978-1-4381-1025-7.Retrieved2013-05-20.
  7. ^Gazi Husrevbegova biblioteka u Sarajevu (1983).Anali Gazi Husrev-begove biblioteke.Gazi Husrev-begova biblioteka. p. 34.
  8. ^Kemal Çiçek; Ercüment Kuran; Nejat Göyünç; İlber Ortaylı (2000).Great Ottoman Turkish civilization.Yeni Türkiye.ISBN9789756782170.... result of these actions were that even a small Cypriot community living in Venice applied to the Ottoman State through Kasim Bey, the ruler of the sanjak of Hersek, seeking to come back to Cyprus. They were not only permitted to come back,...
  9. ^Ljubez, Bruno (2009).Jajce Grad: prilog povijesti posljednje bosanske prijestolnice.HKD Napredak. p. 405.ISBN9789958840456.Malkoč Ali-beg je sin Kara Osman-bega, nekadašnjeg hercegovačkog sandžaka, čije se turbe nalazi u Kopčiću kod Bugojna.
  10. ^Alina Payne (23 January 2014).Dalmatia and the Mediterranean: Portable Archaeology and the Poetics of Influence.BRILL. p. 320.ISBN978-90-04-26391-8.
  11. ^Zbornik radova.Filozofski fakultet u Tuzlu. 2000. p. 98.
  12. ^abcdeSafvet-beg Bašagić (1900).Kratka uputa u prošlost Bosne i Hercegovine, od g. 1463-1850.Vlastita naklada. p. 180.
  13. ^Ingrao, Samardžić & Pešalj 2011,p. 123.

