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Apricot and its cross-section
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Rosales
Family: Rosaceae
Genus: Prunus
Subgenus: Prunussubg.Prunus
Section: Prunussect.Armeniaca
Type species
Prunus armeniacaL.

See text.

Anapricot(US:/ˈæprɪkɒt/,UK:/ˈprɪkɒt/) is afruit,or the tree that bears the fruit, of several species in the genusPrunus.

Usually an apricot is from the speciesP. armeniaca,but the fruits of the other species inPrunussect.Armeniacaare also called apricots.[1]In 2022, world production of apricots was 3.9 milliontonnes,led byTurkeywith 21% of the total.


Map of theetymologyof "apricot" from Latin via Late and Byzantine Greek to Arabic, Spanish and Catalan, Middle French, and so to English

Apricotfirst appeared in English in the 16th century asabrecockfrom theMiddle Frenchaubercotor laterabricot,[2]from SpanishalbaricoqueandCatalana(l)bercoc,in turn from Arabic الْبَرْقُوق‎ (al-barqūq, "the plums" ), from Byzantine Greek βερικοκκίᾱ (berikokkíā, "apricot tree" ), derived from late Greekπραικόκιον(praikókion,"apricot" ) from Latin[persica ( "peach" )] praecocia(praecoquus,"early ripening" ).[3][4][5]


The apricot is a small tree, 8–12 metres (26–39 feet) tall, with a trunk up to 40 centimetres (16 inches) in diameter and a dense, spreading canopy. Theleavesareovate,5–9 cm (2–3+12in) long, and4–8 cm (1+12–3 in) wide, with a rounded base, a pointed tip, and a finely serrated margin. Theflowersare2–4.5 cm (341+34in) in diameter, with five white to pinkish petals; they are produced singly or in pairs in early spring before the leaves. The fruit is adrupe(stonefruit) similar to a smallpeach,1.5–2.5 cm (12–1 in) diameter (larger in some moderncultivars), from yellow to orange, often tinged red on the side most exposed to the sun; its surface can be smooth (botanically described as:glabrous) or velvety with very short hairs (botanically:pubescent). The flesh is usually succulent, but dry in some species such asP. sibirica.Its taste can range from sweet to tart. The singleseedor "kernel"is enclosed in a hard shell, often called a"stone",with a grainy, smooth texture except for three ridges running down one side.[6][7]


Apricots contain variousphytochemicals,such asprovitamin Abeta-caroteneandpolyphenols,includingcatechinsandchlorogenic acid.[8]Taste and aroma compounds includesucrose,glucose,organic acids,terpenes,aldehydesandlactones.[9]

Apricot leaves


Apricots are species belonging toPrunussect.Armeniaca.The taxonomic position ofP. brigantinais disputed. It is grouped withplumspecies according to chloroplast DNA sequences,[10]but more closely related to apricot species according to nuclear DNA sequences.[11]


Preparing apricots in the grounds ofAlchi Monastery,Ladakh,India
David Packard's apricot orchard inLos Altos Hills,preserved by theDavid and Lucile Packard Foundation,is one of the few remaining inSanta Clara County,where apricots were a major crop before theurban sprawlofSilicon Valley.

Origin and domestication[edit]

Prunus armeniaca[edit]

The most commonly cultivated apricotP. armeniacawas known inArmeniaduring ancient times, and has been cultivated there for so long that it was previously thought to have originated there, hence the epithet of its scientific name.[12]However, this is not supported by genetic studies, which instead confirm the hypothesis proposed by Nikolai Vavilov that domestication ofP. armeniacaoccurred inCentral AsiaandChina.[13][14]The domesticated apricot then diffused south toSouth Asia,[13]west toWest Asia(including Armenia),EuropeandNorth Africa,and east toJapan.[14]

Prunus mume[edit]

Japanese apricotP. mumeis another widely cultivated apricot species, usually for ornamental uses. Despite the common name, it originated from China, and was introduced to Japan in ancient times.

Cultivation practices[edit]

Drying apricot fruits (Fergana,Uzbekistan)

Apricots have a chilling requirement of 300 to 900chilling units.A dry climate is good for fruit maturation. The tree is slightly more cold-hardy than thepeach,tolerating winter temperatures as cold as −30 °C (−22 °F) or lower if healthy. However, large differences are observed between cultivars in frost resistance.[15]They are hardy inUSDA zones5 through 8. A limiting factor in apricot culture is springfrosts:They tend to flower very early (in early March in western Europe), and spring frost can kill flowers or before flower buds in different stages of development[15].Furthermore, the trees are sensitive to temperature changes during the winter season. In China, winters can be very cold, but temperatures tend to be more stable than inEuropeand especiallyNorth America,where large temperature swings can occur in winter.Hybridizationwith the closely relatedPrunus sibirica(Siberian apricot; hardy to −50 °C (−58 °F) but with less palatable fruit) offers options for breeding more cold-tolerant plants.[16]They prefer well-drained soils with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0.[17]

Apricot cultivars are usuallygraftedonto plum or peach rootstocks. The cultivarscionprovides the fruit characteristics, such as flavor and size, but therootstockprovides the growth characteristics of the plant. Some of the more popular US apricot cultivars are 'Blenheim', 'Wenatchee Moorpark', 'Tilton', and 'Perfection'. Some apricot cultivars are self-compatible, so do not require pollinizer trees; others are not: 'Moongold' and 'Sungold', for example, must be planted in pairs so they can pollinate each other.[18]

Hybridisors have created what is known as a "black apricot" or "purple apricot", (Prunus dasycarpa), a hybrid of an apricot and the cherry plum (Prunus cerasifera). Other apricot–plum hybrids are variously calledplumcots, apriplums, pluots, or apriums.[19]

Pests and diseases[edit]

Apricots are susceptible to various diseases whose relative importance differs in the major production regions as a consequence of their climatic differences. For example, hot weather as experienced in California's Central Valley often causes pit burn, a condition of soft and brown fruit around the pit.[20]Bacterial diseases include bacterial spot and crown gall. Fungal diseases include brown rot caused byMonilinia fructicola:infection of the blossom by rainfall leads to "blossom wilt"[21]whereby the blossoms and young shoots turn brown and die; the twigs die back in a severe attack; brown rot of the fruit is due toMoniliniainfection later in the season. Dieback of branches in the summer is attributed to the fungusEutypa lata,where examination of the base of the dead branch reveals a canker surrounding a pruning wound.[22]Other fungal diseases areblack knot,Alternariaspot and fruit rot, andpowdery mildew.[23]Unlike peaches, apricots are not affected byleaf curl,and bacterial canker (causing sunken patches in the bark, which then spread and kill the affected branch or tree) and silver leaf are not serious threats, which means that pruning in late winter is considered safe.[21]


Due to their naturalamygdalincontent, culinary uses for the kernel are limited. Oil made from apricot kernels is safe for human consumption without treatment because amygdalin is not oil soluble. Ground up shells are used incosmeticsas an exfoliant.[24]As an exfoliant, it provides an alternative to plasticmicrobeads.[25]

Apricot production – 2022
Country millions oftonnes
Turkey 0.80
Uzbekistan 0.45
Iran 0.31
Italy 0.23
Algeria 0.20
World 3.86
Source:FAOSTAT,United Nations[26]


In 2022, world production of apricots was 3.86 milliontonnes,led by Turkey with 21% of the total (table). Other major producers (in descending order) wereUzbekistan,Iran,Italy,andAlgeria.[26]Malatyais the center of Turkey's apricot industry.[27]


Apricot kernels (seeds) containamygdalin,a poisonous compound. On average, bitter apricot kernels contain about 5% amygdalin and sweet kernels about 0.9% amygdalin. These values correspond to 0.3% and 0.05% ofcyanide.Since a typical apricot kernel weighs 600 mg, bitter and sweet varieties contain, respectively, 1.8 and 0.3 mg of cyanide.[28]


Apricot kernels can be made into aplant milk.[29]Apricots are commonly consumed either as raw fruit or after dehydration as a dried fruit.


Apricots, dried
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy1,010 kJ (240 kcal)
63 g
Sugars53 g
Dietary fiber7 g
0.5 g
3.9 g
Vitamin A equiv.
180 μg
2160 μg
Thiamine (B1)
0.015 mg
Riboflavin (B2)
0.074 mg
Niacin (B3)
2.589 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5)
0.516 mg
Vitamin B6
0.143 mg
Folate (B9)
10 μg
Vitamin C
1 mg
Vitamin E
4.33 mg
Vitamin K
3.1 μg
55 mg
2.66 mg
32 mg
0.235 mg
71 mg
1160 mg
10 mg
0.29 mg
Other constituentsQuantity
Water31 g

Percentages estimated usingUS recommendationsfor adults,[30]except for potassium, which is estimated based on expert recommendation fromthe National Academies.[31]
Apricots, raw
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy201 kJ (48 kcal)
11 g
Sugars9 g
Dietary fiber2 g
0.4 g
1.4 g
Vitamin A equiv.
96 μg
1090 μg
89 μg
Thiamine (B1)
0.03 mg
Riboflavin (B2)
0.04 mg
Niacin (B3)
0.6 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5)
0.24 mg
Vitamin B6
0.054 mg
Folate (B9)
9 μg
Vitamin C
10 mg
Vitamin E
0.89 mg
Vitamin K
3.3 μg
13 mg
0.4 mg
10 mg
0.077 mg
23 mg
259 mg
1 mg
0.2 mg
Other constituentsQuantity
Water86 g

Percentages estimated usingUS recommendationsfor adults,[30]except for potassium, which is estimated based on expert recommendation fromthe National Academies.[31]

In a reference amount of 100 g (3.5 oz), raw apricots supply 48Caloriesand are composed of 11%carbohydrates,1%protein,less than 1%fat,and 86% water (table). Raw apricots are a moderate source ofvitamin Aandvitamin C(11% of theDaily Valueeach).

Dried apricots[edit]

Dried apricots are a type oftraditional dried fruit.Dried apricots are 63% carbohydrates, 31% water, 4% protein, and contain negligible fat. When apricots are dried, the relative concentration of micronutrients is increased, with vitamin A,vitamin E,andpotassiumhaving rich contents (Daily Values above 20%, table).

In culture[edit]

The apricot is thenational fruitofArmenia,mostly growing in theArarat plain.[32][33]It is often depicted on souvenirs.[34]

The Chinese associate the apricot with education and medicine. For instance, the classical wordHạnhĐàn(literally: "apricotaltar") (xìng tán hạnh đàn ) which means" educational circle ", is still widely used in written language.Chuang Tzu,a Chinese philosopher in the fourth century BC, told a story thatConfuciustaught his students in a forum surrounded by the wood of apricot trees.[35]The association with medicine in turn comes from the common use of apricot kernels as a component intraditional Chinese medicine,and from the story of Dong Feng ( đổng phụng ), a physician during theThree Kingdoms period,who required no payment from his patients except that they plant apricot trees in his orchard upon recovering from their illnesses, resulting in a large grove of apricot trees and a steady supply of medicinal ingredients.[36]The term "expert of the apricot grove" ( hạnh lâm cao thủ ) is still used as a poetic reference to physicians.[citation needed]

The fact that apricot season is short and unreliable in Egypt has given rise to the commonEgyptian ArabicandPalestinian Arabicexpressionfilmishmish( "in apricot [season]" ) orbukra filmishmish( "tomorrow in apricot [season]" ), generally uttered as a riposte to an unlikely prediction, or as a rash promise to fulfill a request.[37]Thisadynatonhas the same sense as the English expression "when pigs fly".[38]

InMiddle EasternandNorth African cuisines,apricots are used to makeQamar al-Din(lit."Moon of the faith" ), a thick apricot drink that is a popular fixture atIftarduringRamadan.Qamar al-Din is believed to originate inDamascus, Syria,where the variety of apricots most suitable for the drink was first grown.[39][40]

InJewish culture,apricots are commonly eaten as part of theTu Bishvat seder.[41]

The Turkish idiombundan iyisi Şam'da kayısı(literally, "the only thing better than this is an apricot in Damascus" ) means "it doesn't get any better than this".[citation needed]

In theU.S. Marinesit is considered exceptionally bad luck to eat or possess apricots,[42]especially near tanks.[43]This superstition has been documented since at least theVietnam Warand is often cited as originating inWorld War II.Even calling them by their name is considered unlucky,[44]so they are instead called "cots",[45]"Forbidden fruit" or "A-fruit".[46]

US astronauts ate dried apricot on the Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 missions to the moon.[47]


See also[edit]


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External links[edit]