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Their Excellencies the Lords Justices of England, for the administration of the Government during the absence of theKingbyRobert White.

Excellencyis anhonorificstylegiven to certain high-level officers of asovereign state,officials of aninternational organization,or members of anaristocracy.Once entitled to the title "Excellency", the holder usually retains the right to that courtesy throughout their lifetime,[1]although in some cases the title is attached to a particular office and is held only during tenure of that office.[2]

Generally people addressed asExcellencyareheads of state,heads of government,governors,ambassadors,Roman Catholic bishops,high-ranking ecclesiastics and others holding equivalent rank, such as heads of international organizations.[3]Members ofroyal familiesgenerally have distinct addresses such asMajesty,Highness,etc.

While not a title of office itself, the honorificExcellencyprecedes various titles held by the holder, both in speech and in writing. In reference to such an official, it takes the formHisorHer Excellency;in direct address,Your Excellency,or, less formally, simplyExcellency. The abbreviationHEis often used instead ofHis/Her Excellency;alternatively it may stand forHis Eminence.



Heads of state and government


In mostrepublicannation states,thehead of stateis formally referred to asHis or Her Excellency.[4]

If a republic has a separatehead of government,that official is almost always addressed asExcellencyas well. If the nation is amonarchy,however, the customs may vary. For example, in the case of Australia, all ambassadors, high commissioners, state governors and the governor-general and their spouses are entitled to the use of Excellency.

Governors of colonies in theBritish Empirewere entitled to be addressed asExcellencyand this remains the position for the governors of what are now known asBritish Overseas Territories.[5]

International diplomacy


In variousinternational organizations,notably the UN and its agencies,Excellencyis used as a generic form of address for all republicanheads of stateandheads of government.It is often granted to the organization's head as well, and to those chiefs of UN diplomatic missions, such asResident Coordinators(who are the designated representatives of the Secretary-General), who are accredited at the Head of State level (like an Ambassador), or at the lower Head of Government level.

In recent years, some international organizations, such as theOrganization for Security and Co-operation in Europe,or theEuropean Union,have designated theirpermanent representativesin third countries asambassadors,although they do not represent sovereign entities. This is now largely accepted, and because theseambassadorsrank after the UN representative in the orders of precedence of representatives of international organizations, the UN coming naturally first as pre-eminent, the UN Resident Coordinators are now also commonly but informally referred to in diplomatic circles asambassadors,although the UN itself does not refer to them in this way.

International judiciary


Judges of theInternational Court of Justicealso enjoy the style ofExcellency.





In some monarchies thehusbands,wives,or children of aroyal princeor princess, who do not possess a princely title themselves, may be entitled to the style. For example, inSpainspouses or children of a borninfanteorinfantaare addressed asExcellency,if not accorded a higher style.

Former members of a royal house or family, who have forfeited a royal title, may be awarded the style afterwards. Examples are former husbands or wives of a royal prince or princess, includingAlexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg,following her divorce fromPrince Joachim of Denmark.Likewise,Count Carl Johan Bernadotte of Wisborg,who lost his succession rights to theSwedish throneand discontinued use of his royal titles in 1946 when he married the commoner Elin Kerstin Margaretha Wijkmark, was accorded the style.

In someemirates,such asKuwaitandQatar,the Emir, heir apparent and prime minister are calledHis Highness.Their children are styled withHis/Her Excellencyunless they possess a higher honorific.



In Spain members of the high nobility, holding the dignity ofgrandee,are addressed asThe Most Excellent Lord/Lady.

In Denmark, somecounts(lensgrever), historically those related by blood or marriage to theDanish monarch,who have entered amorganatic marriageor otherwise left theRoyal Familyhave the right to be styled asYour Excellency,e.g., the Counts ofDanneskiold-Samsøe,some of thecounts of Rosenborgand theCountess of Frederiksborg(ad personam).

In theSultanate of Sulu,senior nobility and holders of royal offices that are granted the title ofDatu Sadjaare addressed asHis/Her Excellency.[6]



Excellencycan also attach to a prestigious quality, notably in an order of knighthood. For example, in theEmpire of Brazil,it was attached to the highest classes, each time calledGrand Cross,of all three imperial orders:Imperial Order of Pedro I,Imperial Order of the Southern Crosswith the military honours of aLieutenant generalandOrder of the Rose.

Knights of the Collar and Knights Grand Cross of the Spanish Orders of Chivalry, such as theOrder of Charles III,Order of Isabella the Catholic,Order of Civil Merit,Order of Alfonso X the Wise,Royal Order of Sports Merit,Civil Order of Health,as well as recipients of the Grand Cross ofMilitary,Naval,andAeronautical Meritare addressed as such. Furthermore, Knights Grand Cross of theOrder of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem,Order of Saint Gregory the Greatand theOrder of St. Sylvesterof theHoly See,and Grand Cross of The Lion, Crested Crane, Crown, and The Drum of Rwanda, and Knights of theOrder of the Golden Fleece,and Knights Grand Cross of several other orders of high prestige, are often addressed asExcellency.[7]

Ecclesiastical use


By a decree of the Sacred Congregation of Ceremonial of 31 December 1930[8]theHoly Seegranted bishops of theCatholic Churchthe title ofMost Reverend ExcellencyorExcellentia ReverendissimainLatin.In the years following theFirst World War,the ambassadorial title ofExcellency,previously given tonuncios,had already begun to be used by other Catholic bishops. The adjectiveMost Reverendwas intended to distinguish the religious title from that ofExcellencygiven to civil officials.

The instructionUt sive solliciteof the Holy See'sSecretariat of State,dated 28 March 1969, made the addition ofMost Reverendoptional,[9]sanctioning what had always been the practice, except possibly for the beginnings of letters and the like.

According to the letter of the decree of 31 December 1930, titularpatriarchstoo were to be addressed with the title of(Most Reverend) Excellency,but in practice the Holy See continued to address them with the title ofBeatitude,which was formally sanctioned for them with the motu proprioCleri sanctitatiof 2 June 1957.

Cardinals,even those who were bishops, continued to use the title ofEminence.

Eastern Orthodoxtitular metropolitansare addressed with the style ofExcellency.

In some English-speaking countries, the honorific ofExcellencydoes not apply to bishops other than the nuncio. In English law,Anglicanarchbishops are granted the title ofHis/Her Grace,similar to a duke, and bishops are granted the title ofLord.The same titles are extended by courtesy to their Catholic counterparts, and continue in use in most countries that are or have been members of the Commonwealth,[citation needed]with the exception of the former British East African countries ofKenya,UgandaofTanzania.

By country




In Afghanistan the titleJalalat Mahabis used forSardars,or Princes of the formerMuhammadzai Dynasty,who are descendants of the Afghan KingSultan Mohammed Khan Telai.Although Jalalat Mahab is derived from the Arabic termJalalatliterally meaningHis Majesty,it is regarded as equal toHis ExcellencyorHis Royal Highnessinternationally.

The descendants ofKing Nadir Shahheld the titleAlaa Hazratin which contextHazratis Turkish and meansMajestyorHighnessand thus literally translated meansHigher MajestyorHigher Highnessand is internationally also equal toHis Royal Highness.The King himself held the titleAlaa Hazrat Humayoonwhich literally translated meansHis Most Noble Majesty,and can be equalized withHis Majestyinternationally.President Daoud Khan,the Cousin of the last Afghan KingZahir Shah,who acted as prime minister under his cousin held the addressJalalat Mahab Aali Qadr Sardari Alaaduring his term asPrime Minister.



Thepresident,thechairman of the Parliamentand theprime ministerare addressed asHis/Her Excellency.



Thepresident,theprime minister,thechairman of the Parliament,as well as ministers and ambassadors ofArmeniaare addressed asExcellency,which inArmenianisՁերդ գերազանցութիւն,RomanizedDzerd gerazancutiwn.The members of the traditionalArmenian nobilityare also addressed asExcellency,which inArmenianit isՁերդ պայծառութիւնRomanized asDzerd paytzarrowtiwn,literallyYour Brightness.



InBangladeshthepresident,prime minister,thespeaker of the Parliamentand international diplomats are styled withHis/Her Excellency.



Thepresident,is styled withHis/Her Excellencyformally while their informal title is "Mr./ Madam President".



Members of theCouncil of Ministers of Belgium,consisting of theprime minister,deputy prime minister(s),otherministers,andSecretaries of state,and also honoraryministers of state,are entitled to the style ofHis/Her Excellency.

The style is also used for thegovernors of Belgium,which are governors of the tenprovinces of Belgium,governor of Brussels,governor of thenational bank of Belgiumand both foreign ambassadors in Belgium and Belgian ambassadors to other countries.

Moreover, within theCatholic Church in Belgium,the (arch-)bishopsand(pro-)nuntiaare addressed asHis Excellency MonsignororZijne Excellentie Monseigneurin Dutch,Son Excellence Monseigneurin French andSeine Exzellenz Monsignorein German.



In 1991, theBrazilianPresidential Officeissued a composition manual to establish the appropriate usage of thePortuguese languagefor all government agencies. The manual states that the title ofExcelência(Excellency) is the proper form used to address the president andvice president,allmembers of parliamentandjudges,among other officials.[10]



In theKingdom of Cambodia,deputy prime ministers, senior ministers, members of theCouncil of Ministers,secretary of state, and members ofParliamentare addressed as "His/Her Excellency" (Khmer:ឯកឧត្ដម,Êk Ŏtdâm/លោកជំទាវ,Loŭk Chumtéav).

Commonwealth of Nations


Within the Commonwealth of Nations, the following officials usually use the styleHis or Her Excellency:

While reference may be made to theKing's Most Excellent Majesty,the styleExcellencyis not used with reference to theKing.



Thepresident of Chileand thepresident of the Chamber of Deputies of Chileare addressed by the style "His/Her Excellency".



Thepresident of Germanyandchancellor of Germanyare both addressed by the style "Excellency" in international diplomacy, albeit not domestically.



Thepresident of Indiaandgovernorsof Indian states are addressed as Rāshtrapati Mahoday (राष्ट्रपति महोदय/ महोदया, Honourable President) and Rājyapāl Mahoday or Rājyapāl Mahodaya (if lady) (राज्यपाल महोदय/Honourable Governor) respectively.

His/Her Excellency,a custom dating from the ancient times wherein the Samrāt and Sāmrājñi (सम्राट, साम्राज्ञी/Emperor, Empress), Generals, Kings, Ambassadors were addressed. A classic example is addressing Devvrat (Bhishma) as महामहिम भीष्म (His/Your Excellency Bhishma) in Mahabharat.

However the Constitution makers[clarification needed]approved will discontinue "ancient era" styles of Mahāmahim. The same release states that inEnglish(which is the other language in which subsidiary official communications are released in the CentralGovernment of Indiain its capacity of Sahāyak Rājabhāśhā: Subsidiary Officiating language) the style Honourable shall replace the erstwhile His/Her/Your Excellency. The newer style will beHonourable.

The corresponding changes in releases from the President's Secretariat shall be from Mahāmahim to Rāshtrapatiji.[12]The release also talks about the styles of other dignitaries, likegovernors."Hon'ble" will be used before the titles "president" and "governor", while the traditional honorificsShriorSmt.(Shrimati) should precede the name.

However, "Excellency" will continue to be used, only for interaction of leaders with foreign dignitaries and foreign dignitaries with Indian leaders as is customary international practice.



Thepresident of Irelandis addressed asYour Excellencyor in the Irish language,a Shoilse(literally, "brightness (VOC) ".[13]Alternatively, one may address the president simply asPresidentor in the Irish languagea Uachtaráin.



Thepresident of Italyand theprime minister of Italy(officially called President of the Council of Ministers) are addressed as "His/Her Excellency" in international diplomacy. Furthermore, the terms "president" and "premier" are used as well. This latter is an informal and common address for the prime minister of Italy. For both institutional charges, the term "president" is usually exploited in formal and informal situations.



Like many countries that once formed part of the Ottoman Empire,His/Her Excellencyis used as the style for those with the title ofBeyorPasha.In Arabic the latter titles are often included between the first and last names of the holder, while in English the titles are not usually included and the style ofHis/Her Excellencyis used on its own. Those styled this way include government ministers, senior military officers, and the husbands and children of Princesses.



Thepresident of Kenyais addressed as "His/Her Excellency".

The governors of the counties and diplomats are also addressed as "His/Her Excellency".



Thegovernors(Yang di-Pertua Negeri) ofMelaka,Penang,Sabah,andSarawakare addressed as "His Excellency" (Tuan Yang Terutama). High commissioners and ambassadors are also addressed as "His/Her Excellency" (Tuan/Puan Yang Terutama).



Thepresident of Myanmar,first lady,state counsellor,vice-presidents of Myanmar,speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw,speaker of the House of Nationalities,speaker of the House of Representatives of Myanmar,governor of theCentral Bank of Myanmar,members of theCabinet of Myanmar,chief ministers of states and regions of Myanmar,mayors andambassadorsare addressed as "His/Her Excellency" while justices of theSupreme Court of Myanmarare addressed as "The Honourable".

The Netherlands


Members of thecabinet of the Netherlands(prime minister,deputy prime minister(s),otherministers,andstate secretaries), but also honoraryministers of state,are entitled to the style of "His/Her Excellency".[14]

The style is also used for the executive officers of the Dutch royal court (great officers of the Royal House,hofmarschall,equerries), governors of theconstituent countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands(Aruba,Curaçao,andSint Maarten), ambassadors (both foreign ambassadors in the Netherlands and Dutch ambassadors to other countries), judges of theInternational Court of Justice,andflag-andgeneral officersof three-star rank and above (generals,lieutenant-generals,lieutenant-admirals,andvice-admirals).

Moreover, within theCatholic Church in the Netherlands,the (arch-)bishopsand(pro-)nuntiaare addressed as "His Most Reverend Excellency" (i.e. in Dutch asZijne Hoogwaardige Excellentie).



Thepresident of Nigeriaandvice-president of Nigeriashare the style "His/Her Excellency" with the various governors and their deputies of the country's regional states as well as their wives.



Theprime minister of Pakistanand thepresident of Pakistan,are both addressed as "His/Her Excellency".



Thepresident of Peruis addressed as "His/Her Excellency" (InSpanish:Su Excelencia) if in diplomatic context.



Thepresident(Filipino:pangulo;Spanishand colloquially:presidente) is addressed inEnglishas "Your Excellency" and "Sir" or "Ma'am" thereafter, and is referred to "His/Her Excellency". The president can also less formally be addressed as "Mister/Madam President". In Filipino, the president may be referred to with the more formal title of "Ang Mahál na Pangulo",with"mahál"connoting greatness and high social importance.[nb 1]

PopulistpresidentRodrigo Dutertehas expressed dislike for the traditional title. After assuming office in June 2016, he ordered that the title, along with all honorifics, be dropped from official communications, events, and materials but instead, he be addressed only as "Mayor" since people are already used to calling him as such due to Duterte being the longest-servingmayor of Davao Cityand that his cabinet officials only be addressed as "Secretary". Other government officials followed suit by abandoning use of "The Honorable".[15]However, despite the prior unofficial abandonment, the president continues to be addressed as "Excellency" in formal correspondences and petitions, either verbally or written.

All other local and national government officials are styled "The Honorable";both titles, however, may be glossed in Filipino asAng Kagalang-galang.



InPortugal,the proper style of thepresidentis "His/Her Excellency" (Portuguese:Sua Excelência).



Thepresident of Somaliais addressed as "His/Her Excellency" or "Jaale". Jaale was also a title used by armed forces staff officers of all branches, especially in the Aden Adde-Shermarke Era, and the Barre Era but has now is rare and has become a title for civil servants and senior government secretaries.

South Africa


Thepresident of South Africa(and historically thestate president of the South African Republic), is (and was) addressed as "His/Her Excellency" if in a formal context.

South Korea


Thepresident of South Koreais addressed as "His/Her Excellency" (Korean:각하,romanized:gagha) if in a formal context both inside and outside ofSouth Korea.



Spain uses the title "The Most Excellent"extensively as a formal address to high officers of the state. The following officials receive the treatment:

The style "His Excellency",which has a higher connotation than" The Most Excellent ", is instead reserved for the children of an Infante or Infanta, who have the rank (but not the title) of Grandees.[23]

Sri Lanka


The president ofSri Lankawas addressed asHis/Her Excellency.This was until 2022, when President Ranil Wickremesinghe banned the use. However, it is still used diplomatically.



TheSwedish languagetitles and forms of address areHans/Hennes Excellens(His/Her Excellency) andErs Excellens(Your Excellency).

During most of the 20th century inSweden,only three officials (other than foreign ambassadorsaccreditedin Sweden and Swedish ambassadors at their posts) were granted to the style ofExcellency:theprime minister,theminister for foreign affairsand themarshal of the realm(the highest rankingcourtier). They were collectively referred to as "the three excellencies" (Swedish:de tre excellenserna).[24][25]In the 1970s it fell out of custom in Sweden to address the prime minister and the minister of foreign affairs as such, although they continue to be addressed as such inUnited Nationsprotocol and in other diplomatic writing.[26]Since then only the Marshal of the Realm uses the style regularly.

Prior to the 19th century, aLord of the Realm(Swedish:En af Rikets Herrar) and a member of theCouncil of the Realmwere also entitled to the style of Excellency.



Theprime Minister of Thailand,deputy prime ministers, other cabinet members, governors and ambassadors are addressed as "His/Her Excellency".[27]



In the English language, thepresidentand thevice-president,cabinet ministers,ambassadors,and some other high-ranking bureaucrats are addressed asExcellency.

In the Turkish language, honorific titles are no longer used since the 1923 modernisation of the language; underAtatürk's Reforms.Instead ofExcellency,dignitaries are addressed using the Turkish word forHonorable (Turkish: Sayın)followed by their office.[28]For example, an ambassador of Turkey would be addressed simply asHonorable Ambassador (Turkish: Sayın Büyükelçi).It is important to emphasise that this distinction only applies when speaking in the Turkish language, not in English. Additionally, in very rareceremonialcircumstances, the wordExcellencyis used in Turkish. An example would be the formalaccreditationof a Turkish ambassador, wherein the letter of confidence authored by theTurkish presidentwould address the ambassador asExcellency (Turkish: Ekselansları).

United States


In theUnited States,the formExcellencywas commonly used forGeorge Washingtonduring his service as commander-in-chief of theContinental Armyand later whenpresident of the United States,but it began to fall out of use with his successorJohn Adams,and today is sometimes replaced in direct address with the simpleMr. PresidentortheHonorable.

Nevertheless, in the protocol of many foreign countries andUnited Nations,the president and thesecretary of stateare usually referred to asExcellency.Diplomatic correspondence to PresidentAbraham Lincolnduring theAmerican Civil War,as during theTrentAffair,for instance, frequently addressed him asYour Excellency.

The formExcellencywas used for thegovernorsof most of the originalThirteen Colonies,and the practice formally continued afterindependence.For example, the term was formerly used inGeorgiaon thestate governor's letterhead, the text ofexecutive orders,any document that required the governor's signature, and informal settings. However, in most states the practice fell out of use (or was never introduced) and the titleHonorableis now used instead.[29]

Though the U.S. president and U.S. ambassadors are traditionally accorded the style elsewhere, the U.S. government does not usually useExcellencyfor its own chiefs of missions, preferringHonorableinstead.

See also



  1. ^TheTagalogword "mahál" is often translated as "love" and "expensive", but its original sense has a range of meanings from "treasured" to "the most valuable". It is often applied to royalty, roughly equivalent to the Western "Majesty"(e.g.Mahál na Harì,"His Majesty, the King";Kamahalan,"Your Majesty" ), and at times used for lower-ranking nobles in the manner of "Highness",which has the more exact translation ofKataás-taasan.It is also found in religious contexts, such as referring toCatholicpatron saints,theBlessed Virgin Mary(e.g.Ang Mahál na Ina/Birhen), orChrist(e.g.,Ang Mahál na PoóngNazareno).


  1. ^"Forms of Address".Garza Protocol Associates.22 March 2017.Retrieved9 June2021.
  2. ^Protocol - The Complete Handbook of Diplomatic, Official, and Social Usage(page 21), byMary Jane McCaffreeand Pauline Innes, published by Hepburn Books, Dallas, Texas[1]Archived1 March 2012 at theWayback Machine,1977, 1985, 1989, 1997ISBN0-941402-04-5
  3. ^"Heads of state, heads of government, ministers for foreign affairs"(PDF).Protocol and Liaison Service.United Nations. 24 August 2016.Retrieved9 June2021.
  4. ^Сергій Лещенко (5 September 2012)."Три привітання для Януковича"[Three greetings for Yanukovych]. Blogs.pravda.ua.Archivedfrom the original on 19 April 2023.
  5. ^Williams, Stephanie (2011).Running the Show: Governors of the British Empire.Viking.ISBN978-0-670-91804-1.
  6. ^"Nobility of Sulu".ROYAL AND HASHEMITE ORDER OF THE PEARL.Archived fromthe originalon 19 April 2019.Retrieved19 April2019.
  7. ^"Satow, Ernest Mason, Sir - A Guide to Diplomatic Practice".10 March 2001.Retrieved1 February2013.
  8. ^Acta Apostolicae Sedis1931, p. 22;L'Osservatore Romano24 January 1931.
  9. ^Ut sive sollicite,22
  10. ^Manual de Redação da Presidência da República(in Portuguese)
  11. ^"General examples of addressing or referring in speech to titled and official persons".Victoria State Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet.Retrieved21 November2018.
  12. ^President's Secretariat (3 October 2012)."President Approves New Protocol Practice".Press Information Bureau, Government or India.Retrieved31 January2014.
  13. ^Gosling, James Patrick (12 September 2019).Raymond Queneau's Dubliners: Bewildered by Excess of Love.Cambridge Scholars Publishing.ISBN9781527539907– via Google Books.
  14. ^"Titels en titulatuur in Nederland (algemeen)"[Titles in The Netherlands]. taaladvies.net.Retrieved18 April2024.
  15. ^Salaverria, Leila B. (22 July 2016)."Don't call me 'Your Excellency'".The Philippine Daily Inquirer.Retrieved19 January2017.
  16. ^Arts. 3 y 13 del RD 1051/2002
  17. ^Real Decreto 405/1992
  18. ^Real Decreto 5 de enero de 1786, estableciendo el tratamiento deExcelentísimo Señoren la correspondencia de oficio a los Secretarios del despacho universal (Novísima Recopilación, l. 2, t. 12, l. 6); Real Decreto de 16 de mayo de 1788:

    "Para evitar la variedad con que se ha procedido por diversas personas y secretarías en quanto (sic) a tratamientos, después de vista y examinada la materia en mi Suprema Junta de Estado, he venido en declarar que el tratamiento deexcelenciase dé enteramente poniendo encima de los escritosexcelentísimo señora los grandes y consejeros de Estado, o que tienen honores de tales, como hasta aquí se ha hecho [...] "

    Por su parte, el Decreto de las Cortes de Cádiz de 8 de junio de 1812 establece que los Secretarios de Estado y del Despacho, que lo fueren en propiedad, y mientras permanecieren en el empleo, tendrán el mismo tratamiento que los consejeros de Estado. Mediante Real Decreto de 19 de noviembre de 1823, se creó el Consejo de Ministros, formado por los Secretarios de Estado y del Despacho.
  19. ^Artículo quinto del Real Decreto 3117/1980
  20. ^Art. 38 del Reglamento Orgánico de la Carrera Diplomática de 15 de julio de 1955. No obstante, conforme a dicho precepto, a todos los Ministros Plenipotenciarios Jefes de Misión Diplomática (es decir, también a los que no sean de primera y segunda clase), mientras ejerzan sus funciones en el extranjero, se lea dará el tratamiento de Excelencia.
  21. ^Art. 302 de las Reales Ordenanzas del Ejército de Tierra, art. 491 de las Reales Ordenanzas de la Armada y art. 341 de las Reales Ordenanzas del Ejército del Aire.
  22. ^Arts. 14, 23 y 56 del Real Decreto 1674/1980
  23. ^Royal Decree 1368/1987, dated 6 November, regulating titles, forms of address and honours pertaining to the Royal Family and to the RegentsBoletín Oficial del Estado (BOE)
  24. ^Sveriges statskalender 1915,runeberg.org.Retrieved on 8 June 2013.(in Swedish)
  25. ^Sveriges statskalender 1964,runeberg.org.Retrieved on 8 June 2013.(in Swedish)
  26. ^Heads of state, heads of government, ministers for foreign affairsArchived27 September 2012 at theWayback Machine,Protocol and Liaison Service,United Nations.Retrieved on 8 June 2013.
  27. ^"His Excellency Gen. Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand congratulated His Excellency Mr. Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia on his reelection victory on 17 April 2019".สถานเอกอัครราชทูต ณ กรุงจาการ์ตา.24 May 2019.Retrieved9 June2021.
  28. ^"Unvanlar / T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı".mfa.gov.tr.Retrieved9 March2023.
  29. ^Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD)."Georgia Protocol Guide"(PDF).Georgia Department of Economic Development (Georgia.org).

Further reading

Catholic Church Style
Pope His Holiness
Cardinal His Eminence
Bishop His Excellency