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Aegimius (poem)

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A depiction of a myth that figured prominently in theAegimius:Argus Panopteswatches Io (not pictured) in a detail of a 1st-century CEfrescofromPompeii(Naples National Archaeological Museum).

TheAegimius(Ancient Greek:Αἰγίμιος,Aigimios) is a fragmentaryAncient Greekepic poemthat was variously attributed toHesiodorCercops of Miletusduring antiquity.[1]The "Aegimius"of the title was surely the son ofDorus,but the surviving fragments have nothing to do directly with this figure, and, despite his status astitle character,it cannot be inferred from the available evidence that the poem was primarily concerned with theDorianking.[2]Instead other myths, such as those concerningIo,Theseus,and thegolden fleece,are found among the handful of fragments preserved in other ancient authors as quotations andparaphrases.[1]


Next to nothing is known of poem's overarching plot or structure[1]aside from the fact that it was at least two books in length:Stephanus of Byzantiumand thescholiatoApollonius of Rhodespreserve fragments which they assign to "the second book of theAegimius".[3]One of the fragments cited for book 2 relates the gruesome story thatThetiscast numerous of her children byPeleusinto a cauldron of boiling water to see whether they were mortal, before her husband intervened in the case ofAchilles.[4]Other isolated fragments concern theGraeae(fr.295),Nauplius(fr. 297),Phrixus(fr. 299) and a rare Greek word for a "cool shady place" (ψυκτήριον,psyktērion) found in a context-less hexameter quoted byAthenaeus(Deipnosophistae11.109.503c–d = fr. 301):

The small scraps of information found in these fragments represent most of our knowledge of theAegimius' content, but the poem's greatest points of literary historical interest are found in its treatments of the myths of Io and Theseus.


If the story of Heracles' participation in Aegimius' battle with the Lapiths played a major role in theAegimius,it is possible the great hero's prominence in the poem contributed to its being attributed to Hesiod, for the remains of three other poems anciently credited to him—theShield of Heracles,Megalai EhoiaiandWedding of Ceyx—betray a preoccupation with Heracles.[2]

Select editions and translations[edit]

Critical editions[edit]

  • Hesiodi, Eumeli, Cinaethonis, Asii et Carminis Naupactii fragmenta,Guil. Marckscheffel (ed.), Lipsiae, sumtibus Fr. Chr. Guil. Vogelii, 1840,pp. 347-51.
  • Hesiodi carmina,Johann Friedrich Dübner(ed.), Parisiis, editore Ambrosio Firmin Didot, 1841,pp. 47-8.
  • Rzach, A. (1908),Hesiodi Carmina(2nd rev. ed.), Leipzig{{citation}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link).
  • Merkelbach, R.; West, M.L. (1967),Fragmenta Hesiodea,Oxford,ISBN0-19-814171-8{{citation}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link).
  • Merkelbach, R.; West, M.L. (1990), "Fragmenta selecta", inF. Solmsen(ed.),Hesiodi Theogonia, Opera et Dies, Scutum(3rd rev. ed.), Oxford,ISBN0-19-814071-1{{citation}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link).



  1. ^abcMost (2006,p. lxi).
  2. ^abCingano (2009,p. 124).
  3. ^Cf.Merkelbach & West (1967,p. 151); these are Merkelbach and West's fragments 296 (Steph. Byz.s.v."Abantis" ) and 300 (schol. A.R. 4.816).
  4. ^Aegimiusfr.300 Merkelbach–West.


External links[edit]