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3rd BRICS summit

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3rd BRICS Summit
Gạch vàng lãnh đạo quốc gia lần thứ ba gặp gỡ
Logo of the 2011 BRICS summit
Host countryChina
Date14 April 2011
Venue(s)SheratonSanya Resort[1]
Follows2nd BRIC summit
Precedes4th BRICS summit

The2011 BRICS summit(Chinese:Gạch vàng lãnh đạo quốc gia lần thứ ba gặp gỡ) took place inSanyaon the island ofHainan,China,on 14 April 2011. This was the thirdBRICSsummit since 2009 and the first to formally include South Africa after its accession to the group in December 2010. The meeting took place among the fiveheads of state/heads of governmentfrom the BRICS states following bilateral meetings in the prior days.



Following ameetinginBrasiliain 2010, to whichSouth Africawas invited as a guest, the group invited South Africa to join as a full member in 2011 and the group formerly called BRIC officially became BRICS.[2]

Theme and Vision


The Chinese president chaired the BRICS Leaders Meeting in southern China's resort city of Sanya, and gave a speech under the theme of "Broad Vision, Shared Prosperity."[3]The theme was based under the vision as 'The 21st century should be marked by peace, harmony, cooperation and scientific development.'[4]


Picture of the BRICS national leaders at the event.

On 13 April, prior to the heads of state meeting, economic delegations met for discussions. China was lobbied by the other leaders to import not only commodities but alsovalue addedproducts and other commodities such as oil, soybeans and iron ore. Indian Trade MinisterAnand Sharmasaid that China's Commerce MinisterChen Deminghad assured the other leaders that his country would make it a priority to import more value-added products from the other four countries. Russia’s Deputy Economic Development Minister Oleg Fomichev also said that China pledged to set up high-technology projects in cooperation with Russia so as to "not just importing our resources and exporting industrial goods."

Brazil and India also pressed China to buy such goods as Brazilian aircraft and Indian pharmaceuticals; the two countries also complained about the artificially undervaluedyuanthat they claimed was undermining their exports. South Africa wanted to process iron ore and other raw materials within the country before exporting them to China.[2]However, at the heads of government summit China's currency valuation was not on the agenda.[5]

All five countries also continued their calls for reform of global monetary and financial institutions. They also pledged greater cooperation amongst themselves.[6]

International law

All five countries also called for an early conclusion to deadlocked talks an anti-terror law under UN auspices that would curtail funding for illegal groups that partake in violence against countries and deny their supporters access to funds, arms, and safe havens. A joint statement read: "We reiterate our strong condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and stress that there can be no justification, whatsoever, for any acts of terrorism. In this context, we urge early conclusion of negotiations in the UN General Assembly of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism and its adoption by all member states." The heads of government at the summit said that the UN's role was central in coordinating international action against what they labeled terrorism within the framework of the UN Charter and in accordance with principles and norms ofinternational law.[7]

United Nations Security Council reform

All BRICS countries called for "comprehensive reform of the UN, including its Security Council." China said it would endorse the aspirations of India, Brazil and South Africa for permanent membership of the UNSC.[8]Coincidentally, the five countries are all now members of the Security Council, China and Russia as permanent members and the other three non-permanent.[7]

Trade medium

The groups announced their decision to cease mutual trade payments in U.S. dollars and instead henceforth give credits to one another in their national currencies alone. Thedevelopment banksof each state signed an agreement to further gradually alter loan currencies from U.S. dollars. This was intended to strengthen financial cooperation between the BRICS countries, as well as to expand the international significance of their national currencies.[9]

Libyan civil war

The leaders of BRICS states expressed misgivings aboutNATOair strikes during the2011 Libyan civil warand urged an end to the two-month conflict inLibya.[10]



Theheads of state/heads of governmentof the five countries participated.

Core BRICS members
Host state and leader are shown in bold text.
Member Represented by Title
Brazil Brazil Dilma Rousseff President
Russia Russia Dmitry Medvedev President
India India Manmohan Singh Prime Minister
China China Hu Jintao President
South Africa South Africa Jacob Zuma President



Al Jazeeraread the meeting as that of giving "this ad-hoc group an opportunity to test its collective strength ahead of an all-important G-20 meeting in France in November and to bring the concerns of developing nations (sic) to the top of the global agenda. "[6]

Jim O’Neill,the chairman ofGoldman SachsAsset Management International and the person who coined the termBRIC,said that the countries "don’t have the same interests. The wealth per head is very different, the politics is very different, and the philosophy and their natural economic edge is different."[2]

A commentator at theFinancial Timeswebsite lamented the low level of access granted to his and other mainstreamWesternmediaoutlets but nonetheless found it hopeful that the organisation's meetings provided, for instance, for regular Sino-Indian interaction when theirbilateral relationshipcould carry considerable tension. He also saw hope amongst "the anodyne talk of cooperation and friendship...[in the] predictable but significant statement" in the Sanya declaration in favour of "comprehensivereform of the UN,including its Security Council. "[1]

See also



  1. ^abAnderlini, Jamil,"Brics in Hainan: give peace a chance",ft"beyondbrics" blog, 14 April 2011 9:02 am. Retrieved 2011-04-14.
  2. ^abcForsythe, Michael,et al.,"BRICS Prod China's Hu to Import Value-Added Goods as Well as Raw Materials",Bloomberg,13 April 2011 12:00 PM EDT.
  3. ^"Hu's speeches at BRICS summit, Boao Forum attract wide attention".The People's Daily, PRC. 20 April 2011.Retrieved26 April2011.
  4. ^"Text of Sanya Declaration of the BRICS Leaders Meeting".The People's Daily, PRC. 15 April 2011.Retrieved26 April2011.
  5. ^Blanchard, Benet al.,"UPDATE 1-BRICS discussed global monetary reform, not yuan",Reuters Africa,14 April 2011 9:03am GMT. Retrieved 2011-04-14.
  6. ^abPedrosa, Veronica,"BRICS nations talk economic reform",AlJazeera,14 April 2011 17:54.
  7. ^abKashani, Sarwar,"BRICS seeks revamp in global monetary system",IANSviatwocircles.net,14 April 2011 1:36pm.
  8. ^Samanta, Pranab Dhal,"BRICS calls for UNSC reforms",Indian Express,15 Apr 2011, 00:17 hrs.
  9. ^"Countries of BRICS refuse dollars".Forex.us. 27 April 2011.Retrieved27 April2011.
  10. ^Dziadosz, Alexander,"Gadhafi's forces in Libya hit Misrata amid diplomatic disputes",ReutersviaVancouver Sun,14 April 2011.