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Unified Political Command

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From left to right:Nasser,Khrushchev,Arifandas-Sallalin Egypt (May 1964)

AUnified Political Command(Arabic:قيادة سياسية موحدة,qiyāda siyāsiyya muwaḥḥada), also translated asJoint Political CommandorUnified Political Leadership,was agreed in 1964 between the presidents of Egypt and Iraq (Gamal Abdel NasserandAbdul Salam Arif) as well as between the presidents of Egypt and North Yemen (Nasser andAbdullah as-Sallal). Both projects were parallel but not linked with each other. The Unified Political Command was meant as a kind oftransitional governmentwhich should prepare the gradual merger of Iraq with Egypt and North Yemen with Egypt in a newUnited Arab Republic.

Egypt and Iraq[edit]

Nasserwith the Iraqi Prime Ministeral-Bazzaz(left): Still in February 1966 the Egyptian-IraqiUnified Political Commanddeclared its satisfaction about the merger progress in both republics

Therefore, on 26 May 1964 Nasser and Arif agreed to form a joint Presidential Council and a Unified Political Command on 16 October 1964. This Unified Command was established on 20 December 1964 and did include the prime ministers of Egypt and Iraq as well as the ministers of economical and financial affairs and social planning of both sides and should act as a joint supreme instrument and highest executive authority to establish the economical, political and military unification of Egypt and Iraq within two years. The Iraqi Abd ar-Razzaq Muhyi ad-Din (Abdel Razzaq Mohieddin) became General Secretary of the Unified Command. In July 1964 anIraqi Arab Socialist Unionwas founded as political instrument to collect the support of the population and was formally united with theEgyptian Arab Socialist Unionin September 1964. Also in September 1964 Egypt and Iraq agreed to unite their diplomatical corps and representations all over the world. In 1965 Iraq adopted theEgyptian coat of arms eagleand the Egyptian national anthem, declared Iraq as ademocratic and socialist republicand announced a programme of nationalization. However, despite a few real meetings and sessions of thisUnified Political Commandthe project stopped when the Nasserist prime minister of Iraq,Arif Abd ar-Razzaq,tried to overthrow president Arif in September 1965 and when Arif died in April 1966.

Egypt and Yemen[edit]

In July 1964 Nasser and Sallal agreed about the gradual merger of Egypt and Yemen towards a full union

Parallelly, but not linked with the Egyptian-Iraqi merger project also between Nasser and as-Sallal aUnified Political Commandwas established on 13 July 1964. A joint government council of the Egyptian and Yemeni ministers should coordinate and integrate the Foreign, Defense, Economical, Social, Cultural and Information policy towards full unity. A (short-living) YemeniArab Socialist Union(later renamed) was established already in 1964 and, in fact, Egyptian generals and officers took over the command of the republican forces in Yemen during theNorth Yemen Civil War.This civil war, however, prevented any progress and when Egypt withdraw its troops from Yemen after theSix-Day Waras-Sallal was overthrown in November 1967 and also this project definitively ended.


SimilarUnified Political CommandsandJoint Supreme Committeeswere planned and formed

  • between the Syrian presidentHafez al-Assadand kingHussein of Jordanin July 1975 in order to coordinate and push the military, political and economical integration of Syria and Jordan. The project failed when Syria re-approached Egypt within theFederation of Arab Republicsin December 1976
  • within the Egyptian-Libyan-SyrianFederation of Arab Republicsbetween Egypt, Libya and Sudan in April 1970. Later Syria joined instead of Sudan, but Egypt and Libya agreed to let aUnified Political Commandprepare a more substantial union within the federation. The Egyptian-Libyan merger failed 1973 but on 21 December 1976 and in February 1977 the Syrian president Assad and the Egyptian presidentAnwar Sadatagreed to form a new bilateralUnified Political Commandand aPolitical Supreme Council.In March 1977 Sudan's presidentGaafar Nimeiryjoined thatUnified Political Commandand all three presidents announced to form a newFederation of Arab Republicswhich never was realized and finally collapsed in November 1977 with the begin of Egyptian-Israeli peace talks.
  • between Syria and Iraq in October 1978 when both sides agreed to improve their military and economical cooperation and even planned to form a Syrian-Iraqi Union. ASupreme Political Authority(Committee) and later also aJoint Political Commandwas formed with Iraqi presidentAhmed Hassan al-Bakr,Syrian president Assad and Iraqi vice presidentSaddam Hussein.The project failed when Saddam Hussein replaced al-Bakr in July 1979.
