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Silver drachm of kingApollophanes(r. 35-25 BCE).
Obv:Helmeted bust of king. Greek legend: BASILEOS SOTEROS APOLLOPHANOU "Of Saviour King Apollophanes".
Rev:Pallaswithaegisand thunderbolt.Kharoshthilegend: MAHARAJASA TRATARASA APALAVINASA "Saviour king Apollophanes".
Reign35–25 BCE
Coin of Apollophanes Soter, Khanroshthi legend: "Maharajasa tratarasa Aplaphanasa" (Saviour King Apollophanes).

Apollophanes Soter(Greek:Ἀπολλοφάνης ὁ Σωτήρ;epithetmeans "the Saviour"; reigned c. 35 – 25 BCE) was anIndo-Greekking in the area of eastern and centralPunjabin modernIndiaandPakistan.


Little is known about him, except for some of his remaining coins. The dating is Osmund Bopearachchi's, but R. C. Senior suggests approximately the same dates. Earlier scholars, such asProfessor Ahmed Hasan Dani,W.W. Tarn and A.K. Narain dated Apollophanes considerably earlier, but the style and finding places of his coins make it clear that he belonged to the last line of eastern Indo-Greek kings, not long before they were overcome completely by pressure from theIndo-Scythians.

He may have been a relative ofApollodotus II Sotersince both kings share the epithetSoter(Saviour), have names related to Apollo and use Pallas Athene as their reverse.

Coins of Apollophanes[edit]

The boxy mint mark characteristic of Apollophanes and later Indo-Greek kings.

Apollophanes issued a few debased silver drachms of the type seen above, struck with a single monogram and of little artistic quality. He seems to have been an insignificant local ruler. Apollophanes wears what appears to be aMacedonianhelmet of the type seen on theAlexander Mosaicwhich he was the last Indo-Greek ruler to use.

Apollophanes used exclusively a single "boxy" mint-mark, in keeping with late Indo-Greek kings.[1]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Jakobsson, J (2010). "A Possible New Indo-Greek King Zoilos III, and an Analysis of Realism on Indo-Greek Royal Portraits".Numismatic Chronicle.JSTOR article


  • The Greeks in Bactria and India,W.W. Tarn, Cambridge University Press.
  • The Bactrian and Indus Greeks,Ahmed Hasan Dani, Lahore Museum
  • The Indo-Greeks - Revisited and Supplemented,A.K. Narain, BR Publishing Corporation
  • Monnaies Gréco-Bactriennes et Indo-Grecques,Osmund Bopearachchi, Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
Preceded by Indo-Greek Ruler
(inEastern Punjab)

35 – 25 BCE
Succeeded by