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Alope/ˈæləˌp/(Ancient Greek:Ἀλόπη,romanized:Alópē) was inGreek mythologya mortal woman, the daughter ofCercyon,known for her great beauty.[1]


Poseidon,in the guise of akingfisher,seduced Alope, his granddaughter through Cercyon, and from the union she gave birth toHippothoon.Alope left the infant in the open todie of exposure,but a passing mare suckled the child until it was found by shepherds, who fell into a dispute as to who was to have the beautiful royal attire of the boy. The case was brought before Cercyon, who, on recognizing by the dress whose child the boy was, ordered Alope to be imprisoned in order to be put to death, and her child to be exposed again. The latter was fed and found in the same manner as before, and the shepherds called him Hippothoon. The body of Alope was changed by Poseidon into a spring, which bore the same name.[2]

The town ofAlope,inancient Thessaly,was believed to have derived its name from her,[3]where, however,Philonidesspeaks of an Alope as a daughter ofActor.There was amonument of Alopeon the road fromEleusistoMegara,on the spot where she was believed to have been killed by her father.[4]



This article incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Smith, William,ed. (1870). "Alope".Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology.