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Arthania(Arabic:ارثانية’Arṯāniya,[1]Russian:Арcания,Ukrainian:Артанія,Belarusian:Артанія) was one of the three states of theRus[1][2]orSaqaliba(early East Slavs)[3]with the center in Artha described in a lost book byAbu Zayd al-Balkhi(dating from ca. 920) and mentioned in works by some of his followers (Ibn Hawqal,Al-Istakhri,Hudud ul-'alam).[4][5]The two other centers wereSlawiya(Arabic:صلاويةṢ(a)lāwiya;tentatively identified with the land ofIlmen Slavs,seeRus Khaganate) andKuyaba(Arabic:كويابةKūyāba;usually identified withKyiv).[1][2][4]

Ibn Hawqalclaims that nobody has ever visited Artha because the locals kill every foreigner attempting to penetrate their land. They are involved in trade withKuyaba,selling sable furs, lead, and a modicum of slaves.[4]

Modern historians have been unable to pinpoint the location of Arthania. A linguistic line of argument leads some historians to such far-away places asCape Arkonaon theBaltic Sea,the land of theErzya(an ethnic group of theMordvanation; seeGelons and Mordvins) and thePlisneskhillfort in the UpperWestern Bug.[3][1][6][7]George Vernadskylocated Arsa on theTaman Peninsula(seeTmutarakan),[8]whileVladimir Minorskyconnected "Arsa" withRyazan.[7]No archaeological confirmation of these linguistic speculations has ever been produced.[9]

Modern Russian historiography tends to identify Arthania with the land of theMeryaserving theVolga trade route.[10]Archaeological evidence points toSarskoe GorodishcheandTimerevoas its main centers.[9]The native name of either town remains unknown.


  1. ^abcdM. Th. Houtsma, ed. (1993).E. J. Brill's first encyclopaedia of Islam: 1913-1936.Leiden: Brill. p. 1182.ISBN90-04-09792-9.
  2. ^abDuczko, Wladyslaw (2004).Viking Rus: studies on the presence of Scandinavians in Eastern Europe.Leiden: Brill. p. 123.ISBN90-04-13874-9.
  3. ^abDyba, Yuri R. (2016),"Географія початкової русі за східними джерелами"[Geography of the Primary Rus` in Eastern Sources],Княжа Доба: Історія І Культура. Львів
  4. ^abcOriental Sources on Old East Slavs, by An. Novoseltsev
  5. ^Артанія// Історія державності та правові пам'ятки України. — Х.: Основа, 2013. — 93 с.
  6. ^Paszkiewicz, Henryk (1977).The Making of the Russian Nation.Greenwood Press. p. 156.
  7. ^abДревнерусское государство и его международное значение. М., 1965. Стр. 417-418.
  8. ^Вернадский, Г. В.Древняя Русь(in Russian).
  9. ^abДубов, Игорь(1985).Города, величеством сияющие(in Russian). Изд-во Ленинградского университета. p. 53.
  10. ^Отечественная история: история России с древнейших времен до 1917 года. Том 1. Стр. 157. Большая Российская энциклопедия, 1994.
    Anatoli Novoseltsev.Образование Древнерусского государства и первый его правитель. // Вопросы истории. 1991. № 2-3. С. 9.
    Мачинский А.А. О времени и обстоятельствах первого появления славян на северо-западе Восточной Европы по данным письменных источников. // Северная Русь и ее соседи в эпоху раннего средневековья. Л., 1982. С. 22.