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Tabby's Star

Coordinates:Sky map20h06m15.457s,+44° 27′ 24.61″
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Tabby's Star

Tabby's Star in infrared (left) and ultraviolet (right)
Observation data
Constellation Cygnus
Right ascension 20h06m15.45265s[1]
Declination +44° 27′ 24.7909″[1]
Apparent magnitude(V) +11.705±0.017[2]
KIC 8462852 A
Evolutionary stage Main sequence[2]
Spectral type F3V[2]
B−Vcolor index 0.557
V−Rcolor index 0.349
R−Icolor index 0.305
J−Hcolor index 0.212
J−Kcolor index 0.264
KIC 8462852 B
Spectral type M2V[3]
KIC 8462852 A
Radial velocity(Rv)−0.46±3.91[1]km/s
Proper motion(μ)RA:−10.375±0.012mas/yr[1]
Parallax(π)2.2545 ± 0.0099mas[1]
Distance1,447 ± 6ly
(444 ± 2pc)
Absolute magnitude(MV)3.08[2][4]
KIC 8462852 B
Proper motion(μ)RA:−10.097±0.231mas/yr[5]
Parallax(π)2.2470 ± 0.1620mas[5]
Distance1,500 ± 100ly
(450 ± 30pc)
Position (relative to Tabby's Star)[3]
ComponentKIC 8462852 B
Epoch of observation2019
Angular distance1951.88±0.06mas
Position angle96.062±0.004°
Projected separation880±10AU
KIC 8462852 A
Luminosity (bolometric)4.68[2]L
Surface gravity(logg)4.0±0.2[6]cgs
Rotational velocity(vsini)84±4[2]km/s
KIC 8462852 B
Other designations
TYC 3162-665-1, Boya gian 's Star, WISE J200615.45+442724.7, KIC 8462852, NSVS 5711291, Gaia DR2 2081900940499099136,2MASSJ20061546+4427248, UCAC4 673-083862, TIC 185336364, APASS 52502626
Database references

Tabby's Star(designated asKIC 8462852in theKepler Input Catalogand also known by the namesBoya gian 's StarandWTF Star) is abinary starin theconstellationCygnusapproximately 1,470 light-years (450parsecs) from Earth. The system is composed of anF-type main-sequence starand ared dwarfcompanion.

Unusual light fluctuations of Tabby's Star, including up to a 22% dimming in brightness, were discovered bycitizen scientistsas part of thePlanet Huntersproject. The discovery was made from data collected by theKepler space telescope,which observed changes in the brightness of distant stars todetect exoplanets.Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the star's large irregular changes in brightness, but as of 2024,none of them fully explain all aspects of the resulting light curve. It has been suggested that it is an alien megastructure, but evidence tends to discount this suggestion.[7]

In September 2019, astronomers reported that the observed dimmings of Tabby's Star may have been produced by fragments resulting from thedisruptionof anorphaned exomoon.Tabby's Star is not the only star that has large irregular dimmings, but other such stars includeyoung stellar objectscalled YSO dippers, which have different dimming patterns.



The names "Tabby's Star" and "Boya gian 's Star" refer to American astronomerTabetha S. Boya gian,who was the lead author of thescientific paperthat announced the discovery of the star's irregular light fluctuations in 2015.[8][9]The nickname "WTF Star" is a reference to the paper's subtitle "where's the flux?", which highlights the observed dips in the star'sradiative flux.[10][11][12][13]The star has also been given the nickname "LGM-2" – a homage to the firstpulsardiscovered,PSR B1919+21,which was given the nickname "LGM-1 "when it was originally theorized to be a transmission from anextraterrestrial civilization.[14]Other designationsin variousstar catalogueshave been given to Tabby's Star. In theKepler Input Catalog,a collection of astronomical objects catalogued by theKepler space telescope,Tabby's Star is known asKIC 8462852.[2]In theTycho-2 Catalogue,an enhanced collection of stars catalogued byHipparcos,the star is known asTYC 3162-665-1.[2]In the infraredTwo Micron All-Sky Survey(2MASS), the star is identified as2MASS J20061546+4427248.[2]


Map of the constellation Cygnus
Location of Tabby's Star in the constellationCygnus(circled in red)
Finder image:KIC 8462852 (blue square) and nearby stars – stable reference stars are in red circles.(FOV=12.5 × 9.6minutes of arc,NEatupper-left)[15]

Tabby's Star in the constellationCygnusis roughly halfway between the bright starsDenebandDelta Cygnias part of theNorthern Cross.[16][17]It is situated south of31 Cygni,and northeast of thestar clusterNGC 6866.[17]While only a few arcminutes away from the cluster, it is unrelated and closer to the Sun than it is to the star cluster.

With anapparent magnitudeof 11.7, the star cannot be seen by thenaked eye,but is visible with a 5-inch (130 mm) telescope[18]in a dark sky with littlelight pollution.

History of observations


Tabby's Star was observed as early as the year 1890.[19][20][21]The star was cataloged in theTycho,2MASS,UCAC4, andWISEastronomical catalogs[22](published in 1997, 2003, 2009, and 2012, respectively).[23][24][25][26]

The main source of information about the luminosity fluctuations of Tabby's Star is the Kepler space telescope. During its primary and extended mission from 2009 to 2013 it continuously monitored thelight curvesof over 100,000 stars in a patch of sky in the constellations Cygnus and Lyra.[27]

2017 light fluctuations

Normalized flux for Tabby's Star
2 May 2017 to 4 May 2018:g
Bruce Gary (HAO)[35][31][36]
Prominent dimmings[28]− start dates (est.):
  • 14 May 2017 ( "Elsie"; 2% dip)
  • 11 June ( "Celeste"; 2% dip)
  • 2 August ( "Skara Brae"; 1% dip)
  • 5 September ( "Angkor"; 2.3%;[29]3%[30]dip)
  • 20 November (unnamed; 1.25%[31]dip)[32]
  • 16 March 2018 ( "Caral-Supe"; 1%;[33]5%[34]dip)
  • 24 March ( "Evangeline"; >5% dip)

On 20 May 2017, Boya gian and her colleagues reported, viaThe Astronomer's Telegram,on an ongoing dimming event (named "Elsie" )[32][37]which possibly began on 14 May 2017.[38]It was detected by theLas Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network,specifically by its telescope in Maui (LCOMaui). This was verified by theFairborn Observatory(part of theN2K Consortium) in Southern Arizona (and later by LCO Canary Islands).[39][40][41]Further optical and infrared spectroscopy and photometry were urgently requested, given the short duration of these events, which may be measured in days or weeks.[38]Observations from multiple observers globally were coordinated, includingpolarimetry.[42]Furthermore, the independentSETIprojectsBreakthrough ListenandNear-InfraRed Optical SETI(NIROSETI), both atLick Observatory,continue to monitor the star.[38][43][44][45]By the end of the three-day dimming event,[46]a dozen observatories had taken spectra, with some astronomers having dropped their own projects to provide telescope time and resources. More generally the astronomical community was described as having gone "mildly bananas" over the opportunity to collect data in real-time on the unique star.[47]The 2% dip event was named "Elsie" (a homophone of "LC", in reference to Las Cumbres and light curve).[48]

Initial spectra with FRODOSpec at the two-meterLiverpool Telescopeshowed no changes visible between a reference spectrum and this dip.[43][44][45]Several observatories, however, including the twinKeck telescopes(HIRES) and numerous citizen science observatories, acquired spectra of the star,[38][44][45]showing a dimming that had a complex shape, and initially had a pattern similar to the one at 759.75 days from the Kepler event 2,epoch2 data. Observations were taken across theelectromagnetic spectrum.

Evidence of a second dimming event (named "Celeste" )[37]was observed on 13–14 June 2017, which possibly began 11 June, by amateur astronomer Bruce L. Gary.[49]While the light curve on 14–15 June indicated a possible recovery from the dimming event, the dimming continued to increase afterwards,[49]and on 16 June, Boya gian wrote that the event was approaching a 2% dip in brightness.[32][50]

A third prominent 1% dimming event (named "Skara Brae" )[37]was detected beginning 2 August 2017,[51][52]and which recovered by 17 August.[32][53]

A fourth prominent dimming event (named "Angkor" )[37]began 5 September 2017,[54]and is, as of 16 September 2017, between 2.3%[29]and 3%[30]dimming event, making it the "deepest dip this year".[32][55]

Another dimming event, amounting to a 0.3% dip, began around 21 September 2017 and completely recovered by 4 October 2017.[35]

On 10 October 2017, an increasing brightening, lasting about two weeks, of the starlight from KIC 8462852 was noted by Bruce L. Gary of theHereford Arizona Observatory[57]and Boya gian.[58]A possible explanation, involving a transitingbrown dwarfin a 1,600-day eccentric orbit near KIC 8462852, a "drop feature" in dimness and predicted intervals of brightening, to account for the unusual fluctuating starlight events of KIC 8462852, has been proposed.[57][59][60]

On about 20 November 2017, a fifth prominent dimming event began and had deepened to a depth of 0.44%; as of 16 December 2017, the event recovered, leveled off at dip bottom for 11 days, faded again, to a current total dimming depth of 1.25%, and was recovering again.[57][31]

Dimming and brightening events of the star continue to be monitored; related light curves are updated and released frequently.[33][61]

2018 light fluctuations


The star was too close to the Sun's position in the sky from late December 2017 to mid February 2018 to be seen. Observations resumed in late February.[33][62]A new series of dips began on 16 March 2018. By 18 March 2018 the star was down in brightness by more than 1% in g-band, according toBruce L. Gary,[33]and about 5% in r-band, making it the deepest dip observed since the Kepler Mission in 2013, according toTabetha S. Boya gian.[34][63][64]A second even deeper dip with a depth of >5% started on 24 March 2018, as confirmed byAAVSOobserver John Hall.[65][66]As of 27 March 2018, that second dip was recovering.[67]

2019 light fluctuations


The 2019 observing season began in mid-March, when the star reappeared after its yearlyconjunctionwith the Sun.[68]

The ground based observation campaign was supplemented by theTransiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite(TESS), which observed the star every 2 minutes between 18 July and 11 September 2019.[69][70]It observed a 1.4% dip in brightness between 3–4 September 2019.[71]

Between October 2019 and December 2019, at least seven separate dips were observed, the deepest of which had a depth of 2%. By the end of the observing season in early January 2020, the star had once again recovered in brightness. The total combined depth of the dips in 2019 was 11%, comparable to that seen in 2011 and 2013, but spread over a long time interval.[72]This cluster of dips is roughly centered on the 17 October 2019 date predicted by Sacco et al.[73]for a reappearance, given a 1,574-day (4.31-year) period, of orbiting material comprising the original "D800" dip.



Observations of theluminosityof the star by the Kepler space telescope show small, frequent, non-periodic dips in brightness, along with two large recorded dips in brightness two years apart. The amplitude of the changes in the star's brightness, and the aperiodicity of the changes, mean that this star is of particular interest for astronomers.[74]The star's changes in brightness are consistent with many small masses orbiting the star in "tight formation".[75]

The first major dip, on 5 March 2011, reduced the star's brightness by up to 15%, and the next 726 days later (on 28 February 2013) by up to 22%. (A third dimming, around 8%, occurred 48 days later.) In comparison, a planet the size of Jupiter would only obscure a star of this size by 1%, indicating that whatever is blocking light during the star's major dips is not a planet, but rather something covering up to half the width of the star.[74]Due to the failure of two of Kepler'sreaction wheels,the star's predicted 750-day dip around February 2015 was not recorded.[2][76]The light dips do not exhibit an obvious pattern.[77]

In addition to the day-long dimmings, a study of a century's worth of photographic plates suggests that the star has gradually faded in 100 years (from c. 1890 to c. 1990) by about 20%, which would be unprecedented for any F-type main-sequence star.[19][20]Teasing accurate magnitudes from long-term photographic archives is a complex procedure, however, requiring adjustment for equipment changes, and is strongly dependent on the choice of comparison stars. Another study, examining the same photographic plates, concluded that the possible century-long dimming was likely a data artifact, and not a real astrophysical event.[21]Another study from plates between 1895 and 1995 found strong evidence that the star has not dimmed, but kept a constant flux within a few percent, except an 8% dip on 24 October 1978, resulting in a period of the putative occulter of 738 days.[78]

A third study, using light measurements by the Kepler observatory over a four-year period, determined that Tabby's Star dimmed at about 0.34% per year before dimming more rapidly by about 2.5% in 200 days. It then returned to its previous slow fade rate. The same technique was used to study 193 stars in its vicinity and 355 stars similar in size and composition to Tabby's Star. None of these stars exhibited such dimming.[79]

In 2018, a possible 1,574-day (4.31-year) periodicity in dimming of the star was reported.[73]

Stellar companion


Ared dwarfstellar companion at projected separation 880±10AUfrom Tabby's Star was confirmed to be comoving in 2021.[3][80]For comparison, this is around 180 times the orbit ofJupiter,[81]around 30 times the orbit ofNeptune,[82]or around 5.5 times[83]the distance toVoyager 1as of 2023.



Originally, and until Kohler's work of 2017, it was thought that, based on thespectrum and stellar typeof Tabby's Star, its changes in brightness could not be attributed tointrinsic variability.[2]Consequently, a few hypotheses have been proposed involving material orbiting the star and blocking its light, although none of these fully fit the observed data.[84]

Some of the proposed explanations involveinterstellar dust,a series of giant planets with very large ring structures,[85][86]a recently capturedasteroidfield,[2]the system undergoingLate Heavy Bombardment,[87][88]and an artificialmegastructureorbiting the star.[89]

By 2018, the leading hypothesis was that the "missing" heat flux involved in the star's dimming could be stored within the star's interior. Such variations in luminosity might arise from a number of mechanisms affecting the efficiency of heat transport inside the star.[90][91]

However, in September 2019, astronomers reported that the observed dimmings of Tabby's Star may have been produced by fragments resulting from thedisruptionof anorphaned exomoon.[92][93]

Circumstellar dust ring

Artist's concept of an "uneven ring ofdust"orbiting Tabby's Star[94][95][96]

Meng et al. (2017) suggested that, based on observational data of Tabby's Star from theSwift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission,Spitzer Space Telescope,andBelgian AstroLAB IRIS Observatory,only "microscopic fine-dust screens", originating from "circumstellar material", are able to disperse the starlight in the way detected in their measurements.[94][95][96][97]Based on these studies, on 4 October 2017, NASA reported that the unusual dimming events of Tabby's Star are due to an "uneven ring ofdust"orbiting the star.[94]Although the explanation of a significant amount of small particles orbiting the star regards "long-term fading" as noted by Meng,[95]the explanation also seems consistent with the week-long fadings found by amateur astronomerBruce L. Garyand the Tabby Team, coordinated by astronomerTabetha S. Boya gian,inmore recent dimming events.[98][32][35][99][100]A related, but more sophisticated, explanation of dimming events, involving a transiting "brown dwarf"in a 1600-day eccentric orbit near Tabby's Star, a" drop feature "in dimness, and predicted intervals of" brightening ", has been proposed.[57][59][60][101]Dimming and brightening events of Tabby's Star continue to be monitored; related light curves are updated and released frequently.[33][102]

Nonetheless, data similar to that observed for Tabby's Star, along with supporting data from theChandra X-ray Observatory,were found with dust debris orbitingWD 1145+017,awhite dwarfthat also has unusual light curve fluctuations.[103]Further, the highly variable starRZ Piscium,which brightens and dims erratically, has been found to emit excessiveinfrared radiation,suggesting that the star is surrounded by large amounts of gas and dust, possibly resulting from thedestruction of local planets.[104][105]

A cloud of disintegrating comets

Artist's impression of an orbiting swarm of dusty comet fragments

One proposed explanation for the reduction in light is that it is due to a cloud of disintegratingcometsorbiting the star elliptically.[2][87][106][107]This scenario would assume that a planetary system around Tabby's Star has something similar to theOort cloudand that gravity from a nearby star caused comets from said cloud to fall closer into the system, thereby obstructing the spectra of Tabby's Star. Evidence supporting this hypothesis includes an M-typered dwarfwithin 132 billion kilometers (885AU) of Tabby's Star.[2]The notion that disturbed comets from such a cloud could exist in high enough numbers to obscure 22% of the star's observed luminosity has been doubted.[74]

Submillimetre-wavelength observations searching for farther-out cold dust in an asteroid belt akin to the Sun'sKuiper Beltsuggest that a distant "catastrophic" planetary disruption explanation is unlikely; the possibility of a disrupted asteroid belt scattering comets into the inner system is still to be determined.[108]

Younger star with coalescing material around it

Artist's impression of a young star with coalescing material around it

Astronomer Jason T. Wright and others who have studied Tabby's Star have suggested that if the star is younger than its position and speed would suggest, then it may still have coalescing material around it.[10][13][109]

A0.8–4.2-micrometerspectroscopic study of the system using theNASA Infrared Telescope Facility(NASA IRTF) found no evidence for coalescing material within a fewastronomical unitsof the mature central star.[87][88]

Planetary debris field

Artist's impression of a massive collision with a proto-planet

High-resolutionspectroscopyand imaging observations have also been made, as well asspectral energy distributionanalyses using theNordic Optical Telescopein Spain.[2][85]A massive collision scenario would create warm dust that glows ininfraredwavelengths, but there is no observed excess infrared energy, ruling out massive planetary collision debris.[74]Other researchers think the planetary debris field explanation is unlikely, given the very low probability that Kepler would ever witness such an event due to the rarity of collisions of such size.[2]

As with the possibility of coalescing material around the star, spectroscopic studies using the NASA IRTF found no evidence for hot close-in dust or circumstellar matter from an evaporating or exploding planet within a few astronomical units of the central star.[87][88]Similarly, a study of past infrared data from NASA'sSpitzer Space TelescopeandWide-field Infrared Survey Explorerfound no evidence for an excess of infrared emission from the star, which would have been an indicator of warm dust grains that could have come from catastrophic collisions of meteors or planets in the system. This absence of emission supports the hypothesis that a swarm of cold comets on an unusually eccentric orbit could be responsible for the star's unique light curve, but more studies are needed.[87][6]

Consumption of a planet


In December 2016, a team of researchers proposed that Tabby's Star swallowed a planet, causing a temporary and unobserved increase in brightness due to the release of gravitational energy. As the planet fell into its star, it could have been ripped apart or had its moons stripped away, leaving clouds of debris orbiting the star in eccentric orbits. Planetary debris still in orbit around the star would then explain its observed drops in intensity.[110]Additionally, the researchers suggest that the consumed planet could have caused the star to increase in brightness up to 10,000 years ago, and its stellar flux is now returning to the normal state.[110][111]

Large planet with oscillating rings


Sucerquia et al. (2017) suggested that a large planet with oscillating rings may help explain the unusual dimmings associated with Tabby's Star.[112][113]

Large ringed planet followed by Trojan swarms


Ballesteros et al. (2017) proposed a large, ringed planet trailed by a swarm ofTrojan asteroidsin its L5Lagrangian point,and estimated an orbit that predicts another event in early 2021 due to the leading Trojans followed by another transit of the hypothetical planet in 2023.[114]The model suggests a planet with a radius of 4.7Jupiter radii,large for a planet (unless very young). An earlyred dwarfof about 0.5Rwould be easily seen ininfrared.The current radial velocity observations available (four runs at σv≈ 400 m/s) hardly constrain the model, but new radial velocity measurements would greatly reduce the uncertainty. The model predicts a discrete and short-lived event for the May 2017 dimming episode, corresponding to thesecondary eclipseof the planet passing behind KIC 8246852, with about a 3% decrease in the stellar flux with a transit time of about 2 days. If this is the cause of the May 2017 event, the planet's orbital period is more precisely estimated as 12.41 years with asemi-major axisof 5.9 AU.[114]

Intrinsic luminosity variations


The reddening observed during the deep dimming events of Tabby's Star is consistent with cooling of its photosphere.[115]It does not require obscuration by dust. Such cooling could be produced by a decreased efficiency of heat transport caused e.g. by decreased effectiveness of convection due to the star's strong differential rotation, or by changes in its modes of heat transport if it is near the transition between radiative and convective heat transport. The "missing" heat flux is stored as a small increase of internal and potential energy.[90]

The possible location of this early F star near the boundary between radiative and convective transport seems to be supported by the finding that the star's observed brightness variations appear to fit the "avalanche statistics" known to occur in asystem close to a phase-transition.[116][117]"Avalanche statistics" with aself-similarorpower-lawspectrum are auniversal propertyofcomplex dynamical systemsoperating close to aphase transitionorbifurcation pointbetween two different types of dynamical behavior. Such close-to-critical systems are often observed to exhibit behavior that isintermediate between "order" and "chaos".Three other stars in the Kepler Input Catalog likewise exhibit similar "avalanche statistics" in their brightness variations, and all three are known to bemagnetically active.It has been conjectured that stellar magnetism may be involved in Tabby's Star.[117]

An artificial megastructure

Artist's impression of a Dyson swarm

Some astronomers have speculated that the objects eclipsing Tabby's Star could be parts of amegastructuremade by analien civilization,such as aDyson swarm,[75][10][89][107]a hypothetical structure that an advanced civilization might build around a star to intercept some of itslightfor their energy needs.[118][119][120]According to Steinn Sigurðsson, the megastructure hypothesis is implausible and disfavored byOccam's razorand fails to sufficiently explain the dimming. He says that it remains a valid subject for scientific investigation, however, because it is afalsifiablehypothesis.[116]Due to extensive media coverage on this matter, Tabby's Star has been compared by Kepler's Steve Howell toKIC 4150611,[121]a star with an odd light curve that was shown, after years of research, to be a part of a five-star system.[122]The likelihood of extraterrestrial intelligence being the cause of the dimming is purely speculative;[100]however, the star remains an outstandingSETItarget because natural explanations have yet to fully explain the dimming phenomenon.[10][89]The latest results have ruled out explanations involving only opaque objects such as stars, planets, swarms of asteroids, or alien megastructures.[123]



Two papers published in summer 2019 offered plausible scientific scenarios involving large moons being stripped from their planets. Numeric simulations were performed of the migration of gas giant planets, and their large gaseous moons, during the first few hundred million years after the formation of the planetary system. In approximately 50% of the cases, the results produce a scenario where the moon is freed from its parent planet and its orbit evolves to produce a light curve similar to that of Tabby's Star.[93][124][125][126]

Follow-up studies


As of 2015,numerousoptical telescopeswere monitoring Tabby's Star in anticipation of another multi-day dimming event, with planned follow-up observations of a dimming event using large telescopes equipped withspectrographsto determine if the eclipsing mass is a solid object, or composed of dust or gas.[127]Additional follow-up observations may involve the ground-basedGreen Bank Telescope,theVery Large Array Radio Telescope,[85][128]and future orbital telescopes dedicated toexoplanetologysuch as theNancy Grace Roman Space Telescope,TESS,andPLATO.[89][120]

In 2016, aKickstarterfund-raising campaign was led by Tabetha Boya gian, the lead author of the initial study on the star's anomalous light curve. The project proposed to use theLas Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Networkfor continuous monitoring of the star. The campaign raised overUS$100,000,enough for one year of telescope time.[129][needs update]Furthermore, as of 2016, more than fifty amateur astronomers working under the aegis of theAmerican Association of Variable Star Observerswere providing effectively full coverage since AAVSO's alert about the star in October 2015,[130]namely a nearly continuous photometric record.[131]In a study published in January 2018, Boya gian et al. reported that whatever is blocking Tabby's Star filters different wavelengths of light differently, so it cannot be an opaque object. They concluded that it is most likelyspace dust.[98][32][132]

In December 2018, a search forlaser lightemissions from Tabby's Star was carried out using theAutomated Planet Finder(APF), which is sensitive enough to detect a24 MWlaser at this distance. Although a number of candidates were identified, further analysis showed that they are coming from the Earth and not from the star.[133]

SETI results


In October 2015, theSETI Instituteused theAllen Telescope Arrayto look forradio emissionsfrom possible intelligent extraterrestrial life in the vicinity of the star.[134][135]After an initial two-week survey, the SETI Institute reported that it found no evidence of technology-related radio signals from the star system.[136][137][138]No narrowband radio signals were found at a level of 180–300Jyin a 1Hzchannel, or medium-band signals above 10 Jy in a 100 kHz channel.[137]

In 2016, theVERITAS gamma-ray observatorywas used to search for ultra-fastoptical transientsfrom astronomical objects, with astronomers developing an efficient method sensitive to nanosecond pulses with fluxes as low as about onephotonper square meter. This technique was applied on archival observations of Tabby's Star from 2009 to 2015, but no emissions were detected.[139][140]

In May 2017, a related search, based onlaser light emissions,was reported, with no evidence found for technology-related signals from Tabby's Star.[141][142]

In September 2017, someSETI@Homeworkunits were created based on a previous RF survey of the region around this star.[143]This was coupled with a doubling in the size of SETI@Home workunits, so the workunits related to this region will probably be the first workunits to have less issues with quantization noise.

EPIC 204278916


A star calledEPIC 204278916,[144][145]as well as some otheryoung stellar objects,have been observed[when?]to exhibit dips with some similarities to those observed in Tabby's Star. They differ in several respects, however.EPIC 204278916shows much deeper dips than Tabby's Star, and they are grouped over a shorter period, whereas the dips at Tabby's Star are spread out over several years. Furthermore,EPIC 204278916is surrounded by aproto-stellar disc,whereas Tabby's Star appears to be a normal F-type star displaying no evidence of a disc.[144]

Other stars


An overall study of 21other similar starswas presented in 2019.[146][147]


See also



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