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École normale supérieure (Paris)

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École normale supérieure– PSL
École normale supérieure'semblem
Other names
Normale sup',ENS Ulm, Ulm, ENS Paris, ENS
grande école,
Established1794;230 years ago(1794)[2]
FounderNational Convention
Budget$130 million[3]
PresidentPierre-Louis Lions[4]
DirectorFrédéric Worms[5]
Academic staff
1,400[3](630 teaching fellows, 170 professors and 580 post-doctoral researchers)
CampusUrban:4 main sites inParisand its suburbs (5th & 14tharrondissements,Montrouge)
AffiliationsParis Sciences et Lettres(PSL)
Conférence des grandes écoles

TheÉcole normale supérieurePSL(French pronunciation:[ekɔlnɔʁmalsypeʁjœʁ];also known asENS,Normale sup',UlmorENS Paris) is agrande écoleinParis,France.It is one of the constituent members ofParis Sciences et Lettres University(PSL).[6]Due to its special historical role, large endowment, and influence within French society, the ENS is generally considered the most prestigious of thegrandes écoles.[7]Its pupils are generally referred to asnormaliens,while its alumni are generally referred to asarchicubes.[8]

The school was founded in 1794 during theFrench Revolution,[9]to provide homogeneous training of high-schoolteachersin France, but it later closed. The school was subsequently reestablished byNapoleon Iaspensionnat normalfrom 1808 to 1822, before being recreated in 1826 and taking the name École normale in 1830. When institutes for primary teachers training calledécoles normaleswere created in 1845, the wordsupérieure(meaning upper) was added to form the current name. In 1936, the institution started providing university-level education.[10]

As agrande école,the vast majority of the academic staff hosted at the ENS belong to external institutions such asone of the Parisian universities,theCNRSand theEHESS.Generalistic in its recruitment and organisation, the ENS is the onlygrande écolein France to have departments of research in all the natural, social, and human sciences.

Itsalumniinclude 14Nobel Prizelaureates,[11]of which 8 are inPhysics,12Fields Medalists,more than half the recipients of theCNRS'sGold Medal,several hundred members of theInstitut de France,as well as several French and foreign politicians and statespeople.[12]



Entrance of the historic building of the ENS, at 45, rue d'Ulm. The inscriptions on the pediment of the monumental doorway display the school's two dates of creation (the first,9brumairean III(30 October 1794), in the oculus, under theNational Convention,the second, 17 March 1808), and the date of dedication of this building, 24 April 1841.

The current institution finds its roots in the creation of the École normale de l'an III by the post-revolutionaryNational Conventionled byRobespierrein 1794. The school was created based on a recommendation byJoseph LakanalandDominique-Joseph Garat,who were part of the commission on public education. The École normale was intended as the core of a planned centralised national education system. The project was also conceived as a way to reestablish trust between the Republic and the country's elites, which had been alienated to some degree by theReign of Terror.The decree establishing the school, issued on 30 October 1794 (9brumairean III), states in its first article that "There will be established in Paris anécole normale(literally, anormal school), where, from all the parts of the Republic, citizens already educated in the useful sciences shall be called upon to learn, from the best professors in all the disciplines, the art of teaching. "

The inaugural course was given on 20 January 1795 and the last on 19 May of the same year at theMuseum of Natural History.The goal of these courses was to train a body of teachers for all the secondary schools in the country and thereby to ensure a homogenous education for all. These courses covered all the existing sciences and humanities and were given by scholars such as: scientistsMonge,Vandermonde,Daubenton,Bertholletand philosophersBernardin de Saint-PierreandVolneywere some of the teachers. The school was closed as a result of the arrival of theFrench Directorybut thisécole normalewas to serve as a basis when the school was founded for the second time byNapoleon Iin 1808.

On 17 March 1808, Napoleon created by decree apensionnat normalwithin the imperialUniversity of Francecharged with "training in the art of teaching the sciences and the humanities".[13]The establishment was opened in 1810, its strict code including a mandatory uniform. By then a sister establishment had been created by Napoleon inPisaunder the name ofScuola Normale Superiore(SNS), which continues to exist today and still has close ties to the Paris school. Up to 1818, the students are handpicked by the academy inspectors based on their results in the secondary school. However, the "pensionnat"created by Napoleon came to be perceived under theRestorationas a nexus of liberal thought and was suppressed by then-minister of public instructionDenis-Luc Frayssinousin 1824.

Second founding[edit]

The main entrance to the ENS on Rue d'Ulm. The school moved into its current premises in 1847.

Anécole préparatoirewas created on 9 March 1826 at the site ofCollège Louis-le-Grand.This date can be taken as the definitive date of creation of the current school. After the July Revolution, the school regained its original name ofÉcole normaleand in 1845 was renamedÉcole normale supérieure.During the 1830s, under the direction of philosopherVictor Cousin,the school enhanced its status as an institution to prepare theagrégationby expanding the duration of study to three years, and was divided into its present-day Sciences and Letters divisions.[14]In 1847 the school moved into its current quarters at the rue d'Ulm, next to thePanthéonin the 5th arrondissement of Paris.[15]This helped it gain some stability, which was further established under the direction ofLouis Pasteur.

Having been recognised as a success, a second school was created on its model at Sèvres for girls in 1881, followed by other schools atFontenay,Saint-Cloud(both of which later moved toLyon,andCachan). The school's status evolved further at the beginning of the twentieth century.

In 1903 it was integrated into theUniversity of Parisas a separate college,[16]perhaps as a result of its exposure to national attention during theDreyfus Affair,in which its librarianLucien Herrand his disciples, who included the socialist politicianJean Jaurèsand the writersCharles PéguyandRomain Rollandspearheaded the campaign to overturn the wrongful conviction pronounced against CaptainAlfred Dreyfus.[17]The first female student –Marguerite Rouvière– was accepted in 1910, which made headline news in France and polarised opinion.[18] The ranks of the school were significantly reduced during theFirst World War,but the 1920s marked a degree of expansion of the school, which had among its students at this time such figures asRaymond Aron,Jean-Paul Sartre,Vladimir JankélévitchandMaurice Merleau-Ponty. The high sacrifice paid by normaliens in the First World War was recognized by the award of the croix de guerre avec citation à l ordre de l armée in 1925.[19]

Twentieth century[edit]

After theSecond World War,in which some of its students were players in theResistance,the school became more visible and increasingly perceived as a bastion of thecommunist left.Many of its students belonged to theFrench Communist Party.This leftist tradition continued into the 1960s and 1970s during which an important fraction of FrenchMaoistscame from ENS. In 1953 it was made autonomous from theUniversity of Paris,[20]but it was perceived ambivalently by the authorities as a nexus of protest, particularly due to the teachings delivered there by such controversial figures as political philosopherLouis Althusser.As of now, by law, ENS comes under the direct authority of theMinister for Higher Education and Research.[21]

The fallout from the May 1968 protests caused President of the RepublicGeorges Pompidou,himself a former student at the school, to force the resignation of its director,Robert Flacelièreand to appoint his contemporaryJean Bousquetas his successor[citation needed].Both Flacelière and Bousquet were distinguished classicists.

The school continued to expand and include new subjects, seeking to cover all the disciplines of natural and social sciences. In this manner, a newconcourswas opened in 1982 to reinforce the teaching of social sciences at the school.[14]Theconcours,called B/L (the A/L concours standing for the traditional letters and human sciences), greatly emphasises proficiency in mathematics and economics alongside training in philosophy and literature.

For a long time, most women were taught at a separate ENS, theÉcole normale supérieure de jeunes fillesatSèvres.However, women were not explicitly barred entry until a law of 1940, and some women were students at Ulm before this date, such as philosopherSimone Weil[22]and classicistJacqueline de Romilly.In 1985, after heated debates, the two were merged into a single entity with its main campus at the historic site at the rue d'Ulm inParis.[23][24]


École normale supérieure is agrande école,a French institution ofhigher educationthat is separate from, but parallel and connected to the main framework of theFrench public university system.Similar to theIvy Leaguein the United States,Oxbridgein the UK, andC9 Leaguein China,grandes écolesare elite academic institutions that admit students through an extremely competitive process.[25][26][27]Grandes écolestypically have much smaller class sizes and student bodies than public universities in France, and many of their programs are taught in English, and while most are more expensive than French universities, École normale supérieure charges the same tuition fees: for 2021/2022, they were €243 to register for the master's degree.[28]International internships, study abroad opportunities, and close ties with government and the corporate world are a hallmark of thegrandes écoles.[29][30]Degrees from École normale supérieure are accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles[31]and awarded by theMinistry of National Education (France)(French:Le Ministère de L'éducation Nationale).[32]Alums go on to occupy elite positions within government, administration, and corporate firms in France.[33][34]


Thequadrangleat the main ENS building on rue d'Ulm is known as the Cour aux Ernests – the Ernests being the goldfish in the pond.

The École normale supérieure is one of a few schools that still occupy a campus in the heart of Paris. The historic Paris ENS campus is located around the rue d'Ulm, the main building being at 45 rue d'Ulm in the5th arrondissement of Paris,which was built by architectAlphonse de Gisorsand given to ENS by law in 1841.[35]Above the entrance door are sculptures of two female figures who respectively represent letters and sciences. They are portrayed sitting on either side of a medallion ofMinerva,who represents wisdom. A formalised version of this frontal piece is used as the school's emblem.

The main site at 45 rue d'Ulm is organized around a central courtyard, the Cour aux Ernests. Another courtyard south of this one, the Cour Pasteur, separates the school from the apartment buildings of the rue Claude-Bernard. These buildings house the administrative functions of the school, and some of its literary departments (philosophy, literature, classics and archeology), its mathematics and computer science departments, as well as its main human sciences library. The site'smonument aux morts,which was inaugurated in 1923 and stands as a reminder of thenormalienswho died in theFirst World War,is a work byPaul Landowski.[36]

Several auxiliary buildings surround this main campus in adjacent streets. The closest one, opposite the main entrance, at 46 rue d'Ulm, houses the school's biology department and laboratories as well as a part of its student residences. The seat of the school's physics and chemistry departments, inaugurated in 1936 byLéon BlumandAlbert Lebrun,lies north of the school on rue Lhomond, while further up the rue d'Ulm its number 29 houses secondary libraries and the school's department of cognitive sciences.

ENS has a second campus on Boulevard Jourdan (previously the women's college), in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, which is home to the school's research department of social sciences, law, economics and geography, as well as further student residences. The site has been undergoing major reconstruction since 2015. In 2017, PresidentFrancois Hollandeinaugurated a new building on site, which is home to the ENS economics department, the school's social science library, and theParis School of Economics,an ENS project.

The school has a secondary site in the suburb ofMontrouge,which houses some of its laboratories alongside those ofParis Descartes University.It features green areas and sporting facilities as well as some 200 student rooms. A fourth site in the town of Villejuif, south of Paris, hosts some of the school's biology laboratories.


The school is very small in student numbers. Its core of students, who are callednormaliens,are selected via a competitive exam called aconcours(baccalaureate + 2 years) after a preparatory class. Two hundrednormaliensare thus recruited every year, half of them in the sciences and the same number in the humanities, and receive a monthly salary (around €1,350/month in 2018), and in exchange they sign a ten-year contract to work for the state. Although it is seldom applied in practice, this exclusivity clause is redeemable (often by the hiring firm). A small part of the students are admitted without having to pass an exam.

Preparation for theconcourstakes place inpreparatory classeswhich last two years (seegrandes écoles). Other students called "normaliens étudiants"can be selected but they do not have their study paid. They are selected with the preparation of a research project (baccalaureate + 2–4 years). PhD students at ENS are either graduate students from the ENS doctoral school[37]or from another doctoral school co-accredited by ENS.[38]Since 2016 PhD students preparing their doctoral research at ENS are awarded a PhD from PSL University. ENS also welcomes selected foreign students (the "international selection" ), participates in various graduate programs, and has extensive research laboratories. The foreign students selected often receive a scholarship which covers their expenses.

The students selected via theconcoursremain at the school for a length of time ranging from four to six years.NormaliensfromFranceand otherEuropean Unioncountries are considered civil servants in training.[39]Many students devote at least one of those years to theagrégation,which allows them to teach in high schools or universities. Faculty recruitment is selective, with between zero and one ENS professorship open per year[citation needed].Faculty recruitments usually happen upon previous incumbent retirements. In informal ENS jargon, ENS full professors are popularly calledPdPs( "professeurs des professeurs) "because traditionally ENS was created to educate future professors[citation needed].


The school'sCour aux Ernestsunder a coat of snow (2013).

Founded to train high school teachers through theagrégation,ENS is now an institution training researchers, professors, high-level civil servants, and business and political leaders. It focuses on the association of training and research, with an emphasis on freedom of curriculum. The school's resources are equally divided between its "Letters" (social and human sciences and literature) and its "Sciences" (natural sciences and mathematics) sections. The school's fifteen departments and its thirty-five units of research (unités mixtes de recherchesorUMRin French) work in close coordination with other public French research institutions such as theCNRS.[citation needed]

The school has seven departments in its "Sciences" section:mathematics;[40]physics;[41]computer science;[42]chemistry;[43]biology;[44]geoscience;[45]andcognitive science.[46]It also has eight departments in its "Letters" section:philosophy;[47]literature;[48]history;[49]classics;[50]social science;[51]economics[52](this section is the base ofParis School of Economics);[53]geography;[54]andart historyandtheory.[55]In addition to these fifteen departments, a language laboratory[56]for non-specialists offers courses in most major world languages to all the students. Additional centres of research and laboratories gravitate around the departments, which function as nodes of research.[citation needed]

The emphasis is placed squarely oninterdisciplinarity.Students who entered from a scientificconcours(thus having mainly studied in their preparatory schoolmaths,physics,and chemistry or biology) are encouraged to attend courses in the literary departments. Conversely,mathsandphysicsintroductory courses are on offer for the students from the "literary" departments. The school's diploma, instituted in 2006, requires students to attend a certain number of courses not related to their major.[57]


The École normale supérieure has a network, known as Rubens, of ten libraries shared over its sites, which taken together make up the third largest library in France.[58]The catalogue is available for consultation online.[59]Entrance to the libraries is reserved to domestic and international researchers of doctoral level, as well as to the teachers at the school,normaliens,other ENS students, andPSL Research Universitystudents. The main library, devoted to literature, classics, and human sciences, dates back to the nineteenth century when it was greatly expanded by its director, the famousdreyfusardLucien Herr.Its main reading room is protected as amonument historique.[60]This main library, which covers several thousand square metres, is one of the largest free access funds of books in France, with upwards of 800,000 books readily available and more than 1600 periodicals. Its classics section is part of the national network of specialised libraries (Cadist).[61]

A secondary library concerned with social science, economics, and law is located at the Jourdan campus for social science. This library has more than 150,000 books in the subjects it covers[citation needed].The school also has specialised libraries in archeology, cognitive sciences, mathematics and computer science, theoretical physics. A recently unified natural sciences library was opened in 2013, aiming to bring together in a central place on rue d'Ulm the libraries of physics, chemistry, biology and geoscience.[62][63]The school also features two specialised centres for documentation, the Bibliothèque des ArchivesHusserl,and the Centre d'Archives de Philosophie, d'Histoire et d'Edition des Sciences.


Two otherécoles normales supérieureswere established in the 20th century: theÉcole Normale Supérieure de Lyon(sciences and humanities); and theÉcole normale supérieure Paris-Saclay(pure and applied sciences, sociology, economics and management, English language). More recently, the fourthécole normale supérieurewas created in January 2014 under the name of École Normale Supérieure de Rennes (pure and applied sciences, economics and management, law school, sport) inBrittany.All four together form the informal ENS-group[citation needed].

The École normale supérieure is also an institution ofPSL Research University,a union of several higher education institutions, all located in Paris, which aims at achieving cooperation and developing synergies between its member institutions to promote French research abroad.[64]In addition to this, the École normale supérieure cooperates inAtomium Culture,the first permanent platform for European excellence that brings together some of Europe's leading universities, newspapers and businesses.[65]The school is a member of the Conference of University Presidents and of theConference of Grandes Écoles.

Domestic partnerships[edit]

Its educational project being based on research, ENS seeks to train its students to become researchers. The main objective of the education given is getting a doctorate, and more than 85% ofnormaliensachieve this[citation needed].The students are free to choose their own course of study but must at least attain a master's degree in research. Since, traditionally, the institution does not have the powers to grand university degrees, students have to follow courses in other universities in Paris. To this end, ENS cultivates a large number of partnerships and conventions with other higher education institutions to create master's degrees which are co-presided by two institutions. ENS works closely with theÉcole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales(EHESS), theParis-Sorbonne University,thePanthéon-Sorbonne University,HEC ParisandESSECBusiness School in particular to deliver joint diplomas to a certain number of students who have followed courses shared between the two institutions. It is also the main partner in theParis School of Economicsproject which it has launched along with theEHESS,theÉcole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Économique(ENSAE) and theÉcole des Ponts.This project seeks to create a unified Master's-level economics school in Paris.[66]

International partnerships[edit]

TheScuola Normale SuperioreinPisa,Italy,which was founded as a branch of ENS and retains very close links to it.

TheScuola Normale SuperioreinPisawas founded in 1810 as a branch of the École normale supérieure by Napoleon and later gained independence.[67]ENS and its Italian twin have retained very close links since this time and since 1988 a special partnership has 80normaliensgoing toPisaevery year while half the class of the SNS spend a year at the Paris school. During its history and due to the far reach of theFrench Empireduring the colonial era, many schools have been created around the world based on the ENS model, fromHaiti(inPort-au-Prince) toVietnam(in Hanoi) to the Maghreb (in Tunis, Casablanca, Oran, and Rabat to name but a few) and Subsaharan Africa (in Nouakchott, Libreville, Yaoundé, Dakar, Niamey, Bangui for example). ENS maintains good relations and close links with these institutions. In 2005, ENS opened a branch at theEast China Normal University(ECNU) inShanghai,whose French name was changed to École normale supérieure de l'Est de la Chine to reflect the agreement, and a joint doctoral program between the two institutions was launched.[68]

ENS welcomes international researchers for one-year stays through the mediation of the Paris Institute of Advanced Research and the Villa Louis-Pasteur. The Blaise Pascal, Marie Curie, Condorcet and Lagrange research places (chaires) also allow researchers from abroad to stay for more than a year at ENS laboratories. ENS also is a member of the Franco-Chinese laboratory Saladyn since 2013.[69]It has been hosting an antenna ofNew York University'sErich Maria RemarqueInstitute since 2007.[70]

Furthermore, ENS has partnerships for research at Master's and Doctorate levels, sending its students to universities around the world to complete their tuition. It also shares thesis habilitation with universities abroad, meaning that somes theses can be written with support from both the ENS and one of its partner institutions. It is also customary for students in the literary and linguistic subjects to go to teach for one year in universities abroad with the position of junior fellows. These exchange and cooperation programs link ENS with universities such as theUniversity of Beijingin China,Freie Universität Berlinin Germany, the universities ofCambridge,EdinburghandOxfordin the United Kingdom,Trinity Collegein Dublin,McGill Universityin Montréal, and the universities atBerkeley,Columbia,Cornell,Harvard,Princeton,Stanford,andYalein the United States.[71]



Since 2001, theÉcole normale supérieure'sinternet portal, called Diffusion des savoirs ( "Spreading knowledge" ) has offered access to more than 2000 recordings of conferences and seminars that have taken place at the school, in all sciences natural and social.[72]The school also has launched its own short conference platform, Les Ernest,[73]which shows renowned specialists speaking for fifteen minutes on a given subject in a wide scope of disciplines.

In 1975 the school founded its university press, first called Presses de l'ENS then renamed in 1997 to Editions Rue d'Ulm. This press, which operates on a small scale, publishes specialist academic books mainly in the spheres of literature and the social sciences. Some 300 works are available on line on in the press's bookshop, and about 25 new titles are published every year.[74]


In 1986, an ENS foundation was created and recognised as afondation d'utilité publiqueby law.[75]It contributes to the development of the school, most notably by encouraging and facilitating the reception of foreign students and researchers. The Foundation, presided by Alain-Gérard Slama, manages some investments into financed positions for foreign researchers in ENS-associated laboratories. It has for example financed the Louis Pasteur villa, situated close by ENS, which welcomes foreign researchers for extended stays. It has also contributed to financing several positions for scientists in ENS laboratories, for instance in research on telecom network security withFrance Télécomand on "artificial vision" with theAirbusfoundation.

Rankings and reputation[edit]

In France, ENS has been regarded since the late 19th century as one of foremostgrandes écoles.However, the ENS system is different from that of most higher education systems outside France, thus making it difficult to compare with foreign institutions; in particular, it is much smaller than a typical English collegiate university. It is ranked as the second "small university" worldwide behindCalifornia Institute of Technologyby the 2016 Times Higher Education Smaller Universities Ranking (a ranking of institutions of fewer than 5000 students).[76]It is generally regarded as the premier French institute for higher education and research, and it is currently ranked first among French universities by the ARWU and Times.[77]

Notable alumni[edit]

Louis Pasteurwas a student at the school before directing it for many years.

Throughout its history, a sizeable number of ENS alumni, some of them known asnormaliens,have become notable in many varied fields, both academic and otherwise, ranging fromLouis Pasteur,the chemist and microbiologist famed for inventingpasteurisation,tophilologistGeorges Dumézil,novelistJulien Gracqand socialist Prime MinisterLéon Blum.

Mathematics and physics[edit]

Évariste Galois,the founder ofGalois theoryandgroup theory,was an early student at ENS, then still called École préparatoire, in the 1820s, at the same time as fellow mathematicianAugustin Cournot.Though mathematics continued to be taught at the school throughout the 19th century, its real dominance of the mathematic sphere would not emerge until after the First World War, with a young generation of mathematicians led byAndré Weil,known for his foundational work innumber theoryandalgebraic geometry(also the brother of fellow student, philosopherSimone Weil). This rejuvenation continued into the 1930s, as exemplified by the 1935 launch of the influentialNicolas Bourbakiproject, whose work permeated the field of mathematics throughout the 20th century. In 1940 former studentHenri Cartanwas appointed professor at the school like his fatherÉlie Cartan,carrying the school's importance in the field still further with his work inalgebraic topology.His teaching, which continued until 1965, was vastly influential in shaping his students, who includedYvonne Choquet-Bruhat,Gustave Choquet,Jacques Dixmier,Roger Godement,René ThomandJean-Pierre Serre.[78]Denis Auroux,a famous symplectic geometer at Harvard University, is also an acclaimed Normalien.

Since the 1936 establishment of theFields Medal,often called the "Nobel Prize for mathematics", elevennormalienshave been recipients, contributing to ENS's reputation as one of the world's foremost training grounds for mathematicians:Laurent Schwartz,Jean-Pierre Serre(also a recipient of the inauguralAbel Prizein 2003),René Thom,Alain Connes,Jean-Christophe Yoccoz,Pierre-Louis Lions,Laurent Lafforgue,Wendelin Werner,Cédric Villani,Ngô Bảo ChâuandHugo Duminil-Copin.Alexander Grothendieck,also a Fields medallist, though he was not anormalien,received a substantial part of his training at the school. These twelve former students have made ENSthe institution with the most Fields medallist alumniof any institution worldwide. Former studentYves Meyerwas also awarded the Abel prize.

In addition, eightnormalienshave gone on to receive theNobel Prize in Physics:Claude Cohen-Tannoudji,Pierre-Gilles de Gennes,Albert Fert,Alfred Kastler,Gabriel Lippmann,Louis Néel,Jean Baptiste PerrinandSerge Haroche,while other ENS physicists include such major figures asPaul Langevin,famous for developingLangevin dynamicsand theLangevin equation.AlumnusPaul Sabatierwon theNobel Prize in Chemistry.


Its position as a leading institution in the training of the critical spirit has made ENS into France's premier training ground for future philosophers and producers of what has been called by some "French theory". Its position as a philosophical birthplace can be traced back to its very beginnings, withVictor Cousina student in the early 19th century. Two ENS philosophers won theNobel Prize in Literaturefor their writings,Henri BergsonandJean-Paul Sartre.Raymond Aron,the founder of French anti-communist thought in the 1960s and Sartre's great adversary, was a student from the same year as Sartre, and they were both near contemporaries ofphenomenologistMaurice Merleau-Ponty,musicologistVladimir Jankélévitchand historian of philosophyMaurice de Gandillac.InSèvres,in the ENS for young women, philosopher and mysticSimone Weilwas accomplishing her years of study at the same time.Jean Hyppolite,the founder ofHegelianstudies in France, also studied at the school at this time and later influenced many of its students.EpistemologistsGeorges CanguilhemandJean Cavaillès,the latter also known as aRésistancehero, were educated at ENS as well.

Simone Weilattended the École normale supérieure in the 1920s and beat classmateSimone de Beauvoirto first place in philosophy.

Later,Marxistpolitical thinkerLouis Althusserwas a student at ENS and taught there for many years, and many of his disciples later became known for their own thought: among them wereÉtienne Balibar,philosopherAlain Badiou,who still teaches at the school as an emeritus professor, andJacques Rancière.Still later, in the 1940s and 1950s, the world-renowned thinkerMichel Foucault,founder of the history of systems of thought and future professor at theCollège de Francewas a student a few years ahead of the founder ofdeconstruction,Jacques Derridaand the thinker ofindividuationGilbert Simondon.The tradition continues today through such philosophers asJacques Bouveresse,Jean-Luc Marion,Claudine Tiercelin,Francis WolffandQuentin Meillassoux,and the school has also produced prominent public intellectuals likeStéphane Hesseland suchNew PhilosophersasBernard-Henri LévyandBenny Lévy.

Contributing to ENS's role as the centre of thestructuralistschool of thought, alongside Althusser and Foucault, majorpsychoanalystandpsychiatristJacques Lacantaught there in the 1960s, notably giving his course,The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis,in 1964. This period of his teaching is significant as it is the one in which it acquired "a much larger audience" than before and represented a "change of front" from his previous work.[79]During this time the school became a focal point of theÉcole freudienne de Paris,and many of Lacan's disciples were educated there, including psychoanalystsJacques-Alain MillerandJean-Claude Milner,the first president of theWorld Association of Psychoanalysis.

History and literature[edit]

One of the school's foremost specialities has always been the teaching of history, and as such it has produced a large number of renowned historians who have been important in the development of their subject, starting withNuma Denis Fustel de Coulanges,Ernest LavisseandJérôme Carcopino,all students of the school in the second half of the nineteenth century who later would come back to direct it. Around the turn of the century two men who would become the founders of theAnnales School,Marc BlochandLucien Febvre,studied at the school.Jacqueline de RomillyandPierre Grimal,respectively historians ofAncient GreeceandAncient Rome,were both students at the school starting in 1933. SinologistMarcel Granet,medievalistJacques Le Goff,EgyptologistGaston Maspero,archaeologistPaul Veyne,ancien régimespecialistEmmanuel Le Roy LadurieandPre-Columbiancivilisation anthropologistJacques Soustellewere all students at the school, as well asGeorges Dumézil,who revolutionised comparativephilologyandmythographywith his analyses of sovereignty inProto-Indo-European religionand formulated thetrifunctional hypothesisof social class in ancient societies.

Jean-Paul Sartreattended the school at the same time as his intellectual foeRaymond Aron.

The school has a long-standing reputation as a training ground for men and women of letters, and its alumni include novelist and dramatistJean Giraudoux,many of whose plays among whichThe Trojan War Will Not Take PlaceandAmphitryon 38have become staple elements of the French theatrical repertory; and acclaimed novelistJulien Gracq,whose 1951 novelThe Opposing Shoreis now considered a classic. PoetPaul CelanandNobel Prize in LiteraturewinnerSamuel Beckettwere both teachers at the school.Jules Romains,the founder ofUnanimism,essayistsPaul NizanandRobert Brasillach,novelistNobel Prize in LiteraturewinnerRomain Rollandand poetCharles Péguyare a few other examples of major authors who were educated there. The school has also long been a centre for literary criticism and theory, from one-time directorGustave Lansonto major twentieth-century figures of the field such asPaul Bénichou,Jean-Pierre RichardandGérard Genette.The founder of the influentialNégritudemovement,MartinicanpoetAimé Césaire,prepared and passed the entrance exam from theLycée Louis-le-Grandwhere he was friends with futurePresident of Senegaland fellowNégritudeauthorLéopold Sédar Senghor,who failed the entrance exam. Around this same periodAlgeriannovelist, essayist and filmmakerAssia Djebar,who would become one of the most prominent voices of Arabfeminism,was a student at the school, as well as Belgian writerÉric-Emmanuel Schmitt.

Social sciences and economics[edit]

There is a tradition of social sciences at the school, andÉmile Durkheim,regarded as one of the founders of the discipline ofsociology,was a student at the school in 1879, around the same time asThéodule Ribot,a psychologist well known for developingRibot's Law.Pierre Bourdieu,who studied dynamics of power in society and its transmission over generations and became a vocal critic of the French system ofgrandes écolesand notably ENS as the standard-bearer of that system, studied at ENS in the early 1950s, at the same time as his later intellectual adversary,individualistRaymond Boudon,both of them having taken and passed theagrégationin philosophy at the end of their studies at the school. Other major ENS sociologists and anthropologists includeMaurice Halbwachs,Alain TouraineandPhilippe Descola.The school also has a tradition of geography, with the founder of modern French geography and of the French School of GeopoliticsPaul Vidal de La Blachehaving been a student at the school starting in 1863.

As for economics, its history at the school is less long, as it was not among the subjects first taught at the school. However,Gérard Debreuwon the 1983Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel,and there is a growing output of economists from ENS, as evidenced by the young generation of French economists represented byEmmanuel Saez,winner of the 2009John Bates Clark Medal,Esther Duflo,who won the same medal in 2010 and the Nobel prize in 2019, andThomas Piketty,author of the 2013 bestsellerCapital in the Twenty-First Century.Since its creation in 2000, ten of the twenty recipients of thePrize of the best young French economisthave been ENS alumni, includingAntoine Bozio(who now teaches atEHESS),Camille Landais(LSE),Emmanuel Farhi(Harvard),Pascaline Dupas(Stanford) andXavier Gabaix(Harvard).

Government and politics[edit]

ENS has never had a public policy division, but some of its students have become leading statesmen and politicians.Third RepublicPrime MinistersJules Simon,Léon Blum,Édouard HerriotandPaul Painlevéas well associalistleaderJean Jaurèswere early examples of this trend. At this time, quite a few ENS former students and intellectuals were drawn tosocialism,such asPierre Brossolettewho became aResistancehero and a major national leader during World War II. The institution has continued to be seen as a left-wing school since then. Later, as ENS came increasingly to be seen by some as an antechamber to theÉcole nationale d'administration,more young students drawn to politics and public policy began to be attracted to it, such as future President of the RepublicGeorges Pompidou,Prime MinistersAlain JuppéandLaurent Fabius,and ministers such asBruno Le MaireandMichel Sapin,respectively the current and formerMinisters of Financeof France.

See also[edit]



  1. ^"L'Institution - École normale supérieure - Paris".Archived fromthe originalon 29 November 2014.Retrieved20 November2014.
  2. ^"Grandes dates | ENS".ens.psl.eu.Archivedfrom the original on 10 August 2020.Retrieved1 July2020.
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  7. ^Karady, Victor (1973)."Trois Études Sur L'école Normale Supérieure".L'Année sociologique (1940/1948-).24:223–233.ISSN0066-2399.JSTOR27888250.Archivedfrom the original on 3 November 2023.Retrieved3 November2023.
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  13. ^Law of 10 May 1806 relative to the creation of the Imperial University, article 118.
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  15. ^Serge Benoît, "La rue d'Ulm",inChristian Hottin (ed.),Universités et grandes écoles à Paris: les palais de la science,Paris,Action artistique de la ville de Paris,1999, p. 177.
  16. ^Decree of 10 November 1903 (Pascale Hummel,Pour une histoire de l'École normale supérieure: Source d'archives 1794-1993,Éditions Rue d'ULM via OpenEdition, 2013Archived3 January 2018 at theWayback Machine).
  17. ^Adolphus Ballard, James Tait. (2010.)The Ecole Normale Supérieure and the Third RepublicArchived3 November 2023 at theWayback Machine,Suny Press, p. 73.
  18. ^Brasseur, Roland (April 2011). "Quelques scientifiques ayant enseigné en classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles".Bulletin de l'Union des Professeurs de Spéciales(234). Paris.
  19. ^1926, p. 26). AUx oRIGINES DE IJ\ KHAGNE 31 grecque, soit une explication d'allemand, ou d'anglais, ou d'italien, ou d'espagnol, soit une seconde interrogation sur I'histoire ou la philosophie,. On avait donc tenté, semble-t-il, d'éliminer de l'écrit la plupart des épreuves qui demandaient un travail de révision trop intense, incompatible avec les quelques mois de préparation passés dans les centres de préparation mili- taires. Ces épreuves, reléguées a l'oral, voyaient d'ailleurs leur programme considérablement limité par rapport a celui des concours ordinaires. Ainsi, en histoire, les connaissances exigées portaient sur la France de 1789 a la fin du Directoire et sur u I'Empire allemand, I'Autriche-Hongrie, l'Angleterre et l'Amérique dans la seconde moitié du xrx "siècle >. L'organisation de ce concours spécial avait naturellement pour but, on I'a vu, de sauvegarder les droits des khàgneux dont la mobilisation et les années au front avaient interrompu les études. De son cóté, la III" République entendait ainsi reconstituer le plus rapidement possible cette ( élite u que son système scolaire était chargé de promouvoir et que la guerre venait de décimer. Et, de fait, la session spéciale de 1919 déboucha sur une promotion plus importante que les promotions habituelles, mais aussi, en termes relatifs, sur un pourcentage de réussites plus élevé qu'a l'habitude. Sur 233 candidats littéraires inscrits, 70 furent regus normaliens et 75 boursiers de licence ls. A titre de comparaison, avant et après le conflit mondial, pour un nombre a peu près égal de candidats, les promotions littéraires comptaient un peu moins d'une trentaine de membres, et une vingtaine de bourses de licence étaient allouées. D'une manière générale, et toujours dans le double dessein de préserver les droits des mobilisés et' de reconstituer des cadres vidés par la guerre, beaucoup d'examens et de concours universitaires de I'année 1919 et des années suivantes furent largement ouverts aux démobilisés: par exemple, l'agrégation d'histoire et de géographie de 1920 compta, pour sa session normale, sept regus - dont le premier fut Pierre Gaxotte -, ¤t, pour sa < session spéciale >, vingt-six regus. L'École normale supérieure en 1919. Du fait de la guerre, se cÒtoyèrent donc a l'École normale supérieure, en 1919 et dans les années suivantes, des élèves d'àges et d'expériences très différents. La promotion spéciale de 1919 comprenait des mobilisés de l'été 1914 et des soldats appelés sous les drapeaux au cours des années suivantes. Des élèves reQus au Concours de 1914 ei mobilisés aussitót après, tel Marcel Déat, commengaient, en réalité, eux aussi leur scolarité rue d'Ulm en 1919. Les survivants des promotions 1912 et 1913 reprenaient leurs années de scolarité a I'Ecole, interrompues par la guerre avant I'agrégation. Les élèves des promo- tions 191ó, 1917 ou 1918 continuaient leurs études ou les reprenaient, certains ayant été mobilisés après leur réussite au concours. Enfin, les élèves du concours normal de 1919 entamaient, eux aussi, leurs années d'études. Un texte de Paul Dupuy, qui fut pendant plusieurs décennies < surveillant 13. Joumal Officiel, 21 juillet 1925, p. ó859.
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  • Flacelière, Robert,Normale en péril,Presses universitaires de France, 1971.
  • Herriot, Edouard,Normale,Société nouvelle d'édition, 1932.
  • Hummel, Pascale,Humanités normaliennes. L'enseignement classique et l'érudition philologique dans l'École normale supérieure au XIXe siècle,Les Belles Lettres,No. 298, 1995.
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  • Israël, Stéphane,Les Études et la guerre. Les normaliens dans la tourmente,Éditions Rue d'Ulm,2005.
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  • Lanson, Gustave,"L'École normale supérieure",La Revue des deux Mondes,1926.online textArchived11 July 2014 at theWayback Machine
  • Masson, Nicole,L'École normale supérieure: Les chemins de la liberté,collection «Découvertes Gallimard» (nº 221), série Mémoire des lieux.Gallimard,1994.
  • Méchoulan, Eric & Mourier, Pierre-FrançoisÉric Méchoulan,Normales Sup': des élites pour quoi faire?,L'Aube,1994.
  • Nusimovici, Michel,Les écoles de l'an III,2010.
  • Peyrefitte, Alain,Rue d'Ulm. Chroniques de la vie normalienne,Fayard,1994.
  • Rolland, Romain,Le Cloître de la rue d'Ulm,Albin Michel,1952.
  • Rosset, Clément,En ce temps-là,Minuit,1992.
  • Sirinelli, Jean-François,Génération intellectuelle. Khâgneux et normaliens dans l'entre-deux-guerres,Fayard, 1988.
  • Sirinelli, Jean-François (ed.),École normale supérieure: le livre du bicentenaire,Presses universitaires de France,1994.

External links[edit]