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12th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam

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12th Central Committee
27 January 2016 – 31 January 2021
(5 years, 4 days)
TypeCentral Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam
Election12th National Congress
General SecretaryNguyễn Phú Trọng
Permanent MemberTrần Quốc Vượng(2018–21)
Đinh Thế Huynh(2016–18)
Politburo19 members
Secretariat14 members
Inspection organ29 members
Total180 members
Newcomers81 members (12th)
Old81 members & 18 alternates (11th)
Reelected103 members (13th)
Removed5 members
Total20 alternates
Newcomers17 alternates (12th)
Old3 alternates (11th)
Reelected16 alternates (13th)
Meeting place
Headquarters of the Party Central Committee
1A, Hùng Vương, Phường Điện Biên, Quận Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Charter of the Communist Party of Vietnam[vi]

The12th Central Committee (12th CC),officially stylised asXII Central Committee of theCommunist Party of Vietnam(CPV),was composed of180 membersand20 alternates.It was elected by the12th National Congresson 27 January 2016, and itselectoral termlasted until the election of the13th tenure(13th CC) on 31 January 2021 by the13th National Congress.The Central Committee, as the Party's highest decision-making body in the given period, was not a permanent body and convened for fifteen meetings that lasted for a combined total of 66 days. At its 1st Plenary Session on 27 January 2016, the CC elected thegeneral secretaryof the 12th CC, the12th Politburo,the12th Secretariatand the12th Central Inspection Commission(CIC), as well as theChairman of the 12th CIC.These elected officials and bodies oversaw the day-to-day work of theCentral Committee and its apparatus.

Despite being older than the formal age limit,Nguyễn Phú Trọngwas reelected for a second term as CPV general secretary, the highest party office. His term and the 12th CC were marked by a nationwide anti-corruption campaign, commonly calledblazing furnace[vi],that began in 2013. The campaign's intensity increased during the 12th term as it began to indict retired, incumbent and senior leaders at all levels of governance. Eleven members of the 12th CC were disciplined, with the punishment varying from a warning to expulsion from the Party. There was also a struggle for succession taking place during this electoral term, with most observers believing that Nguyễn Phú Trọng favouredTrần Quốc Vượngas his successor. However, Trần Quốc Vượng failed to garner support, and Nguyễn Phú Trọng was reelected to a third term by the 1st Plenary Session of the 13th CC.

The 12th CC discussed and adopted strategies and plans for economic development, economic reforms, political reforms and foreign policy issues. Furthermore, it elected and held to account the Politburo, the Secretariat and the CIC, and organised amotion of no confidenceon all members of the Politburo. It also suggested candidates for state offices, such as thePresident of Vietnam,thePrime Minister of Vietnamand theChairof theNational Assembly of Vietnamamongst others, to the National Assembly. Beginning with the 8th plenum in 2018, the 12th CC began preparing for the 13th National Congress. It established sub-committees to draft congress documents and discussed them at plenary sessions. It also began gathering candidates to stand for office in the 13th CC,13th Politburo,13th Secretariatand the13th CIC.

Background and composition[edit]

The12th National Congressconvened 20–28 January 2016 at theVietnam National Convention Centerto vote on reports, resolutions and the 12th Central Committee (CC). On 26 January, the congress delegates voted on the 11th CC's list of nominees for members and alternates of the 12th CC.[1]Scholar Alexander L. Vuving called the 12th Congress "especially partisan" compared to prior congresses and concluded it represented a choice between party general secretaryNguyễn Phú Trọngand then-prime ministerNguyễn Tấn Dũng.[2]While many outside observers, such as Vuving, Jonathan London and Le Long Hiep, believed Nguyễn Tấn Dũng would win the power struggle, the 12th National Congress did not reelect him.[3]Lê Quỳnh fromBBC Vietnamnoted that formally, both Nguyễn Tấn Dũng (66 years of age) and Nguyễn Phú Trọng (71 years of age), were too old under party regulations, which include a retirement age of 65 for the general secretary, but that the age was up for negotiation between the party's "different forces and factions".[4]Political scientistPhuong Nguyen has said that Nguyễn Phú Trọng's reelection set the tone for the 12th Central Committee's politics and direction. Furthermore, he has argued that Nguyễn Phú Trọng had three overarching missions: restoring party authority, tempering corruption and giving direction toĐổi Mới,a catch-all term meaning reform and development.[5]

The 12th CC comprised 180 members with voting rights and 20 alternates without voting rights. Members and alternates held key positions in the political leadership, from thePresident of Vietnamto the President of theVietnam Women's Union's Central Committee.[6]Seventeen of the 180 members and three of the twenty alternates were women.[7]This was a slight increase in female representation when compared to the 11th term.[8]As for age, nineteen members were younger than forty-five, withNguyễn Thanh Nghị[vi]andNguyễn Xuân Anh[vi](both born in 1976) being the youngest. Nguyễn Phú Trọng, born in 1944, was the oldest elected member.[9]Four alternates were younger than forty, with the youngest one beingLê Quốc Phong[vi],the First Secretary of theHồ Chí Minh Communist Youth Union,who was thirty-eight years of age upon election. Institutionally, theMinistry of National Defencehad the most representatives on the CC, with twenty-two defence officials being elected. TheMinistry of Public Security,on the other hand, was represented by five members. No one from theMinistry of Healthwas elected to the CC. Sixteen members of the sitting Government were not elected either, but these individuals had all reached the government-regulated retirement age and would leave their posts by mid-2016 or before.[10]

Plenary sessions[edit]


1st Plenary: Election of the central party leadership (27 January)[edit]

Nguyễn Phú Trọng standing in front of a white background, wearing a black suit, red tie and a National Assembly of Vietnam pin on his right chest.
The 1st Plenary Session reelected Nguyễn Phú Trọng as General Secretary of the Central Committee.

After being elected on 26 January 2016, the 12th CC convened for its 1st Plenary Session on 27 January 2016 at theHeadquarters of the Party Central CommitteeinHà Nộiduring the 12th National Congress. It elected the12th Politburo,12th Central Inspection Commission(CIC) and three members of the12th Secretariat,as well as thegeneral secretaryand theCIC chairman.[11]Nguyễn Phú Trọng,as the general secretary of the last CC term, led the proceedings of the 1st Plenary Session of the newly-elected CC. The session went on to reelect Nguyễn Phú Trọng as general secretary, electTrần Quốc Vượngas CIC Chairman, elect a 19-member Politburo, 21-member CIC and three members to the Secretariat.[12]Asked about his reelection, Nguyễn Phú Trọng stated, "I did not expect the Congress to introduce and elect me to the Central Committee. Then, the First Plenary Session elected me to the post of general secretary with almost 100% absolute votes. I was surprised because my age was advanced while my health and qualifications were limited. I also asked for leave, but the Party assigned me the task, and I had to comply."[13]The election results were announced in the morning of 28 January byĐinh Thế Huynh,on behalf of thePresidium of the 12th National Congress,to the congress delegates and informed them that the electoral process was carried was in accordance with theCPV Charterand theElection Regulations of the 12th National Congress.[14]

The11th Central Committeeproposed to the 12th National Congress and, indirectly, the 12th CC, a list of 18 nominees for election to the 12th Politburo. In addition to that list, the 1st Plenary Session electedĐinh La Thăng,increasing the size of the 12th Politburo to 19 members. The median age of the newly-elected Politburo was 59. Nguyễn Phú Trọng, at 72 years of age, was the oldest member, while 46-year-oldVõ Văn Thưởngwas the youngest.Tòng Thị Phóngwas the only Politburo member with an ethnic minority background, being ofThái ethnicity.Furthermore, for the first time in its history, the Politburo had three female members (Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân,Tòng Thị Phóng andTrương Thị Mai). Seven members had served in the11th Politburo.Of the 19 members, three had served in the11th Secretariat(Trương Hòa Bình,Ngô Xuân Lịchand Trần Quốc Vượng), two had served in the apparatus of the 11th Central Committee (Phạm Minh ChínhandVương Đình Huệ), five had served in government (Hoàng Trung Hải,Phạm Bình Minh,Nguyễn Văn Bình,Đinh La Thăng andTô Lâm), one had led a committee of the13th National Assembly of Vietnam(Trương Thị Mai) and one had served in local administration (Võ Văn Thưởng). Of the three members elected to the Secretariat at the plenum, none had served in theprevious term.[15]

Scholar Alexander Vuving notes that Nguyễn Phú Trọng's election as general secretary "surprised many observers."[16]Rodion Ebbighausen, writing forDeutsche Welle,wrote that Nguyễn Phú Trọng's reelection was a victory byMarxist–Leninist forcesand ofcollective leadershipover Nguyễn Tấn Dũng'scapitalistapproach and hisindividualistic ethos.[17]A report from theBBC Newsshared Ebbighausen's conservative versus reformer analysis and noted that Nguyễn Tấn Dũng was perceived being friendly towards the United States and had gained popularity domestically for being perceived as the anti-China candidate.[18]Scholar Jonathan London had a different take on events: he emphasised Nguyễn Phú Trọng's ideological closeness to theChinese Communist Party.Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, according to London, was a maverick who sought to represent himself as a democrat and political reformer. In response, Nguyễn Phú Trọng's allies accused him of seeking power for the sake of power and pointed to the corruption that flourished in his government.[19]In contrast,Stratforbelieved it to be too simplistic to boil the narrative down to the pro-Chinese Nguyễn Phú Trọng and the pro-Western Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, citing the fact that Nguyễn Phú Trọng had signed off on several policies that had angered China.[20]

2nd Plenary: Economic planning and the 11th Session of the 13th National Assembly (10–12 March)[edit]

Nguyễn Xuân Phúc is seen smiling while wearing a black suit, a blue tie with white dots and a white shirt.
Trần Đại Quang is seen smiling while wearing a black suit, red tie and white shirt.
Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân seen smiling while wearing a traditional Vietnamese dress in the colours red and burgundy.
The 2nd Plenary Session adopted the Politburo's proposal on nominating Nguyễn Xuân Phúc (left), Trần Đại Quang (centre) and Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân (right) as Prime Minister, President and Chair of the National Assembly, respectively.

On 10 March 2016, the 2nd Plenary Session convened under the leadership of Nguyễn Phú Trọng, who made an opening speech in which he oriented on the work of the Politburo and the Secretariat since the 12th National Congress, stating that they had adopted a working agenda for 2016. In the same speech, Nguyễn Phú Trọng counselled the 12th CC to adopt a working agenda that prioritised issues and tasks that could improve party governance, strengthen the political system and reducepolitical corruptionandbureaucracy.This working agenda was not made public. Moreover, he hoped the plenary session would be able to contribute to enacting the sloganthree strategic breakthroughs,which states that the CPV works to perfect the institutions of thesocialist-oriented market economy,enhancehuman resourcesand construct a synchronous infrastructure system.[21]

On behalf of the Party Delegation to the Government,Deputy Prime MinisterNguyễn Xuân Phúcreported on thesocio-economic development planand the mid-term financial and public investment plans for 2016–2020.[22]This topic was again on the agenda on the second day of the plenum during the morning session, which was presided over by Nguyễn Xuân Phúc.[23]The socio-economic development plan is Vietnam's official term forfive-year plan,and inspired by itsSoviet namesake,to plan the development of the national economy for the coming five years. The five-year financial and public investment plan is formulated by theMinistry of Financealongside theMinistry of Planning and Investmentto set objectives for the state budget, public finances and tax reforms.[24]The content of the plan was not made public until its adoption by the 13th National Assembly.[22]The plenum supported the 12th Politburo's proposal for the 2016–2020 socio-economic development plan and agreed to send it to the 11th Session of the 13th National Assembly for approval. The 12th CC informed the Politburo that the mid-term State finance-budget and mid-term public investment plans needed further refinement before being submitted to the 11th Session. It emphasised the importance of investing inagriculture,farmers and rural areas; revamping the state administration and procedures; and strengthening the business climate. Other concerns aired included highgovernment overspending;bad public debt; the size of thepublic debtamid volatilities seen in the globalfinancial market;climate change policies to mitigate against severe saltwater intrusion in theMekong Deltaanddroughtin theSouth Central Regionand theCentral Highlandsand environmental pollution; and traffic bottlenecks in cities and large urban localities. Moreover, the committee stated its wish that annual, mid-term and five-year socio-economic development plans must not conflict with the decisions of the 12th National Congress and should be suited to the special conditions of each locality and sector. Another suggestion the plenum made was creating action programmes to implement party-state policies and guidelines.[25]

The meeting also decided on the personnel nominations to serve in State agencies.[22]The afternoon session of 11 March was led by Đinh Thế Huynh and discussed a list of nominees for State agencies to be proposed to the 11th Session. Phạm Minh Chính, as Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Head of theOrganisation Commission,informed the plenum about the Politburo's proposed list of nominees for state and government positions.[23]Nguyễn Phú Trọng, in his closing remarks to the session on 12 March, stated that "the Committee generally agreed with the draft working agenda for the 12th tenure, saying that it covers important issues to successfully realise the Resolution adopted by the 12th National Party Congress".[25]The meeting also studied the Politburo's proposal on actively preparing central-level officials to stand as candidates in the election of deputies to the14th National Assembly of Vietnam.[26]Nguyễn Phú Trọng noted that based on the voting results at the plenum, the Politburo would continue to refine the nomination list before submitting it to theNational Assembly.[25]The 2nd Plenum did, however, reachconsensuson candidates for the offices ofPresident,Prime Minister andChair of the National Assembly.[25]The 13th National Assembly's 11th Session was convened for 21 March – 12 April and appointed Nguyễn Xuân Phúc as Prime Minister,Trần Đại Quangas President and Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân as the first female Chair of the National Assembly.[27]

3rd Plenary: Draft Working Regulations and Personnel Matters (4–7 July)[edit]

The plenum convened on 4 July to discuss the following documents: "Regulations on the work of the Central Committee, the Politburo and the Secretariat"; "Regulations on work of the Central Inspection Commission"; "Regulations on the enforcement of the Party's Charter"; "Regulations on party inspection, supervision and discipline; the appointment of personnel of state agencies"; and "a number of other important issues".[28]These regulations were handled by the plenum because the 12th National Congress decided against amending the party charter to include these stipulations.[29]In his opening speech to the plenum, Nguyễn Phú Trọng noted that the proposed regulations were a concretisation of the CPV's Charter and would contribute to "the better promotion of democracy in the activities of the Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat and the Central Inspection Commission, and at the same time strictly maintaining discipline and discipline in the Party; maintainingcollective leadership,strengthening individual responsibility, especially the responsibility of the head ".[30]Morever, the regulations were considered necessary to improve the enforcement of the party charter which, according to the central party leadership, was often breached by lower-level cadres. The official intention was to create a formal institutional structure to enforce the charter and specify the relationship between individual and collective responsibility.[31]According to Scholar Nguyen Manh Hung, the adoption of new regulations regarding inspection work granted the CIC power to oversee and audit the declarations of properties of cadres managed by the Politburo and Secretariat. It was the first time in the party's history that the CIC had received such a mandate.[32]The session unanimously promulgated the regulations on the enforcement of the Party's Charter and the regulations on party inspection, supervision and discipline, and adopted with a "high degree" of support the working regulations of the Central Committee, Politburo, Secretariat and the Central Inspection Commission.[33]

On 6 July, the plenum convened under the leadership of Phạm Minh Chính to discuss the Politburo's proposal on candidates to serve in state agencies.[30]The meeting did not re-inspect the decisions made at the last plenum on personnel matters; instead, it discussed candidates for the remaining thirteen vacant posts.[34]Later in the afternoon, plenum participants discussed whether to discipline former Central Committee memberVũ Huy Hoàng[vi]and 12th CC memberTrần Văn Nam[vi]:the plenum voted to discipline them.[35]On 7 July, on the last day of the plenum, Phạm Minh Chính presented the Politburo's report on the evaluation of the proposals on personnel for leading State agencies and then discussed it. Next on the agenda was the election of additional members to the 12th Central Inspection Commission on the proposal of the Politburo: thepress releasenotes that "additional members" were elected but does not state whom.[36]In addition, the plenum reached a consensus on the proposed candidates for state offices and the meeting ended with a call to the entire Party, people and army "to carry forward achievements they have recorded, fix limitations and weaknesses, and strengthen the great national unity bloc to fulfil socio-economic targets set for the second half of 2016 and the whole year".[37]The plenum adopted a resolution as well, but it was not made public.[38]

4th Plenary: Economic issues and Party building (9–14 October)[edit]

This session was opened on 9 October and focused on socio-economic affairs. Specifically, it discussed the socio-economic situation of 2016, the draft of the 2017 socio-economic development plan and an unspecified amount of "major guidelines and policies" to strengthen Vietnam's growth model, raise the quality ofeconomic growthand increaselabour productivitygrowth. It also discussed how to safeguard Vietnam's political independence in the context of joining international free trade agreements.[39]The plenum also discussed non-economic topics as well, such has how to curbself-evolutionandself-transformationtendencies within the party, stop the debasement of communist thought, improve socialist morality and the Politburo's proposal to strengthen party building and on maintaining the correct political line.[40]Apparently, Nguyễn Phú Trọng told the session that "A large number of cadre have been degraded in political ideology, ethics and lifestyle. These cadres go so far as to 'demand ‘pluralism,' clamour for the 'separation of powers' [as opposed tounified power] and [praise] 'civil society.' "[41]The plenum discussed the report delivered by Phạm Minh Chính, on behalf of the 12th Politburo, "Enhancing Party building and rectification; preventing and curbing ideological, ethical and lifestyle degradation, and the manifestation of 'self-evolution' and 'self-transformation' inside the Party".[42]It called for improving party education in Marxism–Leninism, creating a regulatory mechanism as well as conductingcriticism and self-criticisminternally to combat these manifestations and struggle against lax political discipline.[43]

The first working day opened with Nguyễn Xuân Phúc presenting the Government Party Committee report on the national economic situation in 2016 and 2017. Deputy Prime Minister andForeign MinisterPhạm Bình Minh delivered a proposal on behalf of the Politburo entitled "Effectively implementing international economic integration while maintaining socio-political stability in the context of Vietnam joining new-generation free trade agreements". Deputy Prime Minister Vương Đình Huệ followed this up with another Politburo proposal on significant policies to renew the economic model and improve the quality of economic growth, increasing the productivity of labour and economic competitiveness.[42]On day two, 10 October, the plenum discussed the country's socio-economic challenges, the execution of the 2016 state budget and the state budget estimates for 2017.[44]The morning session of 11 October was presided over by Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, and continued discussing economic matters. In the afternoon, the plenum participants were organised into working groups to discuss proposals for guidelines and policies to strengthen economic development, renew the economic model, increase competitiveness and improve the quality of growth.[45]12 October began with a morning session, presided over by Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân, that continued discussions from the third working day. Later that day, the 4th Plenary Session was divided into working groups to discuss the implementation of international economic integration and political stability in light of Vietnam's participation in several newtrade deals.[46]On the fifth day, 13 October, the morning session, moderated by Trần Đại Quang, debated Vietnam's international economic integration and political stability. This was followed in the afternoon by a session moderated by Nguyễn Xuân Phúc that discussed two reports: one on foreign policy and another on thefourth industrial revolution.[47]The 4th Plenary Session ended one day before schedule, on 14 October, and adopted a set of policies for ensuring macroeconomic stability that contributed to integrating Vietnam into the world economy.[48]


5th Plenary: Evaluation of policies and Đinh La Thăng's removal (5–10 May)[edit]

Đinh La Thăng looking down wearing a black suit, red tie and a National Assembly of Vietnam pin on his right chest.
The 5th Plenary Session removed Đinh La Thăng from the Politburo.

The 5th Plenary Session convened on 5 May and evaluated the 10-year execution of Resolution No. 19-NQ/TW of the 6th Plenary Session of the9th Central Committeeon land reform policies and legislation; assessed the 15-year enforcement of Resolution No. 26-NQ/TW of the 7th Plenary Session of the10th Central Committeeon agriculture, peasants, and farming areas; and examined the 20-year application of Resolution No. 13-NQ/TW of the 9th Plenary Session of the 9th Central Committee on improving thecollective economy's innovation, development andproductiveness.[49]More generally, the meeting would discuss the "perfecting of the institutions of the socialist-oriented market economy", the reorganisation and performance ofstate-owned enterprises,ways to encourage and facilitateprivate sectorgrowth, a report on evaluating the work of the Politburo and Secretariat on implementing the resolutions of the 12th National Congress in 2016, disciplinary action against party members "and a number of other important issues". Nguyễn Phú Trọng, in his opening speech, informed the meeting that the Secretariat had established several steering committees to study, summarise and develop projects on the above-mentioned topics and reported them to the Politburo for consideration.[50]

On 7 May, the third day was presided over by Nguyễn Phú Trọng and discussed the disciplinary case against fellow Politburo member Đinh La Thăng, the Secretary of theHồ Chí Minh City Party Committee[vi].CIC Chairman Trần Quốc Vượng delivered a report, on behalf of the Politburo, on the charges levelled against Đinh La Thăng for his leadership ofVietnam Oil and Gas Group(also known as PetroVietnam), for which he committed shortcomings and legal violations in running the company.[51]Specifically, he was accused of violating PetroVietnam regulations by signing commercial agreements before receiving authorisation from the company's Board of Directors, sanctioning bidding packages that violated government decrees, giving the Prime Minister advice that failed to meet legal regulations and breaking the Law on Bidding.[52]Đinh La Thăng was then allowed to speak in his own defence.[53]After hearing both points of view, more than 90 per cent of the plenum voted to remove Đinh La Thăng from the Politburo.[54]According toISEAS–Yusof Ishak Instituteresearcher Le Hong Hiep, some believe that the corruption allegations levelled against figures such as Đinh La Thăng were not real and that the anti-corruption campaign was an excuse to purge of Nguyễn Phú Trọng's opponents. Hiep disagrees and notes "that such a claim is not backed by strong evidence."[55]

On the last day, on 10 May, the CPV announced that the 5th Plenary Session had adopted three resolutions: (1) Resolution on completing institutions for the socialist-oriented market economy, (2) Resolution on continuing to re-organise, renovate and improve the efficiency of State-owned enterprises and (3) Resolution on developing the private economic sector into an important driving force of the socialist-oriented economy.[56]It also approved "the statement and report" of the Politburo and the Secretariat on their work performance in 2016.[57]Furthermore, it was announced that Đinh La Thăng had resigned as Hồ Chí Minh City Party Committee Secretary and been appointed as Deputy Head of the CPVCentral Economic Commission[vi].[58]

6th Plenary: Socio-economic challenges, Nguyễn Xuân Anh's dismissal and elections (4–7, 9–11 October)[edit]

On 4 October, the 12th CC convened its 6th Plenary Session, and on the agenda was Vietnam's socio-economic situation and financial-budgetary issues in 2017 and a draft plan for socio-economic development and financial-budgetary estimates for 2018.[59]It also discussed a slew of popular issues, such ashealthcare,public sector reform,gender imbalance,birth rate,an ageing population, lean and efficient political governance, Party leadership "and other important matters".[60]

In the morning session, Trần Quốc Vượng then consulted with the Plenum on the meeting programme and later proposed an agenda, which the participants voted in favour of. That vote was followed by Nguyễn Xuân Phúc reading, on behalf of the Government Party Committee, the report of the Government Party Board on the socio-economic situation, the 2017 state budgets and tasks for 2018. After reading the report, Trương Hòa Bình presented the project on improving the country's healthcare system. Phạm Bình Minh then read a statement on population work. In the afternoon session, Vương Đình Huệ read, on behalf of the Politburo, the report on reforming the management mechanism, financial mechanism and reorganising the system of public non-business units. The working day ended with the plenum participants being divided into working groups to discuss the report of the Government Party Board on the socio-economic situation, the 2017 state budgets and tasks for 2018.[61]On its second day, the morning session, presided over by Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, continued the discussion on the Government Party Committee's report. In the afternoon session, participants were divided into working groups to discuss ways to improve the healthcare system.[62]

The third working day witnessed the dismissal of one of the youngest members of the 12th CC, Nguyễn Xuân Anh, and the election of two members to the 12th Secretariat. The session was presided over by Nguyễn Phú Trọng. Nguyễn Xuân Anh, the youngest provincial party secretary in the CPV at the time, was accused of "seriously violat[ing] the principles of organising party activities; in violation of the Regulations on what party members are not allowed to do", or more specifically, of breachingdemocratic centralismand of beingcorrupt.The plenum voted to relieve him of all his offices, including his CC membership.[63]The case is also notable for the fact that Nguyễn Xuân Anh is the son ofNguyễn Văn Chi[vi],the CIC Chairman of the10thand11th terms.[64]The next item on the day's agenda was the election ofPhan Đình TrạcandNguyễn Xuân Thắng[vi]to the Secretariat: Phan Đình Trạc served as Chairman of the party'sCentral Internal Affairs Commission[vi]while Nguyễn Xuân Thắng concurrently served as Rector of theHồ Chí Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration[vi]and Vice Chairman of theCentral Theoretical Council.[65]The afternoon session was presided over by Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân, and the participants were organised into working groups to discuss the proposals on improving the healthcare system and policies on population work.[66]

On 7 October, the fourth day, the 12th CC convened for a morning session to discuss how to renew the management and financial mechanisms of the State and to reorganise the system of non-business public entities. The 12th CC then took a one-and-a-half-day break before convening again for its fifth working day on 9 October.[67]In the plenum recess, the 12th Politburo convened to approve the CPV's first-ever regulation on personnel rotation, and it was signed off by Nguyễn Phú Trọng, in his capacity as CPV general secretary, on 7 October.[68]The regulation is, according to scholar Carlyle Thayer, a "personnel strategy" about "rotation of leading and managerial personnel."[56]It prohibited central and provincial party committees to rotate cadres who had been disciplined or were under investigation, and that cadres in local organisations could not be natives or have served a significant portion of their career of the locality in questions.[69]The fifth working day started with a morning session, presided over by Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, that scrutinised the proposal on reforming management and financial mechanisms and the reorganisation of state administrative units. The meeting continued into the afternoon under Trần Quốc Vượng's steering. This was followed by Phạm Minh Chính, who, on behalf of the Politburo, read the proposal on reorganising the political system to make it more clean and efficient. The working day ended with participants organised into working groups to discuss the proposal read by Phạm Minh Chính.[70]This discussion continued into the sixth working day, under the moderation of Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân.[71]

The last session of the 6th Plenary Session began on 11 October. Under the moderation of Trần Đại Quang, the Politburo presented the newly amended reports and proposals that were changed in response to the wishes of the 12th CC. Nguyễn Xuân Phúc presented the report on the socio-economic situation, the 2017 State budget and tasks for 2018. Trương Hòa Bình then presented the amended report on improving the national healthcare system. The Politburo later presented a newly amended report and proposal on population work, management and financial mechanisms reform, the reorganisation of public non-business entities, streamlining the political system and improving state efficiency.[72]The official report of the concluding session noted that the 12th CC agreed that Vietnam had made positive progress in 2017. However, the 12th CC stated that the country still faced "an array of difficulties and challenges, including high overspending and public debt, big non-performing loans, slow[official development assistance]and Government bond capital disbursement, loss-making State-owned enterprises, violations in environmental protection and food hygiene, complicated traffic accidents and crimes, and more ".[73]Furthermore, the meeting underscored that the growth model, economic restructuring, increasing labour productivity and improving economic competitiveness were important issues to focus on in 2018. The session went on to abolish the CPV's regional steering committees (Central Highlands[vi],Northwest[vi]andSouthwest[vi]) and to reorganise the Party Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.[74]The session ended with the passing of the "Resolution of the 6th Plenary Session of the 12th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam".[75]


7th Plenary: Wage reform, social insurance and personnel work (7–12 May)[edit]

The 7th Plenary Session convened on 7 May under Nguyễn Phú Trọng's chairmanship.[76]The plenum programme included discussions of cadre policy, wage policies and nationalsocial insurancepolicy; hear and control the work reports of the Politburo and the Secretariat in 2017, the work report of the Politburo on work done since the 6th Plenary Session the report by the CIC on inspection, supervision and discipline, and performance of the CIC and inspection committees at all levels in 2017; and address "a number of other important issues.[77]

The first working day of the 7th plenum was presided over by Trần Đại Quang, who had suffered from undisclosed health issues and had disappeared from public view between 25 July and 28 August 2017.[78]Phạm Minh Chính, on behalf of Politburo, read its proposal on recruiting a new contingent of cadres at all levels, particularly at the strategic level. According to scholar Nicholas Chapman, the Party's talk of strategic cadres "remains vague and raises more questions than answers."[79]Nevertheless, by emphasising the desired ethical qualities needed to become a Central Committee member, the proposal sent a signal to newcomers in the Central Committee. Talking about strategic cadres, Nguyễn Phú Trọng echoedNguyễn Văn Linh's statement that the "Party must reform or die" by saying that the party's efforts in this area would "determine whether the revolution will succeed or fail."[80]

Trần Cẩm Tú standing in front of a green background, wearing glasses, a black suit and a white shirt.
Trần Cẩm Tú[vi]was elected chairman of the CIC at the plenum.

Next on the agenda was another proposal by the Politburo, this time delivered by Trương Hòa Bình, on the reform of salaries for state employees, civil servants, the military and enterprise workers. This was followed up by Vương Đình Huệ, who presented a social insurance policy reform plan. In the afternoon, plenum participants were divided into working groups to discuss the proposal presented by Phạm Minh Chính.[81]The following day, on 8 May, Nguyễn Xuân Phúc presided over the morning session and continued to discuss the proposal for recruiting a new contingent of cadres at all levels. The official report noted that participants had discussed cadre policy and formulated new ideas, targets and suggestions for solutions to develop a new contingent of officials who could perform their assigned tasks with "virtue, capacity, and prestige".[82]Furthermore, they discussed creating a power control mechanism, preventing bribery, appointing non-local personnel to serve on Party committees at provincial and district levels and training and using young officials. Almost unanimously, they agreed that a new resolution on personnel was needed, though some suggested paying more attention to designing detailed implementation plans. Notably, there was consensus on the need to appoint non-local officials as secretaries of the CPV provincial and district committees, clarify support policies, and create roadmaps for these officials. According to 12th CC memberĐỗ Văn Chiến,the Chairman of the Government Committee for Ethnic Affairs, it is difficult to maintain a clean administration when officials administer localities they have intimate and familial relationships in since it increases the likelihood ofnepotism.Nguyễn Văn Thể[vi],theMinister of Transportation,supported Đỗ Văn Chiến's remarks. Additionally,Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng[vi],the General-Director ofViettel Group,noted the importance of increasing transparency in cadre work, especially regarding housing and training. The 12th CC also voted to increase the ratio of young, female and ethnic minority officials at all levels of governance while instituting a new evaluation system.[83]Later in the afternoon, participants were divided into working groups to discuss wage reform for cadres, civil servants, state employees, military offices and enterprise workers.[84]

The third working day, on 9 May, began its morning session by accepting Trần Quốc Vượng's resignation as CIC Chairman as well as an ordinary member of the 12th CIC. The session then went on to electTrần Cẩm Tú[vi],who served as Permanent Deputy Chairman under Trần Quốc Vượng's leadership, as CIC Chairman and electHoàng Văn Trà[vi]as an ordinary member of the 12th CIC.[85]Later on, the 7th plenum elected Trần Cẩm Tú and Trần Thanh Mẫn as members of the 12th Secretariat: Trần Cẩm Tú had served as CIC Deputy Chairman before his election and Trần Thanh Mẫn had served as Secretary of theCần Thơ City Party Committee[vi]prior to his election asChairmanof theCentral Committeeof theVietnamese Fatherland Front.[86]Before the plenum, there had been speculations amongst foreign observers that the plenum would elect additional politburo members, but none were elected. Scholar David Hutt believed that there "could be as many as three new faces entering the Politburo, the Vietnamese Communist Party’s top decision-making body."[87]Scholar Le Hong Hiep named five potential candidates for politburo membership;Lương Cường,Nguyễn Văn Nên[vi],Nguyễn Hòa Bình[vi],Phan Đình TrạcandNguyễn Xuân Thắng[vi].[88]In a similar vein, David Brown expected the plenum to strengthen Nguyễn Phú Trọng's control over the party leadership.[89]

Bùi Văn Cường seen smiling and clapping, wearing a black suit, red tie and white shirt while having a National Assembly pin on his right chest.
Bùi Văn Cường[vi],the President of theCentral Committeeof theVietnam General Confederation of Labour,supported the wage reform proposal.

The next point on the agenda discussed the disciplinary case against Đinh La Thăng, who had been removed from the Politburo at the 5th Plenary Session. In the meantime, Đinh La Thăng had been sentenced to 13 years in prison for "Intentionally violating the State's regulations on economic management with serious consequences and embezzlement of assets occurring at Vietnam Oil and Gas Group PVN,Vietnam Oil and Gas Construction CorporationPVC ".[90]The 24th Session of the CIC on 23 April 2018, therefore, proposed to the plenum the highest disciplinary measure possible: Đinh La Thăng's expulsion from the Party, which was approved.[91]Later that day, with Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân as presiding officer, the plenum convened for an afternoon session to discuss wage reform for cadres, public servants, military officers and state workers.Minister of Home AffairsLê Vĩnh Tân[vi]presented a report detailing the wage reform's targets, tasks and proposed solutions. To provide operational efficiency, he called for drastic solutions regarding budgets and finances, personnel cuts and the reorganisation of the use of public servants and cadres, as well as streamlining the political system.Deputy Minister of DefenseBe Xuan Truongconcurred with Lê Vĩnh Tân's report, adding that ten per cent of staff could be cut annually to speed up wage reform.Phạm Hoài Nam,also a Deputy Minister of Defense, was also supportive of the proposal but noted it was important to consider the income and expenditure of officials in different regions since the level of development differed from locality to locality if the reforms were to be implemented successfully.Bùi Văn Cường[vi],the President of theVietnam General Confederation of Labour'sCentral Committee,endorsed the proposal but remarked on the value of making a coherent set of regulations on how the trade unions would represent and negotiate wages on behalf of workers per the law.[92]According to the official communique, the 7th Plenary Session's third working day "reached high consensus on the issuance of a resolution on salary reform".[93]The official reports note that plenum participants formulated four suggestions: (1) wages in the public sector to be the basis for wages in other sectors, (2) formulate regulations on macro- and micro-management of wage policy to improve the management abilities of local organisations, (3) the importance of basing wages on job titles, positions and performance and (4) formulate a mechanism, regulations and steer the reform with a purpose to ensure its success.Đinh Tiến Dũng[vi],theMinister of Finance,said the wage reform would be implemented in accordance with the 12th Central Committee's resolutions No. 18 and No. 19 on restructuring public debt to maintain a safe and sustainable debt level and, in accordance with Resolution No. 07, ensuring a sustainable state financial system. Chapman considered the wage reforms to be an effort "to prevent catastrophic economic mismanagement atstate-owned enterprises[SOE]. "[80]In the system in place at the time, board members of SOEs were appointed rather than employed. They had a wage that they received monthly, which fluctuated. This would change in this proposal, where board members would only receive a wage if the business target was met and the company's assets were protected. Failure to do this could lead to the termination of board members and, in special circumstances, forcing board members to compensate the company for losses.[80]

Participants were organised into working groups to discuss social insurance policy reforms at the morning session of the fourth working day, on 10 May. In the afternoon, the plenum under the leadership of Trần Quốc Vượng discussed reforms to the social insurance system.[94]The next day, on 11 May, the 7th Plenary Session listened to and controlled the work report of the Politburo and Secretariat on their activities in 2017. The afternoon was spent studying and formulating amendment proposals on the documents discussed by the plenum.[95]On the plenum's last day, participants listened to the newly-amended proposals "On building a contingent of cadres at all levels", "On wage reform" and "On social insurance policy".[96]The 7th Plenary Session then approved the "Report reviewing the leadership and guidance of the Politburo and the Secretariat in 2017", the "Report on important affairs handled by the Politburo since the PCC's 6th plenary session" and the "Report on inspection, supervision and discipline work in the Party, performance of the PCC's Inspection Commission and inspection committees at all levels in 2017". It also approved three resolutions: "Resolution on building a contingent of cadres at all levels, especially strategic level, with sufficient virtue, capacity and prestige on a par with their assigned tasks", "Resolution on salary reform for officials, public servants, the armed forces and labourers working in enterprises" and "Resolution on social insurance policy reform".[97]

8th Plenary: Economic policy, state budget and personnel issues (2–6 October)[edit]

On 18–19 September, the 12th Politburo convened a meeting to obtain feedback on proposals to be submitted to the 8th Plenary Session.[98]Later, on 28 September,Bùi Trường Giang,the Deputy Head of the CPV'sCommission for Information and Education,announced that the 12th CC would convene for its 8th Plenary Session from 2–6 October.[99]When the 12th CC convened on 2 October, it stood in aminute of silencebefore opening forĐỗ Mười,a former general secretary of the CPV Central Committee, who had died on 1 October 2018, andTrần Đại Quang,the most recent President of Vietnam, who passed away on 21 September 2018.[100]The eighth plenum programme called for the participants to issue a conclusion on the status of the country’s socio-economic development and the state budget of 2018, a conclusion on the socio-economic development situation and state budget for 2019, approve a resolution on sustainable sea-based economic progress, issue regulations on the responsibility for setting an example of Party members and officials and make decisions on the establishment of preparatory committees for the organisation of the13th National Congress.[101]

Much of the first working day was spent listening to reports delivered on behalf of the 12th Politburo. Nguyễn Phú Trọng delivered the opening remarks to the session before Nguyễn Xuân Phúc delivered the reports of the Government Party Committee, "On the socio-economic situation and State budget in 2018" and "On the socio-economic development plans and State Budget estimates for 2019". Phạm Bình Minh then delivered the report, "On summing up the 10-year implementation of the resolution of the 4th Plenary Session of the 10th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam on Vietnam's Maritime Strategy to 2020". Phạm Minh Chính then presented a proposed "Regulation on the responsibility to set an example of officials and Party members, first of all, members of the Politburo, the Party Central Committee Secretariat and the Party Central Committee" and a proposal on establishing five preparatory committees on documents, socio-economic affairs, regulations, personnel and organisation to organise the 13th National Congress. In the afternoon, the 12th CC was organised into working groups to discuss the reports presented by Nguyễn Xuân Phúc.[102]

Trần Đại Quang looking a bit to the right, wearing a black suit, white shirt and a red tie while having a red-yellow pin on his right chest.
Trần Đại Quang,who had served as state president since 2 April 2016, died on 21 September 2018. The plenum nominated Nguyễn Phú Trọng as a presidential candidate to succeed Trần Đại Quang.

The reports of the Government Party Committee, presented by Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, continued to be the objects of discussion on the second working day. During this debate, fourteen non-Politburo 12th CC members made proposals to the plenum. 12th CC member Bế Xuân Trường noted, considering the complicated situation in global affairs, that the party-state needed to accurately forecast the future situation and was worried that Vietnam might fall into themiddle-income trapif it did not adequately focus on investment in hi-tech industries andhigh technologyto increase labour productivity, the economic growth quality and national competitiveness.Hoàng Đăng Quang[vi],the Secretary of theQuảng Bình Provincial Party Committee[vi],remarked on significant problems, especially the slow disbursement of state investment and the lumbering response from state agencies when asked for help. He, therefore, proposed to initiate a mid-term review on implementing the three strategic breakthroughs on modernising the growth model, restructuring the economy and improving societal development. Such a review, Quang believed, would provide important lessons for the CC's remaining tenure as well as lay a basis for the 13th National Congress. Additionally, he called for revising the Law on Public Investment and the Law on Land. Chairman of theVietnam Farmers' Union's[vi]Central CommitteeThào Xuân Sùng[vi]urged the plenum to initiate policies to increase agricultural productivity, restructure agriculture organisation, shift the agricultural growth model, establish cooperatives and construct "new-style rural areas".[103]Vũ Hồng Thanh[vi],the Chairman of the National Assembly'sEconomic Committee[vi],expressed concern over the fact that labour productivity grew at a slower rate in 2018 than the previous year and proposed raising labour productivity by shifting national economic focus away from agricultural services to industry and services.Nguyễn Văn Hùng[vi],the Secretary of theQuảng Trị Provincial Party Committee[vi],agreed with Vũ Hồng Thanh and proposed reintroducing the old plan on cultural and human development. On the other hand, acting presidentĐặng Thị Ngọc Thịnhraised the problem of crime and asked for more resources to be mobilised to combat unlawful acts.[104]In the afternoon, every attending member at the 8th Plenary Session voted to introduce Nguyễn Phú Trọng as a presidential candidate at the 6th Session of the 14th National Assembly. Later on, the eighth plenum electedVõ Thái NguyênandTrần Đức Thắng[vi]as members of the 12th CIC.[105]According to scholar Le Hong Hiep, Nguyễn Phú Trọng's nomination "was rather surprising given his advanced age and the fact that he was reportedly not very enthusiastic about the idea of merging the two positions [the posts of general secretary and state president]. His reluctance in considering the matter was said to have delayed the discussion of the topic in the Central Committee and the Politburo for some time."[106]Scholar Cù Huy Ha Vu theorised that the CPV was moving along the lines paved by the former socialist states of Europe and, specifically Laos and China, where the party leader had concurrently served as state president since 1991 and 1993, respectively.[107]David Hutt, on the other hand, disagreed with Cù Huy Ha Vu, arguing that Nguyễn Phú Trọng had less power and influence than his Chinese counterpart,Xi Jinping.[108]According to Hutt, the nomination of Nguyễn Phú Trọng was the easiest path since appointing another official would have disrupted "the normal order of political jockeying inside the Party that goes on for at least eighteen months before a National Congress."[109]

On 4 October, the third working day, the eighth plenum convened a morning session to comment on the review of "On summing up the 10-year implementation of the resolution of the 4th Plenary Session of the 10th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam on Vietnam's Maritime Strategy to 2020".[110]The Politburo, on the recommendation of the CIC, then proposed disciplining former members of the Central Committee:Trần Văn Minh[vi],who had earlier served asMinister of Information and Communications,andNguyễn Bắc Son[vi],former Deputy Head of the CPV's Organisation Commission and Secretary of theĐà Nẵng City Party Committee[vi].[111]Trần Văn Minh was expelled from the Party, and Nguyễn Bắc Son was, belatedly, removed from the 11th Central Committee and other party-state offices.[112]In the afternoon, the 8th Plenary Session continued to review the report on the 10-year implementation of Vietnam's maritime strategy.[110]On 5 October, during the morning session, the 8th Plenary Session discussed in groups the draft "Regulation on the responsibility to set an example of officials and Party members, first of all, members of the Politburo, the Party Central Committee Secretariat and the Party Central Committee". It then discussed the establishment of committees to prepare for the next party congress. The 12th CC continued its discussion on the above matters in the afternoon.[113]On the last day, the contents of the resolution on the strategy to sustainably develop Vietnam's sea-based economy by 2030 with a vision for 2045 was approved. The 12th CC assigned the Politburo the task of perfecting, issuing, and enforcing the resolution. The 8th Plenary Session adopted a conclusion on the socio-economic situation, the 2018 state budget and the socio-economic development plan and state budget projection for 2019. As part of its plenum, the 12th CC discussed and decided on the provision on the responsibility of party members and officials—primarily those in the Politburo, the Secretariat, and the Central Committee―to set an example for the rest of the Party.[114]

9th Plenary: Personnel planning, no-confidence vote and Tất Thành Cang's ouster (25–26 December)[edit]

The Central Committee convened its 9th Plenary Session on 25 December and on the agenda was the nomination of candidates to the13th Central Committee,the organisation of avote of confidencein members of the Politburo and the Secretariat and a disciplinary case.[115]Before the plenum, the 12th Politburo had already created a list of 200 potential candidates for 13th CC membership. The intention was to ensure that new CC members were non-corrupt and true communist believers who could safeguard the Party from "self-transformation" and "self-evolution" tendencies.[116]

On 25 December, the plenum organised a motion of no confidence on 21 of the 24 members of the 12th Politburo and Secretariat. Đinh Thế Huynh, because he was on sick leave, did not face a no-confidence vote. Trần Cẩm Tú and Trần Thanh Mẫn also did not face no-confidence votes because party regulations specifically require three years of service before facing such a vote. As part of their no-confidence vote, 12th CC members considered the officeholders' political and moral qualities as well as their political stances on implementing the Party's guidelines and resolutions, as well as their observance of party rules and state laws. Practical results were also a criterion. The Politburo presided over the vote of no confidence, but the Central Organisation Commission prepared the ballots. A Vote Counting Committee was responsible for counting the results of the vote.[117]12th members could vote for three alternatives: "high confidence", "confidence" and "low confidence". Individuals who got over fifty per cent in low confidence votes would not be reelected for another term, as the Party's charter stipulated.[118]

On the 9th Plenary Session's last working day, Phạm Minh Chính began morning proceedings by reading, on behalf of the Politburo, the report on personnel planning for the 13th CC. The plenum then discussed the report. In the afternoon, the 12th CC Trần Cẩm Tú began proceedings by reading the Politburo's recommendation to discipline Central Committee memberTất Thành Cang[vi].[119]Tất Thành Cang's corruption had first come to light at the 31st Session of the CIC, and in its 32nd Session the CIC proposed to the 12th Politburo his removal from office because he had violated the principles of democratic concentration and the authority, principles and procedures for adequately handling his position. Furthermore, he violated Hồ Chí Minh City Party Committee regulations regarding the management and use of assets at enterprises owned by local governments.[120]The 9th Plenary Session agreed with the charges in the Politburo's report and voted to remove him from all party and state positions.[121]The meeting then broke to be convened later in the afternoon, in which the 12th CC adopted the "Resolution of the 9th Plenary Session of the 12th Party Central Committee". Nguyễn Phú Trọng then delivered the closing speech.[122]


10th Plenary: Preparing for the 13th National Congress (16–18 May)[edit]

The 10th Plenary Session convened on 16 May and was the first 12th CC plenum that Nguyễn Phú Trọng attended since he suffered from aheart attackon 14 April 2019 while exercising his duties.[123]Considering his age and his health problems, there were rumours circulating that Nguyễn Phú Trọng was planning to retire at the end of the 12th CC's electoral term. There were several potential frontrunners at this point, Trần Quốc Vượng, Phạm Minh Chính and Nguyễn Xuân Phúc being the early favourites.[124]On the plenum's agenda was a range of topics, including draft documents for submission to the 13th National Congress at the beginning of 2021 and preparations for all-level Party congresses ahead of the national congress. As part of the discussions, the session considered a draft political report, a draft report on how the 2011 Platform will be implemented over the next decade, a report on the socio-economic development strategy for 2011–2020, and a report on party building and the Party Charter. In this session, participants reviewed the work of the Politburo since the gathering of the 9th Plenary Session. Furthermore, the 12th CC reviewed the performance of the inspection, monitoring and execution of the Party's disciplinary organs in 2018.[125]Nguyễn Phú Trọng told the participants that he expected the plenum to devote time to thoroughly researching, debating and giving opinions on the topics and guiding ideas to be used for the 13th National Congress; the slogan of the congress; the title of the Political Report; the 10-year socio-economic development plan from 2021–2030; highlighting the significant issues in party building; and any problems in the implementation of the Party’s Charter.[126]

The proceedings of the first working day began with 12th CC members being organised into working groups to discuss the draft documents of the 13th National Congress. This discussion continued into the afternoon.[127]On the second working day, the 10th plenum deliberated on the report that evaluated the fulfilment of Directive 36-CT/TW of the 11th Politburo regarding party congresses at different levels towards the 12th National Party Congress and a draft order of the 12th Politburo on party congresses at all levels towards the 13th National Congress. In the afternoon, the 12th CC members took a break while the Politburo assembled for a meeting to remark on reports that summarised the ideas expressed during the plenum discussions. Furthermore, the Politburo examined the compilation of the 2021–2030 socio-economic development strategy, the 2016–2020 socio-economic performance report and the 2021–2025 socio-economic development plan, and a draft report summarising the work on party building and enforcing the Party Charter.[128]The concluding session was presided over by Nguyễn Phú Trọng and moderated by Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân. It began with Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, on behalf of the Politburo, presenting the report on gathering opinions of 12th CC members on the draft documents of the 13th National Congress. The next item on the agenda was the draft resolution of the 10th Plenary Session, which Trần Quốc Vượng presented. The CC later unanimously adopted the "Resolution of the 10th Plenary Session of the 12th Party Central Committee".[129]

11th Plenary: 13th National Congress preparations and expulsion of corrupt members (7–12 October)[edit]

Nguyễn Bắc Son presumably sitting and looking leftwards. Wearing glasses, a grey suit, a red tie and a white shirt.
Trương Minh Tuấn seen smiling, wearing a black suit, a red tie and a blue shirt.
Nguyễn Bắc Son[vi](left) andTrương Minh Tuấn[vi](right) were expelled from the Party at this plenum.

On 7 October, the 12th CC convened for its 11th Plenary Session. It discussed the proposed draft documents of the 13th National Congress, including the Political Report and the "Report on the 10-year implementation of the Platform on National Construction in the Period of Transition to Socialism". The draft reports on 10 years of socio-economic strategy implementation for 2011–2030 and 2021–2030 was also be discussed. The 11th plenum also reviewed the draft report on party building and enforcement of the Party Charter. Finally, it discussed the 2019–2020 socio-economic and budgetary performance. Nguyễn Phú Trọng, in his opening speech, pointed out that 2020 was a vital year for preparing the 13th National Congress, and noted the Party's success in combating corruption: it had disciplined 70 high-ranking officials under the management of the party leadership (of which five were members of the 12th CC), fourteen former Central Committee members, one former deputy prime minister, five current and former ministers, two provincial party secretaries, five former provincial party secretaries and seventeen military officers.[130]

On the second working day, with Trần Quốc Vượng as presiding officer, the plenum debated the draft Political Report and the "Report on the 10-year Implementation of the Platform on National Construction in the Period of Transition to Socialism". Later in the afternoon, the 11th Plenary Session was organised into working groups to discuss the draft reports on 10 years of socio-economic strategy implementation for 2011–2030 and 2021–2030, a draft report on the socio-economic situation in 2016–2020 and the draft "Five-Year Plan for Socio-economic Development 2021–2025".[131]During the third meeting day, led by Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, the plenum once more examined the draft report on the socio-economic situation in 2016–2020 and the draft "Five-Year Plan for Socio-economic Development 2021–2025". Later in the afternoon, the 11th Plenary Session was divided into working groups to discuss the report on the socio-economic situation in 2019 and the 2019 state budget. They also commented on the draft "Plan for Socio-economic Development" for 2020, the budget proposal for 2020 and the budget-finance plan for 2020–2022.[132]In the morning session of the fourth workday, the 12th CC, moderated by Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân, proceeded to discuss the 2019 socio-economic performance report, the 2020 socio-economic development plan and 2020 budget estimate, and the three-year financial-budgetary plan for 2020–2022. The plenum was divided into subgroups, deliberating upon the draft "Report on Party Building and Implementation of the Party Charter" in the afternoon.[133]In the morning, under Trần Quốc Vượng's moderation, 11th plenum discussed the draft report on party building and enforcement of the Party Charter. In the afternoon, the 12th CC, under Nguyễn Phú Trọng's chairmanship, discussed personnel work.[134]The Politburo nominatedHồ Minh Chiến,Nguyễn Văn Hội,Nguyễn Minh QuangandTô Duy Nghĩafor CIC membership: they were all elected.[135]Later, the Politburo, on the recommendation of the CIC, proposed enforcing discipline by expelling Nguyễn Bắc Son andTrương Minh Tuấn[vi]from the Party due to political corruption. The 11th plenum voted to expel them.[136]On the last working day, the 11th Plenary Session adopted a resolution and Nguyễn Phú Trọng delivered the closing speech, stating that the plenum largely agreed on the draft reports presented.[137]


12th Plenary: 13th Central Committee personnel planning, elections, and Nguyễn Văn Hiến's expulsion (11–14 May)[edit]

Two events preceding the 12th Plenary Session influenced its discussions. On 8 January, the Central Inspection Commission proposed giving politburo memberHoàng Trung Hảia disciplinary reprimand, which the 12th Politburo sanctioned on 10 January.[138]The other was the politburo's adoption of regulation no. 214-QD/TW that laid out principles for nominating cadres to positions at the 13th National Congress. It specifically made clear that candidates for the "four pillars" (party leader, state president, prime minister and National Assembly chair) had to be "the centre of unity" in the party and had earned a "high reputation in the mass population" to be electable.[139]Nguyễn Phú Trọng then wrote an article, titled "Some Issues That Need Special Attention in the Preparation of Personnel for the XIII Party Congress", in which he stated that all candidates had to possess good ethics, non-corrupt, reject opportunism, personal ambitions for power and have earned credibility amongst the people.[140]According to scholar Hai Hong Nguyen, this effectively barred Hoàng Trung Hải and any other official with a checkered past from holding high office. This policy was in line with his blazing furnace campaign, which had by this point disciplined more than 53,000 government and party officials, of which nearly 100 worked under the Central Committee.[139]

The 12th CC convened for its 12th Plenary Session under Nguyễn Phú Trọng's chairmanship on 11 May. In his opening speech, Nguyễn Phú Trọng told the participants that the plenum took place in the context of the 45th anniversary of the liberation ofSouth Vietnamandnational reunification,former presidentHồ Chí Minh's 130th birthday and the fight against theCOVID-19 pandemic.After his speech, the meeting agenda was set: the plenum was set to discuss personnel planning for the 13th Central Committee; the selection of deputies for the15th National Assemblyand all-level People’s Councils for 2021–2026; and the election of delegates to the 13th National Congress.[141]

Nguyễn Xuân Phúc presided over the first working day of the 12th plenum. Proceedings began with Trần Quốc Vượng asking the CC members for their opinions on the agenda for the 12th plenum. Phạm Minh Chính then delivered a report on behalf of the Politburo evaluating the personnel tasks of the 12th CC and a proposal to organise the work on electing the 13th CC.[142]He then read another report summarising the delegate allocation at the10th,11thand12th party congresses,as well as the structure, number and standards of delegates and the 13th National Congress plan for the allocation of delegates. Subsequently, Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan presented a report on behalf of the National Assembly Party Committee regarding selecting deputies for the 15th National Assembly and all-level People’s Councils for the 2021–2026 term. Later in the afternoon, the 12th Plenary Session was organised into working groups to debate documents related to the personnel work of the 12th CC and the distribution of delegates to the 13th National Congress.[142]The second working day was presided over by Trần Quốc Vượng and continued with a discussion of personnel work for the 13th CC and preparing for the election of the 15th National Assembly.[143]Information on the third working day was not made public, but Nguyễn Phú Trọng noted in his closing speech that two additional members had been elected to the CIC: Secretary of theKon Tum Provincial Party Committee[vi]Nguyễn Văn Hùng[vi]andTrần Thị Hiền[vi],the Director of the CIC's General Department. Moreover, the 12th Plenary Session decided to expel Nguyễn Văn Hiến, who had previously been disciplined due to corruption, from the Party.[144]In closing, Nguyễn Phú Trọng informed the public that the 12th Central Committee had discussed, "in line with Party regulations", candidates for the 13th CC,13th Politburoand the13th Secretariat.[145]

13th Plenary: National Congress preparations (5–9 October)[edit]

The Central Committee's 13th Plenary Session convened on 5 October under Nguyễn Phú Trọng's chairmanship.[146]Several critical topics were discussed during the session, including the socio-economic situation in 2020 and the 2021 socio-economic development plan. Additionally, they discussed the composition of the 13th Central Committee and the draft documents of the 13th National Congress. In his opening remarks, Nguyễn Phú Trọng asked participants to objectively assess the country's socio-economic conditions and make predictions for coming years. In his remarks, he urged 12th CC members to analyse shortcomings and propose solutions. To prepare suitable responses for even the worst circumstances, Nguyễn Phú Trọng argued that the 12th CC needed to conceive major tasks for 2021 and subsequent years. Therefore, it was urged that the 12th Committee thoroughly review the latest draft documents of the 13th National Congress, approve the draft Political Report, and prepare draft reports on socio-economic outlooks and Party building for discussion in mid-October by the National Assembly, the Vietnamese Fatherland Front, other sociopolitical organisations and the public. He also announced that the Politburo would submit a draft list of candidates to be nominated for the13th Central Inspection Commission.Nguyễn Phú Trọng stressed that candidates must be scrutinised properly so that the party's work can be democratic, fair and transparent.[147]

Trần Quốc Vượng seen smiling while standing in front of a bust to Hồ Chí Minh. He is wearing a black suit, a dark red tie, a white shirt and glasses.
Trần Quốc Vượng apparently failed to garner support to succeed Nguyễn Phú Trọng as general secretary at this plenum.

On behalf of the Politburo, Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân presided over the first working day of the plenum. First, Trương Hòa Bình opened proceedings by reading the Politburo's submission on completing and supplementing the draft report summarising the implementation of the socio-economic development strategy 2011–2020, developing a socio-economic development strategy for 2021–2030 and assessing the socio-economic development goals and orientations for 2021–2025 after implementing economic development tasks 2016–2020. Following that, Trần Quốc Vượng read the report of the Politburo about informing members of the new situation and gathering opinions from party organisations and members. He also told participants that the draft Political Report for the 13th National Congress was being finalised. Afterwards, Phạm Minh Chính read the report submitted by the Politburo on the work to obtain opinions from Party committees, organisations and members. In addition, he read the draft report summarising the work of the 12th National Congress on party building and enforcement of the Party Charter. He then informed the participants that these draft reports would eventually be submitted to the 13th National Congress. Next, Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, on behalf of the Government Party Committee, presented a report on the 2020 socio-economic situation and the 2020 state budget; the 2020 socio-economic development plan; the state budget estimates for 2021; and the 2021–2023 estimate for the state budget and the financial plan. During the afternoon, the 12th CC formed working groups to deliberate on the draft Political Report, the summary of the implementation of the socio-economic development strategy 2011–2020 and the creation of the socio-economic development strategy 2021–2030. Moreover, the working groups discussed the draft report on reviewing the results of the socio-economic development objectives for 2016–2020, the socio-economic development objectives and tasks for 2021–2025 and the report summarising party building and enforcing the Party Charter during the 12th term.[148]On the second and third working days, the plenum participants continued scrutinising and debating the draft documents discussed on day one.[149]On the fourth working day, under Nguyễn Phú Trọng’s chairmanship, the 13th plenum focused on personnel matters. Acting on behalf of the Politburo, Pham Minh Chinh presented the nominees for the positions ofMinister of Science and TechnologyandMinister of Health,as well as potential members of the 13th Central Committee and the 13th Central Inspection Committee, for which plenum attendees recorded their recommendations concerning the health and science ministers. Subsequently, they voted to propose candidates for the CC and the CIC of the 13th term.[150]Moreover, according to scholar David Brown, Nguyễn Phú Trọng's preferred successor, Trần Quốc Vượng failed to garner support for his election as general secretary at the plenum, and that he trailed behind Nguyễn Xuân Phúc.[151]

Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân presided over the last working day on behalf of the Politburo. As the proceedings began, the plenum was informed about the votes for the 13th term's nominees for CC and CIC, but these results were not made public. The next speaker was Trần Quốc Vượng, who presented a report on the Politburo's opinion on the 12th CC's draft political report. Afterwards, Trương Hòa Bình read the report on the Central Committee's opinion on the draft report summarising the implementation of the socio-economic development strategy 2011–2020. He also discussed the development of the socio-economic development strategy 2021–2030 and the assessment of the completion of the socio-economic development tasks 2016–2020 and 2021–2025 orientations and tasks for socioeconomic development. Following this, Pham Minh Chinh read the Politburo's review and assessment of the article summarising the Central Committee's opinion on the draft document summarising Party building and enforcing the Party Charter for the 12th National Congress. As a final point, Nguyễn Xuân Phúc presented the Politburo's report on the Central Committee's assessment of socio-economic conditions and the state budget in 2020, and the state budget for 2021 and the state budget and financial plan for 2021–2023. Also, after the speeches, the 12th CC voted to adopt the "Resolution of the 13th Plenary Session of the 12th Party Central Committee". Nguyễn Phú Trọng then delivered the plenum's closing remarks.[152]

14th Plenary: Finalising the draft documents of the 13th National Congress (14–18 December)[edit]

Nguyễn Phú Trọng assumed the chairmanship of the 14th plenum when the 12th Central Committee convened on 14 December. The plenum analysed the opinions of the Party congresses of all levels, the National Assembly, the Vietnamese Fatherland Front (VFF), socio-political organisations, officials, Party members and people nationwide regarding the draft documents of the 13th National Congress before making amendments. By 20 November, 67 central-run party organisations had rendered their opinion regarding the draft documents. The Central Committee also received the views of the VFF and the National Assembly. The opinions were gathered, categorised and condensed into a 200-page classified report. In his opening speech, Nguyễn Phú Trọng implored the attendees to analyse the report thoroughly and required them to make points to refute any opinions contradicting the Party’s fundamental standpoint and regulations. In addition, the agenda included the introduction of candidates for the 13th Politburo and the 13th Secretariat; the finalisation of the draft electoral regulations and the 13th National Congress working rules; and "other important matters". Nguyễn Phú Trọng emphasised that a successful 13th National Congress would require electoral and working regulations to safeguard democratic centralism.[153]

As the first working day of the meeting started, Trần Quốc Vượng read, on behalf of the Politburo, the classified report concerning the statements made by Party congresses at all levels, the National Assembly, the VFF, socio-political organisations, officials, Party members and people across the country regarding the draft political report. Following that, Trương Hòa Bình delivered a politburo report to explain the comments made by the party congresses at all levels, National Assembly members, the VFF, other socio-political organisations, cadres, party members and the people on the draft ten-year Strategy Report and the five-year Direction and Task Report. Phạm Minh Chính presented a similar report about the draft documents, summarising party building and Party Charter enforcement during the 12th term. Following this, Trần Quốc Vượng explained how the Politburo created the "Report on the Review of the Leadership and Direction of the 12th Central Committee". In addition, he read the "Report on the Summary of Implementation of the Central Committee, Politburo, and Secretariat's Working Regulations". As the last report of the day, Phạm Minh Chính presented the Politburo's report on the working regulations of the 12th National Congress, the draft electoral regulations of the 12th National Congress and the report on the 12th National Congress's content, timing and programme. The 12th CC was divided into working groups in the afternoon to discuss these draft documents.[154]Under the leadership of Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân, the 14th Plenary Session continued discussing the draft documents on the second working day, and again under Trần Quốc Vượng's leadership on the third day.[155]

The fourth working day was chaired by Nguyễn Phú Trọng and focused on personnel matters. During the opening session of the day's proceedings, Pham Minh Chinh presented the Politburo's report on personnel work for the Politburo and Secretariat of the 13th term. The 14th plenum voted on whether to reelect members of the sitting Politburo and Secretariat and then voted on recommending sitting CC members for membership in the 13th Politburo and 13th Secretariat. Afterwards, CIC Chairman Trần Cẩm Tú read the Politburo's decision on recommending the expulsion of Nguyễn Đức Chung from the Party; the plenum approved the recommendation.[156]Nguyễn Đức Chung as Chairman of theHanoi People's Committee[vi]was accused of sellingstate secrets.[157]The 14th plenum ended two days before schedule, on 18 December, and managed to approve all the draft documents of the 13th National Congress. Furthermore, according to official announcements, the plenum reached a "very high consensus" on the composition of the Politburo and the Secretariat of the 13th term. However, decisions on "special cases", individuals who might receive an age exemption to sit for another term, were postponed to the 15th plenum.[158]The 12th Central Committee instructed the Politburo to continue working on the "Electoral and Working Regulations of the 13th National Congress".[159]

15th Plenary: Completing congress preparations (16–17 January)[edit]

On 16 January 2021, the 12th Central Committee held its last plenary session before its term ended. On the agenda was finalising a list of candidates for membership in the Central Committee, Politburo and the Secretariat of the 13th tenure and adopting the 12th Central Committee’s report on personnel work for electing the 13th CC. Furthermore, the plenum was set to adopt the "Report of the 12th Party Central Committee on Documents submitted to the 13th National Congress", comment on the party’s Audit Review for 2016–2020 and elect thePresidium,Secretarial Delegationand theCommission for Verifying Eligibility of Delegatesof the 13th National Congress.[160]More specifically, the 15th plenum were set to discuss "special cases" – individuals who were older than 60 that were recommended for membership in the CC and those aged 65 or older that were nominated for Politburo and Secretariat membership. Existing regulations stated that competent authorities had to scrutinise such cases before receiving a nomination.[161]The election results were not made public, but the official announcement states that the 12th CC reached a high consensus on the matter. The plenum also approved the documents that were up for discussion.[162]Despite this, according to scholar David Brown, "the rumour mill reported with rare unanimity that Trong will again be general secretary" after the plenum's conclusion.[163]Le Hong Hiep, writing forISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute,noted that "Informal but credible information" —which would later prove to be true—stated thatNguyễn Xuân Phúcwould be nominated as state president, Pham Minh Chinh nominated as prime minister andVương Đình Huệnominated as National Assembly chairman during the 13th CC term.[164]

13th National Congress[edit]

The 13th National Congress convened for its preparatory session on 25 January. It approved the 12th Central Committee's proposal for "Working Regulations, Electoral Regulations and Work Programme". Furthermore, it elected a congress presidium consisting of 17 members (which was composed of 16 members of the 12th Politburo and VFF ChairmanTrần Thanh Mẫn), a 5-member secretarial delegation and a thirteen member Commission for Verifying Eligibility of Delegates. The verification commission then produced a "Report on the Verification of the Qualification of Delegates to the 13th National Congress", which the delegates adopted unanimously. All 1,587 congress delegates were deemed eligible to serve.[165]The 12th CC's nominees for the 13th CC were voted on on 30 January 2021.[166]Later that day,Nguyễn Thanh Bình[vi]reported the election results on behalf of the Vote Counting Committee: 180 members and twenty alternates elected, of which 119 had served in the 12th CC and 81 were newcomers.[167]Having failed to find a successor, the 1st Plenary Session of the 13th CC reelected Nguyễn Phú Trọng for a third term as CPV general secretary.[168]



  • Hiep, Le Hong (2015)."Vietnam's Leadership Transition in 2016: A Preliminary Analysis"(PDF).Perspective.24(2015).ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute:1–18.Archived(PDF)from the original on 23 October 2023.
  • Hung, Nguyen Manh (2016)."Continuity and Change under Vietnam's New Leadership"(PDF).Perspective.ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute:1–7.Archived(PDF)from the original on 23 October 2023.
  • Ishizuka, Futuba (2020). "Political Elite in Contemporary Vietnam: The Origin and Evolution of the Dominant Stratum".The Developing Economies.58(4): 276–300.doi:10.1111/deve.12255.S2CID225139758.
  • Nguyen, Phuong (2017). "Vietnam in 2016: Searching for a New Ethos".Southeast Asian Affairs.ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute:421–435.JSTOR26492622.
  • Schuler, Paul; Ostwald, Kai (2016)."Delayed Transition: The End of Consensus Leadership in Vietnam?"(PDF).Perspective.2(2016).ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute:1–18.Archived(PDF)from the original on 23 October 2023.
  • Vuving, Alexander L. (2017). "The 2016 Leadership Change in Vietnam and Its Long-Term Implications".Southeast Asian Affairs.ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute:421–435.doi:10.1355/aa17-1x.JSTOR26492622.

Domestic commentaries[edit]

Foreign commentaries[edit]

News sources[edit]


  1. ^Vuving 2017,p. 421.
  2. ^Vuving 2017,p. 422.
  3. ^Vuving 2017,p. 422–24;Hiep 2015,p. 1;Schuler & Ostwald 2016,p. 4.
  4. ^BBC News 2016a.
  5. ^Nguyen 2017,p. 408.
  6. ^Vuving 2017,p. 433.
  7. ^Báo Phụ Nữ Việt Nam2016.
  8. ^VnEconomy2016.
  9. ^Trang TTĐT An ninh tiền tệ2016.
  10. ^VnExpress2016.
  11. ^Vietnam+ 2016a.
  12. ^Tuổi Trẻ2016a.
  13. ^Báo Đà Nẵng điện tử2016.
  14. ^Tạp chí Xây dựng Đảng2016;Tạp chí Tài chính2016.
  15. ^Tuổi Trẻ2016b.
  16. ^Vuving 2017,p. 423.
  17. ^Deutsche Welle2016a.
  18. ^BBC News 2016b.
  19. ^Hunt 2016.
  20. ^Stratfor 2016.
  21. ^Vietnam+ 2016b.
  22. ^abcVietnam+ 2016c.
  23. ^abVietnam+ 2016d.
  24. ^Thạch 2016;Hân & Đạt 2023.
  25. ^abcdVietnam+ 2016e.
  26. ^Báo Vĩnh Phúc2016a.
  27. ^Reuters 2016;Deutsche Welle2016b.
  28. ^Hanoi Times2016.
  29. ^Báo Vĩnh Phúc2016b;Vietnam+ 2016f.
  30. ^abBáo Vĩnh Phúc2016b.
  31. ^Tạp chí Cộng sản2021.
  32. ^Hung 2016,p. 6.
  33. ^Tuổi Trẻ2016c.
  34. ^Vietnam+ 2016f;Vietnam+ 2016g.
  35. ^Vietnam+ 2016h.
  36. ^Nhân Dân2016a;Hànộimới2016.
  37. ^Vietnam+ 2016j.
  38. ^Nhân Dân2016b.
  39. ^Thanh Niên2016;Nhân Dân2016c.
  40. ^Vietnam+ 2016k.
  41. ^Brown 2022.
  42. ^abVietnam+ 2016l.
  43. ^Vietnam+ 2016l;National Institute of Finance 2016.
  44. ^Voice of Vietnam 2016a.
  45. ^Government of Vietnam E-newspaper2016a.
  46. ^Government of Vietnam E-newspaper2016b.
  47. ^Voice of Vietnam 2016b.
  48. ^Doi song phap luat2016.
  49. ^Giang 2017.
  50. ^Báo Hà Tĩnh2017;Vietnam+ 2017a;Vietnam+ 2017b.
  51. ^Nhân Dân2017.
  52. ^Vietnam+ 2017c.
  53. ^Tuổi Trẻ2017.
  54. ^BBC News 2017a;Hutt 2018a.
  55. ^Hiep 2018a.
  56. ^abThayer 2017.
  57. ^Vietnam+ 2017d.
  58. ^VnExpress2017a.
  59. ^Vietnam+ 2017e.
  60. ^Đọc báo dantri2017;Vietnam+ 2017f.
  61. ^Đọc báo dantri2017.
  62. ^Vietnam+ 2017g.
  63. ^BBC News 2017b;Thayer 2017.
  64. ^VnExpress2017b.
  65. ^BBC News 2017c;Thayer 2017.
  66. ^Workers2017.
  67. ^Vietnam+ 2017h.
  68. ^Vietnam+ 2017i.
  69. ^Ishizuka 2020,p. 291.
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  75. ^Vietnam+ 2017m.
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  81. ^Nhân Dân2018b;Brown 2018.
  82. ^Vietnam Economic News2018.
  83. ^Nhân Dân2018c.
  84. ^Vietnam+ 2018a.
  85. ^Workers2018.
  86. ^BBC News 2018b;Nhân Dân2018d.
  87. ^Hutt 2018a.
  88. ^Hiep 2018b.
  89. ^Brown 2018.
  90. ^VnExpress2018a.
  91. ^Voice of Vietnam 2018a.
  92. ^Public Security Newspaper2018a.
  93. ^Vietnam+ 2018b.
  94. ^Năm 2018.
  95. ^Nhân Dân2018e.
  96. ^Vietnam+ 2018c.
  97. ^Vietnam+ 2018d.
  98. ^Việt Nam News2018a.
  99. ^VietNamNet2018b.
  100. ^Voice of Vietnam 2018b.
  101. ^People's Army Newspaper2018;Vietnam+ 2018e.
  102. ^Vietnam+ 2018f.
  103. ^Voice of Vietnam 2018c.
  104. ^Nhân Dân2018f.
  105. ^Hiep 2018c.
  106. ^Vu 2018.
  107. ^Hutt 2018b.
  108. ^Hutt 2019.
  109. ^abVietnam+ 2018g.
  110. ^VnExpress2018b;VnExpress2018c.
  111. ^Cổng TTĐT tỉnh Hà Tĩnh2018.
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  114. ^VnExpress2018d.
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  116. ^VnExpress2018f;Hutt 2018a.
  117. ^VnExpress2018g.
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  119. ^Vietnam Television 2018.
  120. ^BBC News 2018c.
  121. ^Nhân Dân2018i.
  122. ^Hop & Fook 2019a.
  123. ^Hop & Fook 2019b.
  124. ^Nhân Dân2019a.
  125. ^Voice of Vietnam 2019.
  126. ^Vietnam+ 2019a.
  127. ^Nhân Dân2019b.
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  129. ^Đà Nẵng Today2019;Ishizuka 2020,p. 291.
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  131. ^People's Army Newspaper2019a.
  132. ^Vietnam+ 2019d.
  133. ^Nhân Dân2019c.
  134. ^VnExpress2019a.
  135. ^VnExpress2019b.
  136. ^People's Army Newspaper2019b.
  137. ^Hutt 2020.
  138. ^abNguyen 2020.
  139. ^Nguyen 2020;Trọng 2020.
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  141. ^abNhân Dân2020b.
  142. ^Báo Người Lao Động2020.
  143. ^Báo Dân trí2020a.
  144. ^Vietnam+ 2020a.
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  146. ^Nhân Dân2020c;Brown 2020a.
  147. ^Central Internal Affairs Commission 2020.
  148. ^Nhân Dân2020d;Vietnam+ 2020c.
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  150. ^Brown 2020b.
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  152. ^VietNamNet2020.
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  162. ^Brown 2021.
  163. ^Hiep 2021.
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  165. ^Vietnam+ 2020d.
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  167. ^Nguyen 2021.