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Amoz/ˈmɒz/(Hebrew:אָמוֹץ,Modern:ʼAmōṣ,Tiberian:ʼĀmōṣ), also known asAmotz,[1]was the father of theprophetIsaiah,mentioned inIsaiah1:1; 2:1 and 13:1, and inII Kings19:2, 20; 20:1. The word "amoz" meansstrong

Rabbinical tradition


There is aTalmudictradition that when the name of a prophet's father is given, the father was also a prophet, so that Amoz would have been a prophet like his son. Though it is mentioned frequently as thepatronymictitle of Isaiah, the name Amoz appears nowhere else in theBible.The rabbis of the Talmud declared, based upon a rabbinic tradition, that Amoz was the brother ofAmaziah(אמציה), the king ofJudahat that time (and, as a result, that Isaiah himself was a member of the royal family). According to some traditions, Amoz is the "man of God"in2 Chronicles25:7–9 (Seder Olam Rabbah20), who cautioned Amaziah to release theIsraelitemercenariesthat he had hired.

