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Vineta(sometimesWineta) is the name of a legendary city at the southern coast of theBaltic Sea.The legend evolved around traditions about the Medieval emporium called Jumne,Jomsborg,Julin or similar names by the chronicles, and with which Vineta is sometimes identified.



There are several Vineta legends. All of them portray the Vinetans as having an excessive, voluptuous or blasphemous way of life and then being punished in a flood that took the city to the bottom of the Baltic. In some variants of the myth, the city or parts thereof reappear on certain days or can be seen from a boat, making the warning conveyed by the myth more tangible for the audience.

Primary sources

  • About 965,Ibrahim ibn Jaqubwrote inArabicletters about this city. The transcription might beWeltaba,which corresponds to modern Polish "Wełtawa" meaning roughly a place among waves.
  • 1075/80,Adam of Bremenwrote about an emporium on an island in theOderestuary, east of his Diocese, where Slavs, Barbarians and Greeks were supposed to live and Saxon merchants stayed for trade.Harald Bluetoothhad once found refuge there. The oldest preserved manuscript, from the 11th century, has the spellingvimneoruimne,and the second oldest manuscript, from around 1200, hasuimneandiumneorjumne(there is no distinction between v and u or i and jin the written Latin of that time). More recent copies of the text primarily useJumne;in an early modern print the name is spelledJulinumandJuminem.[1]
  • Between 1140 and 1159, three vitae ofOtto of Bambergwere written using the nameJulinfor the medieval place located at the site of the later town ofWolin.[1]
  • 1163/1168,Helmold of Bosaucopied almost word for word the respective sentences written by Adam of Bremen. The oldest preserved handwriting of Helmolds chronicle (ca. 1300) has the place spelleduineta,corrected by the copyist toiuḿta(abbreviation ofiumentaoriumneta). Younger copies useJumnetain the text, yet in the header of the respective chapter all copies useVinneta.[1]
  • About 1170, the NordicKnytlinga sagareported a siege ofJomsborgby the Dano-Norwegian king Magnus (1043) and a campaign against that place by the Danish kingValdemar I(1170).[1]
  • About 1190,Saxo Grammaticusreported the same campaign (1170) and Harald Bluetooth's earlier stay there, but called the placeJulin[um].[1]

Geographical place

Postulated locations of Vineta

Vineta Reef off Koserow / Damerow


Some variants of the myth have Vineta sunken offKoserow(on the isle ofUsedom). The historian Wilhelm Ferdinand Gadebusch fromSwinemünde(Świnoujście) made this and other observations the basis for his thesis of Vineta's location. According to Gadebusch, Wolin did not have the deep water port that Vineta must have had, and thus discarded the Wolin thesis (see below).David Chyträusin his 16th centuryChronicon Saxoniaehad Vineta "beyond thePeeneriver near the village ofDamerow[de]"which was aVorwerkof Koserow. For Chyträus, Usedom was the land of the Vinetans, while Julin on the neighboring island ofWolinwas inhabited by Pomoranians. Since no traces of Slavic settlement have been found on northwest Usedom, this thesis is no longer accepted.



Several maps published between 1633 and 1700 have the sunken "Wineta" east of the island ofRudennorthwest ofUsedom.About 1700,Bernhard Walther Marperger[de]reported it in the same spot. The origin of this thesis is theAll Saints flood of 1306that reduced Ruden and other small islands from a much larger landmass that prior to the flood had existed betweenMönchgutand Usedom.



Rudolf Virchowsaid: "Vineta is Wollin!" Based on the primary sources outlined above,Adolf Hofmeister[de]in 1931/32 formulated the thesis that Vineta, Jumne, Julin, Jomsborg etc. are all different spellings used for the same place on the site of today's town of Wolin.[1]Beginning in the 1930s, and continued after the annexation of Wolin toPolandafterWorld War II,archaeologists unearthed the remains of a large settlement there. Hofmeister's thesis is the only mainstream thesis regarding the location of Vineta in today's historiography.



A thesis formulated by Goldmann und Wermusch placed Vineta nearBarth,pointing to a possibly different course of the Oder in the Middle Ages and a creative reading of the primary sources outlined above.


Poems and music

  • Vineta.poem byWilhelm Müller(1794–1827), inMuscheln von der Insel Rügen(1825)
    • Intonation byJohannes Brahmsfor Chor a cappella in six voices, op. 42 Nr. 2 (1860)
    • Intonation byAchim Reichel,for the albumWilder Wassermann(2002)
  • Seegespenst.Poem byHeinrich Heine(1797–1856), inDie Nordsee. 1. Abteilung(1826)
  • Two texts byFerdinand Freiligrath(1810–1876): PoemMeerfahrt(1838);Wilhelm Müller. Eine Geisterstimme(1872)
  • Vineta-Glocken. Valse boston(1920er Jahre) byJohn Lindsay-Theimer[de](Pseudonym of the Carynthian Johann Theimer)
  • Vineta(1994). Concert piece and suite for Zither solo byPeter Kiesewetter
  • Vineta(2001). Sinfonical poem byUrs Joseph Flury[de]
  • Vineta.Song of the bandPuhdys(Puhdys 1,4. Titel)
  • Vineta.Song byMichael Heck
  • Vineta.Song from theDe Plattföötalbum Ierst mol ganz langsam
  • Vineta.Planned 3. volume of the long poemNautilusbyUwe Tellkamp
  • Vineta.poetry collection byUwe Kolbe[de],1998
  • „Vineta “, Song by Josef Seiler (text) andIgnaz Heim[de](music)
  • "Vineta", Choral piece by Ēriks Ešenvalds (2009).
  • „Vineta “(2011). Song of the bandTransit (Band)[de](album „Übers Meer “, title 6)

Plays, festivals and opera


In prosaic literature

  • Elisabeth Bürstenbinder(pen name E. Werner):Vineta.Novel (1877)
  • Theodor Fontane:Effi Briest.Novel (1895; c. 17: alludingHeinrich Heine'sSeegespenst)
  • Selma Lagerlöf:The Wonderful Adventures of Nils.Novel (1906/07; contains a retelling of the myth)
  • Oskar Loerke:Vineta.Essay(1907)
  • Hans Albrecht Moser[de]:Vineta. Ein Gegenwartsroman aus künftiger Sicht(1955)
  • Zofia Kossak-Szczucka,Zygmunt Szatkowski:Troja północy(Troy of North), Pax (1960)
  • Günter Grass:Der Butt.Novel (1977);Die Rättin.Novel (1986)
  • Lawrence Norfolk:The Pope's Rhinoceros.Novel (1996)[2]
  • Heinz-Jürgen Zierke[de]:Das Mädchen aus Vineta.Essay (2000; tells the story of an unsuccessful attempt to deliver Vineta from its curse.)
  • Uwe Tellkamp:Der Schlaf in den Uhren[de].Essay (2004; draws parallels between Dresden and Vineta)
  • Charlotte Lyne[de]:Die Glocken von Vineta.Novel (2007)
  • Toni Glenn:Mappa Ordica,Adventure/Novel (2008)
  • Oleg Alexandrowitsch Jurjew[de]/ (Oleg Yuriev):Винета.Novel (2007, Russian) /Die russische Fracht.Novel (2009, German translation)
  • Benno Beginn[de]:Vinetas Träume fliegen,Historical fantasy novel, Otto-Johann-Verlag, Lubmin 2009
  • Rolf Kahl:Rauher Wind am Birkhuhnsee,contains a travel to Jumne
  • Ilse Helbich[de]:Vineta,Literaturverlag Droschl 2013,ISBN9783854208457




  • Küstenwache(ZDF), 21. Dezember 2011:„Der Fluch von Vineta “.

Board games


Video games


Place names

Vinetastraße inAhlbeck (Usedom)
  • In Berlin there is a Vineta Street (Vinetastraße) and aU-Bahn station.
  • In Berlin there is also a Vineta square (Vinetaplatz) in Wedding, next to Swinemünder Straße and Wolliner Straße.
  • The German Empire's navy had the vesselsVineta(Vinetaof 1863,Vinetaof 1897,Vinetaof 1915, andSMSMöwe,briefly renamedVinetain 1915)
  • In 1903 a square in the center ofGaarden-Ost[de],Kielwas named Vinetaplatz after SMS Vineta I.
  • The (West) German navy from 1961 to 1992 had a mine sweeper „Vineta “(M2652, Ariadne-class) in 3. Minensuchgeschwader.
  • An artwork installation inStörmthaler See[de]near Leipzig is called „Vineta. “
  • A rare German Empire stamp is called "Vineta provisional".
  • InSwakopmund,Namibia,there is a neighborhoodVineta.
  • InHeidelbergthere is a student fraternity "Vineta" since 1879.
  • In Schleswig-Holstein there is a sports club named TSV Vineta Audorf.
  • In Schleswig Holstein (Busdorf) there is a club called Disco-Vineta.
  • InEuropa-ParkRust (Baden),in the themed land 'Scandinavia' there was an attraction 'Sunken city "Vineta" '. It was destroyed in a fire in 2018 and may never be rebuilt.

See also



  1. ^abcdefSchmidt, Roderich: Das historische Pommern. Personen, Orte, Ereignisse (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Pommern, Reihe V, Forschungen Bd. 41), Köln / Weimar 2007, S. 70–72.
  2. ^ Norfolk, Lawrence(1997) [1996].The Pope's Rhinoceros.Random House.ISBN9780749398743.Retrieved2013-06-25.



Further reading
