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Adanson system

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The Adanson system,published by FrenchbotanistMichel Adansonas theFamilles des plantesin two volumes in 1763,[1]was an important step inbotanical nomenclatureby establishing the ordering ofgeneraintofamilies.

Michel Adanson listed 58 families, divided bysections,for the 1615 genera known to him. He gave these both French and Latin names. The system was completed byAntoine Laurent de Jussieuin 1789.

Plant families[edit]

Adanson's listing (Pages 1-7 of Part II) offamiliesis as follows (with page numbers of families together with sections and genera in parentheses).
Note spelling varies throughout text. The detailed descriptions of families are separately paginated, and shown here initalics,after the Latin names. Some families shown with sections (note not all sections were named, some were just described).

  1. Bissus (page 8)Byssi
  2. ChampignonsFungi4
  3. FucusFuci 12
  4. EpatikesHepaticae 14
  5. FoujeresFilices 16
  6. PalmiersPalmae 22
  7. GramensGramina 26
  8. Liliasees (page 9)Liliaceae 42[2]
    1. Junci46
    2. Lilia
    3. Scillae
    4. Cepae
    5. Asparagi51[3]
    6. Hyacinthi52
    7. Narcissi55[4]
    8. Irides58
  9. JenjanbresZingiberes 61
  10. OrchisOrchides 68
  11. AristolochesAristolochiae 71
  12. EleagnusElaeagni 77
  13. OnagresOnagrae 81
  14. Mirtes (page 10)Myrti 86
  15. OmbelliferesUmbelletae 89
  16. ComposeesCompositae 103
  17. Campanules (page 11)Campanulae 132
  18. BrionesBryoniae 135
  19. AparinesAparines 140
  20. ScabieusesScabiosae 148
  21. ChevrefeuillesCaprifolia 153
  22. AirelesVaccinia 160[notes 1]
  23. ApocinsApocyna 167
  24. BourachesBorragines 173
  25. Labiees (page 12)Labiatae 180
  26. VervenesVerbenae 195
  27. PersoneesPersonatae 202
  28. SolanonsSolana 215
  29. JasminsJasmina 220
  30. Anagallis (page 13)Anagallides 227
  31. SalikairesSalicariae 232
  32. PourpiersPortulacae 235
  33. JoubarbesSeda 246
  34. AlsinesAlsines 250
  35. BlitonsBlita 258
  36. JalapsJalapae 263
  37. AmarantesAmaranthi 266
  38. EspargoutesSpergulae 270
  39. Persikaires Persicariae 273
  40. Garou (page 14)Thymelaeae 278
  41. RosiersRosae 286
  42. JujubiersZizyphi 297
  43. LegumineusesLeguminosae 306
  44. Pistachiers (page 15)Pistaciae 332
  45. TitimalesTithymali 346
  46. AnonesAnonae 359
  47. ChataignersCastaneae 366
  48. TilleulsTiliae 378
  49. GeranionsGerania 384
  50. MauvesMalvae 390
  51. CapriersCapparides 402
  52. Cruciferes (page 16)Cruciferae 409
  53. PavotsPapavera 425
  54. CistesCisti 434
  55. RenonculesRanunculi 451
  56. AronsAra 461
  57. Pins (page 17)Pinus 473
  58. MoussesMusci 482


  1. ^Corresponds to modern Ericaceae



  • Adanson, Michel(1763).Familles des plantes.Paris: Vincent. pp. I: 1-199, II: 1-640.Retrieved9 February2014.