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Yamtuan Besar

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Yamtuan Besar
Yang di-Pertuan Besar ofNegeri Sembilan
Tuanku Muhriz
since 29 December 2008
installation 26 October 2009
StyleHis Royal Highness(Malay:Duli Yang Maha Mulia)
First monarchRaja Melewar
Formation1773;251 years ago(1773)
ResidenceIstana Besar,Seri Menanti
AppointerThe Council ofUndang Yang Empat
The Yamtuan Besar's official headgear is adestartied in thesolek(style) ofDendam Tak Sudah,as depicted in this picture of the replica of it in Bukit Putus.

TheYamtuan Besar,also known officially asYang di-Pertuan Besarand unofficially asGrand Ruler,is the royal title of the ruler of theMalaysian stateofNegeri Sembilan.The Grand Ruler of Negeri Sembilan is elected by a council of ruling chiefs in the state, or theUndangs.This royal practice has been followed since 1773. The Yamtuan Besar is elected from among the four leading princes of Negeri Sembilan (Putera Yang Empat); the Undangs themselves cannot stand for election and their choice of a ruler is limited to a maleMuslimwho is Malay and also a "lawfully begotten descendant of Raja Radin ibni Raja Lenggang", the 4th Yamtuan.

This unique form of government later inspired the firstPrime Minister of Malaysia,Tunku Abdul Rahman,to implement a form of rotationalconstitutional monarchyfor a newly independentFederation of Malaya(nowMalaysia). Thus, the office ofYang di-Pertuan Agongwas created.

Early history

Tuanku Muhammad Shah(seated in the middle) with his personal attendants, 1897.

Negeri Sembilanhas been receiving migrants fromSumatrafor hundreds of years. Prior to the establishment of the Yamtuan Besar the area was ruled by the Sultan of Malacca. AfterMalaccawasdefeatedby thePortuguese,it was ruled by theSultanate of Johor.

Even during the 18th century, several groups of Minang people had expanded to theMalay Peninsulaespecially around the areas ofRembau,NaningandSungai Ujongbut retained strong links to their homeland in Sumatra. During this period, Rembau was under the nominal authority of Johor, until 1758 when it was ceded to the Dutch.[1]

By 1760, however, Johor which was having trouble from the Dutch, decided to allow the state to find a leader from theMinangkabaupeople in Sumatra. Between 1760 and 1770, a council of leaders known as thepenghulu luak(the predecessor of theUndangs) left forPagar Ruyungin Minangkabau in search of a leader. Popular belief holds that the legendary Raja Melewar was elected in 1773 as the first ruler of Negeri Sembilan.[1]

Part of Minangkabau

Tuanku Abdul Rahman,Yang di-Pertuan Besar VIII of Negeri Sembilan -and- Yang di-Pertuan Agong I of Malaya.

Yamtuan Melewar


The council of Sultan Malenggang Alam of Pagaruyung appointed his uncle, Raja Mahmud (Rajo Mangiang), to rule this new outpost of the Minangkabau region. Raja Mahmud was grandson of Sultan Alif II of Pagaruyung. He later became known as RajaMelewarupon ascension toNegeri Sembilan's throne.

Prior to Raja Melewar, the districts were separately vying for power against each other while a greater problem of interference, incursions and invasion loomed over them fromBugiscontrolled Johor and Selangor. All this amid the stream of pretenders claiming the throne, including Raja Kasah, Raja 'Adil and Raja Khatib.

RajaMelewaris credited with the successful unification the main districts and numerous outlying settlements into a cohesive political state now known as Negeri Sembilan.[2]He was installed as the first Yamtuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan at Penajis in Rembau with the endorsement of all the territorial chiefs.[3]He ruled as Yamtuan from 1773 until his death in 1795.

Yamtuan Hitam


Following the death of Raja Melewar in 1795, the same council of leaders once again set out on a journey to Sumatra. By this time, Negeri Sembilan had risen in importance in the Minangkabau region. In 1795, the council of Sultan Muning Syah III of Pagaruyung appointed his uncle, Raja Hitam (Rajo Samik II), as Yamtuan Besar. Raja Hitam was son of Sultan Bagagar Syah I of Pagaruyung. Following the Minangkabaumatrilinealtradition, Raja Hitam married Raja Melewar's daughter,[3]Tunku Aishah, but they had no children. As a diplomatic gesture, Raja Hitam also married the widow of the brother of Sultan Ibrahim of Selangor;[2]having four children, including a daughter, Tunku Ngah. He died in 1808.

Yamtuan Lenggang


Once again in 1808, the leaders of Negeri Sembilan went toMinangkabauin search of someone to replace their leader. At this time, the Minangkabau Confederacy was in the middle of thePadri Waragainst religious militant extremists promotingWahhabism.The council of Sultan Bagagar Syah III (Sultan Tangkal Alam Bagagar& Muning Syah V) of Pagar Ruyung appointed his uncle, Raja (Ali) Lenggang Laut. Raja Lenggang was the son of Sultan Malenggang Alam of Pagaruyung. Yamtuan Lenggang established the royal residence at the town ofSeri Menanti.[3]He married Raja Hitam's second daughter, Tunku Ngah. They had two sons: Tunku Radin and Tunku Imam. Yamtuan Lenggang died in 1824.

End of the Dynasty in Minangkabau


In 1824, theUndangscould not embark on a trip to meet the Raja of Pagaruyung because, the Pagaruyung dynasty had been destroyed during the Padri War. Dutch military forces took possession of Minangkabau territories in 1821. Thus, for the first time in its history, Negeri Sembilan would have its own hereditary leader to continue the Pagaruyung dynasty.

Late history

Tuanku Munawir,Yang di-Pertuan Besar IX of Negeri Sembilan.

Late history covers the period of flux; after the fall of the Pagaruyung dynasty in west Sumatra and before the constitutional era.

Yamtuan Radin


As the Pagaruyung Kingdom was in tatters in west Sumatra, Yamtuan Lenggang looked to continue the dynasty with what was left in Negeri Sembilan. He proposed his young son, Raja Radin (Raden), to be the next YamTuan but the districtUndangswere hesitant.

After he died, there were 5 claimants to the throne:

  • Raja Kerjan (proxy for Sungai Ujong chief),
  • Raja Sati (Laboh) sent from Siak (also proxy for Sungai Ujong),
  • Raja Ali, nephew of Sultan Ibrahim of Selangor
  • Raja Radin
  • Raja Beringin, self-appointed guardian of Radin.

Raja Beringin was largely ignored; while Raja Sati bickered against his benefactor and was removed. In 1832, the Negri chiefs objected when Raja Ali declared himself Yamtuan and his son-in-law, Sayid Sha'ban as Yamtuan Muda. Ali and Sha'ban went to war with the Linggi chief and attempted the murder of theUndangof Rembau. The Negeri chiefs abandoned their machinations, rallied around Raja Radin, elected him to the Seri Menanti throne and went to war against Ali and Sha'ban. Raja Ali was driven out; Sha'ban eventually became the chief ofTampin;while Raja Kerjan was later killed by the Temenggong of Muar for stealing buffalo.[2]

With the appointment of Yamtuan Radin, the bloodline to the Minangkabau Pagaruyung dynasty remained unbroken. Yamtuan Radin ruled for 30 years before he died in 1861.[3]

Yamtuan Imam


After the death of Yamtuan Radin, his son Tunku Antah was quite young and after some consternation among the Negeri chiefs, they appointed Raja Imam as Yamtuan in 1861.[3][2]Yamtuan Imam ruled for eight years and died in 1869. He had a son, Tunku Ahmad Tunggal.

Yamtuan Antah


Upon the death of Yamtuan Imam, the 2 claimants to the throne wereTunku Antahand Tunku Ahmad Tunggal. With no consensus forthcoming,Datuk Siamang Gagapelevated the widow of Yamtuan Radin, Tuanku Puan Intan as the Regent from 1869 to 1872.

TheUndangof Johol supported Tunku Antah; theUndangof Sungai Ujong was backing Tunku Ahmad Tunggal; theUndangof Jelebu was undecided with their own problems; theUndangof Rembau wanted their own independence.[2]After 3 years of wrangling, TunkuAntahwas elected as Yamtuan in 1875.[3]

During this time, the British administration was attempting to obtain border treaties and commercial agreements with all the polities in the Malay Peninsula. TheUndangof Sungai Ujong signed with the British but without any reference to the ruler nor the otherUndangs.This eventually culminated into the 1876Battle of Bukit Putuswherein the united forces of Negeri Sembilan attacked the British protecting Sungai Ujong. Yamtuan Antah's forces were eventually defeated by British infantry and artillery. Yamtuan Antah surrendered to the British in Johor and was demoted to "Yamtuan Seri Menanti" but he was still determined to obtain an equitable agreement for the entire state. At the urging of theSultan of Johor,the Governor of the Straits Settlements agreed to reconcile the dispute between Sungai Ujong and the other districts. Suggestions to the British from theUndangof Sungai Ujong amongst others was the installation of a new Sultan (from Muar) and appointing Tunku Ahmad Tunggal as "Malay Captain" for all territories except Sungai Ujong. By 1877, every district and territory in Negeri Sembilan had separate agreements with the British which included arbitration by the Sultan of Johor; but this proved unworkable.[3]In 1887, witnessed by the British Governor of the Straits Settlements, a new agreement was signed by the chiefs of Johol, Ineh, Ulu Muar, Jempol, Terachi and Gunung Pasir. Through this agreement, they acknowledge and ratify Yamtuan Antah as Yamtuan Seri Menanti; the ruler of the Seri Menanti Confederacy.[2]

Yamtuan Antah died in 1888, a victim of asmallpoxepidemic.[3]

Modern history

Tuanku Ja'afar,Yang di-Pertuan Besar X of Negeri Sembilan -and- Yang di-Pertuan Agong X of Malaysia.

Tuanku Muhammad


In 1888, the son of Yamtuan Antah,Tuanku Muhammad Shahtook on the title ofTuankuat age 22 and acceded to the name and title of Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the Seri Menanti Confederacy. In 1889, under his reign, the districts of Rembau and Tampin joined the Confederacy to bear the historic name of the Nine States – Negeri Sembilan.[2]

With the final two districts admitted into the state, on 29 April 1898, he was installed as the Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan.[4]This marks the formal adoption of a State Constitution wherein the chiefs of territories of Jelebu, Johol, Sungai Ujong and Rembau were officially elevated to the status ofUndang;and the Yamtuan would exercise control over the districts of Gunung Pasir, Ineh, Jempol, Terachi and Ulu Muar.[3]Tuanku Muhammad died in 1933 after a long reign as Yamtuan Besar, the longest in the history of the state.

Tuanku Abdul Rahman


Tuanku Muhammad's son,Tuanku Abdul Rahman,took over in 1933. Tuanku Abdul Rahman later became the firstYang di-Pertuan AgongofMalayain 1957 (during which time his brotherTunku Laksamana Nasirwas regent).

Tuanku Munawir


Tuanku Abdul Rahman's son,Tuanku Munawir,ascended the throne in 1960 and ruled until 1967.

Tuanku Ja'afar


When Tuanku Munawir died, his brother,Tuanku Ja'afar Tuanku Abdul Rahman,became the ruler of Negri Sembilan, by-passing Munawir's sonMuhriz of Negeri Sembilan,who at 19 years of age was a minor. Tuanku Jaafar also served as the tenthYang di-Pertuan AgongofMalaysia.During this period,Negeri Sembilanwas ruled by the regent, Y.A.M. Tunku LaxamanaTunku Naquiyuddin.

Tuanku Muhriz


On the death of Tuanku Jaafar in 2008, theUndangselectedTuanku Muhriz(eldest son of Tuanku Munawir and nephew of Tuanku Jaafar).

Election of Yang di-Pertuan Besar


Negeri Sembilan follows the Minangkabau tradition of selecting its ruler through a consensus of the noble chiefs. For Negeri Sembilan, the State Constitution assigns the choice of successor (Putera Yang Empat) of the Yamtuan to the fourUndangs(chiefs).

Extract from "The Laws of the Constitution of Negeri Sembilan, 1959":[5]


VII. (1) There shall be a Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State to exercise the functions and powers of a Ruler in accordance with this Constitution and who shall take precedence over all other persons in the State.

(2) The Yang di-Pertuan Besar shall be such person as shall be elected by the Undangs of the territories of Sungai Ujong, Jelebu, Johol and Rembau in the manner hereinafter provided and in accordance with the custom of the State.

(3) No person shall be elected as Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State unless He shall be a male of the Malay race, of sound mind and professing the religion of the State, who is a lawfully-begotten descendant in the male line of Raja Radin ibni Raja Lenggang.

(4) Upon the death of a Yang di-Pertuan Besar, leaving male issue him surviving, the Undangs of the territories of Sungai Ujong, Jelebu, Johol and Rembau shall forthwith choose a successor from the said male issue:

Provided that if, in the opinion of the said Undangs, there is no suitable and competent person among the said male issue, then a person shall be chosen from the first of the following classes or failing, in their opinion any suitable and competent person in that class, then from the second and subsequent classes in the order stated, that is to say–
Firstly, the brothers of the deceased Yang di-Pertuan Besar;
Secondly, the paternal uncles of the deceased Yang di-Pertuan Besar;
Thirdly, the grandsons of the deceased Yang di-Pertuan Besar;
Fourthly, the sons of the brothers of the deceased Yang di-Pertuan Besar;
Fifthly, the sons of the paternal uncles of the deceased Yang di-Pertuan Besar.

List of Yamtuan


Pagaruyung Dynasty


See also



  1. ^abAndaya, Barbara Watson (1982).A History of Malaysia.New York, USA: St. Martin's Press. pp. 94–95.ISBN978-0-312-38120-2.
  2. ^abcdefgWinstedt, R.O. (1933).Negri Sembilan: The History, Polity and Beliefs of the Nine States(JMBRAS v.11 ed.). Royal Asiatic Society - Malayan Branch. pp. 41–74.
  3. ^abcdefghiRadin, Tunku Halim (2018).Prince called "Charlie", a.Malaysia: M Parallax. pp. 13–22.ISBN9789671651506.
  4. ^Birch, E.W. (1906).Election and Installation of Tungku Muhammad, C.M.G. Bin Tungku Antah, as the Yang Di Per Tuan Bĕsár, Negri Sembilan, the(JRASSB v.46 ed.). Malaya: Royal Asiatic Society - Straits Branch. pp. 9–22.
  5. ^Negeri Sembilan, State Legal Adviser."Laws of the Constitution of Negeri Sembilan 1959, the"(PDF).Negeri Sembilan State Government.Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Bhd.

Further reading
