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TheArameans,orAramaeans(Old Aramaic:𐤀𐤓𐤌𐤉𐤀,Aramayya[1][2][3],Classical Syriac:ܐܪ̈ܡܝܐ,Aramaye[4],Syriac pronunciation:[ʔɑːrɑːˈmɑːje]), were an ancientSemitic people[5][6]in theNear Eastwho were first recorded in historical sources from the late12th century BC.The Aramean homeland, sometimes known as the land ofAram,encompassed central regions of modernSyria.

At the beginning of the1st millennium BCE,a number of Aramean-ruled states were established throughout the western regions of theancient Near East.The most notable wasAram-Damascus,which reached its height in the second half of the 9th century BCE during the reign of KingHazael.

The Arameans were never a single nation or group; rather, Aram was a region with local centers of power spread throughout the Levant. That makes it almost impossible to establish a coherent ethnic category of "Aramean" based on extra-linguistic identity markers such as material culture, lifestyle or religion.[7][8]During the eighth century BC, local Aramaeancity stateswere gradually conquered by theNeo-Assyrian Empire.The policy of population displacement and relocation that was applied throughout Assyrian domains also affected Arameans, many of whom were resettled by Assyrian authorities. That caused a wider dispersion of Aramean communities throughout various regions of the Near East, and the range ofAramaicalso widened. It gained significance and eventually became thecommon languageof public life and administration, particularly during the periods of theNeo-Babylonian Empire(612–539 BCE) and the laterAchaemenid Empire(539–330 BCE).

A distinctiveAramaic Alpha betwas developed and used to writeOld Aramaic.[9][10][11]As a result of linguistic Aramization, a wider Aramaic-speaking area was created throughout the central regions of the Near East that exceeded the boundaries of Aramean ethnic communities. During the laterHellenisticandRomanperiods, minor Aramaic-speaking states emerged, the most notable of them beingOsroene,centred onEdessa,the birthplace of Edessan Aramaic, which later came to be known asClassical Syriac.[12][13][14]

BeforeChristianity,Aramaic-speaking communities had undergone considerableHellenizationandRomanizationin theNear East.[15]Thus, their integration into the Greek-speaking world had begun a long time before Christianity became established.[16]Some scholars consider that Arameans who accepted Christianity came to be referred to as Syrians by the Greeks.[17]Theearly Muslim conquestsin the 7th century was followed by theIslamizationand the gradualArabizationof Aramaic-speaking communities throughout the Near East. That ultimately resulted in their fragmentation andacculturation.[18]Today, their cultural and linguistic heritage continues to be recognized by someSyriac-ChristianorNeo-Aramaic speakinggroups, such as theMaronitesand the Aramean inhabitants ofMaaloulaandJubb’adinnear Damascus in Syria.[19][20][21][22]


Sin zir Ibni inscription
Si Gabbor stele
TheNeirab steles,a pair of 7th century BCEAramaic inscriptionsfound in 1891 inAl-NayrabnearAleppo,Syria.


ThetoponymA-ra-muappears in an inscription at theEast Semitic-speaking kingdom ofEblalisting geographical names, and the termArmi,theEblaiteterm for nearbyIdlib,occurs frequently in theEbla tablets(c. 2300 BCE). One of the annals ofNaram-Sin of Akkad(c. 2250 BCE) mentions that he captured "Dubul, theensíofA-ra-me"(Arameis seemingly agenitiveform), in the course of a campaign againstSimurrumin the northern mountains.[23]Other early references to a place or people of "Aram" have appeared at the archives ofMari(c. 1900 BCE) and atUgarit(c. 1300 BCE). There is no consensus on the origin and meaning of the word "Aram", one of the most accepted suggestions being that it is derived from a Semitic rootrwm,"to be high". Newer suggestions interprets it as abroken pluralmeaning "white antelopes" or "white bulls".[24]However, there are no historical, archaeological or linguistic evidences that those early uses of the termsAramu,ArmiorAramewere actually referring to the Arameans; thus, it is believed to originally be atoponymwithout any ethnic connotations.[25]The earliestundisputedhistorical attestation of Arameans as a people appears much later, in the inscriptions ofTiglath Pileser I(c. 1100 BCE).[26][27][28]

Nomadic pastoralists have long played a prominent role in the history and economy of theMiddle East,but their numbers seem to vary according to climatic conditions and the force of neighbouring states inducing permanent settlement. The period of theLate Bronze Ageseems to have coincided with increasing aridity, which weakened neighbouring states and inducedtranshumancepastoralists to spend longer and longer periods with their flocks. Urban settlements (hitherto largely inhabited byAmorite,CanaaiteHittite,Ugaritepeoples) in theLevantdiminished in size until eventually, fully-nomadic pastoralist lifestyles came to dominate much of the region. The highly mobile, competitive tribesmen, with their sudden raids, continually threatened long-distance trade and interfered with the collection of taxes and tribute.

The people who had long been the prominent population in what is now Syria (called theLand of the Amurruduring their tenure) were theAmorites,aNorthwest Semitic-speaking people who had appeared during the 25th century BCE, destroyed the hitherto dominantEast Semitic-speaking state ofEbla,founded the powerful state ofMariin the Levant and during the 19th century BCE alsoBabylonia,in southern Mesopotamia. However, they seem to have been displaced or wholly absorbed by the appearance of a people called theAhlamuby the 13th century BCE and disappear from history. Ahlamû appears to be ageneric termforSemitic wanderers and nomads of varying originswho appeared during the 13th century BCE across theancient Near East,theArabian Peninsula,Asia Minor,andEgypt.

The Arameans would appear to be one part of the larger generic Ahlamû group rather than synonymous with the Ahlamu.[29]The presence of the Ahlamû is attested during theMiddle Assyrian Empire(1365–1020 BCE), which already ruled many of the lands in which the Ahlamû arose in the Babylonian city ofNippurand even atDilmun(nowBahrain).Shalmaneser I(1274–1245 BCE) is recorded as having defeatedShattuara,King of theMitanniand hisHittiteand Ahlamû mercenaries. In the next century, the Ahlamû cut the road fromBabylontoHattusas.Also,Tukulti-Ninurta I(1244–1208 BCE) conqueredMari,HanigalbatandRapiqumon theEuphratesand "the mountain of the Ahlamû", apparently the region ofJebel Bishriin northern Syria.

Aramean states

VariousLuwianand Aramean (orange shades) states in the 8th century BCE

The emergence of the Arameans occurred during theBronze Age collapse(1200–900 BCE), which saw great upheavals and mass movements of peoples across theMiddle East,Asia Minor,theCaucasus,theEast Mediterranean,North Africa,Ancient Iran,Ancient Greeceand theBalkansand led to the genesis of new peoples and polities across those regions.

TheMiddle Assyrian Empire(1365–1050 BCE), which had dominated theNear EastandAsia Minorsince the first half of the 14th century BCE, began to shrink rapidly after the death ofAshur-bel-kala,its last great ruler in 1056 BCE. The Assyrian withdrawal allowed the Arameans and others to gain independence and take firm control of what was thenEber-Nari(now Syria) in the late 11th century BCE.

Some of the major Aramean-speaking city states includedAram-Damascus,[30][31]Hamath,[32][33]Bet-Adini,[34][35]Bet-Bagyan,[36]Bit-Hadipe,Aram-Bet Rehob,[37]Aram-Zobah,Bet-Zamani,[38]Bet-Halupe,[39]andAram-Ma'akah,as well as the Aramean tribal polities of theGambulu,LitauandPuqudu.[40]Akkermansand Schwartz noted that in assessingLuwianand Aramean states in ancient Syria, the existing information on the ethnic composition of the regional states in ancient Syria primarily concerns the rulers and so the ethnolingustic situation of the majority of the population of the states is unclear. Furthermore, they mean that the material culture shows no distinctions between states dominated by the Luwians or the Arameans.[41]

LaterBiblicalsources tell thatSaul,DavidandSolomon(late 11th to 10th centuries) fought against the small Aramean states ranged across the northern frontier of Israel:Aram-Sôvahin theBeqaa,Aram-Bêt-Rehob(Rehov) andAram-Ma'akaharoundMount Hermon,Geshurin theHauran,and Aram-Damascus. An Aramean king's account dating at least two centuries later, theTel Dan Stele,was discovered in northern Israel and is famous for being perhaps the earliest non-Israelite extra-biblical historical reference to the Israelite royal dynasty, theHouse of David.In the early 11th century BCE, much of Israel came under foreign rule for eight years according to the BiblicalBook of JudgesuntilOthnieldefeated the forces led byCushan-Rishathaim,who was titled in the Bible as ruler ofAram-Naharaim.[42]

Further north, the Arameans gained possession of post-HittiteHamathon theOrontesRiver and were soon to become strong enough to dissociate with theIndo-European-speakingpost-Hittite states.

The Arameans, together with theEdomitesand theAmmonites,attacked Israel in the early 11th century BCE but were defeated. Meanwhile, Arameans moved to the east of theEuphratesand into Babylonia, where an Aramean usurper was crowned king of Babylon under the name of Adad-apal-iddin.[43]

During the 11th and the 10th centuries BCE, the Arameans conqueredSam'al(modern Zenjirli), also known asYaudi,the region fromArpadtoAleppo,and renamed itBît-Agushi,.[44]They also conqueredTil Barsip,which became the chief town ofBît-Adini,also known as Beth Eden. North ofSam'alwas the Aramean state ofBit Gabbari,which was sandwiched between the post-Hittite states ofCarchemish,Gurgum,Khattina,Unqiand theGeorgian[citation needed]state ofTabal.

One of their earliest semi-independent kingdoms in northernMesopotamiawas Bît-Bahiâni (Tell Halaf).

Under Neo-Assyrian rule

Aramean kingHazaelofAram-Damascus
Illustration byGustave Doréfrom the 1866La Sainte Bibledepicting an Israelite victory over the army ofBen-Hadad,described in 1 Kings 20:26–34

The people of "Aram" were called "Arameans" inAssyriantext and in theHebrew Bible,but "Aramean" was never aself-designation."Arameans" is merely an appellation of the geographical termAramgiven to 1st-millennium BC inhabitants of Syria.[25][45]The first certain reference to the Arameans appears in anAssyrianinscription ofTiglath-Pileser I(1115–1077 BCE), which refers to subjugating the "Ahlamû-Arameans" (Ahlame Armaia). Shortly afterward, the Ahlamû disappear from Assyrian annals and are replaced by the Arameans (Aramu, Arimi). That indicates that the Arameans had risen to dominance amongst the nomads. Among scholars, the relationship between the Akhlame and the Arameans is a matter of conjecture.[46]By the late 12th century BCE, the Arameans had been firmly established inSyria;however, they were conquered by theMiddle Assyrian Empire,like theAmoritesandAhlamubefore them.

Assyrian annals from the end of the Middle Assyrian Empire c. 1050 BCE and the rise of theNeo-Assyrian Empirein 911 BCE contain numerous descriptions of battles between Arameans and the Assyrian army.[40]The Assyrians would launch repeated raids into Aramean lands, Babylonia, Ancient Iran, Elam, Asia Minor, and even as far as theMediterraneanto keep its trade routes open. The Aramean city-states, like much of the Near East and Asia Minor, were subjugated by theNeo Assyrian Empire(911–605 BCE) from the reign ofAdad-nirari IIin 911 BCE, who cleared Arameans and other tribal peoples from the borders of Assyria and began to expand in all directions (seeAssyrian conquest of Aram). The process was continued byAshurnasirpal IIand his sonShalmaneser III,who destroyed many of the small Aramean tribes and conquered Aramean lands for the Assyrians. In 732 BCE, Aram-Damascus fell and was conquered by Assyrian KingTiglath-Pileser III.The Assyrians named their Aramean coloniesEber Naribut still used the term "Aramean" to describe many of its peoples. The Assyrians conducted forced deportations of hundreds of thousands of Arameans to both Assyria and Babylonia, where a migrant population already existed.[47]Conversely, the Aramaic language was adopted as thelingua francaof the Neo-Assyrian Empire in the 8th century BCE, and the native Assyrians and Babylonians began to make a gradual language shift towards Aramaic as the most common language of public life and administration.

The Neo Assyrian Empire descended into a bitter series of brutal internal wars from 626 BCE that weakened it greatly. That allowed a coalition of many its former subject peoples (Babylonians,Chaldeans,Medes,Persians,Parthians,Scythians,SagartiansandCimmerians) to attack Assyria in 616 BCE, sackNinevehin 612 BCE and finally defeat it between 605 and 599 BCE.[48]During the war against Assyria, hordes of horse-borne Scythian and Cimmerian marauders ravaged through the Levant and all the way into Egypt.

As a result of migratory processes, various Aramean groups were settled throughout theAncient Near East,and their presence is recorded in the regions ofAssyria,[49]Babylonia,[50]Anatolia,[51]Phoenicia,[52]Palestine,[53]Egypt[54]andNorthern Arabia.[55]

Population transfers,conducted during theNeo-Assyrian Empireand followed by the gradual linguisticAramizationof non-Aramean populations, created a specific situation in the regions ofAssyriaproper amongancient Assyrians,who originally spoke theancient Assyrian language,a dialect of Akkadian, but later accepted Aramaic.[56]

Neo-Babylonian Empire

Eber-Nari was then ruled by the succeedingNeo-Babylonian Empire(612–539 BCE), which was initially headed by a short-lived Chaldean dynasty. The Aramean regions became a battleground between the Babylonians and the26th DynastyofEgypt,which had been installed by the Assyrians as vassals after they had defeated and ejected the previousNubian-ruled25th Dynasty.The Egyptians, having entered the region in a belated attempt to aid their former Assyrian masters, fought the Babylonians, initially with the help of remnants of the Assyrian army, in the region for decades before they were finally vanquished.

The Babylonians remained masters of the Aramean lands only until 539 BCE, when the PersianAchaemenid EmpireoverthrewNabonidus,the Assyrian-born last king of Babylon, who had himself overthrown the Chaldean dynasty in 556 BCE.

Under Achaemenid and Hellenistic rule

The Arameans were later conquered by theAchaemenid Empire(539–332 BCE). However, little changed from the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian times, as the Persians, seeing themselves as successors of previous empires, maintainedImperial Aramaicas the main language of public life and administration.[57][58]Provincial administrative structures also remained the same, and the nameEber Naristill applied to the region.

The conquests ofAlexander the Great(336–323 BCE) marked the beginning of a new era in the history of the entire Near East, including the regions inhabited by Arameans. By the late 4th century BCE, two newly created Hellenistic states emerged as main pretenders for regional supremacy: theSeleucid Empire(305–64 BCE) and thePtolemaic Empire(305–30 BCE). Since earlier times, ancient Greeks commonly used "Syrian" labels as designations for Arameans and heir lands, but it was during the Hellenistic (Seleucid-Ptolemaic) period that the term "Syria" was finally defined to designate the regions west of theEuphrates,as opposed to the term "Assyria",which designated the regions further east.[59][60]

In the 3rd century BCE, various narratives related to the history of earlier Aramean states became accessible to wider audiences after the translation of theHebrew Bibleinto theGreek language.Known asSeptuagint,the translation was created inAlexandria,the capital ofPtolemaic Egyptthat was the most important city of theHellenistic worldand was one of the main centres ofHellenization.Influenced by Greek terminology,[61]translators decided to adopt ancient Greek custom of using "Syrian"labelsas designations for Arameans and their lands and thus abandon theendonymic(native) terms that were used in the Hebrew Bible. In the Greek translation (Septuagint), the region of Aram was commonly labelled as "Syria", and the Arameans were labelled as "Syrians".[62]When reflecting on traditional influences of Greek terminology on English translations of theSeptuagint,the American orientalist Robert W. Rogers noted in 1921 that it was unfortunate that the change also affected later English versions.[63]In Greek sources, two writers spoke particularly clearly on the Arameans.Posidonius,born inApamea,as quoted byStrabo,wrote: "Those people whom we Greeks call Syrioi, call themselves Aramaioi".[64]Further,Josephus,who was born inJerusalem,defined the regions of "Aram's sons" as the Tranchonitis, Damascus "midway between Palestine and Coelo-Syria", Armenia, Bactria, and the Mesene around Spasini Charax.[64]

Heritage under early Christian period and Arab conquest

The ancient Arameans lived in a close relationship with other distinct societies in the region. Throughout much of their history, they were heavily influenced by thecuneiformculture ofMesopotamiaand the surrounding areas. Bilingual texts inAramaicand the Assyrian dialect ofAkkadianare among the earliest examples ofAramaicwriting. In the western regions, Aramean states had close contact with Israel,Phoenicia,and northernArabia.The Phoenician god Baʿalšamem was even incorporated into the Aramean tradition. Identifying distinct elements of the Aramean heritage in later times is challenging because of the diverse influences on their culture. For example, the earliest Syriac legal documents contain legal formulae that could be considered Aramean, but they could also be interpreted asNeo-AssyrianorNeo-Babylonian.[65]

After the establishment ofRomanrule in the region ofSyriaproper (western ofEuphrates) in the 1st century BCE, Aramean lands became the frontier region between two empires, Roman andParthian,and later between their successor states, theByzantineandSasanidEmpires. Several minor states also existed in frontier regions, most notably theKingdom of Osroene,centred in the city ofEdessa,known in Aramaic as Urhay.[66]However, it is not easy in either pre-Christian or Christian periods to trace purely-Aramean elements in Edessan culture.[67]

During theLate Antiquityand theEarly Middle Ages,the Ancient Greek custom of usingSyrianlabels for Arameans and their language started to gain acceptance among an Aramaic-speaking literary and ecclesiastical elites. The practice of usingSyrianlabels as designations for Aramaic-speakers and their language was very common among ancient Greeks, and under their influence, the practice also became common among the Romans and Byzantines.[68]

AnArabizationprocess was initiated after theArab conquestin the 7th century. In the religious sphere of life, Aramaic-speaking Christians (such asMelkitesin Palestine) were exposed toIslamization,which created a base for gradual acceptance of theArabic languagenot only as the dominant language of Islamic prayer and worship but also as a common language of public and domestic life. The acceptance of Arabic language became the main vessel of the gradual Arabization of Aramean communities throughout the Near East and ultimately resulted in their fragmentation andacculturation.Those processes affected not only Islamized Aramaic-speakers but also some of those who remained Christians, which created local communities of Arabic-speaking Christians of Syriac Christian origin who spoke Arabic in their public and domestic life but continued to belong to churches that used the liturgical Aramaic/Syriac language.[69][70]

In the 10th century, theByzantine Empiregradually reconquered much of northern Syria and upper Mesopotamia, including the cities ofMelitene(934) andAntioch(969) and thus liberated local Aramaic-speaking Christian communities from the Muslim rule. Byzantines favoured Eastern Orthodoxy, but the leadership of the Antiochian Oriental Orthodox Patriarchate succeeded in reaching agreement with the Byzantine authorities and thus secured religious tolerance.[71]The Byzantines extended their rule up toEdessa(1031) but were forced into a general retreat from Syria during the course of the 11th century and were pushed back by the newly-arrivedSeljuk Turks,who took Antioch (1084). The later establishment ofCrusaderstates (1098), thePrincipality of Antiochand theCounty of Edessa,created new challenges for local Aramaic-speaking Christians, both Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Orthodox.[72]


TheIron Ageculture of Syria is a topic of interest among scholars but is never referred to simply as "Aramean". Scholars have difficulty in identifying and isolating characteristic Aramean elements in the culture. Even in North Syria, where more substantial evidence is available, scholars still find it difficult to identify what is genuinely Aramean from what is borrowed from other cultures. Widespread scholarly opinion still maintains that since several ethnic groups, such asLuwiansand Aramaeans, interacted in the region, one material culture with "mixed" elements resulted. The material culture appears to be so homogeneous that it "shows no clear distinctions between states dominated by Luwians or Aramaeans".[73]


Ancient mosaic fromEdessainOsroene(2nd century AD) with inscriptions in earlyEdessan Aramaic language
Initial area ofAramaic languagein the 1st century, and its gradual decline

Arameans were mostly defined by their use of the West SemiticOld Aramaic language(1100 BCE – 200 CE), which was first written using thePhoenician Alpha betbut over time modified to a specifically-Aramaic Alpha bet. Aramaic first appeared in history during the opening centuries of theIron Age,when several newly-emerging chiefdoms decided to use it as awritten language.The process coincided with a change from syllabiccuneiformto Alpha betic scribal culture and the rise of a novel style of publicepigraphy,which was formerly unattested in Syria-Palestine. The language is considered a sister branch of the idiom used in theBronze-Agecity-state ofUgarit,on the one hand, andCanaanite,which comprises languages further south in the speech area such asHebrew,Phoenician,andMoabite,on the other hand. All three branches can be subsumed under the more general rubricNorthwest Semiticand thus share a common origin.[74]The earliest direct witnesses of Aramaic, which were composed between the 10th and 8th centuries BC, are unanimously subsumed under the term "Old Aramaic".The early writings exhibit variation and anticipate the enormous linguistic diversity within the Aramaic language group. Despite the variation, they are connected by common literary forms and formulaic expressions.[75]

As early as the 8th century BCE, Aramaic competed with the East SemiticAkkadian languageand script inAssyriaandBabyloniaand then spread throughout theNear Eastin various dialects. By around 800 BCE, Aramaic had become thelingua francaof theNeo-Assyrian Empire,which continued during the Achaemenid period asImperial Aramaic.Although it was marginalized by Greek during theHellenistic period,Aramaic in its varying dialects remained unchallenged as the common language of allSemitic peoplesof the region until theArabs'Islamic conquest of Mesopotamiain the 7th century AD, when the language became gradually superseded byArabic.

The vernacular dialects of Eastern Old Aramaic, spoken during theNeo-Assyrian,Neo-Babylonian,andAchaemenid Persianempires, developed into variousEastern Middle Aramaicdialects. Among these were the Aramaic dialects of the ancient region ofOsrhoene,one of which later became theliturgical languageofSyriac Christianity.In the first centuries AD, theChristian Biblewastranslatedinto Aramaic and by the 4th century, the local Aramaic dialect ofEdessa(Syriac:Urhay) had evolved into aliterary languageknown as Edessan Aramaic (Syriac:Urhaya).[76][77]Since Edessan Aramaic (Urhaya) was the primary liturgical language of Aramaic Christianity,[78][79][80]it also became known asEdessan Syriacand was later defined by Western scholars asClassical Syriac.This laid the foundation for the termSyriac Christianity.[81][82][83]TheEastern Orthodoxpatriarchates were dominated by Greek episcopate and Greek linguistic and cultural traditions. The use of the Aramaic language in liturgical and literary life amongMelkitesofJewishdescent persisted throughout the Middle Ages[18]until the 14th century,[84]as exemplified in the use of a specific regional dialect known asChristian Palestinian AramaicorPalestinian Syriacin thePalestine region,TransjordanandSinai.[85]

DescendantNeo-Aramaic languagesof theEastern Aramaicbranch continue to serve as the spoken and written languages of theAssyrians,MandeansandMizrahi Jews.These languages are primarily found inIraq,northwesternIran,southeasternTurkeyand northeasternSyria,and to a lesser extent, in migrant communities inArmenia,Georgia,Russia,Lebanon,Israel,Jordan andAzerbaijan,as well as inAssyrian diasporacommunities in the West, particularly in theUnited States,Canada,Great Britain,Sweden,AustraliaandGermany.

Western Neo-Aramaic,the only surviving modern variety of theWesternbranch, is now spoken by Muslims and Christians solely inMaaloulaandJubb'adinin theQalamoun mountainsof southwestern Syria.

During theearly modern period,the study of the Aramaic language, both ancient and modern, was initiated among Western scholars. This led to the formation ofAramaic studiesas a broader multidisciplinary field, encompassing the study of the cultural and historical heritage of Aramaic. The linguistic and historical aspects of Aramaic studies have been further expanded since the 19th century through archaeological excavations of ancient sites in theNear East.[86][87][88]


What is known of the religion of the Aramean groups is derived from excavated objects and temples and by Aramaic literary sources, as well as the names they had. Their religion did not feature any particular deity that could be called an Aramean god or goddess.[89]It appears from their inscriptions and their names that the Arameans worshippedCanaaniteandMesopotamiangods such asHadad,Sin,Ishtar(whom they calledAstarte),Shamash,Tammuz,BelandNergal,andCanaaite-Phoeneciandeities such as the storm-god,El,the supreme deity of Canaan, in addition toAnat(‘Atta) and others.[citation needed]

The Arameans who lived outside their homelands apparently followed the traditions of the countries in which they settled. The King ofDamascus,for instance, employed Phoenician sculptors and ivory-carvers. In Tell Halaf-Guzana, the palace ofKapara,an Aramean ruler (9th century BCE) was decorated with orthostates and with statues that display a mixture ofMesopotamian,HittiteandHurrianinfluences.


Limestone relief; stele. This unusual stele depicts an unidentified Aramaean king holding a tulip in one hand while grasping a staff or a spear in the other hand. 11th century BCE. From Tell es-Salihiyeh, Damascus

The legacy of ancient Arameans became of particular interest for scholars during theearly modern periodand resulted in the emergence ofAramaic studiesas a distinctive field, dedicated to the study of the Aramaic language.[86]By the 19th century, theAramean questionwas formulated, and several scholarly theses were proposed regarding the development of the language and the history of the Arameans.[90]

In modern times, Aramean identity is held mainly by a number ofSyriac Christians,from southeasternTurkeyand parts ofSyria,in thediaspora,especially inGermanyandSweden.[91][92]In 2014,Israelofficiallyrecognised Arameansas a distinctive minority.[93]Questions related to theminority rightsof Arameans in some other countries were also brought to international attention.[94][95]

See also


  1. ^The Semitic Languages.p. 116.ISBN9780415057677.
  2. ^Mesopotamia and the Bible.p. 278.ISBN9780567082312.
  3. ^From Babylon to Eternity.ISBN9781134903931.
  4. ^The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity.p. 234.ISBN9780192562463.
  5. ^The Ancient Assyrians.p. 13.ISBN9781472848079.
  6. ^Ancient Egypt and the Near East.p. 140.ISBN9780761499572.
  7. ^Doak 2020,p. 51:However, we must be clear at the outset: the Arameans were never, in fact, a single nation or group; rather, Aram was a region with local centers of power spread throughout contemporary Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon, at major cities such as Damascus and Hamath.
  8. ^Gzella 2017,p. 23:It is nonetheless difficult if not impossible to establish a coherent ethnic category "Aramean" on the basis of extra-linguistic identity markers such as material culture, lifestyle (including cuisine), or religion and other cultural core traditions.
  9. ^Lipiński 2000,p. 25-54, 347–407.
  10. ^Gzella 2015,p. 16-45, 53–103.
  11. ^Younger 2016,p. 109-220, 549–654.
  12. ^Lipiński 2000,p. 409-489.
  13. ^Gzella 2015,p. 104-211.
  14. ^Younger 2016,p. 655-740.
  15. ^Healey 2019,p. 443.
  16. ^Healey 2019,p. 444.
  17. ^Witakowski 1987,p. 76:Ever since the time of christianization those Arameans who embraced the new religion have been referred to as the Syrians, a name of Greek origin which they eventually accepted themselves.
  18. ^abGriffith 1997,p. 11–31.
  19. ^Syrian Identity in the Greco-Roman World.p. 17.ISBN9781107244566.As Greek politai became a sub-category for a wider group of Syrians, the Greek peer polity network of Syria and, more broadly, the Roman imperial Syrian ethnos maintained cognitive and performative commonality, even if it did not always enjoy political solidarity or engage in unified mass action. Within it, both ethnic Greeks and ethnic Syrians, whether speaking Greek or Aramaic, deemed ancient (As)Syrians/Arameans among their ethnos civic founders (if not ethnic ancestors), but their historical narratives were often informed by Greek influences and categories. In this sense, Syrians of the Roman imperial era, and even Assyrians or Arameans beyond the frontier, posited links to various ancient Greek or Syrian "founders," with or without positing ethnic descent.
  20. ^The Maronites in history.p. 177.Lammens states thatal-Baladhurilabeled these Maronites al-Anbat to indicate their Aramaic (Syriac) origin.
  21. ^Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, Or Philosophical Society of Great Britain.Victoria Institute. p. 51.The only people that remain who might be considered lineal descendants of the Aramean race are theDroozesandMaronites.
  22. ^Asher Kaufman.Reviving Phoenicia.The Syrians today, Zaydan continued, are divided by their origin into two groups: Muslims and Christians. Most of the Muslims are Arabs. As for the Christians, the majority are descendants of the Arameans, the Arabs and the Greeks. The Arameans were the original inhabitants of the land, then came the Greeks from the West, followed by the Arabs, the Ghasanis, who came from the Hauran in the hinterland. In short, Christian Syrians are not genealogically Arabs, even if there is some Arab blood flowing in their veins. Yet they are considered Arabs because they speak Arabic, they procreate in an Arab land and they live according to Arab morals. Thus, Syria became an Arab country after the Islamic occupation.
  23. ^Lipiński 2000,p. 26-40.
  24. ^Sader 2010,p. 277.
  25. ^abBerlejung 2014,p. 339.
  26. ^Lipiński 2000,p. 25–27.
  27. ^Gzella 2015,p. 56.
  28. ^Younger 2016,p. 35-108.
  29. ^Marc Van De Mieroop (2009).The Eastern Mediterranean in the Age of Ramesses II.John Wiley & Sons. p. 63.ISBN9781444332209.
  30. ^Lipiński 2000,p. 347.
  31. ^Younger 2016,p. 549-654.
  32. ^Lipiński 2000,p. 249.
  33. ^Younger 2016,p. 425-500.
  34. ^Lipiński 2000,p. 163.
  35. ^Younger 2016,p. 307-372.
  36. ^Lipiński 2000,p. 119.
  37. ^Lipiński 2000,p. 319.
  38. ^Lipiński 2000,p. 135.
  39. ^Lipiński 2000,p. 78.
  40. ^abYounger 2016.
  41. ^Akkerman & Schwartz 2003,p. 367.
  42. ^Billington 2005,p. 117–132.
  43. ^"Aramaean (people)".Encyclopaedia Britannica.
  44. ^Younger 2016,p. 501-548.
  45. ^Sader 2014,p. 16.
  46. ^"Akhlame".Encyclopædia Britannica.
  47. ^Wunsch 2013,p. 247–260.
  48. ^Saggs 1984,p. 290: "The destruction of the Assyrian empire did not wipe out its population. They were predominantly peasant farmers, and since Assyria contains some of the best wheat land in the Near East, descendants of the Assyrian peasants would, as opportunity permitted, build new villages over the old cities and carry on with agricultural life, remembering traditions of the former cities. After seven or eight centuries and various vicissitudes, these people became Christians."
  49. ^Nissinen 2014,p. 273-296.
  50. ^Streck 2014,p. 297-318.
  51. ^Lemaire 2014,p. 319-328.
  52. ^Niehr 2014b,p. 329-338.
  53. ^Berlejung 2014,p. 339-365.
  54. ^Botta 2014,p. 366-377.
  55. ^Niehr 2014c,p. 378-390.
  56. ^Millard 1983,p. 106-107.
  57. ^Lipiński 2000.
  58. ^Gzella 2015.
  59. ^Frye 1992,p. 281–285.
  60. ^Heinrichs 1993,p. 106-107.
  61. ^Joosten 2010,p. 53–72.
  62. ^Wevers 2001,p. 237-251.
  63. ^Rogers 1921,p. 139.
  64. ^abFrenschkowski 2019,p. 468.
  65. ^Healey 2014,p. 391-392.
  66. ^Harrak 1992,p. 209–214.
  67. ^Healey 2014,p. 395.
  68. ^Minov 2020,p. 256-257.
  69. ^Rubin 1998,p. 149-162.
  70. ^Bcheiry 2010,p. 455-475.
  71. ^Debié 2009,p. 110-111.
  72. ^Weltecke 2006,p. 95-124.
  73. ^Sader 2010,p. 286-288.
  74. ^Gzella 2014,p. 71.
  75. ^Gzella 2014,p. 72.
  76. ^Brock 1992a,p. 16.
  77. ^Brock 1992b,p. 226.
  78. ^Aufrecht 2001,p. 149.
  79. ^Quispel 2008,p. 80.
  80. ^Healey 2019,p. 433–446.
  81. ^Griffith 2002,p. 5–20.
  82. ^Healey 2007,p. 115–127.
  83. ^Healey 2014,p. 391–402.
  84. ^Brock 2011,p. 96–97.
  85. ^Gzella 2015,p. 317-326.
  86. ^abBurnett 2005,p. 421-436.
  87. ^Niehr 2014,p. 1-9.
  88. ^Gzella 2015,p. 3-16.
  89. ^Doak 2020,p. 57.
  90. ^Nöldeke 1871,p. 113-131.
  91. ^Woźniak 2012,p. 73–83.
  92. ^Woźniak 2015,p. 483–496.
  93. ^Eti Weissblei (2017)."Arameans in the Middle East and Israel: Historical Background, Modern National Identity, and Government Policy"(PDF).Knesset.
  94. ^Teule 2012,p. 47-56.
  95. ^Sommer 2012,p. 157-170.


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  • Media related toArameansat Wikimedia Commons