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Australian home front during World War II

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Australian women were encouraged to contribute to the war effort by joining one of the female branches of the armed forces or participating in the labour force

Although most Australian civilians lived far from the front line, theAustralian home front during World War IIplayed a significant role in theAlliedvictory and led to permanent changes to Australian society.

During the war theGovernment of Australiagreatly expanded its powers in order to better direct thewar effort,and Australia's industrial and human resources were focused on supporting the Allied armed forces. While there were only a relatively small number of attacks on civilian targets, many Australians feared that the country would be invaded during the early years of thePacific War.

Menzies Government[edit]

Robert Menziesbroadcasting to the nation the news of the outbreak of war, 1939. (See quote to right).

Robert Menzieswas sworn in asPrime Minister of Australiafor the first time on 26 April 1939 following the death ofJoseph Lyons.[1]He led a minorityUnited Australia Partygovernment,after Country Party leaderEarle Pagerefused to serve in aCoalition governmentled by Menzies. On 3 September 1939, Australia enteredWorld War II,with Menzies making a declaration of a state of war in a national radio broadcast:

My fellow Australians. It is my melancholy duty to inform you, officially, that, in consequence of the persistence by Germany in herinvasion of Poland,Great Britainhas declared war upon her, and that, as a result, Australia is also at war.[2]

Earle Pageas leader of the Country Party andJohn Curtinas leader of the Labor Party both pledged support to the declaration, and Parliament passed theNational Security Act 1939.A War Cabinet was formed after the declaration of war, initially composed of Prime Minister Menzies and five senior ministers (RG Casey,GA Street, Senator McLeay, HS Gullet andWorld War IPrime MinisterBilly Hughes). When Page still refused to join a government under Menzies, he was replaced byArchie Cameronas leader of the Country Party on 13 September 1939, allowing the conservative parties to re-form a Coalition by March 1940.[3]

The recruitment of a volunteer military force for service at home and abroad was announced, theSecond Australian Imperial Force,and a citizen militia was organised for local defence. Menzies committed to provide 20,000 men to augment British forces in Europe, and on 15 November 1939 announced the reintroduction of conscription for home-defence service, effective 1 January 1940, freeing volunteers for overseas service.[4]

Naval recruits march along Melbourne Street in Brisbane, 1941

By June 1940, Germany had overrun theLow Countries,Norway and France leaving theBritish Empirestanding alone against Germany. Menzies called for an ‘all in’ war effort and, with the support of Curtin, amended theNational Security Actto extend government powers to tax, acquire property, control businesses and the labour force and allow for conscription of men for the "defence of Australia". Essington Lewis, the head ofBHPwas appointed Director-General of Munitions Supply to assist with mobilisation of national resources.[3]However, in spring 1940, the coal miners under communist leadership struck for higher wages for 67 days. On 15 June 1940 the Menzies government suppressed 10 communist and fascist parties and organizations as subversive of the war effort. Police and army intelligence made hundreds of raids that night, and later broke up public meetings in the capital cities.[5]In July 1940, the Menzies government imposed regulations under theNational Security Actplacing virtually all of Australia's newspapers, radio stations, and film industry under the direct control of the Director-General of Information. Newspaper publishers complained it was a blow struck at the freedom of the press. In January 1941, new regulations were directed against speaking disloyalty in public or even in private. The regulations were aimed at "whisperers" who undermined morale by spreading false rumours.[6]During World War II manyenemy alienswereinternedin Australia under theNational Security Act 1939.

RAAFmarch in November 1941
City Hall filled for Soviet Aid meeting, Brisbane, October 1941

Prisoners of warwere also sent to Australia from otherAlliedcountries as were their enemy aliens for internment in Australia. About 7,000 residents were interned by Australia, including more than 1,500 British nationals. A further 8,000 people were sent to Australia to be interned after being detained overseas by Australia's allies. At its peak in 1942, more than 12,000 people were interned in Australia.[7]

Jews seeking to escape the Nazis such as two-year-oldEva Duldigand her parentsKarl DuldigandSlawa Duldigwere classified asenemy aliensupon their arrival due to their having arrived with Germanidentity papers.[8][9][10]The Australian government therefore interned the three of them for two years in isolatedTatura Internment Camp 3 Dwith 295 other internees, mostly families.[11][12][13]There, armed soldiers manned watchtowers and scanned the camp that was bordered by a barbed wire fence with searchlights, and other armed soldiers patrolled the camp.[14]Petitions to Australian politicians, stressing that they were Jewish refugees and therefore being unjustly imprisoned, had no effect.[14]

With the 1940 election looming, aRoyal Australian Air Forcecrash atCanberra Airportin August 1940 resulted in the death of the Chief of the General Staff and three senior ministers.[3]The Labor Party meanwhile experienced a split along pro- and anti-Communist lines over policy towards the Soviet Union for itsco-operation with Nazi Germanyin the invasion of Poland. At the1940 federal electionin September, the UAP–Country Party Coalition and the Labor parties each won 36 seats and the Menzies Government was forced to rely on the support of two Independents to continue in office.[15]

Menzies proposed an all party unity government to break the impasse, but the Labor Party refused to join.[3]Curtin agreed instead to take a seat on a newly created Advisory War Council in October 1940.[15]Cameron resigned as Country Party leader in October 1940, to be replaced byArthur Fadden,who became Treasurer and Menzies unhappily conceded to allow Page back into his ministry.

Presentation of ambulance, 1941

In January 1941, Menzies flew to Britain to discuss the weakness of Singapore's defences and sat withWinston Churchill'sBritish War Cabinet.He was unable to achieve significant assurances for increased commitment to Singapore's defences, but undertook morale boosting excursions to war affected cities and factories. Returning to Australia via Lisbon and the United States in May, Menzies faced a war-time minority government under ever increasing strain. In Menzies's absence, Curtin had co-operated with Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Fadden in preparing Australia for the expectedPacific War.With the threat of Japan imminent and with the Australian army suffering badly in theGreekandCretecampaigns, Menzies re-organised his ministry and announced multiple multi-party committees to advise on war and economic policy. Government critics however called for an all-party government.

After Germany attacked the Soviet Union in June 1941, Australian trade unions supported the war.Australian Women's Army Servicewas formed in August 1941 as a non-medical support service for the military.

In August 1941, Cabinet decided that Menzies should travel back to Britain to represent Australia in the War Cabinet, but this time the Labor caucus refused to support the plan. Menzies announced to his Cabinet that he thought he should resign and advise the Governor-General to invite Curtin to form Government. The Cabinet instead insisted he approach Curtin again to form a war cabinet. Unable to secure Curtin's support, and with an unworkable parliamentary majority, Menzies resigned as prime minister and leader of the UAP on 29 August 1941. He was succeeded as prime minister by Fadden, the leader of the Country Party, who held office for a month.Billy Hughes,then aged 79, replaced Menzies as leader of the UAP. The two independentscrossed the floor,bringing down the Coalition government, and enabling Labor under Curtin to form aminority government.

Curtin government[edit]

1942 Australian propaganda poster. Australia feared invasion byImperial Japanfollowing theFall of Singapore.
TheBombing of Darwin,19 February 1942.
HMASKuttabul,sunk by aJapanese midget submarine attackon Sydney Harbour, 1942.

Eight weeks after the formation of theCurtin government,on 7 December 1941 (eastern Australia time), Japanattacked Pearl Harbor,the US naval base in Hawaii. On 10 December 1941, the British battleshipHMSPrince of Walesand battlecruiserHMSRepulsesent to defend Singapore were sunk by Japan. British Malaya quickly collapsed, shocking the Australian population. British, Indian and Australian troops made a disorganisedlast stand at Singapore,before surrendering on 15 February 1942. On 27 December 1941, Curtin demanded reinforcements from Churchill, and published an historic announcement:[16]

"The Australian Government...regards the Pacific struggle as primarily one in which the United States and Australia must have the fullest say in the direction of the democracies' fighting plan. Without inhibitions of any kind, I make it clear that Australia looks to America, free of any pangs as to our traditional links or kinship with the United Kingdom."[17]

Curtin predicted that the "battle for Australia"would now follow. Australia was ill-prepared for an attack, lacking armaments, modern fighter aircraft, heavy bombers, and aircraft carriers. Most of Australia's best forces were committed to fight against Hitler in the Middle East. On 19 February,Darwinsuffered a devastatingair raid,the first time the Australian mainland had ever been attacked by enemy forces. Over the following 19 months,Australia was attacked from the airalmost 100 times. Most elements of the Australian I Corps, including the 6th and 7th Divisions, returned to Australia in early 1942 to counter the perceived Japanese threat to Australia. All RAN's ships in the Mediterranean were also withdrawn to the Pacific but most RAAF units in the Middle East remained in the theatre.[18]

U.S. PresidentFranklin Rooseveltordered his commander in the Philippines, GeneralDouglas MacArthur,to formulate a Pacific defence plan with Australia in March 1942. Curtin agreed to place Australian forces under the command of General MacArthur, who became "Supreme Commander of the South West Pacific". Curtin had thus presided over a fundamental shift in Australia's foreign policy. MacArthur moved his headquarters to Melbourne in March 1942 and American troops began massing in Australia. In late May 1942, Japanesemidget submarinessank anaccommodation vesselin a daring raid onSydney Harbour.On 8 June 1942, two Japanese submarines briefly shelled Sydney's eastern suburbs and the city of Newcastle.[19]

U.S. GeneralDouglas MacArthur,Commander of Allied forces in the Pacific, with Prime Minister Curtin
Prime MinistersCurtin,Fadden,Hughes,Menziesand Governor-GeneralThe Duke of Gloucesterin 1945.

In an effort to isolate Australia, the Japanese planned a seaborne invasion ofPort Moresby,in the AustralianTerritory of New Guinea.In May 1942, theU.S. Navyengaged the Japanese in theBattle of the Coral Seaand halted the attack. TheBattle of Midwayin June effectively defeated the Japanese navy and the Japanese army launched a land assault on Port Moresby from the north.[16]

TheAustralian Women's Land Armywas formed on 27 July 1942 under the jurisdiction of the Director General of Manpower to combat rising labour shortages in thefarmingsector.

TheBattle of Buna-Gona,between November 1942 and January 1943, set the tone for the bitter final stages of theNew Guinea campaign,which persisted into 1945. MacArthur to a certain extent excluded Australian forces from the main push north into the Philippines and Japan. It was left to Australia to leadamphibious assaultsagainst Japanese bases inBorneo.

Curtin went on to lead federal Labor to its greatest win with two thirds of seats in theHouse of Representativesand over 58% of thetwo-party preferredvote at the1943 federal electionin August.[citation needed]Labor won 49 seats to 12 United Australia Party, 7 Country Party, 3 Country National Party (Queensland), 1 Queensland Country Party, 1 Liberal Country Party (Victoria) and 1 Independent. The Labor Party also won all 19 of the seats contested for theSenate.[20]

Concerned to maintain British commitment to the defence of Australia, Prime Minister Curtin announced in November 1943 thatPrince Henry, Duke of Gloucester,the brother ofKing George VI,was to be appointedGovernor-General of Australia.He arrived in Australia to take up his post in January 1945. Curtin hoped this might influence the British to despatch men and equipment to the Pacific, and the appointment reaffirmed the important role of theCrownto Australia at that time.[21]

The British aircraft carrierHMSFormidablepassing through theanti-submarine boominPort Jackson (Sydney Harbour)in 1945

As the end of the war approached, Curtin sought to firm up Australian influence in the South Pacific following the war but also sought to ensure a continuing role for the British Empire, calling Australia "the bastion of British institutions, the British way of life and the system of democratic government in the Southern World". In April 1944, Curtin held talks on postwar planning with President Franklin Roosevelt of the US and with Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain and gained agreement for the Australian economy to begin transitioning from military to post-war economy. He returned to Australia and campaigned for an unsuccessful1944 referendumto extend federal government power over employment, monopolies, Aboriginal people, health and railway gauges.[16]

Prime Minister Curtin suffered from ill health from the strains of office. He suffered a major heart attack in November 1944. Facing the newly formedLiberal Party of Australiaopposition led by Robert Menzies, Curtin struggled with exhaustion and a heavy work load – excusing himself from Parliamentary question time and unable to concentrate on the large number of parliamentary bills being drafted dealing with the coming peace. Curtin returned to hospital in April with lung congestion. With Deputy Prime MinisterFrank Fordein the United States andBen Chifleyserving as acting prime minister, it was Chifley who announced theend of the war in Europeon 9 May 1945.[16]

When Curtin died towards the end of the Second World War in July 1945, Forde served as prime minister from 6–13 July, before the party elected Ben Chifley as Curtin's successor.[22]Following his 1945 election as leader of the Labor Party, Chifley, a former railway engine driver, became Australia's 16th prime minister on 13 July 1945.[23]The Second World War ended with the defeat of Japan in the Pacific just four weeks later. Curtin is widely regarded as one of the country's greatest prime ministers.[24]General MacArthur said that Curtin was "one of the greatest of the wartime statesmen".[25]

Air raids[edit]

The Japanese air force made 97 air raids against Australia over a 19-month period starting with Darwin in February 1942 until 1943. The Darwin area was hit 64 times. Horn Island was struck 9 times, Broome and Exmouth Gulf 4 times, Townsville and Millingimbi three times, Port Hedland and Wyndham twice and Derby, Drysdale, Katherine, Mossman, Onslow, and Port Patterson once.[26]

Military production[edit]

Production of selected weapons for the Australian Army[27]

Weapon 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Wartime total
Lee–Enfield.303 rifle n/a 20 942 79 858 101 600 145 900 47 060 15 690 411 050
Vickers MMG n/a 846 1 971 33 56 2 224 1 993 1 046 11 436
Bren LMG 1 077 5 615 6 812 3 152 778 17 434
2 pounder AT gun 576 924 80 1 580
6 pounder AT gun 192 708 900
17 pounder AT gun 128
25 pounder field gun 193 877 313 552 1 905
25 pounder field gun (short) 112 75 32 219
Bofors 40 mm AA gun 11 186 75 18 290
3.7 inch AA gun 40 138 185 131 3 497
Owen SMG 102 15 096 21 555 8 710 45 463
Austen SMG 2 283 16 565 1 057 19 905
2-inch mortar 1 283 717 2 000
3-inch mortar 1 444 932 837 93 3 006
4.2 inch mortar 1 70 229 300
Machine-gun carrier 1 544 2 251 1 084 104 4 983
Sentinel tank 25 40 65
Rover Light Armoured Car 238
Dingo scout car 245

Australian aircraft production during World War II[28]

Boomerang fighters under construction atCommonwealth Aircraft Corporation'sFishermans Bendfactory
Aircraft 1939–40 1940–41 1941–42 1942–43 1943–44 1944–45 Wartime total
Beaufort 76 285 312 27 700
Beaufighter 3 281 329
Wirraway 75 225 320 30 60 717
Wackett 13 187 200
Boomerang 105 102 43 250
Mustang 4 18
Tiger Moth 8 453 508 66 35 1 070
Dragon 87 87
Mosquito 6 82 115

See also[edit]


  1. ^Martin, A.W. (2000)."Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon (Bob) (1894–1978)".Australian Dictionary of Biography.Vol. 15. Carlton, Victoria: Melbourne University Press. pp. 354–361.ISBN9780522844597.
  2. ^Frank Crowley (1973).Modern Australia in Documents 1939–1970.p. 1. Wren Publishing, Melbourne.ISBN0-85885-072-9
  3. ^abcd"In office - Robert Menzies".Australia's Prime Ministers.National Archives of Australia. Archived fromthe originalon 13 November 2013.Retrieved28 July2016.
  4. ^Long (1961). p. 39.
  5. ^F.K. Crowley, ed.,Modern Australia in Documents: 1939–1970(1973) 2: 23–24
  6. ^F.K. Crowley, ed.,Modern Australia in Documents: 1939–1970(1973) 2: 29–30, 35–36
  7. ^"Wartime internment camps in Australia".National Archives of Australia. Archived fromthe originalon 4 September 2017.Retrieved28 July2016.
  8. ^De Jong-Duldig, Eva (8 August 2017)."Driftwood: escape and survival through art".National Library of Australia.
  9. ^"Eva De Jong-Duldig - Escape and survival through art".SBS German.
  10. ^Phil Mercer (April 29, 2022)."Australian Musical Charts Family's Escape from Nazis in Europe".Voice of America.
  11. ^Katz, Deborah (September 4, 2019)."Holocaust Footnotes: Escaping To Singapore".The Jewish Press.
  12. ^Miriam Cosic (April 29, 2022)."Melbourne’s newest musical a multi-generational European family saga,"Plus61J.
  13. ^Melinda Mockridge (2014)."Art behind the wire: the untold story of refugee families interned in Australia during the Second World War,"Victorian History Library.
  14. ^ab"To the other side of the world,"National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism.
  15. ^ab"Before office - John Curtin".Australia's Prime Ministers.National Archives of Australia. Archived fromthe originalon 13 July 2017.Retrieved28 July2016.
  16. ^abcd"In office - John Curtin".Australia's Prime Ministers.National Archives of Australia. Archived fromthe originalon 17 January 2012.Retrieved28 July2016.
  17. ^Cited in Frank Crowley (1973) Vol 2, p.51
  18. ^Beaumont (1996). p. 17.
  19. ^"Midget Submarines history at".Home.st.net.au. Archived fromthe originalon 13 April 2010.Retrieved29 April2010.
  20. ^"Elections - John Curtin".Australia's Prime Ministers.National Archives of Australia.Retrieved28 July2016.
  21. ^Cunneen, Chris (1996)."Gloucester, first Duke of (1900–1974)".Australian Dictionary of Biography.Vol. 14. Carlton, Victoria: Melbourne University Press.ISBN9780522847178.
  22. ^"Francis Forde".Australia's Prime Ministers.National Archives of Australia. Archived fromthe originalon 26 July 2010.Retrieved28 July2016.
  23. ^Waterson, D. B. (1993)."Chifley, Joseph Benedict (Ben) (1885–1951)".Australian Dictionary of Biography.Vol. 13. Carlton, Victoria: Melbourne University Press.ISBN9780522845129.
  24. ^"John Curtin".Australia's Prime Ministers.National Archives of Australia.Archivedfrom the original on 26 July 2010.Retrieved29 June2010.
  25. ^General Douglas MacArthur, Reminiscences, Heinemann, London, 1967. Page 258.
  26. ^["Air raids on the Australian mainland".Australian War Memorial.Retrieved27 July2016.
  27. ^Beaumont (2001), p 321.
  28. ^Beaumont (2001), p 453.


  • Adam-Smith, Patsy(1984).Australian Women at War.Melbourne: Thomas Nelson Australia.ISBN0-17-006408-5.
  • Barrett, John. "Living in Australia, 1939–1945."Journal of Australian Studies1#2 (1977): 107–118.
  • Beaumont, Joan (2001).Australian Defence: Sources and Statistics.The Australian Centenary History of Defence. Volume VI. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.ISBN0-19-554118-9.
  • Butlin, S.J. (1955).War Economy, 1939–1942.Australia in the War of 1939–1945. Series 4 – Civil. Canberra: Australian War Memorial.
  • Butlin, S.J.; Schedvin, C.B. (1977).War Economy, 1942–1945.Australia in the War of 1939–1945. Series 4 – Civil. Canberra: Australian War Memorial.ISBN0-642-99406-4.
  • Darian-Smith, Kate.On the home front: Melbourne in wartime, 1939–1945(Oxford University Press, 1990)
  • Davis, Joan. "'Women's Work' and the Women's Services in the Second World War as Presented in Salt,"Hecate(192) v 18#1 pp 64+onlineSaltwas the magazine of the Australian Army Education Service in the Second World War ", with a circulation of 185,000
  • Hasluck, Paul(1952).The Government and the People 1939–1941.Australia in the War of 1939–1945. Series 4 – Civil. Canberra: Australian War Memorial.
  • Hasluck, Paul(1970).The Government and the People 1942–1945.Australia in the War of 1939–1945. Series 4 – Civil. Canberra: Australian War Memorial.ISBN978-0-642-99367-0.
  • McKernan, Michael (1983).All in! Australia During the Second World War.Melbourne: Thomas Nelson Australia.ISBN0-17-005946-4.
  • McKernan, Michael (2006).The Strength of a Nation. Six years of Australians fighting for the nation and defending the homeland during WWII.Sydney: Allen & Unwin.ISBN978-1-74114-714-8.
  • Mellor, D.P. (1958).The Role of Science and Industry.Australia in the War of 1939–1945. Series 4 – Civil. Canberra: Australian War Memorial.
  • Saunders, Kay.War on the homefront: state intervention in Queensland 1938–1948(University of Queensland Press, 1993)
  • Spear, Jonathan A. "Embedded: the Australian Red Cross in the Second World War." (PhD thesis, University of Melbourne, 2007)online.
  • Spizzica, Mia. "On the Wrong Side of the Law (War): Italian Civilian Internment in Australia during World War Two."International Journal of the Humanities9#11 (2012): 121–34.
  • Willis, Ian C, "The women's voluntary services, a study of war and volunteering in Camden, 1939–1945" PhD thesis, School of History and Politics, University of Wollongong, 2004.online

Primary sources[edit]

  • Year Book Australia, 1944–45(1947)online,highly detailed statistics plus essays
  • Year Book Australia, 1946–47(1949)online,highly detailed statistics plus essays

Further reading[edit]

External links[edit]