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Timeline of Israeli history

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This is atimeline of modern Israeli history,comprising important legal and territorial changes and political events in Israel and its predecessor states from 1882 onward, along with important events

19th century

Year Date Event
1882 15 May TheRussianemperorAlexander IIIissued theMay Laws,severely restricting the rights ofJewsin thePale of Settlement.
31 July First Aliyah:TenHovevei Zionpioneers fromKharkivestablished the city ofRishon LeZionin theOttoman Empire.
1896 February Theodor HerzlpublishedDer Judenstaat,arguing for the establishment of an independentJewishstate.
1897 29 August First Zionist Congress:Acongressof some two hundred delegates ofzionistorganizations, most from Eastern Europe, convened inBasel.
30 August First Zionist Congress:The Congress adopted theBasel Program,setting out as the goal of thezionistmovement the establishment of aJewishhomeland.

20th century

Year Date Event
1917 2 November Balfour Declarationcalls for the establishment of the Jewish Homeland
1920 25 April TheLeague of Nationsassigns Britain the creation ofMandatory Palestine
1929 23-29 August Pogroms in mandatory Palestinemade by Arabic nationalists.
1939–1945 World War II:Germany invades PolandandThe Holocaustoccurred inGerman-occupied Europekilling 6 million Jews.
1947 25 November United Nations Partition Plan for Palestinethat proposed a creation of one Arab state and one Jewish state passes with the Jewish leaders accepted and Arab states rejected the move. Amajor civil war between the Arab populations and Jewish populationsbegan shortly after.
1948 14 May On the last day of the British Mandate,David Ben-Gurion,executive head of theWorld Zionist Organizationand chairman of theJewish Agency for Israel,issued theIsraeli Declaration of Independencewhich declared the establishment of aJewish stateon Mandatory Palestine in theland of Israelto be known as the State of Israel.[1]
15 May 1948 Arab–Israeli War:Hours after the expiration of the British Mandate of Palestine,Iraq,Egypt,JordanandSyriainvaded Israel.[2]
1949 25 January 1949 Israeli legislative election:Elections were held to aconstituent assembly.Ben-Gurion'scenter-leftMapaiwon a plurality of seats.
24 February 1948 Arab–Israeli War:The first of the1949 Armistice Agreementsending the war was signed between Israel andEgypt.An armistice line was agreed along the prewar border with the exception that Egypt remained in control of theGaza Strip.
8 March Thefirst government of Israel,in whichMapai,theJewishUnited Religious Front,the liberalProgressive Party,theSephardim and Oriental Communitiesand theArabDemocratic List of Nazarethruled in coalition withBen-Gurionasprime minister,was established.
11 May TheGeneral Assemblyof the United Nations adoptedUnited Nations General Assembly Resolution 273,according to which Israel was admitted to membership.[3]
13 December Ben-GurionproclaimedJerusalemthe capital of Israel.[4]
1950 5 July The Israeli legislature theKnessetpassed theLaw of Return,which granted allJewsthe right to migrate to and settle in Israel and obtaincitizenship.
1956 26 July Suez Crisis:In a broadcast speech, Egyptian presidentGamal Abdel Nassergave a codeword order for the occupation and nationalization of theSuez Canaland the closure of theStraits of Tiranto Israeli shipping.
29 October Suez Crisis:The Israeliair forcebegan bombing Egyptian forces in theSinai Peninsula.
1960 11 May Eight agents of the Israeli internal security serviceShin Betand its foreign intelligence serviceMossadabductedAdolf Eichmann,theNaziofficer primarily responsible for the actual implementation ofthe Holocaust,near his home inSan Fernando, Buenos Aires.
1966 Themartial lawimposed on IsraeliArabsfrom the founding of the State of Israel was lifted completely.
1967 5 June Six-Day War:The Israeliair forcedestroyed the Egyptianair forceon the ground over a period of three hours.
11 June Six-Day War:Israel signed a ceasefire with its enemiesEgypt,Syria,Jordan,LebanonandIraq.It remained in control of the formerly EgyptianGaza StripandSinai Peninsula,the SyrianGolan Heightsand the JordanianWest BankandEast Jerusalem.
30 June MayorTeddy KollekofJerusalemannounced that the city had been fully reunified.[5]
1973 21 February A Boeing 727-200 serving as Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 fromTripolitoCairowas shot down over theSinai Peninsulaby Israeli fighter aircraft, killing over one hundred passengers and crew.
21 July Lillehammer affair:A team of fifteenMossadagents assassinated a Moroccan waiter inLillehammerin a case of mistaken identity.
6 October Yom Kippur War:Egyptian and Syrian forces simultaneously attacked Israeli positions in theSinai Peninsulaand theGolan Heights,respectively, on theJewishholiday ofYom Kippur.
14 October Operation Nickel Grass:The United States began an airlift of tanks, artillery, ammunition and supplies to Israel.
25 October Yom Kippur War:Israel,EgyptandSyriaagreed to a ceasefire. Israel remained in control of new territory north of theGolan Heightsand west of theSuez Canalin the south.
1976 4 July Operation Entebbe:Sayeret Matkalfreed some hundred hostages held atEntebbe International Airportby hijackers belonging to thePalestiniannationalistPopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – External Operationsand thefar-leftRevolutionary Cells.
1977 10 May 1977 Israeli Air Force Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion crash:AnIsraeli Air ForceSikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion crashed in theJordan Valley,killing fifty-four soldiers.
1978 17 September Israel andEgyptsigned theCamp David Accordsat theWhite House.The framework agreement provided for the establishment of an autonomous authority in theWest BankandGaza Stripand for withdrawal of Israeli forces from theSinai Peninsulain exchange for the establishment of full diplomatic relations with Egypt.
1979 26 March Egyptand Israel signed theEgypt–Israel peace treatyunder the framework of theCamp David Accordsat theWhite House.
1980 24 February Theold Israeli shekelreplaced theIsraeli poundas the currency of Israel.
30 July TheKnessetpassed theJerusalem Law,asserting thatJerusalemwas and would remain the undivided capital of Israel.
1981 7 June Operation Opera:Israel carried out a surprise air strike on anIraqinuclear reactor eleven miles southeast ofBaghdad.[6]
1982 23 April TheIsrael Defense Forces (IDF)forcibly evacuatedYamitper the terms of theEgypt–Israel peace treaty.
3 June Shlomo Argov,the Israeli ambassador to the United Kingdom, was shot in the head in London in an attempted assassination organized byIraq'sIraqi Intelligence Serviceand carried out by thePalestiniannationalistAbu Nidal Organization.
6 June 1982 Lebanon War:TheIDFinvadedsouthern Lebanonin response to repeated attacks by thePalestiniannationalistPalestine Liberation Organization (PLO),whose militants were sheltered there, on Israeli civilians.
1984 12 April Bus 300 affair:FourPalestiniannationalists hijacked a bus fromTel AvivtoAshkelonand took its forty passengers hostage.
13 April Bus 300 affair:Sayeret Matkalforces stormed the bus. Two hijackers and one hostage were killed. The two surviving hijackers were taken to a nearby field and shot.
21 November Operation Moses:The first of some eight thousandEthiopian Jewswere covertly evacuated to Israel from refugee camps inSudan.
1985 5 January Operation Moses:Prime ministerShimon Peresconfirmed the existence of the airlift.Sudanimmediately halted flights.
1987 30 August TheCabinetvoted to cancel development of theIAI Lavi.
9 December First Intifada:Protests began in theJabalia Campin response to the death of fourPalestiniancivilians in a car crash with anIDFtruck.
1989 19 September Mount Carmel Forest Fire:A forest fire began onMount Carmelwhich would burn over two square miles over the next three days.[7]
1991 22 January Gulf War:AnIraqiScud missile landed inRamat Gan,killing three and injuring nearly a hundred.
24 May Operation Solomon:An airlift began which would transport some fourteen thousandEthiopian JewsfromEthiopiato Israel over a thirty-six-hour period.
30 October Madrid Conference of 1991:A conference opened inMadridwith the goal of reviving the Israeli–Palestinianpeace process.
1992 17 December Israel deported some four hundredPalestinianstoLebanon.
1993 13 September Israel and thePLOsigned theOslo I Accordin Washington, D.C. The accords provided for the withdrawal of someIDFforces from theWest BankandGaza Stripand for the establishment of a self-governing authority for thePalestinians,thePalestinian National Authority.
1994 26 October Israel andJordansigned theIsrael–Jordan peace treatyin theArabah.The treaty clarified the borders of the two countries and their water rights; each pledged that neither would allow a third country to use its territory to stage an attack on the other.
1995 4 November Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin:The radical nationalistYigal Amir,an opponent of theOslo Accords,shot and killed prime ministerYitzhak Rabinafter a rally inTel Aviv.
1997 4 February 1997 Israeli helicopter disaster:Two transport helicoptersen routetosouthern Lebanoncollided in midair aboveShe'ar Yashuv,killing all on board.
14 July Maccabiah bridge collapse:A pedestrian bridge collapsed over theYarkon RiverinTel Aviv,killing four.
2000 24 May Israel withdrew the last of its forces fromsouthern Lebanon.
1 October October 2000 events:The first of a series of riots began in which thirteenArabsand oneJewwould be killed over nine days.[8]
7 October 2000 Hezbollah cross-border raid:The LebaneseShia Islamistmilitant group and political partyHezbollahabducted three Israeli soldiers from the Israeli administered side of theBlue Line,the internationally recognized border.[9]

21st century

Year Date Event
2001 17 October Assassination of Rehavam Ze'evi:Tourism ministerRehavam Ze'eviwas shot at aJerusalemhotel byHamdi Quranof thePalestiniannationalistPopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.He died of his injuries that night in hospital.
2002 23 June Construction of theIsraeli West Bank barrierbegan.[10]
2004 29 January Some four hundred prisoners, the remains of sixty Lebanese militants and civilians, and maps showing the locations of Israeli mines insouthern Lebanon,were transferred toHezbollahin exchange for the bodies of the three soldiers abducted in 2000, as well as the abducted Israeli reservistElhanan Tannenbaum.
2005 12 September Israeli disengagement from Gaza:The last Israeli settlers and security personnel were withdrawn from theGaza Strip.
2006 4 January Prime ministerAriel Sharonsuffered a severe hemorrhagic stroke and fell into a coma. The designated acting prime ministerEhud Olmertbecame acting prime minister.
12 July 2006 Hezbollah cross-border raid:Hezbollahforces crossed into Israel and ambushed twoIDFvehicles, killing three soldiers and capturing two others.
2006 Lebanon War:Israeli forces began shelling Lebanese territory in response to theHezbollahattack of earlier that morning.
2007 6 September Operation Orchard:Israel carried out a surprise air strike on a suspected nuclear reactor inSyria'sDeir ez-Zor Governorate.
2008 27 December Gaza War:Israel began conducting a series of airstrikes on assets of thePalestinianSunni IslamistorganizationHamasin theGaza Stripin response to ongoing rocket fire on the westernNegev.
2009 18 January Gaza War (2008–09):The war ended with a unilateral Israeli ceasefire.
2010 31 May Gaza flotilla raid:The navy boarded a flotilla organized by theFree Gaza Movementand the TurkishFoundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief,which was attempting to break an Israeli and Egyptian blockade of theGaza Strip,ininternational waters.During the takeover, a violent confrontation erupted on board theMV Mavi Marmarain which nine activists were killed.[11][12][13][14]
2 December Mount Carmel Forest Fire:A forest fire began onMount Carmelwhich would kill forty and burn nearly twenty square miles over the next three days.[15][16][17][18]
2011 14 July 2011 Israeli social justice protests:FilmmakerDaphni Leefset up a tent inHabima Squareand invited others to join a protest over the absence of affordable housing.
10 September 2011 attack on the Israeli Embassy in Egypt:A crowd of thousands of Egyptian protestors breached the Israeli embassy inCairo.[19]
18 October Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange:Hamasreleased the Israeli soldierGilad ShalittoEgyptin exchange for one thousandPalestinianotherArabprisoners held in Israel, including some three hundred serving life sentences for planning and perpetrating terror attacks.[20]
2012 14 November Operation Pillar of Defense:TheIDFbegan an eight-day anti-Hamasoperation in theGaza Strip,a response to ongoing rocket fire on the westernNegev,with an airstrike on the senior officerAhmed Jabari.
2014 8 July 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict:TheIDFlaunched a series of airstrikes againstHamastargets in theGaza Strip.
2017 6 December United States recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel:U.S. PresidentDonald Trumpformally announces theUnited States recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
2019 25 March United States recognition of Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights:U.S. PresidentDonald Trumpsigned apresidential proclamationto officially recognizeIsrael's sovereignty over theGolan Heights.[21]
2020 10 December Israel–Morocco normalization agreement:Following theAbraham Accords,Israel and Morocco signed a security cooperation agreement and began normalizing relations.
2021 30 April 2021 Meron stampede:The deadliest civil disaster in Israel's history.
May 2021 Israel–Palestine crisis
16 June Naftali Bennettof theYaminaparty was sworn in asPrime Minister,forming acoalition governmentwithYair Lapidof theYesh Atidparty, marking the end ofBenjamin Netanyahu's 12-year tenure as Prime Minister.
14 July Israel opened its embassy in theUnited Arab Emiratesin accordance with theAbraham Accords
2022 11 May Al JazeerajournalistShireen Abu Aklehwas shot and killed while covering an Israeli military raid in Jenin. Her death led to international condemnation and calls for an investigation into the circumstances of the shooting.
30 June The IsraeliKnessetvoted to dissolve itself, triggering thefifth electionin less than four years.
1 November Israel held its fifth election in less than four years, resulting in a victory for Benjamin Netanyahu'sLikudparty, which led to the formation of a controversialright-wing government.
2023 7 January 2023 Israeli judicial reform protests:Large-scale protests erupted across Israel in response toproposed judicial reformsby the Netanyahu government, which critics argued would undermine judicial independence.
9 May Operation Shield and Arrow:The IDF launched a series of airstrikes againstPalestinian Islamic Jihadtargets in Gaza following rocket fire towards southern Israel.
7 October 7 October AttacksandIsrael–Hamas War:Hamas and several other Palestinian militant groups launched coordinated armed incursions from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel, killing 1,143 and taking 250 hostages, marking the deadliest attack in Israeli history and the first invasion of Israeli territory since the1948 Arab–Israeli War.
8 October Israel–Hezbollah conflict:Hezbollah begins attacking northern Israel and the occupied Golan Heights.
27 October Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip:The IDF launched a full-scale invasion of the Gaza Strip with the goal of eliminating Hamas and releasing the hostages.

See also


Timelines of older periods & wider concepts





  1. ^"Provisional Government of Israel: Official Gazette: Number 1; Tel Aviv, 5 Iyar 5708, 14.5.1948 Page 1: The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel: Retrieved 5 January 2015".Archivedfrom the original on 14 July 2007.Retrieved19 March2016.
  2. ^Baylis Thomas (1999) How Israel was won: a concise history of the Arab-Israeli conflict Le xing ton Books,ISBN0-7391-0064-5p xiv
  3. ^UNITED NATIONS: General Assembly: A/RES/273 (III): 11 May 1949: 273 (III).Admission of Israel to membership in the United Nations:Retrieved 5 January 2015Archived15 June 2013 at theWayback Machine
  4. ^Ben-Gurion, David(5 December 1949)."Statements of the Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion Regarding Moving the Capital of Israel to Jerusalem".The Knesset.Archivedfrom the original on 4 March 2016.Retrieved2 April2007.
  5. ^"The Times-News - Google News Archive Search".
  6. ^Grant, Rebecca."Osirak and Beyond."Archived11 October 2008 at theWayback MachineAir Force Magazine,August 2002. Retrieved: 16 May 2008.
  7. ^Rudge, David (20 September 1989)."Huge Blaze Raging Out of Control in Mount Carmel National Park 5 Fires Set Deliberately; 8,000 Dunams Destroyed Near Haifa".Jerusalem Post.Archived fromthe originalon 5 November 2012.Retrieved7 July2017.
  8. ^Yair Ettinger."Extremism isn't Growing, but Fear is".Ha'aretz.Archivedfrom the original on 1 October 2007.Retrieved20 February2006.
  9. ^"Israelis Held by the Hizbullah – October 2000 – January 2004".mfa.gov.il.Archivedfrom the original on 21 April 2013.Retrieved16 September2011.
  10. ^Nissenbaum, Dion (10 January 2007)."Death toll of Israeli civilians killed by Palestinians hit a low in 2006".Washington Bureau.McClatchy Newspapers.Archived fromthe originalon 20 November 2008.Retrieved16 April2007.Fewer Israeli civilians died in Palestinian attacks in 2006 than in any year since the Palestinian uprising began in 2000. Palestinian militants killed 23 Israelis and foreign visitors in 2006, down from a high of 289 in 2002 during the height of the uprising. Most significant, successful suicide bombings in Israel nearly came to a halt. Last year, only two Palestinian suicide bombers managed to sneak into Israel for attacks that killed 11 people and wounded 30 others. Israel has gone nearly nine months without a suicide bombing inside its borders, the longest period without such an attack since 2000[...] An Israeli military spokeswoman said one major factor in that success had been Israel's controversial separation barrier, a still-growing 250-mile (400 km) network of concrete walls, high-tech fencing and other obstacles that cuts through parts of the West Bank. 'The security fence was put up to stop terror, and that's what it's doing,' said Capt. Noa Meir, a spokeswoman for the Israel Defense Forces. [...] Opponents of the wall grudgingly acknowledge that it's been effective in stopping bombers, though they complain that its route should have followed the border between Israel and the Palestinian territories known as the Green Line. [...] IDF spokeswoman Meir said Israeli military operations that disrupted militants planning attacks from the West Bank also deserved credit for the drop in Israeli fatalities.
  11. ^"Israeli assault on Gaza-bound flotilla leaves at least 9 dead"Archived3 June 2010 at theWayback Machine.CNN,31 May 2010
  12. ^Joshua Mitnick."Flotilla Assault Spurs Crisis"Archived3 June 2010 at theWayback Machine.Wall Street Journal,31 May 2010
  13. ^Amos Harel, Avi Issacharoff, Anshel Pfeffer and News Agencies"Navy commandos: Gaza flotilla activists tried to lynch us".Haaretz,31 May 2010
  14. ^Edmund Sanders"Israel criticized over raid on Gaza flotilla".Los Angeles Times,1 June 2010
  15. ^"We'll evacuate you by force, residents told as Carmel wildfire sweeps towards homes".Haaretz.3 December 2010.
  16. ^Ahiya Raved."Israel's Deadliest Fire Leaves 40 Dead"Archived20 October 2011 at theWayback MachineYnetnews2 December 2010
  17. ^Ahiya Raved."Carmel fire claims 44th victim"Archived19 April 2012 at theWayback Machine.Ynetnews,18 December 2010
  18. ^"Carmel fire fully extinguished"Archived13 June 2011 at theWayback Machine.Ynetnews,6 December 2010
  19. ^"Egypt declares state of alert in wake of attack on Israeli Embassy".CNN.24 August 2011.Archivedfrom the original on 11 September 2011.Retrieved16 September2011.
  20. ^"Gilad Shalit release: Palestinian prisoner exchange getting under way".The Guardian.London. 18 October 2011.Archivedfrom the original on 12 February 2017.Retrieved17 December2016.
  21. ^Trump, Donald J.(25 March 2019)."Proclamation on Recognizing the Golan Heights as Part of the State of Israel".whitehouse.gov.Retrieved25 March2019– viaNational Archives.