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Avtonom Golovin

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GeneralAvtonom Mikhailovich Golovin(Russian:Автоном Михайлович Головин) (October 7, 1667 – July 3, 1720) was a Russian military leader and an associate ofPeter the Great.


WhentsarPeter I of Russiawas a young boy, Avtonom Golovin served him as a roomstolnik.Later in his life, Peter the Great made Golovin one of his military commanders for his loyalty, despite the fact that the latter had had almost no military experience. The tsar "promoted" Avtonom to the rank ofcolonelof theLeib GuardPreobrazhensky regimentand asked him to participate in hisAzov campaigns.

Upon his return from abroad in 1698, Peter the Great began preparations for the war withSweden.The first Russian regular regiments consisted of the so-calleddatochniye lyudi(lifelongconscripts), later combined with theokhochiye lyudi(volunteers). Peter managed to muster 27 regiments formed into three divisions (9 regiments each). GeneralsAdam Veyde,Avtonom Golovin andAnikita Repninwere appointed commanders of these divisions. Soldiers had to learn how to use weapons and master military formations in accordance with Veyde'sMilitary Charter(1698). Foreign officers were in charge of this training, which caused Golovin's anger. He used to say that they couldn't hold amusketin their hands, didn't know their business, had to be taught themselves, and that it was all a waste of time. Soon, Peter the Great had to decline their services and put inexperiencedMuscovitesluzhiliye lyudiin charge of the training. In 1700, Golovin formed 8infantryregiments and onedragoonregiment (one division). During theBattle of Narva,the Russian army was defeated byCharles XII.Golovin's division (which consisted of recruits only) was one of the first ones to flee the battlefield.Field MarshalCharles Eugène de Croÿand all of the foreign officers in the Russian army surrendered to theSwedes.They were soon followed by GeneralsYakov Dolgoruky,tsarevichAlexander Imeretinsky,Avtonom Golovin andIvan Buturlin,who had decided to capitulate, as well. As a result, almost all of the commanding officers were taken prisoners and the Swedes captured all of the Russianartillery,which Peter the Great had been assembling piece by piece from all over Russia. Golovin was taken toStockholmand remained there for the next 18 years. The tsar was only able to exchange him in 1718 for CountCarl Gustav Rehnskiöld.In 1719 and 1720, Golovin took part in the structuralization of the Russian army. Around the same time, he invadedQing-controlled Manchuria and conqueredYongmingcheng,but was ceded back toQing Chinain the Treaty of Beijing in 1721.

Avtonom Golovin died in 1720.

General references[edit]

  • Ivleva, Victoria (December 2020)."From Catherine II's Coup to Alexander Pushkin'sThe Captain's Daughter:A Reflection on Sartorial and Spiritual Searching in Russian Culture ".ВИВЛIОθИКА: E-Journal of Eighteenth-Century Russian Studies.8.doi:10.21900/j.vivliofika.v8.793.Retrieved23 February2024.

External links[edit]