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Archean felsic volcanic rocks

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Fig. 1. A schematic diagram showing the formation environment of Archean felsic volcanic rocks. Modified from Giles (1980).[1]Felsic eruption forms felsic volcanic rocks near the volcano and a spectrum ofvolcano-sedimentary sequencein the sea in Archean.[1]

Archean felsic volcanic rocksarefelsicvolcanic rocksthat were formed in theArchean Eon(4 to 2.5 billion years ago).[2]The term "felsic"means that the rocks havesilicacontent of 62–78%.[3]Given that the Earth formed at~4.5 billion year ago,[4]Archean felsic volcanic rocks provide clues on the Earth's firstvolcanic activitieson the Earth's surface started 500 million years after the Earth's formation.[5]

As the Archean Earth was hotter than the present, formation of felsic volcanic rocks may differ from the modernplate tectonics.[5][6][7]

Archean felsic volcanic rocks are distributed only in the preserved Archeangreenstone belts,where deformedsequences of volcanic-sedimentary rocksare common.[5][6][8]Felsic volcanic rocks are rare in theearly Earthand only contribute to less 20% of rocks in the Archean greenstone belts worldwide.[6]In contrast,maficvolcanic rocks (such asbasaltandkomatiite,silicate content <52%[3]) occupy about 50% in the greenstone belts.[6]Thus, felsic volcanic rocks are rare members in the Archean terranes.

Archean felsicvolcanic activitiescommonly occur insubmarineenvironments.[7]The composition of Archean felsic volcanic rocks are equivalent to a spectrum betweendaciteandrhyolite.[5]They can be distinguished by theirmineral assemblages,rock chemistryandrock layer relationshipin the sequences.[7]

Archean felsic volcanic rocks are utilised todate the timing of geological eventsand match distant rock units in separated Archeancratons.[9]They are important to reconstruct Archean geological environments.[10][11]

Felsicgranitoidsare the most prevalent rock type in Archean terranes.[6]These intrusive felsic igneous rocks include TTG suites (Tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite) that contributes over half the portion of Archean cratons.[6]They have implications in finding how the felsic volcanic rocks were formed and related to the granitoids.[9][12]



Archean felsic volcanic rocks are only preserved in Archeancratons.[8]A craton is an ancient stable continental block.[13]Also, a craton has survived fromplate tectonicsthat pull apart, collide or tear continents.[13]On average, the felsic volcanic rocks only contribute to ≈15-20% in volcanic rocks of greenstone belts.[6]See Figure 2 and Table 1 for Examples of Archean felsic volcanic rocks occurrence.

All Archean felsic volcanic rocks are distributed in greenstone belts.[6]In Archean cratons, greenstone belts representsupracrustal rocksformed at the Earth's surface and the belts are dominated byvolcano-sedimentary sequences.[9][11][14][15][16]Some volcanic sequences can be several kilometers thick, such as theWarrawoona GroupofEastern Pilbara Craton.[17][18]However,ultramaficandmaficunits make up the major volume of the volcanic units.[18]The remaining volcanic units are extensive but thin felsic volcanic layers, such as Duffer Formation of the Warrawoona Group.[17]The greenstone belts may be subsequently intruded by dome-shapedmagma chambers.[19]The intrusion deformed the felsic volcanic rocks along with the volcano-sedimentary sequences.[5]

Observing modernvolcanic processesis relatively easier than observing Archean volcanism, becauseerosionconstantly started removing earlier formed materials.[20]So, studying the Archean supracrustal rocks back in deep time may be subjected tosampling bias.[6]

Table 1. Examples of Archean felsic volcanic rocks occurrence in greenstone belts
Felsic volcanic units/localities Age (Ma) Greenstone belt Craton Country/Region
Duffer Formation[11][10] 3468 ± 2[21] Warrawoona Eastern Pilbara Craton Australia
Marda Tank[22] 2734 ± 3[23] Marda Volcanic Complex Yilgarn Craton Australia
Kallehadlu Felsic Volcanics[15] 2677 ± 2[24] Gadag-Chitradurga Dharwar Craton India
Kovero schist belt[25] 2754 ± 6[25] Ilomantsi Baltic Shield Finland
Sample SM/GR/93/57[26][27] 3710 ± 4[27] Isua North Atlantic Craton Greenland
Musk massive sulphide deposit[28] 2689.3 +2.4/-1.8[28] Yellowknife Slave Province Canada
Blake River Group[29][30] 2694.1±4.5[31] Abitibi Superior Province Canada
Upper Michipicoten volcanic sequences[32] 2696 ± 2[33] Wawa Superior Province Canada
Bulawayan Group[34] 2615 ± 28[34] Harare Zimbabwean Craton Zimbabwe
Onverwacht Group[35] 3445 ± 3[35] Barberton Kaapvaal Craton South Africa
Fig. 2. A map showing examples greenstone belts with documented Archean felsic volcanic rocks localities. See citations in Table 1.



Mineralogy and texture


The meaning of "felsic"refers to highsilica(SiO2) content from 62 to 78 wt% in rock.[3]In terms of mineralogy, the felsic volcanic rocks are rich infeldsparandquartz.[36]A typical mineral assemblage isquartz+feldspar(albite/oligoclase) +amphibole(chlorite) +micas(biotiteand/ormuscovite).[36]The mineralogy seems similar with modern rhyolites and dacites.[36]The volcanics areaphanitic,whereas some exhibitsporphyritictexture that certain larger minerals (phenocrysts) are visible by eyes.[37]

Fig. 3. Archean felsic volcanic rocks have particular characteristic structure. Some are tuffs, formed by volcanic materials from eruption. A significant structure is fiamme, which are recrystallised quartz with flame-like ending points. The illustration is fiamme in Archean Woman Lake rhyolitic tuff, Superior Province, Canada. Adopted and modified from photograph of Thurston (1980).[37]

Felsic volcanic rocks also include felsictuffthat was formed whentephrawas consolidated.[17]Tuff is composed ofvolcanic ash,glass shardsandlithic fragments.[11][37]Reportedeutaxitictuff from Superior Province, Canada (Figure 3),[37]contains lenticularfiamme.When hotpumicedeposits on a cool surface, it is rapidly cooled,recrystallisedandweldedinto quartz with flame-like ending tips.[37]The eutaxitic texture represents a hot vapour-phase emplacement of the fragmented volcanic materials on the Earth's surface.[37]

Flow bandsare present in massive, uniform felsic lava flow units.[36]When the viscous lava flow encounters a surface, friction drags the mobile lava and forms internal banding.[36]

Structurelesshyaloclastiteis commonly found in Archean felsic volcanic rocks.[7][17][36][37]In submarine environments, waterquenchesand cools lava rapidly duringvolcanic eruption.[7]The flow is fragmented and formglassyvolcanic breccia.[7]



The composition of Archean felsic volcanic rocks falls in thecalc-alkalineseries.[32]Such magmatic series indicate thatfractional crystallisationofmagmaoccurred during cooling.Magnesiumandironcontent in the rock are low, and it forms dacite or rhyolite. Magma is a mixture of various minerals. When minerals crystallise from the molten magma, they are progressively removed and dissociated from the melt. The last proportion of the melt is strongly fractionated, causing richness in quartz and feldspars that make the volcanic rocks felsic.

Dacite and rhyolite are characterised by highsilica(SiO2) content from 62 to 78wt%.[3]The average composition of felsic volcanic rocks in Archean greenstone belts is between dacite and rhyolite (Table 2).[3][6]In comparison, the modern felsic volcanic rock average composition (after Archean, <2.5 Ga) is similar to rhyolite, indicating a more felsic shift with greater alkali content in felsic volcanism.[6]However, the composition may be biased because of weathering right afterdepositionormetamorphismduring later stages ofdeformation.[9]

Table 2. Average composition of felsic volcanic rocks[6]
Time SiO2(wt%) Na2O+K2O (wt%) Rock Classification[3]
Archean 72.2–73.0 6.4–6.8 Dacite–Rhyolite
Post-Archean 73.0–73.6 7.0–8.0 Rhyolite

Archean felsic volcanic rocks also have highzirconabundance.Incompatible elements,likezirconium,are reluctant to substitute into early-forming crystals.[17]As a result, they tend to remain in the melt. In strongly fractionated felsic magma, zircon is easily saturated. As a result, zircon is common in felsic rocks.[38]The timing of felsic volcanism and tectonic constraints can be identified byradiometric datingandisotopic analysis.[17]

Eruption style


In the Archean aeon, underwater eruptions of felsic lava were common.[7][36][39]Submarine eruption is evident by coarsevolcanic brecciaformedin situ,hyaloclastite or underwaterpyroclasticdeposits (clasticrock, composed oftephraonly). Since felsicmagmais viscous, volcanic eruptions that form dacite or rhyolite are explosive and violent. The Archean felsic eruption may be assigned toVesuvius eruption typein the present day.[36]

Submarine rhyolitic flows were widespread in the Archean but are uncommon in the modern volcanic environment.[39]Viscous felsic eruption often causespyroclastic flow(hot, dense gas with volcanic fragments) instead of fluid lava flow. However, if the rhyolitic lava is still molten during eruption, it can behave and flow like fluid lava.[7][40]

Subaqueous deposits

Fig. 4. Schematic illustration of documented subaqueous felsic lava deposits. (a) Submarine lava flow, based on Héré Creek rhyolite (modified from De Rosen-Spence et al., 1980[7]). (b) Submarine lava dome, based on the Gold Lake dome and flow complex (modified from Lambert et al., 1990).[41]Illustration adopted from Sylvester et al. (1997) in de Wit & Ashwal (1997).[14]

Felsiclava flowandlava domeare the two common types of underwater deposits formed by Archean felsic volcanic rocks (Fig. 4).[7]Documented Archean lava structures are distinctive from post-Archean felsic lava becauseunderwater eruptionsare so rare in the post-Archean.[39]The dacitic or rhyolitic lava flows are quenched right after the eruption.[7][17]When seawater contacts the flow, the lava quickly cools down.[40]Finally, The lava solidifies and breaks up as clasts, and the clasts accumulate on the flow fronts to formbreccia.[36]

Lava flow


Effusivefelsic lava flows elongate several kilometres. During an eruption, lava continuously wells out from the vent, then starts to flow outward on the sea floor. Due to quenching, lava is rapidly fragmented to form breccia.[40]A new lobe of lava is injected inside the breccia but it is cooled less quickly, and pushes the flow further outwards.[7]

Lava dome


Short, stocky dome with subsequent pyroclastic deposits extend less than few kilometres long. When explosive eruption occurs, volcanic fragments would be deposited by violentpyroclastic flows.Coarse breccia would be formed as a result.[41]Submarine sediments would subsequently be deposited along the steep flank of the volcano.[41]Submarine landslideswould occur to formturbidites.[41]

Stratigraphic significance


Archean felsic volcanic rocks are important in determiningabsolute ageof therock unitsin greenstone belts.[14]Felsic eruptions are episodic, making the felsic volcanic layers distinctivestratigraphic units.[11]Also, felsic volcanic rocks are distributed across long distances because of their extensive deposition.[7][17][18][41]However, the rock sequences of greenstone belts are commonly obscured by later deformation, such as regional folding or intrusion of granitoids.[17]By identifying these felsic sequences and dating their time of formation, stratigraphic units of different locations can be correlated despite the obstacles or discontinuity between felsic volcanic units.[17][41]

Timing of volcanism


Thegeochronologyof Archean events strongly relies onU-Pb dating[11][26]andLu-Hf dating.[42]Sincemaficrocks (contain lowsilicacontent, such asbasalt) are lack of zircon, only the age of felsic rocks can be dated among the volcanic rocks in greenstone belts.[14]As felsic volcanic rocks are episodically deposited in between mafic layers, the age range of a particular mafic layer can be constrained by the upper and lower felsic volcanic layers.[11]Thus the time of occurrence and the duration of volcanic episodes can be revealed.[17]

Relationships between Archean felsic volcanic rocks and granitoids


From TTG to GMS granitoids


Two plutonic, igneous rock suites form 50% of Archean cratons.[6]They are (1)Tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite(TTG) suites and (2)Granite-Monzonite-Syenite(GMS) suites inchronological order.[6]They are magma chambers that later formed the volcanics on the Earth's surface by volcanic eruption.[30]Later they intruded thesupracrustal rocksof similar age and composition in the Archean.[19]The uprising magma bodies deformed the surface greenstone belt on acratonicscale.[5]

Table 3. Comparison between 2 common Archean Granitoids[9][43]
Relative age Granitoid Important mineral present Magma origin
Older (1st granitoid) Tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite(TTG) Na-rich plagioclase+garnet+amphibole hydrated mafic crust
Younger (2nd granitoid) Granite-Monzonite-Syenite(GMS) K-feldspar felsic crust

The two kinds of granitoids have different magma origins: (a) melting of water-richmaficmaterials formed older sodium-rich TTG and (b) melting of felsic materials (e.g. TTG and/or sediments[44]) formed younger potassium-rich GMS (see Table 3).[9][43]They imply gradual chemical changes in the magma and theEarth's crust.[9]

Conflicting compositions


Records of Archean felsic volcanic rocks shows a peculiar trend. The eruption of felsic volcanic rocks and plutonic activities in Archean are largely synchronised as show in overlapping zircon ages.[9]On contrary, the chemical compositions of some felsic volcanic rocks are similar to that of GMS but they are much older than GMS.[9]For example, a GMS-like rhyolite unit in theAbitibi Greenstone Belt(abnormally more enriched in potassium and heavyrare-earth elementsthan other Archean felsic volcanic rocks) has no plutonic equivalent in the same period.[12][30]The composition of felsic volcanic rocks are being altered concurrently with shifting granitoid composition.[9]

Fig 5. Possible relationship 1 of Archean felsic volcanic rocks and granitoids. GMS may have intruded the crust at a very shallow depth, and later TTG intruded.[9]

Possible relationships


The older GMS-like felsic volcanic rocks formed with similar age of TTG has two implications:[9]

  1. GMS may have intruded the crust and GMS-like volcanics at a very shallow depth. Later, intenseerosionrips up all GMS suites and deposited at a proximal distance. If this is true, then GMS and TTG intruded the crust together at the same time. No solid evidence is present yet but the irregular geochemical fingerprints may link both to TTG or GMS.[9]
  2. GMS is concentrated at the upper crust and TTG at deeper intermediate crust. Later, GMS as well as GMS-like volcanics are eroded and deposit as sediments. Thedetrital zirconsmay show a range of mixed GMS and TTG geochemical signature.[9]


Fig 6. Possible relationship 2 of Archean felsic volcanic rocks and granitoids. GMS and TTG may have intruded the crust at the same time. Yet, GMS was concentrated at the upper crust and TTG at deeper intermediate crust.[9]

Revealing the relationship between Archean felsic volcanic rocks and the granitoids may be difficult. It is becauseweatheringalters the geochemical signatures of the felsic rocks above the Earth's surface.[45]The earliest weathering record can be traced back to 3.8 Ga during Eoarchean.[45]Potassium is enriched but sodium is depleted in these weathered felsic rocks.[45]Altered feldspars in the rocks may result in such anomalous signatures.[45]

See also



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