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Temporal range:Eocene-present,50–0Ma[1]
Clockwise from top left:Bald eagle(Haliaeetus leucocephalus),cinereous harrier(Circus cinereus),greater spotted eagle(Clanga clanga),harpy eagle(Harpia harpyja),secretarybird(Sagittarius serpentarius),osprey(Pandion haliaetus),slate-colored hawk(Buteogallus schistaceus),Galapagos hawk(Buteo galapagoensis),white-backed vulture(Gyps africanus) (center)
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Clade: Accipitrimorphae
Order: Accipitriformes
Diversity map of Accipitriformes (258 species). The colour gradient (from light to dark) indicates species richness.[2]

TheAccipitriformes(/ækˌsɪpɪtrɪˈfɔːrmz/;fromLatinaccipiter'hawk', andformes'having the form of') are anorderof birds that includes most of thediurnalbirds of prey,includinghawks,eagles,vultures,andkites,but notfalcons.

For a long time, the majority view was to include them with the falcons in theFalconiformes,but many authorities now recognize a separate from Accipitriformes.[3][4][5][6]ADNAstudy published in 2008 indicated that falcons are not closely related to the Accipitriformes, being instead more closely related toparrotsandpasserines.[7]Since then, thesplitand the placement of the falcons next to the parrots in taxonomic order has been adopted by theAmerican Ornithological Society's South American Classification Committee (SACC),[8][9][10]its North American Classification Committee (NACC),[11][12]and the International Ornithological Congress (IOC).[13][14]The British Ornithologists' Union already recognized the Accipitriformes,[15]and has adopted the move of Falconiformes.[16]The DNA-based proposal and the NACC and IOC classifications include theNew World vulturesin the Accipitriformes,[7][11]while the SACC classifies the New World vultures as a separate order, theCathartiformes.



The Accipitriformes are known from the MiddleEocene[citation needed]and typically have a sharply hookedbeakwith a softcerehousing thenostrils.Theirwingsare long and fairly broad, suitable for soaring flight, with the outer four to six primary feathers emarginated.

They have strong legs and feet with raptorialclawsand opposable hind claws. Almost all Accipitriformes arecarnivorous,hunting by sight during the day or at twilight. They are exceptionally long-lived, and most have lowreproductiverates.[citation needed]

The young have a long, very fast-growing fledgling stage, followed by 3–8 weeks of nest care after first flight, and 1 to 3 years assexually immatureadults. The sexes have conspicuously different sizes and sometimes a female is more than twice as heavy as her mate. Thissexual dimorphismis sometimes most extreme in specialized bird-eaters, such as theAccipiterhawks.Monogamyis the general rule, although an alternative mate is often selected if one dies.



Accipitriformes, currently with 262 species and 75 genera in 4 extant families and possibly 1 extinct family, is the largest diurnal raptor order. DNA sequence analyses suggest that divergences within Accipitriformes began around the Eocene/Oligocene boundary about 34 mya, with the split of the group including generaElanusandGampsonyxfrom the other Accipitriformes genera.[17]

The order includes the following families: Order Accipitriformes

For a complete list of species, seelist of Accipitriformes species.


Phylogeny based on Nagy, J. & Tökölyi, J. (2014).[18]


  1. ^Mayr G, Smith T. A diverse bird assemblage from the Ypresian of Belgium furthers knowledge of early Eocene avifaunas of the North Sea Basin. N Jb Geol Paläontol, Aယကြတ်တူရွေး bh. 2019;291:253–281. doi: 10.1127/njgpa/2019/0801.
  2. ^Nagy, Jenő (2020)."Biologia Futura: rapid diversification and behavioural adaptation of birds in response to Oligocene–Miocene climatic conditions"(PDF).Biologia Futura.71(1–2): 109–121.Bibcode:2020BioFu..71..109N.doi:10.1007/s42977-020-00013-9.PMID34554530.
  3. ^Voous 1973.
  4. ^Cramp 1980,pp. 3, 277.
  5. ^Ferguson-Lees & Christie 2001,p. 69.
  6. ^Christidis & Boles 2008,pp. 50–51.
  7. ^abHackett et al. 2008.
  8. ^Remsen et al.
  9. ^Remsen 2008.
  10. ^Nores, Barker & Remsen 2011.
  11. ^abChesser et al. 2010.
  12. ^Chesser et al. 2012.
  13. ^Gill & Donsker.
  14. ^Gill & Donsker 2014.
  15. ^Dudley et al. 2006.
  16. ^Sangster et al. 2013.
  17. ^Mindell, David; Fuchs, Jerome; Johnson, Jeff (2018). "Phylogeny, Taxonomy, and Geographic Diversity of Diurnal Raptors: Falconiformes, Accipitriformes, and Cathartiformes.". In Sarasola, José Hernán; Grande, Juan Manuel; Negro, Juan José (eds.).Birds of Prey Biology and conservation in the XXI century.Springer. pp. 3–32.doi:10.1007/978-3-319-73745-4.ISBN978-3-319-73744-7.S2CID49622660.
  18. ^Nagy, Jenő; Tökölyi, Jácint (2014)."Phylogeny, Historical Biogeography and the Evolution of Migration in Accipitrid Birds of Prey (Aves: Accipitriformes)".Ornis Hungarica.22:15–35.doi:10.2478/orhu-2014-0008.hdl:2437/197470.S2CID46321534.

