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African Americans

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African Americans
Proportion of Black Americans in each county as of the2020 US census
Total population
Alone (one race)
Increase41,104,200(2020 census)[1]
Decrease12.40% of the total US population

In combination (multiracial)
Increase5,832,533(2020 census)[1]
Increase1.76% of the total US population

Alone or in combination
Increase46,936,733(2020 census)[1]
Increase14.16% of the total US population
Regions with significant populations
Predominantly in theSouthern United Statesandurban areas
Georgia (U.S. state)Georgia3,320,513[1]
New York (state)New York2,986,172[1]
English (American English dialects,African-American English,African-American Vernacular English)
Gullah Creole English
Black American Sign Language
PredominantlyProtestant(71%) includingHistorically Black Protestant(53%),Evangelical Protestant(14%), andMainline Protestant(4%);
significant[note 1]others includeCatholic(5%),Jehovah's Witnesses(2%),Muslim(2%), andunaffiliated(18%).[2]

African Americans,also known asBlack AmericansorAfro-Americans,are anethnic groupconsisting ofAmericanswith partial or total ancestry from any of theBlackracial groups ofAfrica.[3][4]African Americans constitute the second largest ethno-racial group in the US afterWhite Americans.[5]The term "African American" generally denotes descendants ofAfricans enslaved in the United States.[6][7]

Most African Americans are descendants of enslaved people within the boundaries of the present United States.[8][9]While some Black immigrants or their children may also come to identify as African American, the majority of first-generation immigrants do not, preferring to identify with their nation of origin.[10][11]Most African Americans are ofWest Africanand coastalCentral Africanancestry, with varying amounts ofWestern EuropeanandNative Americanancestry.[12]

African-American historybegan in the 16th century, with Africans from West Africa and coastal Central Africa being sold toEuropean slave tradersandtransported across the Atlantictothe Western Hemisphere.After arriving in theAmericas,they weresold as slavesto European colonists and put to work onplantations,particularlyin the southern colonies.A few were able to achieve freedom throughmanumissionor escape and founded independent communities before and during theAmerican Revolution.After the United States was founded in 1783, mostBlack people continued to be enslaved,being most concentrated in theAmerican South,with four million enslaved onlyliberatedduring and at the end of theCivil Warin 1865.[13]DuringReconstruction,they gainedcitizenshipand adult-males theright to vote;due to the widespread policy and ideology ofWhite supremacy,they were largely treated assecond-class citizensand found themselves soondisenfranchised in the South.These circumstances changed due to participation in themilitary conflicts of the United States,substantialmigration out of the South,the elimination of legalracial segregation,and thecivil rights movementwhich sought political and social freedom. However,racism against African Americansandracial socioeconomic disparityremains a problem into the 21st century.

In the 20th and 21st centuries, immigration has played an increasingly significant role in the African-American community. As of 2022, 10% of black Americans were immigrants, and 20% were either immigrants or the children of immigrants.[14]In 2008,Barack Obamabecame the first, and so far only African American to be elected president of the United States.[15]Kamala Harrisbecame the nation's first African-American vice president in 2020.

African-American culturehas had a significant influence on worldwide culture, making numerous contributions tovisual arts,literature,the English language,philosophy,politics,cuisine,sports, andmusic.The African-American contribution to popular music is so profound that most American music, includingjazz,gospel,blues,rock and roll,funk,disco,hip hop,R&B,trap,andsoul,has its origins either partially or entirely in the African-American community.[16][17]


Colonial era

Major slave trading regions of Africa, 15th–19th centuries

The vast majority of those who were enslaved and transported in thetransatlantic slave tradewere people from severalCentralandWest Africaethnic groups, who had been captured directly by the slave traders in coastal raids,[18]or sold by other West Africans, or by half-European "merchant princes"[19]to European slave traders, who brought them to the Americas.[20]

The first African slaves arrived viaSanto Domingoin the Caribbean to theSan Miguel de Gualdapecolony (most likely located in theWinyah Bayarea of present-daySouth Carolina), founded by Spanish explorerLucas Vázquez de Ayllónin 1526.[21]The ill-fated colony was almost immediately disrupted by a fight over leadership, during which the slaves revolted and fled the colony to seek refuge among localNative Americans.De Ayllón and many of the colonists died shortly afterward of an epidemic and the colony was abandoned. The settlers and the slaves who had not escaped returned to the Island ofHispaniola,whence they had come.[21]

The marriage between Luisa de Abrego, a free Black domestic servant fromSeville,and Miguel Rodríguez, a WhiteSegovianconquistador in 1565 inSt. Augustine(Spanish Florida), is the first known and recorded Christian marriage anywhere in what is now the continental United States.[22]

Slaves processing tobacco in 17th-century Virginia, illustration from 1670

The first recorded Africans inEnglish America(including most of the future United States) were"20 and odd negroes"who came toJamestown,VirginiaviaCape Comfortin August 1619 asindentured servants.[23]As many Virginian settlers began to die from harsh conditions, more and more Africans were brought to work as laborers.[24]

An indentured servant (who could be White or Black) would work for several years (usually four to seven) without wages. The status of indentured servants in early Virginia and Maryland was similar to slavery. Servants could be bought, sold, or leased and they could be physically beaten for disobedience or running away. Unlike slaves, they were freed after their term of service expired or was bought out, their children did not inherit their status, and on their release from contract they received "a year's provision of corn, double apparel, tools necessary", and a small cash payment called "freedom dues".[25]Africans could legally raise crops and cattle to purchase their freedom.[26]They raised families, married other Africans and sometimesintermarriedwith Native Americans or Europeansettlers.[27]

The first slave auction atNew Amsterdamin 1655; illustration from 1895 byHoward Pyle[28]

By the 1640s and 1650s, several African families owned farms aroundJamestownand some became wealthy by colonial standards and purchased indentured servants of their own. In 1640, the Virginia General Court recorded the earliest documentation of lifetime slavery when they sentencedJohn Punch,a Negro, to lifetime servitude under his masterHugh Gwynfor running away.[29][30]

In theSpanish FloridasomeSpanishmarried or hadunions withPensacola,CreekorAfricanwomen, both slave and free, and their descendants created a mixed-race population ofmestizosandmulattos.The Spanish encouraged slaves from thecolony of Georgiato come to Florida as a refuge, promising freedom in exchange for conversion toCatholicism.King Charles IIissued a royal proclamation freeing all slaves who fled to Spanish Florida and accepted conversion and baptism. Most went to the area aroundSt. Augustine,but escaped slaves also reached Pensacola. St. Augustine had mustered an all-Blackmilitiaunit defending Spanish Florida as early as 1683.[31]

Reproduction of a handbill advertising a slave auction inCharleston, South Carolina,in 1769

One of the Dutch African arrivals,Anthony Johnson,would later own one of the first Black "slaves",John Casor,resulting from the court ruling of a civil case.[32][33]

The popular conception of a race-based slave system did not fully develop until the 18th century. TheDutch West India Companyintroduced slavery in 1625 with the importation of eleven Black slaves intoNew Amsterdam(present-dayNew York City). All the colony's slaves, however, were freed upon its surrender to the English.[34]

Massachusettswas the first English colony to legally recognize slavery in 1641. In 1662, Virginia passed a law that children of enslaved women took the status of the mother, rather than that of the father, as undercommon law.This legal principle was calledpartus sequitur ventrum.[35][36]

By an act of 1699, Virginia ordered all free Blacks deported, virtually defining as slaves all people of African descent who remained in the colony.[37]In 1670, the colonial assembly passed a law prohibiting free and baptized Blacks (and Native Americans) from purchasing Christians (in this act meaning White Europeans) but allowing them to buy people "of their owne nation".[38]

1774 image of afugitive slavein a New York newspaper, offering a $10 reward (equivalent to $279 in 2023). Slave owners, includingGeorge WashingtonandThomas Jefferson,placed around 200,000 runaway slave adverts in newspapers across the US before slavery ended in 1865.[39][40]

In theSpanish Louisianaalthough there was no movement toward abolition of the African slave trade, Spanish rule introduced a new law calledcoartación,which allowed slaves to buy their freedom, and that of others.[41]Although some did not have the money to buy their freedom, government measures on slavery allowed many free Blacks. That brought problems to the Spaniards with theFrench creoles(French who had settled inNew France) who continued on and also populated Spanish Louisiana, French creoles cited that measure as one of the system's worst elements.[42]

First established in South Carolina in 1704, groups of armed White men—slave patrols—were formed to monitor enslaved Black people.[43]Their function was to police slaves, especially fugitives. Slave owners feared that slaves might organize revolts orslave rebellions,so state militias were formed in order to provide a military command structure and discipline within the slave patrols so they could be used to detect, encounter, and crush any organized slave meetings which might lead to revolts orrebellions.[43]

The earliest African American congregations and churches were organized before 1800 in both northern and southern cities following theGreat Awakening.By 1775, Africans made up 20% of the population in theAmerican colonies,which made them the second largest ethnic group afterEnglish Americans.[44]

From the American Revolution to the Civil War

Crispus Attucks,the first "martyr"of theAmerican Revolution.He was ofNative American and African Americandescent.

During the 1770s, Africans, both enslaved and free, helped rebellious American colonists secure their independence by defeating the British in theAmerican Revolutionary War.[45]Blacks played a role in both sides in the American Revolution. Activists in the Patriot cause includedJames Armistead,Prince Whipple,andOliver Cromwell.[46][47]Around 15,000Black Loyalistsleft with the British after the war, most of them ending up as free Black people in England[48]or its colonies, such as theBlack Nova Scotiansand theSierra Leone Creole people.[49][50]

In theSpanish Louisiana,GovernorBernardo de Gálvezorganized Spanish free Black men into two militia companies to defendNew Orleansduring the American Revolution. They fought in the 1779 battle in which Spain capturedBaton Rougefrom the British. Gálvez also commanded them in campaigns against the British outposts inMobile,Alabama,andPensacola,Florida. He recruited slaves for the militia by pledging to free anyone who was seriously wounded and promised to secure a low price forcoartación(buy their freedom and that of others) for those who received lesser wounds. During the 1790s, GovernorFrancisco Luis Héctor, baron of Carondeletreinforced local fortifications and recruit even more free Black men for the militia. Carondelet doubled the number of free Black men who served, creating two more militia companies—one made up of Black members and the other ofpardo(mixed race). Serving in the militia brought free Black men one step closer to equality with Whites, allowing them, for example, the right to carry arms and boosting their earning power. However, actually these privileges distanced free Black men from enslaved Blacks and encouraged them to identify with Whites.[42]

Slavery had been tacitly enshrined in theUS Constitutionthrough provisions such as Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, commonly known as the3/5 compromise.Because ofSection 9, Clause 1,Congress was unable to pass anAct Prohibiting Importation of Slavesuntil 1807.[51]Fugitive slave laws(derived from theFugitive Slave Clauseof the Constitution—Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3) were passed by Congress in1793and1850,guaranteeing the right for a slaveholder to recover an escaped slave within the US.[40]Slave owners, who viewed slaves as property, made it a federal crime to assist those who had escaped slavery or to interfere with their capture.[39]Slavery, which by then meant almost exclusively Black people, was the most important political issue in theAntebellum United States,leading to one crisis after another. Among these were theMissouri Compromise,theCompromise of 1850,theDred Scott decision,andJohn Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry.

Frederick Douglass,c. 1850

Prior to theCivil War,eight serving presidents owned slaves, a practice protected by the US Constitution.[52]By 1860, there were 3.5 to 4.4 million enslaved Black people in the US due to theAtlantic slave trade,and another 488,000–500,000 Blacks lived free (with legislated limits)[53]across the country.[54]With legislated limits imposed upon them in addition to "unconquerable prejudice" from Whites according toHenry Clay,[55]some Black people who were not enslaved left the US forLiberiain West Africa.[53]Liberia began as a settlement of theAmerican Colonization Society(ACS) in 1821, with the abolitionist members of the ACS believing Blacks would face better chances for freedom and equality in Africa.[53]

The slaves not only constituted a large investment, they produced America's most valuable product and export:cotton.They helped build theUnited States Capitol,theWhite Houseand otherWashington, D.C.-basedbuildings.[56]) Similar building projects existed in theslave states.

Slaves Waiting for Sale: Richmond, Virginia,1853. Note the new clothes. Thedomestic slave tradebroke up many families, and individuals lost their connection to families and clans.

By 1815, thedomestic slave tradehad become a major economic activity in the United States; it lasted until the 1860s.[57]Historians estimate nearly one million in total took part in the forced migration of this new "Middle Passage". The historianIra Berlincalled this forced migration of slaves the "central event" in the life of a slave between the American Revolution and the Civil War, writing that whether slaves were directly uprooted or lived in fear that they or their families would be involuntarily moved, "the massive deportation traumatized black people".[58]Individuals lost their connection to families and clans, and many ethnic Africans lost their knowledge of varying tribal origins in Africa.[57]

The 1863 photograph ofWilson Chinn,a branded slave from Louisiana, like the one ofGordonand his scarred back, served as two early examples of how the newborn medium of photography could encapsulate the cruelty of slavery.[59]

Slave trader's business on Whitehall StreetAtlanta,Georgia,1864 during the American Civil War with aUnioncorporal of theUnited States Colored Troopssitting by the door.

Emigration of free Blacks to their continent of origin had been proposed since the Revolutionary war. AfterHaitibecame independent, it tried to recruit African Americans to migrate there after it re-established trade relations with the United States. The Haitian Union was a group formed to promote relations between the countries.[60]After riots against Blacks inCincinnati,its Black community sponsored founding of theWilberforce Colony,an initially successful settlement of African American immigrants to Canada. The colony was one of the first such independent political entities. It lasted for a number of decades and provided a destination for about 200 Black families emigrating from a number of locations in the United States.[60]

In 1863, during theAmerican Civil War,PresidentAbraham Lincolnsigned theEmancipation Proclamation.The proclamation declared that all slaves in Confederate-held territory were free.[61]Advancing Union troops enforced the proclamation, with Texas being the last state to be emancipated, in 1865.[62]

Harriet Tubman,around 1869

Slavery in a few border states continued until the ratification of theThirteenth Amendmentin December 1865.[63]While theNaturalization Act of 1790limited US citizenship to Whites only,[64][65]the14th Amendment(1868) gave Black people citizenship, and the15th Amendment(1870) gave Black men the right to vote.[66]

Reconstruction era and Jim Crow

African Americans quickly set up congregations for themselves, as well as schools and community/civic associations, to have space away from White control or oversight. While the post-war Reconstruction era was initially a time of progress for African Americans, that period ended in 1876. By the late 1890s, Southern states enacted Jim Crow laws to enforceracial segregationanddisenfranchisement.[67]Segregation was now imposed with Jim Crow laws, using signs used to show Blacks where they could legally walk, talk, drink, rest, or eat.[68]For those places that were racially mixed, non-Whites had to wait until all White customers were dealt with.[68]Most African Americans obeyed the Jim Crow laws, to avoidracially motivated violence.To maintain self-esteem and dignity, African Americans such asAnthony OvertonandMary McLeod Bethunecontinued to build their ownschools,churches,banks, social clubs, and other businesses.[69]

In the last decade of the 19th century, racially discriminatory laws and racial violence aimed at African Americans began to mushroom in the United States, a period often referred to as the "nadir of American race relations".These discriminatory acts included racial segregation—upheld by the United States Supreme Court decision inPlessy v. Fergusonin 1896—which was legally mandated by southern states and nationwide at the local level of government,voter suppressionor disenfranchisement in the southern states, denial of economic opportunity or resources nationwide, and private acts of violence and mass racial violence aimed at African Americans unhindered or encouraged by government authorities.[70]

Great migration and civil rights movement

A group of White men pose for a 1919 photograph as they stand over the Black victim, Will Brown, who had beenlynchedand had his body mutilated and burned during theOmaha race riot of 1919inOmaha, Nebraska.Postcards and photographs of lynchings were popular souvenirs in the US.[71]

The desperate conditions of African Americans in the South sparked theGreat Migrationduring the first half of the 20th century which led to a growing African American community inNorthernand Western United States.[72]The rapid influx of Blacks disturbed the racial balance within Northern and Western cities, exacerbating hostility between both Blacks and Whites in the two regions.[73]TheRed Summerof 1919 was marked by hundreds of deaths and higher casualties across the US as a result of race riots that occurred in more than three dozen cities, such as theChicago race riot of 1919and theOmaha race riot of 1919.Overall, Blacks in Northern and Western cities experiencedsystemic discriminationin a plethora of aspects of life. Within employment, economic opportunities for Blacks were routed to the lowest-status and restrictive in potential mobility. At the 1900Hampton Negro Conference,Reverend Matthew Anderson said: "...the lines along most of the avenues of wage earning are more rigidly drawn in the North than in the South."[74]Within the housing market, stronger discriminatory measures were used in correlation to the influx, resulting in a mix of "targeted violence,restrictive covenants,redliningandracial steering".[75]While many Whites defended their space with violence, intimidation, or legal tactics toward African Americans, many other Whites migrated to more racially homogeneous suburban or exurban regions, a process known asWhite flight.[76]

Rosa Parksbeing fingerprinted after being arrested for not giving up her seat on a bus to a White person

Despite discrimination, drawing cards for leaving the hopelessness in the South were the growth of African American institutions and communities in Northern cities. Institutions included Black oriented organizations (e.g.,Urban League,NAACP), churches, businesses, and newspapers, as well as successes in the development in African American intellectual culture, music, and popular culture (e.g.,Harlem Renaissance,Chicago Black Renaissance). TheCotton Clubin Harlem was a Whites-only establishment, with Blacks (such asDuke Ellington) allowed to perform, but to a White audience.[77]Black Americans also found a new ground for political power in Northern cities, without the enforced disabilities ofJim Crow.[78][79]

By the 1950s, thecivil rights movementwas gaining momentum. A 1955 lynching that sparked public outrage about injustice was that ofEmmett Till,a 14-year-old boy from Chicago. Spending the summer with relatives inMoney, Mississippi,Till was killed for allegedly havingwolf-whistledat a White woman. Till had been badly beaten, one of his eyes was gouged out, and he was shot in the head. The visceral response to his mother's decision to have an open-casket funeral mobilized the Black community throughout the US.[80]Vann R. Newkirk wrote "the trial of his killers became a pageant illuminating the tyranny ofWhite supremacy".[80]The state of Mississippi tried two defendants, but they were speedily acquitted by anall-White jury.[81]One hundred days after Emmett Till's murder,Rosa Parksrefused to give up her seat on the bus in Alabama—indeed, Parks told Emmett's motherMamie Tillthat "the photograph of Emmett's disfigured face in the casket was set in her mind when she refused to give up her seat on the Montgomery bus."[82]

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom,August 28, 1963, shows civil rights leaders and union leaders

TheMarch on Washington for Jobs and Freedomand the conditions which brought it into being are credited with putting pressure on presidentsJohn F. KennedyandLyndon B. Johnson.Johnson put his support behind passage of theCivil Rights Act of 1964that banned discrimination in public accommodations, employment, andlabor unions,and theVoting Rights Actof 1965, which expanded federal authority over states to ensure Black political participation through protection of voter registration and elections.[83]By 1966, the emergence of theBlack Powermovement, which lasted from 1966 to 1975, expanded upon the aims of the civil rights movement to include economic and political self-sufficiency, and freedom from White authority.[84]

During the post-war period, many African Americans continued to be economically disadvantaged relative to other Americans. Average Black income stood at 54 percent of that of White workers in 1947, and 55 percent in 1962. In 1959, median family income for Whites was $5,600 (equivalent to $58,532 in 2023), compared with $2,900 (equivalent to $30,311 in 2023) for non-White families. In 1965, 43 percent of all Black families fell into the poverty bracket, earning under $3,000 (equivalent to $29,005 in 2023) a year. The 1960s saw improvements in the social and economic conditions of many Black Americans.[85]

From 1965 to 1969, Black family income rose from 54 to 60 percent of White family income. In 1968, 23 percent of Black families earned under $3,000 (equivalent to $26,285 in 2023) a year, compared with 41 percent in 1960. In 1965, 19 percent of Black Americans had incomes equal to the national median, a proportion that rose to 27 percent by 1967. In 1960, the median level of education for Blacks had been 10.8 years, and by the late 1960s, the figure rose to 12.2 years, half a year behind the median for Whites.[85]

Post–civil rights era

Black Lives Matterprotest in response to thefatal shooting of Philando Castilein July 2016

Politically and economically, African Americans have made substantial strides during the post–civil rights era. In 1967,Thurgood Marshallbecame thefirst African AmericanSupreme Court Justice. In 1968,Shirley Chisholmbecame the first Black woman elected to theUS Congress.In 1989,Douglas Wilderbecame the first African American elected governor in US history.Clarence Thomassucceeded Marshall to become the second African American Supreme Court Justice in 1991. In 1992,Carol Moseley-BraunofIllinoisbecame the first African American woman elected to theUS Senate.There were 8,936 Black officeholders in the United States in 2000, showing a net increase of 7,467 since 1970. In 2001, there were 484 Black mayors.[86]

In 2005, the number of Africans immigrating to the United States, in a single year, surpassed the peak number who were involuntarily brought to the United States during theAtlantic slave trade.[87]On November 4, 2008,DemocraticSenatorBarack Obama—the son of a White American mother and a Kenyan father—defeatedRepublicanSenatorJohn McCainto become the first African American to be elected president. At least 95 percent of African American voters voted for Obama.[88][89]He also received overwhelming support from young and educated Whites, a majority ofAsians,[90]andHispanics,[90]picking up a number of new states in the Democratic electoral column.[88][89]Obama lost the overall White vote, although he won a larger proportion of White votes than any previous non-incumbent Democratic presidential candidate sinceJimmy Carter.[91]Obama wasreelectedfor a second andfinal term,by a similar margin on November 6, 2012.[92]In 2021,Kamala Harris,the daughter of a Jamaican father and Indian mother, became the first woman, the first African American, and the firstAsian Americanto serve asVice President of the United States.[93]In June 2021,Juneteenth,a day which commemorates the end of slavery in the US, became a federal holiday.[94]


Black Americans (alone) population pyramid in 2020
Proportion of African Americans in each US state, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico as of the 2020 United States Census
Proportion ofBlack Americans(alone or in combination) in each county of thefifty states,Washington, D.C.,andPuerto Ricoas of the2020 United States census
Majority Black American countiesin the United States according to the2020 census
US census map indicating US counties with fewer than 25 Black or African American inhabitants
Graph showing the percentage of the African American population living in the American South, 1790–2010. Notethe major declines between 1910 and 1940and1940–1970,andthe reverse trend post-1970.Nonetheless, the absolute majority of the African American population has always lived in the American South.

In 1790, when thefirst US censuswas taken, Africans (including slaves and free people) numbered about 760,000—about 19.3% of the population. In 1860, at the start of theCivil War,the African American population had increased to 4.4 million, but the percentage rate dropped to 14% of the overall population of the country. The vast majority were slaves, with only 488,000 counted as "freemen".By 1900, the Black population had doubled and reached 8.8 million.[95]

In 1910, about 90% of African Americans lived in the South. Large numbers began migrating north looking for better job opportunities and living conditions, and to escapeJim Crow lawsand racial violence. TheGreat Migration,as it was called, spanned the 1890s to the 1970s. From 1916 through the 1960s, more than 6 millionBlack peoplemoved north. But in the 1970s and 1980s,that trend reversed,with more African Americans moving south to theSun Beltthan leaving it.[96]

The following table of the African American population in the United States over time shows that the African American population, as a percentage of the total population, declined until 1930 and has been rising since then.

African Americans in the United States[97]
Year Number % of total
% Change
(10 yr)
Slaves % in slavery
1790 757,208 19.3% (highest) 697,681 92%
1800 1,002,037 18.9% 32.3% 893,602 89%
1810 1,377,808 19.0% 37.5% 1,191,362 86%
1820 1,771,656 18.4% 28.6% 1,538,022 87%
1830 2,328,642 18.1% 31.4% 2,009,043 86%
1840 2,873,648 16.8% 23.4% 2,487,355 87%
1850 3,638,808 15.7% 26.6% 3,204,287 88%
1860 4,441,830 14.1% 22.1% 3,953,731 89%
1870 4,880,009 12.7% 9.9%
1880 6,580,793 13.1% 34.9%
1890 7,488,788 11.9% 13.8%
1900 8,833,994 11.6% 18.0%
1910 9,827,763 10.7% 11.2%
1920 10.5 million 9.9% 6.8%
1930 11.9 million 9.7% (lowest) 13%
1940 12.9 million 9.8% 8.4%
1950 15.0 million 10.0% 16%
1960 18.9 million 10.5% 26%
1970 22.6 million 11.1% 20%
1980 26.5 million 11.7% 17%
1990 30.0 million 12.1% 13%
2000 34.6 million 12.3% 15%
2010 38.9 million 12.6% 12%
2020 41.1 million 12.4% 5.6%

By 1990, the African American population reached about 30 million and represented 12% of the US population, roughly the same proportion as in 1900.[98]

African American groups in the USA
Years Non-Hispanic Blacks Black Hispanics Total
# % # %
2020 39,940,338 12.05% 1,163,862 0.35% 41,104,200

At the time of the2000 US census,54.8% of African Americans lived in theSouth.In that year, 17.6% of African Americans lived in theNortheastand 18.7% in theMidwest,while only 8.9% lived in theWesternstates. The west does have a sizable Black population in certain areas, however. California, the nation's most populous state, has the fifth largest African American population, only behind New York, Texas, Georgia, and Florida. According to the 2000 census, approximately 2.05% ofAfrican Americans identified as Hispanic or Latino in origin,[99]many of whom may be ofBrazilian,Puerto Rican,Dominican,Cuban,Haitian,or otherLatin Americandescent. The only self-reportedancestralgroups larger than African Americans are theIrishandGermans.[100]

Band rehearsalon125th StreetinHarlem,the historic epicenter of African American culture.New York Cityis home by a significant margin to the world's largestBlackpopulation of any city outsideAfrica,at over 2.2 million.African immigration to New York Cityis now driving the growth of the city's Black population.[101]

According to the2010 census,nearly 3% of people who self-identified as Black had recent ancestors who immigrated from another country. Self-reportednon-Hispanic Black immigrants from the Caribbean,mostly from Jamaica and Haiti, represented 0.9% of the US population, at 2.6 million.[102]Self-reported Black immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa also represented 0.9%, at about 2.8 million.[102]Additionally, self-identifiedBlack Hispanicsrepresented 0.4% of the United States population, at about 1.2 million people, largely found within the Puerto Rican and Dominican communities.[103]Self-reported Black immigrants hailing from other countries in the Americas, such as Brazil and Canada, as well as several European countries, represented less than 0.1% of the population. Mixed-race Hispanic and non-Hispanic Americans who identified as being part Black, represented 0.9% of the population. Of the 12.6% of United States residents who identified as Black, around 10.3% were "native Black American" or ethnic African Americans, who are direct descendants of West/Central Africans brought to the US as slaves. These individuals make up well over 80% of all Blacks in the country. When includingpeople of mixed-race origin,about 13.5% of the US population self-identified as Black or "mixed with Black".[104]However, according to the US Census Bureau, evidence from the 2000 census indicates that many African and Caribbean immigrant ethnic groups do not identify as "Black, African Am., or Negro". Instead, they wrote in their own respective ethnic groups in the "Some Other Race" write-in entry. As a result, the census bureau devised a new, separate "African American" ethnic group category in 2010 for ethnic African Americans.[105]Nigerian AmericansandEthiopian Americanswere the most reported sub-Saharan African groups in the United States.[106]

Historically, African Americans have been undercounted in the US census due to a number of factors.[example needed][107][108]In the 2020 census, the African American population was undercounted at an estimated rate of 3.3%, up from 2.1% in 2010.[109]

Proportion in each county

Texashas the largest African American population by state. Followed by Texas isFlorida,with 3.8 million, andGeorgia,with 3.6 million.[110]

US cities

After 100 years of African Americans leaving the south in large numbers seeking better opportunities and treatment in the west and north, a movement known as theGreat Migration,there is now a reverse trend, called theNew Great Migration.As with the earlier Great Migration, the New Great Migration is primarily directed toward cities and large urban areas, such asCharlotte,Houston,Dallas,Fort Worth,Huntsville,Raleigh,Tampa,San Antonio,New Orleans,Memphis,Nashville,Jacksonville,and so forth.[111]A growing percentage of African Americans from the west and north are migrating to the southern region of the US for economic and cultural reasons. TheNew York City,Chicago,andLos Angelesmetropolitan areas have the highest decline in African Americans, whileAtlanta,Dallas,andHoustonhave the highest increase respectively.[111]Several smaller metro areas also saw sizable gains, including San Antonio;[112]Raleigh and Greensboro, N.C.; and Orlando.[113]Despite recent declines, as of 2020, theNew York City metropolitan areastill has the largest African American metropolitan population in the United States and the only to have over 3 million African Americans.[114][115]

Amongcities of 100,000 or more,South Fulton, Georgiahad the highest percentage of Black residents of any large US city in 2020, with 93%. Other large cities with African American majorities includeJackson, Mississippi(80%),Detroit, Michigan(80%),Birmingham, Alabama(70%),Miami Gardens, Florida(67%),Memphis, Tennessee(63%),Montgomery, Alabama(62%),Baltimore, Maryland(60%),Augusta, Georgia(59%),Shreveport, Louisiana(58%),New Orleans, Louisiana(57%),Macon, Georgia(56%),Baton Rouge, Louisiana(55%),Hampton, Virginia(53%),Newark, New Jersey(53%),Mobile, Alabama(53%),Cleveland, Ohio(52%),Brockton, Massachusetts(51%), andSavannah, Georgia(51%).

The nation's most affluent community with an African American majority resides inView Park–Windsor Hills, California,with an annual median household income of $159,618.[116]Other largely affluent and African American communities includePrince George's County(namelyMitchellville,Woodmore,Upper Marlboro) andCharles Countyin Maryland,[117]Dekalb County(namelyStonecrest,Lithonia,Smoke Rise) and South Fulton in Georgia,Charles City Countyin Virginia,Baldwin Hillsin California,HillcrestandUniondalein New York, andCedar Hill,DeSoto,andMissouri Cityin Texas.Queens County, New Yorkis the only county with a population of 65,000 or more where African Americans have a higher median household income than White Americans.[118]

Seatack, Virginiais currently the oldest African American community in the United States.[119]It survives today with a vibrant and active civic community.[120]


Former slave reading, 1870

During slavery,anti-literacy lawswere enacted in the US that prohibited education for Black people. Slave owners saw literacy as a threat to the institution of slavery. As a North Carolina statute stated, "Teaching slaves to read and write, tends to excite dissatisfaction in their minds, and to produce insurrection andrebellion."[121]

When slavery was finally abolished in 1865, public educational systems were expanding across the country. By 1870, around seventy-four institutions in the south provided a form of advanced education for African American students. By 1900, over a hundred programs at these schools provided training for Black professionals, including teachers. Many of the students at Fisk University, including the youngW. E. B. Du Bois,taught school during the summers to support their studies.[122]

African Americans were very concerned to provide quality education for their children, but White supremacy limited their ability to participate in educational policymaking on the political level. State governments soon moved to undermine their citizenship by restricting their right to vote. By the late 1870s, Blacks were disenfranchised and segregated across the American South.[123]White politicians in Mississippi and other states withheld financial resources and supplies from Black schools. Nevertheless, the presence of Black teachers, and their engagement with their communities both inside and outside the classroom, ensured that Black students had access to education despite these external constraints.[124][125]

DuringWorld War II,demands for unity and racial tolerance on the home front provided an opening for the first Black history curriculum in the country.[126]For example, during the early 1940s, Madeline Morgan, a Black teacher in the Chicago public schools, created a curriculum for students in grades one through eight highlighting the contributions of Black people to the history of the United States. At the close of the war, Chicago's Board of Education downgraded the curriculum's status from mandatory to optional.[127]

Predominantly Black schools for kindergarten through twelfth grade students were common throughout the US before the 1970s. By 1972, however, desegregation efforts meant that only 25% of Black students were in schools with more than 90% non-White students. However, since then, a trend towards re-segregation affected communities across the country: by 2011, 2.9 million African American students were in such overwhelmingly minority schools, including 53% of Black students in school districts that were formerly under desegregation orders.[128][129]

As late as 1947, about one third of African Americans over 65 were considered to lack the literacy to read and write their own names. By 1969,illiteracyas it had been traditionally defined, had been largely eradicated among younger African Americans.[130]

US census surveys showed that by 1998, 89 percent of African Americans aged 25 to 29 had completed a high-school education, less than Whites or Asians, but more than Hispanics. On many college and university entrance exams or on standardized tests and grades, African Americans have historically lagged behind Whites, but some studies suggest that theachievement gaphas been closing. Many policy makers have proposed that this gap can and will be eliminated through policies such asaffirmative action,desegregation, and multiculturalism.[131]

AstrophysicistNeil deGrasse Tysonis director of New York City'sHayden Planetarium

Between 1995 and 2009, freshmen college enrollment for African Americans increased by 73 percent and only 15 percent for Whites.[132]Black women are enrolled in college more than any other race and gender group, leading all with 9.7% enrolled according to the 2011 US census.[133][134] The average high school graduation rate of Blacks in the United States has steadily increased to 71% in 2013.[135]Separating this statistic into component parts shows it varies greatly depending upon the state and the school district examined. 38% of Black males graduated in the state of New York but in Maine 97% graduated and exceeded the White male graduation rate by 11 percentage points.[136]In much of the southeastern United States and some parts of the southwestern United States the graduation rate of White males was in fact below 70% such as in Florida where 62% of White males graduated from high school. Examining specific school districts paints an even more complex picture. In the Detroit school district, the graduation rate of Black males was 20% but 7% for White males. In the New York City school district 28% of Black males graduate from high school compared to 57% of White males. In Newark County[where?]76% of Black males graduated compared to 67% for White males. Further academic improvement has occurred in 2015. Roughly 23% of all Blacks have bachelor's degrees. In 1988, 21% of Whites had obtained a bachelor's degree versus 11% of Blacks. In 2015, 23% of Blacks had obtained a bachelor's degree versus 36% of Whites.[137]Foreign born Blacks, 9% of the Black population, made even greater strides. They exceed native born Blacks by 10 percentage points.[137]

College Board,which runs the official college-leveladvanced placement(AP) programs in American high schools, have has received criticism in recent years that its curricula have focused too much onEuro-centrichistory.[138]In 2020, College Board reshaped some curricula among history-based courses to further reflect theAfrican diaspora.[139]In 2021, College Board announced it would be piloting anAP African American Studiescourse between 2022 and 2024. The course is expected to launch in 2024.[140]

Historically Black colleges and universities

Historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), which were founded whensegregated institutionsof higher learning did not admit African Americans, continue to thrive and educate students of all races today. There are 101 HBCUs representing three percent of the nation's colleges and universities with the majority established in theSoutheast.[141][142]HBCUs have been largely responsible for establishing and expanding the African American middle-class by providing more career opportunities for African Americans.[143][144]

Economic status

The economic disparity between the races in the US has marginally improved since the end of slavery. In 1863, two years prior to emancipation, Black people owned 0.5 percent of the national wealth, while in 2019 it is just over 1.5 percent.[145]Racial disparity in poverty rateshas narrowed since the civil rights era, with thepoverty rate among African Americansdecreasing from 24.7% in 2004 to 18.8% in 2020, compared to 10.5% for all Americans.[146][147]Poverty is associated with higher rates of marital stress and dissolution,physicalandmental healthproblems,disability,cognitive deficits,low educational attainment,and crime.[148]

African Americans have a long and diverse history of business ownership. Although the first African American business is unknown, slaves captured from West Africa are believed to have established commercial enterprises as peddlers and skilled craftspeople as far back as the 17th century. Around 1900, Booker T. Washington became the most famous proponent of African American businesses. His critic and rival W. E. B. DuBois also commended business as a vehicle for African American advancement.[149]

This graph shows the real medianUS household incomeby race: 1967 to 2011, in 2011 dollars.[150]

African Americans had a combined buying power of over $1.6 trillion as of 2021, a 171% increase of their buying power in 2000 but lagging significantly in growth behind AmericanLatinosandAsiansin the same timer period (with 288% and 383%, respectively; for reference, US growth overall was 144% in the same period); however, African American net worth had shrunk 14% in the previous year despite strong growth in property prices and theS&P 500.In 2002, African American-owned businesses accounted for 1.2 million of the US's 23 million businesses.[151]As of 2011,African American-owned businesses account for approximately 2 millionUS businesses.[152]Black-owned businesses experienced the largest growth in number of businesses among minorities from 2002 to 2011.[152]

Twenty-five percent of Blacks hadwhite-collaroccupations (management, professional, and related fields) in 2000, compared with 33.6% of Americans overall.[153][154]In 2001, over half of African American households of married couples earned $50,000 or more.[154]Although in the same year African Americans were over-represented among the nation's poor, this was directly related to the disproportionate percentage of African American families headed by single women; such families are collectively poorer, regardless of ethnicity.[154]

In 2006, the median earnings of African American men was more than Black and non-Black American women overall, and in all educational levels.[155][156][157][158][159]At the same time, among American men, income disparities were significant; the median income of African American men was approximately 76 cents for every dollar of their European American counterparts, although the gap narrowed somewhat with a rise in educational level.[155][160]

Overall, the median earnings of African American men were 72 cents for every dollar earned of their Asian American counterparts, and $1.17 for every dollar earned by Hispanic men.[155][158][161]On the other hand, by 2006, among American women with post-secondary education, African American women have made significant advances; the median income of African American women was more than those of their Asian-, European- and Hispanic American counterparts with at least some college education.[156][157][162]

The USpublic sectoris the single most important source of employment for African Americans.[163]During 2008–2010, 21.2% of all Black workers were public employees, compared with 16.3% of non-Black workers.[163]Both before and after the onset of theGreat Recession,African Americans were 30% more likely than other workers to be employed in the public sector.[163]The public sector is also a critical source of decent-paying jobs for Black Americans. For both men and women, the median wage earned by Black employees is significantly higher in the public sector than in other industries.[163]

In 1999, the median income of African American families was $33,255 compared to $53,356 of European Americans. In times of economic hardship for the nation, African Americans suffer disproportionately from job loss andunderemployment,with the Black underclass being hardest hit. The phrase "last hired and first fired" is reflected in theBureau of Labor Statisticsunemployment figures. Nationwide, the October 2008 unemployment rate for African Americans was 11.1%,[164]while the nationwide rate was 6.5%.[165]In 2007, the average income for African Americans was approximately $34,000, compared to $55,000 for Whites.[166]African Americans experience a higher rate of unemployment than the general population.[167]

The income gap between Black and White families is also significant. In 2005, employed Blacks earned 65% of the wages of Whites, down from 82% in 1975.[146]The New York Timesreported in 2006 that inQueens,New York, the median income among African American families exceeded that of White families, which the newspaper attributed to the growth in the number of two-parent Black families. It noted that Queens was the only county with more than 65,000 residents where that was true.[118]In 2011, it was reported that72% of Black babies were born to unwed mothers.[168]The poverty rate among single-parent Black families was 39.5% in 2005, according toWalter E. Williams,while it was 9.9% among married-couple Black families. Among White families, the respective rates were 26.4% and 6% in poverty.[169]

Collectively, African Americans are more involved in the American political process than other minority groups in the United States, indicated by the highest level of voter registration and participation in elections among these groups in 2004.[170]African Americans also have the highest level ofCongressional representationof any minority group in the US.[171]

African American homeownership

TheUS homeownership rateaccording to race[172]

Homeownership in the USis the strongest indicator of financial stability and the primary asset most Americans use to generate wealth. African Americans continue to lag behind other racial groups in homeownership.[173]In the first quarter of 2021, 45.1% of African Americans owned their homes, compared to 65.3% of all Americans.[174]The African American homeownership rate has remained relatively flat since the 1970s despite an increase inanti-discrimination housing laws and protections.[175]The African American homeownership rate peaked in 2004 at 49.7%.[176]

The average White high school drop-out still has a slightly better chance of owning a home than the average African American college graduate usually due to unfavorabledebt-to-income ratiosorcredit scoresamong most African American college graduates.[177][178]Since 2000, fast-growing housing costs in most cities have made it even more difficult for the US African American homeownership rate to significantly grow and reach over 50% for the first time in history. From 2000 to 2022, the median home price in the US grew 160%, outpacing average annual household income growth in that same period, which only grew about 30%.[179][180][181]South Carolinais the state with the most African American homeownership, with about 55% of African Americans owning their own homes.[182][183]


Year Candidate of
the plurality
% of
1980 Jimmy Carter Democratic 83% Lost
1984 Walter Mondale Democratic 91% Lost
1988 Michael Dukakis Democratic 89% Lost
1992 Bill Clinton Democratic 83% Won
1996 Bill Clinton Democratic 84% Won
2000 Al Gore Democratic 90% Lost
2004 John Kerry Democratic 88% Lost
2008 Barack Obama Democratic 95% Won
2012 Barack Obama Democratic 93% Won
2016 Hillary Clinton Democratic 88% Lost
2020 Joe Biden Democratic 87% Won

Since the mid 20th century, a large majority of African Americans support theDemocratic Party.In the2020 Presidential election,91% of African American voters supported DemocratJoe Biden,while 8% supported RepublicanDonald Trump.[184]Although there is an African American lobby in foreign policy, it has not had the impact that African American organizations have had in domestic policy.[185]

Many African Americans were excluded from electoral politics in the decades following the end of Reconstruction. For those that could participate, until theNew Deal,African Americans were supporters of the Republican Party because it was Republican President Abraham Lincoln who helped in granting freedom to American slaves; at the time, the Republicans and Democrats represented thesectionalinterests of theNorthandSouth,respectively, rather than any specific ideology, and bothconservativeandliberalwere represented equally in both parties.

The African American trend of voting for Democrats can be traced back to the 1930s during theGreat Depression,whenFranklin D. Roosevelt'sNew Dealprogram provided economic relief to African Americans. Roosevelt'sNew Deal coalitionturned the Democratic Party into an organization of the working class and their liberal allies, regardless of region. The African American vote became even more solidly Democratic when Democratic presidentsJohn F. KennedyandLyndon B. Johnsonpushed for civil rights legislation during the 1960s. In 1960, nearly a third of African Americans voted for RepublicanRichard Nixon.[186]

Black national anthem

"Lift Every Voice and Sing"being sung by thefamily of Barack Obama,Smokey Robinsonand others in theWhite Housein 2014

"Lift Every Voice and Sing"is often referred to as the Black national anthem in the United States.[187]In 1919, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) had dubbed it the "Negro national anthem" for its power in voicing a cry for liberation and affirmation for African-American people.[188]


According to aGallup survey,4.6% of Black or African Americans self-identified asLGBTin 2016,[189]while the total portion of American adults in all ethnic groups identifying as LGBT was 4.1% in 2016.[189]African Americans are more likely to identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender than any other racial or ethnic group in the United States.[190]


General health

The life expectancy for Black men in 2008 was 70.8 years.[191]Life expectancy for Black women was 77.5 years in 2008.[191]In 1900, when information on Black life expectancy started being collated, a Black man could expect to live to 32.5 years and a Black woman 33.5 years.[191]In 1900, White men lived an average of 46.3 years and White women lived an average of 48.3 years.[191]African American life expectancy at birth is persistently five to seven years lower thanEuropean Americans.[192]Black men have shorter lifespans than any other group in the US besides Native American men.[193]

Black people have higher rates ofobesity,diabetes,andhypertensionthan the US average.[191]For adult Black men, the rate of obesity was 31.6% in 2010.[194]For adult Black women, the rate of obesity was 41.2% in 2010.[194]African Americans have higher rates of mortality than any other racial or ethnic group for 8 of the top 10 causes of death.[195]In 2013, among men, Black men had the highest rate of getting cancer, followed by White, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander (A/PI), and American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) men. Among women, White women had the highest rate of getting cancer, followed by Black, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native women.[196]African Americans also have higher prevalence and incidence of Alzheimer's disease compared to the overall average.[197][198]

African-Americans are more likely than White Americans to die due to health-related problems developed byalcoholism.Alcohol abuse is the main contributor to the top 3 causes of death among African Americans.[199]

In December 2020, African Americans were less likely to bevaccinatedagainstCOVID-19due to mistrust in the US medical system. From 2021 to 2022, there was an increase in African Americans who became vaccinated.[200][201][202]Still, in 2022, COVID-19 complications became the third leading cause of death for African Americans.[203]

Violence is a major problem within the African American community.[204][205]A report from theUS Department of Justicestates "In 2005, homicide victimization rates for blacks were 6 times higher than the rates for whites".[206]The report also found that "94% of black victims were killed by blacks."[206]Of the nearly 20,000 recorded US homicides in 2022, African Americans made up the majority of offenders and victims despite making up less than 20% of the population.[207]In 2024, all of the top 5 most dangerous US cities have a significant black population and disturbing black-on-black violent crime rate.[208]Black males age 15–44 are the only race/sex category for which homicide is a top 5 cause of death.[193]Black women are 3 times more likely to be killed by an intimate partner than white women.[209]Black children are 3 times more likely to die due to parental abuse and neglect than white children.[210]

Sexual health

According to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention,African Americans have higher rates ofsexually transmitted infections(STIs) compared to Whites, with 5 times the rates ofsyphilisandchlamydia,and 7.5 times the rate ofgonorrhea.[211]

The disproportionately high incidence ofHIV/AIDS among African Americanshas been attributed tohomophobicinfluences and lack of proper healthcare.[212]The prevalence ofHIV/AIDSamong Black men is seven times higher than the prevalence for White men, and Black men are more than nine times as likely to die from HIV/AIDS-related illness than White men.[193]

Mental health

African Americans have severalbarriers for accessing mental healthservices.Counselinghas been frowned upon and distant in utility and proximity to many people in the African American community. In 2004, a qualitative research study explored the disconnect with African Americans and mental health. The study was conducted as a semi-structured discussion which allowed the focus group to express their opinions and life experiences. The results revealed a couple key variables that create barriers for many African American communities to seek mental health services such as the stigma, lack of four important necessities; trust, affordability, cultural understanding and impersonal services.[213]

Historically, many African American communities did not seek counseling because religion was a part of the family values.[214]African American who have a faith background are more likely to seek prayer as a coping mechanism for mental issues rather than seeking professional mental health services.[213]In 2015 a study concluded, African Americans with high value in religion are less likely to utilize mental health services compared to those who have low value in religion.[215]

In the United States, counseling approaches are based on the experience ofWhite Americansand do not fit within the African American culture. African American families tend to resolve concerns within the family, and it is viewed by the family as a strength. On the other hand, when African Americans seek counseling, they face a social backlash and are criticized. They may be labeled "crazy", viewed as weak, and their pride is diminished.[213]Because of this, many African Americans instead seek mentorship within communities they trust.

Terminology is another barrier in relation to African Americans and mental health. There is more stigma on the termpsychotherapyversus counseling. In one study, psychotherapy is associated with mental illness whereas counseling approaches problem-solving, guidance and help.[213]More African Americans seek assistance when it is called counseling and not psychotherapy because it is more welcoming within the cultural and community.[216]Counselors are encouraged to be aware of such barriers for the well-being of African American clients. Withoutcultural competencytraining in health care, many African Americans go unheard and misunderstood.[213]

In 2021, African Americans had the third highestsuiciderate trailing American Indians/Alaska Natives and White Americans. However, African Americans had the second highest increase of its suicide rate from 2011 to 2021, growing 58%.[217]As of 2024, suicide is the second leading cause of death among African-Americans between the ages of 15 and 24, with black men being four times more likely to kill themselves than black women.[218]


Genome-wide studies

Genetic clustering of 128 African Americans, by Zakharia et al. (2009). Each vertical bar represents an individual. The color scheme of the bar plot matches that in the PCA plot.[219]

Recent studies of African Americans using genetic testing have found ancestry to vary by region and sex of ancestors. These studies found that on average, African Americans have 73.2–82.1% Sub-Saharan African, 16.7%–24% European, and 0.8–1.2% Native American genetic ancestry, with large variation between individuals.[220][221][222]Commercial testing services have reported similar variation, with ranges from 0.6 to 2 percent Native American, 19 to 29 percent European, and 65 to 80 percent Sub-Saharan African ancestry.[223]

According to a genome-wide study by Bryc et al. (2009), the mixed ancestry of African Americans in varying ratios came about as the result of sexual contact between West/Central Africans (more frequently females) and Europeans (more frequently males). This can be understood as being the result of enslaved African American females beingrapedby White males.[224]Historians estimate that 58% of enslaved women in the US aged 15–30 years were sexually assaulted by their slave owners and other White men.[225]Consequently, the 365 African Americans in their sample have a genome-wide average of 78.1% West African ancestry and 18.5% European ancestry, with large variation among individuals (ranging from 99% to 1% West African ancestry). The West African ancestral component in African Americans is most similar to that in present-day speakers from the non-Bantubranches of theNiger-Congofamily.[220][note 2]

Correspondingly, Montinaro et al. (2014) observed that around 50% of the overall ancestry of African Americans traces comes from a population similar to the Niger-Congo-speakingYorubaof southernNigeriaand southernBenin,reflecting the centrality of this West African region in the Atlantic slave trade. The next most frequent ancestral component found among African Americans was derived from Great Britain, in keeping with historical records. It constitutes a little over 10% of their overall ancestry and is most similar to the Northwest European ancestral component also carried byBarbadians.[227]Zakharia et al. (2009) found a similar proportion of Yoruba-like ancestry in their African American samples, with a minority also drawn fromMandenkaandBantupopulations. Additionally, the researchers observed an average European ancestry of 21.9%, again with significant variation between individuals.[219]Bryc et al. (2009) note that populations from other parts of the continent may also constitute adequate proxies for the ancestors of some African American individuals; namely, ancestral populations fromGuinea Bissau,SenegalandSierra Leonein West Africa andAngolain Southern Africa.[220]An individual African American person can have over fifteen African ethnic groups in their genetic makeup alone due to the slave trade covering such vast areas.[228]

Altogether, genetic studies suggest that African Americans are a genetically diverse people. According to DNA analysis led in 2006 byPenn StategeneticistMark D. Shriver,around 58 percent of African Americans have at least 12.5% European ancestry (equivalent to one European great-grandparent and their forebears), 19.6 percent of African Americans have at least 25% European ancestry (equivalent to one European grandparent and their forebears), and 1 percent of African Americans have at least 50% European ancestry (equivalent to one European parent and their forebears).[12][229]According to Shriver, around 5 percent of African Americans also have at least 12.5% Native American ancestry (equivalent to one Native American great-grandparent and their forebears).[230][231]Research suggests that Native American ancestry among people who identify as African American is a result of relationships that occurred soon after slave ships arrived in the American colonies, and European ancestry is of more recent origin, often from the decades before the Civil War.[232]


Africans bearing theE-V38(E1b1a) likely traversed across theSahara,fromeasttowest,approximately 19,000 years ago.[233]E-M2(E1b1a1) likely originated in West Africa or Central Africa.[234]According to aY-DNAstudy by Sims et al. (2007), the majority (≈60%) of African Americans belong to various subclades of theE-M2(E1b1a1, formerly E3a) paternal haplogroup. This is the most common genetic paternal lineage found today among West/Central African males and is also a signature of the historicalBantu migrations.The next most frequent Y-DNA haplogroup observed among African Americans is theR1bclade, which around 15% of African Americans carry. This lineage is most common today among Northwestern European males. The remaining African Americans mainly belong to the paternalhaplogroup I(≈7%), which is also frequent in Northwestern Europe.[235]


According to anmtDNAstudy by Salas et al. (2005), the maternal lineages of African Americans are most similar to haplogroups that are today especially common in West Africa (>55%), followed closely by West-Central Africa and Southwestern Africa (<41%). The characteristic West African haplogroupsL1b,L2b,c,d,andL3b,dand West-Central African haplogroupsL1candL3ein particular occur at high frequencies among African Americans. As with the paternal DNA of African Americans, contributions from other parts of the continent to their maternal gene pool are insignificant.[236]

Racism and social status

Formal political, economic and social discrimination against minorities has been present throughout American history. Leland T. Saito, Associate Professor of Sociology and American Studies & Ethnicity at theUniversity of Southern California,writes, "Political rights have been circumscribed by race, class and gender since the founding of the United States, when the right to vote was restricted to White men of property. Throughout the history of the United States, race has been used by Whites for legitimizing and creating difference and social, economic and political exclusion."[65]

Although they have gained a greater degree of social equality since the civil rights movement, African Americans have remained stagnant economically, which has hindered their ability to break into the middle class and beyond. As of 2020, theracial wealth gapbetween Whites and Blacks remains as large as it was in 1968, with the typical net worth of a White household equivalent to that of 11.5 black households.[237]Despite this, African Americans have increased employment rates and gained representation in the highest levels of American government in the post–civil rights era.[238]However, widespreadracismremains an issue that continues to undermine the development of social status.[238][239]

Economically, of all the racially Black ethnic groups on the globe, African Americans are the wealthiest and most successful, with one in every fifty African American families being millionaires.[240]This equates in 2023 to approximately 1.79 million African American millionaires in the United States,[241][242]which is more than the total amount of millionaires in any racially Black country, and many other countries, around the world.

Policing and criminal justice

In the US, which has the largest per-capita prison population in the world, African Americans are overrepresented as the second largest population of prison inmates (38%) in 2023, coming second to Whites who made up 57% of the prison population.[243]According to theNational Registry of Exonerations,Blacks are roughly 7.5 times more likely to be wrongfully convicted of murder in the US than Whites.[244]In 2012, the New York City Police Department detained people more than 500,000 times under the city'sstop-and-frisklaw. Of the total detained, 55% were African-Americans, while Black people made up 20% of the city's population.[245]

Al Sharptonled theCommitment March: Get Your Knee Off Our Necksprotest on August 28, 2020.

African American males are more likely to bekilled by policewhen compared to other races.[246]This is one of the factors that led to the creation of theBlack Lives Mattermovement in 2013.[247]A historical issue in the US where women have weaponized their White privilege in the country by reporting on Black people, often instigating racial violence,[248][249]difficult White women—who have been given adifferent name over the centuriesby African Americans—calling the police on Black people became widely publicized in 2020.[250][251]According toThe Guardian,"The specter ofKarenpersisted as Black Lives Matter protests and civil unrest spread around the country followingFloyd’s murderand reckonings with racism began to roil institutions, toppling careers as well as statues ".[252]

Although there is not enough evidence that suggest Black people consumecannabiswith greater regularity than Whites do, they have disproportionately higher arrest rates than Whites: in 2010, for example, Blacks were 3.73 times as likely to get arrested for using cannabis than Whites, despite not significantly more frequently being users.[253][254]Even since the legalization of cannabis, there are still more arrests made for Black users than White, wasting taxpayer money, due to many of those cases being abandoned or dropped, with no charges being filed after the trivial, racially-biased arrests.[255][256]

Social issues

After over 50 years, marriage rates for all Americans began to decline while divorce rates and out-of-wedlock births have climbed.[257]These changes have been greatest among African Americans. After more than 70 years of racial parity Black marriage rates began to fall behind Whites.[257]Single-parenthouseholds have become common, and according to US census figures released in January 2010, only 38 percent of Black children live with both their parents.[258]In 2021, statistics show that over 80 percent marriages in the African American ethnic group marry within their ethnic group.[259]

Although theban on interracial marriageended in California in 1948, entertainerSammy Davis Jr.faced a backlash for his involvement with a White woman in 1957

The first everanti-miscegenation lawwas passed by theMaryland General Assemblyin 1691, criminalizinginterracial marriage.[260]In a speech inCharleston, Illinoisin 1858,Abraham Lincolnstated, "I am not, nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people".[261]By the late 1800s, 38 US states had anti-miscegenation statutes.[260]By 1924, the ban on interracial marriage was still in force in 29 states.[260]While interracial marriage had been legal in California since 1948, in 1957 actorSammy Davis Jr.faced a backlash for his involvement with White actressKim Novak.[262]Harry Cohn,the president of Columbia Pictures, with whom Novak was under contract, gave in to his concerns that a racist backlash against the relationship could hurt the studio.[262]Davis briefly married Black dancer Loray White in 1958 to protect himself from mob violence.[262]Inebriated at the wedding ceremony, Davis despairingly said to his best friend, Arthur Silber Jr., "Why won't they let me live my life?" The couple never lived together, and commenced divorce proceedings in September 1958.[262]In 1958, officers inVirginiaentered the home ofMildred and Richard Lovingand dragged them out of bed for living together as an interracial couple, on the basis that "any white person intermarry with a colored person" —or vice versa—each party "shall be guilty of a felony" and face prison terms of five years.[260]In 1967 the law was ruled unconstitutional (via the14th Amendmentadopted in 1868) by the US Supreme Court inLoving v. Virginia.[260]

In 2008, Democrats overwhelmingly voted 70% againstCalifornia Proposition 8,African Americans voted 58% in favor of it while 42% voted against Proposition 8.[263]On May 9, 2012, Barack Obama, the first Black president, became the first US president to support same-sex marriage. Since Obama's endorsement there has been a rapid growth in support for same-sex marriage among African Americans. As of 2012, 59% of African Americans support same-sex marriage, which is higher than support among the national average (53%) and White Americans (50%).[264]

Polls inNorth Carolina,[265]Pennsylvania,[266]Missouri,[267]Maryland,[268]Ohio,[269]Florida,[270]andNevada[271]have also shown an increase in support for same sex marriage among African Americans. On November 6, 2012,Maryland,Maine,andWashingtonall voted for approve of same-sex marriage, along with Minnesota rejecting aconstitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.Exit polls in Maryland show about 50% of African Americans voted for same-sex marriage, showing a vast evolution among African Americans on the issue and was crucial in helping pass same-sex marriage in Maryland.[272]

Black Americans hold far more conservative opinions on abortion,extramarital sex,and raising children out of wedlock than Democrats as a whole.[273]On financial issues, however, African Americans are in line with Democrats, generally supporting a moreprogressive taxstructure to provide more government spending on social services.[274]

Political legacy

Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.remains the most prominent political leader in the American civil rights movement and perhaps the most influential African American political figure in general.

African Americans have fought in every warin thehistory of the United States.[275]

The gains made by African Americans in thecivil rights movementand in theBlack Power movementnot only obtained certain rights for African Americans but changed American society in far-reaching and fundamentally important ways. Prior to the 1950s, Black Americans in the South were subject to de jure discrimination, orJim Crow laws.They were often the victims of extreme cruelty and violence, sometimes resulting in deaths: by the post World War II era, African Americans became increasingly discontented with their long-standing inequality. In the words ofMartin Luther King Jr.,African Americans and their supporters challenged the nation to "rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed that all men are created equal... "[276]

The civil rights movement marked an enormous change in American social, political, economic and civic life. It brought with itboycotts,sit-ins,nonviolentdemonstrations and marches, court battles, bombings and other violence; prompted worldwide media coverage and intense public debate; forged enduring civic, economic and religious alliances; and disrupted and realigned the nation's two major political parties.

Over time, it has changed in fundamental ways the manner in which Blacks and Whites interact with and relate to one another. The movement resulted in the removal of codified,de jureracial segregation and discrimination from American life and law, and heavily influenced other groups and movements in struggles for civil rights and social equality within American society, including theFree Speech Movement,thedisabled,thewomen's movement,andmigrant workers.It also inspired theNative American rights movement,and in King's 1964 bookWhy We Can't Waithe wrote the US "was born in genocide when it embraced the doctrine that the original American, the Indian, was an inferior race."[277][278]

African Americans were also involved in the drafting of laws in the United States, such asFrank L. Stanley Sr.who drafted the laws for the Human Rights Commission and the integration of Kentucky schools while his study of how African Americans were segregated was utilized by the government which led to the integration of the military.

Media and coverage

BET founderRobert L. Johnsonwith former US PresidentGeorge W. Bush

Some activists and academics contend that American news media coverage of African American news, concerns, or dilemmas is inadequate,[279][280][281]or that the news media present distorted images of African Americans.[282]

To combat this,Robert L. Johnsonfounded Black Entertainment Television (BET), a network that targets young African Americans and urban audiences in the United States. Over the years, the network has aired such programming asrapandR&Bmusic videos, urban-oriented movies and television series, and some public affairs programs. On Sunday mornings, BET would broadcast Christian programming; the network would also broadcast non-affiliated Christian programs during the early morning hours daily. According toViacom,BET is now a global network that reaches households in the United States, Caribbean, Canada, and the United Kingdom.[283]The network has gone on to spawn several spin-off channels, includingBET Her(originally launched asBET on Jazz), which originally showcasedjazzmusic-related programming, and later expanded to include general-interest urban programs as well as some R&B,soul,andworld music.[284]

Another network targeting African Americans isTV One.TV One's original programming was formally focused on lifestyle and entertainment-oriented shows, movies, fashion, and music programming. The network also reruns classic series from as far back as the 1970s to current series such asEmpireandSister Circle.TV One is owned byUrban One,founded and controlled byCatherine Hughes.Urban One is one of the nation's largest radio broadcasting companies and the largest African American-owned radio broadcasting company in the United States.[285]

In June 2009,NBC Newslaunched a new website namedTheGrio[286]in partnership with the production team that created the Black documentary filmMeeting David Wilson.It is the first African American videonews sitethat focuses on underrepresented stories in existing national news.The Grioconsists of a broad spectrum of original video packages, news articles, and contributor blogs on topics including breaking news, politics, health, business, entertainment and Black History.[287]

Black-owned and oriented media outlets


A traditionalsoul fooddinner consisting offried chickenwithmacaroni and cheese,collard greens,breadedfried okra,andcornbread

From their earliest presence in North America, African Americans have significantly contributed literature, art, agricultural skills, cuisine, clothing styles, music, language, and social and technological innovation to American culture. The cultivation and use of many agricultural products in the United States, such asyams,peanuts, rice,okra,sorghum,grits,watermelon,indigo dyes,and cotton, can be traced to West African and African American influences. Notable examples includeGeorge Washington Carver,who created nearly 500 products from peanuts, sweet potatoes, and pecans.[289]Soul foodis a variety of cuisine popular among African Americans. It is closely related to thecuisine of the Southern United States.The descriptive terminology may have originated in the mid-1960s, whensoulwas a common definer used to describe African American culture (for example,soul music). African Americans were the first peoples in the United States to make fried chicken, along withScottishimmigrants to the South. Although the Scottish had been frying chicken before they emigrated, they lacked the spices and flavor that African Americans had used when preparing the meal. The Scottish American settlers therefore adopted the African American method of seasoning chicken.[290]However, fried chicken was generally a rare meal in the African American community and was usually reserved for special events or celebrations.[291]


African-American Englishis avariety(dialect,ethnolect,andsociolect) ofAmerican English,commonly spoken by urbanworking-classand largelybi-dialectalmiddle-classAfrican Americans.[292]

African American English evolved during the antebellum period through interaction between speakers of 16th- and 17th-century English of Great Britain and Ireland and various West African languages. As a result, the variety shares parts of itsgrammarandphonologywith theSouthern American Englishdialect. African American English differs from Standard American English (SAE) in certain pronunciation characteristics, tense usage, and grammatical structures, which were derived from West African languages (particularly those belonging to theNiger–Congofamily).[293]

Virtually all habitual speakers of African American English can understand and communicate in Standard American English. As with all linguistic forms, AAVE's usage is influenced by various factors, including geographical, educational and socioeconomic background, as well as formality of setting.[293]Additionally, there are many literary uses of this variety of English, particularly inAfrican American literature.[294]

Traditional names

African-American namesare part of the cultural traditions of African Americans, most of these cultural names having no connection to Africa but strictly an African American cultural practice that developed in the United States during enslavement.[295]This new evidence became apparent by census records which show African Americans and White Americans, though they spoke the same language, chose to use different names even during times of enslavement, which is where and when the development of African American cultural names began.[295]

Prior to this newer information, it was only thought that before the 1950s, and 1960s, most African-American names closely resembled those used within European-American culture.[296]Babies of that era were generally given a few common names, with children using nicknames to distinguish the various people with the same name. With the rise of 1960s civil rights movement, there was a dramatic increase in names of various origins.[297]

By the 1970s, and 1980s, it had become common among African Americans to invent new names for themselves, although many of these invented names took elements from popular existing names. Prefixes such as La/Le, Da/De, Ra/Re and Ja/Je, and suffixes like -ique/iqua, -isha and -aun/-awn are common, as are inventive spellings for common names. The bookBaby Names Now: From Classic to Cool—The Very Last Word on First Namesplaces the origins of "La" names in African-American culture inNew Orleans.[298]

Even with the rise of inventive names, it is still common for African Americans to use biblical, historical, or traditional European names. Daniel, Christopher, Michael, David, James, Joseph, and Matthew were thus among the most frequent names for African-American boys in 2013.[296][299][300]

The name LaKeisha is typically considered American in origin but has elements that were drawn from both French and West/Central African roots. Names such as LaTanisha, JaMarcus, DeAndre, and Shaniqua were created in the same way. Punctuation marks are seen more often within African American names than other American names, such as the names Mo'nique and D'Andre.[296]


Religious affiliation of African Americans in 2007[301]

Other Christian (1%)
Muslim (1%)
Other religion (1%)
Unaffiliated (11%)
Atheist or agnostic (2%)
Mount Zion United Methodist Churchis the oldest African American congregation in Washington, D.C.
Masjid Malcolm Shabazzin Harlem, New York City

The majority of African Americans areProtestant,many of whom follow the historically Black churches.[302]The termBlack churchrefers to churches which minister to predominantly African American congregations. Black congregations were first established by freed slaves at the end of the 17th century, and later when slavery was abolished more African Americans were allowed to create a unique form of Christianity that was culturally influenced by African spiritual traditions.[303]One of these early African American Christian cultural traditions in the Black Church is theWatchnight service,also called Freedom's Eve, where African American congregations all over the nation come together on New Year's Eve through New Years morning in remembrance of the eve and New Year of their emancipation, sharing testimonies, being baptized and partaking in praise and worship.[304]

According to a 2007 survey, more than half of the African American population are part of the historically Black churches.[305]The largest Protestant denomination among African Americans are theBaptists,[306]distributed mainly in four denominations, the largest being theNational Baptist Convention, USAand theNational Baptist Convention of America.[307]The second largest are theMethodists,[308]the largest denominations are theAfrican Methodist Episcopal Churchand theAfrican Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.[307][309]

Pentecostalsare distributed among several different religious bodies, with theChurch of God in Christas the largest among them by far.[307]About 16% of African American Christians are members of White Protestant communions,[308]these denominations (which include theUnited Church of Christ) mostly have a 2 to 3% African American membership.[310]There are also large numbers ofCatholics,constituting 5% of the African American population.[305]Of the total number ofJehovah's Witnesses,22% are Black.[302]

Some African Americans followIslam.Historically, between 15 and 30% of enslaved Africans brought to the Americas wereMuslims,but most of these Africans were converted to Christianity during the era of American slavery.[311]During the twentieth century, some African Americans converted to Islam, mainly through the influence ofBlack nationalistgroups that preached with distinctive Islamic practices; including theMoorish Science Temple of America,and the largest organization, theNation of Islam,founded in the 1930s, which attracted at least 20,000 people by 1963.[312][313]Prominent members included activistMalcolm Xand boxerMuhammad Ali.[314]

Muhammad Aliconverted to Islam in 1964

Malcolm X is considered the first person to start the movement among African Americans towards mainstream Islam, after he left the Nation and made thepilgrimage to Mecca.[315]In 1975,Warith Deen Mohammed,the son ofElijah Muhammadtook control of the Nation after his father's death and guided the majority of its members toorthodox Islam.[316]

African American Muslimsconstitute 20% of the totalUS Muslim population,[317]the majority areSunnior orthodox Muslims, some of these identify under the community ofW. Deen Mohammed.[318][319]The Nation of Islam led byLouis Farrakhanhas a membership ranging from 20,000 to 50,000 members.[320]

There is also a small but growing group ofAfrican American Jews,making up less than 0.5% of African Americans or about 2% of theJewish population in the United States.The majority of African-American Jews areAshkenazi,while smaller numbers identify asSephardi,Mizrahi,or other.[321][322][323]Many African-American Jews are affiliated with denominations such as theReform,Conservative,Reconstructionist,orOrthodoxbranches of Judaism, but the majority identify as "Jews of no religion", commonly known as secular Jews. A significant number of people who identify themselves as "Black Jews" are affiliated withsyncreticreligious groups, largely theBlack Hebrew Israelites,whose beliefs include the claim that African Americans are descended from the BiblicalIsraelites.[324]Jews of all races typically do not accept Black Hebrew Israelites as Jews, in part because they are usually not Jewishaccording to Jewish law,[325]and in part because these groups are sometimes associated with antisemitism.[326][327]African-American Jews have criticized the Black Hebrew Israelites, regarding the movement as primarily composed of Black non-Jews who have appropriated Black-Jewish identity.[328]

Confirmedatheistsare less than one half of one percent, similar to numbers forHispanics.[329][330][331]


The King & CarterJazzingOrchestra photographed in Houston, Texas, January 1921
Chuck Berrywas considered a pioneer ofrock and roll.

African American musicis one of the most pervasive African American cultural influences in the United States today and is among the most dominant in mainstream popular music.Hip hop,R&B,funk,rock and roll,soul,blues,and other contemporary American musical forms originated in Black communities and evolved from other Black forms of music, includingblues,doo-wop,barbershop,ragtime,bluegrass,jazz,andgospel music.

African American-derived musical forms have also influenced and been incorporated into virtually every otherpopular musicgenre in the world, includingcountryandtechno.African American genres are the most important ethnic vernacular tradition in America, as they have developed independent of African traditions from which they arise more so than any other immigrant groups, including Europeans; make up the broadest and longest lasting range of styles in America; and have, historically, been more influential, interculturally, geographically, and economically, than other American vernacular traditions.[332]


African Americans have also had an important role in American dance.Bill T. Jones,a prominent modern choreographer and dancer, has included historical African American themes in his work, particularly in the piece "Last Supper at Uncle Tom's Cabin/The Promised Land". Likewise,Alvin Ailey's artistic work, including his "Revelations" based on his experience growing up as an African American in the South during the 1930s, has had a significant influence on modern dance. Another form of dance,stepping,is an African American tradition whose performance and competition has been formalized through the traditionally Black fraternities and sororities at universities.[333]

Literature and academics

Toni Morrison,recipient of the Nobel Prize for literature

Many African American authors have written stories, poems, and essays influenced by their experiences as African Americans.African American literatureis a major genre in American literature. Famous examples includeLangston Hughes,James Baldwin,Richard Wright,Zora Neale Hurston,Ralph Ellison,Nobel Prize winnerToni Morrison,andMaya Angelou.

African American inventorshave created many widely used devices in the world and have contributed to internationalinnovation.Norbert Rillieuxcreated the technique for converting sugar cane juice into white sugar crystals. Moreover, Rillieux leftLouisianain 1854 and went to France, where he spent ten years working with the Champollions decipheringEgyptian hieroglyphicsfrom theRosetta Stone.[334]Most slave inventors were nameless, such as the slave owned by theConfederatePresidentJefferson Daviswho designed the ship propeller used by the Confederate navy.[335]

By 1913, over 1,000 inventions were patented by Black Americans. Among the most notable inventors wereJan Matzeliger,who developed the first machine to mass-produce shoes,[336]andElijah McCoy,who invented automatic lubrication devices for steam engines.[337]Granville Woodshad 35 patents to improve electric railway systems, including the first system to allow moving trains to communicate.[338]Garrett A. Morgandeveloped the first automatic traffic signal and gas mask.[339]

Lewis Howard Latimerinvented an improvement for the incandescent light bulb.[340]More recent inventors includeFrederick McKinley Jones,who invented the movable refrigeration unit for food transport in trucks and trains.[341]Lloyd Quartermanworked with six other Black scientists on the creation of the atomic bomb (code named theManhattan Project.)[342]Quarterman also helped develop the first nuclear reactor, which was used in the atomically poweredsubmarinecalled the Nautilus.[343]

A few other notable examples include the first successfulopen heart surgery,performed byDaniel Hale Williams,[344]and the air conditioner, patented byFrederick McKinley Jones.[341]Mark Deanholds three of the original nine patents on the computer on which all PCs are based.[345][346][347]More current contributors includeOtis Boykin,whose inventions included several novel methods for manufacturing electrical components that found use in applications such as guided missile systems and computers,[348]and ColonelFrederick Gregory,who was not only the first Blackastronautpilot but the person who redesigned the cockpits for the last three space shuttles. Gregory was also on the team that pioneered the microwave instrumentation landing system.[349]

As part of the preservation of their culture, African Americans have continuously launched their own publications and publishing houses, such asRobert Sengstacke Abbott,founder of the Chicago Defender newspaper, andCarter G. Woodson,the founder ofBlack History Monthwho spent over thirty years documenting and publishing African American history in journals and books. TheJohnson Publishing Company,founded by John H. Johnson in 1942, is a National Historic Landmark.[350]



This parade float displayed the word "Afro-Americans" in 1911.

The termAfrican Americanwas popularized byJesse Jacksonin the 1980s,[7]although there are recorded uses from the 18th and 19th centuries,[351]for example, in post-emancipation holidays and conferences.[352][353]Earlier terms also used to describe Americans of African ancestry referred more to skin color than to ancestry. Other terms (such ascolored,person of color,ornegro) were included in the wording of various laws and legal decisions which some thought were being used as tools ofWhite supremacyandoppression.[354]

Michelle Obamawas theFirst Ladyof the United States; she and her husband, President Barack Obama, are the first African Americans to hold these positions.

A 16-page pamphlet entitled "A Sermon on the Capture of Lord Cornwallis" is notable for the attribution of itsauthorshipto "AnAfrican American".Published in 1782, the book's use of this phrase predates any other yet identified by more than 50 years.[355]

In the 1980s, the termAfrican Americanwas advanced on the model of, for example,German AmericanorIrish American,to give descendants ofAmerican slaves,and other American Blacks who lived through the slavery era, aheritageand a cultural base.[354]The term was popularized in Black communities around the country viaword of mouthand ultimately received mainstream use afterJesse Jacksonpublicly used the term in front of a national audience in 1988. Subsequently, major media outlets adopted its use.[354]

Surveys in the 1990s and the first decade of the 21st century showed that the majority of Black Americans had no preference forAfrican AmericanversusBlack American,[356]although they had a slight preference for the latter in personal settings and the former in more formal settings.[357]By 2021, according to polling fromGallup,58% of Black Americans expressed no preference for what their group should be called, with 17% each preferringBlackandAfrican-American.Among those with no preference, Gallup found a slight majority favoredBlack"if [they] had to choose."[358]

In 2020, theAssociated Pressupdated itsAP Stylebookto direct its writers to capitalize the first letter ofBlackwhen it is used "in a racial, ethnic or cultural sense, conveying an essential and shared sense of history, identity and community among people who identify as Black, including those in the African diaspora and within Africa."[359]The New York Timesand other outlets made similar changes at the same time, to put "Black" on the same footing as other racial and ethnic terms, such as Latino, Asian, and African-American.[360]

In 2023, the government released a new more detailed breakdown due to the rise in racially Black immigration into the US, listing African American as a compound termed ethnicity, distinguished from other racially Black ethnicities such as Nigerian, Jamaican etc.[361]

The termAfrican Americanembracespan-Africanismas earlier enunciated by prominent African thinkers such asMarcus Garvey,W. E. B. Du Bois,andGeorge Padmore.The termAfro-Usonian,and variations of such, are more rarely used.[362][363]

Official identity

Racially segregatedNegro section of keypunch operators at theUS Census Bureau

Since 1977, in an attempt to keep up with changing social opinion, theUnited States governmenthas officially classified Black people (revised toBlackorAfrican Americanin 1997) as "having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa."[364]Other federal offices, such as the US Census Bureau, adhere to theOffice of Management and Budgetstandards on race in their data collection and tabulation efforts.[365]In preparation for the2010 US census,a marketing and outreach plan called2010 Census Integrated Communications Campaign Plan(ICC) recognized and defined African Americans as Black people born in the United States. From the ICC perspective, African Americans are one of three groups of Black people in the United States.[366]

The ICC plan was to reach the three groups by acknowledging that each group has its own sense of community that is based on geography and ethnicity.[367]The best way to market the census process toward any of the three groups is to reach them through their own unique communication channels and not treat the entire Black population of the US as though they are all African Americans with a single ethnic and geographical background. TheFederal Bureau of Investigationof theUS Department of Justicecategorizes Black or African American people as "[a] person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa" through racial categories used in the UCR Program adopted from the Statistical Policy Handbook (1978) and published by the Office of Federal Statistical Policy and Standards,US Department of Commerce,derived from the 1977Office of Management and Budgetclassification.[368]


Historically, "race mi xing"between Black and White people wastabooin the United States. So-calledanti-miscegenation laws,barring Blacks and Whites frommarryingor having sex, were established incolonial Americaas early as 1691,[369]and endured in manySouthern statesuntil theSupreme Courtruled them unconstitutional inLoving v. Virginia(1967). The taboo among American Whites surrounding White-Black relations is a historical consequence of the oppression andracial segregationof African Americans.[370]HistorianDavid Brion Davisnotes the racial mi xing that occurred during slavery was frequently attributed by theplanter classto the "lower-class white males" but Davis concludes that "there is abundant evidence that many slaveowners, sons of slaveowners, and overseers took black mistresses or in effect raped the wives and daughters of slave families."[371]A famous example wasThomas Jefferson's mistress,Sally Hemings.[372]Although publicly opposed to race mi xing, Jefferson, in hisNotes on the State of Virginiapublished in 1785, wrote: "The improvement of the blacks in body and mind, in the first instance of their mixture with the whites, has been observed by every one, and proves that their inferiority is not the effect merely of their condition of life".[373]

Harvard UniversityhistorianHenry Louis Gates Jr.wrote in 2009 that "African Americans...are a racially mixed ormulattopeople—deeply and overwhelmingly so "(seegenetics). After theEmancipation Proclamation,Chinese Americanmen married African American women in high proportions to their total marriage numbers due to few Chinese American women being in the United States.[374]African slaves and their descendants have also had a history of cultural exchange andintermarriagewith Native Americans,[375]although they did not necessarily retain social, cultural or linguistic ties to Native peoples.[376]There are also increasing intermarriages and offspring between non-Hispanic Blacks and Hispanics of any race, especially betweenPuerto Ricansand African Americans (American-born Blacks).[377]According to author M. M. Drymon, many African Americans identify as havingScots-Irishancestry.[378]

Racially mixed marriages have become increasingly accepted in the United States since the civil rights movement and up to the present day.[379]Approval in national opinion polls has risen from 36% in 1978, to 48% in 1991, 65% in 2002, 77% in 2007.[380]A Gallup poll conducted in 2013 found that 84% of Whites and 96% of Blacks approved of interracial marriage, and 87% overall.[381]

At the end of World War II, some African American military men who had been stationed in Japan marriedJapanese women,who then immigrated to the United States.[382]

Terminology dispute

In her bookThe End of Blackness,as well as in an essay forSalon,[383]authorDebra Dickersonhas argued that the termBlackshould refer strictly to the descendants of Africans who were brought to America as slaves, and not to the sons and daughters of Black immigrants who lack that ancestry. Thus, under her definition, President Barack Obama, who is the son of a Kenyan, is not Black.[383][384]She makes the argument that grouping all people of African descent together regardless of their unique ancestral circumstances would inevitably deny the lingering effects of slavery within the American community of slave descendants, in addition to denying Black immigrants recognition of their own unique ancestral backgrounds. "Lumping us all together", Dickerson wrote, "erases the significance of slavery and continuing racism while giving the appearance of progress."[383]Similar comments have been made concerning Kamala Harris, the daughter of a Caribbean immigrant, who was elected vice president in 2020.[385][386][387]

Similar viewpoints to Dickerson's have been expressed by authorStanley Crouchin aNew York Daily Newspiece,Charles Steele Jr.of theSouthern Christian Leadership Conference[388]and African American columnistDavid Ehrensteinof theLos Angeles Times,who accused White liberals of flocking to Blacks who wereMagic Negros,a term that refers to a Black person with no past who simply appears to assist the mainstream White (as cultural protagonists/drivers) agenda.[389]Ehrenstein went on to say "He's there to assuage white 'guilt' they feel over the role of slavery and racial segregation in American history."[389]

TheAmerican Descendants of Slavery(ADOS) movement coalesces around this view, arguing that Black descendants of American slavery deserve a separate ethnic category that distinguishes them from other Black groups in the United States.[390]Their terminology has gained popularity in some circles, but others have criticized the movement for a perceived bias against (especially poor and Black) immigrants, and for its often inflammatory rhetoric.[385][391][392]Politicians such as Obama and Harris have received especially pointed criticism from the movement, as neither are ADOS and have spoken out at times against policies specific to them.[386][387]

ManyPan-Africanmovements and organizations that are ideologicallyBlack nationalist,anti-imperialist,anti-Zionist,andScientific socialistlike TheAll-African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP),have argued thatAfrican(relating to the diaspora) orNew Afrikanshould be used instead of African American.[393]Most notably,Malcolm XandKwame Tureexpressed similar views that African Americans are Africans who "happen to be in America", and should not claim or identify as being American if they are fighting for Black (New Afrikan) liberation. Historically, this is due to the enslavement of Africans during theTrans-Atlantic slave trade,ongoing anti-black violence, and structural racism in countries like the United States.[394][395]

Terms no longer in common use

Before the independence of theThirteen Coloniesuntil the abolition of slavery in 1865, an African American slave was commonly known as anegro.Free negrowas the legal status in the territory of an African American person who was not enslaved.[396]In response to the project of theAmerican Colonization Societyto transport free Blacks to the future Liberia, a project most Blacks strongly rejected, the Blacks at the time said they were no more African than White Americans were European, and referred to themselves with what they considered a more acceptable term, "coloredAmericans ". The term was used until the second quarter of the 20th century, when it was considered outmoded and generally gave way again to the exclusive use ofnegro.By the 1940s, the term was commonly capitalized (Negro); but by the mid-1960s, it was considered disparaging. By the end of the 20th century,negrohad come to be considered inappropriate and was rarely used and perceived as apejorative.[397][398]The term is rarely used by younger Black people, but remained in use by many older African Americans who had grown up with the term, particularly in the Southern US.[399]The term remains in use in some contexts, such as theUnited Negro College Fund,an American philanthropic organization that funds scholarships for Black students and general scholarship funds for 39 private historically Black colleges and universities.

There are many other deliberately insulting terms, many of which were in common use (e.g.,nigger), but had become unacceptable in normal discourse before the end of the 20th century. One exception is the use, among the Black community, of the slurniggerrendered asnigga,representing the pronunciation of the word inAfrican American English.This usage has been popularized by Americanrapandhip-hopmusic culturesand is used as part of anin-grouplexiconand speech. It is not necessarilyderogatoryand, when used among Black people, the word is often used to mean "homie"or" friend ".[400]

Acceptance of intra-group usage of the wordniggais still debated, although it has established a foothold among younger generations. TheNAACPdenounces the use of bothniggaandnigger.[401]Mixed-race usage ofniggais still considered taboo, particularly if the speaker is White. However, trends indicate that usage of the term in intragroup settings is increasing even among White youth due to the popularity of rap and hip hop culture.[402]

See also




  1. ^Meaning "1% or more"
  2. ^DNA studies of African-Americans have determined that they primarily descend from variousNiger-Congo-speaking West/Central African ethnic groups:Akan(including theAshantiandFantesubgroups),Balanta,Bamileke,Bamun,Bariba,Biafara,Bran,Chokwe,Dagomba,Edo,Ewe,Fon,Fula,Ga,Gurma,Hausa,Ibibio(including theEfiksubgroup),Igbo,Igala,Ijaw(including theKalabarisubgroup),Itsekiri,Jola,Luchaze,Lunda,Kpele,Kru,Mahi,Mandinka(including theMendesubgroup),Naulu,Serer,Susu,Temne,Tikar,Wolof,Yaka,Yoruba,andBantu peoples;specifically theDuala,Kongo,Luba,Mbundu(including theOvimbundusubgroup) andTeke.[226]


  1. ^abcdefgh"Race and Ethnicity in the United States".United States Census Bureau.August 12, 2021.RetrievedAugust 17,2021.
  2. ^"Religious tradition by race/ethnicity (2014)".The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.Archivedfrom the original on May 18, 2015.RetrievedApril 5,2019.
  3. ^"The Black Population: 2010" (PDF),Census Bureau, September 2011. "Black or African Americans" refers to a person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. The Black racial category includes people who marked the "Black, African Am., or Negro" checkbox. It also includes respondents who reported entries such as African American; Sub-Saharan African entries, such as Kenyan and Nigerian; and Afro-Caribbean entries, such as Haitian and Jamaican. "
  4. ^African Americans Law & Legal DefinitionArchivedAugust 17, 2018, at theWayback Machine:"African Americans are citizens or residents of the United States who have origins in any of the black populations of Africa. In the United States, the terms are generally used for Americans with at least partial Sub-Saharan African ancestry."
  5. ^"Measuring Racial and Ethnic Diversity for the 2020 Census".The United States Census Bureau.Archivedfrom the original on April 30, 2023.RetrievedApril 23,2023.
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Further reading

  • Altman, Susan (2000).The Encyclopedia of African-American Heritage.Facts on File.ISBN978-0-8160-4125-1.
  • Finkelman, Paul, ed.Encyclopedia of African American History, 1619–1895: From the Colonial Period to the Age of Frederick Douglass(3 vol Oxford University Press, 2006).
    • Finkelman, Paul, ed.Encyclopedia of African American History, 1896 to the Present: From the Age of Segregation to the Twenty-first Century(5 vol. Oxford University Press, US, 2009).
  • John Hope Franklin,Alfred Moss,From Slavery to Freedom. A History of African Americans,McGraw-Hill Education 2001, standard work, first edition in 1947.
  • Gates, Henry L. and Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham (eds),African American Lives,Oxford University Press, 2004 – more than 600 biographies.
  • Hine, Darlene Clark,Rosalyn Terborg-Penn,Elsa Barkley Brown (eds),Black Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia,(Indiana University Press 2005).
  • Ortiz, Paul (2018).An African American and Latinx History of the United States.Beacon Press.ISBN978-0807005934.
  • Horton, James Oliver, and Lois E. Horton.Hard Road to Freedom: The Story of African America, African Roots Through the Civil War. Vol. 1(Rutgers University Press, 2002);Hard Road to Freedom: The Story of African America: Volume 2: From the Civil War to the Millennium(2002).online
  • Kranz, Rachel.African-American Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs(Infobase Publishing, 2004).
  • Salzman, Jack, ed.Encyclopedia of Afro-American culture and history,New York City: Macmillan Library Reference US, 1996.
  • Stewart, Earl L. (1998).African American Music: An Introduction.ISBN978-0-02-860294-3.
  • Southern, Eileen(1997).The Music of Black Americans: A History(3rd ed.).W. W. Norton & Company.ISBN978-0-393-97141-5.