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Ananodyneis adrugused to lessenpainthrough reducing the sensitivity of thebrainornervous system.[1]The term was common inmedicinebefore the 20th century,[2][1][3]but such drugs are now more often known asanalgesicsorpainkillers.

The termanodynederives fromGreekanōdynos(ἀνώδυνος), froman-(αν-,"without" ) andodynē(ὀδύνη,"pain" ).[1]Etymologically,the word covers any substance that reduces pain, but doctors used it more narrowly.[1]Some definitions restrict the term totopicalmedications, includingherbal simplessuch asonion,lily,rootofmallows,leavesofviolet,andelderberry.[citation needed]Other definitions include ingestednarcotics,hypnotics,andopioids.[4]In the 19th century, the primary anodynes wereopium,henbane,hemlock,tobacco,nightshade(stramonium), andchloroform.[1]

Certain compound medicines were also called by this name, such asanodyne balsam,made ofcastile soap,camphor,saffron,andspirit of wine,and digested in asand heat.It was recommended not only for easing extreme pain, but also for assisting in discharging the diseasedtissuethat caused or occurred with the pain.

In literary usage, the word has escaped its strictly medical meaning to convey anything "soothing or rela xing" (since the 18th century) or even anything "non-contentious", "blandly agreeable", or unlikely to cause offence or debate.[5]

See also





  • Chambers, Ephraim, ed. (1728), "Anodyne",Cyclopædia,James & John Knapton.
  • Baynes, T. S., ed. (1878),"Anodyne",Encyclopædia Britannica,vol. 2 (9th ed.), New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, p. 90
  • Chisholm, Hugh,ed. (1911),"Anodyne",Encyclopædia Britannica,vol. 2 (11th ed.), Cambridge University Press, p. 79
  • Quain, Richard (1883),A Dictionary of Medicine: Including General Pathology, General Therapeutics