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The apsides refer to the farthest (2) and nearest (3) points reached by an orbitingplanetary body(2 and 3) with respect to aprimary, or host, body(1)

Anapsis(fromAncient Greekἁψίς(hapsís)'arch, vault';pl.apsides/ˈæpsɪˌdz/AP-sih-deez)[1][2]is the farthest or nearest point in theorbitof aplanetary bodyabout itsprimary body.Theline of apsidesis the line connecting the twoextreme values.

Apsides pertaining to orbits around theSunhave distinct names to differentiate themselves from other apsides; these names areaphelionfor the farthest andperihelionfor the nearest point in the solar orbit.[3]TheMoon's two apsides are the farthest point,apogee,and the nearest point,perigee,of its orbit around the hostEarth.Earth's two apsides are the farthest point,aphelion,and the nearest point,perihelion,of its orbit around the host Sun. The termsaphelionandperihelionapply in the same way to the orbits ofJupiterand the otherplanets,thecomets,and theasteroidsof theSolar System.

General description[edit]

The two-body system of interactingelliptic orbits:The smaller, satellite body (blue) orbits theprimary body(yellow); both are in elliptic orbits around theircommon center of mass(orbarycenter), (red +).
∗Periapsis and apoapsis as distances: the smallest and largest distances between the orbiter and its host body.

There are two apsides in anyelliptic orbit.The name for each apsis is created from the prefixesap-,apo-(fromἀπ(ό),(ap(o)-)'away from') for the farthest orperi-(fromπερί(peri-)'near') for the closest point to theprimary body,with a suffix that describes the primary body. The suffix for Earth is-gee,so the apsides' names areapogeeandperigee.For the Sun, the suffix is-helion,so the names areaphelionandperihelion.

According toNewton's laws of motion,all periodic orbits are ellipses. The barycenter of the two bodies may lie well within the bigger body—e.g., the Earth–Moon barycenter is about 75% of the way from Earth's center to its surface.[4]If, compared to the larger mass, the smaller mass is negligible (e.g., for satellites), then theorbital parametersare independent of the smaller mass.

When used as a suffix—that is,-apsis—the term can refer to the two distances from the primary body to the orbiting body when the latter is located: 1) at theperiapsispoint, or 2) at theapoapsispoint (compare both graphics, second figure). The line of apsides denotes the distance of the line that joins the nearest and farthest points across an orbit; it also refers simply to the extreme range of an object orbiting a host body (see top figure; see third figure).

Inorbital mechanics,the apsides technically refer to the distance measured between thecenter of massof thecentral bodyand the center of mass of the orbiting body. However, in the case of aspacecraft,the terms are commonly used to refer to the orbitalaltitudeof the spacecraft above the surface of the central body (assuming a constant, standard reference radius).

Keplerianorbital elements:pointG,the nearest point of approach of an orbiting body, is the pericenter (also periapsis) of an orbit; pointH,the farthest point of the orbiting body, is the apocenter (also apoapsis) of the orbit; and the red line between them is the line of apsides.


The words "pericenter" and "apocenter" are often seen, although periapsis/apoapsis are preferred in technical usage.

  • For generic situations where the primary is not specified, the termspericenterandapocenterare used for naming the extreme points of orbits (see table, top figure);periapsisandapoapsis(orapapsis) are equivalent alternatives, but these terms also frequently refer to distances—that is, the smallest and largest distances between the orbiter and its host body (see second figure).
  • For a body orbiting theSun,the point of least distance is theperihelion(/ˌpɛrɪˈhliən/), and the point of greatest distance is theaphelion(/æpˈhliən/);[5]when discussing orbits around other stars the terms becomeperiastronandapastron.
  • When discussing a satellite ofEarth,including theMoon,the point of least distance is theperigee(/ˈpɛrɪ/), and of greatest distance, theapogee(fromAncient Greek:Γῆ (), "land" or "earth" ).[6]
  • For objects inlunar orbit,the point of least distance are called thepericynthion(/ˌpɛrɪˈsɪnθiən/) and the greatest distance theapocynthion(/ˌæpəˈsɪnθiən/). The termsperiluneandapolune,as well asperiseleneandaposeleneare also used.[7]Since the Moon has no natural satellites this only applies to man-made objects.


The wordsperihelionandaphelionwere coined byJohannes Kepler[8]to describe the orbital motions of the planets around the Sun. The words are formed from the prefixesperi-(Greek:περί,near) andapo-(Greek:ἀπό,away from), affixed to the Greek word for the Sun, (ἥλιος,orhēlíos).[5]

Various related terms are used for othercelestial objects.The suffixes-gee,-helion,-astronand-galacticonare frequently used in the astronomical literature when referring to the Earth, Sun, stars, and theGalactic Centerrespectively. The suffix-joveis occasionally used for Jupiter, but-saturniumhas very rarely been used in the last 50 years for Saturn. The-geeform is also used as a generic closest-approach-to "any planet" term—instead of applying it only to Earth.

During theApollo program,the termspericynthionandapocynthionwere used when referring toorbiting the Moon;they reference Cynthia, an alternative name for the Greek Moon goddessArtemis.[9]More recently, during theArtemis program,the termsperiluneandapolunehave been used.[10]

Regarding black holes, the term peribothron was first used in a 1976 paper by J. Frank and M. J. Rees,[11]who credit W. R. Stoeger for suggesting creating a term using the greek word for pit: "bothron".

The termsperimelasmaandapomelasma(from a Greek root) were used by physicist and science-fiction authorGeoffrey A. Landisin a story published in 1998,[12]thus appearing beforeperinigriconandaponigricon(from Latin) in the scientific literature in 2002.[13]

Terminology summary[edit]

The suffixes shown below may be added to prefixesperi-orapo-to form unique names of apsides for the orbiting bodies of the indicated host/(primary)system. However, only for the Earth, Moon and Sun systems are the unique suffixes commonly used.Exoplanetstudies commonly use-astron,but typically, for other host systems the generic suffix,-apsis,is used instead.[14][failed verification]

Host objects in the Solar System with named/nameable apsides
host object
Suffix Origin
of the name
Sun -helion Helios
Mercury -hermion Hermes
Venus -cythe Cytherean
Earth -gee Gaia
Moon -lune[7]
Mars -areion Ares
Ceres -demeter[15] Demeter
Jupiter -jove Zeus
Saturn -chron[7]
Uranus -uranion Uranus
Neptune -poseideum[17]
Other host objects with named/nameable apsides
host object
Suffix Origin
of the name
Star -astron Lat: astra;stars
Galaxy -galacticon Gr:galaxias;galaxy
Barycenter -center
Black hole -melasma
Gr: melos;black

Perihelion and aphelion[edit]

Diagram of a body's directorbitaround theSunwith its nearest (perihelion) and farthest (aphelion) points

The perihelion (q) and aphelion (Q) are the nearest and farthest points respectively of a body's directorbitaround theSun.

Comparingosculating elementsat a specificepochto effectively those at a different epoch will generate differences. The time-of-perihelion-passage as one of six osculating elements is not an exact prediction (other than for a generictwo-body model) of the actual minimum distance to the Sun using thefull dynamical model.Precise predictions of perihelion passage requirenumerical integration.

Inner planets and outer planets[edit]

The two images below show the orbits,orbital nodes,and positions of perihelion (q) and aphelion (Q) for the planets of the Solar System[18]as seen from above the northern pole ofEarth's ecliptic plane,which iscoplanarwithEarth's orbital plane.The planets travel counterclockwise around the Sun and for each planet, the blue part of their orbit travels north of the ecliptic plane, the pink part travels south, and dots mark perihelion (green) and aphelion (orange).

The first image (below-left) features theinnerplanets, situated outward from the Sun as Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. ThereferenceEarth-orbit is colored yellow and represents theorbital plane of reference.At the time of vernal equinox, the Earth is at the bottom of the figure. The second image (below-right) shows theouterplanets, being Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

The orbital nodes are the two end points of the"line of nodes"where a planet's tilted orbit intersects the plane of reference;[19]here they may be 'seen' as the points where the blue section of an orbit meets the pink.

Lines of apsides[edit]

The chart shows the extreme range—from the closest approach (perihelion) to farthest point (aphelion)—of several orbitingcelestial bodiesof theSolar System:the planets, the known dwarf planets, includingCeres,andHalley's Comet.The length of the horizontal bars correspond to the extreme range of the orbit of the indicated body around the Sun. These extreme distances (between perihelion and aphelion) arethe lines of apsidesof the orbits of various objects around a host body.

Astronomical unitAstronomical unitAstronomical unitAstronomical unitAstronomical unitAstronomical unitAstronomical unitAstronomical unitAstronomical unitAstronomical unitHalley's CometSunEris (dwarf planet)Makemake (dwarf planet)Haumea (dwarf planet)PlutoCeres (dwarf planet)NeptuneUranusSaturnJupiterMarsEarthVenusMercury (planet)Astronomical unitAstronomical unitDwarf planetDwarf planetCometPlanet

Distances of selected bodies of theSolar Systemfrom the Sun. The left and right edges of each bar correspond to theperihelionandaphelionof the body, respectively, hence long bars denote highorbital eccentricity.The radius of the Sun is 0.7 million km, and the radius of Jupiter (the largest planet) is 0.07 million km, both too small to resolve on this image.

Earth perihelion and aphelion[edit]

Currently, the Earth reaches perihelion in early January, approximately 14 days after theDecember solstice.At perihelion, the Earth's center is about0.98329astronomical units(AU) or 147,098,070 km (91,402,500 mi) from the Sun's center. In contrast, the Earth reaches aphelion currently in early July, approximately 14 days after theJune solstice.The aphelion distance between the Earth's and Sun's centers is currently about1.01671AUor 152,097,700 km (94,509,100 mi).

The dates of perihelion and aphelion change over time due to precession and other orbital factors, which follow cyclical patterns known asMilankovitch cycles.In the short term, such dates can vary up to 2 days from one year to another.[20]This significant variation is due to the presence of the Moon: while the Earth–Moonbarycenteris moving on a stable orbit around the Sun, the position of the Earth's center which is on average about 4,700 kilometres (2,900 mi) from the barycenter, could be shifted in any direction from it—and this affects the timing of the actual closest approach between the Sun's and the Earth's centers (which in turn defines the timing of perihelion in a given year).[21]

Because of the increased distance at aphelion, only 93.55% of the radiation from the Sun falls on a given area of Earth's surface as does at perihelion, but this does not account for theseasons,which result instead from thetilt of Earth's axisof 23.4° away from perpendicular to the plane of Earth's orbit.[22]Indeed, at both perihelion and aphelion it issummerin one hemisphere while it iswinterin the other one. Winter falls on the hemisphere where sunlight strikes least directly, and summer falls where sunlight strikes most directly, regardless of the Earth's distance from the Sun.

In the northern hemisphere, summer occurs at the same time as aphelion, when solar radiation is lowest. Despite this, summers in the northern hemisphere are on average 2.3 °C (4 °F) warmer than in the southern hemisphere, because the northern hemisphere contains larger land masses, which are easier to heat than the seas.[23]

Perihelion and aphelion do however have an indirect effect on the seasons: because Earth'sorbital speedis minimum at aphelion and maximum at perihelion, the planet takes longer to orbit from June solstice to September equinox than it does from December solstice to March equinox. Therefore, summer in the northern hemisphere lasts slightly longer (93 days) than summer in the southern hemisphere (89 days).[24]

Astronomers commonly express the timing of perihelion relative to theFirst Point of Ariesnot in terms of days and hours, but rather as an angle of orbital displacement, the so-calledlongitude of the periapsis(also called longitude of the pericenter). For the orbit of the Earth, this is called thelongitude of perihelion,and in 2000 it was about 282.895°; by 2010, this had advanced by a small fraction of a degree to about 283.067°,[25]i.e. a mean increase of 62 "per year.

For the orbit of the Earth around the Sun, the time of apsis is often expressed in terms of a time relative to seasons, since this determines the contribution of the elliptical orbit to seasonal variations. The variation of the seasons is primarily controlled by the annual cycle of the elevation angle of the Sun, which is a result of the tilt of the axis of the Earth measured from theplane of the ecliptic.The Earth'seccentricityand other orbital elements are not constant, but vary slowly due to the perturbing effects of the planets and other objects in the solar system (Milankovitch cycles).

On a very long time scale, the dates of the perihelion and of the aphelion progress through the seasons, and they make one complete cycle in 22,000 to 26,000 years. There is a corresponding movement of the position of the stars as seen from Earth, called theapsidal precession.(This is closely related to theprecession of the axes.) The dates and times of the perihelions and aphelions for several past and future years are listed in the following table:[26]

Year Perihelion Aphelion
Date Time (UT) Date Time (UT)
2010 January 3 00:09 July 6 11:30
2011 January 3 18:32 July 4 14:54
2012 January 5 00:32 July 5 03:32
2013 January 2 04:38 July 5 14:44
2014 January 4 11:59 July 4 00:13
2015 January 4 06:36 July 6 19:40
2016 January 2 22:49 July 4 16:24
2017 January 4 14:18 July 3 20:11
2018 January 3 05:35 July 6 16:47
2019 January 3 05:20 July 4 22:11
2020 January 5 07:48 July 4 11:35
2021 January 2 13:51 July 5 22:27
2022 January 4 06:55 July 4 07:11
2023 January 4 16:17 July 6 20:07
2024 January 3 00:39 July 5 05:06
2025 January 4 13:28 July 3 19:55
2026 January 3 17:16 July 6 17:31
2027 January 3 02:33 July 5 05:06
2028 January 5 12:28 July 3 22:18
2029 January 2 18:13 July 6 05:12

Other planets[edit]

The following table shows the distances of theplanetsanddwarf planetsfrom the Sun at their perihelion and aphelion.[27]

Type of body Body Distance from Sun at perihelion Distance from Sun at aphelion difference (%) insolation
difference (%)
Planet Mercury 46,001,009 km (28,583,702 mi) 69,817,445 km (43,382,549 mi) 34% 57%
Venus 107,476,170 km (66,782,600 mi) 108,942,780 km (67,693,910 mi) 1.3% 2.8%
Earth 147,098,291 km (91,402,640 mi) 152,098,233 km (94,509,460 mi) 3.3% 6.5%
Mars 206,655,215 km (128,409,597 mi) 249,232,432 km (154,865,853 mi) 17% 31%
Jupiter 740,679,835 km (460,237,112 mi) 816,001,807 km (507,040,016 mi) 9.2% 18%
Saturn 1,349,823,615 km (838,741,509 mi) 1,503,509,229 km (934,237,322 mi) 10% 19%
Uranus 2,734,998,229 km (1.699449110×109mi) 3,006,318,143 km (1.868039489×109mi) 9.0% 17%
Neptune 4,459,753,056 km (2.771162073×109mi) 4,537,039,826 km (2.819185846×109mi) 1.7% 3.4%
Dwarf planet Ceres 380,951,528 km (236,712,305 mi) 446,428,973 km (277,398,103 mi) 15% 27%
Pluto 4,436,756,954 km (2.756872958×109mi) 7,376,124,302 km (4.583311152×109mi) 40% 64%
Haumea 5,157,623,774 km (3.204798834×109mi) 7,706,399,149 km (4.788534427×109mi) 33% 55%
Makemake 5,671,928,586 km (3.524373028×109mi) 7,894,762,625 km (4.905578065×109mi) 28% 48%
Eris 5,765,732,799 km (3.582660263×109mi) 14,594,512,904 km (9.068609883×109mi) 60% 84%

Mathematical formulae[edit]

Theseformulaecharacterize the pericenter and apocenter of an orbit:

Maximum speed,,at minimum (pericenter) distance,.
Minimum speed,,at maximum (apocenter) distance,.

While, in accordance withKepler's laws of planetary motion(based on the conservation ofangular momentum) and the conservation of energy, these two quantities are constant for a given orbit:

Specific relative angular momentum
Specific orbital energy


  • is the distance from the apocenter to the primary focus
  • is the distance from the pericenter to the primary focus
  • ais thesemi-major axis:
  • μis thestandard gravitational parameter
  • eis theeccentricity,defined as

Note that for conversion from heights above the surface to distances between an orbit and its primary, the radius of the central body has to be added, and conversely.

Thearithmetic meanof the two limiting distances is the length of the semi-major axisa.Thegeometric meanof the two distances is the length of thesemi-minor axisb.

The geometric mean of the two limiting speeds is

which is the speed of a body in a circular orbit whose radius is.

Time of perihelion[edit]

Orbital elementssuch as thetime of perihelion passageare defined at theepochchosen using an unperturbedtwo-body solutionthat does not account for then-body problem.To get an accurate time of perihelion passage you need to use an epoch close to the perihelion passage. For example, using an epoch of 1996,Comet Hale–Boppshows perihelion on 1 April 1997.[28]Using an epoch of 2008 shows a less accurate perihelion date of 30 March 1997.[29]Short-period cometscan be even more sensitive to the epoch selected. Using an epoch of 2005 shows101P/Chernykhcoming to perihelion on 25 December 2005,[30]but using an epoch of 2012 produces a less accurate unperturbed perihelion date of 20 January 2006.[31]

Two bodysolution vsn-bodysolution for12P/Pons–Brookstime of perihelion passage
Epoch Date of perihelion (tp)
2010 2024-Apr-19.892
n-body[32] 2024-Apr-21.139
2018 2024-Apr-23.069

Numerical integrationshowsdwarf planetEriswill come to perihelion around December 2257.[33]Using an epoch of 2021, which is 236 years early, less accurately shows Eris coming to perihelion in 2260.[34]

4 Vestacame to perihelion on 26 December 2021,[35]but using a two-body solution at an epoch of July 2021 less accurately shows Vesta came to perihelion on 25 December 2021.[36]

Short arcs[edit]

Trans-Neptunian objectsdiscovered when 80+ AU from the Sun need dozens of observations over multiple years to well constrain their orbits because they move very slowly against the background stars. Due to statistics of small numbers, trans-Neptunian objects such as2015 TH367when it had only 8 observations over anobservation arcof 1 year that have not or will not come to perihelion for roughly 100 years can have a1-sigmauncertainty of 77.3 years (28,220 days) in the perihelion date.[37]

See also[edit]


  1. ^"apsis".Dictionary Unabridged(Online). n.d.
  2. ^"apsis".The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language(5th ed.). HarperCollins.
  3. ^Joe Rao (July 6, 2023)."Happy Aphelion Day! Earth is at its farthest from the sun for 2023 today".Space.RetrievedApril 22,2024.
  4. ^"Earth-Moon Barycenter - SkyMarvels".skymarvels.RetrievedApril 23,2024.
  5. ^abSince the Sun, Ἥλιος in Greek, begins with a vowel (H is the long ē vowel in Greek), the final o in "apo" is omitted from the prefix. =The pronunciation "Ap-helion" is given in many dictionaries[1]ArchivedDecember 22, 2015, at theWayback Machine,pronouncing the "p" and "h" in separate syllables. However, the pronunciation/əˈfliən/[2]ArchivedJuly 29, 2017, at theWayback Machineis also common (e.g.,McGraw Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms,5th edition, 1994, p. 114), since in late Greek, 'p' from ἀπό followed by the 'h' from ἥλιος becomes phi; thus, the Greek word is αφήλιον. (see, for example, Walker, John,A Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names,Townsend Young 1859[3]ArchivedSeptember 21, 2019, at theWayback Machine,page 26.) Many[4]dictionaries give both pronunciations
  6. ^Chisholm, Hugh,ed. (1911)."Perigee".Encyclopædia Britannica.Vol. 21 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 149.
  7. ^abcd"Basics of Space Flight".NASA.Archivedfrom the original on September 30, 2019.RetrievedMay 30,2017.
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  33. ^"Horizons Batch for Eris at perihelion around 7 December 2257 ±2 weeks".JPL Horizons(Perihelion occurs when rdot flips from negative to positive. The JPL SBDB generically (incorrectly) lists an unperturbed two-body perihelion date in 2260). Jet Propulsion Laboratory.Archivedfrom the original on September 13, 2021.RetrievedSeptember 13,2021.
  34. ^"JPL SBDB: Eris (Epoch 2021)".Archivedfrom the original on January 31, 2018.RetrievedJanuary 5,2021.
  35. ^"Horizons Batch for 4 Vesta on 2021-Dec-26"(Perihelion occurs when rdot flips from negative to positive).JPL Horizons.Archivedfrom the original on September 26, 2021.RetrievedSeptember 26,2021.(Epoch 2021-Jul-01/Soln.date: 2021-Apr-13)
  36. ^JPL SBDB: 4 Vesta (Epoch 2021)
  37. ^"JPL SBDB: 2015 TH367".Archived from the original on March 14, 2018.RetrievedSeptember 23,2021.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)

External links[edit]