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Spanish Chileans

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Spanish Chileans
Total population
25,624[1]Spanish citizens Vast majority of Chileans have at least partial Spanish ancestry (from colonial times)
Regions with significant populations
All overChile
Chilean Spanish,Peninsular Spanish,Galician,Catalan,Basque
MainlyRoman Catholicism,
Related ethnic groups
Chilean people,Spaniards,and otherLatin Americanpeoples

Spanish Chileansrefer more often toChileansof post-independenceSpanishimmigrant descent, as they have retained a Spanish cultural identity. People of pre-independence Spanish descent are usually not considered Spanish Chileans even though they form a large majority of the Chilean population and have Spanish surnames and ancestry. This is because they rejected Spanish identity for the emergent Chilean one on the eve of national independence.



The earliestEuropean immigrantswere Spanish colonisers who arrived in the 16th century. They came to form the majority of the population by the time ofChilean independence.[2]They came mainly fromCastileandAndalusiaand formed the majority population. TheAmerindianpopulation of central Chile was absorbed into the Spanish settler population in the beginning of the colonial period to form the largemestizopopulation that exists in Chile today; mestizos create modern middle and lower classes. In the 18th and 19th centuries, manyBasquesfrom bothSpainandFrancecame toChilewhere they integrated into the existing elites of Castilian origin.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9]OtherEuropeannationalities then followed and also became rich and fused with each other and the Basque-Castilian elite to create modern middle and upper classes. At the beginning of the Guano era in 1840s, one of Peru's most prosperous time periods, immigration from Spain greatly increased and the economy was booming and standard of living was high. This era ended in 1866 with theChincha Islands Warwherein anti-Spanish sentiments in Peru also arose in Chile and in which Peru emerged victorious. In 1903, a fleet of 88Canarianfamilies—400 persons—arrived inBudi Lake,that currently have more than 1,000 descendants, as a response to the government's call to populate this region and signed contracts for the benefit of a private company. While manyCanariansobeyed their servitude, some of those who disobeyed the provisions of repopulation tried to escape their servitude and were arrested, and the indigenousMapuchepeople took pity on the plight of these Canarians who were established on their former lands. The Mapuches welcomed them and joined their demonstrations in the so-called "revolt of the Canarians", and many Canarians integrated into Mapuche population to add the large mestizo population that exists in Chile.[10]In the 20th century, there was an influx of refugees of theSpanish Civil Warand Franco's regime.(seeWinnipeg ship) They have kept their Spanish national identity and set up Spanish clubs throughout the country. TheSpanish cultureof the original settlers slowly evolved into Chilean folk culture, especially thehuasoone, and at the time of independence had abandoned national affiliation with Spain.

Spanish architecture in Chile


Today, most Chileans have predominantly Spanish/Basque ancestry. However, unlike most other Spanish-American countries, very few buildings were built by Spaniards during the colonial period. One or two colonial buildings from the later stage of Spanish domination might still be standing in a few cities in central Chile. However, there are two small towns in Chile whose city centre is dominated bySpanish architecture,Cobquecura, near Concepcion, andYerbas Buenas,near Linares. Because of this exception to the rule, they are protected by the Chilean government as 'places of architectural heritage'. Most houses are American in style, while the old public buildings are French and the newer ones are based on American skycrapers.[citation needed]

Notable Spanish Chileans


List of Spanish cultural centres and other institutions in Chile


They have regional cultural centres in Santiago and other large cities.

  • 7ª. Cía. de Bomberos "Bomba España",Antofagasta
  • Centro Español de Antofagasta
  • Sociedad Española de Beneficencia de Antofagasta
  • Centro Español,Arica
  • Estadio Español deChiguayante
  • Centro Español deChillán
  • Hogar Español de Chillán
  • Sociedad Española de Beneficencia de Chillán
  • Centro Español deConcepción
  • Sociedad Española de Beneficencia de Concepción
  • Colectividad Española,Coquimbo
  • Corporación Unión Española deCoyhaique
  • Centro Español deCuricó
  • Club Deportivo Español de Curicó
  • Estadio Español de Curicó
  • Sociedad de Damas del Pilar de Curicó
  • Sociedad Española de Beneficencia de Curicó
  • Casino Español deIquique
  • Sociedad Española de Beneficencia,Iquique
  • Sociedad Española de Beneficencia,Las Condes
  • Estadio Español deLinares
  • Sociedad Española de Beneficencia, Linares
  • Centro Español deLos Andes
  • Sociedad Española de Beneficencia, Los Andes
  • Centro Español deLos Ángeles
  • Club Deportivo Español deOsorno
  • Sociedad Española de SS.MM. de Osorno
  • Colectividad Valenciana de ChileProvidencia
  • Instituto Chileno de Cultura Hispánica, Providencia
  • Centro Español dePuerto Montt
  • Centro Español dePuerto Natales
  • Sociedad Española dePunta Arenas
  • Centro Español deRancagua
  • Corporación Club Español de Campo Reñaca-Viña
  • Centro Cultural EspañolSan Antonio
  • Centro Español deSan Fernando
  • Sociedad Española de Beneficencia, San Fernando
  • 10a. Cía. de Bomberos "Bomba España",Santiago
  • Camara Oficial Española de Comercio de Chile
  • Centro Navarro de Chile,Santiago
  • Círculo de Profesionales Hispánicos, Santiago
  • Círculo Español, Santiago
  • Colectividad Andaluza de Chile, Santiago
  • Colectividad Asturiana de Chile, Santiago
  • Colectividad Castellano-Leonesa de Chile,Santiago
  • Colectividad Madrileña de Chile, Santiago
  • Comité de Damas de A.I.E.CH., Santiago
  • Confederación de Bombas Españolas en Chile, Santiago
  • Coolectividad Aragonesa de Chile, Santiago
  • Estadio Español de Las Condes
  • Hogar Español, Santiago
  • Lar Gallego, Santiago
  • Sociedad Benéfica La Rioja, Santiago
  • Sociedad Española de Socorros Mutuos y Beneficencia, Santiago
  • Unión Española,Santiago
  • Agrupación Winnipeg, Santiago
  • Centre Català de Santiago de Xile, Santiago
  • Centro Vasco, Santiago
  • 5a. Cía de Bomberos Bomba España deTalca
  • Centro Español de Talca
  • Club Deportivo Español de Talca
  • Escuela Especial España, Talca
  • Ropero Español de Talca
  • Sociedad Española de Beneficencia de Talca
  • 4a. Cía. de Bomberos Bomba España,Temuco
  • Centro Español de Temuco
  • Sociedad Española de Beneficencia de Temuco
  • Centro Español deValdivia
  • 7a. Cía. de Bomberos Bomba España,Valparaíso
  • Sociedad Española de Beneficencia, Valparaíso
  • Club Unión Española Valparaíso,Viña del Mar
  • Soc. de Beneficencia Damas Españolas Viña del Mar

See also



  1. ^(in Spanish)44.468 ciudadanos españoles viven en ChileArchived2009-07-20 at theWayback Machine
  2. ^Vascos en Chile.
  3. ^Diariovasco.
  4. ^entrevista al Presidente de la Cámara vasca.Archived2009-05-11 at theWayback Machine
  5. ^vascosAinara Madariaga:Autora del estudio"Imaginarios vascos desde Chile La construcción de imaginarios vascos en Chile durante el siglo XX".
  6. ^Basques au Chili.
  7. ^"Contacto Interlingüístico e intercultural en el mundo hispano".instituto valenciano de lenguas y culturas. Universitat de València Cita: "Un 20% de la población chilena tiene su origen en el País Vasco".
  8. ^(in Spanish)La población chilena con ascendencia vasca bordea entre el 15% y el 20% del total, por lo que es uno de los países con mayor presencia de emigrantes venidos de Euskadi.Archived2010-02-02 at theWayback Machine
  9. ^(in Spanish)Presencia vasca en Chile.
  10. ^Archipiélago noticias. Canarios en Chile(in Spanish: Canarians in Chile). Posted Luis León Barreto. Retrieved December 21, 2011, to 23:52 pm.