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Apollo 17

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Apollo 17
The first image is a successful moon landing in full color containing the American flag, an astronaut, a lunar rover, and a lunar landing module. The second image is an emblem containing a statue of the Greek god Apollo, red stripes inside an eagle made of white lines, the Moon, Saturn, and a spiral galaxy; along the outside of the emblem are is the word "Apollo" along with the number "seventeen" in roman numerals, and then the name "Cernan," "Evans," and "Schmitt." The third and final image contains Schmitt on the left, Cernan in the middle and sitting, and Evans behind Cernan.
Gene Cernansalutes theU.S. flag,with theApollo Lunar ModuleChallengerandLunar Roving Vehiclein the background
Mission typeCrewed lunar landing (J)
  • CSM: 1972-096A
  • LM: 1972-096C
  • CSM: 6300
  • LM: 6307
Mission duration12 days, 13 hours, 51 minutes, 59 seconds
Spacecraft properties
Launch mass48,609 kilograms (107,165 lb)[2]
Landing mass5,500 kilograms (12,120 lb)[3]
Crew size3
  • CSM:America
  • LM:Challenger
EVAs1 incislunar space
3 on the lunar surface
EVAduration1 hour, 5 minutes, 44 seconds
(Spacewalk to retrieve film cassettes)
Start of mission
Launch dateDecember 7, 1972, 05:33:00(1972-12-07UTC05:33Z)UTC (12:33 a.m. EST)[4]
RocketSaturn VSA-512
Launch siteKennedyLC-39A
End of mission
Recovered byUSSTiconderoga
Landing dateDecember 19, 1972, 19:54:58(1972-12-19UTC19:54:59Z)UTC[5]
Landing siteSouth Pacific Ocean
17°53′S166°07′W/ 17.88°S 166.11°W/-17.88; -166.11(Apollo 17 splashdown)
Spacecraft componentCommand and service module
Orbital insertionDecember 10, 1972, 19:53:55 UTC[5]
Orbital departureDecember 16, 1972, 23:35:09 UTC[5]
Spacecraft componentLunar module
Landing dateDecember 11, 1972, 19:54:58 UTC[5]
Return launchDecember 14, 1972, 22:54:37 UTC[5]
Landing siteTaurus–Littrow
20°11′27″N30°46′18″E/ 20.1908°N 30.7717°E/20.1908; 30.7717[6]
Sample mass115 kilograms (254 lb)
Surface EVAs3
EVA duration
  • 22 hours, 3 minutes, 57 seconds
  • First: 7 hours, 11 minutes, 53 seconds
  • Second: 7 hours, 36 minutes, 56 seconds
  • Third: 7 hours, 15 minutes, 8 seconds
Distance driven35.7 kilometers (22.2 mi)

Left to right:Schmitt,Cernan(seated),Evans
Apollo 18 (canceled) →

Apollo 17(December 7–19, 1972) was the eleventh and final mission ofNASA'sApollo program,the sixth and most recent time humans have set foot on theMoonor traveled beyondlow Earth orbit.CommanderGene Cernanand Lunar Module PilotHarrison Schmittwalked on the Moon, while Command Module PilotRonald Evansorbited above. Schmitt was the only professional geologist to land on the Moon; he was selected in place ofJoe Engle,as NASA had been under pressure to send a scientist to the Moon. The mission's heavy emphasis on science meant the inclusion of a number of new experiments, including abiological experiment containing five micethat was carried in the command module.

Mission planners had two primary goals in deciding on the landing site: to samplelunar highlandmaterial older than that atMare Imbriumand to investigate the possibility of relatively recentvolcanic activity.They therefore selectedTaurus–Littrow,where formations that had been viewed and pictured from orbit were thought to be volcanic in nature. Since all three crew members had backed up previous Apollo lunar missions, they were familiar with the Apollo spacecraft and had more time for geology training.

Launched at 12:33 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on December 7, 1972, following the only launch-pad delay in the course of the whole Apollo program that was caused by a hardware problem, Apollo 17 was a"J-type" missionthat included three days on the lunar surface, expanded scientific capability, and the use of the thirdLunar Roving Vehicle(LRV). Cernan and Schmitt landed in the Taurus–Littrow valley, completed threemoonwalks,tooklunar samplesand deployedscientific instruments.Orange soil was discovered atShorty crater;it proved to be volcanic in origin, although from early in the Moon's history. Evans remained inlunar orbitin thecommand and service module(CSM), taking scientific measurements and photographs. The spacecraft returned to Earth on December 19.

The mission broke severalrecordsfor crewedspaceflight,including the longest crewed lunar landing mission (12 days, 14 hours),[7]greatest distance from a spacecraft during anextravehicular activityof any type (7.6 kilometers or 4.7 miles), longest time on the lunar surface (75 hours), longest total duration of lunar-surface extravehicular activities (22 hours, 4 minutes),[8]largest lunar-sample return (approximately 115 kg or 254 lb), longest time in lunar orbit (6 days, 4 hours),[7]and greatest number of lunar orbits (75).[9]

Crew and key Mission Control personnel[edit]

Position[10] Astronaut
Commander Eugene A. Cernan
Third and last spaceflight
Command Module Pilot (CMP) Ronald E. Evans
Only spaceflight
Lunar Module Pilot (LMP) Harrison H. Schmitt
Only spaceflight

In 1969, NASA announced[11]that the backup crew ofApollo 14would be Gene Cernan, Ronald Evans, and formerX-15pilotJoe Engle.[12][13]This put them in line to be the prime crew of Apollo 17, because the Apollo program's crew rotation generally meant that a backup crew would fly as prime crew three missions later. Harrison Schmitt, who was a professional geologist as well as an astronaut, had served on the backup crew ofApollo 15,and thus, because of the rotation, would have been due to fly as lunar module pilot on Apollo 18.[14]

In September 1970,the plan to launch Apollo 18 was cancelled.The scientific community pressed NASA to assign a geologist, rather than a pilot with non-professional geological training, to an Apollo landing. NASA subsequently assigned Schmitt to Apollo 17 as the lunar module pilot. After that, NASA's director of flight crew operations,Deke Slayton,was left with the question of who would fill the two other Apollo 17 slots: the rest of the Apollo 15 backup crew (Dick GordonandVance Brand), or Cernan and Evans from the Apollo 14 backup crew. Slayton ultimately chose Cernan and Evans.[11]Support at NASA for assigning Cernan was not unanimous. Cernan had crashed aBell 47G helicopterinto theIndian RivernearCape Kennedyduring a training exercise in January 1971; the accident was later attributed to pilot error, as Cernan had misjudged his altitude before crashing into the water.Jim McDivitt,who was manager of the Apollo Spacecraft Program Office at the time, objected to Cernan's selection because of this accident, but Slayton dismissed the concern. After Cernan was offered command of the mission, he advocated for Engle to fly with him on the mission, but it was made clear to him that Schmitt would be assigned instead, with or without Cernan, so he acquiesced.[15][16]The prime crew of Apollo 17 was publicly announced on August 13, 1971.[17]

When assigned to Apollo 17, Cernan was a 38-year-old captain in theUnited States Navy;he had been selected in thethird group of astronautsin 1963, and flown as pilot ofGemini 9Ain 1966 and as lunar module pilot ofApollo 10in 1969 before he served on Apollo 14's backup crew. Evans, 39 years old when assigned to Apollo 17, had been selected as part of thefifth group of astronautsin 1966, and had been a lieutenant commander in the United States Navy. Schmitt, a civilian, was 37 years old when assigned Apollo 17, had a doctorate in geology fromHarvard University,and had been selected in thefourth group of astronautsin 1965. Both Evans and Schmitt were making their first spaceflights.[18]

For the backup crews of Apollo 16 and 17, the final Apollo lunar missions, NASA selected astronauts who had already flown Apollo lunar missions, to take advantage of their experience, and avoid investing time and money in training rookies who would be unlikely to ever fly an Apollo mission.[19][20]The original backup crew for Apollo 17, announced at the same time as the prime crew,[17]was the crew of Apollo 15:David Scottas commander,Alfred Wordenas CMP andJames Irwinas LMP, but in May 1972 they were removed from the backup crew because of their roles in theApollo 15 postal covers incident.[21]They were replaced with the landing crew of Apollo 16:John W. Youngas backup crew commander,Charles Dukeas LMP, and Apollo 14's CMP,Stuart Roosa.[18][22][23]Originally, Apollo 16's CMP,Ken Mattingly,was to be assigned along with his crewmates, but he declined so he could spend more time with his family, his son having just been born, and instead took an assignment to theSpace Shuttleprogram.[24]Roosa had also served as backup CMP for Apollo 16.[25]

For the Apollo program, in addition to the prime and backup crews that had been used in the Mercury and Gemini programs, NASA assigned a third crew of astronauts, known as the support crew. Their role was to provide any assistance in preparing for the missions that the missions director assigned then. Preparations took place in meetings at facilities across the US and sometimes needed a member of the flight crew to attend them. Because McDivitt was concerned that problems could be created if a prime or backup crew member was unable to attend a meeting, Slayton created the support crews to ensure that someone would be able to attend in their stead.[26]Usually low in seniority, they also assembled the mission's rules,flight planand checklists, and kept them updated;[27][28]for Apollo 17, they wereRobert F. Overmyer,Robert A. ParkerandC. Gordon Fullerton.[29]

Flight directorswereGerry Griffin,first shift,Gene Kranzand Neil B. Hutchinson, second shift, andPete Frankand Charles R. Lewis, third shift.[30]According to Kranz, flight directors during the program Apollo had a one-sentence job description, "The flight director may take any actions necessary for crew safety and mission success."[31]Capsule communicators(CAPCOMs) were Fullerton, Parker, Young, Duke, Mattingly, Roosa,Alan ShepardandJoseph P. Allen.[32]

Mission insignia and call signs[edit]

The insignia's most prominent feature is an image of the Greek sun godApollobackdropped by a rendering of anAmerican eagle,the red bars on the eagle mirroring those on theU.S. flag.Three white stars above the red bars represent the three crewmembers of the mission. The background includes the Moon, the planetSaturn,and a galaxy or nebula. The wing of the eagle partially overlays the Moon, suggesting humanity's established presence there.[33]

The Apollo seventeen emblem containing Apollo, an eagle made of lines, the Moon, and Saturn; around the outside of the emblem the text Apollo XVII, and then the names Cernan, Evans, and Schmitt.
Apollo 17 space-flown silverRobbins medallion

The insignia includes, along with the colors of the U.S. flag (red, white, and blue), the color gold, representative of a "golden age" of spaceflight that was to begin with Apollo 17.[33]The image of Apollo in the mission insignia is a rendering of theApollo Belvederesculpture in theVatican Museums.It looks forward into the future, towards the celestial objects shown in the insignia beyond the Moon. These represent humanity's goals, and the image symbolizes human intelligence, wisdom and ambition. The insignia was designed by artistRobert McCall,based on ideas from the crew.[34]

In deciding the call signs for the command module (CM) andlunar module(LM), the crew wished to pay tribute to the American public for their support of the Apollo program, and to the mission, and wanted names with a tradition within American history. The CM was given the call sign "America". According to Cernan, this evoked the 19th century sailing ships which were given that name, and was a thank-you to the people of the United States. The crew selected the name "Challenger" for the LM in lieu of an alternative, "Heritage". Cernan stated that the selected name "just seemed to describe more of what the future for America really held, and that was a challenge".[35]After Schmitt stepped onto the Moon fromChallenger,he stated, "I think the next generation ought to accept this as a challenge. Let's see them leave footprints like these."[36]

Planning and training[edit]

Scheduling and landing site selection[edit]

Prior to the cancellation of Apollo 18 through 20, Apollo 17 was slated to launch in September 1971 as part of NASA's tentative launch schedule set forth in 1969.[4]The in-flight abort ofApollo 13and the resulting modifications to the Apollo spacecraft delayed subsequent missions.[37]Following the cancellation of Apollo 20 in early 1970, NASA decided there would be no more than two Apollo missions per year.[38]Part of the reason Apollo 17 was scheduled for December 1972 was to make it fall afterthe presidential electionin November, ensuring that if there was a disaster, it would have no effect on PresidentRichard Nixon's re-election campaign.[39]Nixon had been deeply concerned about the Apollo 13 astronauts, and, fearing another mission in crisis as he ran for re-election, initially decided to omit the funds for Apollo 17 from the budget; he was persuaded to accept a December 1972 date for the mission.[40]

Like Apollo 15 and 16, Apollo 17 was slated to be a "J-mission",an Apollo mission type that featured lunar surface stays of three days, higher scientific capability, and the usage of the Lunar Roving Vehicle. Since Apollo 17 was to be the final lunar landing of the Apollo program, high-priority landing sites that had not been visited previously were given consideration for potential exploration. Some sites were rejected at earlier stages. For instance, a landing in the craterCopernicuswas rejected becauseApollo 12had already obtained samples from that impact, and three other Apollo expeditions had already visited the vicinity ofMare Imbrium,near the rim of which Copernicus is located. The lunar highlands near the craterTychowere rejected because of the rough terrain that the astronauts would encounter there. A site on thelunar far sidein the craterTsiolkovskiywas rejected due to technical considerations and the operational costs of maintaining communication with Earth during surface operations. Lastly, a landing in a region southwest ofMare Crisiumwas rejected on the grounds that aSovietspacecraft could easily access the site and retrieve samples;Luna 20ultimately did so shortly after the Apollo 17 site selection was made.[41]Schmitt advocated for a landing on the far side of the Moon until told by Director of Flight OperationsChristopher C. Kraftthat it would not happen as NASA lacked the funds for the necessary communications satellites.[42]

Black and white photo of a created surface of the Moon showing the landing site and surrounding area for Apollo 17 as taken from Apollo 17.
Landing site and surrounding area, as imaged from the Apollo 17 command module, 1972

The three sites that made the final consideration for Apollo 17 wereAlphonsus crater,Gassendi crater,and theTaurus–Littrowvalley. In making the final landing site decision, mission planners considered the primary objectives for Apollo 17: obtaining old highlands material a substantial distance from Mare Imbrium, sampling material from young volcanic activity (i.e., less than three billion years), and having minimal ground overlap with the orbital ground tracks of Apollo 15 and Apollo 16 to maximize the amount of new data obtained.[41]A significant reason for the selection of Taurus–Littrow was that Apollo 15's CMP, Al Worden, had overflown the site and observed features he described as likely volcanic in nature.[43]

Gassendi was eliminated because NASA felt that itscentral peakwould be difficult to reach due to the roughness of the local terrain, and, though Alphonsus might be easier operationally than Taurus–Littrow, it was of lesser scientific interest.[44]At Taurus–Littrow, it was believed that the crew would be able to obtain samples of old highland material from the remnants of a landslide event that occurred on the south wall of the valley and the possibility of relatively young, explosive volcanic activity in the area. Although the valley is similar to thelanding site of Apollo 15in that it is on the border of alunar mare,the advantages of Taurus–Littrow were believed to outweigh the drawbacks.[41]The Apollo Site Selection Board, a committee of NASA personnel and scientists charged with setting out scientific objectives of the Apollo landing missions and selecting landing sites for them,[45]unanimously recommended Taurus–Littrow at its final meeting in February 1972. Upon that recommendation, NASA selected Taurus–Littrow as the landing site for Apollo 17.[44]


A photo of Gene Cernan standing on a rock with holding a stick while participating in geology training.
Gene Cernan participates in geology training inSudbury, Ontario,in May 1972

As with previous lunar landings, the Apollo 17 astronauts undertook an extensive training program that included learning to collect samples on the surface, usage of thespacesuits,navigation in the Lunar Roving Vehicle, field geology training, survival training,splashdownand recovery training, and equipment training.[46]The geology field trips were conducted as much as possible as if the astronauts were on the Moon: they would be provided with aerial images and maps, and briefed on features of the site and a suggested routing. The following day, they would follow the route, and have tasks and observations to be done at each of the stops.[47]

The geology field trips began with one toBig Bend National Parkin Texas in October 1971. The early ones were not specifically tailored to prepare the astronauts for Taurus–Littrow, which was not selected until February 1972, but by June, the astronauts were going on field trips to sites specifically selected to prepare for Apollo 17's landing site.[48]Both Cernan and Schmitt had served on backup crews for Apollo landing missions, and were familiar with many of the procedures. Their trainers, such asGordon Swann,feared that Cernan would defer to Schmitt as a professional geologist on matters within his field. Cernan also had to adjust for the loss of Engle, with whom he had trained for Apollo 14. In spite of these issues, Cernan and Schmitt worked well together as a team, and Cernan became adept at describing what he was seeing on geology field trips, and working independently of Schmitt when necessary.[49]

The landing crew aimed for a division of labor so that, when they arrived in a new area, Cernan would perform tasks such as adjusting the antenna on the Lunar Roving Vehicle so as to transmit to Earth while Schmitt gave a report on the geological aspects of the site. The scientists in the geology "backroom" relied on Schmitt's reports to adjust the tasks planned for that site, which would be transmitted to the CapCom and then to Cernan and Schmitt. According toWilliam R. Muehlberger,one of the scientists who trained the astronauts, "In effect [Schmitt] was running the mission from the Moon. But we set it up this way. All of those within the geological world certainly knew it, and I had a sneaking hunch that the top brass knew it too, but this is a practical way out, and they didn't object."[50]

Also participating in some of the geology field trips were the commander and lunar module pilot of the backup crew. The initial field trips took place before the Apollo 15 astronauts were assigned as the backup crew for Apollo 17 in February 1972. Either one or both of Scott and Irwin of Apollo 15 took part in four field trips, though both were present together for only two of them. After they were removed from the backup crew, the new backup commander and LMP, Young and Duke, took part in the final four field trips.[21]On field trips, the backup crew would follow half an hour after the prime crew, performing identical tasks, and have their own simulated CapCom and Mission Control guiding them.[47]The Apollo 17 astronauts had fourteen field trips—theApollo 11crew had only one.[51]

Evans did not go on the geology field trips, having his own set of trainers—by this time, geology training for the CMP was well-established. He would fly with a NASA geologist/pilot, Dick Laidley, over geologic features, with part of the exercise conducted at 40,000 feet (12,000 m), and part at 1,000 feet (300 m) to 5,000 feet (1,500 m). The higher altitude was equivalent to what could be seen from the planned lunar orbit of about 60 nmi with binoculars. Evans would be briefed for several hours before each exercise, and given study guides; afterwards, there would be debriefing and evaluation. Evans was trained in lunar geology byFarouk El-Bazlate in the training cycle; this continued until close to launch. The CMP was given information regarding the lunar features he would overfly in the CSM and which he was expected to photograph.[52]

Mission hardware and experiments[edit]

Saturn five rocket on a launch pat at dusk while cloudy outside.
SA-512, Apollo 17's Saturn V rocket, on the launch pad awaiting liftoff, November 1972

Spacecraft and launch vehicle[edit]

The Apollo 17 spacecraft comprised CSM-114 (consisting of Command Module 114 (CM-114) and Service Module 114 (SM-114)); Lunar Module 12 (LM-12);[53]a Spacecraft-Lunar Module Adapter (SLA) numbered SLA-21; and a Launch Escape System (LES).[54][55]The LES contained a rocket motor that would propel the CM to safety in the event of an aborted mission in the moments after launch, while the SLA housed the LM during the launch and early part of the flight. The LES was jettisoned after the launch vehicle ascended to the point that it was not needed, while the SLA was left atop theS-IVBthird stage of the rocket after the CSM and LM separated from it.[56][57]

The launch vehicle, SA-512,[53]was one of fifteenSaturn Vrockets built,[58]and was the twelfth to fly.[59]With a weight at launch of 6,529,784 pounds (2,961,860 kg) (116,269 pounds (52,739 kg) of which was attributable to the spacecraft), Apollo 17's vehicle was slightly lighter than Apollo 16, but heavier than every other crewed Apollo mission.[60]

Preparation and assembly[edit]

The first piece of the launch vehicle to arrive atKennedy Space Centerwas theS-IIsecond stage, on October 27, 1970; it was followed by the S-IVB on December 21; theS-ICfirst stage did not arrive until May 11, 1972, followed by the Instrument Unit on June 7. By then, LM-12 had arrived, the ascent stage on June 16, 1971, and the descent stage the following day; they were not mated until May 18, 1972. CM-114, SM-114 and SLA-21 all arrived on March 24, 1972. The rover reached Kennedy Space Center on June 2, 1972.[61]

Schmitt, (left), Cernan, (right) in a training LRV, with the Lunar Landing Module in the background.
Cernan (seated, right) and Schmitt in the trainingLunar Roving Vehicle,with the mockupLunar Modulein the background, August 1972

The CM and the service module (SM) were mated on March 28, 1972,[61]and the testing of the spacecraft began that month.[62]The CSM was placed in a vacuum chamber at Kennedy Space Center, and the testing was conducted under those conditions. The LM was also placed in a vacuum chamber; both the prime and the backup crews participated in testing the CSM and LM.[63]During the testing, it was discovered that the LM's rendezvous radar assembly had received too much voltage during earlier tests; it was replaced by the manufacturer,Grumman.The LM's landing radar also malfunctioned intermittently and was also replaced. The front and rear steering motors of theLunar Roving Vehicle(LRV) also had to be replaced, and it required several modifications.[62]Following the July 1972 removal from the vacuum chamber, the LM's landing gear was installed, and it, the CSM and the SLA were mated to each other. The combined craft was moved into theVehicle Assembly Buildingin August for further testing, after which it was mounted on the launch vehicle.[63]After completing testing, including a simulated mission, the LRV was placed in the LM on August 13.[64]

Erection of the stages of the launch vehicle began on May 15, 1972, in High Bay 3 of the Vehicle Assembly Building, and was completed on June 27. Since the launch vehicles forSkylab 1andSkylab 2were being processed in that building at the same time, this marked the first time NASA had three launch vehicles there since the height of the Apollo program in 1969. After the spacecraft was mounted on the launch vehicle on August 24,[64]it was rolled out to Pad 39-A on August 28.[61]Although this was not the final time a Saturn V would fly (another would liftSkylabto orbit), area residents reacted as though it was, and 5,000 of them watched the rollout, during which the prime crew joined the operating crew fromBendixatop the crawler.[62]

At Pad 39-A, testing continued, and the CSM was electrically mated to the launch vehicle on October 11, 1972. Testing concluded with the countdown demonstration tests, accomplished on November 20 and 21.[61]The countdown to launch began at 7:53 a.m. (12:53 UTC) on December 5, 1972.[65]

Lunar surface science[edit]


TheApollo Lunar Surface Experiments Packagewas a suite of nuclear-powered experiments, flown on each landing mission after Apollo 11. This equipment was to be emplaced by the astronauts to continue functioning after the astronauts returned to Earth.[66]For Apollo 17, the ALSEP experiments were aHeat Flow Experiment(HFE), to measure the rate of heat flow from the interior of the Moon, aLunar Surface Gravimeter(LSG), to measure alterations in the lunar gravity field at the site,[67]aLunar Atmospheric Composition Experiment(LACE), to investigate what the lunar atmosphere is made up of,[68]aLunar Seismic Profiling Experiment(LSPE), to detect nearby seismic activity, and aLunar Ejecta and Meteorites Experiment(LEME), to measure the velocity and energy of dust particles.[67]Of these, only the HFE had been flown before; the others were new.[66]

The HFE had been flown on the aborted Apollo 13 mission, as well as on Apollo 15 and 16, but placed successfully only on Apollo 15, and unexpected results from that device made scientists anxious for a second successful emplacement. It was successfully deployed on Apollo 17.[69]The lunar gravimeter was intended to detect wavers in gravity, which would provide support forAlbert Einstein'sgeneral theory of relativity;[70]it ultimately failed to function as intended.[71]The LACE was a surface-deployed module that used amass spectrometerto analyze the Moon's atmosphere.[72]On previous missions, theCode Cathode Gaugeexperiment had measured the quantity of atmospheric particles, but the LACE determined which gases were present: principally neon, helium and hydrogen.[68]The LSPE was a seismic-detecting device that usedgeophones,which would detect explosives to be set off by ground command once the astronauts left the Moon.[67]When operating, it could only send useful data to Earth in high bit rate, meaning that no other ALSEP experiment could send data then, and limiting its operating time. It was turned on to detect the liftoff of the ascent stage, as well as use of the explosives packages, and the ascent stage's impact, and thereafter about once a week, as well as for some 100 hour periods.[73]The LEME had a set of detectors to measure the characteristics of the dust particles it sought.[67]It was hoped that the LEME would detect dust impacting the Moon from elsewhere, such as from comets or interstellar space, but analysis showed that it primarily detected dust moving at slow speeds across the lunar surface.[74]

All powered ALSEP experiments that remained active were deactivated on September 30, 1977,[66]principally because of budgetary constraints.[75]

Other lunar-surface science[edit]

Black and white photo of a lunar rover with a lunar landing module in the background.
Apollo 17'sLunar Roving Vehicleas it was left parked on the Moon at the conclusion of the mission. The Surface Electrical Properties (SEP) experiment receiver is the antenna on the right-rear of the vehicle

Like Apollo 15 and 16, Apollo 17 carried a Lunar Roving Vehicle. In addition to being used by the astronauts for transport from station to station on the mission's three moonwalks, the LRV was used to transport the astronauts' tools, communications equipment, and the lunar samples they gathered.[76]The Apollo 17 LRV was also used to carry some of the scientific instruments, such as the Traverse Gravimeter Experiment (TGE) and Surface Electrical Properties (SEP) experiment.[71][77]The Apollo 17 LRV traveled a cumulative distance of approximately 35.7 km (22.2 mi) in a total drive time of about four hours and twenty-six minutes; the greatest distance Cernan and Schmitt traveled from the lunar module was about 7.6 km (4.7 mi).[78]

This was the only mission to carry the TGE, which was built byDraper Laboratoryat theMassachusetts Institute of Technology.As gravimeters had been useful in studying the Earth's internal structure, the objective of this experiment was to do the same on the Moon. The gravimeter was used to obtain relative gravity measurements at the landing site in the immediate vicinity of the lunar module, as well as various locations on the mission's traverse routes. Scientists would then use this data to help determine the geological substructure of the landing site and the surrounding vicinity. Measurements were taken while the TGE was mounted on the LRV, and also while the device was placed on the lunar surface. A total of 26 measurements were taken with the TGE during the mission's three moonwalks, with productive results.[71]

The SEP was also unique to Apollo 17, and included two major components: a transmitting antenna deployed near the lunar module and a receiver mounted on the LRV. At different stops during the mission's traverses, electrical signals traveled from the transmitting device, through the ground, and were received at the LRV. The electrical properties of thelunar regolithcould be determined by comparison of the transmitted and received electrical signals. The results of this experiment, which are consistent withlunar rockcomposition, show that there is almost no water in the area of the Moon in which Apollo 17 landed, to a depth of 2 km (1.2 mi).[77]

A 2.4 m (7.9 ft) long, 2 cm (0.79 in) diameter[79]device, the Lunar Neutron Probe was inserted into one of the holes drilled into the surface to collect core samples. It was designed to measure the quantity of neutrons which penetrated to the detectors it bore along its length. This was intended to measure the rate of the "gardening" process on the lunar surface, whereby the regolith on the surface is slowly mixed or buried due to micrometeorites and other events. Placed during the first EVA, it was retrieved during the third and final EVA. The astronauts brought it with them back to Earth, and the measurements from it were compared with the evidence of neutron flux in the core that had been removed from the hole it had been placed in. Results from the probe and from the cores were instrumental in current theories that the top centimeter of lunar regolith turns over every million years, whereas "gardening" to a depth of one meter takes about a billion years.[80]

Orbital science[edit]

Biological experiments[edit]

Apollo 17's CM carried a biological cosmic ray experiment (BIOCORE), containing five mice that had been implanted with radiation monitors under their scalps to see whether they suffered damage from cosmic rays. These animals were placed in individual metal tubes inside a sealed container that had its own oxygen supply, and flown on the mission. All five were pocket mice (Perognathus longimembris);[81]this species was chosen because it was well-documented, small, easy to maintain in an isolated state (not requiring drinking water during the mission and with highly concentrated waste), and for its ability to withstand environmental stress.[82]Officially, the mice—four male and one female—were assigned the identification numbers A3326, A3400, A3305, A3356 and A3352. Unofficially, according to Cernan, the Apollo 17 crew dubbed them Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum, and Phooey.[83]

Four of the five mice survived the flight, though only two of them appeared healthy and active; the cause of death of the fifth mouse was not determined. Of those that survived, the study foundlesionsin the scalp itself and, in one case, the liver. The scalp lesions and liver lesions appeared to be unrelated to one another; nothing was found that could be attributed to cosmic rays.[84]

The Biostack experiment was similar to one carried on Apollo 16, and was designed to test the effects of the cosmic rays encountered in space travel on microorganisms that were included, on seeds, and on the eggs of simple animals (brine shrimpand beetles), which were carried in a sealed container. After the mission, the microorganisms and seeds showed little effect, but many of the eggs of all species failed to hatch, or to mature normally; many died or displayed abnormalities.[85]

Scientific Instrument Module[edit]

Apollo 17 SIM bay on the service moduleAmerica,seen from the Lunar ModuleChallengerin orbit around the Moon

The Apollo 17 SM contained the scientific instrument module (SIM) bay. The SIM bay housed three new experiments for use in lunar orbit: a lunar sounder, aninfraredscanningradiometer,and afar-ultravioletspectrometer. A mapping camera, panoramic camera, and alaser altimeter,which had been carried previously, were also included in the SIM bay.[86]

The lunar sounder was to beamelectromagneticimpulses toward the lunar surface, which were designed with the objective of obtaining data to assist in developing a geological model of the interior of the Moon to an approximate depth of 1.3 km (0.81 mi).[86]The infrared scanning radiometer was designed with the objective of generating a temperature map of the lunar surface to aid in locating surface features such as rock fields, structural differences in thelunar crust,and volcanic activity. The far-ultraviolet spectrometer was to be used to obtain information on the composition, density, and constituency of thelunar atmosphere.The spectrometer was also designed to detect far-UV radiation emitted by the Sun that had been reflected off the lunar surface. The laser altimeter was designed to measure the altitude of the spacecraft above the lunar surface within approximately 2 meters (6.6 feet), providing altitude information to the panoramic and mapping cameras, which were also in the SIM bay.[86][87]

Light-flash phenomenon and other experiments[edit]

Beginning with Apollo 11, crew members observed light flashes that penetrated their closed eyelids. These flashes, described by the astronauts as "streaks" or "specks" of light, were usually observed while the spacecraft was darkened during a sleep period. These flashes, while not observed on the lunar surface, would average about two per minute and were observed by the crew members during the trip out to the Moon, back to Earth, and in lunar orbit.[88]

The Apollo 17 crew repeated an experiment, also conducted on Apollo 16, with the objective of linking these light flashes withcosmic rays.Evans wore a device over his eyes that recorded the time, strength, and path of high-energy atomic particles that penetrated the device, while the other two wore blindfolds to keep out light. Investigators concluded that the available evidence supports the hypothesis that these flashes occur when charged particles travel through theretinain the eye.[88]

Apollo 17 carried a sodium-iodide crystal identical to the ones in the gamma-ray spectrometer flown on Apollo 15 and 16. Data from this, once it was examined on Earth, was to be used to help form a baseline, allowing for subtraction of rays from the CM or fromcosmic radiationto gain better data from the earlier results.[89]In addition, the S-band transponders in the CSM and LM were pointed at the Moon to gain data on its gravitational field. Results from theLunar Orbiterprobes had revealed that lunar gravity varies slightly due to the presence ofmass concentrations,or "mascons". Data from the missions, and from the lunar subsatellitesleft by Apollo 15and16,were used to map such variations in lunar gravity.[90][91]

Mission events[edit]

Launch and outbound trip[edit]

Apollo 17 launches on December 7, 1972

Originally planned to launch on December 6, 1972, at 9:53 p.m.EST(2:53 a.m. on December 7 UTC),[65]Apollo 17 was the final crewed SaturnV launch, and the only one to occur at night. The launch was delayed by two hours and forty minutes due to an automatic cutoff in the launch sequencer at the T-30 second mark in the countdown. The cause of the problem was quickly determined to be the launch sequencer's failure to automatically pressurize the liquid oxygen tank in the third stage of the rocket; although launch control noticed this and manually caused the tank to pressurize, the sequencer did not recognize the fix and therefore paused the countdown. The clock was reset and held at the T-22 minute mark while technicians worked around the malfunction in order to continue with the launch. This pause was the only launch delay in the Apollo program caused by a hardware problem. The countdown then resumed, and the liftoff occurred at 12:33 a.m. EST on December 7, 1972.[4][92]The launch window, which had begun at the originally planned launch time of 9:53 p.m. on December 6, remained open until 1:31 a.m., the latest time at which a launch could have occurred during the December 6–7 window.[93]

Approximately 500,000 people observed the launch in the immediate vicinity of Kennedy Space Center, despite the early-morning hour. The launch was visible as far away as 800 km (500 mi), and observers inMiami, Florida,reported a "red streak" crossing the northern sky.[92]Among those in attendance at the program's final launch were astronautsNeil Armstrongand Dick Gordon, as well as centenarianCharlie Smith,who alleged he was 130 years old at the time of Apollo 17.[94]

The ascent resulted in an orbit with an altitude and velocity almost exactly that which had been planned.[95]In the hours following the launch, Apollo 17 orbited the Earth while the crew spent time monitoring and checking the spacecraft to ensure its readiness to depart Earth orbit. At 3:46 a.m. EST, the S-IVB third stage was reignited for the 351-secondtrans-lunar injectionburn to propel the spacecraft towards the Moon.[11][4]Ground controllers chose a faster trajectory for Apollo 17 than originally planned to allow the vehicle to reach lunar orbit at the planned time, despite the launch delay.[96]The Command and Service Module separated from the S-IVB approximately half an hour following the S-IVB trans-lunar injection burn, after which Evans turned the spacecraft to face the LM, still attached to the S-IVB. The CSM then docked with the LM and extracted it from the S-IVB. Following the LM extraction, Mission Control programmed the S-IVB, no longer needed to propel the spacecraft, to impact the Moon and trip the seismometers left by prior Apollo crews.[11]It struck the Moon just under 87 hours into the mission, triggering the seismometers from Apollo 12, 14, 15 and 16.[97]Approximately nine hours after launch, the crew concluded the mission's first day with a sleep period, until waking up to begin the second day.[11]

View of Earth from Apollo 17 while in transit to the Moon, a photo now known asThe Blue Marble

Mission Control and the crew decided to shorten the mission's second day, the first full day in space, in order to adjust the crew's wake-up times for the subsequent days in preparation for an early morning (EST) wake-up time on the day of the lunar landing, then scheduled for early afternoon (EST). This was done since the first day of the mission had been extended because of the launch delay. Following the second rest period, and on the third day of the mission, the crew executed the first mid-course correction, a two-second burn of the CSM's service propulsion engine to adjust the spacecraft's Moon-bound trajectory. Following the burn, the crew opened the hatch separating the CSM and LM in order to check the LM's systems and concluded that they were nominal.[11]So that events would take place at the time indicated in the flight plan, the mission clocks were moved ahead by 2 hours and 40 minutes, the amount of the launch delay, with one hour of it at 45:00:00 into the mission and the remainder at 65:00:00.[98]

Among their other activities during the outbound trip, the crew photographed the Earth from the spacecraft as it travelled towards the Moon. One of these photographs is now known asThe Blue Marble.[99]The crew found that one of the latches holding the CSM and LM together was unlatched. While Schmitt and Cernan were engaged in a second period of LM housekeeping beginning just before sixty hours into the Mission, Evans worked on the balky latch. He was successful, and left it in the position it would need to be in for the CSM-LM docking that would occur upon return from the lunar surface.[100]

Also during the outward journey, the crew performed a heat flow and convection demonstration, as well as the Apollo light-flash experiment. A few hours before entry into lunar orbit, the SIM door on the SM was jettisoned. At approximately 2:47 p.m. EST on December 10, theservice propulsion systemengine on the CSM ignited to slow down the CSM/LM stack into lunar orbit. Following orbit insertion and orbital stabilization, the crew began preparations for the landing at Taurus–Littrow.[4]

Lunar landing[edit]

The valley ofTaurus-Littrowas seen from theLunar ModuleChallengeron the orbit before powered descent there. TheCommand and Service ModuleAmericacan just be seen crossing the base of the 2.3 km high South Massif. Between the South and North Massifs, the valley is 7 km wide.Mare Serenitatis,the Sea of Serenity, is on the horizon.

The day of the landing began with a checkout of the Lunar Module's systems, which revealed no problems preventing continuation of the mission. Cernan, Evans, and Schmitt each donned their spacesuits, and Cernan and Schmitt entered the LM in preparation for separating from the CSM and landing. The LM undocked from the CSM, and the two spacecraft orbited close together for about an hour and a half while the astronauts made visual inspections and conducted their final pre-landing checks.[11]After finally separating from the CSM, the LMChallengerand its crew of two adjusted their orbit, such that its lowest point would pass about 10.5 mi (16.9 km) above the landing site, and began preparations for the descent to Taurus–Littrow. While Cernan and Schmitt prepared for landing, Evans remained in orbit to take observations, perform experiments and await the return of his crewmates a few days later.[4][11][101]

Soon after completing their preparations for landing and just over two hours following the LM's undocking from the CSM, Cernan and Schmitt began their descent to the Taurus–Littrow valley on the lunar surface with the ignition of the Lunar Module's descent propulsion system (DPS) engine.[101][102]Approximately ten minutes later, as planned, the LM pitched over, giving Cernan and Schmitt their first look at the landing site during the descent phase and allowing Cernan to guide the spacecraft to a desirable landing target while Schmitt provided data from the flight computer essential for landing. The LM touched down on the lunar surface at 2:55 p.m. EST on December 11, just over twelve minutes after DPS ignition.[102]Challengerlanded about 656 feet (200 m) east of the planned landing point.[103]Shortly thereafter, the two astronauts began re-configuring the LM for their stay on the surface and began preparations for the first moonwalk of the mission, or EVA-1.[4][101]

Lunar surface[edit]

First EVA[edit]

Cernan on the lunar surface, December 13, 1972

During their approximately 75-hour stay[104]on the lunar surface, Cernan and Schmitt performed three moonwalks (EVAs). The astronauts deployed the LRV, then emplaced the ALSEP and the seismic explosive charges. They drove the rover to nine planned geological-survey stations to collect samples and make observations. Additionally, twelve short sampling stops were made at Schmitt's discretion while riding the rover, during which the astronauts used a handled scoop to get a sample, without dismounting.[105]During lunar-surface operations, Commander Cernan always drove the rover, while Lunar Module Pilot Schmitt was a passenger who assisted with navigation. This division of responsibilities between the two crew positions was used consistently throughout Apollo's J-missions.[106][107][108]

The first lunar excursion began four hours after landing, at 6:54 p.m. EST on December 11. After exiting through the hatch of the LM and descending the ladder to the footpad, Cernan took the first step on the lunar surface of the mission. Just before doing so, Cernan remarked, "I'm on the footpad. And, Houston, as I step off at the surface at Taurus–Littrow, we'd like to dedicate the first step of Apollo 17 to all those who made it possible."[109]After Cernan surveyed the exterior of the LM and commented on the immediate landing site, Schmitt joined Cernan on the surface.[109]The first task was to offload the rover and other equipment from the LM. While working near the rover, Cernan caught his hammer under the right-rear fender extension, accidentally breaking it off. A similar incident occurred on Apollo 16 as John Young maneuvered around the rover. Although this was not a mission-critical issue, the loss of the part caused Cernan and Schmitt to be covered with dust stirred up when the rover was in motion.[110]The crew made a short-lived fix usingduct tapeat the beginning of the second EVA, attaching a paper map to the damaged fender. Lunar dust stuck to the tape's surface, however, preventing it from adhering properly. Following deployment and testing the maneuverability of the rover, the crew deployed the ALSEP just west of the landing site. The ALSEP deployment took longer than had been planned, with the drilling of core holes presenting some difficulty, meaning the geological portion of the first EVA would need to be shortened, cancelling a planned visit toEmory crater.Instead, following the deployment of the ALSEP, Cernan and Schmitt drove toSteno crater,to the south of the landing site. The objective at Steno was to sample the subsurface material excavated by the impact that formed the crater. The astronauts gathered 14 kilograms (31 lb) of samples, took seven gravimeter measurements, and deployed two explosive packages. The explosive packages were later detonated remotely; the resulting explosions detected by geophones placed by the astronauts and also by seismometers left during previous missions.[111]The first EVA ended after seven hours and twelve minutes.[4]and the astronauts remained in the pressurized LM for the next 17 hours.[112]

Second EVA[edit]

Astronauts Cernan and Schmitt singing "I Was Strolling on the Moon One Day" to the words and tune of the 1884 song "While Strolling Through the Park One Day"

On December 12, awakened by a recording of "Ride of the Valkyries"played from Mission Control,[113]Cernan and Schmitt began their second lunar excursion. The first order of business was to provide the rover's fender a better fix. Overnight, theflight controllersdevised a procedure communicated by John Young: taping together four stiff paper maps[113]to form a "replacement fender extension" and then clamping it onto the fender.[114]The astronauts carried out the new fix which did its job without failing until near the end of the third excursion.[115][116]Cernan and Schmitt then departed for station 2—Nansen Crater,at the foot of the South Massif. When they arrived, their range from theChallengerwas 7.6 kilometers (4.7 miles, 25,029 feet[8]). This remains the furthest distance any spacefarers have ever traveled away from the safety of a pressurizable spacecraft while on a planetary body,[117]and also during an EVA of any type.[a]The astronauts were at the extremity of their "walkback limit", a safety constraint meant to ensure that they could walk back to the LM if the rover failed. They began a return trip, traveling northeast in the rover.[119]

At station 3, Schmitt fell to the ground while working, looking so awkward that Parker jokingly told him that NASA's switchboard had lit up seeking Schmitt's services for Houston's ballet group, and the site of station 3 was in 2019 renamed Ballet Crater.[120]Cernan took a sample at Station 3 that was to be maintained in vacuum until better analytical techniques became available, joking with the CAPCOM, Parker, about placing a note inside. The container remained unopened until 2022.[114][121]

Stopping at station 4—Shorty crater—the astronauts discovered orange soil, which proved to be very small beads of volcanic glass formed over 3.5 billion years ago.[122]This discovery caused great excitement among the scientists at Mission Control, who felt that the astronauts may have discovered a volcanic vent. However, post-mission sample analysis revealed that Shorty is not a volcanic vent, but rather an impact crater. Analysis also found the orange soil to be a remnant of alava fountain.This lava fountain sprayed molten lava high into the lunar sky in the Moon's early days, some 3.5 billion years ago and long before Shorty's creation. The orange volcanic beads were droplets of molten lava from the fountain that solidified and were buried by lava deposits until exposed by the impact that formed Shorty, less than 20 million years ago.[119]

The final stop before returning to the LM wasCamelot crater;throughout the sojourn, the astronauts collected 34 kilograms (75 lb) of samples, took another seven gravimeter measurements, and deployed three more explosive packages.[4]Concluding the EVA at seven hours and thirty-seven minutes, Cernan and Schmitt had completed the longest-duration EVA in history to-date, traveling further away from a spacecraft and covering more ground on a planetary body during a single EVA than any other spacefarers.[8]The improvised fender had remained intact throughout, causing the president of the "Auto Body Association of America" to award them honorary lifetime membership.[123]

Third EVA[edit]

Composite image of Harrison Schmitt working next toTracy's Rockduring EVA-3

The third moonwalk, the last of the Apollo program, began at 5:25 p.m. EST on December 13. Cernan and Schmitt rode the rover northeast of the landing site, exploring the base of the North Massif and the Sculptured Hills. Stopping at station 6, they examined a house-sized split boulder dubbedTracy's Rock(or Split Rock), after Cernan's daughter. The ninth and final planned station was conducted atVan Serg crater.The crew collected 66 kilograms (146 lb) of lunar samples and took another nine gravimeter measurements.[4]Schmitt had seen a fine-grained rock, unusual for that vicinity, earlier in the mission and had stood it on its edge; before closing out the EVA, he went and got it. Subsequently, designated Sample 70215, it was, at 17.7 pounds (8.0 kg), the largest rock brought back by Apollo 17. A small piece of it is on exhibit at theSmithsonian Institution,one of the few rocks from the Moon that the public may touch.[124]Schmitt also collected a sample, designated asSample 76535,at geology station 6 near the base of the North Massif; the sample, atroctolite,was later identified as the oldest known "unshocked" lunar rock, meaning it has not been damaged by high-impact geological events. Scientists have therefore used Sample 76535 inthermochronologicalstudies to determine if the Moon formed a metalliccoreor, as study results suggest, acore dynamo.[125][126]

Before concluding the moonwalk, the crew collected abrecciarock, dedicating it to the nations of Earth, 70 of which were represented by students touring the U.S. and present inMission Control CenterinHouston, Texas,at the time. Portions of this sample, known as the Friendship Rock, were subsequently distributed to the nations represented by the students. A plaque located on the LM, commemorating the achievements made during the Apollo program, was then unveiled. Before reentering the LM for the final time, Cernan remarked,[4][127]

...I'm on the surface; and, as I take man's last step from the surface, back home for some time to come – but we believe not too long into the future – I'd like to just [say] what I believe history will record. That America's challenge of today has forged man's destiny of tomorrow. And, as we leave the Moon at Taurus–Littrow, we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind. "Godspeed the crew of Apollo 17."[128]

Cernan then followed Schmitt into the LM; the final lunar excursion had a duration of seven hours and fifteen minutes.[4]Following closing of the LM hatch and repressurization of the LM cabin, Cernan and Schmitt removed their spacesuits and reconfigured the cabin for a final rest period on the lunar surface. As they did following each of the previous two EVAs, Cernan and Schmitt discussed their geological observations from the day's excursion with mission control while preparing to rest.[129]

Solo activities[edit]

While Cernan and Schmitt were on the lunar surface, Evans remained alone in the CSM in lunar orbit and was assigned a number of observational and scientific tasks to perform while awaiting the return of his crewmates. In addition to the operation of the various orbital science equipment contained in the CSM's SIM bay, Evans conducted both visual and photographic observation of surface features from his aerial vantage point.[130]The orbit of the CSM having been modified to an elliptical orbit in preparation for the LM's departure and eventual descent, one of Evans' solo tasks in the CSM was to circularize its orbit such that the CSM would remain at approximately the same distance above the surface throughout its orbit.[131]Evans observed geological features visible to him and used handheld cameras to record certain visual targets.[130]Evans also observed and sketched thesolar coronaat "sunrise," or the period of time during which the CSM would pass from the darkened portion of the Moon to the illuminated portion when the Moon itself mostly obscured the sun.[132]To photograph portions of the surface that were not illuminated by the sun while Evans passed over them, Evans relied in conjunction onexposureandEarthlight.Evans photographed such features as the cratersEratosthenesand Copernicus, as well as the vicinity ofMare Orientale,using this technique.[133]According to the Apollo 17 Mission Report, Evans was able to capture all scientific photographic targets, as well as some other targets of interest.[134]

An oblique, black-and-white view of a portion of Mare Orientale from the CSM, illustrating the illuminating effect of Earthlight on the lunar terrain below during local nighttime; Evans reported seeing a light "flash" apparently originating from the surface in this area

Similarly to the crew of Apollo 16, Evans (as well as Schmitt, while in lunar orbit) reported seeing light "flashes" apparently originating from the lunar surface, known astransient lunar phenomena(TLP); Evans reported seeing these "flashes" in the vicinity ofGrimaldi craterand Mare Orientale. The causes of TLP are not well-understood and, though inconclusive as an explanation, both of the sites in which Evans reported seeing TLP are the general locations ofoutgassingfrom the Moon's interior.Meteoriteimpacts are another possible explanation.[135][136]

The flight plan kept Evans busy, making him so tired he overslept one morning by an hour, despite the efforts of Mission Control to awaken him. Before the LM departed for the lunar surface, Evans had discovered that he had misplaced his pair of scissors, necessary to open food packets. Cernan and Schmitt lent him one of theirs.[137]The instruments in the SIM bay functioned without significant hindrance during the orbital portion of the mission, though the lunar sounder and the mapping camera encountered minor problems.[138]Evans spent approximately 148 total hours in lunar orbit, including solo time and time spent together with Cernan and Schmitt, which is more time than any other individual has spent orbiting the Moon.[104][139]

Evans was also responsible for piloting the CSM during the orbital phase of the mission, maneuvering the spacecraft to alter and maintain its orbital trajectory. In addition to the initial orbital recircularization maneuver shortly after the LM's departure, one of the solo activities Evans performed in the CSM in preparation for the return of his crewmates from the lunar surface was theplane changemaneuver. This maneuver was meant to align the CSM's trajectory to the eventual trajectory of the LM to facilitate rendezvous in orbit. Evans fired the SPS engine of the CSM for about 20 seconds in successfully adjusting the CSM's orbital plane.[9][138]

Return to Earth[edit]

Apollo 17 post-splashdown recovery operations

Cernan and Schmitt successfully lifted off from the lunar surface in the ascent stage of the LM on December14, at 5:54 p.m. EST. The return to lunar orbit took just over seven minutes.[140]The LM, piloted by Cernan, and the CSM, piloted by Evans, maneuvered, and redocked about two hours after liftoff from the surface. Once the docking had taken place, the crew transferred equipment and lunar samples from the LM to the CSM for return to Earth.[102][141]The crew sealed the hatches between the CSM and the LM ascent stage following completion of the transfer and the LM was jettisoned at 11:51 p.m. EST on December14. The unoccupied ascent stage was then remotely deorbited, crashing it into the Moon with an impact recorded by the seismometers left by Apollo 17 and previous missions.[4][141]At 6:35 p.m. EST on December16, the CSM's SPS engine was ignited once more to propel the spacecraft away from the Moon on a trajectory back towards Earth. The successfultrans-Earth injectionSPS burn lasted just over two minutes.[140]

During the return to Earth, Evans performed a 65-minute EVA to retrieve film cassettes from the service module's SIM bay, with assistance from Schmitt who remained at the command module's hatch. At approximately 160,000 nautical miles[142]: 1730 (184,000 mi; 296,000 km) from Earth, it was the third "deep space" EVA in history, performed at great distance from any planetary body. As of 2024, it remains one of only three such EVAs, all performed during Apollo's J-missions under similar circumstances. It was the last EVA of the Apollo program.[4][143]

During the trip back to Earth, the crew operated the infrared radiometer in the SM, as well as the ultraviolet spectrometer. One midcourse correction was performed, lasting 9 seconds.[144]On December 19, the crew jettisoned the no-longer-needed SM, leaving only the CM for return to Earth. The Apollo 17 spacecraftreentered Earth's atmosphereand splashed down safely in thePacific Oceanat 2:25 p.m. EST, 6.4 kilometers (4.0 mi) from the recovery ship,USSTiconderoga.Cernan, Evans, and Schmitt were then retrieved by a recovery helicopter piloted by Commander Edward E. Dahill, III and were safe aboard the recovery ship 52 minutes after splashdown.[4][141][145]As the final Apollo mission concluded successfully, Mission Control in Houston was filled with many former flight controllers and astronauts, who applauded asAmericareturned to Earth.[146]

Aftermath and spacecraft locations[edit]

Apollo 17 command moduleAmerica,on display atSpace Center Houston
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiterimage of the Apollo 17 mission site taken in 2011, theChallengerdescent stage is in the center, theLunar Roving Vehicleappears in the lower right.

Following their mission, the crew undertook both domestic and international tours, visiting 29 states and 11 countries. The tour kicked off atSuper Bowl VII,with the crew leading the crowd in thePledge of Allegiance;the CMAmericawas also displayed during the pregame activities.[147]

None of the Apollo 17 astronauts flew in space again.[148]Cernan retired from NASA and the Navy in 1976. He died in 2017.[149]Evans retired from the Navy in 1976 and from NASA in 1977, entering the private sector. He died in 1990.[150]Schmitt resigned from NASA in 1975 prior tohis successful runfor aUnited States Senateseat from New Mexico in 1976. There, he served one six-year term.[151]

The Command ModuleAmericais currently on display atSpace Center Houstonat theLyndon B. Johnson Space Centerin Houston, Texas.[152][153]The ascent stage of Lunar ModuleChallengerimpacted the Moon on December 15, 1972, at 06:50:20.8 UTC (1:50 a.m. EST), at19°58′N30°30′E/ 19.96°N 30.50°E/19.96; 30.50(Apollo 17 LM ascent stage).[152]The descent stage remains on the Moon at the landing site,20°11′27″N30°46′18″E/ 20.19080°N 30.77168°E/20.19080; 30.77168(Apollo 17 LM descent stage).[9]In 2023, a study of Apollo-era data from the Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment showed that the descent stage was causing very slight tremors each lunar morning as components expanded in the heat.[154]

Eugene Cernan's flown Apollo 17 spacesuit is in the collection of the Smithsonian'sNational Air and Space Museum(NASM), where it was transferred in 1974,[155]and Harrison Schmitt's is in storage at NASM's Paul E. Garber Facility. Amanda Young of NASM indicated in 2004 that Schmitt's suit is in the best condition of the flown Apollo lunar spacesuits, and therefore is not on public display.[156]Ron Evans' spacesuit was also transferred from NASA in 1974 to the collection of the NASM; it remains in storage.[157]

Since Apollo 17's return, there have been attempts to photograph the landing site, where the LM's descent stage, LRV and some other mission hardware, remain. In 2009 and again in 2011, theLunar Reconnaissance Orbiterphotographed the landing site from increasingly low orbits.[158]At least one group has indicated an intention to visit the site as well; in 2018, the German space companyPTScientistssaid that it planned to land two lunar rovers nearby.[159]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Apart from the Apollo program's moonwalks (and a unique trio of deep-space EVAs conducted during the program's J-missions), all other spacewalks have been conducted in Low-Earth orbit, of which almost all have involved a safety tether keeping the spacefarer attached to the spacecraft by a short distance. The exceptions occurred in 1984 and 1994, when a series of seven EVAs involved untethered activity using theManned Maneuvering Unit(MMU) and theSimplified Aid For EVA RescueUnit (SAFER). Among this latter group, the greatest distance traveled away from a spacecraft during orbital flight was approximately 100 meters (320 feet), achieved byBruce McCandlessonSTS-41-Bduring the first test of the MMU.[118]


  1. ^Orloff 2004,Statistical Tables: Launch Vehicle/Spacecraft Key Facts.
  2. ^Orloff & Harland 2006,p. 585.
  3. ^Orloff & Harland 2006,p. 581.
  4. ^abcdefghijklmnoWade, Mark."Apollo 17".Encyclopedia Astronautica. Archived fromthe originalon August 12, 2011.RetrievedAugust 22,2011.
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  6. ^"NASA NSSDC Master Catalog – Apollo 17 descent stage".NASA.Archivedfrom the original on April 17, 2019.RetrievedJanuary 1,2011.
  7. ^ab"Astronaut Friday: Ronald Evans".Space Center Houston. December 28, 2018.Archivedfrom the original on February 8, 2022.RetrievedFebruary 7,2022.
  8. ^abc"Extravehicular Activity".NASA.Archivedfrom the original on November 18, 2004.RetrievedJanuary 6,2022.
  9. ^abcOrloff 2004,Apollo 17: The Eleventh Mission.
  10. ^"Apollo 17 Crew".The Apollo Program.Washington, D.C.:National Air and Space Museum.Archived fromthe originalon July 5, 2011.RetrievedAugust 26,2011.
  11. ^abcdefghJones, Eric M.; Glover, Ken (eds.)."A Running Start – Apollo 17 up to Powered Descent Initiation".Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Journal.NASA. Archived fromthe originalon March 20, 2012.RetrievedAugust 25,2011.
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  14. ^Wilhelms 1993,pp. 309–310.
  15. ^Kraft 2002,pp. 346–348.
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  19. ^Shayler & Burgess 2017,pp. 289–290.
  20. ^Chaikin 1995,p. 549.
  21. ^abPhinney 2015,p. 130.
  22. ^Slayton & Cassutt 1994,p. 279.
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  24. ^Shayler & Burgess 2017,p. 296.
  25. ^Orloff & Harland 2006,p. 471.
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  29. ^Compton 1989,p. 377.
  30. ^Orloff & Harland 2006,p. 566.
  31. ^Williams, Mike (September 13, 2012)."A legendary tale, well-told".Rice University Office of Public Affairs. Archived fromthe originalon August 17, 2020.RetrievedOctober 5,2019.
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