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Asceticism in Judaism

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Ashkenazi Hasidimwere a Jewish mystical and ascetic movement inmedieval Germany.

Asceticismis a lifestyle characterized byabstinencefrom sensual pleasures, often for the purpose of pursuing spiritual goals. Asceticism has not been a dominant theme withinJudaism,but minor-to-significant ascetic traditions have been a part of Jewish spirituality.[1]

Many Jewish sources describe the physical world as essentially good; the human body as a servant of the spirit, and therefore not corrupt; the human being as possessing dignity as one made in the image of God; and physical pleasures as God-given and therefore to be enjoyed with gratitude toward the divine giver. One who refuses to partake of the material world was even described as a sinner bySamuel of Nehardeain tractateTaanit(Taanit 11a).

At the same time, other sources recommend and even require Jews to avoid intemperate and extravagant behavior, which is seen as leading to bad character traits and sometimes to outright sin. Thus Jews were recommended to moderate their eating and drinking and sexual behavior; to "sanctify" their material consumption by intending its ultimate purpose to be enabling service of God rather than selfish pleasure; and where appropriate to make extra "fences" around the law by avoiding specific activities that seem likely to lead to sin. Overall, Judaism recommends moderation rather than total abstinence, a balance perhaps best represented byMaimonides' "golden middle way"between sensual luxury and tortured self-deprivation.

In addition, many sources suggest that members of the spiritual elite would be best served by a greater level of asceticism than the masses, including practices such as fasting and sexual abstinence, in order to enable them to focus onTorah studyor else mystical contemplation. While such behavior was generally the choice of pious individuals, in a few cases it became the focus of widespread communal movements, particularly theAshkenazi HasidimandLurianic Kabbalah.

Biblical and classical rabbinic views[edit]

Disapproving views[edit]

"The Lord did not create the world for desolation; he formed it for human habitation" (Isaiah 45:18) is the principle emphasized by the rabbis.[2]In the ideal state of things nothing should be profane (Zechariah 14:20,21). This view is expressed in no uncertain terms byRav:"Man in the life to come will have to account for every enjoyment offered him that was refused without sufficient cause."[3]

Rabbi Yitzchaksaid, "Is the number of things forbidden by the Law not enough that you venture to add of your own accord by your inconsiderate vow?"[4]

One teacher would say, "TheShekhinahrests on man only amid cheerfulness of performing amitzvah."[5]According to aTalmudicalstory, jesters who cheer up unhappy people are rewarded with a place in the World to Come.[6]

In contrast to some religions which practicemortification of the flesh,Judaism prohibits mutilations for whatever purpose and of whatever character.[7]

According to the Torah commandment ofonah,a man must satisfy his wife's sexual desires through regular sexual intercourse. A man, too, is expected to marry,[8]based on the Biblical verse "it is not good for a man to be alone" (Genesis 2:18). While according to some this is a practical measure (to discourage him from fantasizing about women other than his wife),[9]the Talmud gives a more fundamental reason: "Any man who has no wife is without happiness, without blessing, and without good."[10]

Zeiraprohibited his students from engaging in voluntary pious behavior in the presence of others who would be viewed as less pious for not having followed the same stringency.[11]

TheMishnahinterprets the Biblical command to love God "with all your heart"[12]to mean "with your two inclinations - good inclination and evil inclination".[13]The latter half of this interpretation has been interpreted in various ways. According to some, it indicates that physical pleasures such as eating and drinking can be a form of service to God, if one's intention is to thereby strengthen the body in order to better serve God.[14]

Approving views[edit]

Biblical laws prohibit performing certain functions, such as Temple service, while in a state of intoxication orritual impurity.Thus priests were prohibited to drink wine prior to their service,[15]sexual intercourse was forbidden to theIsraelitesin preparation for theSinai Revelation,[16]andMoseswas understood by the rabbis to have separated from his wife during the period of his prophecy.[17](However, other prophets did not separate from their wives.[18])

In later generations these restrictions were voluntarily taken on by broader segments of the population for the purposes of self-consecration or communion with God. These groups included the followers of theRechabites,known as "the water-drinkers" (who did not drink wine).[19]Among thePharisees,one who chose to apply the laws of food impurity to all foods, not only consecrated foods, received the title ofchaber.

Among the broader population, a certain level of self-restraint was often recommended, to avoid the harms that can be caused by excess.[20]"Haste, Nazarite, pass quickly around the vineyard, come not too near the grape"[21]became a proverbial warning. "Make a fence around the Law" was a well-known principle.[22]The Talmud declares "Abstain from everything unseemly and from whatsoever is like unto it."[23]According toAbba Arikha,the purpose of thekashrutlaws is to purify Israel[24]—to train the Jew in self-discipline. The law: "Be holy!"[25]was interpreted: Exercise abstinence in order to arrive at the state of purity and holiness.[26]

In the Biblical narrative, humanity initially abstained from eating meat, (Genesis 1:29) and only after the flood, in an age of decline, eating of meat was permitted (Genesis 9:2 etc.) (similar traditions appear inGreekandRomansources[27]).

Shimon bar Yochailived as an ascetic for a period, hiding in a cave from Roman persecution while subsisting on a minimal diet.[28]He refused to appreciate the markets, bathhouses, and other worldly comforts built by the Romans,[28]and held the view that "there should be no unrestrained laughter in this world".[29]At the same time, he was one of those describing the nazirite as a sinner for abstaining from wine.[30]His ascetic practices were not inspired by belief in the futility of this life and its sinfulness, but rather by the desire to avoid distractions fromTorah study.He envied the generation of the desert, fed on heavenly manna rather than agricultural labor, who therefore had more time for Torah study.[31]

The two great rabbinical schools of the first century, theHouses of Hillel and Shammai,debated the question whether life was worth living or not— "tov le-adam shenibra mishelo nibra",[32]and in general the House of Shammai (who answered the question in the negative) leaned towards asceticism.[33]

Upon the destruction of theTemple in Jerusalemin the year 70, a wave of asceticism swept over the people, and many people avoided meat and wine as sign of mourning, but this was not accepted as a permanent practice.[34]

Judah ha-Nasihosted elaborate feasts and had close social relations with prominent Romans,[35]yet on his deathbed he proclaimed that he had "derived no benefit" from the world,[36]implying that the luxuries in his house were necessary for his leadership role rather than intended for personal enjoyment.


According to Biblical law, aNaziritewas one who chose to abstain from drinking wine and cutting hair as an expression of holiness.[37]

While the nazirite restrictions have the appearance of an ascetic practice, this understanding is not universal. According to one theory, wine and the crown of hair were sacred to theCanaanite deities,so the Nazirite laws simply indicate a rejection of Canaanite religion.[38]

In later rabbinic sources, opinions vary regarding the desirability of nazirite abstention. The Talmud declares that becoming a nazirite is actually a kind of sin: "Why must the Nazirite bring a sin-offering at the end of his term? (Numbers 6:13–14) Because he sinned against his own person by his vow of abstaining from wine, "saysEleazar ha-Kappar.[39]In contrast,Nachmanidesargued that being a nazirite is a desirable and holy state, and the "sin" for which the sin-offering is brought is actuallyleavingthe nazirite status and returning to normal life.[40]

Even according to those who frown upon nazirism in general, it was sometimes considered meritorious as a means of self-discipline.Simon the Justsaid: "I partook of a Nazirite meal only once, when I met with a handsome youth from the South who had taken the vow. When I asked him the reason, he said: 'I saw theevil inclinationpursue me as I beheld my face reflected in the water, and I swore that these long curls shall be cut off and offered as a sacrifice to the Lord.' Whereupon I kissed him upon his forehead and blessed him, saying: 'May there be many Nazirites like thee in Israel!' "[41]


Just one fast day is commanded in the Bible -Yom Kippur.The Prophets had little patience with fasting.[42]Isaiah 53maintains that charity and deeper sense of justice, not fasting, are the expression of a will sanctified unto God. It is characteristic of the attitude of Judaism that this very chapter has been assigned for theHaftarafor Yom Kippur, the one penitential fast-day of the synagogue.

Nevertheless, Biblical Jews resorted to fasting in times of great distress,[43]or to commemorate historical tragedies.[44]In the Talmudic era, communal fasts were regularly observed in times of collective hardship such as famine, drought and war.[45] Four annual fast days were established in commemoration of the destruction of theTemple in Jerusalem;[44]it was stated that one who would not share in the distress would have no part in the consolation of the people.[46]The one additional communal fast day which survived to modern times (theFast of Esther) may not be an expression of asceticism or mourning: it may follow the pattern of ancient fasts which are simply preparation for eating the sacrificial or festive meal on the following evening.[47]Similarly, the rabbis decreed not to eat a meal late on Friday afternoon, in order to better enjoy theShabbatevening meal,[48]and perhaps this also underlies the report that some pious rabbis fasted every Friday (in preparation for the Sabbath).

In addition to these required fasts, in the post-Talmudic period a number of fasts became customary in certain pious circles, either as opportunities for penance (e.g.Yom Kippur KatanandShovavim) or to commemorate negative historical events.[49][50]

Attitudes varied towards individual fasting. Individual fasting as a form of repentance for personal sins is already attested to in the Bible.[51]In the Talmud, some rabbis are mentioned as frequent fasters.Rabbi Zeirawas perhaps the most prominent of these, but his general attitude was not ascetic. He fasted for set periods with particular goals in mind: that he might forget hisBabylonian method of teachingbefore emigrating toPalestine,and that hell-fire might later have no power over him.[52]Mar, the son ofRavina II,fasted throughout the whole year with the exception of the holy days and the eve ofYom Kippur.[53]

Other rabbis made a point of discouraging individual fasting. According toSamuel of Nehardea,an individual who chose to fast was called a sinner,[46]based on the example of theNaziritewho was required to bring a sin-offering.[46][54]Jose ben Halaftaprohibited an individual from fasting.[55]

Medieval and early modern period[edit]

Many of the great Jewish thinkers and mystics of the Middle Ages were inclined to asceticism, engaging in fasting, sexual abstinence, and other restrictive practices. This is particularly true of those influenced byNeoplatonic mysticism,which viewed the flesh or matter as the source of evil. In contrast to theTalmudand other early sources which generally have a positive attitude towards the physical, the attitude in medieval sources is more often negative.[56]

Dosa ben Saadia,the head ofSura Academyfrom 1012-1018, took an oath in his teenage years to refrain from eating bread as an act of asceticism, which he continued up until his death.

Bahya ibn Paquda's ethical system,Ḥovot haLevavot,oscillates between asceticism and Jewish optimism, with a decided leaning to the former. The tendency to mysticism induced moral philosophers of the Middle Ages like Bahya to favor abstinence as a mode of moral self-elevation.[57]

According toMaimonidesinMishneh Torah,it is improper to avoid material comforts such as meat, wine, marriage, a beautiful house, or beautiful clothes. One should take a middle path: neither fully indulging one's lusts and vanities, nor rejecting material comforts and practicing fasting and asceticism. Rather, one should intend that their material consumption is intended for the purpose of serving God - for example, when eating one should intend "not only" to enjoy the food, but also to strengthen the body in order to serve God better.[58]However, other passages suggest that a more ascetic lifestyle may be appropriate for the spiritual elite. A Torah scholar should make a point to live a modest and refined lifestyle, limiting his material consumption somewhat in ways that will cause others to respect him,[59]and the Torah is sustained by those who figuratively "kill themselves" over it, "always distressing their body and not giving sleep to their eyes" due to the great labor of their study.[60]Similarly,The Guide for the Perplexed(directed at the spiritual elite) presents an ideal in which a person would "reject, despise, and reduce his desires as much as is in his power[...] He should only give way to them when absolutely necessary".[61]The somewhat contradictory views in Maimonides' writings seem to stem from a worldview that sees all human existence - both physical and spiritual - as good, but which also seems physicality as sometimes interfering with spiritual development.[62]Apparently, in his view, either ascetic or non-ascetic lifestyles can be appropriate for individuals at different stages of spiritual development.[62]

Abraham ben Davidof Posquières (12th century) was known for his ascetic lifestyle.

Abraham bar Hiyya(12th century) strongly refutes the Neoplatonic conception of evil as being identical with matter, and maintains against Bahya that indulgence in fasting and other modes of penitence is not meritorious, since only he who is ruled by his lower desires may resort to asceticism as the means of curbing his passion and disciplining his soul, whereas the really good should confine himself to such modes of abstinence as are prescribed by the Law. Nevertheless, Abraham bar Hiyya claims a higher rank for the saint who, secluded from the world, leads a life altogether consecrated to the service of God. He goes even so far as to advocate the state of celibacy in such cases, referring to the examples ofMoses(who was celibate during the period of his prophecy), the majority of the prophets (who were, he thinks, unmarried), and toSimeon ben Azzai:

They said to ben Azzai: There is a type of scholar who expounds well and fulfills his own teachings well, and another who fulfills well and does not expound well. But you, who have never married, expound well on the importance of procreation, and yet you do not fulfill well your own teachings. Ben Azzai said to them: What shall I do, as my soul yearns for Torah, and I do not wish to deal with anything else. It is possible for the world to be maintained by others, who are engaged in the mitzva to be fruitful and multiply.

— Yevamot63b:18

Like Bahya, Abraham bar Hiyya argued the ascetic, while leading a purer and holier life, requires less legal restraint.[63]

Asher ben Meshullamwas reported to be an ascetic (Hebrew:פָּרוּשׁ,romanized:pārush) who did not attend to any worldly business, but studied day and night, kept fasts, and never ate meat.[64]His brother Jacob bore the title of Nazirite, being an ascetic abstaining from wine.[65]

The whole family ofJudah ben Samuel of Regensburg,his father,Samuel of Speyer,and his grandfather,Kalonymus ben Isaac the Elder,seem to have been a family of ascetics.[66]Among theAshkenazi Hasidicmovement which they led, it was frequent to practice extreme self-punishment, such as immersing the legs in ice water for hours, as a form of penitence for sins. Such a system of punishments had little precedent in previous Jewish thought.[67]

The subsequent development and spread of theKabbalahproduced other forms of asceticism.Lurianic kabbalah,as developed in the 16th and 17th centuries, introduced the idea that voluntary acts of piety could lead to a repair (tikkun) of the spiritually broken universe and bring about the Messianic era. Such Lurianic customs spread widely and included extensive fasting, frequentmikvehimmersion, and even self-lashing. Some of these customs eventually become widely accepted practice, including fast days such asFast of the FirstbornandYom Kippur Katan.[68][69]

These practices in turn led to a counter-reaction. In the 18th-19th centuries, the newHasidic movementabandoned many of the ascetic practices which had become common among eastern European Jews.[70]Among non-hasidim, theMesillat Yesharimcondemned ascetic practices which led to weakening of the body, while still recommending that pious individuals moderate their material consumption in order to avoid developing bad character traits.[71]Nevertheless, some Hasidic groups developed even more stringent practices, particularly regarding sexuality, which have persisted until modern times.[70]

Non-rabbinic Jews[edit]

Strongly ascetic practices were common among some non-rabbinic Jews in the lateSecond Templeera, such asBanusand theEssenes.Many of these devotees of holiness, making asceticism their special object of life,[72]were naturally led to view sensual life as contaminating. "Philo's ideal was to die daily, to mortify the flesh with fasting; he only insisted that the seclusion from social life should take place at the age of fifty, the time when the Levites retired from the active duties of the Temple service ".[73]

The 8th centuryIsawiteandYudghanitesects (forerunners of theKaraites), and many prominent Karaites themselves led ascetic lives; abstaining from meat and wine, and spending much of their time in meditation and devotion, partly in order to obtain a deeper knowledge of theScriptures,partly as mourners overJerusalem.[74]

Jewish hermits, living in a state of celibacy and devoting themselves to meditation, were found among Ethiopian Jews (Beta Israel) as late as 1900. They claimed thatAaronthe high priest was the firstNazaritewho from the time of his consecration separated from his wife to live only in the shadow of the tabernacle. Accordingly, they joined the monastic order after they have been married and have become fathers of children.[75]According to Flad, the order founded byAbba Sabra(Halévy,Abba Sura) consists altogether of eunuchs.[76]This would indicate non-Jewish influence.

Notes and references[edit]

  1. ^Allan Nadler (1999).The Faith of the Mithnagdim: Rabbinic Responses to Hasidic Rapture.JHU Press. pp. 78–79.ISBN978-0-8018-6182-6.
  2. ^Pesachim88b
  3. ^YerushalmiKiddushin4, end
  4. ^YerushalmiNedarim9 41b
  5. ^Shabbat 30b
  6. ^"Taanit 22a:7".sefaria.org.
  7. ^467. Self-Harm: The prohibition against cutting one's self
  8. ^Yevamot 61b
  9. ^Mishneh Torah,Hilchot Ishut 15:16
  10. ^Yevamot 62b
  11. ^Yerushalmi Brachot 2:9 (21a)
  12. ^Deuteronomy 6:5
  13. ^Mishna Brachot 9:5
  14. ^Tiferet Yisrael and Kehati to Mishna Brachot 9:5
  15. ^Leviticus 10:9
  16. ^Exodus 19:15
  17. ^Deuteronomy 9:9,18;1 Samuel 21:5;Shabbat87a
  18. ^Cf.Isaiah 8:3,Hosea 1:3
  19. ^Mekhilta of Rabbi Ishmael,Yithro, Amalek 2
  20. ^Cf.Proverbs 23:20
  21. ^Bava Metzia92a
  22. ^Pirkei Avot1:1;Avot of Rabbi Natan2
  23. ^Hullin44b
  24. ^Leviticus Rabbah13
  25. ^Leviticus 19:2
  26. ^Avodah Zarah20b;Sifra,Kedoshim,beginning
  27. ^Plato,De Legibus,vi. 782;Plutarch,Symposion,viii. 83;Porphyrius,De Abstinentia,iii. 25, 26;Diogenes Laërtius,viii. 20; Spiegel,Eranische Alterthümer,i. 455
  28. ^abShabbat 33b
  29. ^Berachot31a
  30. ^Nedarim
  31. ^Mekhilta of Rabbi Ishmael,Beshalach, Vayasa 2
  32. ^Eruvin13b
  33. ^נעם, ורד‎, and Vered Noam. "Beit Shammai and the Sectarian Halakha /בית שמאי וההלכה הכיתתית‎. "Jewish Studies /מדעי היהדות‎, vol. 41, 2002, pp. 45–67. JSTOR, jstor.org/stable/23382806.
  34. ^Bava Batra60b;ToseftaSotah,end
  35. ^Avodah Zarah 10a-11a
  36. ^Ketubot104a
  37. ^Numbers 6:3;Amos 2:12;Judges 13:14
  38. ^Public DomainSinger, Isidore;et al., eds. (1901–1906)."Asceticism".The Jewish Encyclopedia.New York: Funk & Wagnalls.
  39. ^Sifra,ad loc., andNedarim10a
  40. ^Ramban, Bemidbar 6:14
  41. ^Nazir,4b
  42. ^Isaiah 53,Zechariah 7,etc.
  43. ^Esther 4:16,Joel 1:14
  44. ^abZechariah 8:19
  45. ^Ta'anit18b
  46. ^abcTa'anit11a
  47. ^SeeRobertson Smith,The Religion of the Semites,p. 413
  48. ^Mishneh Torah,Hilchot Shabbat 30:4, based on a story in Gittin 38b
  49. ^"The Seventh of Adar".Orthodox Union. 13 February 2014.Retrieved28 September2017.
  50. ^"The Forgotten Fast Day – 20 Sivan | Matzav".RetrievedJul 15,2020.
  51. ^2 Samuel 12:16
  52. ^Bava Metzia85a
  53. ^Pesachim68b
  54. ^Numbers 6:11
  55. ^Taanit 22b
  56. ^Aharon Lichtenstein,Of Marriage: Relationship and Relations,Tradition: a journal of Orthodox Jewish thought,39.2, p.25: "Hazalidentify [sexual desire] as one of a triad which, optimally, one should 'let the left hand deflect and the right hand bring close' (Sota 47a). One sometimes gets the impression that the proportion was subsequently inverted. "
  57. ^SeeChovot haLevavot,9:5, 11:6
  58. ^Mishneh Torah,Hilchot Deot 3:1-11
  59. ^Mishneh Torah,Hilchot Deot, 5:1-9
  60. ^Hilchot Talmud Torah 3:12-14
  61. ^The Guide for the Perplexed,3:33
  62. ^abKreisel, Howard, and חיים קרייסל. "הסגפנות לפי רבינו בחיי ורמב'ם / ASCETICISM IN THE THOUGHT OF R. BAHYA IBN PAQUDA AND MAIMONIDES." Daat: A Journal of Jewish Philosophy & Kabbalah / דעת: כתב-עת לפילוסופיה יהודית וקבלה, no. 21, 1988, p. XVII JSTOR, jstor.org/stable/24186868. Accessed 12 July 2021.
  63. ^See hisHegyon ha-Nefesh,ed. Reifman, 16a, 32a, 37a; Rosin,Ethik des Maimonides,pp. 15, 16;Moritz Güdemann,inMonatsschrift,1900, pp. 196–216
  64. ^Benjamin of Tudela,Travels,ed. Asher, 3b
  65. ^SeeZunz's note in Asher'sBenjamin of Tudela,ii. 11, 12;H. Grätz,Gesch. der Juden,vi. 240, 241
  66. ^SeeH. J. Michael,Or ha-Ḥayyim,Nos. 433, 990, 1174, 1200
  67. ^Gershon Scholem,Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism,3:8
  68. ^Gershon Scholem,Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism,7:10
  69. ^"האריז" ל - תולדותיו והנהגותיו / דוד תמר ".
  70. ^abBenjamin Brown, 'Kedushah: The Sexual Abstinence of Married Men in Gur, Slonim and Toldos Ahron'
  71. ^Mesilat Yesharim13
  72. ^SeePhilo,ed.Thomas Mangey,De Vita Contemplativa,ii. 475, 477, 482.
  73. ^F. C. Conybeare,About Philo's Contemplative Life,p. 266, see also pp. 265-273, 315.
  74. ^See Shahrastani,Book of Religions and Philosophical Sects,Haarbrücker's translation, i. 254–257;H. Grätz,Gesch. der Juden,iii. 417 et seq., 446 et seq.;Jost,Gesch. des Judenthums,ii. 350 et seq.
  75. ^Halévy,Travels in Abyssinia,p. 230
  76. ^Abyssinische Juden,pp. 32 et seq.

This article incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Singer, Isidore;et al., eds. (1901–1906)."Asceticism".The Jewish Encyclopedia.New York: Funk & Wagnalls.

This article incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Kaufmann Kohler(1901–1906)."Abstinence".InSinger, Isidore;et al. (eds.).The Jewish Encyclopedia.New York: Funk & Wagnalls.

This article incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Singer, Isidore;et al., eds. (1901–1906)."Ascetics".The Jewish Encyclopedia.New York: Funk & Wagnalls.Its bibliography:

  • Lazarus, Ethics of Judaism, §§ 246–256.
  • L. Dukes,Zur Kenntniss der Neuhebräischen Poesie, 1842, pp. 8 et seq.;
  • Goldziher, Del' Ascétisme, in Revue del' Histoire des Religions, 1898, pp. 314 et seq.;
  • Nöldeke, Sufi, in Z. D. M. G. xlviii. 45-47

Further reading[edit]