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Axiom of dependent choice

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Inmathematics,theaxiom of dependent choice,denoted by,is a weak form of theaxiom of choice() that is still sufficient to develop much ofreal analysis.It was introduced byPaul Bernaysin a 1942 article thatexploreswhichset-theoreticaxiomsare needed to develop analysis.[a]

Formal statement[edit]

Ahomogeneous relationonis called atotal relationif for everythere exists somesuch thatis true.

The axiom of dependent choice can be stated as follows: For every nonemptysetand every total relationonthere exists asequenceinsuch that

for all

In fact,x0may be taken to be any desired element ofX.(To see this, apply the axiom as stated above to the set of finite sequences that start withx0and in which subsequent terms are in relation,together with the total relation on this set of the second sequence being obtained from the first by appending a single term.)

If the setabove is restricted to be the set of allreal numbers,then the resulting axiom is denoted by


Even without such an axiom, for any,one can use ordinary mathematical induction to form the firstterms of such a sequence. The axiom of dependent choice says that we can form a whole (countably infinite) sequence this way.

The axiomis the fragment ofthat is required to show the existence of a sequence constructed bytransfinite recursionofcountablelength, if it is necessary to make a choice at each step and if some of those choices cannot be made independently of previous choices.

Equivalent statements[edit]

Over(Zermelo–Fraenkel set theorywithout the axiom of choice),is equivalent to theBaire category theoremfor complete metric spaces.[1]

It is also equivalent overto thedownward Löwenheim–Skolem theorem.[b][2]

is also equivalent overto the statement that everypruned treewithlevels has abranch(proof below).

Furthermore,is equivalent to a weakened form ofZorn's lemma;specificallyis equivalent to the statement that anypartial ordersuch that everywell-orderedchainis finite and bounded, must have a maximal element.[3]

Relation with other axioms[edit]

Unlike full,is insufficient to prove (given) that there is anon-measurableset of real numbers, or that there is a set of real numbers without theproperty of Baireor without theperfect set property.This follows because theSolovay modelsatisfies,and every set of real numbers in this model isLebesgue measurable,has the Baire property and has the perfect set property.

The axiom of dependent choice implies theaxiom of countable choiceand is strictly stronger.[4][5]

It is possible to generalize the axiom to produce transfinite sequences. If these are allowed to be arbitrarily long, then it becomes equivalent to the full axiom of choice.


  1. ^"The foundation of analysis does not require the full generality of set theory but can be accomplished within a more restricted frame."Bernays, Paul (1942)."Part III. Infinity and enumerability. Analysis"(PDF).Journal of Symbolic Logic.A system of axiomatic set theory.7(2): 65–89.doi:10.2307/2266303.JSTOR2266303.MR0006333.S2CID250344853.The axiom of dependent choice is stated on p. 86.
  2. ^Moore states that "Principle of Dependent ChoicesLöwenheim–Skolem theorem "— that is,implies the Löwenheim–Skolem theorem.SeetableMoore, Gregory H. (1982).Zermelo's Axiom of Choice: Its origins, development, and influence.Springer. p. 325.ISBN0-387-90670-3.


  1. ^"The Baire category theorem implies the principle of dependent choices."Blair, Charles E. (1977). "The Baire category theorem implies the principle of dependent choices".Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Sér. Sci. Math. Astron. Phys.25(10): 933–934.
  2. ^Theconverseis proved inBoolos, George S.;Jeffrey, Richard C.(1989).Computability and Logic(3rd ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp.155–156.ISBN0-521-38026-X.
  3. ^Wolk, Elliot S. (1983), "On the principle of dependent choices and some forms of Zorn's lemma",Canadian Mathematical Bulletin,26(3): 365–367,doi:10.4153/CMB-1983-062-5
  4. ^Bernays proved that the axiom of dependent choice implies the axiom of countable choiceSee esp.p. 86 inBernays, Paul (1942)."Part III. Infinity and enumerability. Analysis"(PDF).Journal of Symbolic Logic.A system of axiomatic set theory.7(2): 65–89.doi:10.2307/2266303.JSTOR2266303.MR0006333.S2CID250344853.
  5. ^For a proof that the Axiom of Countable Choice does not imply the Axiom of Dependent ChoiceseeJech, Thomas(1973),The Axiom of Choice,North Holland, pp. 130–131,ISBN978-0-486-46624-8