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Anglo-Saxon London

Coordinates:51°30′45″N00°07′21″W/ 51.51250°N 0.12250°W/51.51250; -0.12250
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51°30′45″N00°07′21″W/ 51.51250°N 0.12250°W/51.51250; -0.12250

TheAnglo-Saxon periodof thehistory of Londonlasted from the 7th to the 11th centuries.

Romano-BritishLondiniumhad been abandoned in the late 5th century, although theLondon Wallremained intact. There was anAnglo-Saxonsettlement by the early 7th century, calledLundenwic,about one mile west of Londinium, to the north of the presentStrand.Lundenwic came under directMerciancontrol in about 670. After the death ofOffa of Merciain 796, it was disputed between Mercia andWessex.

Viking invasionsbecame frequent from the 830s, and a Viking army is believed to have camped in the old Roman walls during the winter of 871.Alfred the Greatreestablished English control ofLondonin 886, and renewed its fortifications. The old Roman walls were repaired and thedefensive ditchwas recut, and the old Roman city became the main site of population. The city now became known asLundenburg,marking the beginning of the history of theCity of London.Sweyn Forkbeardattacked London unsuccessfully in 996 and 1013, but his sonCnut the Greatfinally gained control of London, and all of England, in 1016.

Edward the Confessorbecame king in 1042. He builtWestminster Abbey,the first largeRomanesquechurch in England,consecratedin 1065, and the firstPalace of Westminster.These were located just up-river from the city. Edward's death led to a succession crisis, and ultimately theNorman invasion of England.

The average height for Londoners reached a pre-20th century peak, with the male average at 5'8 "(173 cm) and the female average at 5'4¼" (163cm).[1]

A mention of Lunden in theAnglo-Saxon Chronicle


London and the kingdom of Essex, which for a period of time included Middlesex, Surrey and Kent

TheRomancity was abandoned in the early Anglo-Saxon period, and there is almost no reliable evidence about what happened in the London area from around 450 to 600. Early Anglo-Saxon settlement in the London area was not on the site of the abandoned Roman city, although the Roman London Wall remained intact. Instead, by the 670s the port town ofLundenwicwas developing in the area ofCovent Garden.[2]

In the early 8th century, Lundenwic was described by theVenerable Bedeas "a trading centre for many nations who visit it by land and sea". TheOld Englishtermwicor "trading town" ultimately derived from theLatinwordvicus,[3]so Lundenwic meant "London trading town".

Archaeologists were for many years puzzled as to where early Anglo-Saxon London was located, as they could find little evidence of occupation within the Roman city walls from this period. However, in the 1980s, London was rediscovered, after extensive independent excavations by archaeologistsAlan VinceandMartin Biddlewere reinterpreted as being of an urban character.[4][5]In theCovent Gardenarea, excavations in 1985 and 2005 have uncovered an extensive Anglo-Saxon settlement that dates back to the 7th century.[5][6]The excavations show that the settlement covered about 600,000 m2(6,500,000 sq ft), stretching along the north side ofthe Strand(i.e. "the beach" ) from the present-dayNational Gallerysite in the west to Aldwych in the east.

By about 600, Anglo-Saxon England had become divided into a number of small kingdoms within what eventually became known as theHeptarchy.From the mid-6th century, London was incorporated into theKingdom of Essex,which extended as far west asSt Albansand for a period includedMiddlesexandSurrey.

In 604,Sæberht of Essexwas converted toChristianityand London receivedMellitus,its first post-RomanBishop of London.At this time Essex owed allegiance toÆthelberht of Kentand it was under Æthelberht that Mellitus founded the firstcathedral of the East Saxons,which is traditionally said to be on the site of an oldRoman templeofDiana(although the 17th century architectChristopher Wrenfound no evidence of this). The original building would have been only a modest church at first and it may well have been destroyed after Mellitus was expelled from the city by Sæberht'spagansuccessors in 616. The majority of London's population remained pagan during the larger part of the 7th century, and the bishop's seat was occupied only intermittently, byCeddbetween 653 and 664, and byWinebetween 666 andc. 672.The bishopric of London was re-established for good in 675, when theArchbishop of Canterbury,Theodore of Tarsus,installedEarconwaldas bishop.

Lundenwic came under direct Mercian control in about 670, as Essex became gradually reduced in size and status. After the death of Offa of Mercia in 796, it was disputed between Mercia and Wessex.

Viking attacks[edit]

Statue ofAlfred the GreatinWantage,now inOxfordshire,his birthplace.

London suffered attacks fromVikings,which became increasingly common from around 830 onwards. It was attacked in 842 in a raid that was described by a chronicler as "the great slaughter". In 851, another raiding party, reputedly involving 350 ships, came to plunder the city.

In 865, the VikingGreat Heathen Armylaunched a large scale invasion of the smallkingdom of East Anglia.They overran East Anglia, Mercia andNorthumbriaand came close to controlling most of Anglo-Saxon England. By 871 they had reached London and they are believed to have camped within the old Roman walls during the winter of that year. Although it is unclear what happened during this time, London may have come under Viking control for a period.

In 878, West Saxon forces led byAlfred the Greatdefeated the Vikings at theBattle of Ethandunand forced their leaderGuthrumto sue for peace. TheTreaty of Wedmoreand the laterTreaty of Alfred and Guthrumdivided England and created the Danish-controlledDanelaw.


Plaque in theCitynoting the restoration of the city byAlfred.

English rule in London was restored by 886. Alfred quickly set about establishing fortified towns orburhsacross southern England to improve his kingdom's defences: London was no exception. Within ten years, the settlement within the old Roman walls was re-established, now known as Lundenburg. The old Roman walls were repaired and the defensive ditch was re-cut. These changes effectively marked the beginning of the present City of London, the boundaries of which are still to some extent defined by its ancient city walls.

As the focus of Lundenburg was moved back to within the Roman walls, the original Lundenwic was largely abandoned and in time gained the name of Ealdwic, 'old settlement', a name which survives today asAldwych.

10th century London[edit]

A gold coin probably minted in London during the reign ofÆthelred the Unready,showing him wearing armour

Alfred appointed his son-in-lawEarl Æthelred of Mercia,the heir to the destroyed kingdom of Mercia, as Governor of London and established two defendedBoroughsto defend the bridge, which was probably rebuilt at this time. The southern end of the bridge was established as theSouthwarkorSuthringa Geworc('defensive work of the men of Surrey'). From this point, the city of London began to develop its own unique local government.

After Æthelred's death, London came under the direct control of English kings. Alfred's sonEdward the Elderwon back much land from Danish control. By the early 10th century, London had become an important commercial centre. Although the political centre of England wasWinchester,London was becoming increasingly important.Æthelstanheld many royal councils in London and issued laws from there.Æthelred the Unreadyfavoured London as his capital,[citation needed]and issued his Laws of London from there in 978.

The Vikings' return[edit]

It was during the reign of Æthelred that Vikings resumed their raids, led by Sweyn Forkbeard ofDenmark.London was attacked unsuccessfully in 994, but numerous raids followed. In 1013, London underwent a long siege and Æthelred was forced to flee abroad.

Æthelred returned with his ally the Norwegian kingOlafand reclaimed London. A Norsesagatells of a battle during the Viking occupation where the English king Æthelred returned to attack Viking-occupied London. According to the saga, the Danes linedLondon Bridgeand showered the attackers with spears.

Undaunted, the attackers pulled the roofs off nearby houses and held them over their heads in the boats. Thus protected, they were able to get close enough to the bridge to attach ropes to the piers and pull the bridge down, defeat the Vikings and end the occupation of London. There is some speculation that the nursery rhyme "London Bridge is Falling Down"stems from this incident.[citation needed]Following Æthelred's death on 23 April 1016, his sonEdmund Ironsidewas declared king.

Medieval illustration byMatthew Paris,depictingEdmund Ironside(left) andCnut(right).

Sweyn's sonCnut the Greatcontinued the attacks, harryingWarwickshireand pushing northwards across eastern Mercia in early 1016. Edmund remained in London, still unsubdued behind its famous walls, and was elected king after the death of Aethelred, but Cnut returned southward and the Danish army evidently divided, some dealing with Edmund, some besieging London.

A battle atPenselwood,inSomersetand a subsequent battle atSherston,inWiltshire,fought over two days left neither side victorious. Edmund was able to temporarily relieve London, driving the enemy away and defeating them after crossing the Thames atBrentford.Suffering heavy losses, he withdrew to Wessex to gather fresh troops, and the Danes again brought London under siege, but after another unsuccessful assault they withdrew into Kent under attack by the English, with a battle fought atOtford.

On 18 October 1016, the Danes were engaged by Edmund's army as they retired towards their ships, leading to theBattle of Assandun.In the ensuing struggle,Eadric Streona,whose return to the English side had perhaps only been a ruse, withdrew his forces from the fray, bringing about a decisive English defeat. Edmund fled westwards, and Cnut pursued him intoGloucestershire,with another battle probably fought near theForest of Dean.

On an island nearDeerhurst,Cnut and Edmund – who had been wounded – met to negotiate terms of peace. It was agreed that all of England north of the Thames was to be the domain of the Danish prince, while all to the south was kept by the English king, along with London. Accession to the reign of the entire realm was set to pass to Cnut upon Edmund's death.

Edmund died on 30 November, within weeks of the agreement. Some sources claim Edmund was murdered, although the circumstances of his death are unknown.[7]In accord with the treaty, Cnut was left as king of all of England. His coronation was in London, at Christmas, with recognition by the nobility in January the next year at Oxford.[8]

Cnut was succeeded briefly by his sons,Harold HarefootandHarthacnut,after which the Saxon line was restored whenEdward the Confessorbecame king in 1042.

Edward the Confessor and the Norman invasion[edit]

Following Harthacnut's death on 8 June 1042, Godwin, the most powerful of the English earls, supported Edward, who succeeded to the throne. TheAnglo-Saxon Chronicledescribes the popularity he enjoyed at his accession — "before he [Harthacnut] was buried, all the people chose Edward as king in London."[9]Edward was crowned atthe cathedral of Winchester,the royal seat of the West Saxons, on 3 April 1043.

Modern historians reject the traditional view that Edward mainly employed Norman favourites, but he did have foreigners in his household. Chief among them wasRobert of Jumièges,who came to England in 1041, becoming Bishop of London in 1043. According to theVita Ædwardi Regis,he became "always the most powerful confidential adviser to the king".[10]

When Edward appointed Robert of Jumièges as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1051, he chose the leading craftsmanSpearhafocto replace Robert as bishop of London, but he was never consecrated.

Edward's Norman sympathies are most clearly seen in the major building project of his reign,Westminster Abbey,the first Norman Romanesque church in England. This was commenced between 1042 and 1052 as a royal burial church, consecrated on 28 December 1065, completed after his death in about 1090, and demolished in 1245 to make way for Henry III's new building, which still stands. Edward's building is shown in theBayeux Tapestry,and was very similar toJumièges AbbeyinNormandy,which was built at the same time. Robert of Jumièges must have been closely involved in both buildings, although it is not clear which is the original and which the copy.[11]

Following Edward's death in 1066, no clear heir was apparent and his cousin, DukeWilliam of Normandy,claimed the throne. The EnglishWitenagemotmet in the city and elected Edward's brother-in-law,Harold Godwinson,as king: Harold was crowned in Westminster Abbey. William, outraged by this, theninvaded England.


  1. ^Werner, Alex (1998).London Bodies.London: Museum of London. p. 108.ISBN090481890X.
  2. ^Naismith 2019,p. 85;Killock 2019,p. 135.
  3. ^"Londinium".economist.co.uk. Archived fromthe originalon 16 November 2007.
  4. ^Channel 4 Time Team
  5. ^abPatrick Ottaway.Archaeology in British Towns: From the Emperor Claudius to the Black Death.
  6. ^Origins of Anglo-Saxon LondonArchivedOctober 26, 2014, at theWayback Machine
  7. ^Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, pp. 152–3;Williams, A.,Æthelred the Unready The Ill-Counselled King,Hambledon & London, 2003, pp. 146–7.
  8. ^Frank Stenton,Anglo-Saxon England,3rd ed. Oxford: Clarendon, 1971,ISBN9780198217169,p. 399.
  9. ^Anglo-Saxon Chronicle(MS E) s.a. 1041 (1042), tr.Michael Swanton.
  10. ^Van Houts, p. 69. Richard Gem, 'Craftsmen and Administrators in the Building of the Abbey', p. 171. Both in Mortimer ed.,Edward the Confessor.Robert of Jumièges is usually described as Norman, but his origin is unknown, possibly Frankish (Van Houts, p. 70).
  11. ^Eric Fernie, 'Edward the Confessor's Westminster Abbey', in Mortimer ed.,Edward the Confessor,pp. 139–143


  • Billings, Malcolm (1994),London: a companion to its history and archaeology,ISBN1-85626-153-0
  • Inwood, Stephen.A History of London(1998)ISBN0-333-67153-8
  • Killock, Douglas (2019). "London's Middle Saxon Waterfront: excavations at the Adelphi Building".Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society.70.Museum of London: 129–65.ISBN978-0-903290-75-3.
  • Naismith, Rory (2019).Citadel of the Saxons: The Rise of Early London.London, UK: I.B.Tauris.ISBN978-1788312226.

External links[edit]