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William Russell, Lord Russell

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The Lord Russell
Born(1639-09-29)29 September 1639
Died21 July 1683(1683-07-21)(aged 43)
Cause of deathExecution by beheading
Alma materCambridge University
OccupationMember of Parliament
SpouseRachel Wriothesley

William Russell, Lord Russell(29 September 1639 – 21 July 1683) was an EnglishCountry Partypolitician and nobleman. He was a leading member of the Country Party, forerunners of theWhigs,who during the reign ofCharles II of Englandlaid the groundwork for opposition in theEnglish House of Commonsto the accession of an openlyCatholicmonarch in Charles's brotherJames.This ultimately resulted in Russell's execution fortreason,almost two years before Charles died and James acceded to the throne.

Early life and marriage


Born Hon. William Russell, he was the third son ofWilliam Russell, 5th Earl of Bedford,later createdDuke of Bedford,andLady Anne Carr.After the death of his elder brother Francis, he gained thecourtesy titleof Baron Russell and was thus referred to as Lord Russell.[1]

He and Francis were at Cambridge University in 1654. They then travelled abroad, visitingLyonandGeneva,residing for a time atAugsburg.Russell's account makes for a colourful depiction of his travels. The two made their way to Paris by 1658, and had returned toWoburn Abbey,Woburn(which was not then in its present palatial form) by December 1659.[1]

At theRestorationin 1660, whenCharles IItook the throne, Russell was elected as a Member of Parliament for the borough ofTavistock,a seat traditionally held by a member of his family.[2]For many years, Russell appears not to have been active in public affairs, but to have indulged in court intrigue, and is not recorded as speaking until 1674.[3]In 1663 and 1664 he was engaged in twoduels;he was wounded in the second one. In 1669, at age 30, he married the widowedLady Vaughn.He thus became connected with theEarl of Shaftesbury,who had married his wife's cousin. They had a close and affectionate marriage.[1]


William, Lord Russell

It was not until the formation of the country party (the forerunner of the Whig party),[4]which opposed the policies of theCabal(the inner group of advisers to the king) andCharles II's Franco-Catholic policies, that Russell began to take an active part in affairs. With a passionate zeal against Roman Catholicism ( "I despise such a ridiculous and nonsensical religion" he once remarked), and an intense love of political liberty, he opposed the persecution of ProtestantDissenters.His first speech in Parliament appears to have been on 22 January 1674, when he inveighed against the GreatStop of the Exchequer,theattack on the Smyrna fleet,the corruption by French money of Charles's courtiers, and the ill-intended ministers of the king. He also supported the proceedings against theDuke of Buckingham.In 1675, Russell moved an address to the king for the removal from royal councils and impeachment of theEarl of Danby.[1]

On 15 February 1677, in the debate on the 15 months'prorogation(an extremely lengthy period between sessions of Parliament), he moved the dissolution ofParliament;and in March 1678 he seconded the address that asked the king to declare war against France. The enmity of the country party towardsJames, the Duke of York,and towards Lord Danby, and the party's desire for a dissolution and the disbanding of the army, were greater than the party's enmity towardsLouis XIV of France.The French king, therefore, found it easy to form a temporary alliance with Russell,Hollesand the opposition leaders. They sought to cripple the king's power of hurting France and to compel him to seek Louis's friendship; that friendship, however, was to be given only on the condition that Louis support their goals. Russell entered into close communication with theMarquis de Ruvigny(Lady Russell's maternal cousin), who came over to England with money for distribution among members of parliament. By the testimony ofBarillon,however, it is clear that Russell himself refused to take any French payments.[1]

The alleged Popish Plot and the Monmouth Rebellion


Anti-French, warmongering alarms which culminated in the "discovery" in 1678 of the first "conspirators" of an allegedPopish Plotto treacherously murderKing Charles IIand accelerate the accession of his Roman Catholic brother, appear to have affected Russell more than his otherwise sober character would have led people to expect. Russell threw himself into the small party which looked toJames Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth( "Monmouth" ) to take the throne, an (illegitimate but recognised) son of Charles, as the representative of Protestant interests, a political blunder. Undaunted, Russell afterwards was in confidential communication withWilliam of Orange[1]who, with his wifeMary,came to the throne five years after Russell's execution.

Exclusion debates


On 4 November 1678, Russell moved an address to the King to exclude his brother James (at the time theDuke of York) "from his person and councils" (homes, companionship and correspondence), including removal from the line of succession. Parliament's insistence on the impeachment of Danby led to it being prorogued on 30 December and dissolved in January. At the ensuing election, Russell was again elected to Parliament, this time as a representative forBedfordshire,as well as forHampshire(for which he chose not to sit).[3]The success of the newly formed "party"in the elections of 1679 led to Danby's removal from cabinet, and in April 1679 Russell became a member of the newPrivy Council ministryformed by Charles on the advice ofSir William Templeof Temple Mount,East Sheen.[5]Only six days after this, Russell moved for a committee to draw up a more subdued bill "to secure religion and property [in case of] a popish successor". In June 1679, when theCovenanterswere rising in Scotland, he verbally attacked(the Duke of) Lauderdalepersonally in full council.[1]

The Trial of William, Lord Russell,in 1683 by SirGeorge Hayter,painted in 1825 as a commission by his descendantThe 6th Duke of Bedford

In January 1680, Russell, along withCavendish,Capell,Powle,andEssex,tendered resignation, which was received by King Charles "with all my heart." On 16 June, he accompanied Shaftesbury when the latterindictedJames at Westminster as a popishrecusant;and on 26 October, he spoke in the house to move to "suppress popery and prevent a popish successor"; while on 2 November, now at the height of his influence, he seconded the motion for exclusion in its most emphatic shape, and on 19 November physically carried the exclusion bill to theHouse of Lords.He opposed the limitation scheme on the ground that monarchy under its conditions would be an absurdity.[1]The historianLaurence Echard[6]stated that Russell opposed the indulgence exercised by Charles to theDuke of Norfolk's cousin,Lord Stafford,who was a convicted "plotter", in preventing a more painful method of execution—an indulgence afterwards shown to Russell himself but other historians disagree.[citation needed]On 18 December, he moved to refuse supplies until the king passed the Exclusion Bill. ThePrince of Orangehaving come over at this time, the opposition leaders were open to a compromise on the exclusion question. Russell, however, refused to give way.[1]

On 26 March 1681, in theparliamentheld atOxford,Russell again seconded the Exclusion Bill. Upon the dissolution of parliament, he retired into privacy at his countryseatofStrattonin Hampshire. It was probably at his wish that his chaplain wrote theLife ofJulian the Apostate,in reply toDr Hickes's sermons, defending the lawfulness of resistance in extreme cases.[1]

Rye House Plot

William, Lord Russell (1639–1683), in theTower of London– painter:Mather Brown

He had no share in the schemes of Whig Lord Shaftesbury after the election ofTorysheriffs for London in 1682; upon the 1683 violation of the charters, however, he began seriously to consider the best means of resisting the King's government. In October 1682, he attended a meeting at which what might be construed astreasonwas talked:[1]Monmouth, Essex,Hampden,Algernon Sidney,LordHoward of Escrick(a cousin of Russell's mother) andSir Thomas Armstrongmet at the house of one Mr Sheppard, a wine merchant. There they metRichard Rumbold,the owner ofRye House,a fortified mansion inHertfordshire.

This was followed by the unsuccessfulRye House Plot,a plan to ambush Charles II and his brother James near Rye House,Hoddesdon,on their way back to London from theNewmarketraces. However, the plot was disclosed to the government. Unlike several co-conspirators, Russell refused to escape toHolland.He was accused of promising his assistance to raise an insurrection and bring about the death of the king. He was sent on 26 June 1683 to theTower of Londonwhere he prepared himself for his death. Monmouth offered to return to England and be tried if doing so would help Russell, and Essex refused to abscond for fear of injuring his friend's chance of escape.[7]However, he was tried and convicted of treason and sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered, afterwards commuted by Charles II to death by beheading.

By the standards of the time (when those charged with treason rarely escaped death) he received a fair trial.Lord Chief JusticeFrancis Pemberton,in his summing up to the jury, clearly leant towards an acquittal, thereby offending the King, who dismissed him soon afterwards. Nodefence counselwas permitted in atreasontrial until the passing of theTreason Act 1695,but in a rare concession to the defence, Lady Russell was allowed to act as her husband's secretary. EvenJeffreys,leading for the prosecution, conducted the trial in a sober and dignified manner quite different from his normal bullying style, and, while stressing the strength of the evidence, reminded the jury that no innocent man should have his life taken away.

After the verdict Russell's wife and friends made desperate efforts to save him, making pleas for mercy to the King, the Duke of York, and the French Ambassador,Paul Barillon.Barillon informed the King that in the view of Louis XIV this was a suitable case for mercy, and James was at least prepared to listen to Russell's friends; but Charles was implacable, saying "if I do not take his life he will shortly take mine." Russell himself, in petitions to Charles and James, offered to live abroad if his life were spared, and never again to meddle in the affairs of England. He, however, refused an offer of escape from Cavendish.[8]Lady Russell obtained a private interview and went on her knees to the King, but to no avail.


18th-century artist's impression of Lord Russell's last moment with his family before his execution
Plaque commemorating the execution of William Lord Russell in Lincoln's Inn Fields

Russell spent his last day peacefully in the Tower, spending the morning in devotions with the Scottish archbishopAlexander Burnet.[8]He was beheaded byJack Ketchon 21 July 1683 atLincoln's Inn Fields.Russell was said to have paid Ketch a generous sum of money beforehand for a quick and painless end. At the time, those sentenced to death by beheading (a method "reserved for [...] aristocrats" )[9]were customarily "advised to tip the public executioner in advance. It was hoped this would encourage him to do a swift and efficient job, hopefully despatching the victim in one clean blow."[10]However, in spite of this, the execution was reported to have been notoriously botched:

On that occasion, Ketch wielded the instrument of death either with such sadistically nuanced skill or with such lack of simple dexterity – nobody could tell which – that the victim suffered horrifically under blow after blow, each excruciating but not in itself lethal. Even among the bloodthirsty throngs that habitually attended English beheadings, the gory and agonizing display had created such outrage that Ketch felt moved to write and publish a pamphlet titledApologie,in which he excused his performance with the claim that Lord Russell had failed to "dispose himself as was most suitable" and that he was therefore distracted while taking aim on his neck.[11]

According to the pamphlet, Ketch allegedly "did such a bad job that, after the axe hit the side of Russell's head, Russell looked up at him and said, 'You dog, did I give you tenguineasto use me so inhumanely?' "[10]However, Ketch "repudiated the charge"[12]that Russell had paid him twenty guineas the night before the execution (although he stated it was "true I receav'd 10. Guenies"[13]from him on thescaffold), that Russell had insulted him, or that he had struck Russell's shoulder rather than his head. However, although biographerSidney Leecontended that the pamphlet was "probably written by Ketch himself",[12]author Stephen Wade describes the provenance ofThe Apology of John Ketch Esq.as "questionable".[14]

Russell was exonerated by reversal of hisattainderunderWilliam III.

Russell did not confess; in fact, he pleaded that he knew of no plot to execute the king and was not party to any conspiracy to do so. He is recorded as having admitted to conspiring to levy a war.[15]Such a mini-invasion ultimately took place and was successful; simply put, Russell did not time his meetings correctly. He resigned himself rapidly to accept his fate with dignity while still stating his innocence, but was disappointed in the justice he had received, as laid out in his last letter before his death. Russell was later pardoned as having committed no part in a directly treasonous plot, casting the evidence ashearsay.The pardon remains an official document.

Whigs later commemorated him as a mistreated martyr, supposedly put to death in retaliation for his efforts to exclude James from succession to the crown.[16]

Several people were tried and convicted ofseditious libelfor publishing works about his ghost.[17][18]


  1. ^abcdefghijkAiry 1911,p. 866.
  2. ^History of Parliament Online - Russell, Hon. William
  3. ^abLee, Sidney,ed. (1897)."Russell, William (1639–1683)".Dictionary of National Biography.Vol. 49. London: Smith, Elder & Co. pp. 480–485.
  4. ^britainexpress
  5. ^Sir George Clarke.The Later Stuarts, 1660–1714(2nd edition, Clarendon Press, 1955), 97–99.
  6. ^Laurence Echard(History of England,ii.)
  7. ^Airy 1911,pp. 866–867.
  8. ^abAiry 1911,p. 867.
  9. ^Misra, Amalendu (2022).On Beheading.Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. p. 144.ISBN978-3-030-96142-8.
  10. ^abLord, Monty(2023).Bizarre Laws & Curious Customs of the UK: Vol. I.Preston, Lancashire: Young Legal Eagles. p. 92.ISBN978-1-7397488-3-8.
  11. ^Fiorillo, Juré (1 January 2010).Great Bastards of History: True and Riveting Accounts of the Most Famous Illegitimate Children Who Went on to Achieve Greatness.Fair Winds. p. 82.ISBN978-1-59233-401-8.Retrieved23 August2010.
  12. ^abLee, Sidney(1892).Dictionary of National Biography: Vol. XXXI.London: Smith, Elder, & Co. p. 71.
  13. ^Ketch, John."The apologie of John Ketch, Esq., the executioner of London, in vindication of himself as to the execution of the late Lord Russel, on July 21, 1683".University of Michigan Library.Retrieved21 August2024.
  14. ^Wade, Stephen (2009).Britain's Most Notorious Hangmen.Barnsley: Pen & Sword Books. p. 27.ISBN978-1-84563-082-9.
  15. ^Old Bailey Proceedings Online(accessed 27 January 2018),Trial of William Russell.(t16830712-3, 12 July 1683).
  16. ^Lois G. Schwoerer (1985). "William, Lord Russell: The Making of a Martyr, 1683–1983".Journal of British Studies24.1: 41–71.JSTOR175444
  17. ^Old Bailey Proceedings Online(accessed 27 January 2018),Trial of Langly Curtis.(o16831212-2, 12 December 1683).
  18. ^Old Bailey Proceedings Online(accessed 27 January 2018),Trial of Thomas Ross.(t16910708-37, 8 July 1691).


Parliament of England
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Henry Hatsell
Edmund Fowell
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With:George Howard1661–73
Sir Francis Drake1673–79
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Preceded by Member of Parliament forBedfordshire
With:Sir Humphrey Monoux, Bt
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