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A History of the University in Europe

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A History of the University in Ẻurope
AuthorHilde de Ridder-Symoensand Walter Rüegg (eds.)
CountryUnited Kingdom
LanguageFully: English, German
Partly: Spanish,Portuguese
In progress:Russian,Chinese
GenreUniversity history
PublisherCambridge University Press
No. of books4

A History of the University in Europeis a four-volumebook serieson the history and development of the Europeanuniversityfrom themedieval origins of the institutionuntil the present day. The series was directed by theEuropean University Association[1]and published byCambridge University Pressbetween 1992 and 2011. The volumes consist of individual contributions by international experts in the field and is considered the most comprehensive and authoritative work on the subject to date.[2][3][4]It has been fully or partly translated into several languages.[5]


The first volume is dedicated to the emergence of the university in theMiddle Agesand its development until around 1500. Volume II describes and analyzes the university from theReformationuntil theFrench Revolution(1500–1800), volume III the rise of the modern university untilWorld War II(1800–1945) and the last volume the post-war period up to the present time.

The structure of the book follows a standardized systematic pattern throughout all volumes: the first part ( "themes and patterns" ) introduces the reader to the university as an institution of its time. The second part deals with the institutional "structures" of the university, the third with the "students", their education, activities and careers, and the fourth with individual fields of "learning" taught in the university. Each section is divided into several chapters which were composed by specialists in the various subjects. The main approach is holistic – the book aims less at covering the history of individual universities, but rather the character and historical trajectory of the institution as a whole.

As of 2011, the series has been published in full in English and German, while the first volumes have appeared in Spanish andPortugueseand translations intoRussianandChineseare in preparation.[5]


According to its editors, the comprehensive scope ofA History of the University in Europehas been rivalled only by one previous multi-volume work, theGeschichte der Entstehung und Entwickelung der hohen Schulen unsres Erdtheils( "History of the emergence and development of the higher schools of our continent" ) which was published in 1802–05 by theGermanphilosopherChristoph Meiners.[6][7]In the English-language discourse, the book has been welcomed as an overhaul ofHastings Rashdall's long-time standard workThe Universities in Europe in the Middle Agesand its 1936 revision by the medievalistsF. M. PowickeandA. B. Emden.[8]

The book has received high praise from several reviewers.Edward Grantregards the first part as "the best single volume on the history of medieval universities", noting its comprehensiveness, readability and authority produced by competent editorship and "outstanding contributors".[2]Susan Rosa believes that this volume "sets a standard for competency in historical research", favourably mentioning the collaborative effort which produced little overlap between the various topics.[3]Christopher Ockerlauds the first volume as the "first attempt at a comprehensive survey of this distinctive European institution, the first thorough survey to span every country from the time of the university's birth tohumanismsince Rashdall ", but also thinks that the field ofmedieval sciencewas somewhat neglected.[4]Matthew Kempshallcalls the book "a product of an array of distinguished European scholars", but feels that it might have gone too far in idealizing the university as a supranational institution transcending state particularisms.[8]


The volumes of the series are as follows:

  • 1992:Hilde de Ridder-Symoenseditor:A History of the University in Europe. Vol. I: Universities in the Middle Ages,Cambridge University Press,ISBN0-521-36105-2
  • 1996: Hilde de Ridder-Symoens editor:A History of the University in Europe. Vol. II: Universities in Early Modern Europe (1500–1800),Cambridge University Press,ISBN0-521-36106-0
  • 2004: Walter Rüegg editor:A History of the University in Europe. Vol. III: Universities in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries (1800–1945),Cambridge University PressISBN978-0-521-36107-1
  • 2011: Walter Rüegg editor:A History of the University in Europe. Vol. IV: Universities Since 1945,Cambridge University Press,ISBN978-0-521-36108-8

See also[edit]

The following lists of universities are – mostly – based on the catalogues compiled in the series:


  1. ^Formerly known asStanding Conference of Rectors, Presidents, and Vice Chancellors of the European Universities (CRE)
  2. ^abEdward Grant:"A History of the University in Europe. Volume 1: Universities in the Middle Ages by Hilde de Ridder-Symoens" (Review),History of Education Quarterly,Vol. 33, No. 3 (1993), pp. 395–398
  3. ^abSusan Rosa: "A History of the University in Europe. Volume 1: Universities in the Middle Ages" (Review),The Sixteenth Century Journal,Vol. 28, No. 3 (1997), pp. 887–889 (887f.)
  4. ^abChristopher Ocker:"A History of the University in Europe. Volume 1: Universities in the Middle Ages" (Review),Isis,Vol. 85, No. 4 (1994), pp. 689–690
  5. ^abWalter Rüegg (ed.):A History of the University in Europe. Vol. IV: Universities Since 1945,Cambridge University Press, 2011,ISBN978-0-521-36108-8,p. XXII
  6. ^Hilde de Ridder-Symoens (ed.):A History of the University in Europe. Vol. I: Universities in the Middle Ages,Cambridge University Press, 1992,ISBN0-521-36105-2,p. XIII
  7. ^Edward Grant:"A History of the University in Europe. Volume 1: Universities in the Middle Ages by Hilde de Ridder-Symoens" (Review),History of Education Quarterly,Vol. 33, No. 3 (1993), pp. 395–398 (395)
  8. ^abMatthew S. Kempshall: "Universal or Particular? A History of the University in Europe, Volume I. Universities in the Middle Ages" (Review),Oxford Review of Education,Vol. 23, No. 2 (1997), pp. 203–209 (204)