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← 5 6 7 →
Numeral systemsenary
Factorization2 × 3
Divisors1, 2, 3, 6
Greek numeralϚ´
Roman numeralVI, vi, ↅ
Greekστ (or ΣΤ or ς)
Chinese numeralSáu, lục
Babylonian numeral𒐚
Egyptian hieroglyph𓏿
Morse code_....

6(six) is thenatural numberfollowing5and preceding7.It is acomposite numberand the smallest perfect number.[1]

In mathematics


Sixis the smallest positive integer which is neither asquare numbernor aprime number.It is the second smallestcomposite numberafterfour,equal to thesumand theproductof its three properdivisors(1,2and3).[1]As such, six is the only number that is both the sum and product of three consecutive positive numbers. 6 is the smallestperfect number,which are numbers that are equal to theiraliquot sum,or sum of their proper divisors.[1][2]It is the largest of the fourall-Harshad numbers(1, 2,4,and 6),[3]where it represents the sum between the first prime andcomposite,2 and 4.

6 is apronic numberand the only semiprime to be.[4]It is the first discretebiprime(2 × 3)[5]which makes it the first member of the (2 ×q) discrete biprime family, whereqis a higher prime. All primes above 3 are of the form 6n± 1 forn≥ 1.

As a perfect number:

Six is the firstunitary perfect number,since it is the sum of its positive properunitary divisors,without including itself. Only five such numbers are known to exist;sixty(10 × 6) andninety(15 × 6) are the next two.[7]

It is the firstprimitivepseudoperfect number,[8]and all integersthat are multiples of 6 are pseudoperfect (all multiples of a perfect number are pseudoperfect); six is also the smallestGranville number,or-perfect number.[9]

Unrelated to 6's being a perfect number, aGolomb rulerof length 6 is a "perfect ruler".[10]Six is acongruent number.[11]

6 is the secondprimary pseudoperfect number,[12]andharmonic divisor number.[13]It is also the secondsuperior highly composite number,[14]and the last to also be aprimorial.

There are 6 non-equivalent ways in which100can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers: (3 + 97), (11 + 89), (17 + 83), (29 + 71), (41 + 59) and (47 + 53).[15]

There is not a primesuch that the multiplicative order of 2 modulois 6, that is, ByZsigmondy's theorem,ifis a natural number that is not 1 or 6, then there is a primesuch that.SeeA112927for such.

The ring of integer of the sixth cyclotomic fieldQ6),which is calledEisenstein integer,has 6 units: ±1, ±ω, ±ω2,where.

Thesix exponentials theoremguarantees (given the right conditions on the exponents) the transcendence of at least one of a set of exponentials.[16]

There are six basictrigonometric functions:sin, cos,sec, csc, tan, and cot.[17]

The smallest non-abelian groupis thesymmetric groupwhich has3!= 6 elements.[1]

Six is atriangular number[18]and so is its square (36). It is the firstoctahedral number,preceding19.[19]

A regularcube,with sixfaces

A six-sidedpolygonis ahexagon,[1]one of the threeregular polygonscapable oftiling the plane.Figurate numbersrepresenting hexagons (including six) are calledhexagonal numbers.Because 6 is the product of a power of 2 (namely 21) with nothing but distinctFermat primes(specifically 3), a regular hexagon is aconstructible polygonwith acompassandstraightedgealone. Ahexagramis a six-pointed geometricstar figure(with theSchläfli symbol{6/2}, 2{3}, or {{3}}).

Six similar coins can be arranged around a central coin of the same radius so that each coin makes contact with the central one (and touches both its neighbors without a gap), but seven cannot be so arranged. This makes 6 the answer to the two-dimensionalkissing number problem.[20]The densestsphere packingof the plane is obtained by extending this pattern to thehexagonallatticein which eachcircletouches just six others.

There is only one non-trivialmagic hexagon:it is of order-3 and made of nineteen cells, with amagic constantof 38. All rows and columns in a 6 × 6magic squarecollectively generate amagic sumof666(which isdoubly triangular). On the other hand,Graeco-Latin squareswith order 6 do not exist; ifis anatural numberthat is not2or 6, then there is a Graeco-Latin square of order.[21]

Thecubeis one of fivePlatonic solids,with a total of sixsquaresasfaces.It is the only regular polyhedron that can generate auniform honeycombon its own, which is alsoself-dual.Thecuboctahedron,which is anArchimedeansolid that is one of twoquasiregular polyhedra,has eight triangles and six squares as faces. Inside, itsvertex arrangementcan be interpreted as three hexagons that intersect to form an equatorial hexagonalhemi-face,by-which the cuboctahedron is dissected intotriangular cupolas.This solid is also the only polyhedron withradial equilateral symmetry,where its edges and long radii are of equal length; its one of only fourpolytopeswith this property — the others are the hexagon, thetesseract(as the four-dimensionalanalogueof the cube), and the24-cell.Only six polygons arefacesof non-prismaticuniform polyhedrasuch as the Platonic solids or the Archimedean solids: thetriangle,thesquare,thepentagon,the hexagon, theoctagon,and thedecagon.Ifself-dualimages of the tetrahedron are considered distinct, then there are a total of six regular polyhedra that are formed by three differentWeyl groupsin the third dimension (based ontetrahedral,octahedralandicosahedralsymmetries).

How closely the shape of an object resembles that of a perfectsphereis called itssphericity,calculated by:[22]

whereis thesurface areaof the sphere,the volume of the object, andthe surface area of the object.

Infour dimensions,there are a total of sixconvex regular polytopes:the5-cell,8-cell,16-cell,24-cell,120-cell,and600-cell.

,with 720 = 6!elements,is the onlyfinitesymmetric group which has anouter automorphism.This automorphism allows us to construct a number of exceptionalmathematical objectssuch as the S(5,6,12)Steiner system,theprojective planeof order 4, the four-dimensional5-cell,and theHoffman-Singleton graph.A closely related result is the following theorem: 6 is the only natural numberfor which there is a construction ofisomorphicobjects on an-set,invariant under all permutations of,but not naturally inone-to-one correspondencewith the elements of.This can also be expressedcategory theoretically:consider thecategorywhose objects are theelement sets and whose arrows are thebijectionsbetween the sets. This category has a non-trivialfunctorto itself only for.

In theclassification of finite simple groups,twenty of twenty-sixsporadic groupsin thehappy familyare part of three families of groups which divide the order of thefriendly giant,the largest sporadic group: fivefirst generationMathieu groups,sevensecond generationsubquotientsof theLeech lattice,and eightthird generationsubgroupsof the friendly giant. The remainingsixsporadic groups do not divide the order of the friendly giant, which are termed thepariahs(Ly,O'N,Ru,J4,J3,andJ1).[23]

List of basic calculations

Multiplication 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 50 100 1000
6 ×x 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120 150 300 600 6000
Division 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
6 ÷x 6 3 2 1.5 1.2 1 0.857142 0.75 0.6 0.6 0.54 0.5 0.461538 0.428571 0.4
x÷ 6 0.16 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.83 1 1.16 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.83 2 2.16 2.3 2.5
Exponentiation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
6x 6 36 216 1296 7776 46656 279936 1679616 10077696 60466176 362797056 2176782336 13060694016
x6 1 64 729 4096 15625 46656 117649 262144 531441 1000000 1771561 2985984 4826809

Greek and Latin word parts




Hexais classicalGreekfor "six".[1]Thus:

  • "Hexadecimal"combineshexa-with the Latinatedecimalto name anumber baseof 16[24]
  • Ahexagonis aregular polygonwith six sides[25]
  • Ahexahedronis apolyhedronwith six faces, with acubebeing a special case[26]
  • Hexameteris a poetic form consisting of six feet per line
  • A "hex nut" is anutwith six sides, and a hexbolthas a six-sided head
  • The prefix "hexa-"also occurs in thesystematic nameof manychemical compounds,such ashexanewhich has 6 carbon atoms (C6H14).

The prefixsex-


Sex-is aLatinprefixmeaning "six".[1]Thus:

  • Senaryis the ordinal adjective meaning "sixth"[27]
  • People withsexdactylyhave six fingers on each hand
  • The measuring instrument called asextantgot its name because its shape forms one-sixth of a wholecircle
  • A group of six musicians is called asextet
  • Six babies delivered in one birth aresextuplets
  • Sexy primepairs – Prime pairs differing by six aresexy,because sex is the Latin word for six.[28][29]

TheSI prefixfor 10006isexa-(E), and for its reciprocalatto-(a).

Evolution of the Hindu-Arabic digit

The first appearance of 6 is in theEdicts of Ashokac. 250 BCE.These areBrahmi numerals,ancestors of Hindu-Arabic numerals.
The first known digit "6" in the number "256" in Ashoka'sMinor Rock EdictNo.1 inSasaram,c. 250 BCE

The evolution of our modern digit 6 appears rather simple when compared with the other digits. The modern 6 can be traced back to theBrahmi numeralsofIndia,which are first known from theEdicts of Ashokac. 250 BCE.[30][31][32][33]It was written in one stroke like a cursive lowercase e rotated 90 degrees clockwise. Gradually, the upper part of the stroke (above the central squiggle) became more curved, while the lower part of the stroke (below the central squiggle) became straighter. The Arabs dropped the part of the stroke below the squiggle. From there, the European evolution to our modern 6 was very straightforward, aside from a flirtation with a glyph that looked more like an uppercase G.[34]

On theseven-segment displaysof calculators and watches, 6 is usually written with six segments. Some historical calculator models use just five segments for the 6, by omitting the top horizontal bar. This glyph variant has not caught on; for calculators that can display results in hexadecimal, a 6 that looks like a "b" is not practical.

Just as in most moderntypefaces,in typefaces withtext figuresthe character for the digit 6 usually has anascender,as, for example, in.[35]

This digit resembles an inverted9.To disambiguate the two on objects and documents that can be inverted, the 6 has often been underlined, both in handwriting and on printed labels.

In music

A standardguitarhas sixstrings.

In artists


In instruments

  • A standardguitarhas six strings[42]
  • Mostwoodwindinstruments have six basic holes or keys (e.g., bassoon, clarinet, pennywhistle, saxophone); these holes or keys are usually not given numbers or letters in the fingering charts

In music theory

  • There are six whole tones in an octave.[43]
  • There are six semitones in a tritone.[44]

In works


In religion






Indeed, We created the heavens and the earth and everything in between in six Days,1and We were not ˹even˺ touched with fatigue.2

— SurahQaf:38

Note 1: The word day is not always used in the Quran to mean a 24-hour period. According to SurahAl-Hajj(The Pilgrimage):47, a heavenly Day is 1000 years of our time. TheDay of Judgmentwill be 50,000 years of our time - SurahAl-Maarij(The Ascending Stairways):4. Hence, the six Days of creation refer to six eons of time, known only by Allah.

Note 2: SomeIslamic scholarsbelieve this verse comes in response to Exodus 31:17, which says, "The Lord made the heavens and the earth in six days, but on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed."



In science





The cells of abeehiveare six-sided.


A molecule of benzene has a ring of six carbon and six hydrogen atoms.
Amoleculeofbenzenehas aringof sixcarbonand sixhydrogenatoms.


  • There are six tastes in traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda): sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent. These tastes are used to suggest a diet based on the symptoms of the body.[68]
  • Phase 6 is one of sixpandemic influenza phases.[69]


In theStandard Modelofparticle physics,there are sixtypesofquarksand six types ofleptons.

In technology

6 as a resin identification code, used in recycling.
6 as a resin identification code, used in recycling.

In calendars




See also



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  2. ^Higgins, Peter (2008).Number Story: From Counting to Cryptography.New York: Copernicus. p.11.ISBN978-1-84800-000-1.
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  6. ^David Wells,The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers.London: Penguin Books (1987): 67
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  35. ^Negru, John (1988).Computer Typesetting.Van Nostrand Reinhold. p. 59.ISBN978-0-442-26696-7.slight ascenders that rise above the cap height ( in 4 and 6 )
  36. ^Auric, Georges; Durey, Louis; Honegger, Arthur; Milhaud, Darius; Poulenc, Francis; Tailleferre, Germaine (2014-08-20).Caramel Mou and Other Great Piano Works of "Les Six": Pieces by Auric, Durey, Honegger, Milhaud, Poulenc and Tailleferre(in French). Courier Corporation.ISBN978-0-486-49340-4.
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  43. ^D'Amante, Elvo (1994-01-01).Music Fundamentals: Pitch Structures and Rhythmic Design.Scarecrow Press. p. 194.ISBN978-1-4616-6985-2.The division of an octave into six equal parts is referred to as the whole-tone scale
  44. ^Horsley, Charles Edward (1876).A Text Book of Harmony: For the Use of Schools and Students.Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington. p. 4.Like the Tritone, it contains six semitones
  45. ^Tribble, Mimi (2004).300 Ways to Make the Best Christmas Ever!: Decorations, Carols, Crafts & Recipes for Every Kind of Christmas Tradition.Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. p. 145.ISBN978-1-4027-1685-0.Six geese a-laying
  46. ^Staines, Joe (2010-05-17).The Rough Guide to Classical Music.Penguin. p. 393.ISBN978-1-4053-8321-9....the six arias with variations collected under the title Hexachordum Apollinis (1699)...
  47. ^Hegarty, Paul; Halliwell, Martin (2011-06-23).Beyond and Before: Progressive Rock since the 1960s.Bloomsbury Publishing USA. p. 169.ISBN978-1-4411-1480-8.Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
  48. ^Curran, Angela (2015-10-05).Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Aristotle and the Poetics.Routledge. p. 133.ISBN978-1-317-67706-2.THE SIX QUALITATIVE ELEMENTS OF TRAGEDY
  49. ^Plaut, W. Gunther (1991).The Magen David: How the Six-pointed Star Became an Emblem for the Jewish People.B'nai B'rith Books.ISBN978-0-910250-16-0.How the Six-pointed Star Became an Emblem for the Jewish People
  50. ^Lauterbach, Jacob Zallel (1916).Midrash and Mishnah: A Study in the Early History of the Halakah.Bloch. p. 9.Six orders of Mishnah
  51. ^Rosen, Ceil; Rosen, Moishe (2006-05-01).Christ in the Passover.Moody Publishers. p. 79.ISBN978-1-57567-480-3.Six symbolic foods
  52. ^Repcheck, Jack (2008-12-15).The Man Who Found Time: James Hutton And The Discovery Of Earth's Antiquity.Basic Books.ISBN978-0-7867-4399-5.it actually took only six days to create the earth
  53. ^"CHURCH FATHERS: City of God, Book XI (St. Augustine)".newadvent.org.Retrieved2020-08-04.These works are recorded to have been completed in six days (the same day being six times repeated), because six is a perfect number
  54. ^Grossman, Grace Cohen; Ahlborn, Richard E.; Institution, Smithsonian (1997).Judaica at the Smithsonian: Cultural Politics as Cultural Model.Smithsonian Institution Press. p. 228.Shavuot falls on the sixth day of the Hebrew month of Sivan
  55. ^Robertson, William Archibald Scott (1880).The crypt of Canterbury cathedral; its architecture, its history, and its frescoes.Mitchell & Hughes. p. 91....but seraphs, with six wings
  56. ^Shapera, Paul M. (2009-08-15).Iran's Religious Leaders.The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. p. 10.ISBN978-1-4358-5283-9.Islam has six articles of faith
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  60. ^Rhoads, Samuel E. (1996).The Sky Tonight: A Guided Tour of the Stars Over Hawaiʻi.Bishop Museum Press.ISBN978-0-930897-93-2.Three Messier objects are visible in this part of the sky: M6, M7 and M8.
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  69. ^Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Guidance for Healthcare Workers and Healthcare Employers.OSHA, U.S. Department of Labor. 2007. p. 8.The WHO Plan describes six phases of increasing public health risk associated with the emergence of a new influenza
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  • The Odd Number 6,JA Todd, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 41 (1945) 66–68
  • A Property of the Number Six,Chapter 6, P Cameron, JH v. Lint,Designs, Graphs, Codes and their LinksISBN0-521-42385-6
  • Wells, D.The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting NumbersLondon: Penguin Group. (1987): 67 - 69