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Total population
26,518,400in Australia(2023)[1]
Map of the Australian diaspora
Map of the Australian diaspora

Common ancestries: English, Aboriginal Australian, Irish, New Zealander, German, Italian, Chinese, and Indian.
Regions with significant populations
Australian diaspora:577,255 (2019)[2]
United Kingdom165,000 (2021)[3]
United States98,969 (2019)[4]
New Zealand75,696 (2018)[5]
Vietnam22,000 (2013)[6]
Canada21,115 (2016)[7]
South Korea15,222 (2019)[8]
Hong Kong14,669 (2016)[9]
Germany13,600 (2020)[11]
Mainland China13,286 (2010)[12]
Japan12,024 (2019)[13]
Turkey13,286 (2010)[14]
Portugal1,400 (2020)[15]
Christianity(Catholicism,Anglicanismand other denominations), various non-Christian religions andirreligion[A][19]

Australians,colloquially known asAussies,[20]are thecitizens,nationalsand individuals associated with the country ofAustralia.This connection may be residential, legal, historical or ethno-cultural.[21]For most Australians, several (or all) of these connections exist and are collectively the source of their being Australian. Australian law does not provide for a racial or ethnic component of nationality, instead relying oncitizenshipas a legal status, though the Constitutional framers considered the Commonwealth to be "a home for Australians and theBritish racealone ",[22]as well as a "Christian Commonwealth".[23]Since the postwar period, Australia has pursued an official policy ofmulticulturalismand has theworld's eighth-largestimmigrant population,with immigrants accountingfor 30 percent of the population in 2019.[24][25]

Between European colonisation in 1788 and theSecond World War,the vast majority of settlers and immigrants came from theBritish Islesin theUnited KingdomandIreland(principallyEngland,Ireland,WalesandScotland), although there was significant immigration fromChinaandGermanyduring the 19th century. Many early settlements were initiallypenal coloniesto housetransported convicts.Immigrationincreased steadily, with an explosion of population in the 1850s followinga series of gold rushes.

In the decades immediately following the Second World War, Australia received alarge wave of immigrationfrom acrossEurope,with many more immigrants arriving fromSouthernandEastern Europethan in previous decades. Since the late 1970s, following the end of theWhite Australia policyin 1973, alarge and continuing waveof immigration to Australia from around the world has continued into the 21st century, withAsianow being the largest source of immigrants.[26]A smaller proportion of Australians are descended fromindigenous people,comprisingAboriginal AustraliansandTorres Strait Islanders.

The development of a distinctive Australian identity and national character began in the 19th century. The primary language isAustralian English.Australia is home toa diversity of cultures,a result of itshistory of immigration.[27]Since 1788, Australian culture has primarily been aWestern culturestrongly influenced by earlyAnglo-Celticsettlers.[28][29]The cultural divergence and evolution that has occurred over the centuries since European settlement has resulted in a distinctive Australian culture.[30][31]

As theAsian Australianpopulation continues to expand and flourish as a result of changes in the demographic makeup of immigrants and as there has been increased economic and cultural intercourse with Asian nations, Australia has observed the gradual emergence of a "Eurasian society" within its major urban hubs, blending both European and Asian material and popular culture within a distinctly Australian context. Other influences includeAustralian Aboriginal culture,the traditions brought to the country by waves of immigration from around the world,[32]and theculture of the United States.[33]



TheColony of New South Waleswas established by theKingdom of Great Britainin 1788, with the arrival of theFirst Fleet,and five other colonies were established in the 19th century, now forming the six present-dayAustralian states.Large-scale immigration occurred followinga series of gold rushesin the 1850s and after the First and Second World Wars, with many post-World War II migrants coming fromSouthern Europe,Eastern Europeand TheMiddle East.Since the end of theWhite Australia policyin 1973, immigrants to Australia have come from around the world, and fromAsiain particular.[26]

The predominance of theEnglish language,the existence of aparliamentary systemof government drawing upon theWestminster system,constitutional monarchy,Americanconstitutionalistandfederalisttraditions,Christianityas the dominant religion, and the popularity of sports includingcricket,rugby footballandtennisare evidence of a significantAnglo-Celticheritage derived from the descendants of early settlers who form an ancestral group known asAnglo-Celtic Australians.As a result of many shared linguistic, historical, cultural and geographic characteristics, Australians have often identified closely withNew Zealandersin particular. Australian citizenship prior to 1949 was a social, moral, and political concept.[34]Prior to the introduction ofAustralian citizenship,Australians had the status of "British subjects".[35]TheHigh Court of AustraliainPotter v Minahan(1908) stated that "Although there is no Australian nationality as distinguished from British nationality, there is an Australian species of British nationality."[36]



TheAustralian Bureau of Statisticsdoes not collect data onrace,but asks each Australian resident to nominate up to twoancestrieseachcensus.[37]These ancestry responses are classified into broad standardised ancestry groups.[38]At the 2021 census, the number of ancestry responses within each standardised group as a proportion of the total population was as follows:[39]57.2%European(including 46%North-West Europeanand 11.2%SouthernandEastern European), 33.8% (including 29.9% Australian)Oceanian[N 1],17.4%Asian(including 6.5%SouthernandCentral Asian,6.4%North-East Asian,and 4.5%South-East Asian), 3.2%North African and Middle Eastern,1.4%Peoples of the Americas,and 1.3%Sub-Saharan African.At the 2021 census, the most commonly nominated individual ancestries as a proportion of the total population were:[41]

European Australians


European Australiansare Australians of whose descent is wholly or partially European. Australians of European descent are the majority in Australia, with the number of ancestry responses categorised within the European groups as a proportion of the total population amounting to 57.2% (including 46%North-West Europeanand 11.2%SouthernandEastern European).[39][38]The proportion of Australians with European ancestry is thought to be higher than the numbers captured in the census as those nominating their ancestry as "Australian" are classified within theOceaniangroup, and the Australian Bureau of Statistics has stated that most who nominate "Australian" as their ancestry areAnglo-Celtic Australians.[40]Since soon after the beginning ofBritish settlementin 1788, people of European descent have formed the majority of the population in Australia.[42]

The largest statistical grouping of European Australians areAnglo-Celtic Australians,Australians whose ancestors originate wholly or partially in theBritish Isles.This includesEnglish Australians,Irish Australians,Scottish AustraliansandWelsh Australians.[43]Anglo-Celtic Australians have been highly influential in shaping the nation's character. By the mid-1840s, the numbers of freeborn settlers had overtaken the convict population. Although some observers stress Australia'sconvicthistory, the vast majority of early settlers came of their own free will.[44]Far more Australians are descended from assisted immigrants than from convicts, the majority of Colonial Era settlers being British and Irish.[45]About 20 percent of Australians are descendants of convicts.[46]Most of the first Australian settlers came from London, theMidlandsand theNorth of England,and Ireland.[47][48][49]

Settlers that arrived throughout the 19th century were from all parts of the United Kingdom and Ireland, a significant proportion of settlers came from theSouthwestandSoutheastof England, from Ireland and from Scotland.[50]In 1888, 60 percent of the Australian population had been born in Australia, and almost all had British ancestral origins. Out of the remaining 40 percent, 34 percent had been born in theBritish Isles,and 6 percent were of European origin, mainly from Germany andScandinavia.[51]The census of 1901 showed that 98 percent of Australians had Anglo-Celtic ancestral origins.[52]In 1939 and 1945, still 98 percent of Australians had Anglo-Celtic ancestral origins.[53]Until 1947, the vast majority of the population were of British origin.[54]

Germans formed the largest non-British Isles ancestry for most of the 19th century.[55]Between 1901 and 1940, 140,000 non-British European immigrants arrived in Australia (about 16 percent of the total intake).[56]Before World War II, 13.6 percent were born overseas, and 80 percent of those were British.[57]Following theSecond World War,large numbers of continental Europeans immigrated to Australia, withItalian AustraliansandGreek Australiansbeing among the largest immigrant groups during the post-war era. During the 1950s, Australia was the destination of 30 per cent ofDutchemigrants and the Netherlands-born became numerically the second largest non-British group in Australia.[58]In 1971, 70 percent of the foreign born were of European origin.

Italian Australiansare Australians of Italian ancestry, and comprise the largest non Anglo-Celtic Europeanethnic groupin Australia, with the 2021 census finding 4.4% of the population claiming ancestry from Italy be they migrants to Australia or their descendants born in Australia of Italian heritage.[59][41]Australia's long-history of Italian immigration has given rise to anItalo-Australian dialectof the Italian language.German Australiansare Australians ofGerman ancestry.The German community constitutes the second largest non-Anglo Celtic European ethnic group in Australia, amounting to 4% of respondents in the 2021 Census.[41]Germans formed the largest non-English-speaking group in Australia up to the 20th century.[60]Although a few individuals had emigrated earlier,[61]the first large group of Germans arrived inSouth Australia1838, not long after theBritish colonisation of South Australia.

Asian Australians


Asian Australiansare Australians with ancestry wholly or partially from the continent of Asia. At the 2021 census, the number of ancestry responses categorised within the Asian groups as a proportion of the total population amounted to 17.4% (including 6.5%SouthernandCentral Asian,6.4%North-East Asian,and 4.5%South-East Asian).[39][38]This figure excludes Australians of Middle Eastern ancestry, who are separately categorised within theNorth African and Middle Easterngroup.

Chinese Australiansare Australians of Chinese ancestry, forming the single largest nonAnglo-Celticancestry in the country, constituting 5.5% of those nominating their ancestry at the 2021 census.[41]Chinese Australians are one of the largest groups ofOverseas Chinesepeople, forming the largest Overseas Chinese community inOceania,and are the largest Asian-Australian community.Per capita,Australia hasmore people of Chinese ancestrythan any country outside Asia. Many Chinese Australians have immigrated from Mainland China,Hong Kong,Macau,andTaiwanas well asIndonesia,Malaysia,Singaporeand thePhilippines,while many are descendants of such immigrants. The very early history of Chinese Australians involved significant immigration from villages of thePearl River Deltain Southern China.

More recent Chinese migrants include those fromMandarinand otherChinese dialectsor forms. Less well-known are the kinds of society Chinese Australians came from, the families they left behind and what their intentions were in migrating.Gold rusheslured many Chinese to theAustralian colonies.From the mid-19th century, Chinese dubbed Australia theNew Gold Mountainafter theGold Mountainof California in North America. They typically sent money to their families in the villages, regularly visited their families, and retired to their home villages after many years working asmarket gardeners,shopkeepersorcabinet-makers.As with many overseas Chinese groups the world over, early Chinese immigrants to Australia established severalChinatownsin major cities, such asSydney(Chinatown, Sydney),Melbourne(Chinatown, Melbourne,since the 1850s) andBrisbane(Chinatown, Brisbane),Perth(Chinatown, Perth), as well as in regional towns associated with the goldfields such asCairns(Cairns Chinatown).[62]

Indian Australiansare Australians ofIndianancestry, and are the second-largest Asian Australian ancestry, comprising 3.1% of the total population.[41]Indian Australians are one of the largest groups within the Indian diaspora. Indians are the youngest average age (34 years) and the fastest growing community both in terms of absolute numbers and percentages in Australia.[24]Migration of Indians to Australia followed the pattern of "from 18th-centurysepoysandlascars(soldiers and sailors) aboard visiting European ships, through 19th-century migrant labourers and the 20th century's hostile policies to the new generation of skilled professional migrants of the 21st century... India became the largest source of skilled migrants in the 21st century. "[63]

Indigenous Australians

Aboriginal Australians, 1981
Australian Aboriginal flag

Indigenous Australiansare descendants of the original inhabitants of theAustralian continent.[64]Their ancestors are believed to have migrated from Africa to Asia around 70,000 years ago[65]and arrived in Australia around 50,000 years ago.[66][67]TheTorres Strait Islandersare a distinct people ofMelanesianancestry, indigenous to theTorres StraitIslands, which are at the northernmost tip of Queensland nearPapua New Guinea,and some nearby settlements on the mainland. The term "Aboriginal" is traditionally applied to only theindigenous inhabitants of mainland AustraliaandTasmania,along with some of the adjacent islands.Indigenous Australiansis an inclusive term used when referring to both Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders (the "first peoples" ).

Dispersing across the Australian continent over time, the population expanded and differentiated into hundreds of distinct groups, each with its own language and culture.[68]More than 400distinct Australian Aboriginal peopleshave been identified across the continent, distinguished by unique names designating theirancestrallanguages, dialects, or distinctive speech patterns.[69]

In 1770, fearing he had been pre-empted by the French,James Cookchanged a hilltop signal-drill onPossession IslandinTorres Strait,into a possession ceremony, fabricating Britain's claim of Australia's east coast.[70]Eighteen years later, the east coast was occupied by Britain and later the west coast was also settled by Britain. At that time, the indigenous population was estimated to have been between 315,000 and 750,000.[71]

At the 2021 census, 3.2% of the Australian population identified as beingIndigenousAboriginal AustraliansandTorres Strait Islanders.[N 4][72]Indigenous Australians experience higher than average rates of imprisonment and unemployment, lower levels of education, and life expectancies for males and females that are, respectively, 11 and 17 years lower than those of non-indigenous Australians.[73][74]Some remote Indigenous communities have been described as having "failed state"-like conditions.[75]

Country of birth


In 2019, 30% of the Australian resident population, or 7,529,570 people, were born overseas.[24]The following table shows Australia's population by country of birth as estimated by theAustralian Bureau of Statisticsin 2021. It shows only countries or regions or birth with a population of over 100,000 residing in Australia (for more information about immigration seeImmigration to AustraliaandForeign-born population of Australia):

Source:Australian Bureau of Statistics(2021)[76]
Place of birth Estimated resident population[B]
TotalAustralian-born 18,235,690
Totalforeign-born 7,502,450
United KingdomEngland, Scotland, Wales
and Northern Ireland
IndiaIndia 710,380
ChinaChina[D] 595,630
New ZealandNew Zealand 559,980
PhilippinesPhilippines 310,620
VietnamVietnam 268,170
South AfricaSouth Africa 201,930
MalaysiaMalaysia 172,250
ItalyItaly 171,520
Sri LankaSri Lanka 145,790
ScotlandScotland[E] 130,060
NepalNepal 129,870
United StatesUnited States 109,450
GermanyGermany 107,940
South KoreaSouth Korea 106,560
Hong KongHong Kong[F] 104,990
GreeceGreece 100,650



Although Australia has no official language, English has always been entrenched as thede factonational language.[77]Australian Englishis a major variety of the language with a distinctive accent and lexicon,[78]and differs slightly from other varieties of English in grammar and spelling.[79]General Australianserves as the standard dialect.

At the 2021 census, English was the only language spoken in the home for 72% of the population. The next most common languages spoken at home areMandarin(2.7%),Arabic(1.4%),Vietnamese(1.3%),Cantonese(1.2%) andPunjabi(0.9%).[72]Over 250Indigenous Australian languagesare thought to have existed at the time of first European contact,[80]of which fewer than twenty are still in daily use by all age groups.[81][82]About 110 others are spoken exclusively by older people.[82]At the time of the 2006 census, 52,000 Indigenous Australians, representing 12% of the Indigenous population, reported that they spoke an Indigenous language at home.[83]Australia has asign languageknown asAuslan,which is the main language of about 10,112 deaf people who reported that they use Auslan language at home in the 2016 census.[84]



Australia has no official religion; itsConstitutionprohibitsthe Commonwealth government, but not the states, from establishing one, or interfering with thefreedom of religion.[85]At the 2021 Census, 38.9% of the population identified as having"no religion",[86]up from 15.5% in 2001.[87]The largest religion isChristianity(43.9% of the population).[86]The largest Christian denominations are theRoman Catholic Church(20% of the population) and theAnglican Church of Australia(9.8%). Multicultural immigration since theSecond World Warhas led to the growth of non-Christian religions, the largest of which areIslam(3.2%),Hinduism(2.7%),Buddhism(2.4%),Sikhism(0.8%), andJudaism(0.4%).[86]

In 2021, just under 8,000 people declared an affiliation with traditional Aboriginal religions.[86]According toAustralian Aboriginal mythologyand theanimistframework developed in Aboriginal Australia, theDreamingis asacredera in which ancestraltotemicspirit beings formedThe Creation.The Dreaming established the laws and structures of society and the ceremonies performed to ensure continuity of life and land.[88]



The current Australian resident population is estimated at 27,744,000 (13 September 2024).[89]This does not includeAustralians living overseas.In 2015, 2.15% of the Australian population lived overseas, one of thelowest proportionsworldwide.[90]This ratio is much lower than many other countries in theOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(anintergovernmental organisationwith 38 memberdeveloped countries).

Historical population


The data in the table is sourced from theAustralian Bureau of Statistics.[91][92]The population estimates do not include the Aboriginal population before 1961. Estimates of Aboriginal population prior to European settlement range from 300,000 to one million, with archaeological finds indicating a sustainable population of around 750,000.[93]

See also



  1. ^The ABS gives the following "Explanatory Information" regarding census interpretation ofirreligion:"'No religion' is equivalent to 'Secular Beliefs and Other Spiritual Beliefs and No Religious Affiliation'. For further details, see theCensus of Population and Housing: Census Dictionary (cat. no. 2901.0)"[18]
  2. ^Only countries with 100,000 or more are listed here.
  3. ^The Australian Bureau of Statistics source lists England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland separately although they are all part of the United Kingdom. They are not combined because they are not combined in the source.
  4. ^In accordance with the Australian Bureau of Statistics source,Mainland China,Taiwanand the Special Administrative Regions ofHong KongandMacauare listed separately.
  5. ^The Australian Bureau of Statistics source lists England and Scotland separately although they are both part of the United Kingdom. These should not be combined as they are not combined in the source.
  6. ^In accordance with the Australian Bureau of Statistics source,Mainland China,Taiwanand the Special Administrative Regions ofHong KongandMacauare listed separately.
  1. ^Includes those who nominate "Australian" as their ancestry. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has stated that most who nominate "Australian" as their ancestry have at least partialAnglo-CelticEuropeanancestry.[40]
  2. ^The Australian Bureau of Statistics has stated that most who nominate "Australian" as their ancestry have at least partialAnglo-Celticancestry.[40]
  3. ^Those who nominated their ancestry as "Australian Aboriginal". Does not includeTorres Strait Islanders.This relates to nomination of ancestry and is distinct from persons who identify as Indigenous (Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander) which is a separate question.
  4. ^Indigenous identification is separate to the ancestry question on the Australian Census and persons identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander may identify any ancestry.


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