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Hasidic Jews celebratingPurim,the holiday of the deliverance of theJewish peoplein the ancientAchaemenid Empire474 BCE
Native nameאֲדָר(Hebrew)
CalendarHebrew calendar
Month number12
Number of days29 (30 Adar I and 29 Adar II in leap years)
SeasonWinter (Northern Hemisphere)
Gregorian equivalentFebruary–March
Significant days

Adar(Hebrew:אֲדָר‎,ʾĂdār;fromAkkadianadaru) is the sixth month of the civil year and the twelfth month of the religious year on theHebrew calendar,roughly corresponding to the month ofMarchin the Gregorian calendar. It is a month of 29 days.

Names and leap years


The month's name, like all the others from the Hebrew calendar, was adopted during theBabylonian captivity.In theBabylonian calendarthe name was Araḫ Addaru or Adār ('Month of Adar').

Inleap years,it is preceded by a 30-dayintercalary monthnamedAdar Aleph(Hebrew:אדר א׳,Alephbeing the first letter of the Hebrew Alpha bet), also known as "Adar Rishon" (First Adar) or "Adar I", and it is then itself calledAdar Bet(Hebrew:אדר ב׳,Betbeing the second letter of the Hebrew Alpha bet), also known asAdar Sheni(Second Adaror "Adar II" ). Occasionally instead of Adar I and Adar II, "Adar" and "Ve'Adar" are used (Ve means 'and' thus: And-Adar). Adar I and II occur during February–March on theGregorian calendar.

Sources disagree as to which of the two Adar months is the "real" Adar, and which is the added leap month.[1]



During theSecond Templeperiod, there was a Jewish custom to make a public proclamation on the first day of the lunar month Adar, reminding the people that they are to prepare their annual monetary offering to the Temple treasury, known as thehalf-Shekel.[2]

Based on a line in theMishnahdeclaring that Purim must be celebrated in Adar II in a leap year (Megillah1:4), Adar I is considered the "extra" month. As a result, someone born in Adar during a non leap year would celebrate their birthday in Adar II during a leap year. However, someone born during either Adar in a leap year will celebrate their birthday during Adar in a non-leap year, except that someone born on 30 Adar I will celebrate their birthday on 1 Nisan in a non-leap year because Adar in a non-leap year has only 29 days.


  • 7 Adar(IIin leap years) –7th of Adar– some fast on this day in memory of the death of Moses
  • 13 Adar(IIin leap years) –Fast of Esther– on 11 Adar when the 13th falls onShabbat(Fast Day)
  • 14 Adar(IIin leap years) –Purim
  • 14 Adar I(does not exist in non-leap years;Karaitescelebrate in Adar II) –Purim Katan
  • 15 Adar(IIin leap years) –Shushan Purim– celebration of Purim in walled cities existing during the time ofJoshua
  • 17 Adar(IIin leap years) – Yom Adar celebration feast[citation needed]

In Jewish history


See also



  1. ^Which is the true Adar?
  2. ^MishnahShekalim1:1
  3. ^No 24 WA21946, The Babylonian Chronicles, The British Museum
  4. ^Mordechai Margoliouth (ed.),Halakhot Eretz Yisrael min ha-Genizah,Mossad Harav Kook: Jerusalem 1973, p. 142 (Hebrew). TheScroll of Fastingplaces this event on the 12th day of the lunar month Adar.
  5. ^"CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Frankfort-on-the-Main".
  6. ^Rabbi Gershon's gravestone, which lists 25 Adar as his day of passing, was discovered in theMount of Olivescemetery in Jerusalem after theSix-day War.