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The meaning of the wordAmericanin the English language varies according to the historical, geographical, and political context in which it is used.Americanis derived fromAmerica,a term originally denoting all of theAmericas(also called theWestern Hemisphere), ultimately derived from the name of theFlorentineexplorer and cartographerAmerigo Vespucci(1451–1512). In some expressions, it retains this Pan-American sense, but its usage has evolved over time and, for various historical reasons, the word came to denote people or things specifically from theUnited States of America.

In contemporary English,Americangenerally refers topersonsorthingsrelated to the United States of America; among native English speakers this usage is almost universal, with any other use of the term requiring specification.[1]However, in the past some have argued that "American" should be widened to also include people or things from anywhere in the American continents.[2][3]

The word can be used as either anadjectiveor anoun(viz.ademonym). In adjectival use, it means "of or relating to the United States"; for example, "Elvis Presleywas an American singer "or" the man prefersAmerican English".In its noun form, the word generally means aresidentorcitizenof the U.S., but is also used forsomeone whose ethnic identity is simply "American".The noun is rarely used in English to refer to people not connected to the United States when intending a geographical meaning.[1][not verified in body]When used with agrammatical qualifier,the adjectiveAmericancan mean "of or relating to the Americas", as inLatin AmericanorIndigenous American.Less frequently, the adjective can take this meaning without a qualifier, as in "American Spanishdialects and pronunciation differ by country "or the names of theOrganization of American Statesand theAmerican Registry for Internet Numbers(ARIN). A third use of the term pertains specifically to theindigenous peoples of the Americas,for instance, "In the 16th century, many Americans died from imported diseases during the European conquest", though this usage is rare, as "indigenous","First Nations"or"Amerindian"are considered less confusing and generally more appropriate.

Compound constructions which indicate a minorityethnic group,such as "African-Americans"likewise refer exclusively to people in or from the United States of America, as does theprefix"Americo-".For instance, theAmerico-Liberiansand their languageMericoderive their name from the fact that they aredescended from African-American settlers,i.e. Blacks who were formerly enslaved in the United States of America.

Other languages


French,German,Italian,Japanese,[a]Hebrew,Arabic,andRussian[b]speakers may use cognates ofAmericanto refer to inhabitants of the Americas or to U.S. nationals. They generally have other terms specific to U.S. nationals, such as the GermanUS-Amerikaner,[6]Frenchétatsunien,[7]Japanesebeikokujin(Mễ quốc người),[8]and Italianstatunitense.[9]These specific terms may be less common than the termAmerican.[7]

In French,états-unien,étas-unienorétasunien,fromÉtats-Unis d'Amérique( "United States of America" ), is a rarely used word that distinguishes U.S. things and persons from the adjectiveaméricain,which denotes persons and things from the United States, but may also refer to "the Americas".[7]

Likewise, German's use ofU.S.-amerikanischandU.S.-Amerikaner[6]observe this cultural distinction, solely denoting U.S. things and people. In normal parlance, the adjective "American" and its direct cognates are usually used if the context renders the nationality of the person clear. This differentiation is prevalent in German-speaking countries, as indicated by thestyle manualof theNeue Zürcher Zeitung(one of the leading German-language newspapers in Switzerland) which dismisses the termU.S.-amerikanischas both 'unnecessary' and 'artificial' and recommends replacing it withamerikanisch.[10]The respective guidelines of the foreign ministries of Austria, Germany and Switzerland all prescribeAmerikanerandamerikanischin reference to the United States for official usage, making no mention ofU.S.-AmerikanerorU.S.-amerikanisch.[11]

Portuguese hasamericano,denoting both a person or thing from the Americas and a U.S. national.[12]For referring specifically to a U.S. national and things, some words used areestadunidense(also spelledestado-unidense,"United States person" ), fromEstados Unidos da América,andianque( "Yankee" )—both usages exist in Brazil (although "americano" is more frequent), but are uncommon in Portugal—but the term most often used, and the only one in Portugal, isnorte-americano,even though it could, as with its Spanish equivalent, apply to Canadians and Mexicans as well.

In Spanish,americanodenotes geographic and cultural origin in the New World, as well as (infrequently) a U.S. citizen;[13][14][c]the more common term isestadounidense( "United States person" ), which derives fromEstados Unidos de América( "United States of America" ). The Spanish termnorteamericano( "North American" ) is frequently used to refer things and persons from the United States, but this term can also denote people and things from Canada and Mexico.[16]Among Spanish-speakers, North America generally does not include Central America or the Caribbean.

Conversely, inCzech,there is no possibility for disambiguation.Američan(m.) andameričanka(f.) can refer to persons from the United States or from the continents of the Americas, and there is no specific word capable of distinguishing the two meanings. For this reason, the latter meaning is very rarely used, and wordameričan(ka)is used almost exclusively to refer to persons from the United States. The usage is exactly parallel to the English word.

In other languages, however, there is no possibility for confusion. For example, theChineseword for "U.S. national" isměiguórén(simplified Chinese:Người Mỹ;traditional Chinese:Người Mỹ)[17][d]is derived from a word for the United States,měiguó,whereměiis an abbreviation forYàměilìjiā( "America" ) andguóis "country".[18][19][20]The name for the American continents isměizhōu,fromměipluszhōu( "continent" ).[21]Thus, aměizhōurénis an American in the continent sense, and aměiguórénis an American in the U.S. sense.[e]

KoreanandVietnamesealso use unambiguous terms, with Korean havingMigug(미국(인)) for the country versusAmerika(아메리카) for the continents,[22]and Vietnamese havingHoa Kỳfor the country versusChâu Mỹfor the continents.[citation needed]Japanesehas such terms as well (beikoku(jin)[Mễ quốc ( người )versusbeishū(jin)[Mễ châu người]), but they are found more in newspaper headlines than in speech, whereamerikajinpredominates.[a][23]

InSwahili,Marekanimeans specifically the United States, andMmarekaniis a U.S. national, whereas the international formAmerikarefers to the continents, andMwamerikawould be an inhabitant thereof.[24][25][26][f]Likewise, theEsperantowordAmerikorefers to the continents. For the country there is the termUsono.Thus, a citizen of the United States is anusonano,whereas anamerikanois an inhabitant of the Americas.[28][29][30][31]


Americais named after Italian explorerAmerigo Vespucci.[32]

The nameAmericawas coined byMartin WaldseemüllerfromAmericus Vespucius,the Latinized version of the name ofAmerigo Vespucci(1454–1512), theFlorentineexplorer who mapped South America's east coast and theCaribbeanSea in the early 16th century. Later, Vespucci's published letters were the basis ofWaldseemüller's 1507 map,which is the first usage ofAmerica.The adjectiveAmericansubsequently denoted the New World.[33]

In the 16th century, European usage ofAmericandenoted the native inhabitants of the New World.[34]The earliest recorded use of this term in English is inThomas Hacket's 1568 translation ofAndré Thévet's bookFrance Antarctique;Thévet himself had referred to the natives asAmeriques.[34]In the following century, the term was extended to European settlers and their descendants in the Americas. The earliest recorded use of "English-American" dates to 1648, inThomas Gage'sThe English-American his travail by sea and land: or, a new survey of the West India's.[34]

In English,Americanwas used especially for people inBritish America.Samuel Johnson,the leading English lexicographer, wrote in 1775, before the United States declared independence: "That the Americans are able to bear taxation is indubitable."[34]TheDeclaration of Independence of July 1776refers to "[the] unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America" adopted by the "Representatives of the united States of America" on July 4, 1776.[35]The official name of the country was reaffirmed on November 15, 1777, when theSecond Continental Congressadopted theArticles of Confederation,the first of which says, "The Stile of this Confederacy shall be 'The United States of America'". The Articles further state:

In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands in Congress. Done at Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania the ninth day of July in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Eight, and in the Third Year of the independence of America.

British map of the Americas in 1744

Thomas Jefferson, newly elected president in May 1801 wrote, "I am sure the measures I mean to pursue are such as would in their nature be approved by every American who can emerge from preconceived prejudices; as for those who cannot, we must take care of them as of the sick in our hospitals. The medicine of time and fact may cure some of them."[36]

InThe Federalist Papers(1787–88),Alexander HamiltonandJames Madisonused the adjectiveAmericanwith two different meanings: one political and one geographic; "the American republic" inFederalist No. 51and inFederalist No. 70,[37][38]and, inFederalist No. 24,Hamilton usedAmericanto denote the lands beyond the U.S.'s political borders.[39]

Early official U.S. documents show inconsistent usage; the1778 Treaty of AlliancewithFranceused "the United States of North America" in the first sentence, then "the said united States" afterwards; "the United States of America" and "the United States of North America" derive from "the United Colonies of America" and "the United Colonies of North America". The Treaty of Peace and Amity of September 5, 1795, between the United States and theBarbary Statescontains the usages "the United States of North America", "citizens of the United States", and "American Citizens".[40][improper synthesis?]

Washington's Farewell Address(1796)

U.S. PresidentGeorge Washington,in his1796Farewell Address,declaimed that "The name of American, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism more than any appellation."[41]Political scientist Virginia L. Arbery notes that, in hisFarewell Address:

"...Washington invites his fellow citizens to view themselves now as Americans who, out of their love for the truth of liberty, have replaced their maiden names (Virginians, South Carolinians, New Yorkers, etc.) with that of “American”. Get rid of, he urges, “any appellation derived from local discriminations.” By defining himself as an American rather than as a Virginian, Washington set the national standard for all citizens. "Over and over, Washington said that America must be something set apart. As he put it toPatrick Henry,'In a word, I want anAmericancharacter, that the powers of Europe may be convinced we act forourselvesand not forothers.' "[42]

As the historianGarry Willshas noted: "This was a theme dear to Washington. He wrote toTimothy Pickeringthat the nation 'must never forget that we are Americans; the remembrance of which will convince us we ought not to be French or English'. "[43]Washington's countrymen subsequently embraced his exhortation with notable enthusiasm.

This semantic divergence among North Americananglophones,however, remained largely unknown in the Spanish-American colonies. In 1801, the document titledLetter to American Spaniards—published in French (1799), in Spanish (1801), and in English (1808)—might have influencedVenezuela'sAct of Independenceand its 1811 constitution.[44]

TheLatter-day Saints'Articles of Faithrefer to the American continents as where they are to build Zion.[45]

Common short forms and abbreviations are theUnited States,theU.S.,theU.S.A.,andAmerica;colloquial versions include theU.S. of A.andthe States.The termColumbia(from the Columbus surname) was a popular name for the U.S. and for the entire geographic Americas; its usage is present today in theDistrict of Columbia's name. Moreover, the womanly personification of Columbia appears in some official documents, including editions of the U.S. dollar.

Usage at the United Nations


Use of the termAmericanfor U.S. nationals is common at theUnited Nations,and financial markets in the United States are referred to as "American financial markets".[46]

American Samoa,anunincorporated territory of the United States,is a recognized territorial name at the United Nations.[47]

Cultural views




Modern Canadians typically refer to people from the United States asAmericans,though they seldom refer to the United States asAmerica;they use the termsthe United States,the U.S.,or (informally)the Statesinstead.[48]Because of anti-American sentiment or simply national pride, Canadians never apply the termAmericanto themselves.[49][50][51]Not being an "American" is a part ofCanadian identity,[52][53]with many Canadians resenting being referred to as Americans or mistaken for U.S. citizens.[54]This is often due to others' inability, particularly overseas, to distinguishCanadiansfromAmericans,by theiraccentor other cultural attributes.[48]Some Canadians have protested the use ofAmericanas a national demonym.[55]People of American origin in Canada are categorized as "Other North American origins" byStatistics Canadafor purposes ofcensuscounts.[56]

Spain and Hispanic America


The use ofAmericanas a nationaldemonymfor U.S. nationals is challenged, primarily by Latin Americans.[2]Spanish speakers in Spain and Latin America use the termestadounidenseto refer to people and things from the United States (fromEstados Unidos), whileamericanorefers to thecontinentsas a whole.[13][57]The termgringois also accepted in many parts of Latin America to refer to a person or something from the United States;[58]however, this term may be ambiguous in certain parts. Up to and including the 1992 edition, theDiccionario de la lengua española,published by theReal Academia Española,did not include the United States definition in the entry foramericano;this was added in the 2001 edition.[13][g][59]The Real Academia Española advised against usingamericanosexclusively for U.S. nationals:[16][60]

[Translated] It is common, and thus acceptable, to usenorteamericanoas a synonym ofestadounidense,even though strictly speaking, the termnorteamericanocan equally be used to refer to the inhabitants of any country in North America, it normally applies to the inhabitants of the United States. Butamericanoshould not be used to refer exclusively to the inhabitants of the United States, an abusive usage which can be explained by the fact that in the United States, they frequently abbreviate the name of the country to "America" (in English, with no accent).[g]

Portugal and Brazil


Generally,americanodenotes "U.S. citizen" inPortugal.[12]Usage ofamericanoto exclusively denote people and things of the U.S. is discouraged by theLisbon Academy of Sciences,[citation needed]because the specific wordestado-unidense(alsoestadunidense) clearly denotes a person from the United States. The adjective currently used by the Portuguese press isnorte-americano.[61]

InBrazil,the termamericanois used to address both that which pertains to theAmericasand that which pertains to the U.S.; the particular meaning is deduced from context. Alternatively, the termnorte-americano( "North American" ) is also used in more informal contexts, whileestadunidense(of the U.S.) is the preferred form in academia. Use of the three terms is common in schools, government, and media. The termAméricais used exclusively for the whole continent, and the U.S. is calledEstados Unidos( "United States" ) orEstados Unidos da América( "United States of America" ), often abbreviatedEUA.[citation needed]

In other contexts


"American" in the 1994Associated Press Stylebookwas defined as, "An acceptable description for a resident of the United States. It also may be applied to any resident or citizen of nations in North or South America." Elsewhere, theAP Stylebookindicates that "United States" must "be spelled out when used as a noun. Use U.S. (no space) only as an adjective."[62]

The entry for "America" inThe New York Times Manual of Style and Usagefrom 1999 reads:

[the] terms "America", "American(s)" and "Americas" refer not only to the United States, but to all of North America and South America. They may be used in any of their senses, including references to just the United States, if the context is clear. The countries of the Western Hemisphere are collectively 'the Americas'.

Media releases from thePopeandHoly Seefrequently use "America" to refer to the United States, and "American" to denote something or someone from the United States.[63]

International law


At least one international law usesU.S. citizenin defining a citizen of the United States rather thanAmerican citizen;for example, the English version of theNorth American Free Trade Agreementincludes:

Only air carriers that are "citizens of the United States" may operate aircraft in domestic air service (cabotage) and may provide international scheduled and non-scheduled air service as U.S. air carriers...

Under the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, a "citizen of the United States" means:

(a) an individual who is a U.S. citizen;
(b) a partnership in which each member is a U.S. citizen; or
(c) a U.S. corporation of which the president and at least two-thirds of the board of directors and other managing officers are U.S. citizens, and at least 75 percent of the voting interest in the corporation is owned or controlled by U.S. citizens.[64]

Many international treaties use the termsAmericanandAmerican citizen:

U.S. commercial regulation


Products that are labeled, advertised, and marketed in the U.S. as "Made in the USA"must be, as set by theFederal Trade Commission(FTC), "all or virtually all made in the U.S." The FTC, to prevent deception of customers and unfair competition, considers an unqualified claim of "American Made" to expressly claim exclusive manufacture in the U.S: "TheFTC Actgives the Commission the power to bring law enforcement actions against false or misleading claims that a product is of U.S. origin. "[72]



There are a number of alternatives to thedemonymAmericanas a citizen of the United States that do not simultaneously mean any inhabitant of the Americas. One uncommon alternative isUsonian,which usually describes a certain style of residentialarchitecturedesigned byFrank Lloyd Wright.Other alternatives have also surfaced, but most have fallen into disuse and obscurity.Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of English Usagesays:

The list contains (in approximate historical order from 1789 to 1939) such terms as Columbian, Columbard, Fredonian, Frede, Unisian, United Statesian, Colonican, Appalacian, Usian, Washingtonian, Usonian, Uessian, U-S-ian, Uesican, United Stater.[73]

Nevertheless, no alternative toAmericanis common.[1]

See also



  1. ^abJapanese: "U.S. citizen" isamerika-jin(アメリカ người)[4]
  2. ^Russian: "U.S. citizen" isamerikanec(американец) for males andamerikanka(американка) for females[5]
  3. ^The first two definitions inDiccionario de la lengua española(theofficial dictionaryin Spanish) defineamericanoas "Native of America" [Natural de América] and "Pertaining or relating to this part of the world" [Perteneciente o relativo a esta parte del mundo], whereAméricarefers to the continent.[15]The fourth definition ofamericanois defined as "United States person" [estadounidense].
  4. ^Měiguórénis theStandard Mandarinpronunciation.
  5. ^Chinese:měiguó( "United States" ) is written asNước Mỹ,měizhōu( "America the continent" ) is written asMỹ Châu,guó( "country" ) is written asQuốc,andzhōu( "continent" ) is written asChâu.[18][19][20][21]
  6. ^In Swahili, adding the prefixm(w)-to a word indicates a person (wa-would indicate people).[27]
  7. ^ab[Untranslated]Está muy generalizado, y resulta aceptable, el uso de norteamericano como sinónimo de estadounidense, ya que, aunque en rigor el término norteamericano podría usarse igualmente en alusión a los habitantes de cualquiera de los países de América del Norte o Norteamérica, se aplica corrientemente a los habitantes de los Estados Unidos. Pero debe evitarse el empleo de americano para referirse exclusivamente a los habitantes de los Estados Unidos, uso abusivo que se explica por el hecho de que los estadounidenses utilizan a menudo el nombre abreviado América (en inglés, sin tilde) para referirse a su país.


  1. ^abcWilson, Kenneth G. (1993).The Columbia Guide to Standard American English.New York: Columbia University Press. pp.27–28.ISBN0-231-06989-8.View at Bartleby
  2. ^abMencken, H. L. (December 1947). "Names for Americans".American Speech.22(4): 241–256.doi:10.2307/486658.JSTOR486658.
  3. ^Avis, Walter S.; Drysdale, Patrick D.; Gregg, Robert J.; Eeufeldt, Victoria E.; Scargill, Matthew H. (1983). "American".Gage Canadian Dictionary(pbk ed.). Toronto: Gage Publishing Limited. p. 37.ISBN0-7715-9122-5.
  4. ^"American".WordReference English-Japanese Dictionary.2013.
  5. ^"American".WordReference English-Russian Dictionary.2013.
  6. ^ab"US-Amerikaner".Wortschatz(in German). Archived fromthe originalon January 20, 2015.
  7. ^abc"Etats-Uniens ou Américains, that is the question".Le Monde(in French). July 6, 2007.
  8. ^"American".Online English-Japanese Pictorial Dictionary.Free Light Software. Archived fromthe originalon October 29, 2013.RetrievedOctober 27,2013.
  9. ^"statunitense".WordReference English-Italiano Dictionary.2013.
  10. ^Vademecum. Der sprachlich-technische Leitfaden der «Neuen Zürcher Zeitung»,13th edition. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zürich 2013, p. 102, s. v.US-amerikanisch.
  11. ^Eidgenössisches Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten:„Liste der Staatenbezeichnungen “Archived2015-11-03 at theWayback Machine;Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten:„Liste der Staatennamen und deren Ableitungen in den vom Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten verwendeten Formen “;Auswärtiges Amt:„Verzeichnis der Staatennamen für den amtlichen Gebrauch in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland “
  12. ^ab"americano".Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa(in Portuguese).
  13. ^abc"americano".Diccionario de la lengua española(in Spanish). Real Academia Española.
  14. ^Pequeño Larousse Ilustrado 1992 edition, look up word Americano: Contains the Observation: Debe evitarse el empleo de americano con el sentido de norteamericano o de los Estados Unidos[Usage of the word with the meaning of U.S. citizen or the United States must be avoided] (in Spanish).
  15. ^"América".WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary.
  16. ^ab"norteamericano".Diccionario panhispánico de dudas(in Spanish).
  17. ^"Người Mỹ".WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary.2013.
  18. ^ab"United States".WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary.2013.
  19. ^ab"America".WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary.2013.
  20. ^ab"country".WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary.2013.
  21. ^ab"continent".WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary.2013.
  22. ^"america".WordReference English-Korean Dictionary.2013.
  23. ^"How to say" united states "in Japanese".
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  27. ^Youngman, Jeremy."Introduction to Swahili".Masai Mara.
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  29. ^"Usono".Esperanto–English Dictionary.Archived fromthe originalon December 21, 2014.RetrievedOctober 27,2013.
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  31. ^(in Esperanto)"Reta Vortaro"[Internet Dictionary].
  32. ^"Cartographer Put 'America' on the Map 500 years Ago".USA Today.Washington, D.C. Associated Press. April 24, 2007.RetrievedNovember 30,2008.
  33. ^"The Naming of America".BBC.March 29, 2011.RetrievedSeptember 25,2020.
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  35. ^"Declaration of Independence".National Archives. July 4, 1776.
  36. ^Letter TJ to Theodore Foster, May 1801, in Paul Leicester Ford ed.,The Works of Thomas Jefferson(1905) 8:50.
  37. ^Madison, James. "The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between the Different Departments".The Federalist.
  38. ^Hamilton, Alexander. "The Executive Department Further Considered".The Federalist.
  39. ^Hamilton, Alexander. "The Powers Necessary to the Common Defense Further Considered".The Federalist Papers.
  40. ^"The Barbary Treaties: Treaty of Peace and Amity".
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  42. ^Arbery, Virginia L. (1999), "Washington's Farewell Address and the Form of the American Regime"; In: Gary L. Gregg II and Matthew Spalding,Patriot Sage: George Washington and the American Political Tradition,pp. 204, 206.
  43. ^Wills, Garry(1984),Cincinnatus: George Washington and the Enlightenment,pp. 92-93.
  44. ^Bastin, Georges L. Bastin; Castrillón, Elvia R. (2004)."La" Carta dirigida a los españoles americanos ", una carta que recorrió muchos caminos."[The "Letter directed to Spanish Americans", a letter that traversed many paths...].Hermeneus(in Spanish) (6): 276–290. Archived fromthe originalon January 27, 2010.
  45. ^The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints."Articles of Faith 1:10".We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent...
  46. ^"Financial Reform Recommendations to General Assembly".United Nations. March 26, 2009.
  47. ^"American Samoa".United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division.RetrievedAugust 6,2009.
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  55. ^de Ford, Miriam Allen (April 1927). "On the difficulty of indicating nativity in the United States".American Speech.2(7): 315.doi:10.2307/452894.JSTOR452894.
  56. ^"Population by selected ethnic origins, by province and territory (2006 Census)".Statistics Canada. January 15, 2001.
  57. ^"estadounidense".Diccionario de la lengua española(in Spanish). Real Academia Española.[Translated:] 1. adj. Native of the United States of America[Original:] "1. adj. Natural de los Estados Unidos de América."
  58. ^"gringo".Diccionario de la lengua española(in Spanish). Real Academia Española.[Translated:] 3. adj. Bol., Chile, Col., Cuba, Ec., El Salv., Hond., Nic., Par., Peru, Ur. and Ven. Native of the United States of America[Original:] "3. adj. Bol., Chile, Col., Cuba, Ec., El Salv., Hond., Nic., Par., Perú, Ur. y Ven. estadounidense."
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  63. ^Pope Paul VI(October 4, 1965).Homily of the Holy Father Paul VI(Speech). Yankee Stadium, New York.
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  71. ^"The United States–Thailand Treaty of Amity".Thailand Business and Legal Guide.Archived fromthe originalon October 29, 2013.RetrievedOctober 27,2013.
  72. ^"Complying with the Made In the USA Standard".Federal Trade Commission. Archived fromthe originalon February 16, 2006.{{cite journal}}:Cite journal requires|journal=(help)
  73. ^Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of English Usage.Merriam-Webster. 1994. p.88.ISBN9780877791324.

Works cited
