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Antigonus III Doson

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Antigonus III
Silvertetradrachmstruck sometime during the reign of Antigonus.Obv.:head ofPoseidonwearing wreath of marine plants;rev.:Apolloseated on the prow of a ship.
King of Macedon
Reign229 - 221 BC
PredecessorDemetrius II Aetolicus
SuccessorPhilip V
Born263 BC
Died221 BC
DynastyAntigonid dynasty
FatherDemetrius the Fair

Antigonus III Doson(Ancient Greek:Ἀντίγονος Δώσων, 263–221 BC) was king ofMacedonfrom 229 BC to221 BC.He was a member of theAntigonid dynasty.He was calledEuergetes,Soter[1]and Guardian (ἐπίτροπος) as he was theguardianofPhilip V of Macedon.[2]

Family background[edit]

Antigonus III Doson was a half-cousin of his predecessor,Demetrius II Aetolicus.Doson's father wasDemetrius the Fair(briefly king of Cyrene), the son ofDemetrius Poliorcetesand his third wife, Ptolemaïs, daughter ofPtolemy I SoterandEurydice,daughter ofAntipater.[3]As such, Demetrius the Fair was, on his father's side, a younger half-brother ofDemetrius II's father,Antigonus II Gonatas,the son of Poliorcetes by his first wife,Phila,another of Antipater's daughters; as well as a nephew of bothPtolemy KeraunosandMeleageron his mother's side. According toEusebius,Doson's own mother was aThessaliannoblewoman, Olympias, daughter of Pauliclitus ofLarissa.[4]Antigonus also had a brother namedEchecrates,[5]whose son, named Antigonus after Doson himself, was put to death byPerseuson the latter's accession to the throne of Macedon.[6]

Doson's father, Demetrius the Fair, died sometime around 250 BC, as a result of events that occurred after being summoned from Macedonia toCyreneto marryBerenice II,the daughter and heir ofMagas of Cyrene.Rather than contenting himself with his young bride, Demetrius openly became the lover of her powerful mother,Apama II.So the jealous bride took her revenge by having him assassinated.[7]It is unclear whether Doson's mother had died before this time.

Antigonus' by-name, Doson, is Greek for "going to give." The meaning of this is uncertain. According toPlutarchit "implied that he was given to promising but did not perform his engagements",[8]though even the exact meaning of this is unclear.

Regent of Macedonia[edit]

When Demetrius II died in battle in 229 BC, his son and would-be successor, the laterPhilip V,was only nine years old. According to Plutarch, both the Macedonian army and nobility thought the political situation too volatile to wait for Philip V to mature enough to assume command.[9]As a consequence, the Macedonian nobility turned to Doson, who was subsequently maderegentof the kingdom and then married his predecessor's widow and the mother of Philip,[10]Chryseis.[11]However, it was only after Doson demonstrated his leadership abilities by succeeding (where his cousin Demetrius had failed) in defeating theDardaniiinvaders and also in putting down a rebellion by theThessalians,[12]and showing his rule to be generally moderate and good, that he was given the title of king.[13]Unlike his Antigonid ancestors, he had no viable rivals to challenge his right to rule. Yet, even as king he apparently envisioned himself as caretaker for his cousin's son, Philip V.

King of Macedonia[edit]

As king, Antigonus III proved to be as much a master of tactical diplomacy as of military strategy. In less than a decade of rule he not only secured the borders of his kingdom, but he also re-established Macedon as the dominant power in the region. Unlike previous Macedonian rulers who attempted direct dominion over their fiercely independent neighbours to the West and South, he formed alliances withEpirusand theAchaean League.WhenSparta,underCleomenes III,attempted to establishhegemonyover the whole Peloponnese,Aratus of Sicyon- longtime leader of Greek opposition to Macedonian domination - invited Antigonus to intervene (226 BC). Establishing his base on the heights aboveCorinth,Antigonus reconstituted a broad-based Hellenic league (224 BC) under his leadership before launching his attack on Sparta. The Spartan forces, outmatched by the larger, better equipped Macedonian army, were so overwhelmed in theBattle of Sellasia(222 BC) thatCleomenesonly managed to escape with a few horsemen, and ultimately had to seek refuge inEgypt.[14]However, in a magnanimous gesture, Antigonus restrained his soldiers from plundering Sparta, saying it was Cleomenes, not Sparta, that was his enemy.[15]

Antigonus did not long survive this victory. For, while his forces were campaigning in the southern Peloponnese,Illyriansinvaded Macedonia from the north. Antigonus had to rush north to repel this new threat. On his way, Antigonus passed through Tegea and Argos, his arrival at the latter coinciding with the beginning of theNemean Games,where he was honoured by theAchaean Leagueand various other cities.[16]His death occurred soon after, when he returned to Macedon and engaged the Illyrian army; for though Macedonian forces were once again victorious, the commander became sick during the battle (possibly, though not necessarily, as a result of a ruptured blood vessel) and died.[17]



  1. ^Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 40.54, note 1
  2. ^Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 40.54
  3. ^Plutarch,Life of Demetrius,46.3, 53.4
  4. ^Eusebius,Chronicle,243
  5. ^Livy xl. 54
  6. ^Livy xl. 58
  7. ^Dodson, Aidan & Hilton, Dyan,The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt(2010), p. 279
  8. ^Plutarch,Life of Aemilius Paullus8.3
  9. ^Plutarch,Life of Aemilius Paullus8.3
  10. ^Plutarch,Life of Aemilius Paullus8.3
  11. ^Eusebius,Chronicle1.237-8; also SyncellusChronicle535.19
  12. ^Justin,Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus28.3
  13. ^Plutarch,Life of Aemilius Paullus8.3
  14. ^Polybius,Histories2.69.10
  15. ^Justin,Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus28.4
  16. ^Polybius,Histories2.70.4
  17. ^Polybius,Histories2.70.6

External links[edit]

Antigonus III
Born:263Died:221 BC
Royal titles
Preceded by King of Macedon
229–221 BC
Succeeded by