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Abdominal aorta

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Abdominal aorta
Segments of theaorta,with bothsuprarenalandinfrarenalabdominal aorta
The abdominal aorta and its branches.
SourceThoracic aorta
BranchesCeliac artery,superior mesenteric artery,inferior mesenteric artery,common iliac,ovarian artery,median sacral artery
VeinInferior vena cava
Latinaorta abdominalis,
pars abdominalis aortae
Anatomical terminology

Inhuman anatomy,theabdominal aortais the largestarteryin theabdominal cavity.As part of theaorta,it is a direct continuation of thedescending aorta(of thethorax).[1]


The abdominal aorta begins at the level of thediaphragm,crossing it via theaortic hiatus,technically behind the diaphragm, at the vertebral level of T12.[1]It travels down the posterior wall of the abdomen, anterior to the vertebral column. It thus follows the curvature of the lumbar vertebrae, that is, convex anteriorly. The peak of this convexity is at the level of the third lumbar vertebra (L3). It runs parallel to theinferior vena cava,which is located just to the right of the abdominal aorta, and becomes smaller in diameter as it gives off branches. This is thought to be due to the large size of its principal branches. At the 11th rib, the diameter is 122mm long and 55mm wide and this is because of the constant pressure.[2]The abdominal aorta is clinically divided into 2 segments:

  1. Thesuprarenal abdominalorparavisceralsegment,inferiorto thediaphragmbut superior to the renal arteries.
  2. TheInfrarenalsegment,inferiorto the renal arteries andsuperiorto the iliac bifurcation.


The abdominal aorta supplies blood to much of the abdominal cavity. It begins at T12 and ends at L4 with its bifurcation into the common iliac arteries[1]and usually has the following branches:

Artery Branch Vertebra Type Paired? A/P Description
inferior phrenic T12 Parietal yes post. Originates above the celiac trunk, below the diaphragm. Passes upward and medially to the suprarenal gland, and crosses crus of diaphragm of corresponding side. Supplies diaphragm and gives superior suprarenal arteries.
celiac T12 Visceral no ant. Large anterior branch
superior mesenteric L1 Visceral no ant. Large anterior branch, arises just below celiac trunk
middle suprarenal L1 Visceral yes post. Crosses crus of diaphragm laterally on each side; supplies the suprarenal gland.
renal In between L1 and L2 Visceral yes post. Arises just below the superior mesenteric artery. Right renal artery passes deep to the inferior vena cava to right kidney; here it divides into branches. Left renal artery passes deep to the left renal vein. Divides in hilum of kidney. Both arteries give inferior suprarenal arteries and ureteral branches.
gonadal L2 Visceral yes ant. Ovarian arteryin females;testicular arteryin males
lumbar L1-L4 Parietal yes post. Four on each side that supply theabdominal wallandspinal cord.The fifth pair is the lumbar branches of the iliolumbar arteries. They pass deep to the crura on side of vertebral bodies and pass deep to the psoas major and quadratus lumborum to enter the space between the internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles. Each artery gives off a small dorsal branch, which gives a spinal branch to the vertebral canal and then continues to supply the muscles of the back.
inferior mesenteric L3 Visceral no ant. Large anterior branch
median sacral L4 Parietal no post. Artery arising from the middle of the aorta at its lowest part. Represents the continuation of the primitive dorsal aorta; quite large in animals with tails but smaller in humans.
common iliac L4 Terminal yes post. Branches (bifurcations) to supply blood to thelower limbsand the pelvis, ending the abdominal aorta

The bifurcation (union) of theinferior vena cavais at L5 and therefore below that of the bifurcation of the aorta.

Volume renderedCT scanof abdominal and pelvic blood vessels.
  1. inferior phrenic a.
  2. celiac a.
    1. left gastric a.
    2. splenic a.
      1. short gastric arteries (6)
      2. splenic arteries (6)
      3. left gastroepiploic a.
      4. pancreatic arteries
    3. common hepatic a.
      1. right gastric a.
      2. gastroduodenal a.
        1. right gastroepiploic a.
        2. superior pancreaticoduodenal a.
      3. right hepatic a.
        1. cystic a.
      4. left hepatic a.
  3. superior mesenteric a.
    1. inferior pancreaticoduodenal a.
    2. jejunal and ileal arteries
    3. middle colic a.
    4. right colic a.
    5. ileocolic a
      1. anterior cecal a.
      2. posterior cecal a. – appendicular a.
      3. ileal a.
      4. colic a.
  4. middle suprarenal a.
  5. renal a.
  6. testicular or ovarian a.
  7. four lumbar arteries
  8. inferior mesenteric a.
    1. left colic a.
    2. sigmoid arteries (2 or 3)
    3. superior rectal a.
  9. median sacral a.
  10. common iliac a.
    1. external iliac a.
    2. internal iliac a.


The abdominal aorta lies slightly to the left of the midline of the body. It is covered, anteriorly, by thelesser omentumandstomach,behind which are the branches of theceliac arteryand theceliac plexus;below these, by thelienal vein(splenic vein), are thepancreas,the leftrenal vein,the inferior part of theduodenum,themesentery,and theaortic plexus.

Posteriorly, it is separated from the lumbar vertebrae and intervertebral fibrocartilages by theanterior longitudinal ligamentand left lumbar veins.

On the right side it is in relation above with theazygos vein,cisterna chyli,thoracic duct,and the rightcrus of the diaphragm—the last separating it from the upper part of theinferior vena cava,and from the rightceliac ganglion;the inferior vena cava is in contact with the aorta below.

On the left side are the left crus of the diaphragm, the left celiac ganglion, the ascending part of the duodenum, and some coils of thesmall intestine.

A 3D animation still of the junction between the common iliac artery and the lower abdominal aorta
A 3D illustration of the abdominal aorta at the iliac junction

Relationship with inferior vena cava[edit]

The abdominal aorta's venous counterpart, theinferior vena cava(IVC), travels parallel to it on its right side.

  • Above the level of theumbilicus,the aorta is somewhat posterior to the IVC, sending theright renal arterytravelling behind it. The IVC likewise sends its opposite side counterpart, theleft renal vein,crossing in front of the aorta.
  • Below the level of the umbilicus, the situation is generally reversed, with the aorta sending its rightcommon iliac arteryto cross its opposite side counterpart (the leftcommon iliac vein) anteriorly.

Collateral circulation[edit]

The collateral circulation would be carried on by the anastomoses between theinternal thoracic arteryand theinferior epigastric artery;by the free communication between the superior and inferior mesenterics, if the ligature were placed between these vessels; or by the anastomosis between theinferior mesenteric arteryand theinternal pudendal artery,when (as is more common) the point of ligature is below the origin of theinferior mesenteric artery;and possibly by the anastomoses of thelumbar arterieswith the branches of theinternal iliac artery.

Clinical significance[edit]


Additional images[edit]

See also[edit]


  1. ^abc Lech, Christie; Swaminathan, Anand (November 2017). "Abdominal aortic emergencies".Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America.35(4): 847–867.doi:10.1016/j.emc.2017.07.003.PMID28987432.
  2. ^ Jim, Jeffrey; Thompson, Robert W."Clinical features and diagnosis of abdominal aortic aneurysm".UpToDate.
  3. ^ Jang, Timothy (28 August 2017)."Bedside ultrasonography evaluation of abdominal aortic aneurysm—technique".Medscape.

External links[edit]