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May 2011 cover ofSojourners
Julie Polter
Jim Rice
PresidentAdam Russell Taylor
CategoriesChristian magazines
CountryUnited States
Based inWashington, D.C.
Websitesojo.netEdit this at Wikidata

Sojournersis aprogressivemonthly magazine and daily online publication of the American Christiansocial justiceorganization Sojourners, which arose out of theSojourners Community.It was first published in 1971 under the original title ofThe Post-American.The magazine and online publication feature reporting, commentary, and analysis onChristianity and politics,the church andsocial issues,social justice,and Christian living. Articles frequently feature coverage offair trade,interfaith dialogue,peacemaking,and work to alleviatepoverty.The offices of the magazine are in Washington, D.C.

Julie Polterhas served as editor-in-chief since September 2022. She followedSandi Villarreal,who was named in August 2020.[1]Adam Russell Taylorsucceeded founderJim Wallisas president in November 2020.[2]



Sojournersmagazine was originally published in 1971[3]under the nameThe Post American,coming out of theSojourners Community.[4]The name was changed toSojournersin 1975, when the community moved fromTrinity Evangelical Divinity SchoolinDeerfield, Illinois,toColumbia HeightsinWashington, D.C.The mission ofSojournersis "to articulate the biblical call to social justice, inspiring hope and building a movement to transform individuals, communities, the church, and the world."[5]

The magazine was originally published quarterly, then every other month, and since January 2004 has been published eleven times per year, with a single issue published for September and October.

The Sojourners Collection is maintained byWheaton Collegein its archives and special collections. Collected materials include magazine issues, correspondence, original manuscripts and administrative papers, as well as information on the Sojourners Community, founder Wallis, and other communities and organizations affiliated with the publisher.[6][7]

Other activities


Along with the magazine,[8]Sojournersalso produces a website, sojo.net.[9]

In 2010, Wallis was interviewed in episode six ofGod in America,a documentary featured onPBSfromFrontlineandAmerican Experience.[10]

Sojourners CEO Wallis served as a member of PresidentBarack Obama'sAdvisory Council on Faith-Based and Community Partnerships,which advises the president and White House staff on a range of concerns.[11]Sojournershas organized high-level meetings with the White House and political leaders on both sides of the aisle.

Recent work


Responding to the global economic crisis


Wallis's latest book, published in January 2010, isRediscovering Values: On Wall Street, Main Street and Your Street.[12]As part of his nationwide book tour, Wallis was interviewed onThe Daily Showwith Jon Stewart,Morning Joeon MSNBC,[13]and PBS'sThe Tavis Smiley Show.[14]The Jon Stewart interview and the first chapter of Wallis's book, "Sunday School with Jon Stewart", are on their sojo.net website.[15]

Immigration reform


Sojourners is leading faith groups in support of comprehensive immigration work through its Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform campaign. As a June 2010Brookings Institutionpanel on "Religious Activism and the Debate over Immigration Reform" affirmed, "largely because of the activism of these religious groups, immigration has remained on a legislative agenda crowded with other pressing domestic concerns."[16]ASojournersletter to President Obama – calling for leadership on immigration reform that reflects the nation's best values – was signed by more than 40 prominent faith leaders and 28 national organizations.Sojournerswas one of the primary faith organizers of the March 21, 2010, national immigration rally that brought 200,000 people to Washington, D.C. As part of a coalition of evangelical groups,Sojournerscame out in full support for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants as part of any immigration reform legislation in the United States on March 18, 2013. Wallis stated that it was part of a "sea change" in the evangelical community, driven in part by the increasing numbers of immigrants in congregations. He went on to state that evangelical leaders have concluded that "we don't believe there are second-class images of God, and therefore we don't believe in a second-class status for people who are willing to follow an earned path to citizenship."[17]

Climate change, green energy, and the Gulf oil spill


Sojourners urged constituents to reduce energy use and advocate for laws that hold polluters accountable, supportgreen energytechnology, and prioritize people and the planet above corporate interests. It mobilized its grassroots base and engaged in advocacy at the highest levels in support of action to stopclimate change.Faith leaders called for increasing funding from Congress to help the most vulnerable communities worldwide who are affected by climate change. Wallis led a delegation of faith leaders who traveled to theGulf of Mexicofor a listening tour sponsored by theSierra Club.A reporter from CNN participated in the delegation and covered theGulf Coasttour.[18]

Rejecting LGBT advertising


In 2011, theSojournerswebsite, sojo.net, rejected a Mother's Day advertisement from Believe Out Loud that featured a same-sex couple.[19]

AuthorBecky Garrisonwrote that she "lost [her] position on theSojournersmasthead for protesting their rejection of an LGBT welcome ad. "[20]

Countering extremism


Wallis and other faith leaders played an important behind-the-scenes role in preventing theQuran burningby pastorTerry Joneson September 11, 2010. Wallis's opinion piece inThe Washington Post's"Sunday Outlook" section describes the role he and other faith leaders played.[21]The article also highlights how the welcoming stance of a church inTennesseehad global implications inPakistanand what that could teach us aboutinterfaithunderstanding and fighting terrorism. The column was reprinted in newspapers globally, including in publications with predominantlyMuslimaudiences.


  1. ^Khan, Aysha (August 14, 2020)."Jim Wallis replaced asSojournerseditor after controversy over article on Catholic racism ".Religion News Service.RetrievedSeptember 3,2020.
  2. ^"Adam Taylor succeeds Jim Wallis as Sojourners president".Religion News Service.November 20, 2020.RetrievedJuly 13,2021.
  3. ^Ken Waters (August 2012). "The Evangelical Press". In Diane Winston (ed.).The Oxford Handbook of Religion and the American News Media.Oxford.
  4. ^Macdonald, G. Jeffrey (December 2, 2006)."Liberal Journals Wither Despite Rising Christian Left".The Washington Post.Religion News Service.RetrievedAugust 30,2010.
  5. ^"Sojourners: About Us".Sojo.net.RetrievedMarch 25,2011.
  6. ^"History".Sojourners.2007.RetrievedMay 6,2010.
  7. ^"Sojourners Records, 1971–2006".Wheaton College.RetrievedMay 6,2010.
  8. ^"Associated Church Press Best of the Christian Press Awards, Presented May 8, 2010, Arlington, Virginia".Associated Church Press.May 8, 2010. Archived fromthe originalon May 18, 2010.RetrievedApril 25,2011.
  9. ^"Sojourners Magazine Wins Top Magazine Honors - Jeannie Choi - God's Politics Blog".Blog. May 5, 2010.RetrievedApril 25,2011.
  10. ^"God in America: Watch the Full Program Online".PBS. October 11, 2010.RetrievedApril 25,2011.
  11. ^"Obama Announces White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships".whitehouse.gov.February 5, 2009.RetrievedApril 25,2011– viaNational Archives.
  12. ^"Sojourners: Rediscovering Values".Sojo.net. Archived fromthe originalon June 19, 2010.RetrievedApril 25,2011.
  13. ^"Morning Joe".MSNBC.Archived fromthe originalon February 2, 2004.RetrievedApril 25,2011.
  14. ^"Tavis Smiley. Shows".PBS.January 9, 2010. Archived fromthe originalon March 30, 2010.RetrievedApril 25,2011.
  15. ^"Sojourners: Rediscovering Values".Sojo.net.Archived fromthe originalon May 26, 2010.RetrievedApril 25,2011.
  16. ^"Religious Activism and the Debate over Immigration Reform - Brookings Institution".Brookings.edu. June 15, 2010.RetrievedApril 25,2011.
  17. ^Werner, Erica (March 18, 2013)."Evangelicals Support Path To Citizenship".Talking Points Memo. Associated Press.RetrievedMarch 18,2013.
  18. ^"CNN Covers Jim Wallis and Other Faith Leaders in Gulf Coast".God's Politics: A blog by Jim Wallis and Friends.Sojourners. July 8, 2010.RetrievedMarch 11,2012.
  19. ^Savage, Dan (May 9, 2011)."NALT Watch: The Ad That Was Too Controversial forSojourners".The Stranger.
  20. ^Garrison, Becky. "Going Global to Do Good Without God."American Atheist.2nd Quarter 2013. p. 18
  21. ^Wallis, Jim (September 19, 2010)."Jim Wallis on the story behind Pastor Terry Jones's change of heart".The Washington Post.